class TelegramBot: telegram_url = "{token}/{method}" vk_url = "{method}?{params}&access_token={access_token}&v=5.67" chat_id = CHAT_ID @staticmethod def split_message_by_chunks(iterable, step=4096): for chunk in range(0, len(iterable), step): yield iterable[chunk:chunk + step] def __init__(self, token, db_creds, vk_token): self.access_token = token self.db = Connection(**db_creds) self.vk_token = vk_token def send_telegram_message(self, text): if len(text) > 4096: chunk_try = []'Sending big message by chunks..') for chunk in TelegramBot.split_message_by_chunks(text): response =, method='sendmessage'), json={ 'text': chunk, 'chat_id': self.chat_id }) chunk_try.append(True if response.status_code == 200 else False) if all(chunk_try):'Good response when sending big message from Telegram..successfully sent message') else: log.error('Something went wrong when sending big message..') else:'Sending simple message..') response =, method='sendmessage'), json={ 'text': text, 'chat_id': self.chat_id }) if response.status_code == 200:'Good response from Telegram..successfully sent message') def send_request(self, url):'Checking VK data ..') response = requests.get(url=url) res = response.json() if response.status_code != 200 or 'error' in res: log.error('Something went wrong with response from VK...%s' % (res['error'],)) return res = {x['id']: x['text'] for x in filter(lambda x: '#знакомства_парни' not in x['text'] and # no gays obv ('#ищупарня' in x['text'] or '#знакомства' in x['text'] or '#ищутебя' in x['text']), [x for x in res['response']['items']])} ids = set(res.keys()) last = self.db.query("SELECT * FROM messages LIMIT 10") new = ids - set(x['id'] for x in last) if last else ids if new:'Got %s new updates from Odessa Search, querying DB...' % (len(new),)) self.db.insertmany('INSERT INTO messages set id = %s, message = %s', [(key, str(res[key].encode('utf-8'), 'utf8')) for key in new]) for i, msg in enumerate(new):'Sending messages to Telegram... %s of %s' % (i, len(new))) self.send_telegram_message(res[msg]) else: log.warning('No updates from VK...Retrying again in 10 mins...') def get_update(self): self.send_request(self.vk_url.format(method='wall.get', params='&'.join( [k+'='+v for k, v in {'domain': VK_GROUP_DOMAIN, 'count': '10'}.items()]), access_token=self.vk_token))