예제 #1
 def transform_val(self, raw, gt):
     raw = TF.center_crop(raw, (self.height, self.width))
     gt = TF.center_crop(gt, (self.height, self.width))
     return raw, gt
예제 #2
 def __call__(self, image, target):
     image = F.center_crop(image, self.size)
     target = F.center_crop(target, self.size)
     return image, target
예제 #3
def images_to_psnrs_crop(img1, img2, bsize=10):
    h, w = img1.shape[-2:]
    csize = [h - bsize, w - bsize]
    crop1 = tvF.center_crop(img1, csize)
    crop2 = tvF.center_crop(img2, csize)
    return images_to_psnrs(crop1, crop2)
예제 #4
def center_crop_frames(frames,csize=30):
    csize = 30
    cc_frames = edict()
    for name,burst in frames.items():
        cc_frames[name] = tvF.center_crop(burst,(csize,csize))
    return cc_frames
예제 #5
def run_multiscale_nnf(cfg, noisy, clean, nlevels=3, verbose=False):
    T, C, H, W = noisy.shape
    nframes = T
    noisy = noisy[:, None]
    clean = clean[:, None]

    isize = edict({'h': H, 'w': W})
    isize_l = [H, W]
    pad3 = cfg.nblocks // 2 + 3 // 2
    psize3 = edict({'h': H - pad3, 'w': W - pad3})
    pad = cfg.nblocks // 2 + cfg.patchsize // 2
    psize = edict({'h': H - pad, 'w': W - pad})
    cfg_patchsize = cfg.patchsize

    factor = 2
    noisy = tvF.resize(noisy[:, 0], [H // factor, W // factor],
                       interpolation=InterpMode.BILINEAR)[:, None]
    clean = tvF.resize(clean[:, 0], [H // factor, W // factor],
                       interpolation=InterpMode.BILINEAR)[:, None]
    T, _, C, H, W = noisy.shape
    isize = edict({'h': H, 'w': W})
    isize_l = [H, W]
    pad3 = cfg.nblocks // 2 + 3 // 2
    psize3 = edict({'h': H - pad3, 'w': W - pad3})
    pad = cfg.nblocks // 2 + cfg.patchsize // 2
    psize = edict({'h': H - pad, 'w': W - pad})
    cfg_patchsize = cfg.patchsize

    # -- looks good --
    cfg.patchsize = 3
    align_fxn = get_align_method(cfg, "l2_global")
    _, flow = align_fxn(clean.to(0))
    aclean = align_from_flow(clean, flow, cfg.nblocks, isize=isize)
    save_image("aclean.png", aclean)
    apsnr = align_psnr(aclean, psize3)
    print("[global] clean: ", apsnr)

    # -- looks not good --
    _, flow = align_fxn(noisy.to(0))
    isize = edict({'h': H, 'w': W})
    aclean = align_from_flow(clean, flow, cfg.nblocks, isize=isize)
    save_image("aclean_rs1.png", aclean)
    apsnr = align_psnr(aclean, psize3)
    print("noisy: ", apsnr)

    # -- fix it --
    cfg.nblocks = 5
    align_fxn = get_align_method(cfg, "pair_l2_local")
    _, flow = align_fxn(aclean.to(0))
    isize = edict({'h': H, 'w': W})
    aclean = align_from_flow(aclean, flow, cfg.nblocks, isize=isize)
    save_image("aclean_rs1.png", aclean)
    apsnr = align_psnr(aclean, psize3)
    print("[fixed] noisy: ", apsnr)

    # -- [Tiled] try it again and to fix it --
    img_ps = 3
    cfg.patchsize = img_ps
    cfg.nblocks = 50
    tnoisy = padAndTileBatch(noisy, cfg.patchsize, cfg.nblocks)
    tclean = padAndTileBatch(clean, cfg.patchsize, cfg.nblocks)
    t2i_clean = tvF.center_crop(tiled_to_img(tclean, img_ps), isize_l)
    print(t2i_clean.shape, clean.shape)
    save_image("atiled_to_img.png", t2i_clean)
    delta = torch.sum(torch.abs(clean - t2i_clean)).item()
    assert delta < 1e-8, "tiled to image must work!"

    cfg.patchsize = 3
    align_fxn = get_align_method(cfg, "pair_l2_local")
    _, flow = align_fxn(tnoisy.to(0))
    print(flow.shape, tclean.shape, clean.shape, np.sqrt(flow.shape[1]))

    nbHalf = cfg.nblocks // 2
    pisize = edict({'h': H + 2 * nbHalf, 'w': W + 2 * nbHalf})
    aclean = align_from_flow(tclean, flow, cfg.nblocks, isize=pisize)
    aclean_img = tvF.center_crop(tiled_to_img(aclean, img_ps), isize_l)
    save_image("aclean_rs1_tiled.png", aclean_img)
    apsnr = align_psnr(aclean_img, psize3)
    print("[tiled] noisy: ", apsnr)

    # i want to use a different block size but I need to correct the image padding..?

    # def shrink_search_space(tclean,flow,nblocks_prev,nblocks_curr):
    #     print("tclean.shape: ",tclean.shape)
    #     print("flow.shape: ",flow.shape)
    #     T,_,C,H,W = tclean.shape
    #     flow = rearrange(flow,'i (h w) t two -> t i two h w',h=H)
    #     tclean = tvF.center_crop(tclean,new_size)
    #      = tvF.center_crop(tclean,new_size)

    nblocks_prev = cfg.nblocks
    cfg.nblocks = 5
    # tclean,flow = shrink_search_space(tclean,flow,nblocks_prev,cfg.nblocks)
    align_fxn = get_align_method(cfg, "pair_l2_local")
    at_clean = align_from_flow(tclean, flow, cfg.nblocks, isize=pisize)
    _, flow_at = align_fxn(at_clean.to(0))
    aaclean = align_from_flow(at_clean, flow_at, cfg.nblocks, isize=pisize)
    aaclean_img = tvF.center_crop(tiled_to_img(aaclean, img_ps), isize_l)
    save_image("aclean_rs1_fixed.png", aaclean_img)
    apsnr = align_psnr(aaclean_img, psize3)
    print("[fixed] noisy: ", apsnr)


    cfg.patchsize = 1  #cfg_patchsize

    align_fxn = get_align_method(cfg, "pair_l2_local")
    # clusters = cluster_flow(flow,H,nclusters=4)
    cflow = flow  #replace_flow_median(flow,clusters,H,cfg.nblocks)
    # save_image("clusters.png",clusters.type(torch.float))
    cflow_img = flow2img(cflow, H, T)
    save_image("cflow.png", cflow_img)
    aclean = align_from_flow(clean, cflow, cfg.nblocks, isize=isize)
    save_image("aclean_rs1_cf.png", aclean)

    print(cflow[:, 64 * 64 + 64])
    apsnr = align_psnr(aclean, psize)
    print("noisy_cf: ", apsnr)

    # flow = rearrange(flow,'i (h w) t two -> t i two h w',h=H)
    # print_stats(flow)
    flow_img = flow2img(flow, H, T)
    save_image("flow.png", flow_img)

    factor = 2
    cfg.nblocks = max(cfg.nblocks // 2, 3)
    cfg.patchsize = 1
    # cfg.patchsize = max(cfg.patchsize//2,3)
    noisy_rs = tvF.resize(noisy[:, 0], [H // factor, W // factor],
                          interpolation=InterpMode.BILINEAR)[:, None]
    _, flow_rs = align_fxn(noisy_rs.to(0))

    clean_rs = tvF.resize(clean[:, 0], [H // factor, W // factor],
                          interpolation=InterpMode.BILINEAR)[:, None]
    isize = edict({'h': H // factor, 'w': W // factor})
    aclean = align_from_flow(clean_rs, flow_rs, cfg.nblocks, isize=isize)
    save_image("aclean_rs2.png", aclean)
    apsnr = align_psnr(aclean, psize)
    print("rs2", apsnr, cfg.nblocks, cfg.patchsize)

    clusters = cluster_flow(flow_rs, H // factor, nclusters=3)
    save_image("clusters_rs.png", clusters.type(torch.float))
    # cflow_rs = cluster_flow(flow_rs,H//factor,nclusters=5)
    # print(cflow_rs)

    aclean = align_from_flow(clean_rs, cflow_rs, cfg.nblocks, isize=isize)
    save_image("aclean_rs2_cl.png", aclean)
    apsnr = align_psnr(aclean, psize)
    print("rs2_cl", apsnr, cfg.nblocks, cfg.patchsize)

    # flow_rs = rearrange(flow_rs,'i (h w) t two -> t i two h w',h=H//factor)
    flow_img = flow2img(flow_rs, H // factor, T)
    save_image("flow_rs2.png", flow_img)
    fmin, fmax, fmean = print_stats(flow_rs)
    print(torch.histc(flow_rs.type(torch.float), max=50, min=-50))

    factor = 4
    cfg.nblocks = max(cfg.nblocks // 2, 3)
    # cfg.patchsize = max(cfg.patchsize//2,3)
    noisy_rs = tvF.resize(noisy[:, 0], [H // factor, W // factor],
                          interpolation=InterpMode.BILINEAR)[:, None]
    _, flow_rs = align_fxn(noisy_rs.to(0))

    clean_rs = tvF.resize(clean[:, 0], [H // factor, W // factor],
                          interpolation=InterpMode.BILINEAR)[:, None]
    isize = edict({'h': H // factor, 'w': W // factor})
    aclean = align_from_flow(clean_rs, flow_rs, cfg.nblocks, isize=isize)
    save_image("aclean_rs4.png", aclean)
    apsnr = align_psnr(aclean, psize)
    print(apsnr, cfg.nblocks, cfg.patchsize)

    # flow_rs = rearrange(flow_rs,'i (h w) t two -> t i two h w',h=H//factor)
    flow_img = flow2img(flow_rs, H // factor, T)
    save_image("flow_rs4.png", flow_img)
    fmin, fmax, fmean = print_stats(flow_rs)
    print(torch.histc(flow_rs.type(torch.float), max=50, min=-50))
예제 #6
def center_crop_all(imgs, size):
    imgs_cropped = []
    for img in imgs:
        imgs_cropped.append(TF.center_crop(img, size))

    return imgs_cropped
예제 #7
 def __call__(self, input_img, target_img):
     return F.center_crop(input_img, self.size), F.center_crop(target_img, self.size)
def center_crop(data, label, crop_size):
    data = ff.center_crop(data, crop_size)
    label = ff.center_crop(label, crop_size)

    return data, label
예제 #9
 def __call__(self, image, target):
     """Center crop and return."""
     image = F.center_crop(image, self.size)
     target = F.center_crop(target, self.size)
     return image, target
예제 #10
    def __call__(self, sample):
        A = sample
        sample = F.center_crop(A, self.size)

        return sample
 def __call__(self, img_rgb, img_depth):
     return f.center_crop(img_rgb,
                          self.size), f.center_crop(img_depth, self.size)
예제 #12
def im_resize(img, size=256):
    img = trans_fn.resize(img, size, Image.LANCZOS)
    img = trans_fn.center_crop(img, size)

    return img
예제 #13
def crop_center(size, img):
    """Crop central size*size window out of a PIL image."""
    return torchvision_util.center_crop(img, size)
예제 #14
    def __call__(self, img):
        assert TVF._is_pil_image(img)

        return TVF.center_crop(img, min(img.size))
예제 #15
    def __call__(self, img, target):
        hor_trans = random.choice((True, False))

        return( F.center_crop(ImageTransform(img, hor_trans), (300, 500)), \
                F.center_crop(horiz_flip(target, hor_trans), (300,500)))
예제 #16
def get_local_map(**kwargs):
    T = kwargs.pop('T',  None).detach()
    dataset = kwargs.pop('dataset',  'SEVENSCENES')
    scene =  kwargs.pop('scene',  'heads/')
    sequences = kwargs.pop('sequences',  'TrainSplit.txt')
    num_pc = kwargs.pop('num_pc',  8)
    resize_fact = kwargs.pop('resize',  1/16)
    reduce_fact = kwargs.pop('reduce_fact',  2)
    K = kwargs.pop('K', [[585, 0.0, 240], [0.0, 585, 240], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
    frame_spacing = kwargs.pop('frame_spacing', 20)
    output_size = kwargs.pop('output_size', 5000)
    cnn_descriptor = kwargs.pop('cnn_descriptor', False)
    cnn_depth = kwargs.pop('cnn_depth', False)
    cnn_enc = kwargs.pop('cnn_enc', None)
    cnn_dec = kwargs.pop('cnn_dec', None)
    no_grad = kwargs.pop('no_grad', True)

    if kwargs:
        raise TypeError('Unexpected **kwargs: %r' % kwargs)

    timing = False

    if timing:
        tt = time.time()

    # Loading files...
    if hasattr(get_local_map, 'data') is False:
        env_var = os.environ[dataset]
        get_local_map.folders = list()
        with open(env_var + scene + sequences, 'r') as f:
            for line in f:
                fold = 'seq-{:02d}/'.format(int(re.search('(?<=sequence)\d', line).group(0)))
                get_local_map.folders.append(env_var + scene + fold)

        get_local_map.data = list()
        for i, folder in enumerate(get_local_map.folders):
            p = path.Path(folder)
            get_local_map.data += [(i, re.search('(?<=-)\d+', file.name).group(0))
                                   for file in p.iterdir()
                                   if file.is_file() and '.txt' in file.name]

        get_local_map.poses = list()
        for fold, seq_num in get_local_map.data:
            pose_file = get_local_map.folders[fold] + 'frame-' + seq_num + '.pose.txt'
            pose = np.ndarray((4, 4), dtype=np.float32)
            with open(pose_file, 'r') as pose_file_pt:
                for i, line in enumerate(pose_file_pt):
                    for j, c in enumerate(line.split('\t')):
                            pose[i, j] = float(c)
                        except ValueError:

    if timing:
        print('Files loading in {}s'.format(time.time() - tt))
        t = time.time()
    # Nearest pose search
    eye_mat = T.new_zeros(4, 4)
    eye_mat[0, 0] = eye_mat[1, 1] = eye_mat[2, 2] = eye_mat[3, 3] = 1
    d_poses = [torch.norm(eye_mat - pose.matmul(T.inverse())).item() for pose in poses]
    InvnpT = np.linalg.inv(T.cpu().numpy())
    eye_mat = np.eye(4, 4)
    d_poses = [np.linalg.norm(eye_mat - np.matmul(pose, InvnpT)) for pose in get_local_map.poses]

    nearest_idx = sorted(range(len(d_poses)), key=lambda k: d_poses[k])
    if timing:
        print('NN search in {}s'.format(time.time() - t))
        t = time.time()

    # Computing local pc
    K = T.new_tensor(K)
    K[:2, :] *= resize_fact
    pcs = list()
    if cnn_descriptor:
        descs = list()
    for i in range(0, num_pc*frame_spacing, frame_spacing):
        fold, num = get_local_map.data[nearest_idx[i]]
        if cnn_descriptor or cnn_depth:
            file_name = get_local_map.folders[fold] + 'frame-' + num + '.color.png'
            im = PIL.Image.open(file_name)
            new_h = int(min(im.size) * resize_fact * reduce_fact) # 2 time depth map by default
            im = func.to_tensor(
                    func.resize(im, new_h, interpolation=PIL.Image.BILINEAR),
            im = im.to(T.device) # move on GPU if necessary
            if no_grad:
                with torch.no_grad():
                    out_enc = cnn_enc(im.unsqueeze(0))
                out_enc = cnn_enc(im.unsqueeze(0))
            if cnn_descriptor:
                desc = out_enc[cnn_descriptor].squeeze()
                desc = desc.view(desc.size(0), -1)
        if cnn_depth:
            if no_grad:
                with torch.no_grad():
                    if isinstance(cnn_dec, Resnet.Deconv):
                        depth = cnn_dec(out_enc['feat'], out_enc['res_1'], out_enc['res_2']).squeeze(0)
                        depth = cnn_dec(out_enc).squeeze(0)
                if isinstance(cnn_dec, Resnet.Deconv):
                    depth = cnn_dec(out_enc['feat'], out_enc['res_1'], out_enc['res_2']).squeeze(0)
                    depth = cnn_dec(out_enc).squeeze(0)

            depth = torch.reciprocal(depth.clamp(min=1e-8)) - 1  # Need to inverse the depth
                toSceneCoord(depth, torch.from_numpy(get_local_map.poses[nearest_idx[i]]).to(T.device),
                             K, remove_zeros=False))
            if cnn_descriptor:
            file_name = get_local_map.folders[fold] + 'frame-' + num + '.depth.png'
            depth = PIL.Image.open(file_name)
            new_h = int(min(depth.size)*resize_fact)
            if new_h/2 != min(K[0, 2].item(), K[1, 2].item()):
                logger.warn('Resize factor is modifying the 3D geometry!! (fact={})'.format(resize_fact))
            depth = func.to_tensor(
                    func.resize(func.resize(depth, new_h*2, interpolation=PIL.Image.NEAREST),
                                new_h, interpolation=PIL.Image.NEAREST),
            depth[depth == 65535] = 0
            depth *= 1e-3
            depth = depth.to(T.device) # move on GPU if necessary
            if cnn_descriptor:
                desc = desc[:, depth.view(1, -1).squeeze() != 0]
            pcs.append(toSceneCoord(depth, torch.from_numpy(get_local_map.poses[nearest_idx[i]]).to(T.device),
                                    K, remove_zeros=True))

    if timing:
        print('PC creation in {}s'.format(time.time() - t))
        t = time.time()

    # Pruning step
    final_pc = torch.cat(pcs, 1)
    if cnn_descriptor:
        cnn_desc_out = torch.cat(descs, 1)
    logger.debug('Final points before pruning cloud has {} points'.format(final_pc.size(1)))
    if not isinstance(output_size, bool):
        indexor = torch.randperm(final_pc.size(1))
        final_pc = final_pc[:, indexor]
        final_pc = final_pc[:, :output_size]
        if cnn_descriptor:
            cnn_desc_out = cnn_desc_out[:, indexor]
            cnn_desc_out = cnn_desc_out[:, :output_size]

    if timing:
        print('Pruning in {}s'.format(time.time() - t))

    if cnn_descriptor:
        return final_pc, cnn_desc_out
        return final_pc
예제 #17
    ims_nn = list()
    depths = list()
    depthsquares = list()
    poses = list()
    pcs = list()
    pcssquare = list()

    for id in ids:
        rgb_im = root + id + '.color.png'
        depth_im = root + id + '.depth.png'
        pose_im = root + id + '.pose.txt'

                    func.resize(PIL.Image.open(rgb_im), int(480 * scale)),
                    int(480 * scale))).float(),
                           mean=(0.485, 0.456, 0.406),
                           std=(0.229, 0.224, 0.225)))
                            int(480 * scale))).float(), )

        depth = func.to_tensor(
                            int(480 * scale),
                            interpolation=0), int(480 * scale))).float()
        depth[depth == 65535] = 0
        depth *= 1e-3
예제 #18
파일: dataset.py 프로젝트: krsrv/UNet
 def __call__(self, sample):
   img = F.center_crop(sample['image'], self.img_size)
   lbl = F.center_crop(sample['label'], self.lbl_size)
   return {'image': img, 'label': lbl}
예제 #19
파일: dataset.py 프로젝트: Lxtjx/cv
 def center_crop(self, img, label, crop_size):
     img = ff.center_crop(img, crop_size)
     label = ff.center_crop(label, crop_size)
     return img, label
예제 #20
 def __call__(self, sample):
     sample['input'] = F.center_crop(sample['input'], self.size)
     sample['gt'] = [F.center_crop(gt, self.size) for gt in sample['gt']]
     return sample
예제 #21
 def center_crop(self, data, label, crop_size):
     data = ff.center_crop(data, crop_size)
     label = ff.center_crop(label, crop_size)
     return data, label
예제 #22
파일: augmentation.py 프로젝트: chicm/rsna
 def _pad_rotate(self, img, angle):
     w, h = img.size
     img = F.pad(img, w // 2, 0, self.pad_mode)
     img = F.rotate(img, angle, False, self.expand, self.center)
     img = F.center_crop(img, (w, h))
     return img
예제 #23
 def cc(image):
     return tvF.center_crop(image, (psize.h, psize.w))
예제 #24
 def __call__(self, imgRGB, imgDepth):
     return F.center_crop(imgRGB, self.size), F.center_crop(imgDepth, self.size)
예제 #25
 def center_crop(self, data, label, crop_size):
     data = ttf.center_crop(data, crop_size)
     label = ttf.center_crop(label, crop_size)
     return data, label
예제 #26
    def __call__(self, img, target):
        hor_trans = random.choice((True, False))

        return( F.normalize(F.to_tensor(F.center_crop(ImageTransform(img, hor_trans),(300, 500))), \
                            [0.45679754, 0.44313163, 0.4082983], [0.23698017, 0.23328756, 0.23898676], False), \
                torch.from_numpy(np.array(F.center_crop(horiz_flip(target, hor_trans), (300,500)), dtype = np.int32 )).long())
 def forward(self, img):
     return F.center_crop(img[0], self.size), F.center_crop(img[1], self.size), F.center_crop(img[2], self.size)
예제 #28
 def __call__(self, img, target):
     return (F.normalize(F.to_tensor(F.center_crop(img, (300, 500) )), [0.45679754, 0.44313163, 0.4082983], [0.23698017, 0.23328756, 0.23898676], False), \
                     torch.from_numpy(np.array(F.center_crop(target, (300, 500)), dtype = np.int32 )).long())
예제 #29
 def __call__(self, sample):
     return {k: TF.center_crop(v, self.size) for k, v in sample.items()}
예제 #30
 def __call__(self, image):
     return [F.center_crop(c, self.size) for c in image]