def __init__(self): self.started = False self.daemon = None self.io_loop = IOLoop() = os.getpid() self.showlist = [] = tz.tzwinlocal() if tz.tzwinlocal else tz.tzlocal() self.config_file = None self.data_dir = None self.cache_dir = None self.quite = None self.no_launch = None self.web_port = None self.developer = None self.debug = None self.newest_version = None self.newest_version_string = None self.naming_ep_type = ("%(seasonnumber)dx%(episodenumber)02d", "s%(seasonnumber)02de%(episodenumber)02d", "S%(seasonnumber)02dE%(episodenumber)02d", "%(seasonnumber)02dx%(episodenumber)02d", "S%(seasonnumber)02d E%(episodenumber)02d") self.sports_ep_type = ("%(seasonnumber)dx%(episodenumber)02d", "s%(seasonnumber)02de%(episodenumber)02d", "S%(seasonnumber)02dE%(episodenumber)02d", "%(seasonnumber)02dx%(episodenumber)02d", "S%(seasonnumber)02 dE%(episodenumber)02d") self.naming_ep_type_text = ("1x02", "s01e02", "S01E02", "01x02", "S01 E02",) self.naming_multi_ep_type = {0: ["-%(episodenumber)02d"] * len(self.naming_ep_type), 1: [" - " + x for x in self.naming_ep_type], 2: [x + "%(episodenumber)02d" for x in ("x", "e", "E", "x")]} self.naming_multi_ep_type_text = ("extend", "duplicate", "repeat") self.naming_sep_type = (" - ", " ") self.naming_sep_type_text = (" - ", "space") self.user_agent = 'SiCKRAGE.CE.1/({};{};{})'.format(platform.system(), platform.release(), str(uuid.uuid1())) self.languages = [language for language in os.listdir(sickrage.LOCALE_DIR) if '_' in language] self.sys_encoding = get_sys_encoding() self.client_web_urls = {'torrent': '', 'newznab': ''} self.adba_connection = None self.notifier_providers = None self.metadata_providers = {} self.search_providers = None self.log = None self.config = None self.alerts = None self.main_db = None self.cache_db = None self.scheduler = None self.wserver = None self.google_auth = None self.name_cache = None self.show_queue = None self.search_queue = None self.postprocessor_queue = None self.version_updater = None self.show_updater = None self.daily_searcher = None self.backlog_searcher = None self.proper_searcher = None self.trakt_searcher = None self.subtitle_searcher = None self.auto_postprocessor = None self.upnp_client = None self.oidc_client = None self.quicksearch_cache = None
class Server(): def __init__(self, configfile=None, basedir=None, host="", port=5000, debug=False, allowRoot=False, logConf=None): self._configfile = configfile self._basedir = basedir self._host = host self._port = port self._debug = debug self._allowRoot = allowRoot self._logConf = logConf self._server = None self._logger = None self._lifecycle_callbacks = defaultdict(list) self._template_searchpaths = [] def run(self): if not self._allowRoot: self._check_for_root() global app global babel global printer global printerProfileManager global fileManager global slicingManager global analysisQueue global userManager global eventManager global loginManager global pluginManager global appSessionManager global pluginLifecycleManager global debug from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop from tornado.web import Application, RequestHandler import sys debug = self._debug # first initialize the settings singleton and make sure it uses given configfile and basedir if available s = settings(init=True, basedir=self._basedir, configfile=self._configfile) # then monkey patch a bunch of stuff util.tornado.fix_ioloop_scheduling() util.flask.enable_additional_translations(additional_folders=[s.getBaseFolder("translations")]) # setup app self._setup_app() # setup i18n self._setup_i18n(app) # then initialize logging self._setup_logging(self._debug, self._logConf) self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def exception_logger(exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb): self._logger.error("Uncaught exception", exc_info=(exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb)) sys.excepthook = exception_logger"Starting OctoPrint %s" % DISPLAY_VERSION) # then initialize the plugin manager pluginManager = octoprint.plugin.plugin_manager(init=True) printerProfileManager = PrinterProfileManager() eventManager = events.eventManager() analysisQueue = octoprint.filemanager.analysis.AnalysisQueue() slicingManager = octoprint.slicing.SlicingManager(s.getBaseFolder("slicingProfiles"), printerProfileManager) storage_managers = dict() storage_managers[octoprint.filemanager.FileDestinations.LOCAL] ="uploads")) fileManager = octoprint.filemanager.FileManager(analysisQueue, slicingManager, printerProfileManager, initial_storage_managers=storage_managers) printer = Printer(fileManager, analysisQueue, printerProfileManager) appSessionManager = util.flask.AppSessionManager() pluginLifecycleManager = LifecycleManager(pluginManager) def octoprint_plugin_inject_factory(name, implementation): if not isinstance(implementation, octoprint.plugin.OctoPrintPlugin): return None return dict( plugin_manager=pluginManager, printer_profile_manager=printerProfileManager, event_bus=eventManager, analysis_queue=analysisQueue, slicing_manager=slicingManager, file_manager=fileManager, printer=printer, app_session_manager=appSessionManager, plugin_lifecycle_manager=pluginLifecycleManager, data_folder=os.path.join(settings().getBaseFolder("data"), name) ) def settings_plugin_inject_factory(name, implementation): if not isinstance(implementation, octoprint.plugin.SettingsPlugin): return None default_settings = implementation.get_settings_defaults() get_preprocessors, set_preprocessors = implementation.get_settings_preprocessors() plugin_settings = octoprint.plugin.plugin_settings(name, defaults=default_settings, get_preprocessors=get_preprocessors, set_preprocessors=set_preprocessors) return dict(settings=plugin_settings) def settings_plugin_config_migration(name, implementation): if not isinstance(implementation, octoprint.plugin.SettingsPlugin): return settings_version = implementation.get_settings_version() settings_migrator = implementation.on_settings_migrate if settings_version is not None and settings_migrator is not None: stored_version = implementation._settings.get_int(["_config_version"]) if stored_version is None or stored_version < settings_version: settings_migrator(settings_version, stored_version) implementation._settings.set_int(["_config_version"], settings_version) implementation.on_settings_initialized() pluginManager.implementation_inject_factories=[octoprint_plugin_inject_factory, settings_plugin_inject_factory] pluginManager.initialize_implementations() settingsPlugins = pluginManager.get_implementations(octoprint.plugin.SettingsPlugin) for implementation in settingsPlugins: try: settings_plugin_config_migration(implementation._identifier, implementation) except: self._logger.exception("Error while trying to migrate settings for plugin {}, ignoring it".format(implementation._identifier)) pluginManager.implementation_post_inits=[settings_plugin_config_migration] pluginManager.log_all_plugins() # initialize file manager and register it for changes in the registered plugins fileManager.initialize() pluginLifecycleManager.add_callback(["enabled", "disabled"], lambda name, plugin: fileManager.reload_plugins()) # initialize slicing manager and register it for changes in the registered plugins slicingManager.initialize() pluginLifecycleManager.add_callback(["enabled", "disabled"], lambda name, plugin: slicingManager.reload_slicers()) # setup jinja2 self._setup_jinja2() def template_enabled(name, plugin): if plugin.implementation is None or not isinstance(plugin.implementation, octoprint.plugin.TemplatePlugin): return self._register_additional_template_plugin(plugin.implementation) def template_disabled(name, plugin): if plugin.implementation is None or not isinstance(plugin.implementation, octoprint.plugin.TemplatePlugin): return self._unregister_additional_template_plugin(plugin.implementation) pluginLifecycleManager.add_callback("enabled", template_enabled) pluginLifecycleManager.add_callback("disabled", template_disabled) # setup assets self._setup_assets() # configure timelapse octoprint.timelapse.configureTimelapse() # setup command triggers events.CommandTrigger(printer) if self._debug: events.DebugEventListener() # setup access control if s.getBoolean(["accessControl", "enabled"]): userManagerName = s.get(["accessControl", "userManager"]) try: clazz = octoprint.util.get_class(userManagerName) userManager = clazz() except AttributeError, e: self._logger.exception("Could not instantiate user manager %s, will run with accessControl disabled!" % userManagerName) app.wsgi_app = util.ReverseProxied( app.wsgi_app, s.get(["server", "reverseProxy", "prefixHeader"]), s.get(["server", "reverseProxy", "schemeHeader"]), s.get(["server", "reverseProxy", "hostHeader"]), s.get(["server", "reverseProxy", "prefixFallback"]), s.get(["server", "reverseProxy", "schemeFallback"]), s.get(["server", "reverseProxy", "hostFallback"]) ) secret_key = s.get(["server", "secretKey"]) if not secret_key: import string from random import choice chars = string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits secret_key = "".join(choice(chars) for _ in xrange(32)) s.set(["server", "secretKey"], secret_key) app.secret_key = secret_key loginManager = LoginManager() loginManager.session_protection = "strong" loginManager.user_callback = load_user if userManager is None: loginManager.anonymous_user = users.DummyUser principals.identity_loaders.appendleft(users.dummy_identity_loader) loginManager.init_app(app) if self._host is None: self._host = s.get(["server", "host"]) if self._port is None: self._port = s.getInt(["server", "port"]) app.debug = self._debug # register API blueprint self._setup_blueprints() ## Tornado initialization starts here ioloop = IOLoop() ioloop.install() self._router = SockJSRouter(self._create_socket_connection, "/sockjs") upload_suffixes = dict(name=s.get(["server", "uploads", "nameSuffix"]), path=s.get(["server", "uploads", "pathSuffix"])) server_routes = self._router.urls + [ # various downloads (r"/downloads/timelapse/([^/]*\.mpg)", util.tornado.LargeResponseHandler, dict(path=s.getBaseFolder("timelapse"), as_attachment=True)), (r"/downloads/files/local/(.*)", util.tornado.LargeResponseHandler, dict(path=s.getBaseFolder("uploads"), as_attachment=True, path_validation=util.tornado.path_validation_factory(lambda path: not os.path.basename(path).startswith("."), status_code=404))), (r"/downloads/logs/([^/]*)", util.tornado.LargeResponseHandler, dict(path=s.getBaseFolder("logs"), as_attachment=True, access_validation=util.tornado.access_validation_factory(app, loginManager, util.flask.admin_validator))), # camera snapshot (r"/downloads/camera/current", util.tornado.UrlForwardHandler, dict(url=s.get(["webcam", "snapshot"]), as_attachment=True, access_validation=util.tornado.access_validation_factory(app, loginManager, util.flask.user_validator))), # generated webassets (r"/static/webassets/(.*)", util.tornado.LargeResponseHandler, dict(path=os.path.join(s.getBaseFolder("generated"), "webassets"))) ] for name, hook in pluginManager.get_hooks("octoprint.server.http.routes").items(): try: result = hook(list(server_routes)) except: self._logger.exception("There was an error while retrieving additional server routes from plugin hook {name}".format(**locals())) else: if isinstance(result, (list, tuple)): for entry in result: if not isinstance(entry, tuple) or not len(entry) == 3: continue if not isinstance(entry[0], basestring): continue if not isinstance(entry[2], dict): continue route, handler, kwargs = entry route = r"/plugin/{name}/{route}".format(name=name, route=route if not route.startswith("/") else route[1:]) self._logger.debug("Adding additional route {route} handled by handler {handler} and with additional arguments {kwargs!r}".format(**locals())) server_routes.append((route, handler, kwargs)) server_routes.append((r".*", util.tornado.UploadStorageFallbackHandler, dict(fallback=util.tornado.WsgiInputContainer(app.wsgi_app), file_prefix="octoprint-file-upload-", file_suffix=".tmp", suffixes=upload_suffixes))) self._tornado_app = Application(server_routes) max_body_sizes = [ ("POST", r"/api/files/([^/]*)", s.getInt(["server", "uploads", "maxSize"])), ("POST", r"/api/languages", 5 * 1024 * 1024) ] # allow plugins to extend allowed maximum body sizes for name, hook in pluginManager.get_hooks("octoprint.server.http.bodysize").items(): try: result = hook(list(max_body_sizes)) except: self._logger.exception("There was an error while retrieving additional upload sizes from plugin hook {name}".format(**locals())) else: if isinstance(result, (list, tuple)): for entry in result: if not isinstance(entry, tuple) or not len(entry) == 3: continue if not entry[0] in util.tornado.UploadStorageFallbackHandler.BODY_METHODS: continue if not isinstance(entry[2], int): continue method, route, size = entry route = r"/plugin/{name}/{route}".format(name=name, route=route if not route.startswith("/") else route[1:]) self._logger.debug("Adding maximum body size of {size}B for {method} requests to {route})".format(**locals())) max_body_sizes.append((method, route, size)) self._server = util.tornado.CustomHTTPServer(self._tornado_app, max_body_sizes=max_body_sizes, default_max_body_size=s.getInt(["server", "maxSize"])) self._server.listen(self._port, address=self._host) if s.getBoolean(["serial", "autoconnect"]): (port, baudrate) = s.get(["serial", "port"]), s.getInt(["serial", "baudrate"]) printer_profile = printerProfileManager.get_default() connectionOptions = get_connection_options() if port in connectionOptions["ports"]: printer.connect(port=port, baudrate=baudrate, profile=printer_profile["id"] if "id" in printer_profile else "_default") # start up watchdogs if s.getBoolean(["feature", "pollWatched"]): # use less performant polling observer if explicitely configured observer = PollingObserver() else: # use os default observer = Observer() observer.schedule(util.watchdog.GcodeWatchdogHandler(fileManager, printer), s.getBaseFolder("watched")) observer.start() # run our startup plugins octoprint.plugin.call_plugin(octoprint.plugin.StartupPlugin, "on_startup", args=(self._host, self._port)) def call_on_startup(name, plugin): implementation = plugin.get_implementation(octoprint.plugin.StartupPlugin) if implementation is None: return implementation.on_startup(self._host, self._port) pluginLifecycleManager.add_callback("enabled", call_on_startup) # prepare our after startup function def on_after_startup():"Listening on http://%s:%d" % (self._host, self._port)) # now this is somewhat ugly, but the issue is the following: startup plugins might want to do things for # which they need the server to be already alive (e.g. for being able to resolve urls, such as favicons # or service xmls or the like). While they are working though the ioloop would block. Therefore we'll # create a single use thread in which to perform our after-startup-tasks, start that and hand back # control to the ioloop def work(): octoprint.plugin.call_plugin(octoprint.plugin.StartupPlugin, "on_after_startup") def call_on_after_startup(name, plugin): implementation = plugin.get_implementation(octoprint.plugin.StartupPlugin) if implementation is None: return implementation.on_after_startup() pluginLifecycleManager.add_callback("enabled", call_on_after_startup) import threading threading.Thread(target=work).start() ioloop.add_callback(on_after_startup) # prepare our shutdown function def on_shutdown(): # will be called on clean system exit and shutdown the watchdog observer and call the on_shutdown methods # on all registered ShutdownPlugins"Shutting down...") observer.stop() observer.join() octoprint.plugin.call_plugin(octoprint.plugin.ShutdownPlugin, "on_shutdown")"Goodbye!") atexit.register(on_shutdown) def sigterm_handler(*args, **kwargs): # will stop tornado on SIGTERM, making the program exit cleanly def shutdown_tornado(): ioloop.stop() ioloop.add_callback_from_signal(shutdown_tornado) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sigterm_handler) try: # this is the main loop - as long as tornado is running, OctoPrint is running ioloop.start() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): pass except: self._logger.fatal("Now that is embarrassing... Something really really went wrong here. Please report this including the stacktrace below in OctoPrint's bugtracker. Thanks!") self._logger.exception("Stacktrace follows:")
def get_new_ioloop(self): """Creates a new `.IOLoop` for this test. May be overridden in subclasses for tests that require a specific `.IOLoop` (usually the singleton `.IOLoop.instance()`). """ return IOLoop()
item_cache = ItemCache() application = tornado.web.Application([ (r"/", MainHandler, dict(item_cache=item_cache)), (r"/about", AboutHandler), (r"/search", SearchHandler), ], **settings) HOST = os.getenv('VCAP_APP_HOST', '') PORT = int(os.getenv('VCAP_APP_PORT', '80')) http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(application) http_server.listen(PORT, HOST) ioloop = IOLoop().instance() sched = InitialPeriodicCallback(item_cache.update_local_file_database, 20 * MINUTE, 1 * SECOND, io_loop=ioloop) sched.start() if 'production' not in sys.argv: for root, dirs, files in os.walk('.', topdown=False): for name in files: if '#' not in name and 'DS_S' not in name and 'flymake' not in name and 'pyc' not in name: + '/' + name) tornado.autoreload.start(ioloop) ioloop.start()
def __init__(self, **kwargs): Thread.__init__(self, name="Control", **kwargs) self.io_loop = IOLoop(make_current=False) self.pydev_do_not_trace = True self.is_pydev_daemon_thread = True
def __init__(self, async_client_class=None, **kwargs): self._io_loop = IOLoop() if async_client_class is None: async_client_class = AsyncHTTPClient self._async_client = async_client_class(self._io_loop, **kwargs) self._closed = False
def __init__(self): # always use a new ioloop IOLoop.clear_current() IOLoop(make_current=True) super(_TestReactor, self).__init__() IOLoop.clear_current()
def bk_worker(): server = Server({'/bkapp': modify_doc}, io_loop=IOLoop(), allow_websocket_origin=[""]) server.start() server.io_loop.start()
def f(): for i in range(10): loop = IOLoop() loop.close()
def get_new_ioloop(self): '''Creates a new IOLoop for this test. May be overridden in subclasses for tests that require a specific IOLoop (usually the singleton). ''' return IOLoop()
def _run( cls, worker_kwargs, worker_start_args, silence_logs, init_result_q, child_stop_q, uid, env, config, Worker, ): # pragma: no cover os.environ.update(env) dask.config.set(config) try: from dask.multiprocessing import initialize_worker_process except ImportError: # old Dask version pass else: initialize_worker_process() if silence_logs: logger.setLevel(silence_logs) IOLoop.clear_instance() loop = IOLoop() loop.make_current() worker = Worker(**worker_kwargs) async def do_stop(timeout=5, executor_wait=True): try: await worker.close( report=False, nanny=False, executor_wait=executor_wait, timeout=timeout, ) finally: loop.stop() def watch_stop_q(): """ Wait for an incoming stop message and then stop the worker cleanly. """ while True: try: msg = child_stop_q.get(timeout=1000) except Empty: pass else: child_stop_q.close() assert msg.pop("op") == "stop" loop.add_callback(do_stop, **msg) break t = threading.Thread(target=watch_stop_q, name="Nanny stop queue watch") t.daemon = True t.start() async def run(): """ Try to start worker and inform parent of outcome. """ try: await worker except Exception as e: logger.exception("Failed to start worker") init_result_q.put({"uid": uid, "exception": e}) init_result_q.close() else: try: assert worker.address except ValueError: pass else: init_result_q.put({ "address": worker.address, "dir": worker.local_directory, "uid": uid, }) init_result_q.close() await worker.finished()"Worker closed") try: loop.run_sync(run) except (TimeoutError, gen.TimeoutError): # Loop was stopped before wait_until_closed() returned, ignore pass except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
def test_github_missing_ref(): provider = GitHubRepoProvider( spec='jupyterhub/zero-to-jupyterhub-k8s/v0.') ref = IOLoop().run_sync(provider.get_resolved_ref) assert ref is None
def get_new_ioloop(self): return IOLoop().instance()
def serve_http(): data['ioloop'] = IOLoop() http_server.listen(PORT) IOLoop.current().start()
def test_loop_runner(loop_in_thread): # Implicit loop loop = IOLoop() loop.make_current() runner = LoopRunner() assert runner.loop not in (loop, loop_in_thread) assert not runner.is_started() assert_not_running(runner.loop) runner.start() assert runner.is_started() assert_running(runner.loop) runner.stop() assert not runner.is_started() assert_not_running(runner.loop) # Explicit loop loop = IOLoop() runner = LoopRunner(loop=loop) assert runner.loop is loop assert not runner.is_started() assert_not_running(loop) runner.start() assert runner.is_started() assert_running(loop) runner.stop() assert not runner.is_started() assert_not_running(loop) # Explicit loop, already started runner = LoopRunner(loop=loop_in_thread) assert not runner.is_started() assert_running(loop_in_thread) runner.start() assert runner.is_started() assert_running(loop_in_thread) runner.stop() assert not runner.is_started() assert_running(loop_in_thread) # Implicit loop, asynchronous=True loop = IOLoop() loop.make_current() runner = LoopRunner(asynchronous=True) assert runner.loop is loop assert not runner.is_started() assert_not_running(runner.loop) runner.start() assert runner.is_started() assert_not_running(runner.loop) runner.stop() assert not runner.is_started() assert_not_running(runner.loop) # Explicit loop, asynchronous=True loop = IOLoop() runner = LoopRunner(loop=loop, asynchronous=True) assert runner.loop is loop assert not runner.is_started() assert_not_running(runner.loop) runner.start() assert runner.is_started() assert_not_running(runner.loop) runner.stop() assert not runner.is_started() assert_not_running(runner.loop)
def _run(cls, worker_args, worker_kwargs, worker_start_args, silence_logs, init_result_q, child_stop_q, uid, Worker): # pragma: no cover try: from dask.multiprocessing import initialize_worker_process except ImportError: # old Dask version pass else: initialize_worker_process() if silence_logs: logger.setLevel(silence_logs) IOLoop.clear_instance() loop = IOLoop() loop.make_current() worker = Worker(*worker_args, **worker_kwargs) @gen.coroutine def do_stop(timeout=5, executor_wait=True): try: yield worker._close(report=False, nanny=False, executor_wait=executor_wait, timeout=timeout) finally: loop.stop() def watch_stop_q(): """ Wait for an incoming stop message and then stop the worker cleanly. """ while True: try: msg = child_stop_q.get(timeout=1000) except Empty: pass else: child_stop_q.close() assert msg.pop('op') == 'stop' loop.add_callback(do_stop, **msg) break t = threading.Thread(target=watch_stop_q, name="Nanny stop queue watch") t.daemon = True t.start() @gen.coroutine def run(): """ Try to start worker and inform parent of outcome. """ try: yield worker._start(*worker_start_args) except Exception as e: logger.exception("Failed to start worker") init_result_q.put({'uid': uid, 'exception': e}) init_result_q.close() else: assert worker.address init_result_q.put({ 'address': worker.address, 'dir': worker.local_dir, 'uid': uid }) init_result_q.close() yield worker.wait_until_closed()"Worker closed") try: loop.run_sync(run) except TimeoutError: # Loop was stopped before wait_until_closed() returned, ignore pass except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
def threadoperation(queryPerSec): @gen.coroutine def printresults():'{} {} {} {}'.format(start.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), end.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), runtime, queryPerSec)) line = list() querypermin = queryPerSec * 60 endtime ='UTC')) + timedelta(minutes=runtime) popularitylist = list() newquerylist = list() if filename != "": newquerylist = QueryGenerator.generateQueriesFromFile( start, end, querypermin * runtime, timeAccessGenerator, periodAccessGenerator, filename) elif isbatch == True: newquerylist = QueryGenerator.generateQueries( start, end, querypermin * runtime, timeAccessGenerator, periodAccessGenerator, popularitylist) # if filename != "" or isbatch == True: # count = 0 # time ='UTC')) #"Time: {}".format(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) # nextminute = time + timedelta(minutes=1) # for query in newquerylist: # try: # line.append(applyOperation(query, config, logger)) # except Exception as inst: # logger.error(type(inst)) # the exception instance # logger.error(inst.args) # arguments stored in .args # logger.error(inst) # __str__ allows args to be printed directly # x, y = inst.args # logger.error('x =', x) # logger.error('y =', y) # # count = count + 1 # if count >= querypermin: # timediff = (nextminute -'UTC'))).total_seconds() # if timediff > 0: # yield gen.sleep(timediff) # count = 0 # time ='UTC')) #"Time: {}".format(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) # nextminute = time + timedelta(minutes=1) # # else: # while True: # time ='UTC')) #"Time: {}".format(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) # if time >= endtime: # break # # #Query generated every minute. This is to optimize the overhead of query generation and also because segment granularity is minute # newquerylist = QueryGenerator.generateQueries(start, time, querypermin, timeAccessGenerator, periodAccessGenerator, popularitylist) # # for query in newquerylist: # try: # line.append(applyOperation(query, config, logger)) # except Exception as inst: # logger.error(type(inst)) # the exception instance # logger.error(inst.args) # arguments stored in .args # logger.error(inst) # __str__ allows args to be printed directly # x, y = inst.args # logger.error('x =', x) # logger.error('y =', y) # # # nextminute = time + timedelta(minutes=1) # timediff = (nextminute -'UTC'))).total_seconds() # if timediff > 0: # yield gen.sleep(timediff) # # wait_iterator = gen.WaitIterator(*line) # while not wait_iterator.done(): # try: # result = yield # except Exception as e: # logger.error("Error {} from {}".format(e, wait_iterator.current_future)) # #else: # #"Result {} received from {} at {}".format( # # result, wait_iterator.current_future, # # wait_iterator.current_index)) IOLoop().run_sync(printresults)'exiting...') self.is_closing = True def try_exit(self): if self.is_closing: IOLoop.instance().stop()'exit success') if __name__ == '__main__': tornado_options.parse_command_line() routes = [ URLSpec(r'/healthz', HealthzHandler), URLSpec(r"/metrics", MetricsHandler), URLSpec(r"/", FunctionHandler) ]"Server is starting") loop = uvloop.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) io_loop = IOLoop().current() app = KubelessApplication(routes) server = HTTPServer(app) server.bind(func_port, reuse_port=True) server.start() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, app.signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, app.signal_handler) PeriodicCallback(app.try_exit, 100).start() io_loop.start()
def serve_http(): global IOLOOP IOLOOP = IOLoop().current() http_server = HTTPServer(WSGIContainer(app)) http_server.listen(PORT) IOLOOP.start()
def __init__(self): self._io_loop = IOLoop() self._async_client = AsyncHTTPClient(self._io_loop) self._response = None self._closed = False
def _start(): self.io_loop = IOLoop() self.io_loop.make_current() self.io_loop.add_callback(_start_co) self.io_loop.start()
def __init__(self, application, **server_kwargs): loop = IOLoop() loop.make_current() server_kwargs['io_loop'] = loop self._server = Server(application, **server_kwargs)
def serve(panels, port=0, address=None, websocket_origin=None, loop=None, show=True, start=True, title=None, verbose=True, location=True, threaded=False, **kwargs): """ Allows serving one or more panel objects on a single server. The panels argument should be either a Panel object or a function returning a Panel object or a dictionary of these two. If a dictionary is supplied the keys represent the slugs at which each app is served, e.g. `serve({'app': panel1, 'app2': panel2})` will serve apps at /app and /app2 on the server. Arguments --------- panel: Viewable, function or {str: Viewable or function} A Panel object, a function returning a Panel object or a dictionary mapping from the URL slug to either. port: int (optional, default=0) Allows specifying a specific port address : str The address the server should listen on for HTTP requests. websocket_origin: str or list(str) (optional) A list of hosts that can connect to the websocket. This is typically required when embedding a server app in an external web site. If None, "localhost" is used. loop : tornado.ioloop.IOLoop (optional, default=IOLoop.current()) The tornado IOLoop to run the Server on show : boolean (optional, default=False) Whether to open the server in a new browser tab on start start : boolean(optional, default=False) Whether to start the Server title: str or {str: str} (optional, default=None) An HTML title for the application or a dictionary mapping from the URL slug to a customized title verbose: boolean (optional, default=True) Whether to print the address and port location : boolean or Whether to create a Location component to observe and set the URL location. threaded: boolean (default=False) Whether to start the server on a new Thread kwargs: dict Additional keyword arguments to pass to Server instance """ kwargs = dict( kwargs, **dict(port=port, address=address, websocket_origin=websocket_origin, loop=loop, show=show, start=start, title=title, verbose=verbose, location=location)) if threaded: from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop kwargs['loop'] = loop = IOLoop() if loop is None else loop server = StoppableThread(target=get_server, io_loop=loop, args=(panels, ), kwargs=kwargs) server.start() else: server = get_server(panels, **kwargs) return server
def test_prepare_asking_for_password_with_browser(monkeypatch): keyring.reset_keyring_module() # In this scenario, we store a password in the keyring. from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop io_loop = IOLoop() http_results = {} def click_submit(url): from anaconda_project.internal.test.http_utils import http_get_async, http_post_async from tornado import gen @gen.coroutine def do_http(): http_results['get_click_submit'] = get_response = yield http_get_async(url) if get_response.code != 200: raise Exception("got a bad http response " + repr(get_response)) http_results['post_click_submit'] = post_response = yield http_post_async(url, body="") assert 200 == post_response.code assert '</form>' in str(post_response.body) assert 'FOO_PASSWORD' in str(post_response.body) fill_in_password(url, post_response) io_loop.add_callback(do_http) def fill_in_password(url, first_response): from anaconda_project.internal.test.http_utils import http_post_async from anaconda_project.internal.plugin_html import _BEAUTIFUL_SOUP_BACKEND from tornado import gen from bs4 import BeautifulSoup if first_response.code != 200: raise Exception("got a bad http response " + repr(first_response)) # set the FOO_PASSWORD field soup = BeautifulSoup(first_response.body, _BEAUTIFUL_SOUP_BACKEND) password_fields = soup.find_all("input", attrs={'type': 'password'}) if len(password_fields) == 0: print("No password fields in " + repr(soup)) raise Exception("password field not found") else: field = password_fields[0] assert 'name' in field.attrs @gen.coroutine def do_http(): http_results['post_fill_in_password'] = yield http_post_async(url, form={field['name']: 'bloop'}) io_loop.add_callback(do_http) def mock_open_new_tab(url): return click_submit(url) monkeypatch.setattr('webbrowser.open_new_tab', mock_open_new_tab) def prepare_with_browser(dirname): project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname) environ = minimal_environ() result = prepare_with_browser_ui(project, environ=environ, keep_going_until_success=False, io_loop=io_loop) assert result.errors == [] assert result assert dict(FOO_PASSWORD='******', PROJECT_DIR=project.directory_path) == strip_environ(result.environ) assert dict() == strip_environ(environ) # wait for the results of the POST to come back, # awesome hack-tacular while 'post_fill_in_password' not in http_results: io_loop.call_later(0.01, lambda: io_loop.stop()) io_loop.start() assert 'get_click_submit' in http_results assert 'post_click_submit' in http_results assert 'post_fill_in_password' in http_results assert 200 == http_results['get_click_submit'].code assert 200 == http_results['post_click_submit'].code assert 200 == http_results['post_fill_in_password'].code final_done_html = str(http_results['post_fill_in_password'].body) assert "Done!" in final_done_html assert "Environment variable FOO_PASSWORD is set." in final_done_html local_state_file = LocalStateFile.load_for_directory(project.directory_path) assert local_state_file.get_value(['variables', 'FOO_PASSWORD']) is None # now a no-browser prepare() should read password from the # keyring keyring.enable_fallback_keyring() try: with_directory_contents_completing_project_file( {DEFAULT_PROJECT_FILENAME: """ variables: FOO_PASSWORD: {} """}, prepare_with_browser) finally: keyring.disable_fallback_keyring()
def run(self): loop = IOLoop() app = Application([(r'/', WsSocketHandler)]) app.listen(self.port) loop.start()
def f(): for i in range(10): loop = IOLoop(make_current=False) loop.close()
@gen.coroutine def consumer(): while True: item = yield q.get() try: print 'do %s' % item yield gen.sleep(5) finally: q.task_done() @gen.coroutine def producer(): for item in range(15): yield q.put(item) print 'put %s' % item @gen.coroutine def main(): IOLoop.current().spawn_callback(consumer) yield producer() yield q.join() print 'done' if __name__ == '__main__': IOLoop().run_sync(main)
def setUp(self): self.io_loop = IOLoop(make_current=False)
def setUp(self): self.io_loop = IOLoop()
def __init__(self, n_workers=None, threads_per_worker=None, processes=True, loop=None, start=True, ip=None, scheduler_port=0, silence_logs=logging.CRITICAL, diagnostics_port=8787, services={}, worker_services={}, nanny=None, **worker_kwargs): if nanny is not None: warnings.warning("nanny has been deprecated, used processes=") processes = nanny self.status = None self.processes = processes self.silence_logs = silence_logs if silence_logs: silence_logging(level=silence_logs) if n_workers is None and threads_per_worker is None: if processes: n_workers = _ncores threads_per_worker = 1 else: n_workers = 1 threads_per_worker = _ncores if n_workers is None and threads_per_worker is not None: n_workers = max(1, _ncores // threads_per_worker) if n_workers and threads_per_worker is None: # Overcommit threads per worker, rather than undercommit threads_per_worker = max(1, int(math.ceil(_ncores / n_workers))) self.loop = loop or IOLoop() if start and not self.loop._running: self._thread = Thread(target=self.loop.start, name="LocalCluster loop") self._thread.daemon = True self._thread.start() while not self.loop._running: sleep(0.001) if diagnostics_port is not None: try: from distributed.bokeh.scheduler import BokehScheduler from distributed.bokeh.worker import BokehWorker except ImportError: logger.debug( "To start diagnostics web server please install Bokeh") else: services[('bokeh', diagnostics_port)] = BokehScheduler worker_services[('bokeh', 0)] = BokehWorker self.scheduler = Scheduler(loop=self.loop, services=services) self.scheduler_port = scheduler_port self.workers = [] self.n_workers = n_workers self.threads_per_worker = threads_per_worker self.worker_services = worker_services self.worker_kwargs = worker_kwargs if start: sync(self.loop, self._start, ip) clusters_to_close.add(self)