def populate_hdf(self, req, handler): """Add chrome-related data to the HDF.""" # Provided for template customization req.hdf['HTTP.PathInfo'] = req.path_info href = Href(req.base_path) req.hdf['chrome.href'] = htdocs_location = self.htdocs_location or'common') req.hdf['htdocs_location'] = htdocs_location.rstrip('/') + '/' # HTML <head> links add_link(req, 'start', add_link(req, 'search', add_link(req, 'help','TracGuide')) add_stylesheet(req, 'common/css/trac.css') add_script(req, 'common/js/trac.js') icon = self.env.project_icon if icon: if not icon.startswith('/') and icon.find('://') == -1: if '/' in icon: icon = else: icon ='common', icon) mimetype = mimeview.get_mimetype(icon) add_link(req, 'icon', icon, mimetype=mimetype) add_link(req, 'shortcut icon', icon, mimetype=mimetype) # Logo image logo_src = self.logo_src if logo_src: logo_src_abs = logo_src.startswith('http://') or \ logo_src.startswith('https://') if not logo_src.startswith('/') and not logo_src_abs: if '/' in logo_src: logo_src = else: logo_src ='common', logo_src) width = self.logo_width > -1 and self.logo_width height = self.logo_height > -1 and self.logo_height req.hdf['chrome.logo'] = { 'link': self.logo_link, 'src': logo_src, 'src_abs': logo_src_abs, 'alt': self.logo_alt, 'width': width, 'height': height } else: req.hdf[''] = self.logo_link # Navigation links navigation = {} active = None for contributor in self.navigation_contributors: for category, name, text in contributor.get_navigation_items(req): navigation.setdefault(category, {})[name] = text if contributor is handler: active = contributor.get_active_navigation_item(req) for category, items in [(k, v.items()) for k, v in navigation.items()]: category_order = category + '_order' if hasattr(self, category_order): order = getattr(self, category_order) def navcmp(x, y): if x[0] not in order: return int(y[0] in order) if y[0] not in order: return -int(x[0] in order) return cmp(order.index(x[0]), order.index(y[0])) items.sort(navcmp) for name, text in items: req.hdf['chrome.nav.%s.%s' % (category, name)] = text if name == active: req.hdf['' % (category, name)] = 1
def populate_hdf(self, req, handler): """Add chrome-related data to the HDF.""" # Provided for template customization req.hdf['HTTP.PathInfo'] = req.path_info href = Href(req.cgi_location) req.hdf['chrome.href'] = htdocs_location = self.config.get('trac', 'htdocs_location','common')) req.hdf['htdocs_location'] = htdocs_location.rstrip('/') + '/' # HTML <head> links add_link(req, 'start', add_link(req, 'search', add_link(req, 'help','TracGuide')) add_stylesheet(req, 'common/css/trac.css') icon = self.config.get('project', 'icon') if icon: if not icon.startswith('/') and icon.find('://') == -1: if '/' in icon: icon = else: icon ='common', icon) mimetype = mimeview.get_mimetype(icon) add_link(req, 'icon', icon, mimetype=mimetype) add_link(req, 'shortcut icon', icon, mimetype=mimetype) # Logo image logo_link = self.config.get('header_logo', 'link') logo_src = self.config.get('header_logo', 'src') if logo_src: logo_src_abs = logo_src.startswith('http://') or \ logo_src.startswith('https://') if not logo_src.startswith('/') and not logo_src_abs: if '/' in logo_src: logo_src = else: logo_src ='common', logo_src) req.hdf['chrome.logo'] = { 'link': util.escape(logo_link), 'src': util.escape(logo_src), 'src_abs': util.escape(logo_src_abs), 'alt': util.escape(self.config.get('header_logo', 'alt')), 'width': self.config.get('header_logo', 'width', ''), 'height': self.config.get('header_logo', 'height', '') } else: req.hdf[''] = util.escape(logo_link) # Navigation links navigation = {} active = None for contributor in self.navigation_contributors: for category, name, text in contributor.get_navigation_items(req): navigation.setdefault(category, {})[name] = text if contributor is handler: active = contributor.get_active_navigation_item(req) for category, items in [(k, v.items()) for k, v in navigation.items()]: order = [ x.strip() for x in self.config.get('trac', category).split(',') ] def navcmp(x, y): if x[0] not in order: return int(y[0] in order) if y[0] not in order: return -int(x[0] in order) return cmp(order.index(x[0]), order.index(y[0])) items.sort(navcmp) for name, text in items: req.hdf['chrome.nav.%s.%s' % (category, name)] = text if name == active: req.hdf['' % (category, name)] = 1
def add_stylesheet(req, filename, mimetype='text/css'): """Add a link to a style sheet to the HDF data set so that it gets included in the generated HTML page. """ href = Href(req.cgi_location) add_link(req, 'stylesheet',, mimetype=mimetype)