def _maybe_connect(self, to_pid, callback=None): """Asynchronously establish a connection to the remote pid.""" callback = stack_context.wrap(callback or (lambda stream: None)) def streaming_callback(data): # we are not guaranteed to get an acknowledgment, but log and discard bytes if we do.'Received %d bytes from %s, discarding.' % (len(data), to_pid)) log.debug(' data: %r' % (data, )) def on_connect(exit_cb, stream):'Connection to %s established' % to_pid) with self._connection_callbacks_lock: self._connections[to_pid] = stream self.__dispatch_on_connect_callbacks(to_pid, stream) self.__loop.add_callback(stream.read_until_close, exit_cb, streaming_callback=streaming_callback) create = False with self._connection_callbacks_lock: stream = self._connections.get(to_pid) callbacks = self._connection_callbacks.get(to_pid) if not stream: self._connection_callbacks[to_pid].append(callback) if not callbacks: create = True if stream: self.__loop.add_callback(callback, stream) return if not create: return sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0) if not sock: raise self.SocketError('Failed opening socket') stream = IOStream(sock, io_loop=self.__loop) stream.set_nodelay(True) stream.set_close_callback( partial(self.__on_exit, to_pid, b'reached end of stream')) connect_callback = partial(on_connect, partial(self.__on_exit, to_pid), stream)'Establishing connection to %s' % to_pid) stream.connect((to_pid.ip, to_pid.port), callback=connect_callback) if stream.closed(): raise self.SocketError('Failed to initiate stream connection')'Maybe connected to %s' % to_pid)
def _maybe_connect(self, to_pid, callback=None): """Asynchronously establish a connection to the remote pid.""" callback = stack_context.wrap(callback or (lambda stream: None)) def streaming_callback(data): # we are not guaranteed to get an acknowledgment, but log and discard bytes if we do.'Received %d bytes from %s, discarding.' % (len(data), to_pid)) log.debug(' data: %r' % (data,)) def on_connect(exit_cb, stream):'Connection to %s established' % to_pid) with self._connection_callbacks_lock: self._connections[to_pid] = stream self.__dispatch_on_connect_callbacks(to_pid, stream) self.__loop.add_callback( stream.read_until_close, exit_cb, streaming_callback=streaming_callback) create = False with self._connection_callbacks_lock: stream = self._connections.get(to_pid) callbacks = self._connection_callbacks.get(to_pid) if not stream: self._connection_callbacks[to_pid].append(callback) if not callbacks: create = True if stream: self.__loop.add_callback(callback, stream) return if not create: return sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0) if not sock: raise self.SocketError('Failed opening socket') stream = IOStream(sock, io_loop=self.__loop) stream.set_nodelay(True) stream.set_close_callback(partial(self.__on_exit, to_pid, b'reached end of stream')) connect_callback = partial(on_connect, partial(self.__on_exit, to_pid), stream)'Establishing connection to %s' % to_pid) stream.connect((to_pid.ip, to_pid.port), callback=connect_callback) if stream.closed(): raise self.SocketError('Failed to initiate stream connection')'Maybe connected to %s' % to_pid)
def _create_connection(self, stream: IOStream) -> HTTP1Connection: stream.set_nodelay(True) connection = HTTP1Connection( stream, True, HTTP1ConnectionParameters( no_keep_alive=True, max_header_size=self.max_header_size, max_body_size=self.max_body_size, decompress=bool(self.request.decompress_response), ), self._sockaddr, ) return connection
def io_stream(request, io_loop): '''Create an instance of the `tornado.iostream.IOStream`. Current `tornado.ioloop.IOLoop` is used for the stream, that is provided by `io_loop` fixture. No-delay flag is set for this stream. The no-delay flag requests that data should be written as soon as possible, even if doing so would consume additional bandwidth. ''' s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0) stream = IOStream(s) stream.set_nodelay(True) yield stream stream.close()
def io_stream(request, io_loop): """Create an instance of the `tornado.iostream.IOStream`. Current `tornado.ioloop.IOLoop` is used for the stream, that is provided by `io_loop` fixture. No-delay flag is set for this stream. The no-delay flag requests that data should be written as soon as possible, even if doing so would consume additional bandwidth. """ s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0) stream = IOStream(s) stream.set_nodelay(True) yield stream stream.close()
def maybe_connect(self, to_pid, callback=None): """Synchronously open a connection to to_pid or return a connection if it exists.""" callback = stack_context.wrap(callback or (lambda stream: None)) def streaming_callback(data): # we are not guaranteed to get an acknowledgment, but log and discard bytes if we do.'Received %d bytes from %s, discarding.' % (len(data), to_pid)) def on_connect(exit_cb, stream):'Connection to %s established' % to_pid) self._connections[to_pid] = stream callback(stream) self.loop.add_callback(stream.read_until_close, exit_cb, streaming_callback=streaming_callback) stream = self._connections.get(to_pid) if stream is not None: callback(stream) return sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0) if not sock: raise self.SocketError("Failed opening socket") # Set the socket non-blocking sock.setblocking(0) stream = IOStream(sock, io_loop=self.loop) stream.set_nodelay(True) stream.set_close_callback(partial(self.__on_exit, to_pid, b'closed from maybe_connect')) connect_callback = partial(on_connect, partial(self.__on_exit, to_pid), stream)'Establishing connection to %s' % to_pid) stream.connect((to_pid.ip, to_pid.port), callback=connect_callback) if stream.closed(): raise self.SocketError("Failed to initiate stream connection")'Maybe connected to %s' % to_pid)
class _RedisConnection(object): def __init__(self, io_loop, write_buf, final_callback, redis_tuple, redis_pass): """ :param io_loop: 你懂的 :param write_buf: 第一次写入 :param final_callback: resp赋值时调用 :param redis_tuple: (ip, port, db) :param redis_pass: redis密码 """ self.__io_loop = io_loop self.__final_cb = final_callback self.__stream = None #redis应答解析remain self.__recv_buf = '' self.__write_buf = write_buf init_buf = '' init_buf = chain_select_cmd(redis_tuple[2], init_buf) if redis_pass is None: self.__init_buf = (init_buf, ) else: assert redis_pass and isinstance(redis_pass, str) self.__init_buf = (redis_auth(redis_pass), init_buf) self.__haspass = redis_pass is not None self.__init_buf = ''.join(self.__init_buf) self.__connect_state = CONNECT_INIT #redis指令上下文, connect指令个数(AUTH, SELECT .etc),trans,cmd_count self.__cmd_env = deque() self.__written = False def connect(self, init_future, redis_tuple, active_trans, cmd_count): """ :param init_future: 第一个future对象 :param redis_tuple: (ip, port, db) :param active_trans: 事务是否激活 :param cmd_count: 指令个数 """ if self.__stream is not None: return #future, connect_count, transaction, cmd_count self.__cmd_env.append((init_future, 1 + int(self.__haspass), False, 0)) self.__cmd_env.append((init_future, 0, active_trans, cmd_count)) with ExceptionStackContext(self.__handle_ex): self.__stream = IOStream(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0), io_loop=self.__io_loop) self.__stream.set_close_callback(self.__on_close) self.__stream.connect(redis_tuple[:2], self.__on_connect) self.__connect_state = CONNECT_ING def connect_state(self): return self.__connect_state def write(self, write_buf, new_future, include_select, active_trans, cmd_count, by_connect=False): """ :param new_future: 由于闭包的影响,在resp回调函数中会保存上一次的future对象,该对象必须得到更新 :param include_select: 是否包含SELECT指令 :param active_trans: 事务是否激活 :param cmd_count: 指令个数 """ if by_connect: self.__stream.write(self.__init_buf) self.__init_buf = None if self.__write_buf: self.__stream.write(self.__write_buf) self.__write_buf = None return self.__cmd_env.append( (new_future, int(include_select), active_trans, cmd_count)) if self.__connect_state == CONNECT_ING: self.__write_buf = ''.join((self.__write_buf, write_buf)) return if self.__write_buf: write_buf = ''.join((self.__write_buf, write_buf)) self.__stream.write(write_buf) self.__write_buf = None def __on_connect(self): """连接,只需要发送初始cmd即可 """ self.__connect_state = CONNECT_SUCC self.__stream.set_nodelay(True) self.write(None, None, None, None, None, True) self.__stream.read_until_close(None, self.__on_resp) def __on_resp(self, recv): """ :param recv: 收到的buf """ recv = ''.join((self.__recv_buf, recv)) idx = 0 for future, connect_count, trans, count in self.__cmd_env: ok, payload, recv = decode_resp_ondemand(recv, connect_count, trans, count) if not ok: break idx += 1 if count > 0: self.__run_callback({ _RESP_FUTURE: future, RESP_RESULT: payload }) self.__recv_buf = recv for _ in xrange(idx): self.__cmd_env.popleft() def __on_close(self): self.__connect_state = CONNECT_INIT if self.__final_cb: if self.__stream.error: self.__run_callback({RESP_ERR: self.__stream.error}) def __run_callback(self, resp): if self.__final_cb is None: return self.__io_loop.add_callback(self.__final_cb, resp) def __handle_ex(self, typ, value, tb): """ :param typ: 异常类型 """ if self.__final_cb: self.__run_callback({RESP_ERR: value}) return True return False
class _RedisConnection(object): def __init__(self, final_callback, redis_tuple, redis_pwd): """ :param final_callback: resp赋值时调用 :param redis_tuple: (ip, port, db) :param redis_pwd: redis密码 """ self.__io_loop = IOLoop.instance() self.__resp_cb = final_callback self.__stream = None #redis应答解析remain self.__recv_buf = '' self.__redis_tuple = redis_tuple self.__redis_pwd = redis_pwd #redis指令上下文, connect指令个数(AUTH, SELECT .etc),trans,cmd_count self.__cmd_env = deque() self.__cache_before_connect = [] self.__connected = False def con_ok(self): """ 连接对象是否ok :return: """ return self.__connected def connect(self, init_future): """ connect指令包括:AUTH, SELECT :param init_future: 第一个future对象 """ #future, connect_count, transaction, cmd_count self.__cmd_env.append((init_future, 1 + int(bool(self.__redis_pwd)), False, 0)) self.__stream = IOStream(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0), io_loop=self.__io_loop) self.__stream.set_close_callback(self.__on_close) self.__stream.connect(self.__redis_tuple[:2], self.__on_connect) def __on_connect(self): """连接,只需要发送初始cmd即可 """ self.__connected = True self.__stream.set_nodelay(True) self.__stream.read_until_close(self.__last_closd_recv, self.__on_resp) self.__stream.write(chain_select_cmd(self.__redis_pwd, self.__redis_tuple[-1])) for x in self.__cache_before_connect: self.__stream.write(x) self.__cache_before_connect = [] def write(self, buf, new_future, active_trans, cmd_count): """ :param new_future: 由于闭包的影响,在resp回调函数中会保存上一次的future对象,该对象必须得到更新 :param active_trans: 事务是否激活 :param cmd_count: 指令个数 """ self.__cmd_env.append((new_future, 0, active_trans, cmd_count)) if not self.__connected: self.__cache_before_connect.append(buf) return self.__stream.write(buf) def __last_closd_recv(self, data): """ socket关闭时最后几个字节 """ if not data: return self.__on_resp(data) def __on_resp(self, recv): """ :param recv: 收到的buf """ recv = ''.join((self.__recv_buf, recv)) idx = 0 for future, connect, trans, cmd in self.__cmd_env: ok, payload, recv = decode_resp_ondemand(recv, connect, trans, cmd) if not ok: break idx += 1 if not connect: self.__run_callback({_RESP_FUTURE: future, RESP_RESULT: payload}) self.__recv_buf = recv for _ in xrange(idx): self.__cmd_env.popleft() def __run_callback(self, resp): if self.__resp_cb is None: return self.__io_loop.add_callback(self.__resp_cb, resp) def __on_close(self): self.__connected = False while len(self.__cmd_env) > 0: self.__run_callback({_RESP_FUTURE: self.__cmd_env.popleft(), RESP_RESULT: 0}) self.__cmd_env.clear()
class redisSub: def __init__(self, host="localhost", port=6379, db=0, pw=None): self.socket = socket.socket() self.socket.connect((host, port)) self.fp = self.socket.makefile("rb") = None if pw: self._command("AUTH", pw) self._get_reply() if db: self._command("SELECT", db) self._get_reply() def _command(self, *args): cmd = [b"*", b(len(args)), b"\r\n"] for val in args: val = b(val) cmd += [b"$", b(len(val)), b"\r\n", val, b"\r\n"] cmd = b"".join(cmd) self.socket.sendall(cmd) def _get_reply(self): data = self.fp.readline() flag, data = data[0], data[1:-2] if flag == 36: # b"$" bulk length = int(data) if length == -1: data = None else: data = self.fp.readline() data = data[:-2].decode() elif flag == 42: # b"*" multi bulk length = int(data) if length == -1: data = None else: data = tuple(self._get_reply() for i in range(length)) elif flag == 58: # b":" integer data = int(data) elif flag == 43: # b"+" status data = data.decode() elif flag == 45: # b"-" error raise Exception(data) return data def subscribe(self, *channels): self._command("SUBSCRIBE", *channels) return tuple(self._get_reply() for i in channels) def unsubscribe(self, *channels): self._command("UNSUBSCRIBE", *channels) return tuple(self._get_reply() for i in channels) def psubscribe(self, *pattenns): self._command("PSUBSCRIBE", *pattenns) return tuple(self._get_reply() for i in pattenns) def punsubscribe(self, *pattenns): self._command("PUNSUBSCRIBE", *pattenns) return tuple(self._get_reply() for i in pattenns) def close(self): if is not None: else: self.fp.close() self.socket.close() @gen.coroutine def listen(self, callback): if is not None: return self.fp.close() = IOStream(self.socket) while not data = yield gen.Task(, b"\n") flag, data = data[0], data[1:-2] if flag != 42: raise Exception("unexpected reply flag: " + chr(flag)) length = int(data) if length == -1: reply = None else: reply = [] for i in range(length): data = yield gen.Task(, b"\n") flag, data = data[0], data[1:-2] if flag != 36: raise Exception("unexpected reply flag: " + chr(flag)) length = int(data) if length == -1: reply.append(None) else: data = yield gen.Task(, b"\n") data = data[:-2].decode() reply.append(data) reply = tuple(reply) callback(reply)
class AsyncConn(event.EventedMixin): """ Low level object representing a TCP connection to nsqd. When a message on this connection is requeued and the requeue delay has not been specified, it calculates the delay automatically by an increasing multiple of ``requeue_delay``. Generates the following events that can be listened to with :meth:`nsq.AsyncConn.on`: * ``connect`` * ``close`` * ``error`` * ``identify`` * ``identify_response`` * ``auth`` * ``auth_response`` * ``heartbeat`` * ``ready`` * ``message`` * ``response`` * ``backoff`` * ``resume`` :param host: the host to connect to :param port: the post to connect to :param timeout: the timeout for read/write operations (in seconds) :param heartbeat_interval: the amount of time (in seconds) to negotiate with the connected producers to send heartbeats (requires nsqd 0.2.19+) :param requeue_delay: the base multiple used when calculating requeue delay (multiplied by # of attempts) :param tls_v1: enable TLS v1 encryption (requires nsqd 0.2.22+) :param tls_options: dictionary of options to pass to `ssl.wrap_socket() <>`_ as ``**kwargs`` :param snappy: enable Snappy stream compression (requires nsqd 0.2.23+) :param deflate: enable deflate stream compression (requires nsqd 0.2.23+) :param deflate_level: configure the deflate compression level for this connection (requires nsqd 0.2.23+) :param output_buffer_size: size of the buffer (in bytes) used by nsqd for buffering writes to this connection :param output_buffer_timeout: timeout (in ms) used by nsqd before flushing buffered writes (set to 0 to disable). **Warning**: configuring clients with an extremely low (``< 25ms``) ``output_buffer_timeout`` has a significant effect on ``nsqd`` CPU usage (particularly with ``> 50`` clients connected). :param sample_rate: take only a sample of the messages being sent to the client. Not setting this or setting it to 0 will ensure you get all the messages destined for the client. Sample rate can be greater than 0 or less than 100 and the client will receive that percentage of the message traffic. (requires nsqd 0.2.25+) :param user_agent: a string identifying the agent for this client in the spirit of HTTP (default: ``<client_library_name>/<version>``) (requires nsqd 0.2.25+) :param auth_secret: a string passed when using nsq auth (requires nsqd 1.0+) :param msg_timeout: the amount of time (in seconds) that nsqd will wait before considering messages that have been delivered to this consumer timed out (requires nsqd 0.2.28+) :param hostname: a string identifying the host where this client runs (default: ``<hostname>``) """ def __init__(self, host, port, timeout=1.0, heartbeat_interval=30, requeue_delay=90, tls_v1=False, tls_options=None, snappy=False, deflate=False, deflate_level=6, user_agent=DEFAULT_USER_AGENT, output_buffer_size=16 * 1024, output_buffer_timeout=250, sample_rate=0, auth_secret=None, msg_timeout=None, hostname=None): assert isinstance(host, string_types) assert isinstance(port, int) assert isinstance(timeout, float) assert isinstance(tls_options, (dict, None.__class__)) assert isinstance(deflate_level, int) assert isinstance(heartbeat_interval, int) and heartbeat_interval >= 1 assert isinstance(requeue_delay, int) and requeue_delay >= 0 assert isinstance(output_buffer_size, int) and output_buffer_size >= 0 assert isinstance(output_buffer_timeout, int) and output_buffer_timeout >= 0 assert isinstance(sample_rate, int) and sample_rate >= 0 and sample_rate < 100 assert msg_timeout is None or (isinstance(msg_timeout, (float, int)) and msg_timeout > 0) # auth_secret validated by to_bytes() below self.state = INIT = host self.port = port self.timeout = timeout self.last_recv_timestamp = time.time() self.last_msg_timestamp = time.time() self.in_flight = 0 self.rdy = 0 self.rdy_timeout = None # for backwards compatibility when interacting with older nsqd # (pre 0.2.20), default this to their hard-coded max self.max_rdy_count = 2500 self.tls_v1 = tls_v1 self.tls_options = tls_options self.snappy = snappy self.deflate = deflate self.deflate_level = deflate_level self.hostname = hostname if self.hostname is None: self.hostname = socket.gethostname() self.short_hostname = self.hostname.split('.')[0] self.heartbeat_interval = heartbeat_interval * 1000 self.msg_timeout = int(msg_timeout * 1000) if msg_timeout else None self.requeue_delay = requeue_delay self.output_buffer_size = output_buffer_size self.output_buffer_timeout = output_buffer_timeout self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.user_agent = user_agent self._authentication_required = False # tracking server auth state self.auth_secret = to_bytes(auth_secret) if auth_secret else None self.socket = None = None self._features_to_enable = [] self.last_rdy = 0 self.rdy = 0 self.callback_queue = [] self.encoder = DefaultEncoder() super(AsyncConn, self).__init__() @property def id(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): return + ':' + str(self.port) def connected(self): return self.state == CONNECTED def connecting(self): return self.state == CONNECTING def closed(self): return self.state in (INIT, DISCONNECTED) def connect(self): if not self.closed(): return # Assume host is an ipv6 address if it has a colon. if ':' in self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM) else: self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.socket.settimeout(self.timeout) self.socket.setblocking(0) = IOStream(self.socket) self.state = CONNECTING self.on(event.CONNECT, self._on_connect) self.on(event.DATA, self._on_data) fut =, self.port)) IOLoop.current().add_future(fut, self._connect_callback) def _connect_callback(self, fut): fut.result() self.state = CONNECTED self._start_read() self.trigger(event.CONNECT, conn=self) def _read_bytes(self, size, callback): try: fut = IOLoop.current().add_future(fut, callback) except IOError: self.close() self.trigger( event.ERROR, conn=self, error=protocol.ConnectionClosedError('Stream is closed'), ) def _start_read(self): if is None: return # IOStream.start_tls() invalidates stream, will call again when ready self._read_bytes(4, self._read_size) def _socket_close(self): self.state = DISCONNECTED self.trigger(event.CLOSE, conn=self) def close(self): def _read_size(self, fut): try: data = fut.result() size = struct_l.unpack(data)[0] except Exception: self.close() self.trigger( event.ERROR, conn=self, error=protocol.IntegrityError('failed to unpack size'), ) return self._read_bytes(size, self._read_body) def _read_body(self, fut): try: data = fut.result() self.trigger(event.DATA, conn=self, data=data) except Exception: logger.exception('uncaught exception in data event') self._start_read() def send(self, data): return def upgrade_to_tls(self, options=None): # in order to upgrade to TLS we need to *replace* the IOStream... opts = { 'cert_reqs': ssl.CERT_REQUIRED, 'ssl_version': ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2 } opts.update(options or {}) fut =, ssl_options=opts, = None def finish_upgrade_tls(fut): try: = fut.result() self.socket = self._start_read() except Exception as e: # skip self.close() because no stream self.trigger( event.ERROR, conn=self, error=protocol.SendError('failed to upgrade to TLS', e), ) IOLoop.current().add_future(fut, finish_upgrade_tls) def upgrade_to_snappy(self): assert SnappySocket, 'snappy requires the python-snappy package' # in order to upgrade to Snappy we need to use whatever IOStream # is currently in place (normal or SSL)... # # first read any compressed bytes the existing IOStream might have # already buffered and use that to bootstrap the SnappySocket, then # monkey patch the existing IOStream by replacing its socket # with a wrapper that will automagically handle compression. existing_data = self.socket = SnappySocket(self.socket) self.socket.bootstrap(existing_data) = self.socket self.encoder = SnappyEncoder() def upgrade_to_deflate(self): # in order to upgrade to DEFLATE we need to use whatever IOStream # is currently in place (normal or SSL)... # # first read any compressed bytes the existing IOStream might have # already buffered and use that to bootstrap the DeflateSocket, then # monkey patch the existing IOStream by replacing its socket # with a wrapper that will automagically handle compression. existing_data = self.socket = DeflateSocket(self.socket, self.deflate_level) self.socket.bootstrap(existing_data) = self.socket self.encoder = DeflateEncoder(level=self.deflate_level) def send_rdy(self, value): if self.last_rdy != value: try: self.send(protocol.ready(value)) except Exception as e: self.close() self.trigger( event.ERROR, conn=self, error=protocol.SendError('failed to send RDY %d' % value, e), ) return False self.last_rdy = value self.rdy = value return True def _on_connect(self, **kwargs): identify_data = { 'short_id': self. short_hostname, # TODO remove when deprecating pre 1.0 support 'long_id': self.hostname, # TODO remove when deprecating pre 1.0 support 'client_id': self.short_hostname, 'hostname': self.hostname, 'heartbeat_interval': self.heartbeat_interval, 'feature_negotiation': True, 'tls_v1': self.tls_v1, 'snappy': self.snappy, 'deflate': self.deflate, 'deflate_level': self.deflate_level, 'output_buffer_timeout': self.output_buffer_timeout, 'output_buffer_size': self.output_buffer_size, 'sample_rate': self.sample_rate, 'user_agent': self.user_agent } if self.msg_timeout: identify_data['msg_timeout'] = self.msg_timeout self.trigger(event.IDENTIFY, conn=self, data=identify_data) self.on(event.RESPONSE, self._on_identify_response) try: self.send(protocol.identify(identify_data)) except Exception as e: self.close() self.trigger( event.ERROR, conn=self, error=protocol.SendError('failed to bootstrap connection', e), ) def _on_identify_response(self, data, **kwargs):, self._on_identify_response) if data == b'OK': logger.warning( 'nsqd version does not support feature netgotiation') return self.trigger(event.READY, conn=self) try: data = json.loads(data.decode('utf-8')) except ValueError: self.close() self.trigger( event.ERROR, conn=self, error=protocol.IntegrityError( 'failed to parse IDENTIFY response JSON from nsqd - %r' % data), ) return self.trigger(event.IDENTIFY_RESPONSE, conn=self, data=data) if self.tls_v1 and data.get('tls_v1'): self._features_to_enable.append('tls_v1') if self.snappy and data.get('snappy'): self._features_to_enable.append('snappy') if self.deflate and data.get('deflate'): self._features_to_enable.append('deflate') if data.get('auth_required'): self._authentication_required = True if data.get('max_rdy_count'): self.max_rdy_count = data.get('max_rdy_count') else: # for backwards compatibility when interacting with older nsqd # (pre 0.2.20), default this to their hard-coded max logger.warn('setting max_rdy_count to default value of 2500') self.max_rdy_count = 2500 self.on(event.RESPONSE, self._on_response_continue) self._on_response_continue(conn=self, data=None) def _on_response_continue(self, data, **kwargs): if self._features_to_enable: feature = self._features_to_enable.pop(0) if feature == 'tls_v1': self.upgrade_to_tls(self.tls_options) elif feature == 'snappy': self.upgrade_to_snappy() elif feature == 'deflate': self.upgrade_to_deflate() # the server will 'OK' after these connection upgrades triggering another response return, self._on_response_continue) if self.auth_secret and self._authentication_required: self.on(event.RESPONSE, self._on_auth_response) self.trigger(event.AUTH, conn=self, data=self.auth_secret) try: self.send(protocol.auth(self.auth_secret)) except Exception as e: self.close() self.trigger( event.ERROR, conn=self, error=protocol.SendError('Error sending AUTH', e), ) return self.trigger(event.READY, conn=self) def _on_auth_response(self, data, **kwargs): try: data = json.loads(data.decode('utf-8')) except ValueError: self.close() self.trigger( event.ERROR, conn=self, error=protocol.IntegrityError( 'failed to parse AUTH response JSON from nsqd - %r' % data), ) return, self._on_auth_response) self.trigger(event.AUTH_RESPONSE, conn=self, data=data) return self.trigger(event.READY, conn=self) def _on_data(self, data, **kwargs): self.last_recv_timestamp = time.time() frame, data = protocol.unpack_response(data) if frame == protocol.FRAME_TYPE_MESSAGE: self.last_msg_timestamp = time.time() self.in_flight += 1 message = protocol.decode_message(data) message.on(event.FINISH, self._on_message_finish) message.on(event.REQUEUE, self._on_message_requeue) message.on(event.TOUCH, self._on_message_touch) self.trigger(event.MESSAGE, conn=self, message=message) elif frame == protocol.FRAME_TYPE_RESPONSE and data == b'_heartbeat_': self.send(protocol.nop()) self.trigger(event.HEARTBEAT, conn=self) elif frame == protocol.FRAME_TYPE_RESPONSE: self.trigger(event.RESPONSE, conn=self, data=data) elif frame == protocol.FRAME_TYPE_ERROR: self.trigger(event.ERROR, conn=self, error=protocol.Error(data)) def _on_message_requeue(self, message, backoff=True, time_ms=-1, **kwargs): if backoff: self.trigger(event.BACKOFF, conn=self) else: self.trigger(event.CONTINUE, conn=self) self.in_flight -= 1 try: time_ms = self.requeue_delay * message.attempts * 1000 if time_ms < 0 else time_ms self.send(protocol.requeue(, time_ms)) except Exception as e: self.close() self.trigger(event.ERROR, conn=self, error=protocol.SendError( 'failed to send REQ %s @ %d' % (, time_ms), e)) def _on_message_finish(self, message, **kwargs): self.trigger(event.RESUME, conn=self) self.in_flight -= 1 try: self.send(protocol.finish( except Exception as e: self.close() self.trigger( event.ERROR, conn=self, error=protocol.SendError('failed to send FIN %s' %, e), ) def _on_message_touch(self, message, **kwargs): try: self.send(protocol.touch( except Exception as e: self.close() self.trigger( event.ERROR, conn=self, error=protocol.SendError( 'failed to send TOUCH %s' %, e), )
class _RedisConnection(object): def __init__(self, io_loop, init_buf, final_callback, redis_tuple, redis_pass): """ :param io_loop: 你懂的 :param init_buf: 第一次写入 :param final_callback: resp赋值时调用 :param redis_tuple: (ip, port, db) :param redis_pass: redis密码 """ self.__io_loop = io_loop self.__final_cb = final_callback self.__stream = None #redis应答解析remain self.__recv_buf = '' init_buf = init_buf or '' init_buf = chain_select_cmd(redis_tuple[2], init_buf) if redis_pass is None: self.__init_buf = (init_buf,) else: assert redis_pass and isinstance(redis_pass, str) self.__init_buf = (redis_auth(redis_pass), init_buf) self.__haspass = redis_pass is not None self.__init_buf = ''.join(self.__init_buf) self.__connected = False #redis指令上下文, connect指令个数(AUTH, SELECT .etc),trans,cmd_count self.__cmd_env = deque() self.__written = False def connect(self, init_future, redis_tuple, active_trans, cmd_count): """ :param init_future: 第一个future对象 :param redis_tuple: (ip, port, db) :param active_trans: 事务是否激活 :param cmd_count: 指令个数 """ if self.__stream is not None: return #future, connect_count, transaction, cmd_count self.__cmd_env.append((init_future, 1 + int(self.__haspass), active_trans, cmd_count)) with ExceptionStackContext(self.__handle_ex): self.__stream = IOStream(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0), io_loop=self.__io_loop) self.__stream.connect(redis_tuple[:2], self.__on_connect) def write(self, write_buf, new_future, include_select, active_trans, cmd_count, by_connect=False): """ :param new_future: 由于闭包的影响,在resp回调函数中会保存上一次的future对象,该对象必须得到更新 :param include_select: 是否包含SELECT指令 :param active_trans: 事务是否激活 :param cmd_count: 指令个数 """ if by_connect: self.__stream.write(self.__init_buf) self.__init_buf = None return self.__cmd_env.append((new_future, int(include_select), active_trans, cmd_count)) if not self.__connected: self.__init_buf = ''.join((self.__init_buf, write_buf)) return if self.__init_buf: write_buf = ''.join((self.__init_buf, write_buf)) self.__stream.write(write_buf) self.__init_buf = None def __on_connect(self): """连接,只需要发送初始cmd即可 """ self.__connected = True self.__stream.set_nodelay(True) self.write(None, None, None, None, None, True) self.__stream.read_until_close(None, self.__on_resp) def __on_resp(self, recv): """ :param recv: 收到的buf """ recv = ''.join((self.__recv_buf, recv)) idx = 0 for future, connect_count, trans, count in self.__cmd_env: ok, payload, recv = decode_resp_ondemand(recv, connect_count, trans, count) if not ok: break idx += 1 self.__run_callback({_RESP_FUTURE: future, RESP_RESULT: payload}) self.__recv_buf = recv for _ in xrange(idx): self.__cmd_env.popleft() def __run_callback(self, resp): if self.__final_cb is None: return self.__io_loop.add_callback(self.__final_cb, resp) def __handle_ex(self, typ, value, tb): """ :param typ: 异常类型 """ if self.__final_cb: self.__run_callback({RESP_ERR: value}) return True return False
class AsyncSocket(object): def __init__(self, sock): self._iostream = IOStream(sock) self._resolver = Resolver() self._readtimeout = 0 self._connecttimeout = 0 def set_readtimeout(self, timeout): self._readtimeout = timeout def set_connecttimeout(self, timeout): self._connecttimeout = timeout @synclize def connect(self, address): host, port = address timer = None try: if self._connecttimeout: timer = Timeout(self._connecttimeout) timer.start() resolved_addrs = yield self._resolver.resolve(host, port, family=socket.AF_INET) for addr in resolved_addrs: family, host_port = addr yield self._iostream.connect(host_port) break except TimeoutException: self.close() raise finally: if timer: timer.cancel() #@synclize def sendall(self, buff): self._iostream.write(buff) @synclize def read(self, nbytes, partial=False): timer = None try: if self._readtimeout: timer = Timeout(self._readtimeout) timer.start() buff = yield self._iostream.read_bytes(nbytes, partial=partial) raise Return(buff) except TimeoutException: self.close() raise finally: if timer: timer.cancel() def recv(self, nbytes): return, partial=True) @synclize def readline(self, max_bytes=-1): timer = None if self._readtimeout: timer = Timeout(self._readtimeout) timer.start() try: if max_bytes > 0: buff = yield self._iostream.read_until('\n', max_bytes=max_bytes) else: buff = yield self._iostream.read_until('\n') raise Return(buff) except TimeoutException: self.close() raise finally: if timer: timer.cancel() def close(self): self._iostream.close() def set_nodelay(self, flag): self._iostream.set_nodelay(flag) def settimeout(self, timeout): pass def shutdown(self, direction): if self._iostream.fileno(): self._iostream.fileno().shutdown(direction) def recv_into(self, buff): expected_rbytes = len(buff) data =, True) srcarray = bytearray(data) nbytes = len(srcarray) buff[0:nbytes] = srcarray return nbytes def makefile(self, mode, other): return self
class _PrxConn(object): def __init__(self, handle_resp, svr_addr): assert callable(handle_resp) self._io_loop = IOLoop.instance() self.__resp_cb = handle_resp self.__svr_addr = svr_addr self._stream = None self._send_buf = deque() self._recv_buf = '' self.__cmd_env = deque() self.__con_ok = False def con_ok(self): """ 连接不可用 """ return self.__con_ok def connect(self): self._stream = IOStream(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0), io_loop=self._io_loop) self._stream.set_close_callback(self._on_close) self._stream.connect(self.__svr_addr, self._on_connect) def _on_connect(self): self._stream.set_nodelay(True) while len(self._send_buf) > 0: self._stream.write(self._send_buf.popleft()) self._stream.read_until_close(self._last_closd_recv, self._on_recv) self.__con_ok = True def write(self, future, encode_result): self.__cmd_env.append(future) if not self.__con_ok: self._send_buf.append(encode_result) else: self._stream.write(encode_result) def _last_closd_recv(self, data): """ socket关闭时最后几个字节 """ self._on_recv(data) def _on_recv(self, buf): self._recv_buf += buf while 1: if not self._recv_buf: break ok, payload, self._recv_buf = decode_resp_ondemand( self._recv_buf, 0, False, 1) if not ok: break if payload and isinstance(payload, (list, tuple)) and 1 == len(payload): payload = payload[0] self.__run_callback({ _RESP_FUTURE: self.__cmd_env.popleft(), RESP_RESULT: payload }) def __run_callback(self, resp): if self.__resp_cb is None: return self._io_loop.add_callback(self.__resp_cb, resp) def _on_close(self): self.__con_ok = False while len(self.__cmd_env) > 0: self.__run_callback({ _RESP_FUTURE: self.__cmd_env.popleft(), RESP_RESULT: 0 }) self.__cmd_env.clear()
class PAConnection(object): def __init__(self, host, port, io_loop, key): self.io_loop = io_loop self.resolver = Resolver() self._callbacks = {} self._connected = False self.queue = deque() self.key = key = None self.pepv_act_resp = None = {} with stack_context.ExceptionStackContext(self._handle_exception): self.resolver.resolve(host, port, socket.AF_INET, callback=self._on_resolve) def _handle_exception(self, typ, value, tb): gen_log.exception("pa connection error [%s] [%s] %s", typ, value, tb) def _on_resolve(self, addrinfo): af = addrinfo[0][0] = IOStream(socket.socket(af)) sockaddr = addrinfo[0][1] #"sock addr {0}".format(sockaddr)), self._on_connect) def _on_close(self):"pa conn close") def _on_connect(self): #"start conn to pa") self._connected = True'\xab\xcd') # magic number of act protocol #'write data {0}'.format(repr(encode_act_key(self.key)))) self._process_queue(), self._on_id) def _on_id(self, data): resp = ActResponse() resp.Id = bytes2int(data)[resp.Id].append(time.time()) self.pepv_act_resp = resp, self._on_rlen) def _on_rlen(self, data):, self._on_res_body) def _on_res_body(self, data): resp = self.pepv_act_resp resp.result = data cb = self._callbacks[resp.Id] t = time.time() # # "ActID[{0}]: {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}".format(resp.Id,[resp.Id][0],[resp.Id][1],[resp.Id][2], t,[resp.Id][1][resp.Id][0],[resp.Id][2][resp.Id][0],[resp.Id][0])) del[resp.Id] del self._callbacks[resp.Id] # self.io_loop.add_callback(cb, resp) cb(resp), self._on_id) def fetch(self, act_request, callback): if act_request.Id in self._callbacks: gen_log.error("act Id {0} already in cbs !!".format( act_request.Id)) self._callbacks[act_request.Id] = callback[act_request.Id] = [ time.time(), ] self.queue.append(act_request) self._process_queue() def _process_queue(self): if not self._connected: #"act connection not ready, wait an other turn") return with stack_context.NullContext(): while self.queue: act_request = self.queue.popleft()[act_request.Id].append(time.time())
class DubboConnection(object): READ_HEAD = 0x01 READ_BODY = 0x02 def __init__(self, host, port, io_loop): self.io_loop = io_loop self.resolver = Resolver() = None self.queue = deque() self._callbacks = {} self._connected = False self.read_state = self.READ_HEAD self.prev_response = None = {} with stack_context.ExceptionStackContext(self._handle_exception): self.resolver.resolve(host, port, socket.AF_INET, callback=self._on_resolve) def _on_resolve(self, addrinfo): af = addrinfo[0][0] = IOStream(socket.socket(af)) sockaddr = addrinfo[0][1]"sock addr {0}".format(sockaddr)), self._on_connect) def _on_close(self):"close dubbo connect") def _on_connect(self):"dubbo connect ready") self._connected = True self._process_queue(), self._on_header) def _on_header(self, data): # print 'read header', data resp = Response() resp.decode_header(data)[resp.Id].append(time.time()) self.prev_response = resp, self._on_body) def _on_body(self, data): resp = self.prev_response resp.decode_body(data) cb = self._callbacks[resp.Id] t = time.time() # # "DubboID[{0}]: {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}".format(resp.Id,[resp.Id][0],[resp.Id][1],[resp.Id][2], t, #[resp.Id][1] -[resp.Id][0],[resp.Id][2] -[resp.Id][0], # t -[resp.Id][0])) del self._callbacks[resp.Id] del[resp.Id] # self.io_loop.add_callback(cb, resp) # 调用 callback cb(resp), self._on_header) def fetch(self, dubbo_request, callback): if dubbo_request.Id in self._callbacks: gen_log.error("dubbo Id {0} already in cbs !!".format( dubbo_request.Id)) self._callbacks[dubbo_request.Id] = callback[dubbo_request.Id] = [ time.time(), ] self.queue.append(dubbo_request) self._process_queue() def _process_queue(self): if not self._connected:"dubbo connection not ready") return with stack_context.NullContext(): while self.queue: dubbo_request = self.queue.popleft()[dubbo_request.Id].append(time.time()) # print 'write data', dubbo_request.encode() def _handle_exception(self, typ, value, tb): gen_log.exception("dubbo connection error [%s] [%s] %s", typ, value, tb)
class AsyncSocket(object): def __init__(self, sock): self._iostream = IOStream(sock) self._resolver = Resolver() self._readtimeout = 0 self._connecttimeout = 0 def set_readtimeout(self, timeout): self._readtimeout = timeout def set_connecttimeout(self, timeout): self._connecttimeout = timeout @synclize def connect(self, address): host, port = address timer = None try: if self._connecttimeout: timer = Timeout(self._connecttimeout) timer.start() resolved_addrs = yield self._resolver.resolve( host, port, family=socket.AF_INET) for addr in resolved_addrs: family, host_port = addr yield self._iostream.connect(host_port) break except TimeoutException: self.close() raise finally: if timer: timer.cancel() #@synclize def sendall(self, buff): self._iostream.write(buff) @synclize def read(self, nbytes, partial=False): timer = None try: if self._readtimeout: timer = Timeout(self._readtimeout) timer.start() buff = yield self._iostream.read_bytes(nbytes, partial=partial) raise Return(buff) except TimeoutException: self.close() raise finally: if timer: timer.cancel() def recv(self, nbytes): return, partial=True) @synclize def readline(self, max_bytes=-1): timer = None if self._readtimeout: timer = Timeout(self._readtimeout) timer.start() try: if max_bytes > 0: buff = yield self._iostream.read_until('\n', max_bytes=max_bytes) else: buff = yield self._iostream.read_until('\n') raise Return(buff) except TimeoutException: self.close() raise finally: if timer: timer.cancel() def close(self): self._iostream.close() def set_nodelay(self, flag): self._iostream.set_nodelay(flag) def settimeout(self, timeout): pass def shutdown(self, direction): if self._iostream.fileno(): self._iostream.fileno().shutdown(direction) def recv_into(self, buff): expected_rbytes = len(buff) data =, True) srcarray = bytearray(data) nbytes = len(srcarray) buff[0:nbytes] = srcarray return nbytes def makefile(self, mode, other): return self