def generate_captcha(self, req): fragment = tag.script(type='text/javascript', src='' 'challenge?k=%s' % self.public_key) # note - this is not valid XHTML! fragment.append( tag.noscript( tag.iframe(src='' 'api/noscript?k=%s' % self.public_key, height=300, width=500, frameborder=0),, tag.textarea(name='recaptcha_challenge_field', rows=3, cols=40), tag.input(type='hidden', name='recaptcha_response_field', value='manual_challenge'),, tag.input(type='submit', value=_("Submit")) ) ) return None, fragment
def _wiki_edit(self, req, stream): tags = ' '.join(self._page_tags(req)) # TRANSLATOR: Label text for link to '/tags'. link = tag.a(_("view all tags"), href=req.href.tags()) # TRANSLATOR: ... (view all tags) insert = tag( tag_("Tag under: (%(tags_link)s)", tags_link=link),, tag.input(id='tags', type='text', name='tags', size='50', value=req.args.get('tags', tags))) insert = tag.div(tag.label(insert), class_='field') return stream | Transformer('//div[@id="changeinfo1"]').append(insert)
def _post_process_request_wiki_edit(self, req): tags = ' '.join(self._page_tags(req)) # TRANSLATOR: Label text for link to '/tags'. link = tag.a(_("view all tags"), href=req.href.tags()) # TRANSLATOR: ... (view all tags) insert = tag( tag_("Tag under: (%(tags_link)s)", tags_link=link),, tag.input(id='tags', type='text', name='tags', size='50', value=req.args.get('tags', tags))) insert = tag.div(tag.label(insert), class_='field') filter_lst = [] # xpath = //div[@id="changeinfo1"] xform = JTransformer('div#changeinfo1') filter_lst.append(xform.append(Markup(insert))) self._add_jtransform(req, filter_lst)
def _launch(self, encoded_input, *args): """Launch a process (cmd), and returns exitcode, stdout + stderr""" # Note: subprocess.Popen doesn't support unicode options arguments # ( so we have to encode them. # Anyway, dot expects utf-8 or the encoding specified with -Gcharset. cmd, T, o = [args[0]], '', '' if 'gnuplot' not in cmd[0]: cmd = [arg for arg in args] else: for arg in args: if arg[:2] == '-o': o = arg[2:] elif arg[:2] == '-T': T = arg[2:] p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if 'gnuplot' in cmd[0]: p.stdin.write(("set terminal %s transparent\nset output '%s'\n" % (T, o)).encode('utf-8')) if encoded_input: p.stdin.write(encoded_input) p.stdin.close() out = err = failure = p.wait() != 0 if failure or err or out: return (failure, tag.p(, _("The command:"), tag.pre(repr(' '.join(cmd))), (_("succeeded but emitted the following output:"), _("failed with the following output:"))[failure], out and tag.pre(repr(out)), err and tag.pre(repr(err)))) else: return (False, None)
def render_property(self, name, mode, context, props): def sha_link(sha, label=None): # sha is assumed to be a non-abbreviated 40-chars sha id try: reponame = repos = RepositoryManager(self.env).get_repository(reponame) cset = repos.get_changeset(sha) if label is None: label = repos.display_rev(sha) return tag.a(label, class_='changeset', title=shorten_line(cset.message), href=context.href.changeset(sha, repos.reponame)) except Exception as e: return tag.a(sha, class_='missing changeset', title=to_unicode(e), rel='nofollow') if name == 'Branches': branches = props[name] # simple non-merge commit return tag(*intersperse(', ', (sha_link(rev, label) for label, rev in branches))) elif name in ('Parents', 'Children'): revs = props[name] # list of commit ids if name == 'Parents' and len(revs) > 1: # we got a merge... current_sha = reponame = parent_links = intersperse(', ', ((sha_link(rev), ' (', tag.a(_("diff"), title=_("Diff against this parent (show the " "changes merged from the other parents)"), href=context.href.changeset(current_sha, reponame, old=rev)), ')') for rev in revs)) return tag(list(parent_links),, tag.span(Markup(_("Note: this is a <strong>merge" "</strong> changeset, the " "changes displayed below " "correspond to the merge " "itself.")), class_='hint'),, tag.span(Markup(_("Use the <code>(diff)</code> " "links above to see all the " "changes relative to each " "parent.")), class_='hint')) # simple non-merge commit return tag(*intersperse(', ', map(sha_link, revs))) elif name in ('git-committer', 'git-author'): user_, time_ = props[name] _str = "%s (%s)" % ( Chrome(self.env).format_author(context.req, user_), format_datetime(time_, return unicode(_str) raise TracError(_("Internal error"))