def updateMarketDataInfoTableWithEarliestDateTimeFromIB( self, ib, timeOutTime=10): """updates earliestDateTime in the MarketDataInfoTable Does not use MarketDataInfoTableDataFrame for the looping. Updates MarketDataInfoTableDataFrame at the end""" if not (isinstance(ib, IB) and ib.isConnected()): return None ssn = self.Session() table = self.MarketDataInfoTable # loop over the rows of MarketDataInfoTable for row in ssn.query(table).order(table.tableName): tableName = row.tableName tableORM = self.getTableORMByTablename(tableName) conId = row.conId # get the qualified Contract for this conId from IB qc = utils.getQualifiedContractFromConId(ib=ib, conId=conId, timeOutTime=timeOutTime) # get the earliest DateTime for this conId from IB eDT = utils.getEarliestDateTimeFromIB(ib, qualifiedContract=qc) row.earliestDateTime = eDT pass ssn.commit() ssn.close() self.MarketDataInfoTableDataFrame = self.createMarketDataInfoTableDataFrameFromMarketDataInfoTable( ib=ib, timeOutTime=timeOutTime) pass
def instantiateExistingTablesAndClasses(self, ib=None, timeOutTime=10): """recreate all the SA classes based on the tables found on disk and fills the MarketDataInfoTableDataFrame""" # the table MarketDataInfoTable contains all tables with market data info tableMDIT = self.MarketDataInfoTable ssn = self.Session() # loop over rows on disk (do not use MarketDataInfoTableDataFrame) for row in ssn.query(tableMDIT).order_by(tableMDIT.tableName).all(): tableName = row.tableName tableORM = self.getTableORMByTablename(tableName) conId = row.conId qc = utils.getQualifiedContractFromConId(ib=ib, conId=conId, timeOutTime=timeOutTime) ssn.close() self.MarketDataInfoTableDataFrame = self.createMarketDataInfoTableDataFrameFromMarketDataInfoTable( ib=ib, timeOutTime=timeOutTime) pass
def createMarketDataInfoTableDataFrameFromMarketDataInfoTable( self, ib=None, timeOutTime=10): """this DataFrame has the same columns as the MarketDataInfoTable. In addition, we add the columns 'talbeORM´, 'qualifiedContract' Make sure that this function is called each time the MarketDataInfoTable is updated """ # if the table does not exist on disk, return None if not self.DBEngine.has_table('MarketDataInfoTable'): return None ssn = self.Session() # if the table contains no rows, return None if ssn.query(self.MarketDataInfoTable).count() == 0: ssn.close() return None table = self.MarketDataInfoTable query = ssn.query(table).order_by(table.tableName) df = pd.read_sql(query.statement, ssn.bind) tableNames = [ r.tableName for r in ssn.query(table.tableName).order_by( table.tableName).all() ] tableORMs = [] for tableName in tableNames: tableORMs.append(self.getTableORMByTablename(tableName)) pass df.loc[:, 'tableORM'] = tableORMs qcs = None if (isinstance(ib, IB) and ib.isConnected()): qcs = [ utils.getQualifiedContractFromConId(ib=ib, conId=row.conId, timeOutTime=timeOutTime) for (indx, row) in df.iterrows() ] df.loc[:, 'qualifiedContract'] = qcs ssn.close() return (df)
def instantiateMyDB(args): """instantiate all SQ ORM classes using a config file passed in the arguments""" # load the config file configFile = args.configFile config = ConfigParser(interpolation=ExtendedInterpolation(), defaults=os.environ) # create connection to IB ib = IB() assert (isinstance(ib, IB)) ib.errorEvent += myErrorCallback # load data from configFile a = config.get('MarketData', 'ConIdList') conIdList = eval(a) host = config.get('InteractiveBrokers', 'host') port = config.getint('InteractiveBrokers', 'port') clientId = config.getint('InteractiveBrokers', 'clientId') DBType = config.get('DataBase', 'DBType') DBFileName = config.get('DataBase', 'DBFileName') timeOutTime = config.getint('InteractiveBrokers', 'timeOutTimeShortRequests') # override configFile if clientId is given on the command line if args.clientId is not None: clientId = args.clientId # override configFile if timeOutTime is given on the command line if args.timeOutTime is not None: timeOutTime = args.TimeOutTime # connect to interactive brokers try: ib.connect(host=host, port=port, clientId=clientId) except: import random clientId = clientId + random.randint(1, 100000) ib.connect(host=host, port=port, clientId=clientId) pass # create database class mydb = tradingDB(DBType=DBType, DBFileName=DBFileName) # loop over all conIds defined in the config File and create the sqlalchemy ORM classes # these tables will appear in the metadata of the DBDeclarativeBase attribute of mydb # prepare a dataframe that holds all infos that should be put into the MarketDataInfoTable on disk # and the MarketDataInfoTableDataFrame in memory nTables = len(conIdList) featureList = [ 'conId', 'qualifiedContract', 'earliestDateTime', 'category', 'kwargs', 'tableName', 'tableORM', ] dfWithInfoAboutTables = pd.DataFrame(None, index=range(nTables), columns=featureList) dfWithInfoAboutTables.loc[:, 'conId'] = conIdList df = dfWithInfoAboutTables for indx in df.index: conId =[indx, 'conId'] a = (f'about to qualify contract: conId: {conId}') print(a) qc = utils.getQualifiedContractFromConId(ib=ib, conId=conId, timeOutTime=timeOutTime)[indx, 'qualifiedContract'] = qc # calculate the earliest Date for this contract earliestDateTime = utils.getEarliestDateTimeFromIBAsDateTime( ib=ib, qualifiedContract=qc, timeOutTime=timeOutTime)[indx, 'earliestDateTime'] = earliestDateTime # set the category that should be MarketData for the tables to be generated in this loop category = mydb.tableCategories.MarketData.value[indx, 'category'] = category # set the keyword arguments for the call to calculateTableName kwargs = {} kwargs['category'] = category kwargs['earliestDateTime'] = earliestDateTime kwargs.update(qc.dict())[indx, 'kwargs'] = kwargs # calculate the tableName tableName = mydb.calculateTableName(**kwargs)[indx, 'tableName'] = tableName # create the sqlalchemy ORM class; this will write the class to the mydb.DBDeclarativeBase.metadata object a = ( f'creating MarketData Table: conId: {conId}; tableName: {tableName}' ) print(a) tableORM = mydb.getTableORMByTablename(tableName=tableName)[indx, 'tableORM'] = tableORM pass # now all the ORM tables should be defined. # they are not yet created on disk. # also, the MarketDataInfoTable is not populated and the MarketDataInfoTableDataFrame is not populated # loop over all conIds defined in the config File and create a row in the Market Data Info Table # also, populate the corresponding dataframe # create all tables on disk if they do not yet exist mydb.createAllTables() ssn = mydb.Session() for indx, row in dfWithInfoAboutTables.iterrows(): tableName = row.tableName print(f'upserting a row for {tableName} to the MarketDataInfoTable') # create a row for each conId in the MDIT table # first, instantiate a row in the MarketDataInfoTable MDIT = mydb.MarketDataInfoTable(tableName=tableName) # set all available column values kwargs = row.kwargs for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k in MDIT.__table__.columns: setattr(MDIT, k, v) pass pass # upsert this table Row to the table d = utils.convertTableRowToDict(MDIT) # # only update values that are not none # rowOfTableOnDisk = ssn.query(mydb.MarketDataInfoTable).filter(mydb.MarketDataInfoTable.tableName==tableName).first() # for k,v in d.items(): # if v is None: # a = None # print(k,v) # try: # a = getattr(rowOfTableOnDisk, 'earliestDateTime', None) # except: # pass # # d[k] = a # print(a) # pass # pass ssn.execute(mydb.upsert(mydb.MarketDataInfoTable, [d])) ssn.commit() ssn.close() mydb.MarketDataInfoTableDataFrame = mydb.createMarketDataInfoTableDataFrameFromMarketDataInfoTable( ib=ib, timeOutTime=timeOutTime) # disconnect from interactive brokers ib.disconnect() return (mydb)