예제 #1
def DeepKCF(seq, res_path, bSaveImage):

    parameters = Params()

    #img_files, pos, target_sz, ground_truth, video_path = load_video_info(video_path)  # Load video info
    img_files, pos, target_sz, video_path = load_video_gt(seq)

    parameters.init_pos = np.floor(pos) + np.floor(
        target_sz / 2)  # Initial position
    parameters.pos = parameters.init_pos  # Current position
    parameters.target_size = np.floor(target_sz)  # Size of target
    parameters.img_files = img_files  # List of image files
    parameters.video_path = video_path  # Path to the sequence

    num_frames = len(img_files)

    results = np.zeros((num_frames, 4))

    start = start_timer()

    # For each frame
    for frame in xrange(num_frames):

        # Read the image
        #im = cv2.imread(video_path + img_files[frame], 1)
        im = scpmi.imread(video_path + img_files[frame])

        # Initialize the tracker using the first frame
        if frame == 0:
            tracker1 = Tracker(im, parameters)
            tracker1.train(im, True)
            results[frame, :] = np.array((pos[0] + np.floor(target_sz[0] / 2),
                                          pos[1] + np.floor(target_sz[1] / 2),
                                          target_sz[0], target_sz[1]))
            results[frame, :], lost, xtf = tracker1.detect(
                im)  # Detect the target in the next frame
            if not lost:
                tracker1.train(im, False,
                               xtf)  # Update the model with the new infomation

    duration = end_timer(start, "to complete tracking")
    fps = round(num_frames / duration, 2)

    return results, fps
예제 #2
image = cv2.imread(imagefile, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)

parameters = Params()
parameters.init_pos = np.floor([selection.x+selection.width/2, selection.y+selection.height/2])                                # Initial position
parameters.pos = parameters.init_pos
parameters.target_size = np.floor([selection.width, selection.height])        

tracker = Tracker(image, parameters)
tracker.train(image, True)

while True:
    # *****************************************
    # VOT: Call frame method to get path of the 
    #      current image frame. If the result is
    #      null, the sequence is over.
    # *****************************************
    imagefile = handle.frame()
    if not imagefile:

    # Processing the current image
    image = cv2.imread(imagefile, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
    region, lost, xtf = tracker.detect(image)
    if not lost:
        tracker.train(image, False, xtf)
    # *****************************************
    # VOT: Report the position of the object 
    #      every frame using report method.
    # *****************************************
예제 #3
def main():

    # video_path = select_sequence()
    video_path = '/home/tiago/data_seq/Car2'

    parameters = Params()

    img_files, pos, target_sz, ground_truth, video_path = load_video_info(
        video_path)  # Load video info

    parameters.init_pos = np.floor(pos) + np.floor(
        target_sz / 2)  # Initial position
    parameters.pos = parameters.init_pos  # Current position
    parameters.target_size = np.floor(target_sz)  # Size of target
    parameters.img_files = img_files  # List of image files
    parameters.video_path = video_path  # Path to the sequence

    num_frames = len(img_files)
    results = np.zeros((num_frames, 4))

    start = start_timer()

    # For each frame
    for frame in xrange(num_frames):

        # Read the image
        im = cv2.imread(video_path + img_files[frame], 1)

        # Initialize the tracker using the first frame
        if frame == 0:
            tracker1 = Tracker(im, parameters)
            tracker1.train(im, True)
            results[frame, :] = np.array((pos[0] + np.floor(target_sz[0] / 2),
                                          pos[1] + np.floor(target_sz[1] / 2),
                                          target_sz[0], target_sz[1]))
            results[frame, :], lost, xtf = tracker1.detect(
                im)  # Detect the target in the next frame
            if not lost:
                tracker1.train(im, False,
                               xtf)  # Update the model with the new infomation
        if parameters.visualization:
            # Draw a rectangle in the estimated location and show the result
            cvrect = np.array((results[frame, 1] - results[frame, 3] / 2,
                               results[frame, 0] - results[frame, 2] / 2,
                               results[frame, 1] + results[frame, 3] / 2,
                               results[frame, 0] + results[frame, 2] / 2))
            cv2.rectangle(im, (cvrect[0].astype(int), cvrect[1].astype(int)),
                          (cvrect[2].astype(int), cvrect[3].astype(int)),
                          (0, 255, 0), 2)
            cv2.imshow('Window', im)
            print(frame, end='\t')

    duration = end_timer(start, "to complete tracking")
    fps = round(num_frames / duration, 2)
    print(fps, "FPS")

    np.savetxt('results.txt', results, delimiter=',', fmt='%d')

    if parameters.debug:

