def make_blacklists(filepath, suffix='fasta'): """make blacklist fasta files for each file in path"""'in function make_blacklists') try: blacklists = [] fpath = APath(filepath) for fa in fpath.glob('*'+suffix): blacklists.append( make_blacklist(fpath, ) return blacklists except Exception as e: log.error(f'Error: {e}') raise e
def filter_probe_seqs(dbname, cluster_id, table_name=None): """Create db view onto blast results table, limiting on (below default values): - dupes - pct_identity - within GC min>max - =40bp length - hit on this clust - not match tRNA names """ try:'Filtering headers in db view for {dbname}') db = dbname or DB_CFG.get('name') table_name = table_name or DB_CFG.get('probes_table').get('name') filter_view = DB_CFG.get('probes_view').get('name') field_list = DB_CFG.get('probes_view').get('cols').copy() field_sql = ', '.join(field_list) gc_min = CONFIG.get('gc_percent').get('min_percent') gc_max = CONFIG.get('gc_percent').get('max_percent') probe_length = CONFIG.get('catch').get('probe_length') pct_identity = CONFIG.get('filters').get('pct_identity') trna_list = CONFIG.get('filters').get('trna_list') trna_wheres = [ f'sseqid NOT LIKE "%{t}%"' for t in trna_list ] trna_where_def = ' AND ('+ ' AND '.join(trna_wheres) +')' wheres = [f'gc_pct between "{gc_min}" and "{gc_max}"', f'pident={pct_identity}', f'length={probe_length}', f'qseqid like "{cluster_id}%"', ] + trna_wheres where_def = ' AND '.join(wheres) + trna_where_def group_def = 'qseqid HAVING count(qseqid)=1' ddl_view = f'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS {filter_view};' ddl_view = (f'CREATE VIEW {filter_view} AS' f' SELECT {field_sql} FROM {table_name}' f' WHERE {where_def} GROUP BY {group_def};') # log.debug(f'filtering view query: "{ddl_view}"') create_success = Sdb.exec_ddl(db, ddl_view) return create_success except Exception as e: log.error(f'Writing to db "{db}": {e}') raise e
def blast_clust_probes_on_genome(probe_file, blastdb): """Run 'blastn' of cluster's probe fasta on genome blastdb. Note: probe_file be 'APath' instance, blastdb param is string of filename or filepath. """'Blasting cluster\'s probes ({probe_file}) on genome db {blastdb}') try: blastn = CONFIG.get('APPS').get('blastn') dust = CONFIG.get('blastn').get('dust', 'no') evalue = CONFIG.get('blastn').get('evalue', '10') numaln = CONFIG.get('blastn').get('num_alignments', '250') numcpu = CONFIG.get('blastn').get('num_threads', '1') outfmt = CONFIG.get('blastn').get('outfmt', '10') fields = DB_CFG.get('blastn').get('fields').copy() extras = CONFIG.get('blastn').get('fields') fields += [f for f in extras if f not in fields] field_fmt = ' '.join(fields) if not probe_file.is_file(): err_msg = f'Path: "{probe_file.abspath}" is not a file?!' log.warning(err_msg) return err_msg cmd = [blastn, '-task', 'blastn', '-query', probe_file.abspath, '-db', blastdb, '-dust', dust, '-evalue', evalue, '-num_alignments', numaln, '-num_threads', numcpu, '-outfmt', f'{outfmt} {field_fmt}', ] output = run_cmd(cmd, only_stdout=True) log.notice('blast output: '+output[0:100]) """blast_rows is rows of all output: here conv'd to list of list-per-line""" blast_rows = [ row.split(',') for row in output.splitlines() ] # log.notice(f'show blast_rows[0]: {blast_rows[0]}')'Number of blast matches: {len(blast_rows)}') except Exception as e: log.error(f'Error: {e}') raise e else: return blast_rows
def export_final_sets(dbname, cluster_id, final_probe_amount=1, randomly=True): """Export final sets of (possibly random) probe sequences into fasta format; one file for 'musicc', one for non. """'Exporting probes for {cluster_id}') working_dir = APath(CONFIG.get('paths').get('working_dir')) final_amount = int(final_probe_amount) or int(CONFIG.get('general').get('final_probe_amount')) random_picks = randomly or CONFIG.get('general').get('final_probe_random') filter_view = DB_CFG.get('probes_view').get('name') """final_fields taken from config/database/probes_view_cols last words (post-space)""" final_fields = [col.split(' ')[-1] for col in DB_CFG.get('probes_view').get('cols').copy()] for which, where in (('normal','0'), ('musicc','1')): export_bits = '.'.join([cluster_id, 'probes', 'final', which, 'fasta']) export_file = working_dir / export_bits whim = 'is_musicc='+where record_count = Sdb.iter_select(dbname, filter_view, where=whim, fields='count(*) as recs') record_count = next(record_count).pop('recs') log.debug(f' ... record_count: {record_count}') if record_count == 0: log.notice(f'No filtered "{which}" probes for cluster "{cluster_id}".') write_out_file('', export_file, mode='a') # write empty file next if random_picks: final_amount = final_amount if record_count >= final_amount else record_count row_nums = random.sample(range(record_count), k=final_amount) else: row_nums = [r for r in range(final_amount)] log.debug(f' ... row_nums: {row_nums}') probes_selector = Sdb.iter_select(dbname, filter_view, where=whim, fields=final_fields)'Exporting to file {export_file}') for row in [row for num, row in enumerate(probes_selector) if num in row_nums]: seq = row.pop('probe_seq') # NB: presumption of column name 'probe_seq' in filter view!! head = '>' + '|'.join([str(v) for v in row.values()]) probe_fasta = os.linesep.join([head, seq, '']) # final '' elem appends EOL log.debug(f' ... writing to file {export_file}: "{probe_fasta}"') write_out_file(probe_fasta, export_file, mode='a')
def makeblastdb(fastaname, blast_db=None): """make blast db from fasta file Requires: [makeblastdb] """'Making blastdb for {fastaname}') try: dest_db = blast_db or fastaname mkblastdb = CONFIG.get('APPS').get('blastdb') cmd = [mkblastdb, '-dbtype', 'nucl', '-in', fastaname, '-out', dest_db, '-logfile', fastaname+'.makeblastdb.log' ] output = run_cmd(cmd) except Exception as e: log.error(f'Error: {e}') raise e else: return output
def get_metagenome_cluster_prokka(prokka_dir=None, dest_dir=None, suffix='ffn'): """copy all cluster 'ffn' files from remote directory. Then prepend file name on froent of header lines, and replace all spaces in lines with underscores '_' Note: *_dir args should be 'APath' instances """ #TODO: ensure all files named after their cluster (w/o _,-..?) !! srce_dir = prokka_dir or APath(CONFIG.get('paths').get('prokka_dir')) dest_dir = dest_dir or APath(CONFIG.get('paths').get('working_dir'))'Copying and processing Prokka ffn files ' 'from {srce_dir} into {dest_dir}') dest_files = [] assert next(srce_dir.glob('*'+suffix)), f'No matching files in the dir "{srce_dir.abspath}"' for ffn in srce_dir.glob('*'+suffix):'Copying {}') try: dst_fn = dest_dir / dest_files.append(shutil.copyfile(ffn, dst_fn))'Prepending "{ffn.stem}" into sequence headers') sed_inplace(dst_fn, r'^>', f'>{ffn.stem}_') replace_spaces(dst_fn, '_') except IOError as e: log.error(f'IOError, copying "{e.filename}" to "{e.filename2}": {e}') raise e except Exception as e: log.error(f'Error: {e}') raise e return dest_files
def make_blacklist(fasta_path, gbin_name, suffix='fasta'): """make blacklist fasta file of all 'unwanted' seqs i.e. all but the single genome bin fasta """'Making blacklist for {gbin_name}') try: fpath = APath(fasta_path) blacks = [f for f in fpath.glob('*'+suffix) if gbin_name not in] blacklist = 'blacklist.' + gbin_name try: os.remove(blacklist) except FileNotFoundError: pass with open(blacklist, mode='a') as blck: for b in blacks: with open(b) as bff: blck.write( return blacklist except Exception as e: log.error(f'Error: {e}') raise e
def catch_design_probes(gbin, dest_dir=None, reuse_existing=False): """Design cluster probes using catch app. Prepend cluster gbin name into header in resulting sequence files. Requires: [catch] Note: file, dir args should be 'APath' instances """'Designing probes for {}') dest_dir = dest_dir or APath(CONFIG.get('paths').get('working_dir')) # log.notice(f'reuse_existing: {reuse_existing}') try: catch_app = CONFIG.get('APPS').get('catch') # insert '.probes' into outfile and log names probe_out = dest_dir / '.'.join([gbin.stem, 'probes', gbin.suffix[1:]]) catch_tsv = dest_dir / f'{gbin.stem}.probe_coverage_analysis.tsv' if reuse_existing and probe_out.exists():'Using pre-existing cluster probes file "{probe_out}"') return probe_out opt_probe_length = str(CONFIG.get('catch').get('probe_length')) opt_probe_stride = str(CONFIG.get('catch').get('probe_stride')) cmd = [catch_app, '--write-analysis-to-tsv', catch_tsv.abspath, '--probe-length', opt_probe_length, '--probe-stride', opt_probe_stride, '--output-probes', probe_out.abspath, gbin.abspath, ] output = run_cmd(cmd)'Prepending clusterID to seq headers in {probe_out}') sed_inplace(probe_out, r'^>', f'>{gbin.stem}_') except Exception as e: log.error(f'Error: {e}') raise e else: return probe_out
def main_pipe(*, config_file:'c'=None, debug=False): """Execute the steps of the targeted probe design pipeline :param config_file: non-default TOML configuration file to set modified options. :param debug: show internal debugging messages and configuration. """ try: = 'Targeted_Pipeline''Beginning execution of the targeted design probe pipeline.') if debug: log.level_name = 'DEBUG' for lh in log.handlers: lh.level_name = 'DEBUG' if config_file: = 'Targeted:Read Config Options' user_cfg = read_config_file(config_file) for k in CONFIG: if k in user_cfg: CONFIG[k].update(user_cfg[k]) else: log.notice('Using default configuration. (Install module "clize" for command args.)') = 'Targeted:Check Config Options' check_options() = 'Targeted_Pipeline' working_dir = APath(CONFIG.get('paths').get('working_dir')) gbin_dir = APath(CONFIG.get('paths').get('genome_bins')) gbin_suff = CONFIG.get('general').get('genome_bins_suffix') """Make blast dbs for all ffn, if no preexisting designated use_blastdb""" = 'Targeted:blastdb' use_blastdb = CONFIG.get('paths').get('use_blastdb', None) if use_blastdb: try: use_blastdb_path = APath(use_blastdb) blastdb_name = with use_blastdb_path.resolve(strict=True):'Using pre-existing blastdb: {use_blastdb_path.abspath}') blast_all_clusters = use_blastdb_path.abspath prokka_files = [] # for final cleanup except Exception as e: log.error(f'Unable to use pre-existing blastdb: {use_blastdb}') raise e else: blastdb_name = DB_CFG.get('blastdb').get('name') blastdb_path = working_dir / blastdb_name try: """Copy cluster prediction files and make blast dbs for each""" # = 'Targeted:GetMwgsProkka' prokka_dir = APath(CONFIG.get('paths').get('prokka_dir')) prokka_suff = CONFIG.get('general').get('prokka_prediction_suffix') prokka_files = get_metagenome_cluster_prokka(prokka_dir, working_dir, suffix=prokka_suff)'Creating blastdb: {blastdb_path.abspath}') """concat all clusters' prokka_files into one for blasting""" blast_all_clusters = concatenate_files( working_dir.abspath, blastdb_path.abspath, suffix=prokka_suff, clobber=True ) makeblastdb(blast_all_clusters) except Exception as e: log.error(f'Unable to create blastdb: {blastdb_name}') raise e """Design probes for genome bin fastas""" #TODO: run in parallel, use multiprocessing.Pool ?? probe_fastas = [] for gbin in gbin_dir.glob('*'+gbin_suff): = 'Targeted Pipeline' probe_file = targeted_genome_bin_probes(gbin, blastdb=blast_all_clusters) probe_fastas.append(probe_file) except Exception as e: log.error(f'Error. {e.args}') raise e else: = 'Targeted Pipeline' log.notice(f'''Completed this run of targeted probe pipeline! \nConfig options used: {tomlkit.dumps(CONFIG)}''') if debug: log.notice(f'''\nDatabase Config options used: {tomlkit.dumps(DB_CFG)}''')'Finalize by tidying up intermediate files.') finalize_outfiles(working_dir, blastdb=blastdb_name, annots=prokka_files, probes=probe_fastas)
def finalize_outfiles(working_dir='', blastdb=None, annots=[], probes=[]): """Check CONFIG settings, delete or compress the intermediate files, then compress logs. :param working_dir: string of path to work in :param blastdb: name of blastdb created :param annote: list of modified annotation/prediction files :param probes: list of intial probe fastas created by 'catch' """ = 'Finalizing' if not working_dir: working_dir = os.cwd() keepers = CONFIG.get('general').get('keep_files').copy() compress = CONFIG.get('general').get('compress_files') file_globs = config.TMP_FILE_GLOBS.copy() # special cases of files tracked without argfiles =dict( blast_db = blastdb, annotation_mods = [p.abspath for p in annots], catch_probes = [p.abspath for p in probes], ) if CONFIG.get('paths').get('use_blastdb', None): try:'Keeping blastdb') for ftype in ['blast_db', 'annotation_mods']: file_globs.pop(ftype) argfiles.pop(ftype) except ValueError as e: log.error(e) for ftype, flist in argfiles.items(): try: if ftype in keepers:'Tidying up {ftype}') file_globs.pop(ftype) tidy_up_files(flist, working_dir, True, compress) except Exception: pass if 'target_dbs' in keepers: db_name = file_globs.get('target_dbs') dbs_glob = '_'.join(['*', db_name]) try:'Vacuuming databases') for db in APath(working_dir).glob(dbs_glob): Sdb.exec_ddl(db.abspath, 'VACUUM;') log.debug(f'Vacuumed database: {db}') except Exception: pass for k, glb in file_globs.items():'Tidying up {k}') glob = ''.join(['*', glb]) if glb else argfiles[k] if k in keepers: tidy_up_files(glob, working_dir, True, compress) else: tidy_up_files(glob, working_dir, keep=False) # ...and finally compress the logfile gzip_compress(log.filename)
def check_options(): """check validity of CONFIG settings, try setup if needed""" # Check [paths] options, either it exists or create it: try:'Checking files and directories.') paths = [ 'working_dir', 'genome_bins', 'use_blastdb', 'prokka_dir' ] path_opts = CONFIG.get('paths') path = 'working_dir''Checking "{path}"') ppath = APath(path_opts.get(path)) if ppath.is_dir():'Path: "{}" directory found.') else: log.warning(f'Path for "{}" directory not found!') try: ppath.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) log.notice(f'Path: "{ppath.abspath}" directory created.') except FileExistsError as e: log.error('File/dir exists.') raise e path_opts[path] = ppath.abspath path = 'genome_bins''Checking "{path}"') ppath = APath(path_opts.get(path), '') assert ppath.is_dir(), f'Path "{ppath}" is not found!''Path: "{ppath.abspath}" file found.') path_opts[path] = ppath.abspath path = 'use_blastdb' ppath = path_opts.get(path) if ppath:'Checking "{path}"') ppath = APath(path_opts.get(path), '') assert ppath.is_file(), f'Path "{ppath}" is not a file!''Path: "{ppath.abspath}" file found.') path_opts[path] = ppath.abspath else: path = 'prokka_dir''Checking "{path}"') ppath = APath(path_opts.get(path), '') assert ppath.is_dir(), f'Path "{ppath}" is not found!''Path: "{ppath.abspath}" directory found.') path_opts[path] = ppath.abspath except AssertionError as e: log.error(e) sys.exit(1) raise e except Exception as e: log.error(e) sys.exit(1) raise e # APP executable checks: apps = CONFIG.get('APPS') cmd_exists = lambda x: shutil.which(x) is not None try:'Checking applications usable.') log.debug(f'PATH=\"{os.environ.get("PATH")}\"') for opt, app in apps.items(): log.notice(f'App for: "{opt}"') if cmd_exists(app):'App: "{app}" found.') else: log.warning(f'App: "{app}" is not found?!') except Exception as e: raise e
def targeted_genome_bin_probes(genome_bin, blastdb=None): """Generate, process, filter and export probes for a cluster genome bin""" log.notice(f'Generating targeted probes for genome bin: {}') working_dir = APath(CONFIG.get('paths').get('working_dir')) blast_header = DB_CFG.get('blastn').get('fields').copy() blast_extras = CONFIG.get('blastn').get('fields').copy() """add in extra non-default blastn fields to the header""" for fld in blast_extras: if fld not in blast_header: blast_header.append(fld) blast_header.extend([ 'gc_pct', 'is_musicc' ]) blastdb = blastdb or makeblastdb(genome_bin) cluster_id = genome_bin.stem = 'Probe:CatchDesign' reuse_existing_probes = CONFIG.get('catch').get('reuse_existing_probe_files') probes_file = catch_design_probes(genome_bin, reuse_existing=reuse_existing_probes) """probe_blasts is list of all blast matched records (as lists)""" = 'Probes:Blast' probe_blasts = blast_clust_probes_on_genome(probes_file, blastdb) """Calculate GC% for each seq in probes. Append that and seq onto probe_blasts""" probe_ids = set( [pb[0] for pb in probe_blasts] ) probes_gc = {} = ('Probe:GC,MUSiCC')'Processing blast match sequences for GC%, and the seq hits for MUSiCC') musicc_re = generate_musicc_regex() for header, seq in read_fasta(probes_file): qid = header.replace('>','') if qid in probe_ids:'Processing probe seq id: "{qid}"') for pb in probe_blasts: if pb[0] == qid: if pb[0] not in probes_gc: log.debug(f' ... Calc GC% on "{qid}"') probes_gc[pb[0]] = pct_gc(seq) pb.append( probes_gc[pb[0]] ) # log.debug(f' ... Check MUSiCC on "{pb[1]}"') is_musicc = 1 if[1]) else 0 pb.append( is_musicc ) """Get list of fields; write to csv file as header""" probe_blasts.insert(0, blast_header) blast_probe_file = probes_file.with_suffix('.blasts.csv') write_out_csv(blast_probe_file.abspath, probe_blasts, append=False) """Convert Blast list into field:val dict for db import""" = ('Probe:BlastListtPrepImport')'Converting list of blast hits to dict for import to db') probe_fields = probe_blasts.pop(0) # pop off blast_header record with new columns pseqs = [] if len(probe_fields) == len(probe_blasts[0]): for vals in probe_blasts: vals_dict = {f:v for (f,v) in zip(probe_fields, vals)} pseqs.append(vals_dict) log.debug(f'len pseqs: {len(pseqs)}') """import blast file to cluster database""" = 'Probe:ImportBlast' db_name = DB_CFG.get('clusterdb').get('name') clust_db = working_dir / '_'.join([cluster_id, db_name])'Importing blast matches to db "{clust_db}"') import_blasts_to_db(pseqs, db_name=clust_db.abspath) """Filter resulting table to limits in CONFIG""" = 'Probe:FilterView' filter_probe_seqs(clust_db.abspath, cluster_id) """Create two views, one for SC, one inverse for MC""" = 'Probe:ExportFinals' final_probe_amount = CONFIG.get('general').get('final_probe_amount') log.debug(f' ... final_probe_amount {final_probe_amount}') export_final_sets(clust_db.abspath, cluster_id, final_probe_amount=final_probe_amount) else: log.notice(f'Number of fieldnames({len(probe_fields)}) not equal to' f'number of values({len(probe_blasts[0])})!') return probes_file