예제 #1
def test_json():
    # Create environment
    server, session, transport, conn = _get_test_environment()

    # Send json message
    transport.recv(proto.message(None, dict(a=10, b=20)))

    # Check incoming message
    eq_(conn.pop_incoming(), dict(a=10, b=20))

    # Check outgoing message
    eq_(transport.pop_outgoing(), proto.message(None, dict(a=10, b=20)))
예제 #2
def test_message():
    # Test string message
    eq_(proto.message(None, 'abc'), u'3:::abc')

    eq_(proto.message('abc', 'def'), u'3::abc:def')

    eq_(proto.message(None, u'\u0403\u0404\u0405'),

    # TODO: Multibyte encoding fix

    # TODO: Fix me
    eq_(proto.message(None, dict(a=1, b=2)),
                      u'4:::%s' % proto.json_dumps(dict(a=1, b=2)))
예제 #3
def test_session_attach():
    # Create environment
    server, session, transport, conn = _get_test_environment(a=[10])

    # Check if connection opened
    eq_(conn.is_open, True)
    eq_(conn.request.arguments, {'a': [10]})
    eq_(conn.request.get_argument('a'), 10)

    # Send message and check if it was handled by connection
    transport.recv(proto.message(None, 'abc'))

    # Check if incoming queue has abc
    eq_(conn.pop_incoming(), 'abc')

    # Check if outgoing transport has abc
    eq_(transport.pop_outgoing(), '3:::abc')

    # Close session

    # Check if it sent disconnect packet to the client
    eq_(transport.pop_outgoing(), '0::')

    # Detach
    eq_(session.handler, None)

    # Check if session is still open
    eq_(transport.is_open, False)
    eq_(conn.is_open, False)
    eq_(session.is_closed, True)
예제 #4
def test_invalid_endpoint():
    # Create environment
    server, session, transport, conn = _get_test_environment()

    # Send message to unconnected endpoint
    transport.recv(proto.message('test', 'abc'))

    # Check if message was received by default endpoint
    eq_(len(conn.incoming), 0)
예제 #5
def test_endpoint():
    # Create environment
    server, session, transport, conn = _get_test_environment()

    # Connect endpoint

    # Verify that client received connect message
    eq_(transport.pop_outgoing(), '1::/test')

    # Verify that connection object was created
    conn_test = session.endpoints['/test']
    eq_(conn_test.endpoint, '/test')
    eq_(conn_test.is_open, True)
    eq_(conn_test.request.arguments, dict(a=['123'], b=['456']))
    eq_(conn_test.request.get_argument('a'), '123')

    # Send message to endpoint and verify that it was received
    transport.recv(proto.message('/test', 'abc'))
    eq_(conn_test.pop_incoming(), 'abc')
    eq_(transport.pop_outgoing(), '3::/test:abc')

    # Close endpoint connection from client

    # Verify that everything was cleaned up
    eq_(transport.pop_outgoing(), '0::/test')
    eq_(conn_test.is_open, False)
    eq_(conn.is_open, True)
    eq_(session.is_closed, False)

    eq_(session.endpoints, dict())

    # Open another endpoint connection

    # Verify that client received connect message
    eq_(transport.pop_outgoing(), '1::/test2')

    # Get connection
    conn_test = session.endpoints['/test2']
    eq_(conn_test.request.arguments, dict())

    # Close main connection

    # Check if connections were closed and sent out
    eq_(transport.pop_outgoing(), '0::/test2')
    eq_(transport.pop_outgoing(), '0::')

    eq_(conn_test.is_open, False)
    eq_(conn.is_open, False)
    eq_(session.is_closed, True)
예제 #6
    def send(self, message, callback=None, force_json=False):
        """Send message to the client.

            Message to send.
            Optional callback. If passed, callback will be called
            when client received sent message and sent acknowledgment
            Optional argument. If set to True (and message is a string)
            then the message type will be JSON (Type 4 in socket_io protocol).
            This is what you want, when you send already json encoded strings.
        if self.is_closed:

        if callback is not None:
            msg = proto.message(self.endpoint, message,
                                self.queue_ack(callback, message), force_json)
            msg = proto.message(self.endpoint, message, force_json=force_json)

예제 #7
def test_ack():
    # Create environment
    server, session, transport, conn = _get_test_environment()

    # Send message with ACK
    transport.recv(proto.message(None, 'abc', 1))

    # Check that message was received by the connection
    eq_(conn.pop_incoming(), 'abc')

    # Check for ACK
    eq_(transport.pop_outgoing(), '3:::abc')
    eq_(transport.pop_outgoing(), '6:::1')

    # Send with ACK
    def handler(msg, data):
        eq_(msg, 'abc')
        eq_(data, None)


    conn.send('abc', handler)

    eq_(transport.pop_outgoing(), '3:1::abc')

    # Send ACK from client

    # Check if handler was called
    eq_(transport.pop_outgoing(), '3:::yes')

    # Test ack with event
    # Send event with multiple parameters
    transport.recv(proto.event(None, 'test', 1, a=10, b=20))

    # Check outgoing
    eq_(transport.pop_outgoing(), proto.event(None, 'test', None, a=10, b=20))
    eq_(transport.pop_outgoing(), proto.ack(None, 1, 'test'))