예제 #1
def parrotlet_time():
    _time = str(datetime.datetime.now()).split()[1].split('.')[0]
    reply = f'The Time is {_time}'
    if config.lang_code != 'en':
        reply = trans_.translate_sentence_code(reply, config.lang_code)
        config.lang_code = 'en'
    return reply
예제 #2
def rihanna_time():
    global clock_

    _time = str(datetime.datetime.now()).split()[1].split('.')[0]
    reply = f'The Time is {_time}'
    if config.lang_code != 'en':
        reply = trans_.translate_sentence_code(reply, config.lang_code)
        config.lang_code = 'en'
    return {'display': clock(), 'say': reply}
예제 #3
def bbc():
    # BBC news api
    main_url = f" https://newsapi.org/v1/articles?source=bbc-news&sortBy=top&apiKey={config.news_key}"

    # fetching data in json format
    open_bbc_page = requests.get(main_url).json()

    # getting all articles in a string article
    article = open_bbc_page["articles"]
    if config.lang_code == 'en':
        display = "Top 5 BBC News :"
        say = "Top 5 BBC News :"

        nos = 1
        for ar in article[:5]:
            news = ar["title"]
            url = ar["url"]

            display += f'<br>{nos}. {news} <a href={url} target="_blank">Read</a></br>'

            say += f'\n{nos}. {news}'
            nos += 1
        reply_ = {'display': display, 'say': say}
        ans = trans_.translate_sentence_code("Top 5 BBC News", config.lang_code)
        display = ans['display'] + ':'
        say = "Top 5 BBC News"
        nos = 1
        for ar in article[:5]:
            news = trans_.translate_sentence_code(ar["title"], config.lang_code)['display']
            url = ar["url"]
            read = trans_.translate_sentence_code("Read", config.lang_code)['display']

            display += f'<br>{nos}. {news} <a href={url} target="_blank">{read}</a></br>'

            say += f'\n{nos}. {news}'
            nos += 1
        say = trans_.translate_sentence_code(say, config.lang_code)['say']
        reply_ = {'display': display, 'say': say}
        config.lang_code = 'en'

    return reply_
예제 #4
 def show_picture(self):
     if self.name.lower() in con.friends:
         p_id = con.friends[self.name.lower()]
         picture = f'<img src="https://avatar.skype.com/v1/avatars/{p_id}/public">'
         return picture
     elif self.name == 'me':
         path = "C:/Users/Timothy Lam/Documents/Pycharm Projects/Chatbot/img/me.png"
         # path = r"E:/deadlock files/img/public.png"
         # return f'<img src="{path}" alt="HTML5 Icon" width="128" height="128">'
         display = f'<img src="{path}" alt="Test image" width="65%" height="65%">'
         say = f'find picture of {self.name}'
         reply = {'display': display, 'say': say}
         if con.lang_code != 'en':
             reply['say'] = trans_.translate_sentence_code(reply['say'], con.lang_code)
             con.lang_code = 'en'
         return reply
         return f"Sorry I do not know {self.name}"
예제 #5
def product_min_price(query):
        item_dict, item_link = search_amazon(query)
        if len(item_dict) == 0:
            item_dict, item_link = search_amazon(query.split()[0])
        if len(item_dict) == 0:
            if config.lang_code == 'en':
                reply = "I am not in the mood to search for that query"
                return {'display': reply, 'say': reply}
                reply = trans_.translate_sentence_code(
                    "I am not in the mood to search for that query",
                config.lang_code = 'en'
                return reply
        min_price = min(item_dict, key=item_dict.get)
        reply = "<table id='t01'>\
                        <th>Product Name</th>\

        reply += f"<tr>\
                            <td><img src='{item_link[min_price][1]}' alt='{query} image' width='40%' height='40%'></td>\
                            <td><a href='https://www.amazon.co.uk{item_link[min_price][0]}' target='_blank'>{min_price}</a></td>\

        say = f'Find below the item with the least price for {query}'
        return {'display': reply, 'say': say}
    except Exception as e:
        reply = f'Error in product_min_price: {e}'
        return {'display': reply, 'say': reply}