def galex_tractor_image(tile, band, galex_dir, radecbox, bandname): from tractor import (NanoMaggies, Image, LinearPhotoCal, ConstantFitsWcs, ConstantSky) assert(band in ['n','f']) #nicegbands = ['NUV', 'FUV'] #zps = dict(n=20.08, f=18.82) #zp = zps[band] imfn = os.path.join(galex_dir, tile.tilename.strip(), '%s-%sd-intbgsub.fits.gz' % (tile.visitname.strip(), band)) gwcs = Tan(*[float(f) for f in [tile.crval1, tile.crval2, tile.crpix1, tile.crpix2, tile.cdelt1, 0., 0., tile.cdelt2, 3840., 3840.]]) (r0,r1,d0,d1) = radecbox H,W = gwcs.shape ok,xx,yy = gwcs.radec2pixelxy([r0,r0,r1,r1], [d0,d1,d1,d0]) #print('GALEX WCS pixel positions of RA,Dec box:', xx, yy) if np.any(np.logical_not(ok)): return None x0 = np.clip(np.floor(xx-1).astype(int).min(), 0, W-1) x1 = np.clip(np.ceil (xx-1).astype(int).max(), 0, W) if x1-x0 <= 1: return None y0 = np.clip(np.floor(yy-1).astype(int).min(), 0, H-1) y1 = np.clip(np.ceil (yy-1).astype(int).max(), 0, H) if y1-y0 <= 1: return None debug('Reading GALEX subimage x0,y0', x0,y0, 'size', x1-x0, y1-y0) gwcs = gwcs.get_subimage(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0) twcs = ConstantFitsWcs(gwcs) roislice = (slice(y0, y1), slice(x0, x1)) fitsimg = fitsio.FITS(imfn)[0] hdr = fitsimg.read_header() img = fitsimg[roislice] inverr = np.ones_like(img) inverr[img == 0.] = 0. zp = tile.get('%s_zpmag' % band) photocal = LinearPhotoCal(NanoMaggies.zeropointToScale(zp), band=bandname) tsky = ConstantSky(0.) name = 'GALEX ' + hdr['OBJECT'] + ' ' + band psfimg = galex_psf(band, galex_dir) tpsf = PixelizedPSF(psfimg) tim = Image(data=img, inverr=inverr, psf=tpsf, wcs=twcs, sky=tsky, photocal=photocal, name=name) tim.roi = [x0,x1,y0,y1] return tim
from legacypipe.runbrick import main #from legacyanalysis.decals_sim import main as sim_main from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table if __name__ == '__main__': travis = 'travis' in sys.argv # demo RexGalaxy, with plots if False: from legacypipe.survey import RexGalaxy from tractor import RaDecPos, NanoMaggies, PixPos from tractor import ScalarParam from tractor import Image, GaussianMixturePSF, LinearPhotoCal from legacypipe.survey import LogRadius rex = RexGalaxy(PixPos(1., 2.), NanoMaggies(r=3.), LogRadius(0.)) print('Rex:', rex) print('Rex params:', rex.getParams()) print('Rex nparams:', rex.numberOfParams()) H, W = 100, 100 tim = Image(data=np.zeros((H, W), np.float32), inverr=np.ones((H, W), np.float32), psf=GaussianMixturePSF(1., 0., 0., 4., 4., 0.), photocal=LinearPhotoCal(1., band='r')) derivs = rex.getParamDerivatives(tim) print('Derivs:', len(derivs)) print('Rex params:', rex.getParamNames()) import pylab as plt from astrometry.util.plotutils import PlotSequence ps = PlotSequence('rex')
def run_one_ccd(survey, catsurvey_north, catsurvey_south, resolve_dec, ccd, opt, zoomslice, ps): tlast = Time() im = survey.get_image_object(ccd) if opt.do_calib: im.run_calibs(splinesky=True) tim = im.get_tractor_image(slc=zoomslice, pixPsf=True, splinesky=True, constant_invvar=opt.constant_invvar, hybridPsf=opt.hybrid_psf, normalizePsf=opt.normalize_psf, old_calibs_ok=True) print('Got tim:', tim, 'x0,y0', tim.x0, tim.y0) tnow = Time() print('Read image:', tnow - tlast) tlast = tnow # Apply outlier masks if True: # Outliers masks are computed within a survey (north/south for dr8), and are stored # in a brick-oriented way, in the results directories. north_ccd = ( != 'decam') catsurvey = catsurvey_north if not north_ccd and catsurvey_south is not None: catsurvey = catsurvey_south chipwcs = tim.subwcs bricks = bricks_touching_wcs(chipwcs, survey=catsurvey) for b in bricks: from legacypipe.outliers import read_outlier_mask_file print('Reading outlier mask for brick', b.brickname) ok = read_outlier_mask_file(catsurvey, [tim], b.brickname, subimage=False, output=False, ps=ps) if not ok: print('WARNING: failed to read outliers mask file for brick', b.brickname) if opt.catalog: T = fits_table(opt.catalog) else: chipwcs = tim.subwcs T = get_catalog_in_wcs(chipwcs, catsurvey_north, catsurvey_south=catsurvey_south, resolve_dec=resolve_dec) if T is None: print('No sources to photometer.') return None if opt.write_cat: T.writeto(opt.write_cat) print('Wrote catalog to', opt.write_cat) surveydir = survey.get_survey_dir() del survey if opt.move_gaia: # Gaia stars: move RA,Dec to the epoch of this image. I = np.flatnonzero(T.ref_epoch > 0) if len(I): from legacypipe.survey import radec_at_mjd print('Moving', len(I), 'Gaia stars to MJD', tim.time.toMjd()) ra, dec = radec_at_mjd(T.ra[I], T.dec[I], T.ref_epoch[I].astype(float), T.pmra[I], T.pmdec[I], T.parallax[I], tim.time.toMjd()) T.ra[I] = ra T.dec[I] = dec tnow = Time() print('Read catalog:', tnow - tlast) tlast = tnow cat = read_fits_catalog(T, bands='r') # Replace the brightness (which will be a NanoMaggies with g,r,z) # with a NanoMaggies with this image's band only. for src in cat: src.brightness = NanoMaggies(**{ 1.}) tnow = Time() print('Parse catalog:', tnow - tlast) tlast = tnow print('Forced photom...') F = run_forced_phot(cat, tim, ceres=opt.ceres, derivs=opt.derivs, fixed_also=True, agn=opt.agn, do_forced=opt.forced, do_apphot=opt.apphot, get_model=opt.save_model, ps=ps, timing=True, ceres_threads=opt.ceres_threads) if opt.save_model: # unpack results F, model_img = F F.release = T.release F.brickid = T.brickid F.brickname = T.brickname F.objid = T.objid = np.array([] * len(F)) F.expnum = np.array([im.expnum] * len(F)).astype(np.int64) F.ccdname = np.array([im.ccdname] * len(F)) # "Denormalizing" F.filter = np.array([] * len(F)) F.mjd = np.array([tim.primhdr['MJD-OBS']] * len(F)) F.exptime = np.array([tim.primhdr['EXPTIME']] * len(F)).astype(np.float32) F.psfsize = np.array([tim.psf_fwhm * tim.imobj.pixscale] * len(F)).astype( np.float32) F.ccd_cuts = np.array([ccd.ccd_cuts] * len(F)) F.airmass = np.array([ccd.airmass] * len(F)) ### --> also add units to the dict below so the FITS headers have units = np.array([tim.midsky / tim.zpscale / tim.imobj.pixscale**2] * len(F)).astype(np.float32) # in the same units as the depth maps -- flux inverse-variance. F.psfdepth = np.array([(1. / (tim.sig1 / tim.psfnorm)**2)] * len(F)).astype(np.float32) F.galdepth = np.array([(1. / (tim.sig1 / tim.galnorm)**2)] * len(F)).astype(np.float32) # F.psfdepth = np.array([-2.5 * (np.log10(5. * tim.sig1 / tim.psfnorm) - 9)] * len(F)).astype(np.float32) # F.galdepth = np.array([-2.5 * (np.log10(5. * tim.sig1 / tim.galnorm) - 9)] * len(F)).astype(np.float32) # super units questions here if opt.derivs: cosdec = np.cos(np.deg2rad(T.dec)) F.dra = (F.flux_dra / F.flux) * 3600. / cosdec F.ddec = (F.flux_ddec / F.flux) * 3600. F.dra_ivar = F.flux_dra_ivar * (F.flux / 3600. * cosdec)**2 F.ddec_ivar = F.flux_ddec_ivar * (F.flux / 3600.)**2 F.delete_column('flux_dra') F.delete_column('flux_ddec') F.delete_column('flux_dra_ivar') F.delete_column('flux_ddec_ivar') F.flux = F.flux_fixed F.flux_ivar = F.flux_fixed_ivar F.delete_column('flux_fixed') F.delete_column('flux_fixed_ivar') for c in ['dra', 'ddec', 'dra_ivar', 'ddec_ivar', 'flux', 'flux_ivar']: F.set(c, F.get(c).astype(np.float32)) F.ra = T.ra F.dec = T.dec ok, x, y = tim.sip_wcs.radec2pixelxy(T.ra, T.dec) F.x = (x - 1).astype(np.float32) F.y = (y - 1).astype(np.float32) h, w = tim.shape F.dqmask = tim.dq[np.clip(np.round(F.y).astype(int), 0, h - 1), np.clip(np.round(F.x).astype(int), 0, w - 1)] program_name = sys.argv[0] ## FIXME -- from catalog? release = 8002 version_hdr = get_version_header(program_name, surveydir, release) filename = getattr(ccd, 'image_filename') if filename is None: # HACK -- print only two directory names + filename of CPFILE. fname = os.path.basename(im.imgfn.strip()) d = os.path.dirname(im.imgfn) d1 = os.path.basename(d) d = os.path.dirname(d) d2 = os.path.basename(d) filename = os.path.join(d2, d1, fname) print('Trimmed filename to', filename) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='CPFILE', value=filename, comment='CP file')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='CPHDU', value=im.hdu, comment='CP ext')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='CAMERA',, comment='Camera')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='EXPNUM', value=im.expnum, comment='Exposure num')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='CCDNAME', value=im.ccdname, comment='CCD name')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='FILTER',, comment='Bandpass of this image')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='PLVER', value=ccd.plver, comment='CP pipeline version')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='PLPROCID', value=ccd.plprocid, comment='CP pipeline id')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='PROCDATE', value=ccd.procdate, comment='CP image DATE')) keys = [ 'TELESCOP', 'OBSERVAT', 'OBS-LAT', 'OBS-LONG', 'OBS-ELEV', 'INSTRUME' ] for key in keys: if key in tim.primhdr: version_hdr.add_record(dict(name=key, value=tim.primhdr[key])) if opt.save_model or opt.save_data: hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() tim.getWcs().wcs.add_to_header(hdr) if opt.save_model: fitsio.write(opt.save_model, model_img, header=hdr, clobber=True) print('Wrote', opt.save_model) if opt.save_data: fitsio.write(opt.save_data, tim.getImage(), header=hdr, clobber=True) print('Wrote', opt.save_data) tnow = Time() print('Forced phot:', tnow - tlast) return F, version_hdr
def run_one_ccd(survey, catsurvey_north, catsurvey_south, resolve_dec, ccd, opt, zoomslice, ps): from functools import reduce from legacypipe.bits import DQ_BITS tlast = Time() #print('Opt:', opt) im = survey.get_image_object(ccd) print('Run_one_ccd: checking cache', survey.cache_dir) if survey.cache_dir is not None: im.check_for_cached_files(survey) if opt.do_calib: im.run_calibs(splinesky=True) tim = im.get_tractor_image(slc=zoomslice, pixPsf=True, constant_invvar=opt.constant_invvar, hybridPsf=opt.hybrid_psf, normalizePsf=opt.normalize_psf, old_calibs_ok=True, trim_edges=False) print('Got tim:', tim) #, 'x0,y0', tim.x0, tim.y0) chipwcs = tim.subwcs H, W = tim.shape tnow = Time() print('Read image:', tnow - tlast) tlast = tnow if == 'decam': # Halo subtraction from legacypipe.halos import subtract_one from legacypipe.reference import mask_radius_for_mag, read_gaia ref_margin = mask_radius_for_mag(0.) mpix = int(np.ceil(ref_margin * 3600. / chipwcs.pixel_scale())) marginwcs = chipwcs.get_subimage(-mpix, -mpix, W + 2 * mpix, H + 2 * mpix) gaia = read_gaia(marginwcs, None) keeprad = np.ceil(gaia.keep_radius * 3600. / chipwcs.pixel_scale()).astype(int) _, xx, yy = chipwcs.radec2pixelxy(gaia.ra, gaia.dec) # cut to those touching the chip gaia.cut((xx > -keeprad) * (xx < W + keeprad) * (yy > -keeprad) * (yy < H + keeprad)) Igaia, = np.nonzero(gaia.isgaia * gaia.pointsource) halostars = gaia[Igaia] print('Got', len(gaia), 'Gaia stars,', len(halostars), 'for halo subtraction') moffat = True halos = subtract_one((tim, halostars, moffat)) -= halos # The "north" and "south" directories often don't have # 'survey-bricks" files of their own -- use the 'survey' one # instead. if catsurvey_south is not None: try: catsurvey_south.get_bricks_readonly() except: catsurvey_south.bricks = survey.get_bricks_readonly() if catsurvey_north is not None: try: catsurvey_north.get_bricks_readonly() except: catsurvey_north.bricks = survey.get_bricks_readonly() # Apply outlier masks outlier_header = None outlier_mask = None posneg_mask = None if opt.outlier_mask is not None: posneg_mask = np.zeros(tim.shape, np.uint8) # Outliers masks are computed within a survey (north/south for dr9), and are stored # in a brick-oriented way, in the results directories. north_ccd = ( != 'decam') catsurvey = catsurvey_north if not north_ccd and catsurvey_south is not None: catsurvey = catsurvey_south bricks = bricks_touching_wcs(chipwcs, survey=catsurvey) for b in bricks: print( 'Reading outlier mask for brick', b.brickname, ':', catsurvey.find_file('outliers_mask', brick=b.brickname, output=False)) ok = read_outlier_mask_file(catsurvey, [tim], b.brickname, pos_neg_mask=posneg_mask, subimage=False, output=False, ps=ps) if not ok: print('WARNING: failed to read outliers mask file for brick', b.brickname) if opt.outlier_mask is not None: outlier_mask = np.zeros((ccd.height, ccd.width), np.uint8) outlier_mask[tim.y0:tim.y0 + H, tim.x0:tim.x0 + W] = posneg_mask del posneg_mask # Grab original image headers (including WCS) im = survey.get_image_object(ccd) imhdr = im.read_image_header() imhdr['CAMERA'] = imhdr['EXPNUM'] = ccd.expnum imhdr['CCDNAME'] = ccd.ccdname imhdr['IMGFILE'] = ccd.image_filename.strip() outlier_header = imhdr if opt.catalog: T = fits_table(opt.catalog) else: chipwcs = tim.subwcs T = get_catalog_in_wcs(chipwcs, survey, catsurvey_north, catsurvey_south=catsurvey_south, resolve_dec=resolve_dec) if T is None: print('No sources to photometer.') return None if opt.write_cat: T.writeto(opt.write_cat) print('Wrote catalog to', opt.write_cat) surveydir = survey.get_survey_dir() del survey if opt.move_gaia: # Gaia stars: move RA,Dec to the epoch of this image. I = np.flatnonzero(T.ref_epoch > 0) if len(I): print('Moving', len(I), 'Gaia stars to MJD', tim.time.toMjd()) ra, dec = radec_at_mjd(T.ra[I], T.dec[I], T.ref_epoch[I].astype(float), T.pmra[I], T.pmdec[I], T.parallax[I], tim.time.toMjd()) T.ra[I] = ra T.dec[I] = dec tnow = Time() print('Read catalog:', tnow - tlast) tlast = tnow # Find SGA galaxies outside this chip and subtract them before we begin. chipwcs = tim.subwcs _, xx, yy = chipwcs.radec2pixelxy(T.ra, T.dec) W, H = chipwcs.get_width(), chipwcs.get_height() sga_out = (T.ref_cat == 'L3') * np.logical_not( (xx >= 1) * (xx <= W) * (yy >= 1) * (yy <= H)) I = np.flatnonzero(sga_out) if len(I): print(len(I), 'SGA galaxies are outside the image. Subtracting...') cat = read_fits_catalog(T[I], bands=[]) tr = Tractor([tim], cat) mod = tr.getModelImage(0) -= mod I = np.flatnonzero(np.logical_not(sga_out)) T.cut(I) cat = read_fits_catalog(T, bands='r') # Replace the brightness (which will be a NanoMaggies with g,r,z) # with a NanoMaggies with this image's band only. for src in cat: src.brightness = NanoMaggies(**{ 1.}) tnow = Time() print('Parse catalog:', tnow - tlast) tlast = tnow print('Forced photom...') F = run_forced_phot(cat, tim, ceres=opt.ceres, derivs=opt.derivs, fixed_also=True, agn=opt.agn, do_forced=opt.forced, do_apphot=opt.apphot, get_model=opt.save_model, ps=ps, timing=True, ceres_threads=opt.ceres_threads) if opt.save_model: # unpack results F, model_img = F F.release = T.release F.brickid = T.brickid F.brickname = T.brickname F.objid = T.objid = np.array([] * len(F)) F.expnum = np.array([im.expnum] * len(F), dtype=np.int64) F.ccdname = np.array([im.ccdname] * len(F)) # "Denormalizing" F.filter = np.array([] * len(F)) F.mjd = np.array([tim.primhdr['MJD-OBS']] * len(F)) F.exptime = np.array([tim.primhdr['EXPTIME']] * len(F), dtype=np.float32) F.psfsize = np.array([tim.psf_fwhm * tim.imobj.pixscale] * len(F), dtype=np.float32) F.ccd_cuts = np.array([ccd.ccd_cuts] * len(F)) F.airmass = np.array([ccd.airmass] * len(F), dtype=np.float32) ### --> also add units to the dict below so the FITS headers have units = np.array([tim.midsky / tim.zpscale / tim.imobj.pixscale**2] * len(F), dtype=np.float32) # in the same units as the depth maps -- flux inverse-variance. F.psfdepth = np.array([(1. / (tim.sig1 / tim.psfnorm)**2)] * len(F), dtype=np.float32) F.galdepth = np.array([(1. / (tim.sig1 / tim.galnorm)**2)] * len(F), dtype=np.float32) F.fwhm = np.array([tim.psf_fwhm] * len(F), dtype=np.float32) F.skyrms = np.array([ccd.skyrms] * len(F), dtype=np.float32) F.ccdzpt = np.array([ccd.ccdzpt] * len(F), dtype=np.float32) F.ccdrarms = np.array([ccd.ccdrarms] * len(F), dtype=np.float32) F.ccddecrms = np.array([ccd.ccddecrms] * len(F), dtype=np.float32) F.ccdphrms = np.array([ccd.ccdphrms] * len(F), dtype=np.float32) if opt.derivs: cosdec = np.cos(np.deg2rad(T.dec)) with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): F.dra = (F.flux_dra / F.flux) * 3600. / cosdec F.ddec = (F.flux_ddec / F.flux) * 3600. F.dra[F.flux == 0] = 0. F.ddec[F.flux == 0] = 0. F.dra_ivar = F.flux_dra_ivar * (F.flux / 3600. * cosdec)**2 F.ddec_ivar = F.flux_ddec_ivar * (F.flux / 3600.)**2 F.delete_column('flux_dra') F.delete_column('flux_ddec') F.delete_column('flux_dra_ivar') F.delete_column('flux_ddec_ivar') F.flux = F.flux_fixed F.flux_ivar = F.flux_fixed_ivar F.delete_column('flux_fixed') F.delete_column('flux_fixed_ivar') for c in ['dra', 'ddec', 'dra_ivar', 'ddec_ivar', 'flux', 'flux_ivar']: F.set(c, F.get(c).astype(np.float32)) F.ra = T.ra F.dec = T.dec _, x, y = tim.sip_wcs.radec2pixelxy(T.ra, T.dec) F.x = (x - 1).astype(np.float32) F.y = (y - 1).astype(np.float32) h, w = tim.shape ix = np.round(F.x).astype(int) iy = np.round(F.y).astype(int) F.dqmask = tim.dq[np.clip(iy, 0, h - 1), np.clip(ix, 0, w - 1)] # Set an OUT-OF-BOUNDS bit. F.dqmask[reduce(np.logical_or, [ix < 0, ix >= w, iy < 0, iy >= h])] |= DQ_BITS['edge2'] program_name = sys.argv[0] ## FIXME -- from catalog? release = 9999 version_hdr = get_version_header(program_name, surveydir, release) filename = getattr(ccd, 'image_filename') if filename is None: # HACK -- print only two directory names + filename of CPFILE. fname = os.path.basename(im.imgfn.strip()) d = os.path.dirname(im.imgfn) d1 = os.path.basename(d) d = os.path.dirname(d) d2 = os.path.basename(d) filename = os.path.join(d2, d1, fname) print('Trimmed filename to', filename) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='CPFILE', value=filename, comment='CP file')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='CPHDU', value=im.hdu, comment='CP ext')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='CAMERA',, comment='Camera')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='EXPNUM', value=im.expnum, comment='Exposure num')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='CCDNAME', value=im.ccdname, comment='CCD name')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='FILTER',, comment='Bandpass of this image')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='PLVER', value=ccd.plver, comment='CP pipeline version')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='PLPROCID', value=ccd.plprocid, comment='CP pipeline id')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='PROCDATE', value=ccd.procdate, comment='CP image DATE')) keys = [ 'TELESCOP', 'OBSERVAT', 'OBS-LAT', 'OBS-LONG', 'OBS-ELEV', 'INSTRUME' ] for key in keys: if key in tim.primhdr: version_hdr.add_record(dict(name=key, value=tim.primhdr[key])) if opt.save_model or opt.save_data: hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() tim.getWcs().wcs.add_to_header(hdr) if opt.save_model: fitsio.write(opt.save_model, model_img, header=hdr, clobber=True) print('Wrote', opt.save_model) if opt.save_data: fitsio.write(opt.save_data, tim.getImage(), header=hdr, clobber=True) print('Wrote', opt.save_data) tnow = Time() print('Forced phot:', tnow - tlast) return F, version_hdr, outlier_mask, outlier_header
def main(): import optparse from astrometry.util.plotutils import PlotSequence from astrometry.util.util import Tan parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='%prog [options] incat.fits out.fits') parser.add_option('-r', '--ralo', dest='ralo', type=float, help='Minimum RA') parser.add_option('-R', '--rahi', dest='rahi', type=float, help='Maximum RA') parser.add_option('-d', '--declo', dest='declo', type=float, help='Minimum Dec') parser.add_option('-D', '--dechi', dest='dechi', type=float, help='Maximum Dec') parser.add_option('-b', '--band', dest='bands', action='append', type=int, default=[], help='WISE band to photometer (default: 1,2)') parser.add_option('-u', '--unwise', dest='unwise_dir', default='unwise-coadds', help='Directory containing unWISE coadds') parser.add_option('--no-ceres', dest='ceres', action='store_false', default=True, help='Use scipy lsqr rather than Ceres Solver?') parser.add_option('--ceres-block', '-B', dest='ceresblock', type=int, default=8, help='Ceres image block size (default: %default)') parser.add_option('--plots', dest='plots', default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_option('--save-fits', dest='save_fits', default=False, action='store_true') # parser.add_option('--ellipses', action='store_true', # help='Assume catalog shapes are ellipse descriptions (not r,ab,phi)') # parser.add_option('--ra', help='Center RA') # parser.add_option('--dec', help='Center Dec') # parser.add_option('--width', help='Degrees width (in RA*cos(Dec))') # parser.add_option('--height', help='Degrees height (Dec)') opt, args = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 2: parser.print_help() sys.exit(-1) if len(opt.bands) == 0: opt.bands = [1, 2] # Allow specifying bands like "123" bb = [] for band in opt.bands: for s in str(band): bb.append(int(s)) opt.bands = bb print('Bands', opt.bands) ps = None if opt.plots: ps = PlotSequence('unwise') infn, outfn = args T = fits_table(infn) print('Read', len(T), 'sources from', infn) if opt.declo is not None: T.cut(T.dec >= opt.declo) if opt.dechi is not None: T.cut(T.dec <= opt.dechi) # Let's be a bit smart about RA wrap-around. Compute the 'center' # of the RA points, use the cross product against that to define # inequality (clockwise-of). r = np.deg2rad(T.ra) x = np.mean(np.cos(r)) y = np.mean(np.sin(r)) rr = np.hypot(x, y) x /= rr y /= rr midra = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(y, x)) midra += 360. * (midra < 0) xx = np.cos(r) yy = np.sin(r) T.cross = x * yy - y * xx minra = T.ra[np.argmin(T.cross)] maxra = T.ra[np.argmax(T.cross)] if opt.ralo is not None: r = np.deg2rad(opt.ralo) xx = np.cos(r) yy = np.sin(r) crosscut = x * yy - y * xx T.cut(T.cross >= crosscut) print('Cut to', len(T), 'with RA >', opt.ralo) if opt.rahi is not None: r = np.deg2rad(opt.rahi) xx = np.cos(r) yy = np.sin(r) crosscut = x * yy - y * xx T.cut(T.cross <= crosscut) print('Cut to', len(T), 'with RA <', opt.rahi) if opt.declo is None: opt.declo = T.dec.min() if opt.dechi is None: opt.dechi = T.dec.max() if opt.ralo is None: opt.ralo = T.ra[np.argmin(T.cross)] if opt.rahi is None: opt.rahi = T.ra[np.argmax(T.cross)] T.delete_column('cross') print('RA range:', opt.ralo, opt.rahi) print('Dec range:', opt.declo, opt.dechi) x = np.mean([np.cos(np.deg2rad(r)) for r in (opt.ralo, opt.rahi)]) y = np.mean([np.sin(np.deg2rad(r)) for r in (opt.ralo, opt.rahi)]) midra = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(y, x)) midra += 360. * (midra < 0) middec = (opt.declo + opt.dechi) / 2. print('RA,Dec center:', midra, middec) pixscale = 2.75 / 3600. H = (opt.dechi - opt.declo) / pixscale dra = 2. * min(np.abs(midra - opt.ralo), np.abs(midra - opt.rahi)) W = dra * np.cos(np.deg2rad(middec)) / pixscale margin = 5 W = int(W) + margin * 2 H = int(H) + margin * 2 print('W,H', W, H) targetwcs = Tan(midra, middec, (W + 1) / 2., (H + 1) / 2., -pixscale, 0., 0., pixscale, float(W), float(H)) #print('Target WCS:', targetwcs) ra0, dec0 = targetwcs.pixelxy2radec(0.5, 0.5) ra1, dec1 = targetwcs.pixelxy2radec(W + 0.5, H + 0.5) roiradecbox = [ra0, ra1, dec0, dec1] #print('ROI RA,Dec box', roiradecbox) tiles = unwise_tiles_touching_wcs(targetwcs) print('Cut to', len(tiles), 'unWISE tiles') disable_galaxy_cache() cols = T.get_columns() all_ptsrcs = not('type' in cols) if not all_ptsrcs: assert('shapeexp' in cols) assert('shapedev' in cols) assert('fracdev' in cols) wanyband = 'w' print('Creating Tractor catalog...') cat = [] for i, t in enumerate(T): pos = RaDecPos(t.ra, t.dec) flux = NanoMaggies(**{wanyband: 1.}) if all_ptsrcs: cat.append(PointSource(pos, flux)) continue tt = t.type.strip() if tt in ['PTSRC', 'STAR', 'S']: cat.append(PointSource(pos, flux)) elif tt in ['EXP', 'E']: shape = EllipseE(*t.shapeexp) cat.append(ExpGalaxy(pos, flux, shape)) elif tt in ['DEV', 'D']: shape = EllipseE(*t.shapedev) cat.append(DevGalaxy(pos, flux, shape)) elif tt in ['COMP', 'C']: eshape = EllipseE(*t.shapeexp) dshape = EllipseE(*t.shapedev) cat.append(FixedCompositeGalaxy(pos, flux, t.fracdev, eshape, dshape)) else: print('Did not understand row', i, 'of input catalog:') t.about() assert(False) W = unwise_forcedphot(cat, tiles, roiradecbox=roiradecbox, bands=opt.bands, unwise_dir=opt.unwise_dir, use_ceres=opt.ceres, ceres_block=opt.ceresblock, save_fits=opt.save_fits, ps=ps) W.writeto(outfn)
def scan_dchisq(seeing, target_dchisq, ps, e1=0.): pixscale = 0.262 psfsigma = seeing / pixscale / 2.35 print('PSF sigma:', psfsigma, 'pixels') psf = GaussianMixturePSF(1., 0., 0., psfsigma**2, psfsigma**2, 0.) sig1 = 0.01 psfnorm = 1./(2. * np.sqrt(np.pi) * psfsigma) detsig1 = sig1 / psfnorm sz = 50 cd = pixscale / 3600. wcs = Tan(0., 0., float(sz/2), float(sz/2), -cd, 0., 0., cd, float(sz), float(sz)) band = 'r' tim = Image(data=np.zeros((sz,sz)), inverr=np.ones((sz,sz)) / sig1, psf=psf, wcs = ConstantFitsWcs(wcs), photocal = LinearPhotoCal(1., band=band)) re_vals = np.logspace(-1., 0., 50) all_runs = [] mods = [] for i,re in enumerate(re_vals): true_src = ExpGalaxy(RaDecPos(0., 0.), NanoMaggies(**{band: 1.}), EllipseE(re, e1, 0.)) print('True source:', true_src) tr = Tractor([tim], [true_src]) tr.freezeParams('images') true_mod = tr.getModelImage(0) dchisq_none = np.sum((true_mod * tim.inverr)**2) scale = np.sqrt(target_dchisq / dchisq_none) true_src.brightness.setParams([scale]) true_mod = tr.getModelImage(0) dchisq_none = np.sum((true_mod * tim.inverr)**2) mods.append(true_mod) = true_mod exp_src = true_src.copy() psf_src = PointSource(true_src.pos.copy(), true_src.brightness.copy()) simp_src = SimpleGalaxy(true_src.pos.copy(), true_src.brightness.copy()) dchisqs = [] #for src in [psf_src, simp_src, exp_src]: for src in [psf_src, simp_src]: src.freezeParam('pos') #print('Fitting source:', src) #src.printThawedParams() tr.catalog[0] = src tr.optimize_loop() #print('Fitted:', src) mod = tr.getModelImage(0) dchisqs.append(dchisq_none - np.sum(((true_mod - mod) * tim.inverr)**2)) #print('dchisq:', dchisqs[-1]) dchisqs.append(dchisq_none) all_runs.append([re,] + dchisqs) all_runs = np.array(all_runs) re = all_runs[:,0] dchi_psf = all_runs[:,1] dchi_simp = all_runs[:,2] dchi_exp = all_runs[:,3] dchi_ps = np.maximum(dchi_psf, dchi_simp) dchi_cut1 = dchi_ps + 3+9 dchi_cut2 = dchi_ps + dchi_psf * 0.02 dchi_cut3 = dchi_ps + dchi_psf * 0.008 plt.clf() plt.plot(re, dchi_psf, 'k-', label='PSF') plt.plot(re, dchi_simp, 'b-', label='SIMP') plt.plot(re, dchi_exp, 'r-', label='EXP') plt.plot(re, dchi_cut2, 'm--', alpha=0.5, lw=2, label='Cut: 2%') plt.plot(re, dchi_cut3, 'm:', alpha=0.5, lw=2, label='Cut: 0.08%') plt.plot(re, dchi_cut1, 'm-', alpha=0.5, lw=2, label='Cut: 12') plt.xlabel('True r_e (arcsec)') plt.ylabel('dchisq') #plt.legend(loc='lower left') plt.legend(loc='upper right') tt = 'Seeing = %g arcsec, S/N ~ %i' % (seeing, int(np.round(np.sqrt(target_dchisq)))) if e1 != 0.: tt += ', Ellipticity %g' % e1 plt.title(tt) plt.ylim(0.90 * target_dchisq, 1.05 * target_dchisq) # aspect = 1.2 # ax = plt.axis() # dre = (ax[1]-ax[0]) / 20 / aspect # dchi = (ax[3]-ax[2]) / 20 # I = np.linspace(0, len(re_vals)-1, 8).astype(int) # for mod,re in [(mods[i], re_vals[i]) for i in I]: # print('extent:', [re-dre, re+dre, ax[2], ax[2]+dchi]) # plt.imshow(mod, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', aspect='auto', # extent=[re-dre, re+dre, ax[2], ax[2]+dchi], cmap='gray') # plt.axis(ax) ps.savefig()
def run_sed_matched_filters(SEDs, bands, detmaps, detivs, omit_xy, targetwcs, nsigma=5, saddle_fraction=0.1, saddle_min=2., saturated_pix=None, exclusion_radius=4., veto_map=None, mp=None, plots=False, ps=None, rgbimg=None): ''' Runs a given set of SED-matched filters. Parameters ---------- SEDs : list of (name, sed) tuples The SEDs to run. The `sed` values are lists the same length as `bands`. bands : list of string The band names of `detmaps` and `detivs`. detmaps : numpy array, float Detection maps for each of the listed `bands`. detivs : numpy array, float Inverse-variances of the `detmaps`. omit_xy : None, or (xx,yy,rr) tuple Existing sources to avoid: x, y, radius. targetwcs : WCS object WCS object to use to convert pixel values into RA,Decs for the returned Tractor PointSource objects. nsigma : float, optional Detection threshold saturated_pix : None or list of numpy arrays, booleans Passed through to sed_matched_detection. A map of pixels that are always considered "hot" when determining whether a new source touches hot pixels of an existing source. exclusion_radius: int How many pixels around an existing source to veto plots : boolean, optional Create plots? ps : PlotSequence object Create plots? mp : multiproc object Multiprocessing Returns ------- Tnew : fits_table Table of new sources detected newcat : list of PointSource objects Newly detected objects, with positions and fluxes, as Tractor PointSource objects. hot : numpy array of bool "Hot pixels" containing sources. See also -------- sed_matched_detection : run a single SED-matched filter. ''' from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table from tractor import PointSource, RaDecPos, NanoMaggies if omit_xy is not None: xx, yy, rr = omit_xy n0 = len(xx) else: xx, yy, rr = [], [], [] n0 = 0 H, W = detmaps[0].shape hot = np.zeros((H, W), bool) peaksn = [] apsn = [] for sedname, sed in SEDs: if plots: pps = ps else: pps = None sedhot, px, py, peakval, apval = sed_matched_detection( sedname, sed, detmaps, detivs, bands, xx, yy, rr, nsigma=nsigma, saddle_fraction=saddle_fraction, saddle_min=saddle_min, saturated_pix=saturated_pix, veto_map=veto_map, ps=pps, rgbimg=rgbimg) if sedhot is None: continue info('SED', sedname, ':', len(px), 'new peaks') hot |= sedhot # With an empty xx, np.append turns it into a double! xx = np.append(xx, px).astype(int) yy = np.append(yy, py).astype(int) rr = np.append(rr, np.zeros_like(px) + exclusion_radius).astype(int) peaksn.extend(peakval) apsn.extend(apval) # New peaks: peakx = xx[n0:] peaky = yy[n0:] Tnew = None newcat = [] if len(peakx): # Add sources for the new peaks we found pr, pd = targetwcs.pixelxy2radec(peakx + 1, peaky + 1) info('Adding', len(pr), 'new sources') # Also create FITS table for new sources Tnew = fits_table() Tnew.ra = pr Tnew.dec = pd Tnew.ibx = peakx Tnew.iby = peaky assert (len(peaksn) == len(Tnew)) assert (len(apsn) == len(Tnew)) Tnew.peaksn = np.array(peaksn) Tnew.apsn = np.array(apsn) for r, d, x, y in zip(pr, pd, peakx, peaky): fluxes = dict([(band, detmap[y, x]) for band, detmap in zip(bands, detmaps)]) newcat.append( PointSource(RaDecPos(r, d), NanoMaggies(order=bands, **fluxes))) return Tnew, newcat, hot
def unwise_coadds(onegal, galaxy=None, radius_mosaic=30, radius_mask=None, pixscale=2.75, ref_pixscale=0.262, output_dir=None, unwise_dir=None, verbose=False, log=None, centrals=True): '''Generate custom unWISE cutouts. radius_mosaic and radius_mask in arcsec pixscale: WISE pixel scale in arcsec/pixel; make this smaller than 2.75 to oversample. ''' import fitsio import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from astrometry.util.util import Tan from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table from astrometry.libkd.spherematch import match_radec from astrometry.util.resample import resample_with_wcs, ResampleError from wise.forcedphot import unwise_tiles_touching_wcs from wise.unwise import get_unwise_tractor_image from tractor import Tractor, Image, NanoMaggies from legacypipe.survey import imsave_jpeg from legacypipe.catalog import read_fits_catalog if galaxy is None: galaxy = 'galaxy' if output_dir is None: output_dir = '.' if unwise_dir is None: unwise_dir = os.environ.get('UNWISE_COADDS_DIR') if radius_mask is None: radius_mask = radius_mosaic radius_search = 5.0 # [arcsec] else: radius_search = radius_mask # Initialize the WCS object. W = H = np.ceil(2 * radius_mosaic / pixscale).astype('int') # [pixels] targetwcs = Tan(onegal['RA'], onegal['DEC'], (W + 1) / 2.0, (H + 1) / 2.0, -pixscale / 3600.0, 0.0, 0.0, pixscale / 3600.0, float(W), float(H)) # Read the custom Tractor catalog. tractorfile = os.path.join(output_dir, '{}-tractor.fits'.format(galaxy)) if not os.path.isfile(tractorfile): print('Missing Tractor catalog {}'.format(tractorfile), flush=True, file=log) return 0 primhdr = fitsio.read_header(tractorfile) cat = fits_table(tractorfile) print('Read {} sources from {}'.format(len(cat), tractorfile), flush=True, file=log) keep = np.ones(len(cat)).astype(bool) if centrals: # Find the large central galaxy and mask out (ignore) all the models # which are within its elliptical mask. # This algorithm will have to change for mosaics not centered on large # galaxies, e.g., in galaxy groups. m1, m2, d12 = match_radec(cat.ra, cat.dec, onegal['RA'], onegal['DEC'], radius_search / 3600.0, nearest=False) if len(m1) == 0: print('No central galaxies found at the central coordinates!', flush=True, file=log) else: pixfactor = ref_pixscale / pixscale # shift the optical Tractor positions for mm in m1: morphtype = cat.type[mm].strip() if morphtype == 'EXP' or morphtype == 'COMP': e1, e2, r50 = cat.shapeexp_e1[mm], cat.shapeexp_e2[ mm], cat.shapeexp_r[mm] # [arcsec] elif morphtype == 'DEV' or morphtype == 'COMP': e1, e2, r50 = cat.shapedev_e1[mm], cat.shapedev_e2[ mm], cat.shapedev_r[mm] # [arcsec] else: r50 = None if r50: majoraxis = r50 * 5 / pixscale # [pixels] ba, phi = SGA.misc.convert_tractor_e1e2(e1, e2) these = SGA.misc.ellipse_mask(W / 2, W / 2, majoraxis, ba * majoraxis, np.radians(phi), cat.bx * pixfactor, * pixfactor) if np.sum(these) > 0: #keep[these] = False pass print('Hack!') keep[mm] = False #srcs = read_fits_catalog(cat) #_srcs = np.array(srcs)[~keep].tolist() #mod = SGA.misc.srcs2image(_srcs, ConstantFitsWcs(targetwcs), psf_sigma=3.0) #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ##plt.imshow(mod, origin='lower') ; plt.savefig('junk.png') #plt.imshow(np.log10(mod), origin='lower') ; plt.savefig('junk.png') #pdb.set_trace() srcs = read_fits_catalog(cat) for src in srcs: src.freezeAllBut('brightness') #srcs_nocentral = np.array(srcs)[keep].tolist() cat_nocentral = cat[keep] ## Find and remove all the objects within XX arcsec of the target ## coordinates. #m1, m2, d12 = match_radec(T.ra, T.dec, onegal['RA'], onegal['DEC'], 5/3600.0, nearest=False) #if len(d12) == 0: # print('No matching galaxies found -- probably not what you wanted.') # #raise ValueError # nocentral = np.ones(len(T)).astype(bool) #else: # nocentral = ~np.isin(T.objid, T[m1].objid) #T_nocentral = T[nocentral] # Find and read the overlapping unWISE tiles. Assume the targetwcs is # axis-aligned and that the edge midpoints yield the RA, Dec limits (true # for TAN). Note: the way the roiradec box is used, the min/max order # doesn't matter. r, d = targetwcs.pixelxy2radec(np.array([1, W, W / 2, W / 2]), np.array([H / 2, H / 2, 1, H])) roiradec = [r[0], r[1], d[2], d[3]] tiles = unwise_tiles_touching_wcs(targetwcs) wbands = [1, 2, 3, 4] wanyband = 'w' vega_to_ab = dict(w1=2.699, w2=3.339, w3=5.174, w4=6.620) # Convert the AB WISE fluxes in the Tractor catalog to Vega nanomaggies so # they're consistent with the coadds, below. for band in wbands: f = cat.get('flux_w{}'.format(band)) e = cat.get('flux_ivar_w{}'.format(band)) print('Setting negative fluxes equal to zero!') f[f < 0] = 0 #f[f/e < 3] = 0 f *= 10**(0.4 * vega_to_ab['w{}'.format(band)]) coimgs = [np.zeros((H, W), np.float32) for b in wbands] comods = [np.zeros((H, W), np.float32) for b in wbands] comods_nocentral = [np.zeros((H, W), np.float32) for b in wbands] con = [np.zeros((H, W), np.uint8) for b in wbands] for iband, band in enumerate(wbands): for ii, src in enumerate(srcs): src.setBrightness( NanoMaggies( **{wanyband: cat.get('flux_w{}'.format(band))[ii]})) srcs_nocentral = np.array(srcs)[keep].tolist() #srcs_nocentral = np.array(srcs)[nocentral].tolist() # The tiles have some overlap, so for each source, keep the fit in the # tile whose center is closest to the source. for tile in tiles: #print('Reading tile {}'.format(tile.coadd_id)) tim = get_unwise_tractor_image(unwise_dir, tile.coadd_id, band, bandname=wanyband, roiradecbox=roiradec) if tim is None: print('Actually, no overlap with tile {}'.format( tile.coadd_id)) continue print('Read image {} with shape {}'.format(tile.coadd_id, tim.shape)) def _unwise_mod(tim, use_cat, use_srcs, margin=10): # Select sources in play. wisewcs = tim.wcs.wcs timH, timW = tim.shape ok, x, y = wisewcs.radec2pixelxy(use_cat.ra, use_cat.dec) x = (x - 1.).astype(np.float32) y = (y - 1.).astype(np.float32) I = np.flatnonzero((x >= -margin) * (x < timW + margin) * (y >= -margin) * (y < timH + margin)) #print('Found {} sources within the image + margin = {} pixels'.format(len(I), margin)) subcat = [use_srcs[i] for i in I] tractor = Tractor([tim], subcat) mod = tractor.getModelImage(0) return mod mod = _unwise_mod(tim, cat, srcs) mod_nocentral = _unwise_mod(tim, cat_nocentral, srcs_nocentral) try: Yo, Xo, Yi, Xi, nil = resample_with_wcs(targetwcs, tim.wcs.wcs) except ResampleError: continue if len(Yo) == 0: continue # The models are already in AB nanomaggies, but the tiles / tims are # in Vega nanomaggies, so convert them here. coimgs[iband][Yo, Xo] += tim.getImage()[Yi, Xi] comods[iband][Yo, Xo] += mod[Yi, Xi] comods_nocentral[iband][Yo, Xo] += mod_nocentral[Yi, Xi] con[iband][Yo, Xo] += 1 ## Convert back to nanomaggies. #vega2ab = vega_to_ab['w{}'.format(band)] #coimgs[iband] *= 10**(-0.4 * vega2ab) #comods[iband] *= 10**(-0.4 * vega2ab) #comods_nocentral[iband] *= 10**(-0.4 * vega2ab) for img, mod, mod_nocentral, n in zip(coimgs, comods, comods_nocentral, con): img /= np.maximum(n, 1) mod /= np.maximum(n, 1) mod_nocentral /= np.maximum(n, 1) coresids = [img - mod for img, mod in list(zip(coimgs, comods))] # Subtract the model image which excludes the central (comod_nocentral) # from the data (coimg) to isolate the light of the central # (coimg_central). coimgs_central = [ img - mod for img, mod in list(zip(coimgs, comods_nocentral)) ] # Write out the final images with and without the central and converted into # AB nanomaggies. for coadd, imtype in zip((coimgs, comods, comods_nocentral), ('image', 'model', 'model-nocentral')): for img, band in zip(coadd, wbands): vega2ab = vega_to_ab['w{}'.format(band)] fitsfile = os.path.join( output_dir, '{}-{}-W{}.fits'.format(galaxy, imtype, band)) if verbose: print('Writing {}'.format(fitsfile)) fitsio.write(fitsfile, img * 10**(-0.4 * vega2ab), clobber=True) # Generate color WISE images. kwa = dict(mn=-1, mx=100, arcsinh=0.5) #kwa = dict(mn=-0.05, mx=1., arcsinh=0.5) #kwa = dict(mn=-0.1, mx=2., arcsinh=None) for imgs, imtype in zip( (coimgs, comods, coresids, comods_nocentral, coimgs_central), ('image', 'model', 'resid', 'model-nocentral', 'image-central')): rgb = _unwise_to_rgb(imgs[:2], **kwa) # W1, W2 jpgfile = os.path.join(output_dir, '{}-{}-W1W2.jpg'.format(galaxy, imtype)) if verbose: print('Writing {}'.format(jpgfile)) imsave_jpeg(jpgfile, rgb, origin='lower') return 1
def get_reference_sources(survey, targetwcs, pixscale, bands, tycho_stars=True, gaia_stars=True, large_galaxies=True, star_clusters=True): from legacypipe.survey import GaiaSource from legacypipe.survey import LegacyEllipseWithPriors from tractor import NanoMaggies, RaDecPos from tractor.galaxy import ExpGalaxy from tractor.ellipses import EllipseESoft H, W = targetwcs.shape H, W = int(H), int(W) # How big of a margin to search for bright stars and star clusters -- # this should be based on the maximum radius they are considered to # affect. ref_margin = 0.125 mpix = int(np.ceil(ref_margin * 3600. / pixscale)) marginwcs = targetwcs.get_subimage(-mpix, -mpix, W + 2 * mpix, H + 2 * mpix) refs = [] # Tycho-2 stars if tycho_stars: tycho = read_tycho2(survey, marginwcs) if len(tycho): refs.append(tycho) # Add Gaia stars gaia = None if gaia_stars: from astrometry.libkd.spherematch import match_radec gaia = read_gaia(marginwcs) if gaia is not None: gaia.isbright = (gaia.phot_g_mean_mag < 13.) gaia.ismedium = (gaia.phot_g_mean_mag < 16.) gaia.donotfit = np.zeros(len(gaia), bool) # Handle sources that appear in both Gaia and Tycho-2 by # dropping the entry from Tycho-2. if len(gaia) and len(tycho): # Before matching, apply proper motions to bring them to # the same epoch. We want to use the more-accurate Gaia # proper motions, so rewind Gaia positions to the # approximate epoch of Tycho-2: 1991.5. cosdec = np.cos(np.deg2rad(gaia.dec)) gra = gaia.ra + (1991.5 - gaia.ref_epoch) * gaia.pmra / ( 3600. * 1000.) / cosdec gdec = gaia.dec + (1991.5 - gaia.ref_epoch) * gaia.pmdec / (3600. * 1000.) I, J, _ = match_radec(tycho.ra, tycho.dec, gra, gdec, 1. / 3600., nearest=True) debug('Matched', len(I), 'Tycho-2 stars to Gaia stars.') if len(I): keep = np.ones(len(tycho), bool) keep[I] = False tycho.cut(keep) gaia.isbright[J] = True if gaia is not None and len(gaia) > 0: refs.append(gaia) # Read the catalog of star (open and globular) clusters and add them to the # set of reference stars (with the isbright bit set). if star_clusters: clusters = read_star_clusters(marginwcs) if clusters is not None: debug('Found', len(clusters), 'star clusters nearby') clusters.iscluster = np.ones(len(clusters), bool) refs.append(clusters) # Read large galaxies nearby. if large_galaxies: galaxies = read_large_galaxies(survey, targetwcs) if galaxies is not None: # Resolve possible Gaia-large-galaxy duplicates if gaia and len(gaia): I, J, _ = match_radec(galaxies.ra, galaxies.dec, gaia.ra, gaia.dec, 2. / 3600., nearest=True) print('Matched', len(I), 'large galaxies to Gaia stars.') if len(I): gaia.donotfit[J] = True refs.append(galaxies) refcat = None if len(refs): refs = merge_tables([r for r in refs if r is not None], columns='fillzero') if len(refs) == 0: return None, None refs.radius_pix = np.ceil(refs.radius * 3600. / pixscale).astype(int) ok, xx, yy = targetwcs.radec2pixelxy(refs.ra, refs.dec) # ibx = integer brick coords refs.ibx = np.round(xx - 1.).astype(int) refs.iby = np.round(yy - 1.).astype(int) # cut ones whose position + radius are outside the brick bounds. refs.cut((xx > -refs.radius_pix) * (xx < W + refs.radius_pix) * (yy > -refs.radius_pix) * (yy < H + refs.radius_pix)) # mark ones that are actually inside the brick area. refs.in_bounds = ((refs.ibx >= 0) * (refs.ibx < W) * (refs.iby >= 0) * (refs.iby < H)) for col in [ 'isbright', 'ismedium', 'islargegalaxy', 'iscluster', 'donotfit' ]: if not col in refs.get_columns(): refs.set(col, np.zeros(len(refs), bool)) ## Create Tractor sources from reference stars refcat = [] for g in refs: if g.donotfit or g.iscluster: refcat.append(None) elif g.islargegalaxy: fluxes = dict([(band, NanoMaggies.magToNanomaggies(g.mag)) for band in bands]) assert (np.all(np.isfinite(list(fluxes.values())))) rr = g.radius * 3600. / 0.5 # factor of two accounts for R(25)-->reff pa = 180 - if not np.isfinite(pa): pa = 0. logr, ee1, ee2 = EllipseESoft.rAbPhiToESoft(rr,, pa) gal = ExpGalaxy(RaDecPos(g.ra, g.dec), NanoMaggies(order=bands, **fluxes), LegacyEllipseWithPriors(logr, ee1, ee2)) refcat.append(gal) else: # Gaia star -- which we want to create a source for, regardless of # whether it is marked medium | bright (or neither). refcat.append(GaiaSource.from_catalog(g, bands)) for src in refcat: if src: src.is_reference_source = True return refs, refcat
def read_fits_catalog(T, hdr=None, invvars=False, bands='grz', allbands='ugrizY', ellipseClass=None): from tractor import NanoMaggies ''' This is currently a weird hybrid of dynamic and hard-coded. Return list of tractor Sources. If invvars=True, return sources,invvars where invvars is a list matching sources.getParams() ''' if hdr is None: hdr = T._header rev_typemap = dict([(v, k) for k, v in fits_typemap.items()]) ivbandcols = [] ibands = np.array([allbands.index(b) for b in bands]) ivs = [] cat = [] for i, t in enumerate(T): clazz = rev_typemap[t.type.strip()] pos = RaDecPos(t.ra, t.dec) assert (np.isfinite(t.ra)) assert (np.isfinite(t.dec)) shorttype = fits_short_typemap[clazz] assert (np.all(np.isfinite(t.decam_flux[ibands]))) br = NanoMaggies(order=bands, **dict(zip(bands, t.decam_flux[ibands]))) params = [pos, br] if invvars: # ASSUME & hard-code that the position and brightness are # the first params ivs.extend([t.ra_ivar, t.dec_ivar] + list(t.decam_flux_ivar[ibands])) if issubclass(clazz, (DevGalaxy, ExpGalaxy)): if ellipseClass is not None: eclazz = ellipseClass else: # hard-code knowledge that third param is the ellipse eclazz = hdr['TR_%s_T3' % shorttype] # drop any double-quoted weirdness eclazz = eclazz.replace('"', '') # look up that string... to avoid eval() eclazz = ellipse_types[eclazz] if issubclass(clazz, DevGalaxy): assert (np.all([np.isfinite(x) for x in t.shapedev])) ell = eclazz(*t.shapedev) else: assert (np.all([np.isfinite(x) for x in t.shapeexp])) ell = eclazz(*t.shapeexp) params.append(ell) if invvars: if issubclass(clazz, DevGalaxy): ivs.extend(t.shapedev_ivar) else: ivs.extend(t.shapeexp_ivar) elif issubclass(clazz, FixedCompositeGalaxy): # hard-code knowledge that params are fracDev, shapeE, shapeD assert (np.isfinite(t.fracdev)) params.append(t.fracdev) if ellipseClass is not None: expeclazz = deveclazz = ellipseClass else: expeclazz = hdr['TR_%s_T4' % shorttype] deveclazz = hdr['TR_%s_T5' % shorttype] expeclazz = expeclazz.replace('"', '') deveclazz = deveclazz.replace('"', '') expeclazz = ellipse_types[expeclazz] deveclazz = ellipse_types[deveclazz] assert (np.all([np.isfinite(x) for x in t.shapedev])) assert (np.all([np.isfinite(x) for x in t.shapeexp])) ee = expeclazz(*t.shapeexp) de = deveclazz(*t.shapedev) params.append(ee) params.append(de) if invvars: ivs.append(t.fracdev_ivar) ivs.extend(t.shapeexp_ivar) ivs.extend(t.shapedev_ivar) elif issubclass(clazz, PointSource): pass else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown class %s' % str(clazz)) src = clazz(*params) cat.append(src) if invvars: ivs = np.array(ivs) ivs[np.logical_not(np.isfinite(ivs))] = 0 return cat, ivs return cat
def get_galaxy_sources(galaxies, bands): from legacypipe.catalog import fits_reverse_typemap from legacypipe.survey import (LegacySersicIndex, LegacyEllipseWithPriors, LogRadius, RexGalaxy) from tractor import NanoMaggies, RaDecPos, PointSource from tractor.ellipses import EllipseE, EllipseESoft from tractor.galaxy import DevGalaxy, ExpGalaxy from tractor.sersic import SersicGalaxy # Factor of HyperLEDA to set the galaxy max radius radius_max_factor = 2. srcs = [None for g in galaxies] # If we have pre-burned galaxies, re-create the Tractor sources for them. I, = np.nonzero(galaxies.preburned) for ii, g in zip(I, galaxies[I]): typ = fits_reverse_typemap[g.type.strip()] pos = RaDecPos(g.ra, g.dec) fluxes = dict([(band, g.get('flux_%s' % band)) for band in bands]) bright = NanoMaggies(order=bands, **fluxes) shape = None # put the Rex branch first, because Rex is a subclass of ExpGalaxy! if issubclass(typ, RexGalaxy): assert (np.isfinite(g.shape_r)) logre = np.log(g.shape_r) shape = LogRadius(logre) # set prior max at 2x SGA radius shape.setMaxLogRadius(logre + np.log(radius_max_factor)) elif issubclass(typ, (DevGalaxy, ExpGalaxy, SersicGalaxy)): assert (np.isfinite(g.shape_r)) assert (np.isfinite(g.shape_e1)) assert (np.isfinite(g.shape_e2)) shape = EllipseE(g.shape_r, g.shape_e1, g.shape_e2) # switch to softened ellipse (better fitting behavior) shape = EllipseESoft.fromEllipseE(shape) # and then to our custom ellipse class logre = shape.logre shape = LegacyEllipseWithPriors(logre, shape.ee1, shape.ee2) assert (np.all(np.isfinite(shape.getParams()))) # set prior max at 2x SGA radius shape.setMaxLogRadius(logre + np.log(radius_max_factor)) if issubclass(typ, PointSource): src = typ(pos, bright) # this catches Rex too elif issubclass(typ, (DevGalaxy, ExpGalaxy)): src = typ(pos, bright, shape) elif issubclass(typ, (SersicGalaxy)): assert (np.isfinite(g.sersic)) sersic = LegacySersicIndex(g.sersic) src = typ(pos, bright, shape, sersic) else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown preburned SGA source type "%s"' % typ) debug('Created', src) assert (np.isfinite(src.getLogPrior())) srcs[ii] = src # SGA parent catalog: 'preburned' is not set # This also can happen in the preburned/ellipse catalog when fitting # fails, or no-grz, etc. I, = np.nonzero(np.logical_not(galaxies.preburned)) for ii, g in zip(I, galaxies[I]): # Initialize each source with an exponential disk-- fluxes = dict([(band, NanoMaggies.magToNanomaggies(g.mag)) for band in bands]) assert (np.all(np.isfinite(list(fluxes.values())))) rr = g.radius * 3600. / 2 # factor of two accounts for R(25)-->reff [arcsec] assert (np.isfinite(rr)) assert (np.isfinite( assert (np.isfinite( ba = if ba <= 0.0 or ba > 1.0: # Make round! ba = 1.0 logr, ee1, ee2 = EllipseESoft.rAbPhiToESoft( rr, ba, 180 - # note the 180 rotation assert (np.isfinite(logr)) assert (np.isfinite(ee1)) assert (np.isfinite(ee2)) shape = LegacyEllipseWithPriors(logr, ee1, ee2) shape.setMaxLogRadius(logr + np.log(radius_max_factor)) src = ExpGalaxy(RaDecPos(g.ra, g.dec), NanoMaggies(order=bands, **fluxes), shape) assert (np.isfinite(src.getLogPrior())) src.needs_initial_flux = True srcs[ii] = src return srcs
def stage_galex_forced( survey=None, cat=None, T=None, targetwcs=None, targetrd=None, W=None, H=None, pixscale=None, brickname=None, galex_dir=None, brick=None, version_header=None, maskbits=None, mp=None, record_event=None, ps=None, plots=False, **kwargs): ''' After the model fits are finished, we can perform forced photometry of the GALEX coadds. ''' from legacypipe.runbrick import _add_stage_version from legacypipe.bits import MASKBITS #from legacypipe.galex import galex_phot, galex_tiles_touching_wcs #from legacypipe.unwise import unwise_phot, collapse_unwise_bitmask, unwise_tiles_touching_wcs from legacypipe.survey import wise_apertures_arcsec from tractor import NanoMaggies record_event and record_event('stage_galex_forced: starting') _add_stage_version(version_header, 'GALEX', 'galex_forced') galex_apertures_arcsec = wise_apertures_arcsec if not plots: ps = None # Skip if $GALEX_DIR or --galex-dir not set. if galex_dir is None: info('GALEX_DIR not set -- skipping GALEX') return None tiles = galex_tiles_touching_wcs(targetwcs, galex_dir) info('Cut to', len(tiles), 'GALEX tiles') # the way the roiradec box is used, the min/max order doesn't matter roiradec = [targetrd[0,0], targetrd[2,0], targetrd[0,1], targetrd[2,1]] # Sources to photometer do_phot = np.ones(len(cat), bool) # Drop sources within the CLUSTER mask from forced photometry. Icluster = None if maskbits is not None: incluster = (maskbits & MASKBITS['CLUSTER'] > 0) if np.any(incluster): print('Checking for sources inside CLUSTER mask') ra = np.array([src.getPosition().ra for src in cat]) dec = np.array([src.getPosition().dec for src in cat]) ok,xx,yy = targetwcs.radec2pixelxy(ra, dec) xx = np.round(xx - 1).astype(int) yy = np.round(yy - 1).astype(int) I = np.flatnonzero(ok * (xx >= 0)*(xx < W) * (yy >= 0)*(yy < H)) if len(I): Icluster = I[incluster[yy[I], xx[I]]] print('Found', len(Icluster), 'of', len(cat), 'sources inside CLUSTER mask') do_phot[Icluster] = False Nskipped = len(do_phot) - np.sum(do_phot) gcat = [] for i in np.flatnonzero(do_phot): src = cat[i] src = src.copy() src.setBrightness(NanoMaggies(galex=1.)) gcat.append(src) # use pixelized PSF model pixpsf = True # Photometer the two bands in parallel args = [] for band in ['n','f']: btiles = tiles[tiles.get('has_%s' % band)] if len(btiles) == 0: continue args.append((galex_dir, gcat, btiles, band, roiradec, pixpsf, ps)) # Run the forced photometry! record_event and record_event('stage_galex_forced: photometry') phots =, args) record_event and record_event('stage_galex_forced: results') # Unpack results... GALEX = None if len(phots): # The "phot" results for the full-depth coadds are one table per # band. Merge all those columns. galex_models = [] for i,p in enumerate(phots[:len(args)]): if p is None: (_,_,tiles,band) = args[i][:4] print('"None" result from GALEX forced phot:', tiles, band) continue galex_models.extend(p.models) if GALEX is None: GALEX = p.phot else: GALEX.add_columns_from(p.phot) # Create the WCS into which we'll resample the tiles. # Same center as "targetwcs" but bigger pixel scale. gpixscale = 1.5 gra = np.array([src.getPosition().ra for src in cat]) gdec = np.array([src.getPosition().dec for src in cat]) rc,dc = targetwcs.radec_center() ww = int(W * pixscale / gpixscale) hh = int(H * pixscale / gpixscale) gcoadds = GalexCoadd(rc, dc, ww, hh, gpixscale) gcoadds.add(galex_models) apphot = gcoadds.finish(survey, brickname, version_header, apradec=(gra,gdec), apertures=galex_apertures_arcsec/gpixscale) api,apd,apr = apphot for iband,band in enumerate(['n','f']): niceband = band + 'uv' GALEX.set('apflux_%s' % niceband, api[iband]) GALEX.set('apflux_resid_%s' % niceband, apr[iband]) d = apd[iband] iv = np.zeros_like(d) iv[d != 0.] = 1./(d[d != 0]**2) GALEX.set('apflux_ivar_%s' % niceband, iv) fluxcol = 'flux_'+niceband if not fluxcol in GALEX.get_columns(): GALEX.set(fluxcol, np.zeros(len(GALEX), np.float32)) GALEX.set('flux_ivar_'+niceband, np.zeros(len(GALEX), np.float32)) if Nskipped > 0: assert(len(GALEX) == len(wcat)) GALEX = _fill_skipped_values(GALEX, Nskipped, do_phot) assert(len(GALEX) == len(cat)) assert(len(GALEX) == len(T)) debug('Returning: GALEX', GALEX) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): GALEX.about() return dict(GALEX=GALEX, version_header=version_header, galex_apertures_arcsec=galex_apertures_arcsec)
def run_one_ccd(survey, catsurvey, ccd, opt, zoomslice, ps): tlast = Time() im = survey.get_image_object(ccd) if opt.do_calib: #from legacypipe.survey import run_calibs #kwa = dict(splinesky=True) #run_calibs((im, kwa)) im.run_calibs(splinesky=True) tim = im.get_tractor_image(slc=zoomslice, pixPsf=True, splinesky=True, constant_invvar=opt.constant_invvar, hybridPsf=opt.hybrid_psf, normalizePsf=opt.normalize_psf, old_calibs_ok=True) print('Got tim:', tim) tnow = Time() print('Read image:', tnow-tlast) tlast = tnow if opt.catalog: T = fits_table(opt.catalog) else: margin = 20 TT = [] chipwcs = tim.subwcs bricks = bricks_touching_wcs(chipwcs, survey=catsurvey) for b in bricks: # there is some overlap with this brick... read the catalog. fn = catsurvey.find_file('tractor', brick=b.brickname) if not os.path.exists(fn): print('WARNING: catalog', fn, 'does not exist. Skipping!') continue print('Reading', fn) T = fits_table(fn, columns=[ 'ra', 'dec', 'brick_primary', 'type', 'release', 'brickid', 'brickname', 'objid', 'fracdev', 'flux_r', 'shapedev_r', 'shapedev_e1', 'shapedev_e2', 'shapeexp_r', 'shapeexp_e1', 'shapeexp_e2', 'ref_epoch', 'pmra', 'pmdec', 'parallax' ]) ok,xx,yy = chipwcs.radec2pixelxy(T.ra, T.dec) W,H = chipwcs.get_width(), chipwcs.get_height() I = np.flatnonzero((xx >= -margin) * (xx <= (W+margin)) * (yy >= -margin) * (yy <= (H+margin))) T.cut(I) print('Cut to', len(T), 'sources within image + margin') T.cut(T.brick_primary) print('Cut to', len(T), 'on brick_primary') for col in ['out_of_bounds', 'left_blob']: if col in T.get_columns(): T.cut(T.get(col) == False) print('Cut to', len(T), 'on', col) if len(T): TT.append(T) if len(TT) == 0: print('No sources to photometer.') return None T = merge_tables(TT, columns='fillzero') T._header = TT[0]._header del TT print('Total of', len(T), 'catalog sources') # Fix up various failure modes: # FixedCompositeGalaxy(pos=RaDecPos[240.51147402832561, 10.385488075518923], brightness=NanoMaggies: g=(flux -2.87), r=(flux -5.26), z=(flux -7.65), fracDev=FracDev(0.60177207), shapeExp=re=3.78351e-44, e1=9.30367e-13, e2=1.24392e-16, shapeDev=re=inf, e1=-0, e2=-0) # -> convert to EXP I, = np.nonzero([t == 'COMP' and not np.isfinite(r) for t,r in zip(T.type, T.shapedev_r)]) if len(I): print('Converting', len(I), 'bogus COMP galaxies to EXP') for i in I: T.type[i] = 'EXP' # Same thing with the exp component. # -> convert to DEV I, = np.nonzero([t == 'COMP' and not np.isfinite(r) for t,r in zip(T.type, T.shapeexp_r)]) if len(I): print('Converting', len(I), 'bogus COMP galaxies to DEV') for i in I: T.type[i] = 'DEV' if opt.write_cat: T.writeto(opt.write_cat) print('Wrote catalog to', opt.write_cat) surveydir = survey.get_survey_dir() del survey if opt.move_gaia: # Gaia stars: move RA,Dec to the epoch of this image. I = np.flatnonzero(T.ref_epoch > 0) if len(I): from legacypipe.survey import radec_at_mjd print('Moving', len(I), 'Gaia stars to MJD', tim.time.toMjd()) ra,dec = radec_at_mjd(T.ra[I], T.dec[I], T.ref_epoch[I].astype(float), T.pmra[I], T.pmdec[I], T.parallax[I], tim.time.toMjd()) T.ra [I] = ra T.dec[I] = dec kwargs = {} cols = T.get_columns() if 'flux_r' in cols and not 'decam_flux_r' in cols: kwargs.update(fluxPrefix='') tnow = Time() print('Read catalog:', tnow-tlast) tlast = tnow cat = read_fits_catalog(T, bands='r', **kwargs) # Replace the brightness (which will be a NanoMaggies with g,r,z) # with a NanoMaggies with this image's band only. for src in cat: src.brightness = NanoMaggies(**{ 1.}) tnow = Time() print('Parse catalog:', tnow-tlast) tlast = tnow print('Forced photom...') F = run_forced_phot(cat, tim, ceres=opt.ceres, derivs=opt.derivs, fixed_also=True, agn=opt.agn, do_forced=opt.forced, do_apphot=opt.apphot, get_model=opt.save_model, ps=ps) if opt.save_model: # unpack results F,model_img = F F.release = T.release F.brickid = T.brickid F.brickname = T.brickname F.objid = T.objid = np.array([] * len(F)) F.expnum = np.array([im.expnum] * len(F)).astype(np.int32) F.ccdname = np.array([im.ccdname] * len(F)) # "Denormalizing" F.filter = np.array([] * len(F)) F.mjd = np.array([tim.primhdr['MJD-OBS']] * len(F)) F.exptime = np.array([tim.primhdr['EXPTIME']] * len(F)).astype(np.float32) F.psfsize = np.array([tim.psf_fwhm * tim.imobj.pixscale] * len(F)).astype(np.float32) #### FIXME -- units? ### --> also add units to the dict below so the FITS headers have units = np.array([tim.midsky / tim.zpscale / tim.imobj.pixscale**2] * len(F)).astype(np.float32) # in the same units as the depth maps -- flux inverse-variance. F.psfdepth = np.array([(1. / (tim.sig1 / tim.psfnorm)**2)] * len(F)).astype(np.float32) F.galdepth = np.array([(1. / (tim.sig1 / tim.galnorm)**2)] * len(F)).astype(np.float32) # F.psfdepth = np.array([-2.5 * (np.log10(5. * tim.sig1 / tim.psfnorm) - 9)] * len(F)).astype(np.float32) # F.galdepth = np.array([-2.5 * (np.log10(5. * tim.sig1 / tim.galnorm) - 9)] * len(F)).astype(np.float32) # super units questions here if opt.derivs: cosdec = np.cos(np.deg2rad(T.dec)) F.dra = (F.flux_dra / F.flux) * 3600. / cosdec F.ddec = (F.flux_ddec / F.flux) * 3600. F.dra_ivar = F.flux_dra_ivar * (F.flux / 3600. * cosdec)**2 F.ddec_ivar = F.flux_ddec_ivar * (F.flux / 3600.)**2 F.delete_column('flux_dra') F.delete_column('flux_ddec') F.delete_column('flux_dra_ivar') F.delete_column('flux_ddec_ivar') F.flux = F.flux_fixed F.flux_ivar = F.flux_fixed_ivar F.delete_column('flux_fixed') F.delete_column('flux_fixed_ivar') for c in ['dra', 'ddec', 'dra_ivar', 'ddec_ivar', 'flux', 'flux_ivar']: F.set(c, F.get(c).astype(np.float32)) F.ra = T.ra F.dec = T.dec ok,x,y = tim.sip_wcs.radec2pixelxy(T.ra, T.dec) F.x = (x-1).astype(np.float32) F.y = (y-1).astype(np.float32) ## FIXME -- read outlier_masks? h,w = tim.shape F.mask = tim.dq[np.clip(np.round(F.y).astype(int), 0, h-1), np.clip(np.round(F.x).astype(int), 0, w-1)] program_name = sys.argv[0] ## FIXME -- from catalog? release = 0 version_hdr = get_version_header(program_name, surveydir, release) filename = getattr(ccd, 'image_filename') if filename is None: # HACK -- print only two directory names + filename of CPFILE. fname = os.path.basename(im.imgfn.strip()) d = os.path.dirname(im.imgfn) d1 = os.path.basename(d) d = os.path.dirname(d) d2 = os.path.basename(d) filename = os.path.join(d2, d1, fname) print('Trimmed filename to', filename) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='CPFILE', value=filename, comment='CP file')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='CPHDU', value=im.hdu, comment='CP ext')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='CAMERA',, comment='Camera')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='EXPNUM', value=im.expnum, comment='Exposure num')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='CCDNAME', value=im.ccdname, comment='CCD name')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='FILTER',, comment='Bandpass of this image')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='EXPOSURE', value='%s-%s-%s' % (, im.expnum, im.ccdname), comment='Name of this image')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='PLVER', value=ccd.plver, comment='CP pipeline version')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='PROCDATE', value=ccd.procdate, comment='CP image DATE')) keys = ['TELESCOP','OBSERVAT','OBS-LAT','OBS-LONG','OBS-ELEV', 'INSTRUME'] for key in keys: if key in tim.primhdr: version_hdr.add_record(dict(name=key, value=tim.primhdr[key])) if opt.save_model or opt.save_data: hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() tim.getWcs().wcs.add_to_header(hdr) if opt.save_model: fitsio.write(opt.save_model, model_img, header=hdr, clobber=True) print('Wrote', opt.save_model) if opt.save_data: fitsio.write(opt.save_data, tim.getImage(), header=hdr, clobber=True) print('Wrote', opt.save_data) tnow = Time() print('Forced phot:', tnow-tlast) return F,version_hdr
x = w // 2 if y is None: y = h // 2 psfmod = tim.psf.getPointSourcePatch(x, y).patch from tractor.galaxy import ExpGalaxy from tractor.ellipses import EllipseE from tractor.patch import ModelMask band = if x is None: x = w // 2 if y is None: y = h // 2 pos = tim.wcs.pixelToPosition(x, y) gal = SimpleGalaxy(pos, NanoMaggies(**{band: 1.})) S = 32 mm = ModelMask(int(x - S), int(y - S), 2 * S + 1, 2 * S + 1) galmod = gal.getModelPatch(tim, modelMask=mm).patch print('Galaxy model shape', galmod.shape) mx = max(psfmod.max(), galmod.max()) mn = min(psfmod.min(), galmod.min()) ima = dict(interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=mn, vmax=mx) print('Range', mn, mx) plt.clf() plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.imshow(psfmod, **ima) plt.title('PSF model')
def one_brick(X): (ibrick, brick) = X bands = ['g', 'r', 'z'] print('Brick', brick.brickname) wcs = wcs_for_brick(brick, W=94, H=94, pixscale=10.) BH, BW = wcs.shape targetrd = np.array([ wcs.pixelxy2radec(x, y) for x, y in [(1, 1), (BW, 1), (BW, BH), (1, BH), (1, 1)] ]) survey = LegacySurveyData() C = survey.ccds_touching_wcs(wcs) if C is None: print('No CCDs touching brick') return None I = np.flatnonzero(C.ccd_cuts == 0) if len(I) == 0: print('No good CCDs touching brick') return None C.cut(I) print(len(C), 'CCDs touching brick') depths = {} for band in bands: d = np.zeros((BH, BW), np.float32) depths[band] = d npix = dict([(band, 0) for band in bands]) nexps = dict([(band, 0) for band in bands]) # survey.get_approx_wcs(ccd) for ccd in C: #im = survey.get_image_object(ccd) awcs = survey.get_approx_wcs(ccd) imh, imw = ccd.height, ccd.width x0, y0 = 0, 0 x1 = x0 + imw y1 = y0 + imh imgpoly = [(1, 1), (1, imh), (imw, imh), (imw, 1)] ok, tx, ty = awcs.radec2pixelxy(targetrd[:-1, 0], targetrd[:-1, 1]) tpoly = list(zip(tx, ty)) clip = clip_polygon(imgpoly, tpoly) clip = np.array(clip) if len(clip) == 0: continue x0, y0 = np.floor(clip.min(axis=0)).astype(int) x1, y1 = np.ceil(clip.max(axis=0)).astype(int) #slc = slice(y0,y1+1), slice(x0,x1+1) awcs = awcs.get_subimage(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0) ah, aw = awcs.shape #print('Image', ccd.expnum, ccd.ccdname, ccd.filter, 'overlap', x0,x1, y0,y1, '->', (1+x1-x0),'x',(1+y1-y0)) # Find bbox in brick space r, d = awcs.pixelxy2radec([1, 1, aw, aw], [1, ah, ah, 1]) ok, bx, by = wcs.radec2pixelxy(r, d) bx0 = np.clip(np.round(bx.min()).astype(int) - 1, 0, BW - 1) bx1 = np.clip(np.round(bx.max()).astype(int) - 1, 0, BW - 1) by0 = np.clip(np.round(by.min()).astype(int) - 1, 0, BH - 1) by1 = np.clip(np.round(by.max()).astype(int) - 1, 0, BH - 1) #print('Brick', bx0,bx1,by0,by1) band = ccd.filter[0] assert (band in bands) ccdzpt = ccd.ccdzpt + 2.5 * np.log10(ccd.exptime) psf_sigma = ccd.fwhm / 2.35 psfnorm = 1. / (2. * np.sqrt(np.pi) * psf_sigma) orig_zpscale = zpscale = NanoMaggies.zeropointToScale(ccdzpt) sig1 = ccd.sig1 / orig_zpscale detsig1 = sig1 / psfnorm # print('Image', ccd.expnum, ccd.ccdname, ccd.filter, # 'PSF depth', -2.5 * (np.log10(5.*detsig1) - 9), 'exptime', ccd.exptime, # 'sig1', ccd.sig1, 'zpt', ccd.ccdzpt, 'fwhm', ccd.fwhm, # 'filename', ccd.image_filename.strip()) depths[band][by0:by1 + 1, bx0:bx1 + 1] += (1. / detsig1**2) npix[band] += (y1 + 1 - y0) * (x1 + 1 - x0) nexps[band] += 1 for band in bands: det = np.median(depths[band]) # compute stats for 5-sigma detection with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): depth = 5. / np.sqrt(det) # that's flux in nanomaggies -- convert to mag depth = -2.5 * (np.log10(depth) - 9) if not np.isfinite(depth): depth = 0. depths[band] = depth #bricks.get('psfdepth_' + band)[ibrick] = depth print(brick.brickname, 'median PSF depth', band, ':', depth, 'npix', npix[band], 'nexp', nexps[band]) #'npix', bricks.get('npix_'+band)[ibrick], #'nexp', bricks.get('nexp_'+band)[ibrick]) return (npix, nexps, depths)
'--no-wise', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--ceres', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', 'out-testcase3-ceres', '--no-depth-cut']) sys.exit(0) # demo RexGalaxy, with plots if False: from legacypipe.survey import RexGalaxy from tractor import RaDecPos, NanoMaggies, PixPos from tractor import ScalarParam from tractor import Image, GaussianMixturePSF, LinearPhotoCal from legacypipe.survey import LogRadius rex = RexGalaxy( PixPos(1., 2.), NanoMaggies(r=3.), LogRadius(0.)) print('Rex:', rex) print('Rex params:', rex.getParams()) print('Rex nparams:', rex.numberOfParams()) H,W = 100,100 tim = Image(data=np.zeros((H,W), np.float32), inverr=np.ones((H,W), np.float32), psf=GaussianMixturePSF(1., 0., 0., 4., 4., 0.), photocal=LinearPhotoCal(1., band='r')) derivs = rex.getParamDerivatives(tim) print('Derivs:', len(derivs)) print('Rex params:', rex.getParamNames()) import pylab as plt from astrometry.util.plotutils import PlotSequence
E = C[I] print(len(E), 'exposures') E.index = np.arange(len(E)) E.passnum = np.zeros(len(E), np.uint8) E.depthfraction = np.zeros(len(E), np.float32) # Compute which pass number each exposure would be called. zp0 = DecamImage.nominal_zeropoints() # HACK -- this is copied from obsbot kx = dict(g = 0.178, r = 0.094, z = 0.060,) for band in bands: B = E[E.filter == band] B.cut(np.argsort(B.seeing)) Nsigma = 5. sig = NanoMaggies.magToNanomaggies(target[band]) / Nsigma targetiv = 1./sig**2 for exp in B: thisdetiv = 1. / (exp.sig1 / exp.galnorm)**2 # Which pass number would this image be assigned? trans = 10.**(-0.4 * (zp0[band] - exp.ccdzpt - kx[band]*(exp.airmass - 1.))) seeing_good = exp.seeing < 1.3 seeing_fair = exp.seeing < 2.0 trans_good = trans > 0.9 trans_fair = trans > 0.7 if seeing_good and trans_good: E.passnum[exp.index] = 1 elif ((seeing_good and trans_fair) or (seeing_fair and trans_good)): E.passnum[exp.index] = 2
def main(): # I read a DESI DR8 target catalog, cut to ELGs, then took a narrow # r-mag slice around the peak of that distribution; # desi/target/catalogs/dr8/0.31.1/targets/main/resolve/targets-dr8-hp-1,5,11,50,55,60,83,84,86,89,91,98,119,155,158,174,186,187,190.fits') # Then took the median g and z mags # And opened the coadd invvar mags for a random brick in that footprint # (0701p000) to find the median per-pixel invvars. r = 23.0 g = 23.4 z = 22.2 # Selecting EXPs, the peak of the shapeexp_r was ~ 0.75". r_e = 0.75 # Image properties: giv = 77000. riv = 27000. ziv = 8000. # PSF sizes were roughly equal, 1.16, 1.17, 1.19" # -> sigma = 1.9 DECam pixels psf_sigma = 1.9 H, W = 1000, 1000 seed = 42 np.random.seed(seed) ra, dec = 70., 1. brick = BrickDuck(ra, dec, 'custom-0700p010') wcs = wcs_for_brick(brick, W=W, H=H) bands = 'grz' tims = [] for band, iv in zip(bands, [giv, riv, ziv]): img = np.zeros((H, W), np.float32) tiv = np.zeros_like(img) + iv s = psf_sigma**2 psf = GaussianMixturePSF(1., 0., 0., s, s, 0.) twcs = ConstantFitsWcs(wcs) sky = ConstantSky(0.) photocal = LinearPhotoCal(1., band=band) tai = TAITime(None, mjd=55700.) tim = tractor.Image(data=img, invvar=tiv, psf=psf, wcs=twcs, sky=sky, photocal=photocal, name='fake %s' % band, time=tai) tim.skyver = ('1', '1') tim.psfver = ('1', '1') tim.plver = '1' tim.x0 = tim.y0 = 0 tim.subwcs = wcs tim.psfnorm = 1. / (2. * np.sqrt(np.pi) * psf_sigma) tim.galnorm = tim.psfnorm tim.propid = '2020A-000' = band tim.dq = None tim.sig1 = 1. / np.sqrt(iv) tim.psf_sigma = psf_sigma tim.primhdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() tims.append(tim) # Simulated catalog gflux = NanoMaggies.magToNanomaggies(g) rflux = NanoMaggies.magToNanomaggies(r) zflux = NanoMaggies.magToNanomaggies(z) box = 50 CX, CY = np.meshgrid(np.arange(box // 2, W, box), np.arange(box // 2, H, box)) ny, nx = CX.shape BA, PHI = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0.1, 1.0, nx), np.linspace(0., 180., ny)) cat = [] for cx, cy, ba, phi in zip(CX.ravel(), CY.ravel(), BA.ravel(), PHI.ravel()): #print('x,y %.1f,%.1f, ba %.2f, phi %.2f' % (cx, cy, ba, phi)) r, d = wcs.pixelxy2radec(cx + 1, cy + 1) src = ExpGalaxy(RaDecPos(r, d), NanoMaggies(order=bands, g=gflux, r=rflux, z=zflux), EllipseE.fromRAbPhi(r_e, ba, phi)) cat.append(src) from legacypipe.catalog import prepare_fits_catalog TT = fits_table() TT.bx = CX.ravel() = CY.ravel() = BA.ravel() TT.phi = PHI.ravel() tcat = tractor.Catalog(*cat) T2 = prepare_fits_catalog(tcat, None, TT, bands, save_invvars=False) T2.writeto('sim-cat.fits') tr = Tractor(tims, cat) for band, tim in zip(bands, tims): mod = tr.getModelImage(tim) mod += np.random.standard_normal( size=tim.shape) * 1. / tim.getInvError() fitsio.write('sim-%s.fits' % band, mod, clobber=True) = mod ccds = fits_table() ccds.filter = np.array([f for f in bands]) ccds.ccd_cuts = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.int16) ccds.imgfn = np.array([ for tim in tims]) ccds.propid = np.array(['2020A-000'] * len(ccds)) ccds.fwhm = np.zeros(len(ccds), np.float32) + psf_sigma * 2.35 ccds.mjd_obs = np.zeros(len(ccds)) = np.array(['fake'] * len(ccds)) survey = FakeLegacySurvey(ccds, tims) import logging verbose = False if verbose == 0: lvl = logging.INFO else: lvl = logging.DEBUG logging.basicConfig(level=lvl, format='%(message)s', stream=sys.stdout) # tractor logging is *soooo* chatty logging.getLogger('tractor.engine').setLevel(lvl + 10) run_brick(None, survey, radec=(ra, dec), width=W, height=H, do_calibs=False, gaia_stars=False, large_galaxies=False, tycho_stars=False, forceall=True, outliers=False) #, stages=['image_coadds'])
def rbmain(): travis = 'travis' in sys.argv extra_args = [ '--old-calibs-ok', #'--verbose', ] if travis: extra_args.extend( ['--no-wise-ceres', '--no-gaia', '--no-large-galaxies']) if 'ceres' in sys.argv: surveydir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testcase3') main(args=[ '--brick', '2447p120', '--zoom', '1020', '1070', '2775', '2815', '--no-wise', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--ceres', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', 'out-testcase3-ceres', '--no-depth-cut' ]) sys.exit(0) # demo RexGalaxy, with plots if False: from legacypipe.survey import RexGalaxy from tractor import NanoMaggies, PixPos from tractor import Image, GaussianMixturePSF, LinearPhotoCal from legacypipe.survey import LogRadius rex = RexGalaxy(PixPos(1., 2.), NanoMaggies(r=3.), LogRadius(0.)) print('Rex:', rex) print('Rex params:', rex.getParams()) print('Rex nparams:', rex.numberOfParams()) H, W = 100, 100 tim = Image(data=np.zeros((H, W), np.float32), inverr=np.ones((H, W), np.float32), psf=GaussianMixturePSF(1., 0., 0., 4., 4., 0.), photocal=LinearPhotoCal(1., band='r')) derivs = rex.getParamDerivatives(tim) print('Derivs:', len(derivs)) print('Rex params:', rex.getParamNames()) import pylab as plt from astrometry.util.plotutils import PlotSequence ps = PlotSequence('rex') for d, nm in zip(derivs, rex.getParamNames()): plt.clf() plt.imshow(d.patch, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') plt.title('Derivative %s' % nm) ps.savefig() sys.exit(0) # Test RexGalaxy surveydir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testcase6') outdir = 'out-testcase6-rex' main(args=[ '--brick', '1102p240', '--zoom', '500', '600', '650', '750', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--no-wise', #'--rex', #'--plots', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', outdir ] + extra_args) fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'tractor', '110', 'tractor-1102p240.fits') assert (os.path.exists(fn)) T = fits_table(fn) assert (len(T) == 2) print('Types:', T.type) # Since there is a Tycho-2 star in the blob, forced to be PSF. assert (T.type[0] == 'PSF ') cmd = ( '(cd %s && sha256sum -c %s)' % (outdir, os.path.join('tractor', '110', 'brick-1102p240.sha256sum'))) print(cmd) rtn = os.system(cmd) assert (rtn == 0) # Test with a Tycho-2 star in the blob. surveydir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testcase6') outdir = 'out-testcase6' main(args=[ '--brick', '1102p240', '--zoom', '500', '600', '650', '750', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--no-wise', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', outdir ] + extra_args) fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'tractor', '110', 'tractor-1102p240.fits') assert (os.path.exists(fn)) T = fits_table(fn) assert (len(T) == 2) print('Types:', T.type) # Since there is a Tycho-2 star in the blob, forced to be PSF. assert (T.type[0] == 'PSF ') # Test that we can run splinesky calib if required... from legacypipe.decam import DecamImage DecamImage.splinesky_boxsize = 128 surveydir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testcase4') outdir = 'out-testcase4' fn = os.path.join(surveydir, 'calib', 'decam', 'splinesky', '00431', '00431608', 'decam-00431608-N3.fits') if os.path.exists(fn): os.unlink(fn) main(args=[ '--brick', '1867p255', '--zoom', '2050', '2300', '1150', '1400', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--coadd-bw', '--unwise-dir', os.path.join(surveydir, 'images', 'unwise'), '--unwise-tr-dir', os.path.join(surveydir, 'images', 'unwise-tr'), '--blob-image', '--no-hybrid-psf', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', outdir ] + extra_args + ['-v']) print('Checking for calib file', fn) assert (os.path.exists(fn)) # Wrap-around, hybrid PSF surveydir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testcase8') outdir = 'out-testcase8' main(args=[ '--brick', '1209p050', '--zoom', '720', '1095', '3220', '3500', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--no-wise', #'--plots', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', outdir ] + extra_args) # Test with a Tycho-2 star + another saturated star in the blob. surveydir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testcase7') outdir = 'out-testcase7' # remove --no-gaia my_extra_args = [a for a in extra_args if a != '--no-gaia'] os.environ['GAIA_CAT_DIR'] = os.path.join(surveydir, 'gaia-dr2') os.environ['GAIA_CAT_VER'] = '2' main(args=[ '--brick', '1102p240', '--zoom', '250', '350', '1550', '1650', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--no-wise', #'--plots', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', outdir ] + my_extra_args) del os.environ['GAIA_CAT_DIR'] del os.environ['GAIA_CAT_VER'] fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'tractor', '110', 'tractor-1102p240.fits') assert (os.path.exists(fn)) T = fits_table(fn) assert (len(T) == 4) # Check skipping blobs outside the brick's unique area. # (this now doesn't detect any sources at all, reasonably) # surveydir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testcase5') # outdir = 'out-testcase5' # # fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'tractor', '186', 'tractor-1867p255.fits') # if os.path.exists(fn): # os.unlink(fn) # # main(args=['--brick', '1867p255', '--zoom', '0', '150', '0', '150', # '--force-all', '--no-write', '--coadd-bw', # '--survey-dir', surveydir, # '--early-coadds', # '--outdir', outdir] + extra_args) # # assert(os.path.exists(fn)) # T = fits_table(fn) # assert(len(T) == 1) # Custom RA,Dec; blob ra,dec. surveydir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testcase4') outdir = 'out-testcase4b' # Catalog written with one entry (--blobradec) fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'tractor', 'cus', 'tractor-custom-186743p25461.fits') if os.path.exists(fn): os.unlink(fn) main(args=[ '--radec', '186.743965', '25.461788', '--width', '250', '--height', '250', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--no-wise', '--blobradec', '186.740369', '25.453855', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', outdir ] + extra_args) assert (os.path.exists(fn)) T = fits_table(fn) assert (len(T) == 1) surveydir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testcase3') outdir = 'out-testcase3' checkpoint_fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'checkpoint.pickle') if os.path.exists(checkpoint_fn): os.unlink(checkpoint_fn) main(args=[ '--brick', '2447p120', '--zoom', '1020', '1070', '2775', '2815', '--no-wise', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', outdir, '--checkpoint', checkpoint_fn, '--checkpoint-period', '1', '--threads', '2' ] + extra_args) # Read catalog into Tractor sources to test read_fits_catalog from legacypipe.catalog import read_fits_catalog from legacypipe.survey import LegacySurveyData, GaiaSource from tractor.galaxy import DevGalaxy from tractor import PointSource survey = LegacySurveyData(survey_dir=outdir) fn = survey.find_file('tractor', brick='2447p120') print('Checking', fn) T = fits_table(fn) cat = read_fits_catalog(T, fluxPrefix='') print('Read catalog:', cat) assert (len(cat) == 2) src = cat[0] assert (type(src) == DevGalaxy) assert (np.abs(src.pos.ra - 244.77973) < 0.00001) assert (np.abs(src.pos.dec - 12.07233) < 0.00001) src = cat[1] print('Source', src) assert (type(src) in [PointSource, GaiaSource]) assert (np.abs(src.pos.ra - 244.77830) < 0.00001) assert (np.abs(src.pos.dec - 12.07250) < 0.00001) # DevGalaxy(pos=RaDecPos[244.77975494973529, 12.072348111713127], brightness=NanoMaggies: g=19.2, r=17.9, z=17.1, shape=re=2.09234, e1=-0.198453, e2=0.023652, # PointSource(RaDecPos[244.77833280764278, 12.072521274981987], NanoMaggies: g=25, r=23, z=21.7) # Check that we can run again, using that checkpoint file. main(args=[ '--brick', '2447p120', '--zoom', '1020', '1070', '2775', '2815', '--no-wise', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', outdir, '--checkpoint', checkpoint_fn, '--checkpoint-period', '1', '--threads', '2' ] + extra_args) # Assert...... something? # Test --checkpoint without --threads main(args=[ '--brick', '2447p120', '--zoom', '1020', '1070', '2775', '2815', '--no-wise', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', outdir, '--checkpoint', checkpoint_fn, '--checkpoint-period', '1' ] + extra_args) # MzLS + BASS data # surveydir2 = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'mzlsbass') # main(args=['--brick', '3521p002', '--zoom', '2400', '2450', '1200', '1250', # '--no-wise', '--force-all', '--no-write', # '--survey-dir', surveydir2, # '--outdir', 'out-mzlsbass']) # From Kaylan's Bootes pre-DR4 run # surveydir2 = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'mzlsbass3') # main(args=['--brick', '2173p350', '--zoom', '100', '200', '100', '200', # '--no-wise', '--force-all', '--no-write', # '--survey-dir', surveydir2, # '--outdir', 'out-mzlsbass3'] + extra_args) # With plots! main(args=[ '--brick', '2447p120', '--zoom', '1020', '1070', '2775', '2815', '--no-wise', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', 'out-testcase3', '--plots', '--nblobs', '1' ] + extra_args) # Decals Image Simulations # Uncomment WHEN galsim build for Travis #os.environ["DECALS_SIM_DIR"]= os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'image_sims') #brick= '2447p120' #sim_main(args=['--brick', brick, '-n', '2', '-o', 'STAR', \ # '-ic', '1', '--rmag-range', '18', '26', '--threads', '1',\ # '--zoom', '1020', '1070', '2775', '2815']) # Check if correct files written out #rt_dir= os.path.join(os.getenv('DECALS_SIM_DIR'),brick,'star','001') #assert( os.path.exists(os.path.join(rt_dir,'../','metacat-'+brick+'-star.fits')) ) #for fn in ['tractor-%s-star-01.fits' % brick,'simcat-%s-star-01.fits' % brick]: # assert( os.path.exists(os.path.join(rt_dir,fn)) ) #for fn in ['image','model','resid','simscoadd']: # assert( os.path.exists(os.path.join(rt_dir,'qa-'+brick+'-star-'+fn+'-01.jpg')) ) if not travis: # With ceres main(args=[ '--brick', '2447p120', '--zoom', '1020', '1070', '2775', '2815', '--no-wise', '--force-all', '--no-write', '--ceres', '--survey-dir', surveydir, '--outdir', 'out-testcase3-ceres' ] + extra_args)
def read_fits_catalog(T, hdr=None, invvars=False, bands='grz', ellipseClass=EllipseE, sersicIndexClass=SersicIndex): ''' Return list of tractor Sources. If invvars=True, return sources,invvars where invvars is a list matching sources.getParams() If *ellipseClass* is set, assume that type for galaxy shapes; if None, read the type from the header. ''' from tractor import NanoMaggies, RaDecPos if hdr is None: hdr = T._header rev_typemap = fits_reverse_typemap ivs = [] cat = [] for t in T: typestr = t.type.strip() clazz = rev_typemap[typestr] assert (np.isfinite(t.ra)) assert (np.isfinite(t.dec)) pos = RaDecPos(t.ra, t.dec) fluxes = {} for b in bands: fluxes[b] = t.get('flux_' + b) assert (np.all(np.isfinite(fluxes[b]))) br = NanoMaggies(order=bands, **fluxes) params = [pos, br] if invvars: fluxivs = [] for b in bands: fluxivs.append(t.get('flux_ivar_' + b)) ivs.extend([t.ra_ivar, t.dec_ivar] + fluxivs) if issubclass(clazz, (DevGalaxy, ExpGalaxy, SersicGalaxy)): assert (np.isfinite(t.shape_r)) assert (np.isfinite(t.shape_e1)) assert (np.isfinite(t.shape_e2)) ell = ellipseClass(t.shape_r, t.shape_e1, t.shape_e2) params.append(ell) if invvars: ivs.extend([t.shape_r_ivar, t.shape_e1_ivar, t.shape_e2_ivar]) elif issubclass(clazz, PointSource): pass else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown class %s' % str(clazz)) if issubclass(clazz, SersicGalaxy): assert (np.isfinite(t.sersic)) si = sersicIndexClass(t.sersic) params.append(si) if invvars: ivs.append(t.sersic_ivar) src = clazz(*params) cat.append(src) if invvars: ivs = np.array(ivs) ivs[np.logical_not(np.isfinite(ivs))] = 0 return cat, ivs return cat
all_runs = [] tim = Image(data=np.zeros((sz,sz)), inverr=np.ones((sz,sz)) / sig1, psf=psf, wcs = ConstantFitsWcs(wcs), photocal = LinearPhotoCal(1., band=band)) for i,sn in enumerate(sn_vals): for j,re in enumerate(re_vals): ## HACK -- this is the flux required for a PSF to be ## detected at target S/N... adjust for galaxy? flux = sn * detsig1 # Create round EXP galaxy #PixPos(sz/2, sz/2), true_src = ExpGalaxy(RaDecPos(0., 0.), NanoMaggies(**{band: flux}), EllipseE(re, 0., 0.)) tr = Tractor([tim], [true_src]) tr.freezeParams('images') true_mod = tr.getModelImage(0) ima = dict(interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=-2.*sig1, vmax=5.*sig1, cmap='hot') this_dchisqs = [] flux_sns = [] for k in range(Nper): noise = np.random.normal(scale=sig1, size=true_mod.shape)
def galex_coadds(onegal, galaxy=None, radius_mosaic=30, radius_mask=None, pixscale=1.5, ref_pixscale=0.262, output_dir=None, galex_dir=None, log=None, centrals=True, verbose=False): '''Generate custom GALEX cutouts. radius_mosaic and radius_mask in arcsec pixscale: GALEX pixel scale in arcsec/pixel. ''' import fitsio import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from astrometry.libkd.spherematch import match_radec from astrometry.util.resample import resample_with_wcs, OverlapError from tractor import (Tractor, NanoMaggies, Image, LinearPhotoCal, NCircularGaussianPSF, ConstantFitsWcs, ConstantSky) from legacypipe.survey import imsave_jpeg from legacypipe.catalog import read_fits_catalog if galaxy is None: galaxy = 'galaxy' if galex_dir is None: galex_dir = os.environ.get('GALEX_DIR') if output_dir is None: output_dir = '.' if radius_mask is None: radius_mask = radius_mosaic radius_search = 5.0 # [arcsec] else: radius_search = radius_mask W = H = np.ceil(2 * radius_mosaic / pixscale).astype('int') # [pixels] targetwcs = Tan(onegal['RA'], onegal['DEC'], (W + 1) / 2.0, (H + 1) / 2.0, -pixscale / 3600.0, 0.0, 0.0, pixscale / 3600.0, float(W), float(H)) # Read the custom Tractor catalog tractorfile = os.path.join(output_dir, '{}-tractor.fits'.format(galaxy)) if not os.path.isfile(tractorfile): print('Missing Tractor catalog {}'.format(tractorfile)) return 0 cat = fits_table(tractorfile) print('Read {} sources from {}'.format(len(cat), tractorfile), flush=True, file=log) keep = np.ones(len(cat)).astype(bool) if centrals: # Find the large central galaxy and mask out (ignore) all the models # which are within its elliptical mask. # This algorithm will have to change for mosaics not centered on large # galaxies, e.g., in galaxy groups. m1, m2, d12 = match_radec(cat.ra, cat.dec, onegal['RA'], onegal['DEC'], radius_search / 3600.0, nearest=False) if len(m1) == 0: print('No central galaxies found at the central coordinates!', flush=True, file=log) else: pixfactor = ref_pixscale / pixscale # shift the optical Tractor positions for mm in m1: morphtype = cat.type[mm].strip() if morphtype == 'EXP' or morphtype == 'COMP': e1, e2, r50 = cat.shapeexp_e1[mm], cat.shapeexp_e2[ mm], cat.shapeexp_r[mm] # [arcsec] elif morphtype == 'DEV' or morphtype == 'COMP': e1, e2, r50 = cat.shapedev_e1[mm], cat.shapedev_e2[ mm], cat.shapedev_r[mm] # [arcsec] else: r50 = None if r50: majoraxis = r50 * 5 / pixscale # [pixels] ba, phi = SGA.misc.convert_tractor_e1e2(e1, e2) these = SGA.misc.ellipse_mask(W / 2, W / 2, majoraxis, ba * majoraxis, np.radians(phi), cat.bx * pixfactor, * pixfactor) if np.sum(these) > 0: #keep[these] = False pass print('Hack!') keep[mm] = False #srcs = read_fits_catalog(cat) #_srcs = np.array(srcs)[~keep].tolist() #mod = SGA.misc.srcs2image(_srcs, ConstantFitsWcs(targetwcs), psf_sigma=3.0) #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ##plt.imshow(mod, origin='lower') ; plt.savefig('junk.png') #plt.imshow(np.log10(mod), origin='lower') ; plt.savefig('junk.png') #pdb.set_trace() srcs = read_fits_catalog(cat) for src in srcs: src.freezeAllBut('brightness') #srcs_nocentral = np.array(srcs)[keep].tolist() # Find all overlapping GALEX tiles and then read the tims. galex_tiles = _read_galex_tiles(targetwcs, galex_dir, log=log, verbose=verbose) gbands = ['n', 'f'] nicegbands = ['NUV', 'FUV'] zps = dict(n=20.08, f=18.82) coimgs, comods, coresids, coimgs_central, comods_nocentral = [], [], [], [], [] for niceband, band in zip(nicegbands, gbands): J = np.flatnonzero(galex_tiles.get('has_' + band)) print(len(J), 'GALEX tiles have coverage in band', band) coimg = np.zeros((H, W), np.float32) comod = np.zeros((H, W), np.float32) cowt = np.zeros((H, W), np.float32) comod_nocentral = np.zeros((H, W), np.float32) for src in srcs: src.setBrightness(NanoMaggies(**{band: 1})) for j in J: brick = galex_tiles[j] fn = os.path.join( galex_dir, brick.tilename.strip(), '%s-%sd-intbgsub.fits.gz' % (brick.brickname, band)) #print(fn) gwcs = Tan(*[ float(f) for f in [ brick.crval1, brick.crval2, brick.crpix1, brick.crpix2, brick.cdelt1, 0., 0., brick.cdelt2, 3840., 3840. ] ]) img = #print('Read', img.shape) try: Yo, Xo, Yi, Xi, nil = resample_with_wcs(targetwcs, gwcs, [], 3) except OverlapError: continue K = np.flatnonzero(img[Yi, Xi] != 0.) if len(K) == 0: continue Yo, Xo, Yi, Xi = Yo[K], Xo[K], Yi[K], Xi[K] wt = brick.get(band + 'exptime') coimg[Yo, Xo] += wt * img[Yi, Xi] cowt[Yo, Xo] += wt x0, x1, y0, y1 = min(Xi), max(Xi), min(Yi), max(Yi) subwcs = gwcs.get_subimage(x0, y0, x1 - x0 + 1, y1 - y0 + 1) twcs = ConstantFitsWcs(subwcs) timg = img[y0:y1 + 1, x0:x1 + 1] tie = np.ones_like(timg) ## HACK! #hdr = fitsio.read_header(fn) #zp = hdr[''] zp = zps[band] photocal = LinearPhotoCal(NanoMaggies.zeropointToScale(zp), band=band) tsky = ConstantSky(0.0) # HACK -- circular Gaussian PSF of fixed size... # in arcsec #fwhms = dict(NUV=6.0, FUV=6.0) # -> sigma in pixels #sig = fwhms[band] / 2.35 / twcs.pixel_scale() sig = 6.0 / np.sqrt(8 * np.log(2)) / twcs.pixel_scale() tpsf = NCircularGaussianPSF([sig], [1.]) tim = Image(data=timg, inverr=tie, psf=tpsf, wcs=twcs, sky=tsky, photocal=photocal, name='GALEX ' + band + brick.brickname) ## Build the model image with and without the central galaxy model. tractor = Tractor([tim], srcs) mod = tractor.getModelImage(0) tractor.freezeParam('images') tractor.optimize_forced_photometry(priors=False, shared_params=False) mod = tractor.getModelImage(0) srcs_nocentral = np.array(srcs)[keep].tolist() #srcs_nocentral = np.array(srcs)[nocentral].tolist() tractor_nocentral = Tractor([tim], srcs_nocentral) mod_nocentral = tractor_nocentral.getModelImage(0) comod[Yo, Xo] += wt * mod[Yi - y0, Xi - x0] comod_nocentral[Yo, Xo] += wt * mod_nocentral[Yi - y0, Xi - x0] coimg /= np.maximum(cowt, 1e-18) comod /= np.maximum(cowt, 1e-18) comod_nocentral /= np.maximum(cowt, 1e-18) coresid = coimg - comod # Subtract the model image which excludes the central (comod_nocentral) # from the data (coimg) to isolate the light of the central # (coimg_central). coimg_central = coimg - comod_nocentral coimgs.append(coimg) comods.append(comod) coresids.append(coresid) comods_nocentral.append(comod_nocentral) coimgs_central.append(coimg_central) # Write out the final images with and without the central, making sure # to apply the zeropoint to go from counts/s to AB nanomaggies. # for thisimg, imtype in zip((coimg, comod, comod_nocentral), ('image', 'model', 'model-nocentral')): fitsfile = os.path.join( output_dir, '{}-{}-{}.fits'.format(galaxy, imtype, niceband)) if verbose: print('Writing {}'.format(fitsfile)) fitsio.write(fitsfile, thisimg * 10**(-0.4 * (zp - 22.5)), clobber=True) # Build a color mosaic (but note that the images here are in units of # background-subtracted counts/s). #_galex_rgb = _galex_rgb_moustakas #_galex_rgb = _galex_rgb_dstn _galex_rgb = _galex_rgb_official for imgs, imtype in zip( (coimgs, comods, coresids, comods_nocentral, coimgs_central), ('image', 'model', 'resid', 'model-nocentral', 'image-central')): rgb = _galex_rgb(imgs) jpgfile = os.path.join(output_dir, '{}-{}-FUVNUV.jpg'.format(galaxy, imtype)) if verbose: print('Writing {}'.format(jpgfile)) imsave_jpeg(jpgfile, rgb, origin='lower') return 1
def unwise_forcedphot(cat, tiles, bands=[1, 2, 3, 4], roiradecbox=None, unwise_dir='.', use_ceres=True, ceres_block=8, save_fits=False, ps=None, psf_broadening=None): ''' Given a list of tractor sources *cat* and a list of unWISE tiles *tiles* (a fits_table with RA,Dec,coadd_id) runs forced photometry, returning a FITS table the same length as *cat*. ''' # Severely limit sizes of models for src in cat: if isinstance(src, PointSource): src.fixedRadius = 10 else: src.halfsize = 10 wantims = ((ps is not None) or save_fits) wanyband = 'w' fskeys = ['prochi2', 'pronpix', 'profracflux', 'proflux', 'npix', 'pronexp'] Nsrcs = len(cat) phot = fits_table() phot.tile = np.array([' '] * Nsrcs) ra = np.array([src.getPosition().ra for src in cat]) dec = np.array([src.getPosition().dec for src in cat]) for band in bands: print('Photometering WISE band', band) wband = 'w%i' % band # The tiles have some overlap, so for each source, keep the # fit in the tile whose center is closest to the source. tiledists = np.empty(Nsrcs) tiledists[:] = 1e100 flux_invvars = np.zeros(Nsrcs, np.float32) fitstats = dict([(k, np.zeros(Nsrcs, np.float32)) for k in fskeys]) nexp = np.zeros(Nsrcs, np.int16) mjd = np.zeros(Nsrcs, np.float64) for tile in tiles: print('Reading tile', tile.coadd_id) tim = get_unwise_tractor_image(unwise_dir, tile.coadd_id, band, bandname=wanyband, roiradecbox=roiradecbox) if tim is None: print('Actually, no overlap with tile', tile.coadd_id) continue if psf_broadening is not None: # psf_broadening is a factor by which the PSF FWHMs # should be scaled; the PSF is a little wider # post-reactivation. psf = tim.getPsf() from tractor import GaussianMixturePSF if isinstance(psf, GaussianMixturePSF): # print('Broadening PSF: from', psf) p0 = psf.getParams() #print('Params:', p0) pnames = psf.getParamNames() #print('Param names:', pnames) p1 = [p * psf_broadening**2 if 'var' in name else p for (p, name) in zip(p0, pnames)] #print('Broadened:', p1) psf.setParams(p1) print('Broadened PSF:', psf) else: print( 'WARNING: cannot apply psf_broadening to WISE PSF of type', type(psf)) print('Read image with shape', tim.shape) # Select sources in play. wcs = tim.wcs.wcs H, W = tim.shape ok, x, y = wcs.radec2pixelxy(ra, dec) x = (x - 1.).astype(np.float32) y = (y - 1.).astype(np.float32) margin = 10. I = np.flatnonzero((x >= -margin) * (x < W + margin) * (y >= -margin) * (y < H + margin)) print(len(I), 'within the image + margin') inbox = ((x[I] >= -0.5) * (x[I] < (W - 0.5)) * (y[I] >= -0.5) * (y[I] < (H - 0.5))) print(sum(inbox), 'strictly within the image') # Compute L_inf distance to (full) tile center. tilewcs = unwise_tile_wcs(tile.ra, tile.dec) cx, cy = tilewcs.crpix ok, tx, ty = tilewcs.radec2pixelxy(ra[I], dec[I]) td = np.maximum(np.abs(tx - cx), np.abs(ty - cy)) closest = (td < tiledists[I]) tiledists[I[closest]] = td[closest] keep = inbox * closest # Source indices (in the full "cat") to keep (the fit values for) srci = I[keep] if not len(srci): print('No sources to be kept; skipping.') continue phot.tile[srci] = tile.coadd_id nexp[srci] = tim.nuims[np.clip(np.round(y[srci]).astype(int), 0, H - 1), np.clip(np.round(x[srci]).astype(int), 0, W - 1)] # Source indices in the margins margi = I[np.logical_not(keep)] # sources in the box -- at the start of the subcat list. subcat = [cat[i] for i in srci] # include *copies* of sources in the margins # (that way we automatically don't save the results) subcat.extend([cat[i].copy() for i in margi]) assert(len(subcat) == len(I)) # FIXME -- set source radii, ...? minsb = 0. fitsky = False # Look in image and set radius based on peak height?? tractor = Tractor([tim], subcat) if use_ceres: from tractor.ceres_optimizer import CeresOptimizer tractor.optimizer = CeresOptimizer(BW=ceres_block, BH=ceres_block) tractor.freezeParamsRecursive('*') tractor.thawPathsTo(wanyband) kwa = dict(fitstat_extras=[('pronexp', [tim.nims])]) t0 = Time() R = tractor.optimize_forced_photometry( minsb=minsb, mindlnp=1., sky=fitsky, fitstats=True, variance=True, shared_params=False, wantims=wantims, **kwa) print('unWISE forced photometry took', Time() - t0) if use_ceres: term = R.ceres_status['termination'] print('Ceres termination status:', term) # Running out of memory can cause failure to converge # and term status = 2. # Fail completely in this case. if term != 0: raise RuntimeError( 'Ceres terminated with status %i' % term) if wantims: ims0 = R.ims0 ims1 = R.ims1 IV, fs = R.IV, R.fitstats if save_fits: import fitsio (dat, mod, ie, chi, roi) = ims1[0] wcshdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() tim.wcs.wcs.add_to_header(wcshdr) tag = 'fit-%s-w%i' % (tile.coadd_id, band) fitsio.write('%s-data.fits' % tag, dat, clobber=True, header=wcshdr) fitsio.write('%s-mod.fits' % tag, mod, clobber=True, header=wcshdr) fitsio.write('%s-chi.fits' % tag, chi, clobber=True, header=wcshdr) if ps: tag = '%s W%i' % (tile.coadd_id, band) (dat, mod, ie, chi, roi) = ims1[0] sig1 = tim.sig1 plt.clf() plt.imshow(dat, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray', vmin=-3 * sig1, vmax=10 * sig1) plt.colorbar() plt.title('%s: data' % tag) ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.imshow(mod, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray', vmin=-3 * sig1, vmax=10 * sig1) plt.colorbar() plt.title('%s: model' % tag) ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.imshow(chi, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray', vmin=-5, vmax=+5) plt.colorbar() plt.title('%s: chi' % tag) ps.savefig() # Save results for this tile. # the "keep" sources are at the beginning of the "subcat" list flux_invvars[srci] = IV[:len(srci)].astype(np.float32) if hasattr(tim, 'mjdmin') and hasattr(tim, 'mjdmax'): mjd[srci] = (tim.mjdmin + tim.mjdmax) / 2. if fs is None: continue for k in fskeys: x = getattr(fs, k) # fitstats are returned only for un-frozen sources fitstats[k][srci] = np.array(x).astype(np.float32)[:len(srci)] # Note, this is *outside* the loop over tiles. # The fluxes are saved in the source objects, and will be set based on # the 'tiledists' logic above. nm = np.array([src.getBrightness().getBand(wanyband) for src in cat]) nm_ivar = flux_invvars # Sources out of bounds, eg, never change from their default # (1-sigma or whatever) initial fluxes. Zero them out instead. nm[nm_ivar == 0] = 0. phot.set(wband + '_nanomaggies', nm.astype(np.float32)) phot.set(wband + '_nanomaggies_ivar', nm_ivar) dnm = np.zeros(len(nm_ivar), np.float32) okiv = (nm_ivar > 0) dnm[okiv] = (1. / np.sqrt(nm_ivar[okiv])).astype(np.float32) okflux = (nm > 0) mag = np.zeros(len(nm), np.float32) mag[okflux] = (NanoMaggies.nanomaggiesToMag(nm[okflux]) ).astype(np.float32) dmag = np.zeros(len(nm), np.float32) ok = (okiv * okflux) dmag[ok] = (np.abs((-2.5 / np.log(10.)) * dnm[ok] / nm[ok]) ).astype(np.float32) mag[np.logical_not(okflux)] = np.nan dmag[np.logical_not(ok)] = np.nan phot.set(wband + '_mag', mag) phot.set(wband + '_mag_err', dmag) for k in fskeys: phot.set(wband + '_' + k, fitstats[k]) phot.set(wband + '_nexp', nexp) if not np.all(mjd == 0): phot.set(wband + '_mjd', mjd) return phot
comods = [] srcs = read_fits_catalog(T) for src in srcs: src.freezeAllBut('brightness') for band in gbands: J = np.flatnonzero(galex.get('has_' + band)) print(len(J), 'GALEX tiles have coverage in band', band) coimg = np.zeros((H, W), np.float32) comod = np.zeros((H, W), np.float32) cowt = np.zeros((H, W), np.float32) for src in srcs: src.setBrightness(NanoMaggies(**{band: 1})) for j in J: brick = galex[j] fn = os.path.join( opt.galex_dir, brick.tilename.strip(), '%s-%sd-intbgsub.fits.gz' % (brick.brickname, band)) print(fn) gwcs = Tan(*[ float(f) for f in [ brick.crval1, brick.crval2, brick.crpix1, brick.crpix2, brick.cdelt1, 0., 0., brick.cdelt2, 3840., 3840. ] ]) img =
def main(): # Where are the data? datadir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data-decam') name = 'decam-520206-S16' imagefn = os.path.join(datadir, '%s-image-sub.fits' % name) invvarfn = os.path.join(datadir, '%s-invvar-sub.fits' % name) psfexfn = os.path.join(datadir, '%s-psfex.fits' % name) catfn = os.path.join(datadir, 'tractor-1816p325-sub.fits') # Read the image and inverse-variance maps. image = invvar = # The DECam inverse-variance maps are unfortunately corrupted # by fpack, causing zeros to become negative. Fix those. invvar[invvar < np.median(invvar) * 0.1] = 0. H, W = image.shape print('Subimage size:', image.shape) # For the PSF model, we need to know what subimage region this is: subimage_offset = (35, 1465) # We also need the calibrated zeropoint. zeropoint = 24.7787 # What filter was this image taken in? (z) prim_header = fitsio.read_header(imagefn) band = prim_header['FILTER'].strip()[0] print('Band:', band) # These DECam images were calibrated so that the zeropoints need # an exposure-time factor, so add that in. exptime = prim_header['EXPTIME'] zeropoint += 2.5 * np.log10(exptime) # Read the PsfEx model file psf = PixelizedPsfEx(psfexfn) # Instantiate a constant pixelized PSF at the image center # (of the subimage) x0, y0 = subimage_offset psf = psf.constantPsfAt(x0 + W / 2., y0 + H / 2.) # Load the WCS model from the header # We convert from the RA---TPV type to RA---SIP header = fitsio.read_header(imagefn, ext=1) wcsobj = wcs_pv2sip_hdr(header, stepsize=10) # We'll just use a rough sky estimate... skyval = np.median(image) # Create the Tractor Image (tim). tim = Image(data=image, invvar=invvar, psf=psf, wcs=ConstantFitsWcs(wcsobj), sky=ConstantSky(skyval), photocal=LinearPhotoCal( NanoMaggies.zeropointToScale(zeropoint), band=band)) # Read the official DECaLS DR3 catalog -- it has only two sources in this subimage. catalog = fits_table(catfn) print('Read', len(catalog), 'sources') print('Source types:', catalog.type) # Create Tractor sources corresponding to these two catalog # entries. # In DECaLS, the "SIMP" type is a round Exponential galaxy with a # fixed 0.45" radius, but we'll treat it as a general Exp galaxy. sources = [] for c in catalog: # Create a "position" object given the catalog RA,Dec position = RaDecPos(c.ra, c.dec) # Create a "brightness" object; in the catalog, the fluxes are # stored in a [ugrizY] array, so pull out the right index band_index = 'ugrizY'.index(band) flux = c.decam_flux[band_index] brightness = NanoMaggies(**{band: flux}) # Depending on the source classification in the catalog, pull # out different fields for the galaxy shape, and for the # galaxy type. The DECaLS catalogs, conveniently, store # galaxy shapes as (radius, e1, e2) ellipses. if c.type.strip() == 'DEV': shape = EllipseE(c.shapedev_r, c.shapedev_e1, c.shapedev_e2) galclass = DevGalaxy elif c.type.strip() == 'SIMP': shape = EllipseE(c.shapeexp_r, c.shapeexp_e1, c.shapeexp_e2) galclass = ExpGalaxy else: assert (False) # Create the tractor galaxy object source = galclass(position, brightness, shape) print('Created', source) sources.append(source) # Create the Tractor object -- a list of tractor Images and a list of tractor sources. tractor = Tractor([tim], sources) # Render the initial model image. print('Getting initial model...') mod = tractor.getModelImage(0) make_plot(tim, mod, 'Initial Scene', 'mod0.png') # Instantiate a new source at the location of the unmodelled peak. print('Adding new source...') # Find the peak very naively... ipeak = np.argmax((image - mod) * tim.inverr) iy, ix = np.unravel_index(ipeak, tim.shape) print('Residual peak at', ix, iy) # Compute the RA,Dec location of the peak... radec = tim.getWcs().pixelToPosition(ix, iy) print('RA,Dec', radec) # Try modelling it as a point source. # We'll initialize the brightness arbitrarily to 1 nanomaggy (= mag 22.5) brightness = NanoMaggies(**{band: 1.}) source = PointSource(radec, brightness) # Add it to the catalog! tractor.catalog.append(source) # Render the new model image with this source added. mod = tractor.getModelImage(0) make_plot(tim, mod, 'New Source (Before Fit)', 'mod1.png') print('Fitting new source...') # Now we're going to fit for the properties of the new source we # added. # We don't want to fit for any of the image calibration properties: tractor.freezeParam('images') # And we don't (yet) want to fit the existing sources. The new # source is index number 2, so freeze everything else in the catalog. tractor.catalog.freezeAllBut(2) print('Fitting parameters:') tractor.printThawedParams() # Do the actual optimization: tractor.optimize_loop() mod = tractor.getModelImage(0) make_plot(tim, mod, 'New Source Fit', 'mod2.png') print('Fitting sources simultaneously...') # Now let's unfreeze all the sources and fit them simultaneously. tractor.catalog.thawAllParams() tractor.printThawedParams() tractor.optimize_loop() mod = tractor.getModelImage(0) make_plot(tim, mod, 'Simultaneous Fit', 'mod3.png')
def wise_cutouts(ra, dec, radius, ps, pixscale=2.75, survey_dir=None, unwise_dir=None): ''' radius in arcsec. pixscale: WISE pixel scale in arcsec/pixel; make this smaller than 2.75 to oversample. ''' if unwise_dir is None: unwise_dir = os.environ.get('UNWISE_COADDS_DIR') npix = int(np.ceil(radius / pixscale)) print('Image size:', npix) W = H = npix pix = pixscale / 3600. wcs = Tan(ra, dec, (W + 1) / 2., (H + 1) / 2., -pix, 0., 0., pix, float(W), float(H)) # Find DECaLS bricks overlapping survey = LegacySurveyData(survey_dir=survey_dir) B = bricks_touching_wcs(wcs, survey=survey) print('Found', len(B), 'bricks overlapping') TT = [] for b in B.brickname: fn = survey.find_file('tractor', brick=b) T = fits_table(fn) print('Read', len(T), 'from', b) primhdr = fitsio.read_header(fn) TT.append(T) T = merge_tables(TT) print('Total of', len(T), 'sources') T.cut(T.brick_primary) print(len(T), 'primary') margin = 20 ok, xx, yy = wcs.radec2pixelxy(T.ra, T.dec) I = np.flatnonzero((xx > -margin) * (yy > -margin) * (xx < W + margin) * (yy < H + margin)) T.cut(I) print(len(T), 'within ROI') #return wcs,T # Pull out DECaLS coadds (image, model, resid). dwcs = wcs.scale(2. * pixscale / 0.262) dh, dw = dwcs.shape print('DECaLS resampled shape:', dh, dw) tags = ['image', 'model', 'resid'] coimgs = [np.zeros((dh, dw, 3), np.uint8) for t in tags] for b in B.brickname: fn = survey.find_file('image', brick=b, band='r') bwcs = Tan(fn, 1) # ext 1: .fz try: Yo, Xo, Yi, Xi, nil = resample_with_wcs(dwcs, bwcs) except ResampleError: continue if len(Yo) == 0: continue print('Resampling', len(Yo), 'pixels from', b) xl, xh, yl, yh = Xi.min(), Xi.max(), Yi.min(), Yi.max() #print('python legacypipe/ -b %s --zoom %i %i %i %i --outdir cluster --pixpsf --splinesky --pipe --no-early-coadds' % # (b, xl-5, xh+5, yl-5, yh+5) + ' -P \'pickles/cluster-%(brick)s-%%(stage)s.pickle\'') for i, tag in enumerate(tags): fn = survey.find_file(tag + '-jpeg', brick=b) img = plt.imread(fn) img = np.flipud(img) coimgs[i][Yo, Xo, :] = img[Yi, Xi, :] tt = dict(image='Image', model='Model', resid='Resid') for img, tag in zip(coimgs, tags): plt.clf() dimshow(img, ticks=False) plt.title('DECaLS grz %s' % tt[tag]) ps.savefig() # Find unWISE tiles overlapping tiles = unwise_tiles_touching_wcs(wcs) print('Cut to', len(tiles), 'unWISE tiles') # Here we assume the targetwcs is axis-aligned and that the # edge midpoints yield the RA,Dec limits (true for TAN). r, d = wcs.pixelxy2radec(np.array([1, W, W / 2, W / 2]), np.array([H / 2, H / 2, 1, H])) # the way the roiradec box is used, the min/max order doesn't matter roiradec = [r[0], r[1], d[2], d[3]] ra, dec = T.ra, T.dec srcs = read_fits_catalog(T) wbands = [1, 2, 3, 4] wanyband = 'w' for band in wbands: f = T.get('flux_w%i' % band) f *= 10.**(primhdr['WISEAB%i' % band] / 2.5) coimgs = [np.zeros((H, W), np.float32) for b in wbands] comods = [np.zeros((H, W), np.float32) for b in wbands] con = [np.zeros((H, W), np.uint8) for b in wbands] for iband, band in enumerate(wbands): print('Photometering WISE band', band) wband = 'w%i' % band for i, src in enumerate(srcs): #print('Source', src, 'brightness', src.getBrightness(), 'params', src.getBrightness().getParams()) #src.getBrightness().setParams([T.wise_flux[i, band-1]]) src.setBrightness( NanoMaggies(**{wanyband: T.get('flux_w%i' % band)[i]})) # print('Set source brightness:', src.getBrightness()) # The tiles have some overlap, so for each source, keep the # fit in the tile whose center is closest to the source. for tile in tiles: print('Reading tile', tile.coadd_id) tim = get_unwise_tractor_image(unwise_dir, tile.coadd_id, band, bandname=wanyband, roiradecbox=roiradec) if tim is None: print('Actually, no overlap with tile', tile.coadd_id) continue print('Read image with shape', tim.shape) # Select sources in play. wisewcs = tim.wcs.wcs H, W = tim.shape ok, x, y = wisewcs.radec2pixelxy(ra, dec) x = (x - 1.).astype(np.float32) y = (y - 1.).astype(np.float32) margin = 10. I = np.flatnonzero((x >= -margin) * (x < W + margin) * (y >= -margin) * (y < H + margin)) print(len(I), 'within the image + margin') subcat = [srcs[i] for i in I] tractor = Tractor([tim], subcat) mod = tractor.getModelImage(0) # plt.clf() # dimshow(tim.getImage(), ticks=False) # plt.title('WISE %s %s' % (tile.coadd_id, wband)) # ps.savefig() # plt.clf() # dimshow(mod, ticks=False) # plt.title('WISE %s %s' % (tile.coadd_id, wband)) # ps.savefig() try: Yo, Xo, Yi, Xi, nil = resample_with_wcs(wcs, tim.wcs.wcs) except ResampleError: continue if len(Yo) == 0: continue print('Resampling', len(Yo), 'pixels from WISE', tile.coadd_id, band) coimgs[iband][Yo, Xo] += tim.getImage()[Yi, Xi] comods[iband][Yo, Xo] += mod[Yi, Xi] con[iband][Yo, Xo] += 1 for img, mod, n in zip(coimgs, comods, con): img /= np.maximum(n, 1) mod /= np.maximum(n, 1) for band, img, mod in zip(wbands, coimgs, comods): lo, hi = np.percentile(img, [25, 99]) plt.clf() dimshow(img, vmin=lo, vmax=hi, ticks=False) plt.title('WISE W%i Data' % band) ps.savefig() plt.clf() dimshow(mod, vmin=lo, vmax=hi, ticks=False) plt.title('WISE W%i Model' % band) ps.savefig() resid = img - mod mx = np.abs(resid).max() plt.clf() dimshow(resid, vmin=-mx, vmax=mx, ticks=False) plt.title('WISE W%i Resid' % band) ps.savefig() #kwa = dict(mn=-0.1, mx=2., arcsinh = 1.) kwa = dict(mn=-0.1, mx=2., arcsinh=None) rgb = _unwise_to_rgb(coimgs[:2], **kwa) plt.clf() dimshow(rgb, ticks=False) plt.title('WISE W1/W2 Data') ps.savefig() rgb = _unwise_to_rgb(comods[:2], **kwa) plt.clf() dimshow(rgb, ticks=False) plt.title('WISE W1/W2 Model') ps.savefig() kwa = dict(mn=-1, mx=1, arcsinh=None) rgb = _unwise_to_rgb( [img - mod for img, mod in list(zip(coimgs, comods))[:2]], **kwa) plt.clf() dimshow(rgb, ticks=False) plt.title('WISE W1/W2 Resid') ps.savefig() return wcs, T
def read_fits_catalog(T, hdr=None, invvars=False, bands='grz', allbands=None, ellipseClass=EllipseE, unpackShape=True, fluxPrefix=''): ''' This is currently a weird hybrid of dynamic and hard-coded. Return list of tractor Sources. If invvars=True, return sources,invvars where invvars is a list matching sources.getParams() If *ellipseClass* is set, assume that type for galaxy shapes; if None, read the type from the header. If *unpackShapes* is True and *ellipseClass* is EllipseE, read catalog entries "shapeexp_r", "shapeexp_e1", "shapeexp_e2" rather than "shapeExp", and similarly for "dev". ''' from tractor import NanoMaggies if hdr is None: hdr = T._header if allbands is None: allbands = bands rev_typemap = fits_reverse_typemap if unpackShape and ellipseClass != EllipseE: print('Not doing unpackShape because ellipseClass != EllipseE.') unpackShape = False if unpackShape: T.shapeexp = np.vstack((T.shapeexp_r, T.shapeexp_e1, T.shapeexp_e2)).T T.shapedev = np.vstack((T.shapedev_r, T.shapedev_e1, T.shapedev_e2)).T ibands = np.array([allbands.index(b) for b in bands]) ivs = [] cat = [] for t in T: clazz = rev_typemap[t.type.strip()] pos = RaDecPos(t.ra, t.dec) assert (np.isfinite(t.ra)) assert (np.isfinite(t.dec)) shorttype = fits_short_typemap[clazz] if fluxPrefix + 'flux' in t.get_columns(): flux = np.atleast_1d(t.get(fluxPrefix + 'flux')) assert (np.all(np.isfinite(flux[ibands]))) br = NanoMaggies(order=bands, **dict(zip(bands, flux[ibands]))) else: fluxes = {} for b in bands: fluxes[b] = t.get(fluxPrefix + 'flux_' + b) assert (np.all(np.isfinite(fluxes[b]))) br = NanoMaggies(order=bands, **fluxes) params = [pos, br] if invvars: # ASSUME & hard-code that the position and brightness are # the first params if fluxPrefix + 'flux_ivar' in t.get_columns(): fluxiv = np.atleast_1d(t.get(fluxPrefix + 'flux_ivar')) fluxivs = list(fluxiv[ibands]) else: fluxivs = [] for b in bands: fluxivs.append(t.get(fluxPrefix + 'flux_ivar_' + b)) ivs.extend([t.ra_ivar, t.dec_ivar] + fluxivs) if issubclass(clazz, (DevGalaxy, ExpGalaxy)): if ellipseClass is not None: eclazz = ellipseClass else: # hard-code knowledge that third param is the ellipse eclazz = hdr['TR_%s_T3' % shorttype] # drop any double-quoted weirdness eclazz = eclazz.replace('"', '') # look up that string... to avoid eval() eclazz = ellipse_types[eclazz] if issubclass(clazz, DevGalaxy): assert (np.all([np.isfinite(x) for x in t.shapedev])) ell = eclazz(*t.shapedev) else: assert (np.all([np.isfinite(x) for x in t.shapeexp])) ell = eclazz(*t.shapeexp) params.append(ell) if invvars: if issubclass(clazz, DevGalaxy): ivs.extend(t.shapedev_ivar) else: ivs.extend(t.shapeexp_ivar) elif issubclass(clazz, FixedCompositeGalaxy): # hard-code knowledge that params are fracDev, shapeE, shapeD assert (np.isfinite(t.fracdev)) params.append(t.fracdev) if ellipseClass is not None: expeclazz = deveclazz = ellipseClass else: expeclazz = hdr['TR_%s_T4' % shorttype] deveclazz = hdr['TR_%s_T5' % shorttype] expeclazz = expeclazz.replace('"', '') deveclazz = deveclazz.replace('"', '') expeclazz = ellipse_types[expeclazz] deveclazz = ellipse_types[deveclazz] assert (np.all([np.isfinite(x) for x in t.shapedev])) assert (np.all([np.isfinite(x) for x in t.shapeexp])) ee = expeclazz(*t.shapeexp) de = deveclazz(*t.shapedev) params.append(ee) params.append(de) if invvars: ivs.append(t.fracdev_ivar) ivs.extend(t.shapeexp_ivar) ivs.extend(t.shapedev_ivar) elif issubclass(clazz, PointSource): pass else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown class %s' % str(clazz)) src = clazz(*params) cat.append(src) if invvars: ivs = np.array(ivs) ivs[np.logical_not(np.isfinite(ivs))] = 0 return cat, ivs return cat
def unwise_forcedphot(cat, tiles, band=1, roiradecbox=None, use_ceres=True, ceres_block=8, save_fits=False, get_models=False, ps=None, psf_broadening=None, pixelized_psf=False, get_masks=None, move_crpix=False, modelsky_dir=None): ''' Given a list of tractor sources *cat* and a list of unWISE tiles *tiles* (a fits_table with RA,Dec,coadd_id) runs forced photometry, returning a FITS table the same length as *cat*. *get_masks*: the WCS to resample mask bits into. ''' from tractor import NanoMaggies, PointSource, Tractor, ExpGalaxy, DevGalaxy, FixedCompositeGalaxy if not pixelized_psf and psf_broadening is None: # PSF broadening in post-reactivation data, by band. # Newer version from Aaron's email to decam-chatter, 2018-06-14. broadening = { 1: 1.0405, 2: 1.0346, 3: None, 4: None } psf_broadening = broadening[band] if False: from astrometry.util.plotutils import PlotSequence ps = PlotSequence('wise-forced-w%i' % band) plots = (ps is not None) if plots: import pylab as plt wantims = (plots or save_fits or get_models) wanyband = 'w' if get_models: models = {} wband = 'w%i' % band fskeys = ['prochi2', 'pronpix', 'profracflux', 'proflux', 'npix', 'pronexp'] Nsrcs = len(cat) phot = fits_table() # Filled in based on unique tile overlap phot.wise_coadd_id = np.array([' '] * Nsrcs) phot.set(wband + '_psfdepth', np.zeros(len(phot), np.float32)) ra = np.array([src.getPosition().ra for src in cat]) dec = np.array([src.getPosition().dec for src in cat]) nexp = np.zeros(Nsrcs, np.int16) mjd = np.zeros(Nsrcs, np.float64) central_flux = np.zeros(Nsrcs, np.float32) fitstats = {} tims = [] if get_masks: mh,mw = get_masks.shape maskmap = np.zeros((mh,mw), np.uint32) for tile in tiles: print('Reading WISE tile', tile.coadd_id, 'band', band) tim = get_unwise_tractor_image(tile.unwise_dir, tile.coadd_id, band, bandname=wanyband, roiradecbox=roiradecbox) if tim is None: print('Actually, no overlap with tile', tile.coadd_id) continue if plots: sig1 = tim.sig1 plt.clf() plt.imshow(tim.getImage(), interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray', vmin=-3 * sig1, vmax=10 * sig1) plt.colorbar() tag = '%s W%i' % (tile.coadd_id, band) plt.title('%s: tim data' % tag) ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.hist((tim.getImage() * tim.inverr)[tim.inverr > 0].ravel(), range=(-5,10), bins=100) plt.xlabel('Per-pixel intensity (Sigma)') plt.title(tag) ps.savefig() if move_crpix and band in [1, 2]: realwcs = tim.wcs.wcs x,y = realwcs.crpix tile_crpix = tile.get('crpix_w%i' % band) dx = tile_crpix[0] - 1024.5 dy = tile_crpix[1] - 1024.5 realwcs.set_crpix(x+dx, y+dy) #print('CRPIX', x,y, 'shift by', dx,dy, 'to', realwcs.crpix) if modelsky_dir and band in [1, 2]: fn = os.path.join(modelsky_dir, '%s.%i.mod.fits' % (tile.coadd_id, band)) if not os.path.exists(fn): raise RuntimeError('WARNING: does not exist:', fn) x0,x1,y0,y1 = tim.roi bg = fitsio.FITS(fn)[2][y0:y1, x0:x1] #print('Read background map:', bg.shape, bg.dtype, 'vs image', tim.shape) if plots: plt.clf() plt.subplot(1,2,1) plt.imshow(tim.getImage(), interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray', vmin=-3 * sig1, vmax=5 * sig1) plt.subplot(1,2,2) plt.imshow(bg, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray', vmin=-3 * sig1, vmax=5 * sig1) tag = '%s W%i' % (tile.coadd_id, band) plt.suptitle(tag) ps.savefig() plt.clf() ha = dict(range=(-5,10), bins=100, histtype='step') plt.hist((tim.getImage() * tim.inverr)[tim.inverr > 0].ravel(), color='b', label='Original', **ha) plt.hist(((tim.getImage()-bg) * tim.inverr)[tim.inverr > 0].ravel(), color='g', label='Minus Background', **ha) plt.axvline(0, color='k', alpha=0.5) plt.xlabel('Per-pixel intensity (Sigma)') plt.legend() plt.title(tag + ': background') ps.savefig() # Actually subtract the background! -= bg # Floor the per-pixel variances if band in [1,2]: # in Vega nanomaggies per pixel floor_sigma = {1: 0.5, 2: 2.0} with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): new_ie = 1. / np.hypot(1./tim.inverr, floor_sigma[band]) new_ie[tim.inverr == 0] = 0. if plots: plt.clf() plt.plot((1. / tim.inverr[tim.inverr>0]).ravel(), (1./new_ie[tim.inverr>0]).ravel(), 'b.') plt.title('unWISE per-pixel error: %s band %i' % (tile.coadd_id, band)) plt.xlabel('original') plt.ylabel('floored') ps.savefig() tim.inverr = new_ie # Read mask file? if get_masks: from astrometry.util.resample import resample_with_wcs, OverlapError # unwise_dir can be a colon-separated list of paths tilemask = None for d in tile.unwise_dir.split(':'): fn = os.path.join(d, tile.coadd_id[:3], tile.coadd_id, 'unwise-%s-msk.fits.gz' % tile.coadd_id) if os.path.exists(fn): print('Reading unWISE mask file', fn) x0,x1,y0,y1 = tim.roi tilemask = fitsio.FITS(fn)[0][y0:y1,x0:x1] break if tilemask is None: print('unWISE mask file for tile', tile.coadd_id, 'does not exist') else: try: tanwcs = tim.wcs.wcs assert(tanwcs.shape == tilemask.shape) Yo,Xo,Yi,Xi,_ = resample_with_wcs(get_masks, tanwcs, intType=np.int16) # Only deal with mask pixels that are set. I, = np.nonzero(tilemask[Yi,Xi] > 0) # Trim to unique area for this tile rr,dd = get_masks.pixelxy2radec(Yo[I]+1, Xo[I]+1) good = radec_in_unique_area(rr, dd, tile.ra1, tile.ra2, tile.dec1, tile.dec2) I = I[good] maskmap[Yo[I],Xo[I]] = tilemask[Yi[I], Xi[I]] except OverlapError: # Shouldn't happen by this point print('No overlap between WISE tile', tile.coadd_id, 'and brick') # The tiles have some overlap, so zero out pixels outside the # tile's unique area. th,tw = tim.shape xx,yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(tw), np.arange(th)) rr,dd = tim.wcs.wcs.pixelxy2radec(xx+1, yy+1) unique = radec_in_unique_area(rr, dd, tile.ra1, tile.ra2, tile.dec1, tile.dec2) #print(np.sum(unique), 'of', (th*tw), 'pixels in this tile are unique') tim.inverr[unique == False] = 0. del xx,yy,rr,dd,unique if plots: sig1 = tim.sig1 plt.clf() plt.imshow(tim.getImage() * (tim.inverr > 0), interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray', vmin=-3 * sig1, vmax=10 * sig1) plt.colorbar() tag = '%s W%i' % (tile.coadd_id, band) plt.title('%s: tim data (unique)' % tag) ps.savefig() if pixelized_psf: import unwise_psf if (band == 1) or (band == 2): # we only have updated PSFs for W1 and W2 psfimg = unwise_psf.get_unwise_psf(band, tile.coadd_id, modelname='neo4_unwisecat') else: psfimg = unwise_psf.get_unwise_psf(band, tile.coadd_id) if band == 4: # oversample (the unwise_psf models are at native W4 5.5"/pix, # while the unWISE coadds are made at 2.75"/pix. ph,pw = psfimg.shape subpsf = np.zeros((ph*2-1, pw*2-1), np.float32) from astrometry.util.util import lanczos3_interpolate xx,yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0., pw-0.51, 0.5, dtype=np.float32), np.arange(0., ph-0.51, 0.5, dtype=np.float32)) xx = xx.ravel() yy = yy.ravel() ix = xx.astype(np.int32) iy = yy.astype(np.int32) dx = (xx - ix).astype(np.float32) dy = (yy - iy).astype(np.float32) psfimg = psfimg.astype(np.float32) rtn = lanczos3_interpolate(ix, iy, dx, dy, [subpsf.flat], [psfimg]) if plots: plt.clf() plt.imshow(psfimg, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') plt.title('Original PSF model') ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.imshow(subpsf, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') plt.title('Subsampled PSF model') ps.savefig() psfimg = subpsf del xx, yy, ix, iy, dx, dy from tractor.psf import PixelizedPSF psfimg /= psfimg.sum() fluxrescales = {1: 1.04, 2: 1.005, 3: 1.0, 4: 1.0} psfimg *= fluxrescales[band] tim.psf = PixelizedPSF(psfimg) if psf_broadening is not None and not pixelized_psf: # psf_broadening is a factor by which the PSF FWHMs # should be scaled; the PSF is a little wider # post-reactivation. psf = tim.getPsf() from tractor import GaussianMixturePSF if isinstance(psf, GaussianMixturePSF): # print('Broadening PSF: from', psf) p0 = psf.getParams() pnames = psf.getParamNames() p1 = [p * psf_broadening**2 if 'var' in name else p for (p, name) in zip(p0, pnames)] psf.setParams(p1) print('Broadened PSF:', psf) else: print('WARNING: cannot apply psf_broadening to WISE PSF of type', type(psf)) wcs = tim.wcs.wcs ok,x,y = wcs.radec2pixelxy(ra, dec) x = np.round(x - 1.).astype(int) y = np.round(y - 1.).astype(int) good = (x >= 0) * (x < tw) * (y >= 0) * (y < th) # Which sources are in this brick's unique area? usrc = radec_in_unique_area(ra, dec, tile.ra1, tile.ra2, tile.dec1, tile.dec2) I, = np.nonzero(good * usrc) nexp[I] = tim.nuims[y[I], x[I]] if hasattr(tim, 'mjdmin') and hasattr(tim, 'mjdmax'): mjd[I] = (tim.mjdmin + tim.mjdmax) / 2. phot.wise_coadd_id[I] = tile.coadd_id central_flux[I] = tim.getImage()[y[I], x[I]] del x,y,good,usrc # PSF norm for depth psf = tim.getPsf() h,w = tim.shape patch = psf.getPointSourcePatch(h//2, w//2).patch psfnorm = np.sqrt(np.sum(patch**2)) # To handle zero-depth, we return 1/nanomaggies^2 units rather than mags. psfdepth = 1. / (tim.sig1 / psfnorm)**2 phot.get(wband + '_psfdepth')[I] = psfdepth tim.tile = tile tims.append(tim) if plots: plt.clf() mn,mx = 0.1, 20000 plt.hist(np.log10(np.clip(central_flux, mn, mx)), bins=100, range=(np.log10(mn), np.log10(mx))) logt = np.arange(0, 5) plt.xticks(logt, ['%i' % i for i in 10.**logt]) plt.title('Central fluxes (W%i)' % band) plt.axvline(np.log10(20000), color='k') plt.axvline(np.log10(1000), color='k') ps.savefig() # Eddie's non-secret recipe: #- central pixel <= 1000: 19x19 pix box size #- central pixel in 1000 - 20000: 59x59 box size #- central pixel > 20000 or saturated: 149x149 box size #- object near "bright star": 299x299 box size nbig = nmedium = nsmall = 0 for src,cflux in zip(cat, central_flux): if cflux > 20000: R = 100 nbig += 1 elif cflux > 1000: R = 30 nmedium += 1 else: R = 15 nsmall += 1 if isinstance(src, PointSource): src.fixedRadius = R else: ### FIXME -- sizes for galaxies..... can we set PSF size separately? galrad = 0 # RexGalaxy is a subclass of ExpGalaxy if isinstance(src, (ExpGalaxy, DevGalaxy)): galrad = elif isinstance(src, FixedCompositeGalaxy): galrad = max(, pixscale = 2.75 src.halfsize = int(np.hypot(R, galrad * 5 / pixscale)) #print('Set WISE source sizes:', nbig, 'big', nmedium, 'medium', nsmall, 'small') minsb = 0. fitsky = False tractor = Tractor(tims, cat) if use_ceres: from tractor.ceres_optimizer import CeresOptimizer tractor.optimizer = CeresOptimizer(BW=ceres_block, BH=ceres_block) tractor.freezeParamsRecursive('*') tractor.thawPathsTo(wanyband) kwa = dict(fitstat_extras=[('pronexp', [tim.nims for tim in tims])]) t0 = Time() R = tractor.optimize_forced_photometry( minsb=minsb, mindlnp=1., sky=fitsky, fitstats=True, variance=True, shared_params=False, wantims=wantims, **kwa) print('unWISE forced photometry took', Time() - t0) if use_ceres: term = R.ceres_status['termination'] # Running out of memory can cause failure to converge # and term status = 2. # Fail completely in this case. if term != 0: print('Ceres termination status:', term) raise RuntimeError( 'Ceres terminated with status %i' % term) if wantims: ims1 = R.ims1 flux_invvars = R.IV if R.fitstats is not None: for k in fskeys: x = getattr(R.fitstats, k) fitstats[k] = np.array(x).astype(np.float32) if save_fits: for i,tim in enumerate(tims): tile = tim.tile (dat, mod, ie, chi, roi) = ims1[i] wcshdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() tim.wcs.wcs.add_to_header(wcshdr) tag = 'fit-%s-w%i' % (tile.coadd_id, band) fitsio.write('%s-data.fits' % tag, dat, clobber=True, header=wcshdr) fitsio.write('%s-mod.fits' % tag, mod, clobber=True, header=wcshdr) fitsio.write('%s-chi.fits' % tag, chi, clobber=True, header=wcshdr) if plots: # Create models for just the brightest sources bright_cat = [src for src in cat if src.getBrightness().getBand(wanyband) > 1000] print('Bright soures:', len(bright_cat)) btr = Tractor(tims, bright_cat) for tim in tims: mod = btr.getModelImage(tim) tile = tim.tile tag = '%s W%i' % (tile.coadd_id, band) sig1 = tim.sig1 plt.clf() plt.imshow(mod, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray', vmin=-3 * sig1, vmax=25 * sig1) plt.colorbar() plt.title('%s: bright-star models' % tag) ps.savefig() if get_models: for i,tim in enumerate(tims): tile = tim.tile (dat, mod, ie, chi, roi) = ims1[i] models[(tile.coadd_id, band)] = (mod, dat, ie, tim.roi, tim.wcs.wcs) if plots: for i,tim in enumerate(tims): tile = tim.tile tag = '%s W%i' % (tile.coadd_id, band) (dat, mod, ie, chi, roi) = ims1[i] sig1 = tim.sig1 plt.clf() plt.imshow(dat, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray', vmin=-3 * sig1, vmax=25 * sig1) plt.colorbar() plt.title('%s: data' % tag) ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.imshow(mod, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray', vmin=-3 * sig1, vmax=25 * sig1) plt.colorbar() plt.title('%s: model' % tag) ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.imshow(chi, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap='gray', vmin=-5, vmax=+5) plt.colorbar() plt.title('%s: chi' % tag) ps.savefig() nm = np.array([src.getBrightness().getBand(wanyband) for src in cat]) nm_ivar = flux_invvars # Sources out of bounds, eg, never change from their default # (1-sigma or whatever) initial fluxes. Zero them out instead. nm[nm_ivar == 0] = 0. phot.set(wband + '_nanomaggies', nm.astype(np.float32)) phot.set(wband + '_nanomaggies_ivar', nm_ivar.astype(np.float32)) dnm = np.zeros(len(nm_ivar), np.float32) okiv = (nm_ivar > 0) dnm[okiv] = (1. / np.sqrt(nm_ivar[okiv])).astype(np.float32) okflux = (nm > 0) mag = np.zeros(len(nm), np.float32) mag[okflux] = (NanoMaggies.nanomaggiesToMag(nm[okflux]) ).astype(np.float32) dmag = np.zeros(len(nm), np.float32) ok = (okiv * okflux) dmag[ok] = (np.abs((-2.5 / np.log(10.)) * dnm[ok] / nm[ok]) ).astype(np.float32) mag[np.logical_not(okflux)] = np.nan dmag[np.logical_not(ok)] = np.nan phot.set(wband + '_mag', mag) phot.set(wband + '_mag_err', dmag) for k in fskeys: phot.set(wband + '_' + k, fitstats[k]) phot.set(wband + '_nexp', nexp) if not np.all(mjd == 0): phot.set(wband + '_mjd', mjd) rtn = wphotduck() rtn.phot = phot rtn.models = None rtn.maskmap = None if get_models: rtn.models = models if get_masks: rtn.maskmap = maskmap return rtn
hspace=0, wspace=0) # transpose image dimshow(tim.getImage().T, vmin=-2.*tim.sig1, vmax=10.*tim.sig1) plt.title('DECaLS ' + ps.savefig() ax = plt.axis() plt.plot(stars.iy, stars.ix, 'r.') plt.axis(ax) plt.title('Pan-STARRS stars in DECaLS ' + ps.savefig() iband = ps1cat.ps1band[] stars.mag = stars.median[:,iband] stars.flux = NanoMaggies.magToNanomaggies(stars.mag) stars.cut(stars.flux > 1.) print len(stars), 'brighter than 22.5' stars.cut(np.argsort(stars.mag)) ima = dict(vmin=-2.*tim.sig1, vmax=10.*tim.sig1, ticks=False) plt.clf() #R,C = 10,14 #R,C = 9,13 R,C = 10,13
def main(survey=None, opt=None): '''Driver function for forced photometry of individual Legacy Survey images. ''' if opt is None: parser = get_parser() opt = parser.parse_args() Time.add_measurement(MemMeas) t0 = Time() if os.path.exists(opt.outfn): print('Ouput file exists:', opt.outfn) sys.exit(0) if opt.derivs and opt.agn: print('Sorry, can\'t do --derivs AND --agn') sys.exit(0) if not opt.forced: opt.apphot = True zoomslice = None if opt.zoom is not None: (x0, x1, y0, y1) = opt.zoom zoomslice = (slice(y0, y1), slice(x0, x1)) ps = None if opt.plots is not None: import pylab as plt from astrometry.util.plotutils import PlotSequence ps = PlotSequence(opt.plots) # Try parsing filename as exposure number. try: expnum = int(opt.expnum) filename = None except: # make this 'None' for survey.find_ccds() expnum = None filename = opt.expnum # Try parsing HDU number try: hdu = int(opt.ccdname) ccdname = None except: hdu = -1 ccdname = opt.ccdname if survey is None: survey = LegacySurveyData() catsurvey = survey if opt.catalog_dir is not None: catsurvey = LegacySurveyData(survey_dir=opt.catalog_dir) if filename is not None and hdu >= 0: # FIXME -- try looking up in CCDs file? # Read metadata from file print('Warning: faking metadata from file contents') T = exposure_metadata([filename], hdus=[hdu]) print('Metadata:') T.about() if not 'ccdzpt' in T.columns(): phdr = fitsio.read_header(filename) T.ccdzpt = np.array([phdr['MAGZERO']]) print('WARNING: using header MAGZERO') T.ccdraoff = np.array([0.]) T.ccddecoff = np.array([0.]) print('WARNING: setting CCDRAOFF, CCDDECOFF to zero.') else: # Read metadata from survey-ccds.fits table T = survey.find_ccds(expnum=expnum, ccdname=ccdname) print(len(T), 'with expnum', expnum, 'and CCDname', ccdname) if hdu >= 0: T.cut(T.image_hdu == hdu) print(len(T), 'with HDU', hdu) if filename is not None: T.cut(np.array([f.strip() == filename for f in T.image_filename])) print(len(T), 'with filename', filename) if is not None: T.cut( == print(len(T), 'with camera', assert (len(T) == 1) ccd = T[0] im = survey.get_image_object(ccd) if opt.do_calib: #from legacypipe.survey import run_calibs #kwa = dict(splinesky=True) #run_calibs((im, kwa)) im.run_calibs(splinesky=True) tim = im.get_tractor_image(slc=zoomslice, pixPsf=True, splinesky=True, constant_invvar=opt.constant_invvar, hybridPsf=opt.hybrid_psf, normalizePsf=opt.normalize_psf) print('Got tim:', tim) print('Read image:', Time() - t0) if opt.catfn in ['DR1', 'DR2', 'DR3', 'DR5', 'DR']: margin = 20 TT = [] chipwcs = tim.subwcs bricks = bricks_touching_wcs(chipwcs, survey=catsurvey) for b in bricks: # there is some overlap with this brick... read the catalog. fn = catsurvey.find_file('tractor', brick=b.brickname) if not os.path.exists(fn): print('WARNING: catalog', fn, 'does not exist. Skipping!') continue print('Reading', fn) T = fits_table(fn) ok, xx, yy = chipwcs.radec2pixelxy(T.ra, T.dec) W, H = chipwcs.get_width(), chipwcs.get_height() I = np.flatnonzero((xx >= -margin) * (xx <= (W + margin)) * (yy >= -margin) * (yy <= (H + margin))) T.cut(I) print('Cut to', len(T), 'sources within image + margin') # print('Brick_primary:', np.unique(T.brick_primary)) T.cut(T.brick_primary) print('Cut to', len(T), 'on brick_primary') for col in ['out_of_bounds', 'left_blob']: if col in T.get_columns(): T.cut(T.get(col) == False) print('Cut to', len(T), 'on', col) if len(T): TT.append(T) if len(TT) == 0: print('No sources to photometer.') return 0 T = merge_tables(TT, columns='fillzero') T._header = TT[0]._header del TT print('Total of', len(T), 'catalog sources') # Fix up various failure modes: # FixedCompositeGalaxy(pos=RaDecPos[240.51147402832561, 10.385488075518923], brightness=NanoMaggies: g=(flux -2.87), r=(flux -5.26), z=(flux -7.65), fracDev=FracDev(0.60177207), shapeExp=re=3.78351e-44, e1=9.30367e-13, e2=1.24392e-16, shapeDev=re=inf, e1=-0, e2=-0) # -> convert to EXP I = np.flatnonzero( np.array([((t.type == 'COMP') and (not np.isfinite(t.shapedev_r))) for t in T])) if len(I): print('Converting', len(I), 'bogus COMP galaxies to EXP') for i in I: T.type[i] = 'EXP' # Same thing with the exp component. # -> convert to DEV I = np.flatnonzero( np.array([((t.type == 'COMP') and (not np.isfinite(t.shapeexp_r))) for t in T])) if len(I): print('Converting', len(I), 'bogus COMP galaxies to DEV') for i in I: T.type[i] = 'DEV' if opt.write_cat: T.writeto(opt.write_cat) print('Wrote catalog to', opt.write_cat) else: T = fits_table(opt.catfn) surveydir = survey.get_survey_dir() del survey kwargs = {} cols = T.get_columns() if 'flux_r' in cols and not 'decam_flux_r' in cols: kwargs.update(fluxPrefix='') cat = read_fits_catalog(T, **kwargs) # Replace the brightness (which will be a NanoMaggies with g,r,z) # with a NanoMaggies with this image's band only. for src in cat: src.brightness = NanoMaggies(**{ 1.}) print('Read catalog:', Time() - t0) print('Forced photom...') F = run_forced_phot(cat, tim, ceres=opt.ceres, derivs=opt.derivs, fixed_also=True, agn=opt.agn, do_forced=opt.forced, do_apphot=opt.apphot, ps=ps) t0 = Time() F.release = T.release F.brickid = T.brickid F.brickname = T.brickname F.objid = T.objid = np.array([] * len(F)) F.expnum = np.array([im.expnum] * len(F)).astype(np.int32) F.ccdname = np.array([im.ccdname] * len(F)) # "Denormalizing" F.filter = np.array([] * len(T)) F.mjd = np.array([tim.primhdr['MJD-OBS']] * len(T)) F.exptime = np.array([tim.primhdr['EXPTIME']] * len(T)).astype(np.float32) F.ra = T.ra F.dec = T.dec ok, x, y = tim.sip_wcs.radec2pixelxy(T.ra, T.dec) F.x = (x - 1).astype(np.float32) F.y = (y - 1).astype(np.float32) h, w = tim.shape F.mask = tim.dq[np.clip(np.round(F.y).astype(int), 0, h - 1), np.clip(np.round(F.x).astype(int), 0, w - 1)] program_name = sys.argv[0] version_hdr = get_version_header(program_name, surveydir) filename = getattr(ccd, 'image_filename') if filename is None: # HACK -- print only two directory names + filename of CPFILE. fname = os.path.basename(im.imgfn) d = os.path.dirname(im.imgfn) d1 = os.path.basename(d) d = os.path.dirname(d) d2 = os.path.basename(d) filename = os.path.join(d2, d1, fname) print('Trimmed filename to', filename) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='CPFILE', value=filename, comment='CP file')) version_hdr.add_record(dict(name='CPHDU', value=im.hdu, comment='CP ext')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='CAMERA',, comment='Camera')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='EXPNUM', value=im.expnum, comment='Exposure num')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='CCDNAME', value=im.ccdname, comment='CCD name')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='FILTER',, comment='Bandpass of this image')) version_hdr.add_record( dict(name='EXPOSURE', value='%s-%s-%s' % (, im.expnum, im.ccdname), comment='Name of this image')) keys = [ 'TELESCOP', 'OBSERVAT', 'OBS-LAT', 'OBS-LONG', 'OBS-ELEV', 'INSTRUME' ] for key in keys: if key in tim.primhdr: version_hdr.add_record(dict(name=key, value=tim.primhdr[key])) hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() units = { 'exptime': 'sec', 'flux': 'nanomaggy', 'flux_ivar': '1/nanomaggy^2' } columns = F.get_columns() for i, col in enumerate(columns): if col in units: hdr.add_record(dict(name='TUNIT%i' % (i + 1), value=units[col])) outdir = os.path.dirname(opt.outfn) if len(outdir): trymakedirs(outdir) fitsio.write(opt.outfn, None, header=version_hdr, clobber=True) F.writeto(opt.outfn, header=hdr, append=True) print('Wrote', opt.outfn) if opt.save_model or opt.save_data: hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() tim.getWcs().wcs.add_to_header(hdr) if opt.save_model: print('Getting model image...') tr = Tractor([tim], cat) mod = tr.getModelImage(tim) fitsio.write(opt.save_model, mod, header=hdr, clobber=True) print('Wrote', opt.save_model) if opt.save_data: fitsio.write(opt.save_data, tim.getImage(), header=hdr, clobber=True) print('Wrote', opt.save_data) print('Finished forced phot:', Time() - t0) return 0