예제 #1
    def __init__(self, default_data=False, enable=None):
        """Construct a new Environment stub object.

        :param default_data: If True, populate the database with some
        :param enable: A list of component classes or name globs to
                       activate in the stub environment.
        self.systeminfo = []

        import trac
        self.path = os.path.dirname(trac.__file__)
        if not os.path.isabs(self.path):
            self.path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.path)

        # -- configuration
        self.config = Configuration(None)
        # We have to have a ticket-workflow config for ''lots'' of things to
        # work.  So insert the basic-workflow config here.  There may be a
        # better solution than this.
        load_workflow_config_snippet(self.config, 'basic-workflow.ini')
        self.config.set('logging', 'log_level', 'DEBUG')
        self.config.set('logging', 'log_type', 'stderr')
        if enable is not None:
            self.config.set('components', 'trac.*', 'disabled')
        for name_or_class in enable or ():
            config_key = self._component_name(name_or_class)
            self.config.set('components', config_key, 'enabled')

        # -- logging
        from trac.log import logger_handler_factory
        self.log, self._log_handler = logger_handler_factory('test')

        # -- database
        self.dburi = get_dburi()
        if self.dburi.startswith('sqlite'):
            self.config.set('trac', 'database', 'sqlite::memory:')
            self.db = InMemoryDatabase()

        if default_data:

        from trac.web.href import Href
        self.href = Href('/trac.cgi')
        self.abs_href = Href('http://example.org/trac.cgi')

        self.known_users = []
        translation.activate(Locale and Locale('en', 'US'))
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, default_data=False, enable=None):
        """Construct a new Environment stub object.

        :param default_data: If True, populate the database with some
        :param enable: A list of component classes or name globs to
                       activate in the stub environment.
        self.systeminfo = []

        import trac
        self.path = os.path.dirname(trac.__file__)
        if not os.path.isabs(self.path):
            self.path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.path)

        # -- configuration
        self.config = Configuration(None)
        # We have to have a ticket-workflow config for ''lots'' of things to
        # work.  So insert the basic-workflow config here.  There may be a
        # better solution than this.
        load_workflow_config_snippet(self.config, 'basic-workflow.ini')
        self.config.set('logging', 'log_level', 'DEBUG')
        self.config.set('logging', 'log_type', 'stderr')
        if enable is not None:
            self.config.set('components', 'trac.*', 'disabled')
        for name_or_class in enable or ():
            config_key = self._component_name(name_or_class)
            self.config.set('components', config_key, 'enabled')

        # -- logging
        from trac.log import logger_handler_factory
        self.log, self._log_handler = logger_handler_factory('test')

        # -- database
        self.dburi = get_dburi()
        if self.dburi.startswith('sqlite'):
            self.config.set('trac', 'database', 'sqlite::memory:')
            self.db = InMemoryDatabase()

        if default_data:

        from trac.web.href import Href
        self.href = Href('/trac.cgi')
        self.abs_href = Href('http://example.org/trac.cgi')

        self.known_users = []
        translation.activate(Locale and Locale('en', 'US'))
예제 #3
def do_upgrade(env, ver, cursor):
    """Upgrade the workflow."""

    # Upgrade the reports to better handle the new workflow capabilities.
    with env.db_query as db:
        owner = db.concat('owner', "' *'")
    cursor.execute('SELECT id, query, description FROM report')
    reports = cursor.fetchall()
    for report, query, description in reports:
        q, d = query, description
        if query:
            # All states other than 'closed' are "active".
            q = q.replace("IN ('new', 'assigned', 'reopened')", "<> 'closed'")
            # Add a status column instead of adding an '*' to the owner's name
            # for the 'assigned' state.
            q = q.replace(
                "(CASE status WHEN 'assigned' THEN %s "
                "ELSE owner END) AS owner" % owner, "owner, status")
        if description:
            d = d.replace(
                " * If a ticket has been accepted, a '*' is"
                " appended after the owner's name\n", '')
        if q != query or d != description:
                UPDATE report SET query=%s, description=%s WHERE id=%s
                """, (q, d, report))

    # Upgrade the workflow.
    if 'ticket-workflow' not in env.config:
        load_workflow_config_snippet(env.config, 'original-workflow.ini')
        info_message = """

==== Upgrade Notice ====

The ticket Workflow is now configurable.

Your environment has been upgraded, but configured to use the original
workflow. It is recommended that you look at changing this configuration
to use basic-workflow.

Read TracWorkflow for more information
(don't forget to 'wiki upgrade' as well)

        env.log.info(info_message.replace('\n', ' ').replace('==', ''))
예제 #4
파일: test.py 프로젝트: gdgkyoto/kyoto-gtug
    def __init__(self, default_data=False, enable=None):
        """Construct a new Environment stub object.

        default_data: If True, populate the database with some defaults.
        enable: A list of component classes or name globs to activate in the
                stub environment.
        self.enabled_components = enable or ['trac.*']
        self.systeminfo = [('Python', sys.version)]

        import trac
        self.path = os.path.dirname(trac.__file__)
        if not os.path.isabs(self.path):
            self.path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.path)

        # -- configuration
        self.config = Configuration(None)
        # We have to have a ticket-workflow config for ''lots'' of things to
        # work.  So insert the basic-workflow config here.  There may be a
        # better solution than this.
        load_workflow_config_snippet(self.config, 'basic-workflow.ini')
        self.config.set('logging', 'log_level', 'DEBUG')
        self.config.set('logging', 'log_type', 'stderr')

        # -- logging
        from trac.log import logger_factory
        self.log = logger_factory('test')

        # -- database
        self.dburi = get_dburi()
        if self.dburi.startswith('sqlite'):
            self.db = InMemoryDatabase()

        if default_data:

        from trac.web.href import Href
        self.href = Href('/trac.cgi')
        self.abs_href = Href('http://example.org/trac.cgi')

        self.known_users = []
def main():
    """Rewrite the ticket-workflow section of the config; and change all
    'assigned' tickets to 'accepted'.
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        print "Usage: %s path_to_trac_environment" % sys.argv[0]
    tracdir = sys.argv[1]
    trac_env = trac.env.open_environment(tracdir)

    # Update the config...
    old_workflow = trac_env.config.options('ticket-workflow')
    for name, value in old_workflow:
        trac_env.config.remove('ticket-workflow', name)
    load_workflow_config_snippet(trac_env.config, 'basic-workflow.ini')

    # Update the ticket statuses...
        UPDATE ticket SET status = 'accepted' WHERE status = 'assigned'
def main():
    """Rewrite the ticket-workflow section of the config; and change all
    'assigned' tickets to 'accepted'.
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        print "Usage: %s path_to_trac_environment" % sys.argv[0]
    tracdir = sys.argv[1]
    trac_env = trac.env.open_environment(tracdir)

    # Update the config...
    old_workflow = trac_env.config.options('ticket-workflow')
    for name, value in old_workflow:
        trac_env.config.remove('ticket-workflow', name)
    load_workflow_config_snippet(trac_env.config, 'basic-workflow.ini')

    # Update the ticket statuses...
        UPDATE ticket SET status = 'accepted' WHERE status = 'assigned'
예제 #7
    def __init__(self,
        """Construct a new Environment stub object.

        :param default_data: If True, populate the database with some
        :param enable: A list of component classes or name globs to
                       activate in the stub environment.
        :param disable: A list of component classes or name globs to
                        deactivate in the stub environment.
        :param path: The location of the environment in the file system.
                     No files or directories are created when specifying
                     this parameter.
        :param destroying: If True, the database will not be reset. This is
                           useful for cases when the object is being
                           constructed in order to call `destroy_db`.
        :param config: A list of (section, key, value) configuration
        if enable is not None and not isinstance(enable, (list, tuple)):
            raise TypeError('Keyword argument "enable" must be a list')
        if disable is not None and not isinstance(disable, (list, tuple)):
            raise TypeError('Keyword argument "disable" must be a list')


        self._old_registry = None
        self._old_components = None

        import trac
        self.path = path
        if self.path is None:
            self.path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(trac.__file__))
        self.path = os.path.normpath(os.path.normcase(self.path))

        # -- configuration
        self.config = Configuration(None)
        # We have to have a ticket-workflow config for ''lots'' of things to
        # work.  So insert the basic-workflow config here.  There may be a
        # better solution than this.
        load_workflow_config_snippet(self.config, 'basic-workflow.ini')
        self.config.set('logging', 'log_level', 'DEBUG')
        self.config.set('logging', 'log_type', 'none')  # Ignored.
        if enable is not None:
            self.config.set('components', 'trac.*', 'disabled')
            self.config.set('components', 'tracopt.versioncontrol.*',
        for name_or_class in enable or ():
            config_key = self._component_name(name_or_class)
            self.config.set('components', config_key, 'enabled')
        for name_or_class in disable or ():
            config_key = self._component_name(name_or_class)
            self.config.set('components', config_key, 'disabled')
        self.config.set('trac', 'permission_policies',
                        'DefaultPermissionPolicy, LegacyAttachmentPolicy')
        for item in config or []:

        # -- logging

        # -- database
        self.dburi = get_dburi()
        self.config.set('components', 'trac.db.*', 'enabled')
        self.config.set('trac', 'database', self.dburi)

        if not destroying:

        self.config.set('trac', 'base_url', 'http://example.org/trac.cgi')

예제 #8
파일: test.py 프로젝트: exocad/exotrac
    def __init__(self, default_data=False, enable=None, disable=None,
                 path=None, destroying=False):
        """Construct a new Environment stub object.

        :param default_data: If True, populate the database with some
        :param enable: A list of component classes or name globs to
                       activate in the stub environment.
        :param disable: A list of component classes or name globs to
                        deactivate in the stub environment.
        :param path: The location of the environment in the file system.
                     No files or directories are created when specifying
                     this parameter.
        :param destroying: If True, the database will not be reset. This is
                           useful for cases when the object is being
                           constructed in order to call `destroy_db`.
        if enable is not None and not isinstance(enable, (list, tuple)):
            raise TypeError('Keyword argument "enable" must be a list')
        if disable is not None and not isinstance(disable, (list, tuple)):
            raise TypeError('Keyword argument "disable" must be a list')


        self.systeminfo = []

        import trac
        self.path = path
        if self.path is None:
            self.path = os.path.dirname(trac.__file__)
            if not os.path.isabs(self.path):
                self.path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.path)

        # -- configuration
        self.config = Configuration(None)
        # We have to have a ticket-workflow config for ''lots'' of things to
        # work.  So insert the basic-workflow config here.  There may be a
        # better solution than this.
        load_workflow_config_snippet(self.config, 'basic-workflow.ini')
        self.config.set('logging', 'log_level', 'DEBUG')
        self.config.set('logging', 'log_type', 'stderr')
        if enable is not None:
            self.config.set('components', 'trac.*', 'disabled')
            self.config.set('components', 'tracopt.versioncontrol.*',
        for name_or_class in enable or ():
            config_key = self._component_name(name_or_class)
            self.config.set('components', config_key, 'enabled')
        for name_or_class in disable or ():
            config_key = self._component_name(name_or_class)
            self.config.set('components', config_key, 'disabled')

        # -- logging
        from trac.log import logger_handler_factory
        self.log, self._log_handler = logger_handler_factory('test')

        # -- database
        self.config.set('components', 'trac.db.*', 'enabled')
        self.dburi = get_dburi()

        init_global = False
        if self.global_databasemanager:
            self.components[DatabaseManager] = self.global_databasemanager
            self.config.set('trac', 'database', self.dburi)
            self.global_databasemanager = DatabaseManager(self)
            self.config.set('trac', 'debug_sql', True)
            init_global = not destroying

        if default_data or init_global:

        self.config.set('trac', 'base_url', 'http://example.org/trac.cgi')

        self.known_users = []
예제 #9
    def __init__(self,
        """Construct a new Environment stub object.

        :param default_data: If True, populate the database with some
        :param enable: A list of component classes or name globs to
                       activate in the stub environment.
        :param disable: A list of component classes or name globs to
                        deactivate in the stub environment.
        :param path: The location of the environment in the file system.
                     No files or directories are created when specifying
                     this parameter.
        :param destroying: If True, the database will not be reset. This is
                           useful for cases when the object is being
                           constructed in order to call `destroy_db`.
        if enable is not None and not isinstance(enable, (list, tuple)):
            raise TypeError('Keyword argument "enable" must be a list')
        if disable is not None and not isinstance(disable, (list, tuple)):
            raise TypeError('Keyword argument "disable" must be a list')


        self.systeminfo = []

        import trac
        self.path = path
        if self.path is None:
            self.path = os.path.dirname(trac.__file__)
            if not os.path.isabs(self.path):
                self.path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.path)

        # -- configuration
        self.config = Configuration(None)
        # We have to have a ticket-workflow config for ''lots'' of things to
        # work.  So insert the basic-workflow config here.  There may be a
        # better solution than this.
        load_workflow_config_snippet(self.config, 'basic-workflow.ini')
        self.config.set('logging', 'log_level', 'DEBUG')
        self.config.set('logging', 'log_type', 'stderr')
        if enable is not None:
            self.config.set('components', 'trac.*', 'disabled')
            self.config.set('components', 'tracopt.versioncontrol.*',
        for name_or_class in enable or ():
            config_key = self._component_name(name_or_class)
            self.config.set('components', config_key, 'enabled')
        for name_or_class in disable or ():
            config_key = self._component_name(name_or_class)
            self.config.set('components', config_key, 'disabled')

        # -- logging
        from trac.log import logger_handler_factory
        self.log, self._log_handler = logger_handler_factory('test')

        # -- database
        self.config.set('components', 'trac.db.*', 'enabled')
        self.dburi = get_dburi()

        init_global = False
        if self.global_databasemanager:
            self.components[DatabaseManager] = self.global_databasemanager
            self.config.set('trac', 'database', self.dburi)
            self.global_databasemanager = DatabaseManager(self)
            self.config.set('trac', 'debug_sql', True)
            self.config.set('logging', 'log_type', 'stderr')
            self.config.set('logging', 'log_level', 'DEBUG')
            init_global = not destroying

        if default_data or init_global:

        from trac.web.href import Href
        self.href = Href('/trac.cgi')
        self.abs_href = Href('http://example.org/trac.cgi')

        self.known_users = []
예제 #10
파일: test.py 프로젝트: khoi-huynh/trac
    def __init__(self, default_data=False, enable=None, disable=None,
                 path=None, destroying=False):
        """Construct a new Environment stub object.

        :param default_data: If True, populate the database with some
        :param enable: A list of component classes or name globs to
                       activate in the stub environment.
        :param disable: A list of component classes or name globs to
                        deactivate in the stub environment.
        :param path: The location of the environment in the file system.
                     No files or directories are created when specifying
                     this parameter.
        :param destroying: If True, the database will not be reset. This is
                           useful for cases when the object is being
                           constructed in order to call `destroy_db`.
        if enable is not None and not isinstance(enable, (list, tuple)):
            raise TypeError('Keyword argument "enable" must be a list')
        if disable is not None and not isinstance(disable, (list, tuple)):
            raise TypeError('Keyword argument "disable" must be a list')


        self._old_registry = None
        self._old_components = None

        import trac
        self.path = path
        if self.path is None:
            self.path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(trac.__file__))
        self.path = os.path.normpath(os.path.normcase(self.path))

        # -- configuration
        self.config = Configuration(None)
        # We have to have a ticket-workflow config for ''lots'' of things to
        # work.  So insert the basic-workflow config here.  There may be a
        # better solution than this.
        load_workflow_config_snippet(self.config, 'basic-workflow.ini')
        self.config.set('logging', 'log_level', 'DEBUG')
        self.config.set('logging', 'log_type', 'none')  # Ignored.
        if enable is not None:
            self.config.set('components', 'trac.*', 'disabled')
            self.config.set('components', 'tracopt.versioncontrol.*',
        for name_or_class in enable or ():
            config_key = self._component_name(name_or_class)
            self.config.set('components', config_key, 'enabled')
        for name_or_class in disable or ():
            config_key = self._component_name(name_or_class)
            self.config.set('components', config_key, 'disabled')
        self.config.set('trac', 'permission_policies',
                        'DefaultPermissionPolicy, LegacyAttachmentPolicy')

        # -- logging
        self.log = logging.getLogger('trac.test')
        level = self.log_level.upper()
        level_as_int = trac.log.LOG_LEVEL_MAP.get(level)
        handler_cls = logging.handlers.BufferingHandler
        if not self.log.handlers:
            log_handler = handler_cls(sys.maxsize)  # Never flush implicitly.
            formatter = logging.Formatter(self.log_format)
        elif len(self.log.handlers) == 1 and \
                isinstance(self.log.handlers[0], handler_cls):
            self.log.handlers[0].flush()  # Reset buffer.
            raise TracError("Logger has unexpected handler(s).")

        # -- database
        self.dburi = get_dburi()
        self.config.set('components', 'trac.db.*', 'enabled')
        self.config.set('trac', 'database', self.dburi)

        if not destroying:

        self.config.set('trac', 'base_url', 'http://example.org/trac.cgi')

예제 #11
파일: test.py 프로젝트: dafrito/trac-mirror
    def __init__(self, default_data=False, enable=None, disable=None, path=None, destroying=False):
        """Construct a new Environment stub object.

        :param default_data: If True, populate the database with some
        :param enable: A list of component classes or name globs to
                       activate in the stub environment.

        self.systeminfo = []

        import trac

        self.path = path
        if self.path is None:
            self.path = os.path.dirname(trac.__file__)
            if not os.path.isabs(self.path):
                self.path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.path)

        # -- configuration
        self.config = Configuration(None)
        # We have to have a ticket-workflow config for ''lots'' of things to
        # work.  So insert the basic-workflow config here.  There may be a
        # better solution than this.
        load_workflow_config_snippet(self.config, "basic-workflow.ini")
        self.config.set("logging", "log_level", "DEBUG")
        self.config.set("logging", "log_type", "stderr")
        if enable is not None:
            self.config.set("components", "trac.*", "disabled")
            self.config.set("components", "tracopt.versioncontrol.*", "enabled")
        for name_or_class in enable or ():
            config_key = self._component_name(name_or_class)
            self.config.set("components", config_key, "enabled")
        for name_or_class in disable or ():
            config_key = self._component_name(name_or_class)
            self.config.set("components", config_key, "disabled")

        # -- logging
        from trac.log import logger_handler_factory

        self.log, self._log_handler = logger_handler_factory("test")

        # -- database
        self.config.set("components", "trac.db.*", "enabled")
        self.dburi = get_dburi()

        init_global = False
        if self.global_databasemanager:
            self.components[DatabaseManager] = global_databasemanager
            self.config.set("trac", "database", self.dburi)
            self.global_databasemanager = DatabaseManager(self)
            self.config.set("trac", "debug_sql", True)
            self.config.set("logging", "log_type", "stderr")
            self.config.set("logging", "log_level", "DEBUG")
            init_global = not destroying

        if default_data or init_global:

        from trac.web.href import Href

        self.href = Href("/trac.cgi")
        self.abs_href = Href("http://example.org/trac.cgi")

        self.known_users = []