class Simulation(object): def __init__(self, init_n_ego_dict, logdir): self.init_n_ego_dict = init_n_ego_dict self.multiego = MultiEgo(copy.deepcopy(self.init_n_ego_dict)) self.traffic = Traffic(100, 'display', self.init_n_ego_dict) self.n_ego_traj_trans = {} plt.ion() self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) self.hist_posi = {egoID: [] for egoID in self.init_n_ego_dict.keys()} self.episode_counter = -1 self.step_counter = -1 self.logdir = logdir self.reset() def reset(self): self.multiego.reset(copy.deepcopy(self.init_n_ego_dict)) self.traffic.init_traffic(copy.deepcopy(self.init_n_ego_dict)) self.traffic.sim_step() n_ego_traj = { egoID: self.multiego.mpp.generate_path(NAME2TASK[egoID[:2]]) for egoID in self.multiego.n_ego_dynamics.keys() } self.n_ego_traj_trans = {} for egoID, ego_traj in n_ego_traj.items(): traj_list = [] for item in ego_traj: temp = np.array([rotate_coordination(x, y, 0, -ROTATE_ANGLE[egoID[0]])[0] for x, y in zip(item.path[0], item.path[1])]), \ np.array([rotate_coordination(x, y, 0, -ROTATE_ANGLE[egoID[0]])[1] for x, y in zip(item.path[0], item.path[1])]) traj_list.append(temp) self.n_ego_traj_trans[egoID] = traj_list self.hist_posi = {egoID: [] for egoID in self.init_n_ego_dict.keys()} if self.logdir is not None: self.episode_counter += 1 self.step_counter = -1 os.makedirs(self.logdir + '/episode{}'.format(self.episode_counter)) def step(self): self.step_counter += 1 current_n_ego_vehicles = self.traffic.n_ego_vehicles current_v_light = self.traffic.v_light current_n_ego_collision_flag = self.traffic.n_ego_collision_flag start_time = time.time() next_n_ego_dynamics = self.multiego.get_next_n_ego_dynamics( current_n_ego_vehicles, current_v_light) end_time = time.time() # print('Time for all vehicles:', end_time - start_time) n_ego_done = self.multiego.judge_n_ego_done( current_n_ego_collision_flag) for egoID, flag_list in n_ego_done.items(): if flag_list[0]: print('Ego {} collision!'.format(egoID)) return 1 elif flag_list[1]: print('Ego {} achieve goal!'.format(egoID)) self.multiego.n_ego_dynamics.pop(egoID) self.traffic.n_ego_dict.pop(egoID) next_n_ego_dynamics.pop(egoID) self.multiego.n_ego_select_index.pop(egoID) self.n_ego_traj_trans.pop(egoID) if len(self.traffic.n_ego_dict) == 0: print('All ego achieve goal!'.format(egoID)) return 1 self.traffic.set_own_car(next_n_ego_dynamics) self.traffic.sim_step() return 0 def render(self, ): # plot basic map square_length = CROSSROAD_SIZE extension = 40 lane_width = LANE_WIDTH light_line_width = 3 dotted_line_style = '--' solid_line_style = '-' plt.cla() ax = plt.axes([-0.05, -0.05, 1.1, 1.1]) for ax in self.fig.get_axes(): ax.axis('off') ax.axis("equal") # ----------arrow-------------- # plt.arrow(lane_width/2, -square_length / 2-10, 0, 5, color='b', head_width=1) # plt.arrow(lane_width/2, -square_length / 2-10+2.5, -0.5, 0, color='b', head_width=1) # plt.arrow(lane_width*1.5, -square_length / 2-10, 0, 5, color='b', head_width=1) # plt.arrow(lane_width*2.5, -square_length / 2 - 10, 0, 5, color='b') # plt.arrow(lane_width*2.5, -square_length / 2 - 10+5, 0.5, 0, color='b', head_width=1) # ----------horizon-------------- plt.plot([-square_length / 2 - extension, -square_length / 2], [0.3, 0.3], color='orange') plt.plot([-square_length / 2 - extension, -square_length / 2], [-0.3, -0.3], color='orange') plt.plot([square_length / 2 + extension, square_length / 2], [0.3, 0.3], color='orange') plt.plot([square_length / 2 + extension, square_length / 2], [-0.3, -0.3], color='orange') # for i in range(1, LANE_NUMBER + 1): linestyle = dotted_line_style if i < LANE_NUMBER else solid_line_style linewidth = 1 if i < LANE_NUMBER else 2 plt.plot([-square_length / 2 - extension, -square_length / 2], [i * lane_width, i * lane_width], linestyle=linestyle, color='black', linewidth=linewidth) plt.plot([square_length / 2 + extension, square_length / 2], [i * lane_width, i * lane_width], linestyle=linestyle, color='black', linewidth=linewidth) plt.plot([-square_length / 2 - extension, -square_length / 2], [-i * lane_width, -i * lane_width], linestyle=linestyle, color='black', linewidth=linewidth) plt.plot([square_length / 2 + extension, square_length / 2], [-i * lane_width, -i * lane_width], linestyle=linestyle, color='black', linewidth=linewidth) # ----------vertical---------------- plt.plot([0.3, 0.3], [-square_length / 2 - extension, -square_length / 2], color='orange') plt.plot([-0.3, -0.3], [-square_length / 2 - extension, -square_length / 2], color='orange') plt.plot([0.3, 0.3], [square_length / 2 + extension, square_length / 2], color='orange') plt.plot([-0.3, -0.3], [square_length / 2 + extension, square_length / 2], color='orange') # for i in range(1, LANE_NUMBER + 1): linestyle = dotted_line_style if i < LANE_NUMBER else solid_line_style linewidth = 1 if i < LANE_NUMBER else 2 plt.plot([i * lane_width, i * lane_width], [-square_length / 2 - extension, -square_length / 2], linestyle=linestyle, color='black', linewidth=linewidth) plt.plot([i * lane_width, i * lane_width], [square_length / 2 + extension, square_length / 2], linestyle=linestyle, color='black', linewidth=linewidth) plt.plot([-i * lane_width, -i * lane_width], [-square_length / 2 - extension, -square_length / 2], linestyle=linestyle, color='black', linewidth=linewidth) plt.plot([-i * lane_width, -i * lane_width], [square_length / 2 + extension, square_length / 2], linestyle=linestyle, color='black', linewidth=linewidth) v_light = self.traffic.v_light if v_light == 0: v_color, h_color = 'green', 'red' elif v_light == 1: v_color, h_color = 'orange', 'red' elif v_light == 2: v_color, h_color = 'red', 'green' else: v_color, h_color = 'red', 'orange' plt.plot([0, (LANE_NUMBER - 1) * lane_width], [-square_length / 2, -square_length / 2], color=v_color, linewidth=light_line_width) plt.plot([(LANE_NUMBER - 1) * lane_width, LANE_NUMBER * lane_width], [-square_length / 2, -square_length / 2], color='green', linewidth=light_line_width) plt.plot([-LANE_NUMBER * lane_width, -(LANE_NUMBER - 1) * lane_width], [square_length / 2, square_length / 2], color='green', linewidth=light_line_width) plt.plot([-(LANE_NUMBER - 1) * lane_width, 0], [square_length / 2, square_length / 2], color=v_color, linewidth=light_line_width) plt.plot([-square_length / 2, -square_length / 2], [0, -(LANE_NUMBER - 1) * lane_width], color=h_color, linewidth=light_line_width) plt.plot([-square_length / 2, -square_length / 2], [-(LANE_NUMBER - 1) * lane_width, -LANE_NUMBER * lane_width], color='green', linewidth=light_line_width) plt.plot([square_length / 2, square_length / 2], [(LANE_NUMBER - 1) * lane_width, 0], color=h_color, linewidth=light_line_width) plt.plot([square_length / 2, square_length / 2], [LANE_NUMBER * lane_width, (LANE_NUMBER - 1) * lane_width], color='green', linewidth=light_line_width) # ----------Oblique-------------- plt.plot([LANE_NUMBER * lane_width, square_length / 2], [-square_length / 2, -LANE_NUMBER * lane_width], color='black', linewidth=2) plt.plot([LANE_NUMBER * lane_width, square_length / 2], [square_length / 2, LANE_NUMBER * lane_width], color='black', linewidth=2) plt.plot([-LANE_NUMBER * lane_width, -square_length / 2], [-square_length / 2, -LANE_NUMBER * lane_width], color='black', linewidth=2) plt.plot([-LANE_NUMBER * lane_width, -square_length / 2], [square_length / 2, LANE_NUMBER * lane_width], color='black', linewidth=2) def is_in_plot_area(x, y, tolerance=5): if -square_length / 2 - extension + tolerance < x < square_length / 2 + extension - tolerance and \ -square_length / 2 - extension + tolerance < y < square_length / 2 + extension - tolerance: return True else: return False def draw_rotate_rec(x, y, a, l, w, c): bottom_left_x, bottom_left_y, _ = rotate_coordination( -l / 2, w / 2, 0, -a) ax.add_patch( plt.Rectangle((x + bottom_left_x, y + bottom_left_y), w, l, edgecolor=c, facecolor='white', angle=-(90 - a), zorder=50)) def plot_phi_line(x, y, phi, color): line_length = 3 x_forw, y_forw = x + line_length * cos(phi * pi / 180.), \ y + line_length * sin(phi * pi / 180.) plt.plot([x, x_forw], [y, y_forw], color=color, linewidth=0.5) # plot other cars n_ego_vehicles = { egoID: self.multiego.n_ego_instance[egoID].all_vehicles for egoID in self.multiego.n_ego_dynamics.keys() } n_ego_dynamics = { egoID: self.multiego.n_ego_instance[egoID].ego_dynamics for egoID in self.multiego.n_ego_dynamics.keys() } n_ego_traj = { egoID: self.multiego.mpp.generate_path(NAME2TASK[egoID[:2]]) for egoID in self.multiego.n_ego_dynamics.keys() } some_egoID = list(n_ego_vehicles.keys())[0] all_vehicles = cal_info_in_transform_coordination( n_ego_vehicles[some_egoID], 0, 0, -ROTATE_ANGLE[some_egoID[0]]) n_ego_dynamics_trans = {} for egoID, ego_dynamics in n_ego_dynamics.items(): n_ego_dynamics_trans[ egoID] = cal_ego_info_in_transform_coordination( ego_dynamics, 0, 0, -ROTATE_ANGLE[egoID[0]]) for veh in all_vehicles: x = veh['x'] y = veh['y'] a = veh['phi'] l = veh['l'] w = veh['w'] if is_in_plot_area(x, y): draw_rotate_rec(x, y, a, l, w, 'black') plot_phi_line(x, y, a, 'black') # plot own car for egoID, ego_info in n_ego_dynamics_trans.items(): ego_x = ego_info['x'] ego_y = ego_info['y'] ego_a = ego_info['phi'] ego_l = ego_info['l'] ego_w = ego_info['w'] self.hist_posi[egoID].append((ego_x, ego_y)) draw_rotate_rec(ego_x, ego_y, ego_a, ego_l, ego_w, 'fuchsia') plot_phi_line(ego_x, ego_y, ego_a, 'fuchsia') # plot history for egoID in self.init_n_ego_dict.keys(): for hist_x, hist_y in self.hist_posi[egoID]: plt.scatter(hist_x, hist_y, color='fuchsia', alpha=0.1) # plot trajectory color = ['blue', 'coral', 'darkcyan'] for egoID, planed_traj in self.n_ego_traj_trans.items(): for i, path in enumerate(planed_traj): alpha = 1 if v_color != 'green': if egoID[:2] in ['DL', 'DU', 'UD', 'UR']: alpha = 0.2 if h_color != 'green': if egoID[:2] in ['RD', 'RL', 'LR', 'LU']: alpha = 0.2 if planed_traj is not None: if i == self.multiego.n_ego_select_index[egoID]: ax.plot(path[0], path[1], color=color[i], alpha=alpha) else: ax.plot(path[0], path[1], color=color[i], alpha=0.2) # plt.pause(0.001) if self.logdir is not None: plt.savefig(self.logdir + '/episode{}'.format(self.episode_counter) + '/step{}.pdf'.format(self.step_counter))
class CrossroadEnd2end(gym.Env): def __init__( self, training_task, # 'left', 'straight', 'right' num_future_data=0, display=False, **kwargs): metadata = {'render.modes': ['human']} self.dynamics = VehicleDynamics() self.interested_vehs = None self.training_task = training_task self.ref_path = ReferencePath(self.training_task, **kwargs) self.detected_vehicles = None self.all_vehicles = None self.ego_dynamics = None self.num_future_data = num_future_data self.env_model = EnvironmentModel(training_task, num_future_data) self.init_state = {} self.action_number = 2 self.exp_v = EXPECTED_V #TODO: temp self.ego_l, self.ego_w = L, W self.action_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=-1, high=1, shape=(self.action_number, ), dtype=np.float32) self.seed() self.v_light = None self.step_length = 100 # ms self.step_time = self.step_length / 1000.0 self.init_state = self._reset_init_state() self.obs = None self.action = None self.veh_mode_dict = VEHICLE_MODE_DICT[self.training_task] self.veh_num = VEH_NUM[self.training_task] self.virtual_red_light_vehicle = False self.done_type = 'not_done_yet' self.reward_info = None self.ego_info_dim = None self.per_tracking_info_dim = None self.per_veh_info_dim = None if not display: self.traffic = Traffic(self.step_length, mode='training', init_n_ego_dict=self.init_state, training_task=self.training_task) self.reset() action = self.action_space.sample() observation, _reward, done, _info = self.step(action) self._set_observation_space(observation) plt.ion() def seed(self, seed=None): self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed) return [seed] def reset(self, **kwargs): # kwargs include three keys self.ref_path = ReferencePath(self.training_task, **kwargs) self.init_state = self._reset_init_state() self.traffic.init_traffic(self.init_state) self.traffic.sim_step() ego_dynamics = self._get_ego_dynamics([ self.init_state['ego']['v_x'], self.init_state['ego']['v_y'], self.init_state['ego']['r'], self.init_state['ego']['x'], self.init_state['ego']['y'], self.init_state['ego']['phi'] ], [ 0, 0, self.dynamics.vehicle_params['miu'], self.dynamics.vehicle_params['miu'] ]) self._get_all_info(ego_dynamics) self.obs = self._get_obs() self.action = None self.reward_info = None self.done_type = 'not_done_yet' if np.random.random() > 0.9: self.virtual_red_light_vehicle = True else: self.virtual_red_light_vehicle = False return self.obs def close(self): del self.traffic def step(self, action): self.action = self._action_transformation_for_end2end(action) reward, self.reward_info = self.compute_reward(self.obs, self.action) next_ego_state, next_ego_params = self._get_next_ego_state(self.action) ego_dynamics = self._get_ego_dynamics(next_ego_state, next_ego_params) self.traffic.set_own_car(dict(ego=ego_dynamics)) self.traffic.sim_step() all_info = self._get_all_info(ego_dynamics) self.obs = self._get_obs() self.done_type, done = self._judge_done() self.reward_info.update({'final_rew': reward}) all_info.update({ 'reward_info': self.reward_info, 'ref_index': self.ref_path.ref_index }) return self.obs, reward, done, all_info def _set_observation_space(self, observation): self.observation_space = convert_observation_to_space(observation) return self.observation_space def _get_ego_dynamics(self, next_ego_state, next_ego_params): out = dict( v_x=next_ego_state[0], v_y=next_ego_state[1], r=next_ego_state[2], x=next_ego_state[3], y=next_ego_state[4], phi=next_ego_state[5], l=self.ego_l, w=self.ego_w, alpha_f=next_ego_params[0], alpha_r=next_ego_params[1], miu_f=next_ego_params[2], miu_r=next_ego_params[3], ) miu_f, miu_r = out['miu_f'], out['miu_r'] F_zf, F_zr = self.dynamics.vehicle_params[ 'F_zf'], self.dynamics.vehicle_params['F_zr'] C_f, C_r = self.dynamics.vehicle_params[ 'C_f'], self.dynamics.vehicle_params['C_r'] alpha_f_bound, alpha_r_bound = 3 * miu_f * F_zf / C_f, 3 * miu_r * F_zr / C_r r_bound = miu_r * self.dynamics.vehicle_params['g'] / ( abs(out['v_x']) + 1e-8) l, w, x, y, phi = out['l'], out['w'], out['x'], out['y'], out['phi'] def cal_corner_point_of_ego_car(): x0, y0, a0 = rotate_and_shift_coordination(l / 2, w / 2, 0, -x, -y, -phi) x1, y1, a1 = rotate_and_shift_coordination(l / 2, -w / 2, 0, -x, -y, -phi) x2, y2, a2 = rotate_and_shift_coordination(-l / 2, w / 2, 0, -x, -y, -phi) x3, y3, a3 = rotate_and_shift_coordination(-l / 2, -w / 2, 0, -x, -y, -phi) return (x0, y0), (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3) Corner_point = cal_corner_point_of_ego_car() out.update( dict(alpha_f_bound=alpha_f_bound, alpha_r_bound=alpha_r_bound, r_bound=r_bound, Corner_point=Corner_point)) return out def _get_all_info( self, ego_dynamics ): # used to update info, must be called every timestep before _get_obs # to fetch info self.all_vehicles = self.traffic.n_ego_vehicles[ 'ego'] # coordination 2 self.ego_dynamics = ego_dynamics # coordination 2 self.v_light = self.traffic.v_light # all_vehicles # dict(x=x, y=y, v=v, phi=a, l=length, # w=width, route=route) all_info = dict(all_vehicles=self.all_vehicles, ego_dynamics=self.ego_dynamics, v_light=self.v_light) return all_info def _judge_done(self): """ :return: 1: bad done: collision 2: bad done: break_road_constrain 3: good done: task succeed 4: not done """ if self.traffic.collision_flag: return 'collision', 1 if self._break_road_constrain(): return 'break_road_constrain', 1 elif self._deviate_too_much(): return 'deviate_too_much', 1 elif self._break_stability(): return 'break_stability', 1 elif self._break_red_light(): return 'break_red_light', 1 elif self._is_achieve_goal(): return 'good_done', 1 else: return 'not_done_yet', 0 def _deviate_too_much(self): delta_y, delta_phi, delta_v = self.obs[self. ego_info_dim:self.ego_info_dim + 3] return True if abs(delta_y) > 15 else False def _break_road_constrain(self): results = list( map(lambda x: judge_feasible(*x, self.training_task), self.ego_dynamics['Corner_point'])) return not all(results) def _break_stability(self): alpha_f, alpha_r, miu_f, miu_r = self.ego_dynamics['alpha_f'], self.ego_dynamics['alpha_r'], \ self.ego_dynamics['miu_f'], self.ego_dynamics['miu_r'] alpha_f_bound, alpha_r_bound = self.ego_dynamics[ 'alpha_f_bound'], self.ego_dynamics['alpha_r_bound'] r_bound = self.ego_dynamics['r_bound'] # if -alpha_f_bound < alpha_f < alpha_f_bound \ # and -alpha_r_bound < alpha_r < alpha_r_bound and \ # -r_bound < self.ego_dynamics['r'] < r_bound: if -r_bound < self.ego_dynamics['r'] < r_bound: return False else: return True def _break_red_light(self): return True if self.v_light != 0 and self.ego_dynamics[ 'y'] > -CROSSROAD_SIZE / 2 and self.training_task != 'right' else False def _is_achieve_goal(self): x = self.ego_dynamics['x'] y = self.ego_dynamics['y'] if self.training_task == 'left': return True if x < -CROSSROAD_SIZE / 2 - 10 and 0 < y < LANE_NUMBER * LANE_WIDTH else False elif self.training_task == 'right': return True if x > CROSSROAD_SIZE / 2 + 10 and -LANE_NUMBER * LANE_WIDTH < y < 0 else False else: assert self.training_task == 'straight' return True if y > CROSSROAD_SIZE / 2 + 10 and 0 < x < LANE_NUMBER * LANE_WIDTH else False def _action_transformation_for_end2end(self, action): # [-1, 1] action = np.clip(action, -1.05, 1.05) steer_norm, a_x_norm = action[0], action[1] scaled_steer = 0.4 * steer_norm scaled_a_x = 2.25 * a_x_norm - 0.75 # [-3, 1.5] scaled_action = np.array([scaled_steer, scaled_a_x], dtype=np.float32) return scaled_action def _get_next_ego_state(self, trans_action): current_v_x = self.ego_dynamics['v_x'] current_v_y = self.ego_dynamics['v_y'] current_r = self.ego_dynamics['r'] current_x = self.ego_dynamics['x'] current_y = self.ego_dynamics['y'] current_phi = self.ego_dynamics['phi'] steer, a_x = trans_action state = np.array([[ current_v_x, current_v_y, current_r, current_x, current_y, current_phi ]], dtype=np.float32) action = np.array([[steer, a_x]], dtype=np.float32) next_ego_state, next_ego_params = self.dynamics.prediction( state, action, 10) next_ego_state, next_ego_params = next_ego_state.numpy( )[0], next_ego_params.numpy()[0] next_ego_state[0] = next_ego_state[0] if next_ego_state[0] >= 0 else 0. next_ego_state[-1] = deal_with_phi(next_ego_state[-1]) return next_ego_state, next_ego_params def _get_obs(self, exit_='D'): ego_x = self.ego_dynamics['x'] ego_y = self.ego_dynamics['y'] ego_phi = self.ego_dynamics['phi'] ego_v_x = self.ego_dynamics['v_x'] vehs_vector = self._construct_veh_vector_short(exit_) ego_vector = self._construct_ego_vector_short() tracking_error = self.ref_path.tracking_error_vector( np.array([ego_x], dtype=np.float32), np.array([ego_y], dtype=np.float32), np.array([ego_phi], dtype=np.float32), np.array([ego_v_x], dtype=np.float32), self.num_future_data).numpy()[0] self.per_tracking_info_dim = 3 vector = np.concatenate((ego_vector, tracking_error, vehs_vector), axis=0) # vector = self.convert_vehs_to_rela(vector) return vector # def convert_vehs_to_rela(self, obs_abso): # ego_infos, tracking_infos, veh_infos = obs_abso[:self.ego_info_dim], \ # obs_abso[self.ego_info_dim:self.ego_info_dim + self.per_tracking_info_dim * ( # self.num_future_data + 1)], \ # obs_abso[self.ego_info_dim + self.per_tracking_info_dim * ( # self.num_future_data + 1):] # ego_vx, ego_vy, ego_r, ego_x, ego_y, ego_phi = ego_infos # ego = np.array([ego_x, ego_y, 0, 0]*int(len(veh_infos)/self.per_veh_info_dim), dtype=np.float32) # vehs_rela = veh_infos - ego # out = np.concatenate((ego_infos, tracking_infos, vehs_rela), axis=0) # return out # # def convert_vehs_to_abso(self, obs_rela): # ego_infos, tracking_infos, veh_rela = obs_rela[:self.ego_info_dim], \ # obs_rela[self.ego_info_dim:self.ego_info_dim + self.per_tracking_info_dim * ( # self.num_future_data + 1)], \ # obs_rela[self.ego_info_dim + self.per_tracking_info_dim * ( # self.num_future_data + 1):] # ego_vx, ego_vy, ego_r, ego_x, ego_y, ego_phi = ego_infos # ego = np.array([ego_x, ego_y, 0, 0]*int(len(veh_rela)/self.per_veh_info_dim), dtype=np.float32) # vehs_abso = veh_rela + ego # out = np.concatenate((ego_infos, tracking_infos, vehs_abso), axis=0) # return out def _construct_ego_vector_short(self): ego_v_x = self.ego_dynamics['v_x'] ego_v_y = self.ego_dynamics['v_y'] ego_r = self.ego_dynamics['r'] ego_x = self.ego_dynamics['x'] ego_y = self.ego_dynamics['y'] ego_phi = self.ego_dynamics['phi'] ego_feature = [ego_v_x, ego_v_y, ego_r, ego_x, ego_y, ego_phi] self.ego_info_dim = 6 return np.array(ego_feature, dtype=np.float32) def _construct_veh_vector_short(self, exit_='D'): ego_x = self.ego_dynamics['x'] ego_y = self.ego_dynamics['y'] v_light = self.v_light vehs_vector = [] name_settings = dict(D=dict(do='1o', di='1i', ro='2o', ri='2i', uo='3o', ui='3i', lo='4o', li='4i'), R=dict(do='2o', di='2i', ro='3o', ri='3i', uo='4o', ui='4i', lo='1o', li='1i'), U=dict(do='3o', di='3i', ro='4o', ri='4i', uo='1o', ui='1i', lo='2o', li='2i'), L=dict(do='4o', di='4i', ro='1o', ri='1i', uo='2o', ui='2i', lo='3o', li='3i')) name_setting = name_settings[exit_] def filter_interested_vehicles(vs, task): dl, du, dr, rd, rl, ru, ur, ud, ul, lu, lr, ld = [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] for v in vs: route_list = v['route'] start = route_list[0] end = route_list[1] if start == name_setting['do'] and end == name_setting['li']: dl.append(v) elif start == name_setting['do'] and end == name_setting['ui']: du.append(v) elif start == name_setting['do'] and end == name_setting['ri']: dr.append(v) elif start == name_setting['ro'] and end == name_setting['di']: rd.append(v) elif start == name_setting['ro'] and end == name_setting['li']: rl.append(v) elif start == name_setting['ro'] and end == name_setting['ui']: ru.append(v) elif start == name_setting['uo'] and end == name_setting['ri']: ur.append(v) elif start == name_setting['uo'] and end == name_setting['di']: ud.append(v) elif start == name_setting['uo'] and end == name_setting['li']: ul.append(v) elif start == name_setting['lo'] and end == name_setting['ui']: lu.append(v) elif start == name_setting['lo'] and end == name_setting['ri']: lr.append(v) elif start == name_setting['lo'] and end == name_setting['di']: ld.append(v) if self.training_task != 'right': if (v_light != 0 and ego_y < -CROSSROAD_SIZE/2) \ or (self.virtual_red_light_vehicle and ego_y < -CROSSROAD_SIZE/2): dl.append( dict(x=LANE_WIDTH / 2, y=-CROSSROAD_SIZE / 2 + 2.5, v=0., phi=90, l=5, w=2.5, route=None)) du.append( dict(x=LANE_WIDTH * 1.5, y=-CROSSROAD_SIZE / 2 + 2.5, v=0., phi=90, l=5, w=2.5, route=None)) # fetch veh in range dl = list( filter( lambda v: v['x'] > -CROSSROAD_SIZE / 2 - 10 and v['y'] > ego_y - 2, dl)) # interest of left straight du = list( filter( lambda v: ego_y - 2 < v['y'] < CROSSROAD_SIZE / 2 + 10 and v['x'] < ego_x + 5, du)) # interest of left straight dr = list( filter( lambda v: v['x'] < CROSSROAD_SIZE / 2 + 10 and v['y'] > ego_y, dr)) # interest of right rd = rd # not interest in case of traffic light rl = rl # not interest in case of traffic light ru = list( filter( lambda v: v['x'] < CROSSROAD_SIZE / 2 + 10 and v['y'] < CROSSROAD_SIZE / 2 + 10, ru)) # interest of straight if task == 'straight': ur = list( filter( lambda v: v['x'] < ego_x + 7 and ego_y < v['y'] < CROSSROAD_SIZE / 2 + 10, ur)) # interest of straight elif task == 'right': ur = list( filter( lambda v: v['x'] < CROSSROAD_SIZE / 2 + 10 and v['y'] < CROSSROAD_SIZE / 2, ur)) # interest of right ud = list( filter( lambda v: max(ego_y - 2, -CROSSROAD_SIZE / 2) < v[ 'y'] < CROSSROAD_SIZE / 2 and ego_x > v['x'], ud)) # interest of left ul = list( filter( lambda v: -CROSSROAD_SIZE / 2 - 10 < v['x'] < ego_x and v[ 'y'] < CROSSROAD_SIZE / 2, ul)) # interest of left lu = lu # not interest in case of traffic light lr = list( filter( lambda v: -CROSSROAD_SIZE / 2 - 10 < v['x'] < CROSSROAD_SIZE / 2 + 10, lr)) # interest of right ld = ld # not interest in case of traffic light # sort dl = sorted(dl, key=lambda v: (v['y'], -v['x'])) du = sorted(du, key=lambda v: v['y']) dr = sorted(dr, key=lambda v: (v['y'], v['x'])) ru = sorted(ru, key=lambda v: (-v['x'], v['y']), reverse=True) if task == 'straight': ur = sorted(ur, key=lambda v: v['y']) elif task == 'right': ur = sorted(ur, key=lambda v: (-v['y'], v['x']), reverse=True) ud = sorted(ud, key=lambda v: v['y']) ul = sorted(ul, key=lambda v: (-v['y'], -v['x']), reverse=True) lr = sorted(lr, key=lambda v: -v['x']) # slice or fill to some number def slice_or_fill(sorted_list, fill_value, num): if len(sorted_list) >= num: return sorted_list[:num] else: while len(sorted_list) < num: sorted_list.append(fill_value) return sorted_list mode2fillvalue = dict(dl=dict(x=LANE_WIDTH / 2, y=-(CROSSROAD_SIZE / 2 + 30), v=0, phi=90, w=2.5, l=5, route=('1o', '4i')), du=dict(x=LANE_WIDTH * 1.5, y=-(CROSSROAD_SIZE / 2 + 30), v=0, phi=90, w=2.5, l=5, route=('1o', '3i')), dr=dict(x=LANE_WIDTH * (LANE_NUMBER - 0.5), y=-(CROSSROAD_SIZE / 2 + 30), v=0, phi=90, w=2.5, l=5, route=('1o', '2i')), ru=dict(x=(CROSSROAD_SIZE / 2 + 15), y=LANE_WIDTH * (LANE_NUMBER - 0.5), v=0, phi=180, w=2.5, l=5, route=('2o', '3i')), ur=dict(x=-LANE_WIDTH / 2, y=(CROSSROAD_SIZE / 2 + 20), v=0, phi=-90, w=2.5, l=5, route=('3o', '2i')), ud=dict(x=-LANE_WIDTH * 1.5, y=(CROSSROAD_SIZE / 2 + 20), v=0, phi=-90, w=2.5, l=5, route=('3o', '1i')), ul=dict(x=-LANE_WIDTH * (LANE_NUMBER - 0.5), y=(CROSSROAD_SIZE / 2 + 20), v=0, phi=-90, w=2.5, l=5, route=('3o', '4i')), lr=dict(x=-(CROSSROAD_SIZE / 2 + 20), y=-LANE_WIDTH * 1.5, v=0, phi=0, w=2.5, l=5, route=('4o', '2i'))) tmp = OrderedDict() for mode, num in VEHICLE_MODE_DICT[task].items(): tmp[mode] = slice_or_fill(eval(mode), mode2fillvalue[mode], num) return tmp list_of_interested_veh_dict = [] self.interested_vehs = filter_interested_vehicles( self.all_vehicles, self.training_task) for part in list(self.interested_vehs.values()): list_of_interested_veh_dict.extend(part) for veh in list_of_interested_veh_dict: veh_x, veh_y, veh_v, veh_phi = veh['x'], veh['y'], veh['v'], veh[ 'phi'] vehs_vector.extend([veh_x, veh_y, veh_v, veh_phi]) self.per_veh_info_dim = 4 return np.array(vehs_vector, dtype=np.float32) def recover_orig_position_fn(self, transformed_x, transformed_y, x, y, d): # x, y, d are used to transform # coordination transformed_x, transformed_y, _ = rotate_coordination( transformed_x, transformed_y, 0, -d) orig_x, orig_y = shift_coordination(transformed_x, transformed_y, -x, -y) return orig_x, orig_y def _reset_init_state(self): if self.training_task == 'left': random_index = int(np.random.random() * (900 + 500)) + 700 elif self.training_task == 'straight': random_index = int(np.random.random() * (1200 + 500)) + 700 else: random_index = int(np.random.random() * (420 + 500)) + 700 x, y, phi = self.ref_path.indexs2points(random_index) # v = 7 + 6 * np.random.random() v = EXPECTED_V * np.random.random() if self.training_task == 'left': routeID = 'dl' elif self.training_task == 'straight': routeID = 'du' else: assert self.training_task == 'right' routeID = 'dr' return dict(ego=dict( v_x=v, v_y=0, r=0, x=x.numpy(), y=y.numpy(), phi=phi.numpy(), l=self.ego_l, w=self.ego_w, routeID=routeID, )) def compute_reward(self, obs, action): obses, actions = obs[np.newaxis, :], action[np.newaxis, :] reward, _, _, _, _, reward_dict = \ self.env_model.compute_rewards(obses, actions) for k, v in reward_dict.items(): reward_dict[k] = v.numpy()[0] return reward.numpy()[0], reward_dict def render(self, mode='human'): if mode == 'human': # plot basic map square_length = CROSSROAD_SIZE extension = 40 lane_width = LANE_WIDTH light_line_width = 3 dotted_line_style = '--' solid_line_style = '-' plt.cla() ax = plt.axes([-0.05, -0.05, 1.1, 1.1]) ax.axis("equal") # ax.add_patch(plt.Rectangle((-square_length / 2 - extension, -square_length / 2 - extension), # square_length + 2 * extension, square_length + 2 * extension, edgecolor='black', # facecolor='none', linewidth=2)) # ----------arrow-------------- plt.arrow(lane_width / 2, -square_length / 2 - 10, 0, 5, color='b') plt.arrow(lane_width / 2, -square_length / 2 - 10 + 5, -0.5, 0, color='b', head_width=1) plt.arrow(lane_width * 1.5, -square_length / 2 - 10, 0, 4, color='b', head_width=1) plt.arrow(lane_width * 2.5, -square_length / 2 - 10, 0, 5, color='b') plt.arrow(lane_width * 2.5, -square_length / 2 - 10 + 5, 0.5, 0, color='b', head_width=1) # ----------horizon-------------- plt.plot([-square_length / 2 - extension, -square_length / 2], [0.3, 0.3], color='orange') plt.plot([-square_length / 2 - extension, -square_length / 2], [-0.3, -0.3], color='orange') plt.plot([square_length / 2 + extension, square_length / 2], [0.3, 0.3], color='orange') plt.plot([square_length / 2 + extension, square_length / 2], [-0.3, -0.3], color='orange') # for i in range(1, LANE_NUMBER + 1): linestyle = dotted_line_style if i < LANE_NUMBER else solid_line_style linewidth = 1 if i < LANE_NUMBER else 2 plt.plot([-square_length / 2 - extension, -square_length / 2], [i * lane_width, i * lane_width], linestyle=linestyle, color='black', linewidth=linewidth) plt.plot([square_length / 2 + extension, square_length / 2], [i * lane_width, i * lane_width], linestyle=linestyle, color='black', linewidth=linewidth) plt.plot([-square_length / 2 - extension, -square_length / 2], [-i * lane_width, -i * lane_width], linestyle=linestyle, color='black', linewidth=linewidth) plt.plot([square_length / 2 + extension, square_length / 2], [-i * lane_width, -i * lane_width], linestyle=linestyle, color='black', linewidth=linewidth) # ----------vertical---------------- plt.plot([0.3, 0.3], [-square_length / 2 - extension, -square_length / 2], color='orange') plt.plot([-0.3, -0.3], [-square_length / 2 - extension, -square_length / 2], color='orange') plt.plot([0.3, 0.3], [square_length / 2 + extension, square_length / 2], color='orange') plt.plot([-0.3, -0.3], [square_length / 2 + extension, square_length / 2], color='orange') # for i in range(1, LANE_NUMBER + 1): linestyle = dotted_line_style if i < LANE_NUMBER else solid_line_style linewidth = 1 if i < LANE_NUMBER else 2 plt.plot([i * lane_width, i * lane_width], [-square_length / 2 - extension, -square_length / 2], linestyle=linestyle, color='black', linewidth=linewidth) plt.plot([i * lane_width, i * lane_width], [square_length / 2 + extension, square_length / 2], linestyle=linestyle, color='black', linewidth=linewidth) plt.plot([-i * lane_width, -i * lane_width], [-square_length / 2 - extension, -square_length / 2], linestyle=linestyle, color='black', linewidth=linewidth) plt.plot([-i * lane_width, -i * lane_width], [square_length / 2 + extension, square_length / 2], linestyle=linestyle, color='black', linewidth=linewidth) # ----------stop line-------------- # plt.plot([0, 2 * lane_width], [-square_length / 2, -square_length / 2], # color='black') # plt.plot([-2 * lane_width, 0], [square_length / 2, square_length / 2], # color='black') # plt.plot([-square_length / 2, -square_length / 2], [0, -2 * lane_width], # color='black') # plt.plot([square_length / 2, square_length / 2], [2 * lane_width, 0], # color='black') v_light = self.v_light if v_light == 0: v_color, h_color = 'green', 'red' elif v_light == 1: v_color, h_color = 'orange', 'red' elif v_light == 2: v_color, h_color = 'red', 'green' else: v_color, h_color = 'red', 'orange' plt.plot([0, (LANE_NUMBER - 1) * lane_width], [-square_length / 2, -square_length / 2], color=v_color, linewidth=light_line_width) plt.plot( [(LANE_NUMBER - 1) * lane_width, LANE_NUMBER * lane_width], [-square_length / 2, -square_length / 2], color='green', linewidth=light_line_width) plt.plot( [-LANE_NUMBER * lane_width, -(LANE_NUMBER - 1) * lane_width], [square_length / 2, square_length / 2], color='green', linewidth=light_line_width) plt.plot([-(LANE_NUMBER - 1) * lane_width, 0], [square_length / 2, square_length / 2], color=v_color, linewidth=light_line_width) plt.plot([-square_length / 2, -square_length / 2], [0, -(LANE_NUMBER - 1) * lane_width], color=h_color, linewidth=light_line_width) plt.plot( [-square_length / 2, -square_length / 2], [-(LANE_NUMBER - 1) * lane_width, -LANE_NUMBER * lane_width], color='green', linewidth=light_line_width) plt.plot([square_length / 2, square_length / 2], [(LANE_NUMBER - 1) * lane_width, 0], color=h_color, linewidth=light_line_width) plt.plot( [square_length / 2, square_length / 2], [LANE_NUMBER * lane_width, (LANE_NUMBER - 1) * lane_width], color='green', linewidth=light_line_width) # ----------Oblique-------------- plt.plot([LANE_NUMBER * lane_width, square_length / 2], [-square_length / 2, -LANE_NUMBER * lane_width], color='black', linewidth=2) plt.plot([LANE_NUMBER * lane_width, square_length / 2], [square_length / 2, LANE_NUMBER * lane_width], color='black', linewidth=2) plt.plot([-LANE_NUMBER * lane_width, -square_length / 2], [-square_length / 2, -LANE_NUMBER * lane_width], color='black', linewidth=2) plt.plot([-LANE_NUMBER * lane_width, -square_length / 2], [square_length / 2, LANE_NUMBER * lane_width], color='black', linewidth=2) def is_in_plot_area(x, y, tolerance=5): if -square_length / 2 - extension + tolerance < x < square_length / 2 + extension - tolerance and \ -square_length / 2 - extension + tolerance < y < square_length / 2 + extension - tolerance: return True else: return False def draw_rotate_rec(x, y, a, l, w, color, linestyle='-'): RU_x, RU_y, _ = rotate_coordination(l / 2, w / 2, 0, -a) RD_x, RD_y, _ = rotate_coordination(l / 2, -w / 2, 0, -a) LU_x, LU_y, _ = rotate_coordination(-l / 2, w / 2, 0, -a) LD_x, LD_y, _ = rotate_coordination(-l / 2, -w / 2, 0, -a) ax.plot([RU_x + x, RD_x + x], [RU_y + y, RD_y + y], color=color, linestyle=linestyle) ax.plot([RU_x + x, LU_x + x], [RU_y + y, LU_y + y], color=color, linestyle=linestyle) ax.plot([LD_x + x, RD_x + x], [LD_y + y, RD_y + y], color=color, linestyle=linestyle) ax.plot([LD_x + x, LU_x + x], [LD_y + y, LU_y + y], color=color, linestyle=linestyle) def plot_phi_line(x, y, phi, color): line_length = 5 x_forw, y_forw = x + line_length * cos(phi*pi/180.),\ y + line_length * sin(phi*pi/180.) plt.plot([x, x_forw], [y, y_forw], color=color, linewidth=0.5) # plot cars for veh in self.all_vehicles: veh_x = veh['x'] veh_y = veh['y'] veh_phi = veh['phi'] veh_l = veh['l'] veh_w = veh['w'] if is_in_plot_area(veh_x, veh_y): plot_phi_line(veh_x, veh_y, veh_phi, 'black') draw_rotate_rec(veh_x, veh_y, veh_phi, veh_l, veh_w, 'black') # plot_interested vehs for mode, num in self.veh_mode_dict.items(): for i in range(num): veh = self.interested_vehs[mode][i] veh_x = veh['x'] veh_y = veh['y'] veh_phi = veh['phi'] veh_l = veh['l'] veh_w = veh['w'] task2color = {'left': 'b', 'straight': 'c', 'right': 'm'} if is_in_plot_area(veh_x, veh_y): plot_phi_line(veh_x, veh_y, veh_phi, 'black') task = MODE2TASK[mode] color = task2color[task] draw_rotate_rec(veh_x, veh_y, veh_phi, veh_l, veh_w, color, linestyle=':') # plot own car # dict(v_x=ego_dict['v_x'], # v_y=ego_dict['v_y'], # r=ego_dict['r'], # x=ego_dict['x'], # y=ego_dict['y'], # phi=ego_dict['phi'], # l=ego_dict['l'], # w=ego_dict['w'], # Corner_point=self.cal_corner_point_of_ego_car(ego_dict) # alpha_f_bound=alpha_f_bound, # alpha_r_bound=alpha_r_bound, # r_bound=r_bound) ego_v_x = self.ego_dynamics['v_x'] ego_v_y = self.ego_dynamics['v_y'] ego_r = self.ego_dynamics['r'] ego_x = self.ego_dynamics['x'] ego_y = self.ego_dynamics['y'] ego_phi = self.ego_dynamics['phi'] ego_l = self.ego_dynamics['l'] ego_w = self.ego_dynamics['w'] ego_alpha_f = self.ego_dynamics['alpha_f'] ego_alpha_r = self.ego_dynamics['alpha_r'] alpha_f_bound = self.ego_dynamics['alpha_f_bound'] alpha_r_bound = self.ego_dynamics['alpha_r_bound'] r_bound = self.ego_dynamics['r_bound'] plot_phi_line(ego_x, ego_y, ego_phi, 'red') draw_rotate_rec(ego_x, ego_y, ego_phi, ego_l, ego_w, 'red') # plot future data tracking_info = self.obs[self.ego_info_dim:self.ego_info_dim + self.per_tracking_info_dim * (self.num_future_data + 1)] future_path = tracking_info[self.per_tracking_info_dim:] for i in range(self.num_future_data): delta_x, delta_y, delta_phi = future_path[ i * self.per_tracking_info_dim:(i + 1) * self.per_tracking_info_dim] path_x, path_y, path_phi = ego_x + delta_x, ego_y + delta_y, ego_phi - delta_phi plt.plot(path_x, path_y, 'g.') plot_phi_line(path_x, path_y, path_phi, 'g') delta_, _, _ = tracking_info[:3] ax.plot(self.ref_path.path[0], self.ref_path.path[1], color='g') indexs, points = self.ref_path.find_closest_point( np.array([ego_x], np.float32), np.array([ego_y], np.float32)) path_x, path_y, path_phi = points[0][0], points[1][0], points[2][0] plt.plot(path_x, path_y, 'g.') delta_x, delta_y, delta_phi = ego_x - path_x, ego_y - path_y, ego_phi - path_phi # plot real time traj # try: # color = ['b', 'lime'] # for i, item in enumerate(real_time_traj): # if i == path_index: # plt.plot(item.path[0], item.path[1], color=color[i], alpha=1.0) # else: # plt.plot(item.path[0], item.path[1], color=color[i], alpha=0.3) # indexs, points = item.find_closest_point(np.array([ego_x], np.float32), np.array([ego_y], np.float32)) # path_x, path_y, path_phi = points[0][0], points[1][0], points[2][0] # plt.plot(path_x, path_y, color=color[i]) # except Exception: # pass # for j, item_point in enumerate(self.real_path.feature_points_all): # for k in range(len(item_point)): # plt.scatter(item_point[k][0], item_point[k][1], c='g') # text text_x, text_y_start = -110, 60 ge = iter(range(0, 1000, 4)) plt.text(text_x, text_y_start - next(ge), 'ego_x: {:.2f}m'.format(ego_x)) plt.text(text_x, text_y_start - next(ge), 'ego_y: {:.2f}m'.format(ego_y)) plt.text(text_x, text_y_start - next(ge), 'path_x: {:.2f}m'.format(path_x)) plt.text(text_x, text_y_start - next(ge), 'path_y: {:.2f}m'.format(path_y)) plt.text(text_x, text_y_start - next(ge), 'delta_: {:.2f}m'.format(delta_)) plt.text(text_x, text_y_start - next(ge), 'delta_x: {:.2f}m'.format(delta_x)) plt.text(text_x, text_y_start - next(ge), 'delta_y: {:.2f}m'.format(delta_y)) plt.text(text_x, text_y_start - next(ge), r'ego_phi: ${:.2f}\degree$'.format(ego_phi)) plt.text(text_x, text_y_start - next(ge), r'path_phi: ${:.2f}\degree$'.format(path_phi)) plt.text(text_x, text_y_start - next(ge), r'delta_phi: ${:.2f}\degree$'.format(delta_phi)) plt.text(text_x, text_y_start - next(ge), 'v_x: {:.2f}m/s'.format(ego_v_x)) plt.text(text_x, text_y_start - next(ge), 'exp_v: {:.2f}m/s'.format(self.exp_v)) plt.text(text_x, text_y_start - next(ge), 'v_y: {:.2f}m/s'.format(ego_v_y)) plt.text(text_x, text_y_start - next(ge), 'yaw_rate: {:.2f}rad/s'.format(ego_r)) plt.text( text_x, text_y_start - next(ge), 'yaw_rate bound: [{:.2f}, {:.2f}]'.format(-r_bound, r_bound)) plt.text(text_x, text_y_start - next(ge), r'$\alpha_f$: {:.2f} rad'.format(ego_alpha_f)) plt.text( text_x, text_y_start - next(ge), r'$\alpha_f$ bound: [{:.2f}, {:.2f}] '.format( -alpha_f_bound, alpha_f_bound)) plt.text(text_x, text_y_start - next(ge), r'$\alpha_r$: {:.2f} rad'.format(ego_alpha_r)) plt.text( text_x, text_y_start - next(ge), r'$\alpha_r$ bound: [{:.2f}, {:.2f}] '.format( -alpha_r_bound, alpha_r_bound)) if self.action is not None: steer, a_x = self.action[0], self.action[1] plt.text( text_x, text_y_start - next(ge), r'steer: {:.2f}rad (${:.2f}\degree$)'.format( steer, steer * 180 / np.pi)) plt.text(text_x, text_y_start - next(ge), 'a_x: {:.2f}m/s^2'.format(a_x)) text_x, text_y_start = 80, 60 ge = iter(range(0, 1000, 4)) # done info plt.text(text_x, text_y_start - next(ge), 'done info: {}'.format(self.done_type)) # reward info if self.reward_info is not None: for key, val in self.reward_info.items(): plt.text(text_x, text_y_start - next(ge), '{}: {:.4f}'.format(key, val)) # indicator for trajectory selection # text_x, text_y_start = -25, -65 # ge = iter(range(0, 1000, 6)) # if traj_return is not None: # for i, value in enumerate(traj_return): # if i==path_index: # plt.text(text_x, text_y_start-next(ge), 'track_error={:.4f}, collision_risk={:.4f}'.format(value[0], value[1]), fontsize=14, color=color[i], fontstyle='italic') # else: # plt.text(text_x, text_y_start-next(ge), 'track_error={:.4f}, collision_risk={:.4f}'.format(value[0], value[1]), fontsize=12, color=color[i], fontstyle='italic') plt.pause(0.001) def set_traj(self, trajectory): """set the real trajectory to reconstruct observation""" self.ref_path = trajectory