class RelHandler(BaseHandler): def initialize(self): self.init() self.mapp = MApp() self.mpost = MPost() self.rel_post2app = MRelPost2App() self.rel_app2post = MRelApp2Post() def get(self, url_str=''): if len(url_str) > 0: ip_arr = url_str.split('/') else: return False if len(ip_arr) == 2: self.add_relation(ip_arr) def check_app(self, tt, uid): if tt == 'post': if False == self.mpost.get_by_id(uid): return False if tt == 'app': if False == self.mapp.get_by_uid(uid): return False return True def add_relation(self, url_arr): if self.check_app(url_arr[0], url_arr[1]): pass else: return False last_post_id = self.get_secure_cookie('last_post_uid') if last_post_id: last_post_id = last_post_id.decode('utf-8') last_app_id = self.get_secure_cookie('use_app_uid') if last_app_id: last_app_id = last_app_id.decode('utf-8') if url_arr[0] == 'info': if last_post_id: self.rel_post2app.add_relation(last_post_id, url_arr[1], 2) self.rel_app2post.add_relation(url_arr[1], last_post_id, 1) if url_arr[0] == 'post': if last_app_id: self.rel_app2post.add_relation(last_app_id, url_arr[1], 2) self.rel_post2app.add_relation(url_arr[1], last_app_id, 1)
class InfoHandler(BaseHandler): def initialize(self, hinfo=''): self.init() self.mevaluation = MEvaluation() self.mapp2catalog = MApp2Catalog() self.mapp2tag = MApp2Label() self.minfo = MApp() self.musage = MUsage() self.mcat = MInforCatalog() self.mrel = MAppRel() self.mreply = MApp2Reply() def get(self, url_str=''): url_arr = self.parse_url(url_str) if len(url_arr) == 1 and len(url_str) == 4: self.view_info(url_str) else: kwd = { 'title': '', 'info': '', } self.render('html/404.html', kwd=kwd, userinfo=self.userinfo, ) def post(self, url_str=''): url_arr = self.parse_url(url_str) if url_arr[0] == 'rel': if self.get_current_user(): self.add_relation(url_arr[1], url_arr[2]) else: self.redirect('/user/login') elif url_arr[0] == 'comment_add': self.add_comment(url_arr[1]) else: return False @tornado.web.authenticated def add_comment(self, id_post): post_data = {} for key in self.request.arguments: post_data[key] = self.get_arguments(key) post_data['user_id'] = self.userinfo.uid post_data['user_name'] = self.userinfo.user_name comment_uid = self.mreply.insert_data(post_data, id_post) if comment_uid: output = { 'pinglun': comment_uid, } else: output = { 'pinglun': 0, } return json.dump(output, self) def view_info(self, info_id): ''' Render the info :param info_id: :return: Nonthing. ''' rec = self.minfo.get_by_uid(info_id) if rec: pass else: kwd = { 'info': '您要找的信息不存在。', } self.render('html/404.html', kwd=kwd, userinfo=self.userinfo, ) return False replys = self.mreply.get_by_id(info_id) rel_recs = self.mrel.get_app_relations(rec.uid, 4) rand_recs = self.minfo.query_random(4 - rel_recs.count() + 2) self.chuli_cookie_relation(info_id) cookie_str = tools.get_uuid() if 'def_cat_uid' in rec.extinfo: catid = rec.extinfo['def_cat_uid'] else: catid = '' parent_name = self.mcat.get_by_id(catid[:2] + '00').name if catid != '' else '' if catid != '': cat_rec = self.mcat.get_by_uid(catid) priv_mask_idx = cat_rec.priv_mask.index('1') cat_name = else: priv_mask_idx = 0 cat_name = '' parentname = '<a href="/list/{0}">{1}</a>'.format(catid[:2] + '00', parent_name) catname = '<a href="/list/{0}">{1}</a>'.format(catid, cat_name) kwd = { 'pager': '', 'url': self.request.uri, 'cookie_str': cookie_str, 'daohangstr': '', 'signature': info_id, 'tdesc': '', 'eval_0': self.mevaluation.app_evaluation_count(info_id, 0), 'eval_1': self.mevaluation.app_evaluation_count(info_id, 1), 'site_url': config.site_url, 'login': 1 if self.get_current_user() else 0, 'has_image': 0, 'parentlist': self.mcat.get_parent_list(), 'parentname': parentname, 'catname': catname, } self.minfo.view_count_increase(info_id) if self.get_current_user(): self.musage.add_or_update(self.userinfo.uid, info_id) self.set_cookie('user_pass', cookie_str) tmpl = self.ext_tmpl_name(rec) if self.ext_tmpl_name(rec) else self.get_tmpl_name(rec) catid = rec.extinfo['def_cat_uid'] if 'def_cat_uid' in rec.extinfo else None print(rec.extinfo) self.render(tmpl, kwd=dict(kwd, **self.extra_kwd(rec)), calc_info=rec, userinfo=self.userinfo, relations=rel_recs, rand_recs=rand_recs, unescape=tornado.escape.xhtml_unescape, ad_switch=random.randint(1, 18), tag_info=self.mapp2tag.get_by_id(info_id), recent_apps=self.musage.query_recent(self.get_current_user(), 6)[1:], post_info=rec, replys=replys, cat_enum=self.mcat.get_qian2(catid[:2]) if catid else [], priv_mask_idx=priv_mask_idx, ) def extra_kwd(self, info_rec): ''' The additional information. :param info_rec: :return: directory. ''' return {} def chuli_cookie_relation(self, app_id): ''' The current Info and the Info viewed last should have some relation. And the last viewed Info could be found from cookie. :param app_id: the current app :return: None ''' last_app_uid = self.get_secure_cookie('use_app_uid') if last_app_uid: last_app_uid = last_app_uid.decode('utf-8') self.set_secure_cookie('use_app_uid', app_id) if last_app_uid and self.minfo.get_by_uid(last_app_uid): self.add_relation(last_app_uid, app_id) def ext_tmpl_name(self, rec): return None def get_tmpl_name(self, rec): ''' According to the application, each info of it's classification could has different temaplate. :param rec: the App record. :return: the temaplte path. ''' if 'def_cat_uid' in rec.extinfo and rec.extinfo['def_cat_uid'] != '': cat_id = rec.extinfo['def_cat_uid'] else: cat_id = False if cat_id: tmpl = 'autogen/view/view_{0}.html'.format(cat_id) else: tmpl = 'infor/app/show_map.html' return tmpl def add_relation(self, f_uid, t_uid): ''' Add the relation. And the from and to, should have different weight. :param f_uid: :param t_uid: :return: return True if the relation has been succesfully added. ''' if self.minfo.get_by_uid(t_uid): pass else: return False if f_uid == t_uid: return False self.mrel.add_relation(f_uid, t_uid, 2) self.mrel.add_relation(t_uid, f_uid, 1) return True
class InfoHandler(BaseHandler): def initialize(self, hinfo=''): self.init() self.mevaluation = MEvaluation() self.mapp2catalog = MApp2Catalog() self.mapp2tag = MApp2Label() self.minfo = MApp() self.musage = MUsage() self.mcat = MAppCatalog() self.mrel = MAppRel() self.mreply = MApp2Reply() def get(self, url_str=''): url_arr = self.parse_url(url_str) if len(url_arr) == 1 and len(url_str) == 4: self.view_info(url_str) else: kwd = { 'title': '', 'info': '', } self.render('html/404.html', kwd=kwd, userinfo=self.userinfo, ) def post(self, url_str=''): url_arr = self.parse_url(url_str) if url_arr[0] == 'rel': if self.get_current_user(): self.add_relation(url_arr[1]) else: self.redirect('/user/login') elif url_arr[0] == 'comment_add': self.add_comment(url_arr[1]) else: return False @tornado.web.authenticated def add_comment(self, id_post): post_data = {} for key in self.request.arguments: post_data[key] = self.get_arguments(key) post_data['user_id'] = self.userinfo.uid post_data['user_name'] = self.userinfo.user_name comment_uid = self.mreply.insert_data(post_data, id_post) if comment_uid: output = { 'pinglun': comment_uid, } else: output = { 'pinglun': 0, } return json.dump(output, self) def view_info(self, info_id): ''' Render the info :param info_id: :return: Nonthing. ''' rec = self.minfo.get_by_uid(info_id) if rec: pass else: kwd = { 'info': '您要找的信息不存在。', } self.render('html/404.html', kwd=kwd, userinfo=self.userinfo, ) return False replys = self.mreply.get_by_id(info_id) rel_recs = self.mrel.get_app_relations(rec.uid, 4) rand_recs = self.minfo.query_random(4 - rel_recs.count() + 2) self.chuli_cookie_relation(info_id) cookie_str = tools.get_uuid() kwd = { 'pager': '', 'url': self.request.uri, 'cookie_str': cookie_str, 'signature': info_id, 'tdesc': '', 'eval_0': self.mevaluation.app_evaluation_count(info_id, 0), 'eval_1': self.mevaluation.app_evaluation_count(info_id, 1), 'site_url': config.site_url, 'login': 1 if self.get_current_user() else 0, 'has_image': 0, 'parentlist': self.mcat.get_parent_list(), } self.minfo.view_count_increase(info_id) if self.get_current_user(): self.musage.add_or_update(self.userinfo.uid, info_id) self.set_cookie('user_pass', cookie_str) tmpl = self.ext_tmpl_name(rec) if self.ext_tmpl_name(rec) else self.get_tmpl_name(rec) catid = rec.extinfo['def_cat_uid'] if 'def_cat_uid' in rec.extinfo else None self.render(tmpl, kwd=dict(kwd, **self.extra_kwd(rec)), calc_info=rec, userinfo=self.userinfo, relations=rel_recs, rand_recs=rand_recs, unescape=tornado.escape.xhtml_unescape, ad_switch=random.randint(1, 18), tag_info=self.mapp2tag.get_by_id(info_id), recent_apps=self.musage.query_recent(self.get_current_user(), 6)[1:], post_info=rec, replys=replys, cat_enum = self.mcat.get_qian2(catid[:2]) if catid else [], ) def extra_kwd(self, info_rec): ''' The additional information. :param info_rec: :return: directory. ''' return {} def chuli_cookie_relation(self, app_id): ''' The current Info and the Info viewed last should have some relation. And the last viewed Info could be found from cookie. :param app_id: the current app :return: None ''' last_map_id = self.get_secure_cookie('use_app_uid') if last_map_id: last_map_id = last_map_id.decode('utf-8') self.set_secure_cookie('use_app_uid', app_id) if last_map_id and self.minfo.get_by_uid(last_map_id): self.add_relation(last_map_id, app_id) def ext_tmpl_name(self, rec): return None def get_tmpl_name(self, rec): ''' According to the application, each info of it's classification could has different temaplate. :param rec: the App record. :return: the temaplte path. ''' if 'def_cat_uid' in rec.extinfo and rec.extinfo['def_cat_uid'] != '': cat_id = rec.extinfo['def_cat_uid'] else: cat_id = False if cat_id: tmpl = 'autogen/view/view_{0}.html'.format(cat_id) else: tmpl = 'tmpl_applite/app/show_map.html' return tmpl def add_relation(self, f_uid, t_uid): ''' Add the relation. And the from and to, should have different weight. :param f_uid: :param t_uid: :return: return True if the relation has been succesfully added. ''' if self.minfo.get_by_uid(t_uid): pass else: return False if f_uid == t_uid: return False self.mrel.add_relation(f_uid, t_uid, 2) self.mrel.add_relation(t_uid, f_uid, 1) return True
class MetaHandler(BaseHandler): def initialize(self): self.init() self.mappcat = MInforCatalog() self.mevaluation = MEvaluation() self.mapp2catalog = MApp2Catalog() self.mapp2tag = MApp2Label() self.mapp = MApp() self.musage = MUsage() self.mtag = MInforCatalog() self.mrel = MAppRel() self.mreply = MApp2Reply() if 'app_url_name' in cfg: self.app_url_name = cfg['app_url_name'] else: self.app_url_name = 'info' def get(self, url_str=''): url_arr = self.parse_url(url_str) if url_arr[0] == 'cat_add': self.user_to_add(url_arr[1]) elif url_arr[0] == 'catalog': self.catalog() elif len(url_arr) == 1 and len(url_str) == 4: self.redirect('/{0}/{1}'.format(self.app_url_name, url_arr[0])) elif len(url_arr) == 2: if url_arr[0] == 'edit': self.to_edit_app(url_arr[1]) elif url_arr[0] == 'add': self.to_add_app(url_arr[1]) elif url_arr[0] == 'delete': self.to_del_app(url_arr[1]) else: ''' 从相关计算中过来的。 ''' self.mrel.update_relation(url_arr[1], url_arr[0]) self.redirect('/{0}/{1}'.format(self.app_url_name, url_arr[0])) else: kwd = { 'title': '', 'info': '', } self.render('html/404.html', kwd=kwd, userinfo=self.userinfo, ) def post(self, url_str=''): url_arr = self.parse_url(url_str) if url_arr[0] == 'to_add': self.add() elif url_arr[0] == 'rel': if self.get_current_user(): self.add_relation(url_arr[1]) else: self.redirect('/user/login') elif url_arr[0] == 'comment_add': self.add_comment(url_arr[1]) elif url_arr[0] == 'edit': self.update(url_arr[1]) elif url_arr[0] == 'add': self.add(url_arr[1]) else: return False def catalog(self): self.render('infor/app/catalog.html', userinfo=self.userinfo, kwd={'uid': '',} ) @tornado.web.authenticated def user_to_add(self, catid): uid = tools.get_uu4d() while self.mapp.get_by_uid(uid): uid = tools.get_uu4d() kwd = { 'uid': uid, 'userid': self.userinfo.user_name, 'def_cat_uid': catid, 'parentname': self.mtag.get_by_id(catid[:2] + '00').name, 'catname': self.mtag.get_by_id(catid).name, } self.render('autogen/add/add_{0}.html'.format(catid), userinfo=self.userinfo, kwd=kwd) def check_priv(self, userinfo, cat_id): cat_rec = self.mappcat.get_by_uid(cat_id) priv_mask_idx = cat_rec.priv_mask.index('1') priv_dic = {'ADD': False, 'EDIT': False, 'DELETE': False, 'ADMIN': False} if userinfo.privilege[priv_mask_idx] >= '1': priv_dic['ADD'] = True if userinfo.privilege[priv_mask_idx] >= '2': priv_dic['EDIT'] = True if userinfo.privilege[priv_mask_idx] >= '4': priv_dic['DELETE'] = True if userinfo.privilege[priv_mask_idx] >= '8': priv_dic['ADMIN'] = True return priv_dic @tornado.web.authenticated def to_add_app(self, uid): if self.mapp.get_by_uid(uid): self.redirect('/{0}/edit/{1}'.format(self.app_url_name, uid)) else: self.render('infor/app/add.html', tag_infos=self.mtag.query_all(), userinfo=self.userinfo, kwd={'uid': uid,} ) @tornado.web.authenticated def to_del_app(self, uid): current_infor = self.mapp.get_by_uid(uid) if self.check_priv(self.userinfo, current_infor.extinfo['def_cat_uid'])['DELETE']: pass else: return False if self.mapp.delete(uid): self.redirect('/list/{0}'.format(current_infor.extinfo['def_cat_uid'])) else: self.redirect('/info/{0}'.format(uid)) @tornado.web.authenticated def to_edit_app(self, infoid): rec_info = self.mapp.get_by_uid(infoid) if rec_info: pass else: self.render('html/404.html') return if 'def_cat_uid' in rec_info.extinfo: catid = rec_info.extinfo['def_cat_uid'] else: catid = '' kwd = { 'def_cat_uid': catid, 'parentname': self.mtag.get_by_id(catid[:2] + '00').name if catid != '' else '', 'catname': self.mtag.get_by_id(catid).name if catid != '' else '', 'parentlist': self.mtag.get_parent_list(), 'userip': self.request.remote_ip } if catid: tmpl = 'autogen/edit/edit_{0}.html'.format(catid) else: tmpl = 'infor/app/edit.html' self.render(tmpl, kwd=kwd, calc_info=rec_info, post_info=rec_info, userinfo=self.userinfo, app_info=rec_info, unescape=tornado.escape.xhtml_unescape, cat_enum=self.mappcat.get_qian2(catid[:2]), tag_infos=self.mappcat.query_all(by_order=True), app2tag_info=self.mapp2catalog.query_by_entry_uid(infoid), app2label_info=self.mapp2tag.get_by_id(infoid), ) @tornado.web.authenticated def update(self, uid): post_data = {} ext_dic = {} for key in self.request.arguments: if key.startswith('ext_') or key.startswith('tag_'): ext_dic[key] = self.get_argument(key) else: post_data[key] = self.get_arguments(key) post_data['user_name'] = self.userinfo.user_name current_info = self.mapp.get_by_uid(uid) if current_info.user_name == self.userinfo.user_name: pass elif self.userinfo.privilege[4] >= '1': pass elif 'def_cat_uid' in post_data and self.check_priv(self.userinfo, post_data['def_cat_uid'][0])['EDIT']: pass else: return False ext_dic['def_uid'] = str(uid) if 'def_cat_uid' in post_data: ext_dic['def_cat_uid'] = post_data['def_cat_uid'][0] ext_dic['def_cat_pid'] = '{0}00'.format(post_data['def_cat_uid'][0][:2]) ext_dic['def_tag_arr'] = [x.strip() for x in post_data['tags'][0].strip().strip(',').split(',')] ext_dic = self.extra_data(ext_dic, post_data) self.mapp.modify_meta(uid, post_data, extinfo=ext_dic) self.update_catalog(uid) self.update_tag(uid) self.redirect('/{0}/{1}'.format(self.app_url_name, uid)) @tornado.web.authenticated def add(self, uid=''): ext_dic = {} post_data = {} for key in self.request.arguments: if key.startswith('ext_') or key.startswith('tag_'): ext_dic[key] = self.get_argument(key) else: post_data[key] = self.get_arguments(key) if self.check_priv(self.userinfo, post_data['def_cat_uid'][0])['ADD']: pass else: return False if uid == '': uid = tools.get_uu4d() while self.mapp.get_by_uid(uid): uid = tools.get_uu4d() post_data['uid'][0] = uid post_data['user_name'] = self.userinfo.user_name ext_dic['def_uid'] = str(uid) if 'def_cat_uid' in post_data: ext_dic['def_cat_pid'] = '{0}00'.format(post_data['def_cat_uid'][0][:2]) ext_dic['def_cat_uid'] = post_data['def_cat_uid'][0] ext_dic['def_tag_arr'] = [x.strip() for x in post_data['tags'][0].strip().strip(',').split(',')] ext_dic = self.extra_data(ext_dic, post_data) print(post_data) self.mapp.modify_meta(ext_dic['def_uid'], post_data, extinfo=ext_dic) self.update_catalog(ext_dic['def_uid']) self.update_tag(ext_dic['def_uid']) self.redirect('/list/{0}'.format(ext_dic['def_cat_uid'])) @tornado.web.authenticated def extra_data(self, ext_dic, post_data): ''' The additional information. :param post_data: :return: directory. ''' return ext_dic @tornado.web.authenticated def update_tag(self, signature): post_data = {} for key in self.request.arguments: post_data[key] = self.get_arguments(key) current_tag_infos = self.mapp2tag.get_by_id(signature) tags_arr = [x.strip() for x in post_data['tags'][0].split(',')] for tag_name in tags_arr: if tag_name == '': pass else: self.mapp2tag.add_record(signature, tag_name, 1) for cur_info in current_tag_infos: if in tags_arr: pass else: self.mapp2tag.remove_relation(signature, cur_info.tag) @tornado.web.authenticated def update_catalog(self, signature): post_data = {} for key in self.request.arguments: post_data[key] = self.get_arguments(key) current_catalog_infos = self.mapp2catalog.query_by_entry_uid(signature) new_tag_arr = [] for idx, key in enumerate(['cat_1', 'cat_2', 'cat_3', 'cat_4', 'cat_5', 'def_cat_uid']): if key in post_data: vv = post_data[key][0] if vv == '': pass else: new_tag_arr.append(vv) self.mapp2catalog.add_record(signature, vv, idx) else: pass for cur_info in current_catalog_infos: if str(cur_info.catalog.uid).strip() in new_tag_arr: pass else: self.mapp2catalog.remove_relation(signature, cur_info.catalog) @tornado.web.authenticated def add_comment(self, id_post): post_data = {} for key in self.request.arguments: post_data[key] = self.get_arguments(key) post_data['user_id'] = self.userinfo.uid post_data['user_name'] = self.userinfo.user_name comment_uid = self.mreply.insert_data(post_data, id_post) if comment_uid: output = { 'pinglun': comment_uid, } else: output = { 'pinglun': 0, } return json.dump(output, self) def add_relation(self, f_uid, t_uid): if False == self.mapp.get_by_uid(t_uid): return False if f_uid == t_uid: ''' 关联其本身 ''' return False self.mrel.add_relation(f_uid, t_uid, 2) self.mrel.add_relation(t_uid, f_uid, 1) return True
class MetaHandler(BaseHandler): def initialize(self): self.init() self.mappcat = MInforCatalog() self.mevaluation = MEvaluation() self.mapp2catalog = MApp2Catalog() self.mapp2tag = MApp2Label() self.mapp = MApp() self.musage = MUsage() self.mtag = MInforCatalog() self.mrel = MAppRel() self.mreply = MApp2Reply() if 'app_url_name' in cfg: self.app_url_name = cfg['app_url_name'] else: self.app_url_name = 'info' def get(self, url_str=''): url_arr = self.parse_url(url_str) if url_arr[0] == 'cat_add': self.user_to_add(url_arr[1]) elif url_arr[0] == 'catalog': self.catalog() elif len(url_arr) == 1 and len(url_str) == 4: self.redirect('/{0}/{1}'.format(self.app_url_name, url_arr[0])) elif len(url_arr) == 2: if url_arr[0] == 'edit': self.to_edit_app(url_arr[1]) elif url_arr[0] == 'add': self.to_add_app(url_arr[1]) elif url_arr[0] == 'delete': self.to_del_app(url_arr[1]) else: ''' 从相关计算中过来的。 ''' self.mrel.update_relation(url_arr[1], url_arr[0]) self.redirect('/{0}/{1}'.format(self.app_url_name, url_arr[0])) else: kwd = { 'title': '', 'info': '', } self.render( 'html/404.html', kwd=kwd, userinfo=self.userinfo, ) def post(self, url_str=''): url_arr = self.parse_url(url_str) if url_arr[0] == 'to_add': self.add() elif url_arr[0] == 'rel': if self.get_current_user(): self.add_relation(url_arr[1]) else: self.redirect('/user/login') elif url_arr[0] == 'comment_add': self.add_comment(url_arr[1]) elif url_arr[0] == 'edit': self.update(url_arr[1]) elif url_arr[0] == 'add': self.add(url_arr[1]) else: return False def catalog(self): self.render('infor/app/catalog.html', userinfo=self.userinfo, kwd={ 'uid': '', }) @tornado.web.authenticated def user_to_add(self, catid): uid = tools.get_uu4d() while self.mapp.get_by_uid(uid): uid = tools.get_uu4d() kwd = { 'uid': uid, 'userid': self.userinfo.user_name, 'def_cat_uid': catid, 'parentname': self.mtag.get_by_id(catid[:2] + '00').name, 'catname': self.mtag.get_by_id(catid).name, } self.render('autogen/add/add_{0}.html'.format(catid), userinfo=self.userinfo, kwd=kwd) def check_priv(self, userinfo, cat_id): cat_rec = self.mappcat.get_by_uid(cat_id) priv_mask_idx = cat_rec.priv_mask.index('1') priv_dic = { 'ADD': False, 'EDIT': False, 'DELETE': False, 'ADMIN': False } if userinfo.privilege[priv_mask_idx] >= '1': priv_dic['ADD'] = True if userinfo.privilege[priv_mask_idx] >= '2': priv_dic['EDIT'] = True if userinfo.privilege[priv_mask_idx] >= '4': priv_dic['DELETE'] = True if userinfo.privilege[priv_mask_idx] >= '8': priv_dic['ADMIN'] = True return priv_dic @tornado.web.authenticated def to_add_app(self, uid): if self.mapp.get_by_uid(uid): self.redirect('/{0}/edit/{1}'.format(self.app_url_name, uid)) else: self.render('infor/app/add.html', tag_infos=self.mtag.query_all(), userinfo=self.userinfo, kwd={ 'uid': uid, }) @tornado.web.authenticated def to_del_app(self, uid): current_infor = self.mapp.get_by_uid(uid) if self.check_priv(self.userinfo, current_infor.extinfo['def_cat_uid'])['DELETE']: pass else: return False if self.mapp.delete(uid): self.redirect('/list/{0}'.format( current_infor.extinfo['def_cat_uid'])) else: self.redirect('/info/{0}'.format(uid)) @tornado.web.authenticated def to_edit_app(self, infoid): rec_info = self.mapp.get_by_uid(infoid) if rec_info: pass else: self.render('html/404.html') return if 'def_cat_uid' in rec_info.extinfo: catid = rec_info.extinfo['def_cat_uid'] else: catid = '' kwd = { 'def_cat_uid': catid, 'parentname': self.mtag.get_by_id(catid[:2] + '00').name if catid != '' else '', 'catname': self.mtag.get_by_id(catid).name if catid != '' else '', 'parentlist': self.mtag.get_parent_list(), 'userip': self.request.remote_ip } if catid: tmpl = 'autogen/edit/edit_{0}.html'.format(catid) else: tmpl = 'infor/app/edit.html' self.render( tmpl, kwd=kwd, calc_info=rec_info, post_info=rec_info, userinfo=self.userinfo, app_info=rec_info, unescape=tornado.escape.xhtml_unescape, cat_enum=self.mappcat.get_qian2(catid[:2]), tag_infos=self.mappcat.query_all(by_order=True), app2tag_info=self.mapp2catalog.query_by_entry_uid(infoid), app2label_info=self.mapp2tag.get_by_id(infoid), ) @tornado.web.authenticated def update(self, uid): post_data = {} ext_dic = {} for key in self.request.arguments: if key.startswith('ext_') or key.startswith('tag_'): ext_dic[key] = self.get_argument(key) else: post_data[key] = self.get_arguments(key) post_data['user_name'] = self.userinfo.user_name current_info = self.mapp.get_by_uid(uid) if current_info.user_name == self.userinfo.user_name: pass elif self.userinfo.privilege[4] >= '1': pass elif 'def_cat_uid' in post_data and self.check_priv( self.userinfo, post_data['def_cat_uid'][0])['EDIT']: pass else: return False ext_dic['def_uid'] = str(uid) if 'def_cat_uid' in post_data: ext_dic['def_cat_uid'] = post_data['def_cat_uid'][0] ext_dic['def_cat_pid'] = '{0}00'.format( post_data['def_cat_uid'][0][:2]) ext_dic['def_tag_arr'] = [ x.strip() for x in post_data['tags'][0].strip().strip(',').split(',') ] ext_dic = self.extra_data(ext_dic, post_data) self.mapp.modify_meta(uid, post_data, extinfo=ext_dic) self.update_catalog(uid) self.update_tag(uid) self.redirect('/{0}/{1}'.format(self.app_url_name, uid)) @tornado.web.authenticated def add(self, uid=''): ext_dic = {} post_data = {} for key in self.request.arguments: if key.startswith('ext_') or key.startswith('tag_'): ext_dic[key] = self.get_argument(key) else: post_data[key] = self.get_arguments(key) if self.check_priv(self.userinfo, post_data['def_cat_uid'][0])['ADD']: pass else: return False if uid == '': uid = tools.get_uu4d() while self.mapp.get_by_uid(uid): uid = tools.get_uu4d() post_data['uid'][0] = uid post_data['user_name'] = self.userinfo.user_name ext_dic['def_uid'] = str(uid) if 'def_cat_uid' in post_data: ext_dic['def_cat_pid'] = '{0}00'.format( post_data['def_cat_uid'][0][:2]) ext_dic['def_cat_uid'] = post_data['def_cat_uid'][0] ext_dic['def_tag_arr'] = [ x.strip() for x in post_data['tags'][0].strip().strip(',').split(',') ] ext_dic = self.extra_data(ext_dic, post_data) print(post_data) self.mapp.modify_meta(ext_dic['def_uid'], post_data, extinfo=ext_dic) self.update_catalog(ext_dic['def_uid']) self.update_tag(ext_dic['def_uid']) self.redirect('/list/{0}'.format(ext_dic['def_cat_uid'])) @tornado.web.authenticated def extra_data(self, ext_dic, post_data): ''' The additional information. :param post_data: :return: directory. ''' return ext_dic @tornado.web.authenticated def update_tag(self, signature): post_data = {} for key in self.request.arguments: post_data[key] = self.get_arguments(key) current_tag_infos = self.mapp2tag.get_by_id(signature) tags_arr = [x.strip() for x in post_data['tags'][0].split(',')] for tag_name in tags_arr: if tag_name == '': pass else: self.mapp2tag.add_record(signature, tag_name, 1) for cur_info in current_tag_infos: if in tags_arr: pass else: self.mapp2tag.remove_relation(signature, cur_info.tag) @tornado.web.authenticated def update_catalog(self, signature): post_data = {} for key in self.request.arguments: post_data[key] = self.get_arguments(key) current_catalog_infos = self.mapp2catalog.query_by_entry_uid(signature) new_tag_arr = [] for idx, key in enumerate( ['cat_1', 'cat_2', 'cat_3', 'cat_4', 'cat_5', 'def_cat_uid']): if key in post_data: vv = post_data[key][0] if vv == '': pass else: new_tag_arr.append(vv) self.mapp2catalog.add_record(signature, vv, idx) else: pass for cur_info in current_catalog_infos: if str(cur_info.catalog.uid).strip() in new_tag_arr: pass else: self.mapp2catalog.remove_relation(signature, cur_info.catalog) @tornado.web.authenticated def add_comment(self, id_post): post_data = {} for key in self.request.arguments: post_data[key] = self.get_arguments(key) post_data['user_id'] = self.userinfo.uid post_data['user_name'] = self.userinfo.user_name comment_uid = self.mreply.insert_data(post_data, id_post) if comment_uid: output = { 'pinglun': comment_uid, } else: output = { 'pinglun': 0, } return json.dump(output, self) def add_relation(self, f_uid, t_uid): if False == self.mapp.get_by_uid(t_uid): return False if f_uid == t_uid: ''' 关联其本身 ''' return False self.mrel.add_relation(f_uid, t_uid, 2) self.mrel.add_relation(t_uid, f_uid, 1) return True
class MetaHandler(BaseHandler): def initialize(self): self.init() self.mevaluation = MEvaluation() self.mapp2catalog = MApp2Catalog() self.mapp2tag = MApp2Label() self.mapp = MApp() self.musage = MUsage() self.mtag = MAppCatalog() self.mrel = MAppRel() self.mreply = MApp2Reply() def get(self, url_str=''): url_arr = self.parse_url(url_str) if url_arr[0] == 'cat_add': self.user_to_add(url_arr[1]) elif url_arr[0] == 'catalog': self.catalog() elif len(url_arr) == 1 and len(url_str) == 4: self.redirect('/info/{0}'.format(url_arr[0])) elif len(url_arr) == 2: if url_arr[0] == 'edit': self.to_edit_app(url_arr[1]) elif url_arr[0] == 'add': self.to_add_app(url_arr[1]) else: ''' 从相关计算中过来的。 ''' self.mrel.update_relation(url_arr[1], url_arr[0]) self.redirect('/{0}/{1}'.format(config.app_url_name, url_arr[0])) else: kwd = { 'title': '', 'info': '', } self.render('html/404.html', kwd=kwd, userinfo=self.userinfo, ) def post(self, url_str=''): url_arr = self.parse_url(url_str) if url_arr[0] == 'to_add': self.add() elif url_arr[0] == 'rel': if self.get_current_user(): self.add_relation(url_arr[1]) else: self.redirect('/user/login') elif url_arr[0] == 'comment_add': self.add_comment(url_arr[1]) elif url_arr[0] == 'edit': self.update(url_arr[1]) elif url_arr[0] == 'add': self.add(url_arr[1]) else: return False def catalog(self): self.render('tmpl_applite/app/catalog.html', userinfo=self.userinfo, kwd={'uid': '',} ) @tornado.web.authenticated def user_to_add(self, catid): if self.is_admin(): pass else: return uid = tools.get_uu4d() while self.mapp.get_by_uid(uid): uid = tools.get_uu4d() kwd = { 'uid': uid, 'userid': self.userinfo.user_name, 'def_cat_uid': catid, 'parentname': self.mtag.get_by_id(catid[:2] + '00').name, 'catname': self.mtag.get_by_id(catid).name, } self.render('autogen/add/add_{0}.html'.format(catid), kwd=kwd) @tornado.web.authenticated def to_add_app(self, uid): if self.mapp.get_by_uid(uid): self.redirect('/map/edit/{0}'.format(uid)) else: self.render('tmpl_applite/app/add.html', tag_infos=self.mtag.query_all(), userinfo=self.userinfo, kwd={'uid': uid,} ) @tornado.web.authenticated def to_edit_app(self, infoid): if self.is_admin(): pass else: return False rec_info = self.mapp.get_by_uid(infoid) if rec_info: pass else: self.render('html/404.html') return catid = rec_info.extinfo['def_cat_uid'] kwd = { 'def_cat_uid': catid, 'parentname': self.mtag.get_by_id(catid[:2] + '00').name, 'catname': self.mtag.get_by_id(catid).name, 'parentlist': self.mtag.get_parent_list(), 'userip': self.request.remote_ip } self.render('autogen/edit/edit_{0}.html'.format(catid), kwd=kwd, post_info=rec_info, userinfo=self.userinfo, app_info=rec_info, unescape=tornado.escape.xhtml_unescape, tag_infos=[], app2label_info=self.mapp2tag.get_by_id(infoid), ) # @tornado.web.authenticated # def to_edit_app(self, app_id): # if self.userinfo.privilege[4] == '1': # info = self.mapp.get_by_uid(app_id) # self.render('tmpl_applite/app/edit.html', # userinfo = self.userinfo, # app_info=info, # unescape=tornado.escape.xhtml_escape, # tag_infos=self.mtag.query_all(), # app2tag_info=self.mapp2catalog.query_by_app_uid(app_id), # app2label_info=self.mapp2tag.get_by_id(app_id), # ) # else: # return False @tornado.web.authenticated def update(self, uid): if self.is_admin(): pass else: return post_data = {} ext_dic = {} for key in self.request.arguments: if key.startswith('ext_') or key.startswith('tag_'): ext_dic[key] = self.get_argument(key) else: post_data[key] = self.get_arguments(key) ext_dic['def_uid'] = str(uid) ext_dic['def_cat_uid'] = post_data['def_cat_uid'][0] self.mapp.modify_meta(uid, post_data, extinfo=ext_dic) self.update_catalog(uid) self.update_tag(uid) self.redirect('/info/{0}'.format(uid)) @tornado.web.authenticated def add(self, uid=''): if self.userinfo.privilege[4] == '1': pass else: return False ext_dic = {} post_data = {} for key in self.request.arguments: if key.startswith('ext_') or key.startswith('tag_'): ext_dic[key] = self.get_argument(key) else: post_data[key] = self.get_arguments(key) if uid == '': uid = tools.get_uu4d() while self.mapp.get_by_uid(uid): uid = tools.get_uu4d() post_data['uid'][0] = uid ext_dic['def_uid'] = str(uid) ext_dic['def_cat_uid'] = post_data['def_cat_uid'][0] self.mapp.modify_meta(uid, post_data, extinfo=ext_dic) self.update_catalog(uid) self.update_tag(uid) self.redirect('/list/{0}'.format(ext_dic['def_cat_uid'])) @tornado.web.authenticated def update_tag(self, signature): if self.userinfo.privilege[4] == '1': pass else: return False post_data = {} for key in self.request.arguments: post_data[key] = self.get_arguments(key) current_tag_infos = self.mapp2tag.get_by_id(signature) tags_arr = [x.strip() for x in post_data['tags'][0].split(',')] for tag_name in tags_arr: if tag_name == '': pass else: self.mapp2tag.add_record(signature, tag_name, 1) for cur_info in current_tag_infos: if in tags_arr: pass else: self.mapp2tag.remove_relation(signature, cur_info.tag) @tornado.web.authenticated def update_catalog(self, signature): if self.userinfo.privilege[4] == '1': pass else: return False post_data = {} for key in self.request.arguments: post_data[key] = self.get_arguments(key) current_catalog_infos = self.mapp2catalog.query_by_app_uid(signature) new_tag_arr = [] for key in ['cat_1', 'cat_2', 'cat_3', 'cat_4', 'cat_5']: if key in post_data: if post_data[key][0] == '': pass else: new_tag_arr.append(post_data[key][0]) self.mapp2catalog.add_record(signature, post_data[key][0], int(key[-1])) else: pass for cur_info in current_catalog_infos: if str(cur_info.catalog.uid).strip() in new_tag_arr: pass else: self.mapp2catalog.remove_relation(signature, cur_info.catalog) @tornado.web.authenticated def add_comment(self, id_post): post_data = {} for key in self.request.arguments: post_data[key] = self.get_arguments(key) post_data['user_id'] = self.userinfo.uid post_data['user_name'] = self.userinfo.user_name comment_uid = self.mreply.insert_data(post_data, id_post) if comment_uid: output = { 'pinglun': comment_uid, } else: output = { 'pinglun': 0, } return json.dump(output, self) # def show_app(self, app_id): # qian = self.get_secure_cookie('map_hist') # # post_data = {} # for key in self.request.arguments: # post_data[key] = self.get_arguments(key) # # if qian: # qian = qian.decode('utf-8') # else: # qian = '' # self.set_secure_cookie('map_hist', (app_id + qian)[:20]) # replys = self.mreply.get_by_id(app_id) # rec = self.mapp.get_by_uid(app_id) # # if rec == False: # kwd = { # 'info': '您要找的云算应用不存在。', # } # self.render('html/404.html', kwd=kwd, # userinfo = self.userinfo,) # return False # # if 'zoom' in post_data: # rec.zoom_current = post_data['zoom'][0] # if 'lat' in post_data: # = post_data['lat'][0] # if 'lon' in post_data: # rec.lon = post_data['lon'][0] # # if 'lng' in post_data: # rec.lon = post_data['lng'][0] # # last_map_id = self.get_secure_cookie('use_app_uid') # # if last_map_id: # last_map_id = last_map_id.decode('utf-8') # # self.set_secure_cookie('use_app_uid', app_id) # # if last_map_id and self.mapp.get_by_uid(last_map_id): # self.add_relation(last_map_id, app_id) # # cookie_str = tools.get_uuid() # kwd = { # 'pager': '', # 'url': self.request.uri, # 'cookie_str': cookie_str, # 'marker': 1 if 'marker' in post_data else 0, # 'geojson': post_data['gson'][0] if 'gson' in post_data else '', # 'signature': app_id, # 'tdesc': '', # 'eval_0': self.mevaluation.app_evaluation_count(app_id, 0), # 'eval_1': self.mevaluation.app_evaluation_count(app_id, 1), # 'site_url': config.site_url, # 'login': 1 if self.get_current_user() else 0, # # } # # self.mapp.view_count_increase(app_id) # # if self.get_current_user(): # self.musage.add_or_update(self.userinfo.uid, app_id) # # # json_recs = self.mjson.query_by_app(app_id, self.userinfo.uid) # # layout_recs = self.mlayout.query_by_app(app_id, self.userinfo.uid) # # # # layout_links = [] # # # # for layout_rec in layout_recs: # # out_link = '{0}?zoom={1}&lat={2}&lon={3}'.format(, layout_rec.zoom,, # # layout_rec.lon) # # if layout_rec.marker != 0: # # out_link = out_link + '&marker=1' # # if layout_rec.json != '': # # out_link = out_link + '&gson={0}'.format(layout_rec.json) # # layout_links.append({'uid': layout_rec.uid, 'link': out_link}) # # # self.set_cookie('user_pass', cookie_str) # # map_hist = [] # if self.get_secure_cookie('map_hist'): # for xx in range(0, len(self.get_secure_cookie('map_hist').decode('utf-8')), 4): # map_hist.append(self.get_secure_cookie('map_hist').decode('utf-8')[xx: xx + 4]) # # if 'fullscreen' in self.request.arguments: # tmpl = 'tmpl_applite/app/full_screen.html' # # if self.userinfo.privilege[4] == '1': # # tmpl = 'tmpl_applite/app/full_vip.html' # # else: # # tmpl = 'tmpl_applite/app/full_screen.html' # else: # # tmpl = 'tmpl_applite/app/show_map.html' # # rel_recs = self.mrel.get_app_relations(rec.uid, 4) # # rand_recs = self.mapp.query_random(4 - rel_recs.count() + 2) # # self.render(tmpl, # kwd=kwd, # calc_info=rec, # userinfo=self.userinfo, # relations=rel_recs, # rand_recs=rand_recs, # unescape=tornado.escape.xhtml_unescape, # ad_switch=random.randint(1, 18), # tag_info=self.mapp2tag.get_by_id(app_id), # recent_apps=self.musage.query_recent(self.get_current_user(), 6)[1:], # map_hist=map_hist, # # json_recs=json_recs, # # layout_links=layout_links, # replys=replys, # ) def add_relation(self, f_uid, t_uid): if False == self.mapp.get_by_uid(t_uid): return False if f_uid == t_uid: ''' 关联其本身 ''' return False self.mrel.add_relation(f_uid, t_uid, 2) self.mrel.add_relation(t_uid, f_uid, 1) return True