def compute_multiple_bounds(m, N, risk, KLQP, disagreement=None, delta=0.05):
    """ Compute bounds on the full sample and print their values.
    m: Training set size (labeled examples)
    N: Full sample size (labeled + unlabeled examples)
    risk : Gibbs risk observed on the training set
    KLQP : Kullback-Leibler divergence between prior and posterior
    disagreement : Expected disagreement on the full sample
    delta : confidence parameter (default=0.05)
    print('*** Parameters ***')
    print('m = %d\nN = %d\nrisk = %f\nKLQP = %f\ndisagreement = %f\ndelta = %f\n'
            % (m, N, risk, KLQP, disagreement, delta) )
    print('*** Bounds on the risk of the Gibbs Classifier ***')

    thm5_KL = bounds.compute_general_transductive_gibbs_bound(d_functions.kl_divergence,risk, m, N, KLQP, delta)
    print('Theorem 5-KL  : %f' % thm5_KL)  
    thm5_Dstar = bounds.compute_general_transductive_gibbs_bound(d_functions.new_transductive_divergence, risk, m, N, KLQP, delta)
    print('Theorem 5-D*  : %f' % thm5_Dstar)  

    cor7a = bounds.compute_corollary_7a_gibbs_bound(risk, m, N, KLQP, delta)
    print('Corollary 7(a): %f' % cor7a)
    cor7b = bounds.compute_corollary_7b_gibbs_bound(risk, m, N, KLQP, delta)
    print('Corollary 7(b): %f' % cor7b)
    derbeko = bounds.compute_derbeko_2007_gibbs_bound(risk, m, N, KLQP, delta)
    print('Derbeko (2007): %f' % derbeko)   
    print('\n*** Bounds on the risk of the Gibbs Classifier (Based on Theorem 5-D*) ***')
    twice = 2 * thm5_Dstar
    print('Twice the Gibbs: %f' % twice)
    if disagreement is None:
        print('Via the C-Bound: [disagreement required]')
        c_bound = compute_c_bound(thm5_Dstar, disagreement)
        print('Via the C-Bound: %f' % c_bound)
def generate_bound_figures(N_list, ratios_list, risk, KLQP, delta=0.05):
    """ Illustrate of the bound calculations
    N_list : List of full sample size
    ratios_list : List of m/N rations ( where m is the number of labeled examples)
    risk : Gibbs risk observed on the training set
    KLQP : Kullback-Leibler divergence between prior and posterior
    delta : confidence parameter (default=0.05)

    divergences_dict = OrderedDict()
    divergences_dict["Kullback-Leibler"] = d_functions.kl_divergence
    divergences_dict["D*-function"] = d_functions.new_transductive_divergence
    divergences_dict["Quadratic Distance"] = d_functions.quadratic_distance
    divergences_dict["Variation Distance"] = d_functions.variation_distance
    divergences_dict["Triangular Discrimination"] = d_functions.triangular_discrimination

    n_rows = len(ratios_list)
    n_cols = len(divergences_dict)
    x_values = np.arange(0., 1.0, .005) 

    pyplot.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.1, hspace=0.1)

    STATS_dict = dict()

    for i, divergence_name in enumerate(divergences_dict.keys()):
        print('*** D-function: ' + divergence_name + ' ***')
        for j, ratio in enumerate(ratios_list):
            ax = pyplot.subplot(n_rows, n_cols, j*n_cols + i + 1)

            # Compute and draw d-function values (blue curves)
            divergence = divergences_dict[divergence_name]
            divergence_values = [divergence(risk, x, ratio) for x in x_values]
            pyplot.plot(x_values, divergence_values, linewidth=2)

            # Compute and draw bound values (horizontal lines) for each value of N
            for N in N_list:
                m = N * ratio

                complexity_term = compute_transductive_complexity_term(divergence, m, N)
                bound = compute_general_transductive_gibbs_bound(divergence, risk, m, N, KLQP, delta=delta, complexity_term=complexity_term)
                rhs = (KLQP + log(complexity_term / delta)) / m
                print('m=%d N=%d bound=%0.3f' % (m,N,bound) )

                handle = pyplot.plot([-1., bound, 2.],  3*[rhs], 'o--', label='%0.3f' % bound)[0] 

                STATS_dict[(i, N, ratio)] = (bound, rhs, handle)

            # Compute and draw risk limits (vertical dashed lines)
            risk_sup = 1. - ratio * (1.-risk)
            risk_inf = ratio * risk
            pyplot.plot(2*[risk_sup],  [0., 1.], 'k:')
            pyplot.plot(2*[risk_inf],  [0., 1.], 'k:')

            # Set plot properties
            pyplot.xlim(0., 1.)
            pyplot.ylim(0., .5 if ratio > .4 else 1.)
            if j == n_rows-1:
                for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
                pyplot.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
            if i == 0:
                pyplot.ylabel("m/N = %0.1f" % ratio)
                for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
                pyplot.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)

    # Highlight lower bounds for each (m,N) pairs 
    for N in N_list:
        for j, ratio in enumerate(ratios_list):
            best_bound = 1e6
            best_i = -1
            for i, _ in enumerate(divergences_dict.keys()):
                bound, rhs, handle = STATS_dict[(i, N, ratio)]
                if bound < best_bound:
                    best_bound, best_handle, best_i = bound, handle, i

            pyplot.subplot(n_rows, n_cols, j * n_cols + best_i + 1)