예제 #1
 def getRecentChanges(self, req, since):
     """ Get list of changed pages since timestamp """
     since = to_utimestamp(since)
     wiki_realm = Resource('wiki')
     query = ('SELECT name, time, author, version, comment '
              'FROM wiki w1 '
              'WHERE time >= %s '
              'AND version = (SELECT MAX(version) '
              '               FROM wiki w2 '
              '               WHERE w2.name=w1.name) '
              'ORDER BY time DESC')
     if hasattr(self.env, 'db_query'):
         generator = self.env.db_query(query, (since,))
         db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
         cursor = db.cursor()
         cursor.execute(query, (since,))
         generator = cursor
     result = []
     for name, when, author, version, comment in generator:
         if 'WIKI_VIEW' in req.perm(wiki_realm(id=name, version=version)):
                 self._page_info(name, from_utimestamp(when),
                                 author, version, comment))
     return result
예제 #2
파일: wiki.py 프로젝트: 42cc/XmlRpcPlugin
 def getRecentChanges(self, req, since):
     """ Get list of changed pages since timestamp """
     since = to_utimestamp(since)
     wiki_realm = Resource('wiki')
     query = ('SELECT name, time, author, version, comment '
              'FROM wiki w1 '
              'WHERE time >= %s '
              'AND version = (SELECT MAX(version) '
              '               FROM wiki w2 '
              '               WHERE w2.name=w1.name) '
              'ORDER BY time DESC')
     if hasattr(self.env, 'db_query'):
         generator = self.env.db_query(query, (since,))
         db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
         cursor = db.cursor()
         cursor.execute(query, (since,))
         generator = cursor
     result = []
     for name, when, author, version, comment in generator:
         if 'WIKI_VIEW' in req.perm(wiki_realm(id=name, version=version)):
                 self._page_info(name, from_utimestamp(when),
                                 author, version, comment))
     return result
예제 #3
 def test_update_time_changed(self):
     # Update with collision check
     import datetime
     from tracrpc.util import to_utimestamp
     from tracrpc.xml_rpc import from_xmlrpc_datetime
     tid = self.admin.ticket.create('test_update_time_changed', '...', {})
     tid, created, modified, attrs = self.admin.ticket.get(tid)
     then = from_xmlrpc_datetime(modified) - datetime.timedelta(minutes=1)
     # Unrestricted old-style update (to be removed soon)
         self.admin.ticket.update(tid, "comment1",
                 {'_ts': str(to_utimestamp(then))})
     except Exception, e:
         self.assertTrue("Ticket has been updated since last get" in str(e))
예제 #4
 def test_update_time_changed(self):
     # Update with collision check
     import datetime
     from tracrpc.util import to_utimestamp
     from tracrpc.xml_rpc import from_xmlrpc_datetime
     tid = self.admin.ticket.create('test_update_time_changed', '...', {})
     tid, created, modified, attrs = self.admin.ticket.get(tid)
     then = from_xmlrpc_datetime(modified) - datetime.timedelta(minutes=1)
     # Unrestricted old-style update (to be removed soon)
         self.admin.ticket.update(tid, "comment1",
                 {'_ts': str(to_utimestamp(then))})
     except Exception, e:
         self.assertTrue("Ticket has been updated since last get" in str(e))
예제 #5
 def getRecentChanges(self, req, since):
     """Returns a list of IDs of tickets that have changed since timestamp."""
     since = to_utimestamp(since)
     db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
     cursor = db.cursor()
     cursor.execute('SELECT id FROM ticket'
                    ' WHERE changetime >= %s', (since, ))
     result = []
     ticket_realm = Resource('ticket')
     for row in cursor:
         tid = int(row[0])
         if 'TICKET_VIEW' in req.perm(ticket_realm(id=tid)):
     return result
예제 #6
 def getRecentChanges(self, req, since):
     """Returns a list of IDs of tickets that have changed since timestamp."""
     since = to_utimestamp(since)
     query = 'SELECT id FROM ticket WHERE changetime >= %s'
     if hasattr(self.env, 'db_query'):
         generator = self.env.db_query(query, (since, ))
         db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
         cursor = db.cursor()
         cursor.execute(query, (since, ))
         generator = cursor
     result = []
     ticket_realm = Resource('ticket')
     for row in generator:
         tid = int(row[0])
         if 'TICKET_VIEW' in req.perm(ticket_realm(id=tid)):
     return result
예제 #7
파일: ticket.py 프로젝트: 42cc/XmlRpcPlugin
 def getRecentChanges(self, req, since):
     """Returns a list of IDs of tickets that have changed since timestamp."""
     since = to_utimestamp(since)
     query = 'SELECT id FROM ticket WHERE changetime >= %s'
     if hasattr(self.env, 'db_query'):
         generator = self.env.db_query(query, (since,))
         db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
         cursor = db.cursor()
         cursor.execute(query, (since,))
         generator = cursor        
     result = []
     ticket_realm = Resource('ticket')
     for row in generator:
         tid = int(row[0])
         if 'TICKET_VIEW' in req.perm(ticket_realm(id=tid)):
     return result
예제 #8
파일: wiki.py 프로젝트: nextview/tracxmlrpc
 def getRecentChanges(self, req, since):
     """ Get list of changed pages since timestamp """
     since = to_utimestamp(since)
     wiki_realm = Resource("wiki")
     db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
     cursor = db.cursor()
         "SELECT name, time, author, version, comment "
         "FROM wiki w1 "
         "WHERE time >= %s "
         "AND version = (SELECT MAX(version) "
         "               FROM wiki w2 "
         "               WHERE w2.name=w1.name) "
         "ORDER BY time DESC",
     result = []
     for name, when, author, version, comment in cursor:
         if "WIKI_VIEW" in req.perm(wiki_realm(id=name, version=version)):
             result.append(self._page_info(name, from_utimestamp(when), author, version, comment))
     return result
예제 #9
        import datetime
        from tracrpc.util import to_utimestamp
        from tracrpc.xml_rpc import from_xmlrpc_datetime
        tid = self.admin.ticket.create('test_update_time_changed', '...', {})
        tid, created, modified, attrs = self.admin.ticket.get(tid)
        then = from_xmlrpc_datetime(modified) - datetime.timedelta(minutes=1)
        # Unrestricted old-style update (to be removed soon)
            self.admin.ticket.update(tid, "comment1",
                    {'_ts': str(to_utimestamp(then))})
        except Exception, e:
            self.assertTrue("Ticket has been updated since last get" in str(e))
        # Update with 'action' to test new-style update.
            self.admin.ticket.update(tid, "comment1",
                    {'_ts': str(to_utimestamp(then)),
                     'action': 'leave'})
        except Exception, e:
            self.assertTrue("modified by someone else" in str(e))

    def test_update_time_same(self):
        # Unrestricted old-style update (to be removed soon)
        tid = self.admin.ticket.create('test_update_time_same', '...', {})
        tid, created, modified, attrs = self.admin.ticket.get(tid)
        ts = attrs['_ts']
        self.admin.ticket.update(tid, "comment1",
                    {'_ts': ts})

        # Update with 'action' to test new-style update.
예제 #10
        import datetime
        from tracrpc.util import to_utimestamp
        from tracrpc.xml_rpc import from_xmlrpc_datetime
        tid = self.admin.ticket.create('test_update_time_changed', '...', {})
        tid, created, modified, attrs = self.admin.ticket.get(tid)
        then = from_xmlrpc_datetime(modified) - datetime.timedelta(minutes=1)
        # Unrestricted old-style update (to be removed soon)
            self.admin.ticket.update(tid, "comment1",
                    {'_ts': str(to_utimestamp(then))})
        except Exception, e:
            self.assertTrue("Ticket has been updated since last get" in str(e))
        # Update with 'action' to test new-style update.
            self.admin.ticket.update(tid, "comment1",
                    {'_ts': str(to_utimestamp(then)),
                     'action': 'leave'})
        except Exception, e:
            self.assertTrue("modified by someone else" in str(e))

    def test_update_time_same(self):
        # Unrestricted old-style update (to be removed soon)
        tid = self.admin.ticket.create('test_update_time_same', '...', {})
        tid, created, modified, attrs = self.admin.ticket.get(tid)
        ts = attrs['_ts']
        self.admin.ticket.update(tid, "comment1",
                    {'_ts': ts})

        # Update with 'action' to test new-style update.
예제 #11
 def update(self,
     """ Update a ticket, returning the new ticket in the same form as
     get(). 'New-style' call requires two additional items in attributes:
     (1) 'action' for workflow support (including any supporting fields
     as retrieved by getActions()),
     (2) '_ts' changetime token for detecting update collisions (as received
     from get() or update() calls).
     ''Calling update without 'action' and '_ts' changetime token is
     deprecated, and will raise errors in a future version.'' """
     t = model.Ticket(self.env, id)
     # custom author?
     if author and not (req.authname == 'anonymous' \
                         or 'TICKET_ADMIN' in req.perm(t.resource)):
         # only allow custom author if anonymous is permitted or user is admin
             "RPC ticket.update: %r not allowed to change author "
             "to %r for comment on #%d", req.authname, author, id)
         author = ''
     author = author or req.authname
     # custom change timestamp?
     if when and not 'TICKET_ADMIN' in req.perm(t.resource):
             "RPC ticket.update: %r not allowed to update #%d with "
             "non-current timestamp (%r)", author, id, when)
         when = None
     when = when or to_datetime(None, utc)
     # and action...
     if not 'action' in attributes:
         # FIXME: Old, non-restricted update - remove soon!
         self.log.warning("Rpc ticket.update for ticket %d by user %s " \
                 "has no workflow 'action'." % (id, req.authname))
         time_changed = attributes.pop('_ts', None)
         if time_changed and \
                 str(time_changed) != str(to_utimestamp(t.time_changed)):
             raise TracError("Ticket has been updated since last get().")
         for k, v in attributes.iteritems():
             t[k] = v
         t.save_changes(author, comment, when=when)
         ts = TicketSystem(self.env)
         tm = TicketModule(self.env)
         # TODO: Deprecate update without time_changed timestamp
         time_changed = attributes.pop('_ts', to_utimestamp(t.time_changed))
             time_changed = int(time_changed)
         except ValueError:
             raise TracError("RPC ticket.update: Wrong '_ts' token " \
                             "in attributes (%r)." % time_changed)
         action = attributes.get('action')
         avail_actions = ts.get_available_actions(req, t)
         if not action in avail_actions:
             raise TracError("Rpc: Ticket %d by %s " \
                     "invalid action '%s'" % (id, req.authname, action))
         controllers = list(tm._get_action_controllers(req, t, action))
         all_fields = [field['name'] for field in ts.get_ticket_fields()]
         for k, v in attributes.iteritems():
             if k in all_fields and k != 'status':
                 t[k] = v
         # TicketModule reads req.args - need to move things there...
         req.args['comment'] = comment
         # Collision detection: 0.11+0.12 timestamp
         req.args['ts'] = str(from_utimestamp(time_changed))
         # Collision detection: 0.13/1.0+ timestamp
         req.args['view_time'] = str(time_changed)
         changes, problems = tm.get_ticket_changes(req, t, action)
         for warning in problems:
             add_warning(req, "Rpc ticket.update: %s" % warning)
         valid = problems and False or tm._validate_ticket(req, t)
         if not valid:
             raise TracError(" ".join(
                 [warning for warning in req.chrome['warnings']]))
             tm._apply_ticket_changes(t, changes)
             self.log.debug("Rpc ticket.update save: %s" % repr(t.values))
             t.save_changes(author, comment, when=when)
             # Apply workflow side-effects
             for controller in controllers:
                 controller.apply_action_side_effects(req, t, action)
     if notify:
             tn = TicketNotifyEmail(self.env)
             tn.notify(t, newticket=False, modtime=when)
         except Exception, e:
             self.log.exception("Failure sending notification on change of "
                                "ticket #%s: %s" % (t.id, e))
예제 #12
 def get(self, req, id):
     """ Fetch a ticket. Returns [id, time_created, time_changed, attributes]. """
     t = model.Ticket(self.env, id)
     t['_ts'] = str(to_utimestamp(t.time_changed))
     return (t.id, t.time_created, t.time_changed, t.values)
예제 #13
파일: ticket.py 프로젝트: 42cc/XmlRpcPlugin
 def update(self, req, id, comment, attributes={}, notify=False, author='', when=None):
     """ Update a ticket, returning the new ticket in the same form as
     get(). 'New-style' call requires two additional items in attributes:
     (1) 'action' for workflow support (including any supporting fields
     as retrieved by getActions()),
     (2) '_ts' changetime token for detecting update collisions (as received
     from get() or update() calls).
     ''Calling update without 'action' and '_ts' changetime token is
     deprecated, and will raise errors in a future version.'' """
     t = model.Ticket(self.env, id)
     # custom author?
     if author and not (req.authname == 'anonymous' \
                         or 'TICKET_ADMIN' in req.perm(t.resource)):
         # only allow custom author if anonymous is permitted or user is admin
         self.log.warn("RPC ticket.update: %r not allowed to change author "
                 "to %r for comment on #%d", req.authname, author, id)
         author = ''
     author = author or req.authname
     # custom change timestamp?
     if when and not 'TICKET_ADMIN' in req.perm(t.resource):
         self.log.warn("RPC ticket.update: %r not allowed to update #%d with "
                 "non-current timestamp (%r)", author, id, when)
         when = None
     when = when or to_datetime(None, utc)
     # and action...
     if not 'action' in attributes:
         # FIXME: Old, non-restricted update - remove soon!
         self.log.warning("Rpc ticket.update for ticket %d by user %s " \
                 "has no workflow 'action'." % (id, req.authname))
         time_changed = attributes.pop('_ts', None)
         if time_changed and \
                 str(time_changed) != str(to_utimestamp(t.time_changed)):
             raise TracError("Ticket has been updated since last get().")
         for k, v in attributes.iteritems():
             t[k] = v
         t.save_changes(author, comment, when=when)
         ts = TicketSystem(self.env)
         tm = TicketModule(self.env)
         # TODO: Deprecate update without time_changed timestamp
         time_changed = attributes.pop('_ts', to_utimestamp(t.time_changed))
             time_changed = int(time_changed)
         except ValueError:
             raise TracError("RPC ticket.update: Wrong '_ts' token " \
                             "in attributes (%r)." % time_changed)
         action = attributes.get('action')
         avail_actions = ts.get_available_actions(req, t)
         if not action in avail_actions:
             raise TracError("Rpc: Ticket %d by %s " \
                     "invalid action '%s'" % (id, req.authname, action))
         controllers = list(tm._get_action_controllers(req, t, action))
         all_fields = [field['name'] for field in ts.get_ticket_fields()]
         for k, v in attributes.iteritems():
             if k in all_fields and k != 'status':
                 t[k] = v
         # TicketModule reads req.args - need to move things there...
         req.args['comment'] = comment
         # Collision detection: 0.11+0.12 timestamp
         req.args['ts'] = str(from_utimestamp(time_changed))
         # Collision detection: 0.13/1.0+ timestamp
         req.args['view_time'] = str(time_changed)
         changes, problems = tm.get_ticket_changes(req, t, action)
         for warning in problems:
             add_warning(req, "Rpc ticket.update: %s" % warning)
         valid = problems and False or tm._validate_ticket(req, t)
         if not valid:
             raise TracError(
                 " ".join([warning for warning in req.chrome['warnings']]))
             tm._apply_ticket_changes(t, changes)
             self.log.debug("Rpc ticket.update save: %s" % repr(t.values))
             t.save_changes(author, comment, when=when)
             # Apply workflow side-effects
             for controller in controllers:
                 controller.apply_action_side_effects(req, t, action)
     if notify:
             tn = TicketNotifyEmail(self.env)
             tn.notify(t, newticket=False, modtime=when)
         except Exception, e:
             self.log.exception("Failure sending notification on change of "
                                "ticket #%s: %s" % (t.id, e))
예제 #14
파일: ticket.py 프로젝트: 42cc/XmlRpcPlugin
 def get(self, req, id):
     """ Fetch a ticket. Returns [id, time_created, time_changed, attributes]. """
     t = model.Ticket(self.env, id)
     t['_ts'] = str(to_utimestamp(t.time_changed))
     return (t.id, t.time_created, t.time_changed, t.values)