from tradssat.tmpl.var import CharacterVar, FloatVar cul_vars_MLCER = { CharacterVar( 'VAR#', 6, spc=0, info='Identification code or number for the specific cultivar.'), CharacterVar('VAR-NAME', 16, header_fill='.', info='Name of cultivar.'), CharacterVar('EXPNO', 5, miss='.', info='Number of experiments used for calibration.'), CharacterVar( 'ECO#', 6, info= 'Code for the ecotype to which this cultivar belongs (see *.eco file)' ), FloatVar( 'P1', 5, 1, info= 'Thermal time from seedling emergence to the end of the juvenile phase (expressed in degree days above a' ' base temperature of 10øC) during which the plant is not responsive to changes in photoperiod.' ), FloatVar( 'P20', 5, 2,
from tradssat.tmpl.var import CharacterVar, FloatVar header_vars = [ CharacterVar('SLSOURCE', 11, spc=2, info='Source'), CharacterVar('SLTX', 5, info='Texture, code'), FloatVar('SLDP', 5, 0, info='Depth, cm'), CharacterVar('SLDESCRIP', 50, info='Description or local classification') ] main_vars = { CharacterVar('SITE', 11, info='Site name'), CharacterVar('COUNTRY', 12, info='Country name'), FloatVar('LAT', 8, 3, info='Latitude'), FloatVar('LONG', 7, 3, info='Longitude'), CharacterVar('SCS FAMILY', 50, info='Family, SCS system'), CharacterVar('SCOM', 5, info='Color, moist, Munsell hue'), FloatVar('SALB', 5, 2, info='Albedo, fraction '), FloatVar('SLU1', 5, 1, info='Evaporation limit, cm'), FloatVar('SLDR', 5, 2, info='Drainage rate, fraction day-1'), FloatVar('SLRO', 5, 1, info='Runoff curve number (Soil Conservation Service)'), FloatVar('SLNF', 5, 2, info='Mineralization factor, 0 to 1 scale'), FloatVar('SLPF', 5, 2, info='Photosynthesis factor, 0 to 1 scale'), CharacterVar('SMHB', 5, info='pH in buffer determination method, code'), CharacterVar('SMPX', 5, info='Phosphorus, extractable, determination code'), CharacterVar('SMKE', 5, info='Potassium determination method, code'), FloatVar('SLB', 5, 0, info='Depth, base of layer, cm'), CharacterVar('SLMH', 5, info='Master horizon'),
from tradssat.tmpl.var import CharacterVar, FloatVar cul_vars_RICER = { CharacterVar( 'VAR#', 6, spc=0, info='Identification code or number for the specific cultivar.'), CharacterVar('VAR-NAME', 16, header_fill='.', info='Name of cultivar.'), CharacterVar('EXPNO', 5, miss='.', info='Number of experiments used for calibration.'), CharacterVar( 'ECO#', 6, info= 'Code for the ecotype to which this cultivar belongs (currently not used)' ), FloatVar( 'P1 ', 5, 1, info= 'Time period (expressed as growing degree days [GDD] in øC above a base temperature of 9øC) from seedling ' 'emergence during which the rice plant is not responsive to changes in photoperiod. This period is also ' 'referred to as the basic vegetative phase of the plant.'), FloatVar( 'P2O', 5, 1,
import re from tradssat.tmpl.var import CharacterVar, FloatVar, IntegerVar TRT_HEAD = re.compile(r'TREATMENTS(\W+[-]+FACTOR LEVELS[-]+)?') GENERAL = 'GENERAL' header_vars = [ CharacterVar('EXPCODE', 10, info='Experiment identifier'), CharacterVar('ENAME', 60, info='Experiment name') ] main_vars = { # General CharacterVar('PEOPLE', 75, sect=GENERAL, info='Names of scientists'), CharacterVar('ADDRESS', 75, sect=GENERAL, info='Contact address of principal scientist'), CharacterVar('SITE', 75, sect=GENERAL, info='Name and location of experimental site(s)'), FloatVar('PAREA', 6, 1, sect=GENERAL, spc=3, info='Gross plot area per rep, m-2'), IntegerVar('PRNO', 5, sect=GENERAL, info='Rows per plot'), FloatVar('PLEN', 5, 1, sect=GENERAL, info='Plot length, m'), IntegerVar('PLDR', 5, sect=GENERAL, info='Plots relative to drains, degrees'), IntegerVar('PLSP', 5, sect=GENERAL, info='Plot spacing, cm'), CharacterVar('PLAY', 5, sect=GENERAL, info='Plot layout'), FloatVar('HAREA', 5, 1, sect=GENERAL, info='Harvest area, m-2'), IntegerVar('HRNO', 5, sect=GENERAL, info='Harvest row number'), FloatVar('HLEN', 5, 1, sect=GENERAL, info='Harvest row length, m'), CharacterVar('HARM', 15, sect=GENERAL, info='Harvest method'), CharacterVar('NOTES', 500, sect=GENERAL, info='Notes'),
from tradssat.tmpl.var import CharacterVar, FloatVar, IntegerVar vars_ = { CharacterVar('INSI', 4, spc=2, info='Institute + Site code'), FloatVar('LAT', 8, 3, info='Latitude, degrees (decimals)'), FloatVar('LONG', 8, 3, info='Longitude, degrees (decimals)'), FloatVar('ELEV', 5, 0, info='Elevation, m'), FloatVar('TAV', 5, 1, info='Air temperature average, °C'), FloatVar('AMP', 5, 1, info='Air temperature amplitude, monthly averages, °C'), FloatVar('REFHT', 5, 1, info='Height of temperature measurements, m'), FloatVar('WNDHT', 5, 1, info='Height of wind measurements, m'), CharacterVar('DATE', 5, spc=0, info='Year + days from Jan. 1'), FloatVar('SRAD', 5, 1, info='Solar radiation, MJ m-2 day-1'), FloatVar('TMAX', 5, 1, info='Air temperature maximum, °C'), FloatVar('TMIN', 5, 1, info='Air temperature minimum, °C'), FloatVar('RAIN', 5, 1, info='Precipitation, mm'), FloatVar('DEWP', 5, 1, info='Dewpoint temperature5, °C'), FloatVar('WIND', 5, 1, info='Wind run5, km day-1'), FloatVar('PAR', 5, 1, info='Photosynthetic active radiation (PAR)5, moles m-2 day-1'), FloatVar('EVAP', 5, 1), FloatVar('RHUM', 5, 1) }
from tradssat.tmpl.var import CharacterVar, FloatVar, IntegerVar cul_vars_SCCSP = { # Todo: add info for all vars CharacterVar( 'VAR#', 6, spc=0, info='Identification code or number for a specific cultivar used by DSSAT program.' ), CharacterVar( 'VAR-NAME', 16, header_fill='.', info='Name of cultivar as recognized commercially or within industry.' ), CharacterVar('EXPNO', 5, miss='.', info='Number of experiments used to estimate cultivar parameters.'), CharacterVar('ECO#', 6, info='Ecotype code of this cultivar in the ECO input file'), FloatVar( 'LFMAX', 5, 3, info='Maximum leaf photosynthesis rate, 30 C, 350 ppm CO2 and high ' 'light (used in leaf-level ET routine - Not yet in CASUPRO). mg CO2/m2-s'), FloatVar( 'PHTMX', 5, 1, info='Maximum amount of CH20 which can be produced if PAR is very high, g[CH2O]/m2-d' ), FloatVar('Stalk', 5, 3), FloatVar('Sucro', 5, 3), IntegerVar('Null1', 5), FloatVar('PLF1', 5, 3), FloatVar('PLF2', 5, 3), FloatVar('Gamma', 5, 3), FloatVar('StkB', 5, 3), FloatVar('StkM', 5, 3), IntegerVar('Null3', 5), FloatVar('SIZLF', 5, 2), FloatVar('PLF2', 5, 3), FloatVar('LIsun', 5, 3),
from tradssat.tmpl.var import CharacterVar, FloatVar, IntegerVar vars_ = { CharacterVar('INSI', 4, spc=2, info='Institute + Site code'), FloatVar('LAT', 8, 3, info='Latitude, degrees (decimals)'), FloatVar('LONG', 8, 3, info='Longitude, degrees (decimals)'), FloatVar('ELEV', 5, 0, info='Elevation, m'), FloatVar('TAV', 5, 1, info='Air temperature average, °C'), FloatVar('AMP', 5, 1, info='Air temperature amplitude, monthly averages, °C'), FloatVar('SRAY', 5, 1, info=''), FloatVar('TMXY', 5, 1, info=''), FloatVar('TMNY', 5, 1, info=''), IntegerVar('RAIY', 5, info=''), IntegerVar('START', 5, spc=0, info=''), IntegerVar('DURN', 5, info=''), FloatVar('ANGA', 5, 2, info=''), FloatVar('ANGB', 5, 2, info=''), FloatVar('REFHT', 5, 1, info=''), FloatVar('WNDHT', 5, 1, info=''), CharacterVar('SOURCE', 50, info=''), IntegerVar('GSST', 5, info=''), IntegerVar('GSDU', 5), }
from tradssat.tmpl.var import CharacterVar, FloatVar cul_vars_BACER = { CharacterVar( 'VAR#', 6, spc=0, info='Identification code or number for the specific cultivar.'), CharacterVar('VAR-NAME', 16, header_fill='.', info='Name of cultivar.'), CharacterVar('EXP#', 5, miss='.', info='Number of experiments used to generate parameters'), CharacterVar( 'ECO#', 6, info='Ecotype code for this cultivar,points to entry in ECO file'), FloatVar( 'P1V', 5, 0, info='Days,optimum vernalizing temperature,required for vernalization' ), FloatVar( 'P1D', 5, 0, info='Photoperiod response (% reduction in rate/10 h drop in pp)'), FloatVar('P5', 5, 0,
""" Reader for DSSAT run summary (SUMMARY.OUT) output files. """ filename = 'Summary.OUT' def _get_var_info(self): return _vars _vars = { IntegerVar('RUNNO', 5, spc=4, info='Run number'), IntegerVar('TRNO', 5, spc=2, info='Run number'), IntegerVar('R#', 2, info='Repetition number'), IntegerVar('O#', 2, info=''), IntegerVar('C#', 2, info=''), CharacterVar('CR', 2, info='Crop code'), CharacterVar('MODEL', 8, header_fill='.', info='DSSAT crop model used'), CharacterVar('EXNAME', 8, header_fill='.', info='Experiment file name'), CharacterVar('TNAM', 25, header_fill='.', info='Treatment name'), CharacterVar('FNAM', 8, header_fill='.', info='Field name'), CharacterVar('WSTA', 8, header_fill='.', info='Weather station name'), CharacterVar('SOIL_ID', 10, header_fill='.', info='Soil name'), IntegerVar('SDAT', 7, info='Start date, YYYYDDD'), IntegerVar('PDAT', 7, info='Planting date, YYYYDDD'), IntegerVar('EDAT', 7, info='Emergence date, YYYYDDD'), IntegerVar('ADAT', 7, info='Anthesis date, start, YYYYDDD'), IntegerVar('MDAT', 7, info='Maturity (physiological) date, YYYYDDD'), IntegerVar('HDAT', 7, info='Harvest date, YYYYDDD'), IntegerVar('DWAP', 5, info='Planting material dry weight, kg ha-1'), IntegerVar('CWAM', 7, info='Canopy dry weight at maturity, kg ha-1'), IntegerVar('HWAM', 7, info='Yield at maturity, kg ha-1'),
from tradssat.tmpl.var import CharacterVar cul_vars_RIORZ = { CharacterVar( 'VAR#', 6, spc=0, info='Identification code or number for the specific cultivar.'), CharacterVar('VAR-NAME', 16, header_fill='.', info='Name of cultivar.'), CharacterVar('EXPNO', 5, miss='.', info='Number of experiments used for calibration.'), CharacterVar('ORYZA file name', 15, info='Name of ORYZA2000 crop file'), }
from tradssat.tmpl.var import FloatVar, CharacterVar cul_vars_PIALO = { CharacterVar('VAR#', 6, spc=0, info=''), CharacterVar('VAR-NAME', 16, header_fill='.', info=''), CharacterVar('EXPNO', 5, miss='', info=''), CharacterVar('ECO#', 6, info=''), FloatVar('P1', 5, 1, info='Growing degree days from first leaf emerged to end of stem growth'), FloatVar('P2', 5, 0, info='Growing degree days from forcing to sepals closed on youngest flower'), FloatVar('P3', 5, 0, info='Growing degree days from SCY to early flowering'), FloatVar('P4', 5, 0, info='Cumulative growing degree days from early flowering to maturity'), FloatVar('P5', 5, 0, info='Growing degree days from fruit harvest to physiological maturity'), FloatVar('P6', 5, 1, info='Growing degree days from root initiation to first leaf emerged'), FloatVar('G2', 5, 0, info='Potential eye number'), FloatVar('G3', 5, 1, info='Potential eye growth rate'), FloatVar('PHINT', 5, 1, info='') }
from tradssat.tmpl.var import CharacterVar, FloatVar, IntegerVar vars_ = { CharacterVar('INSI', 4, spc=2, info='Institute + Site code'), FloatVar('LAT', 8, 3, info='Latitude, degrees (decimals)'), FloatVar('LONG', 8, 3, info='Longitude, degrees (decimals)'), FloatVar('ELEV', 5, 0, info='Elevation, m'), FloatVar('TAV', 5, 1, info='Air temperature average, °C'), FloatVar('AMP', 5, 1, info='Air temperature amplitude, monthly averages, °C'), FloatVar('REFHT', 5, 1, info='Height of temperature measurements, m'), FloatVar('WNDHT', 5, 1, info='Height of wind measurements, m'), IntegerVar('DATE', 5, spc=0, info='Year + days from Jan. 1'), FloatVar('SRAD', 5, 1, info='Solar radiation, MJ m-2 day-1'), FloatVar('TMAX', 5, 1, info='Air temperature maximum, °C'), FloatVar('TMIN', 5, 1, info='Air temperature minimum, °C'), FloatVar('RAIN', 5, 1, info='Precipitation, mm'), FloatVar('DEWP', 5, 1, info='Dewpoint temperature5, °C'), FloatVar('WIND', 5, 1, info='Wind run5, km day-1'), FloatVar('PAR', 5, 1, info='Photosynthetic active radiation (PAR)5, moles m-2 day-1'), FloatVar('EVAP', 5, 1), FloatVar('RHUM', 5, 1) }
from tradssat.genotype.vars_._cropgro import cropgro_cul_vars, cropgro_eco_vars from tradssat.tmpl.var import CharacterVar cul_vars_COGRO = cropgro_cul_vars() eco_vars_COGRO = cropgro_eco_vars() eco_vars_COGRO.add(CharacterVar('KCAN', 5, info='Who knows'))
from tradssat.tmpl.var import CharacterVar, FloatVar cul_vars_TNARO = { CharacterVar( 'VAR#', 6, spc=0, info='Identification code or number for the specific cultivar.'), CharacterVar('VAR-NAME', 16, header_fill='.', info='Name of cultivar.'), CharacterVar( 'EXPNO', 5, miss='.', info='Number of experiments used to estimate cultivar parameters.'), CharacterVar( 'ECO#', 6, info= 'Ecotype code or this cultivar, points to the Ecotype in the ECO file (currently not used).' ), FloatVar('P1', 5, 0), FloatVar('P3', 5, 0), FloatVar('P4', 5, 0), FloatVar('P5', 5, 0), FloatVar('G2', 5, 2), FloatVar('G3', 5, 2), FloatVar('G4', 5, 2), FloatVar('PHINT', 5, 1), FloatVar('PCINT', 5, 1), FloatVar('PCGRD', 5, 2) }