def _downloadWin2k8SrvR2Range(self): """Manual test for downloading a range of win2k8srvr2 - you must provision this first""" vdi_uuid = "35b420af-9fc1-48de-b0dd-13cb5c27828f" req_start = "6442254336" req_end = "7050322431" dest = "win2k8srvr2-%s-%s-download.vhd" % (req_start, req_end) hostname = testsetup.HOST bitmap = transferclient.get_vdi_bitmap(hostname, vdi_uuid) record = expose_vdi_as_vhd(hostname,vdi_uuid, bitmap) download_range_of_vhd(record, dest, req_start, req_end) unexpose(hostname, record)
def _downloadWin2k8SrvR2Range(self): """Manual test for downloading a range of win2k8srvr2 - you must provision this first""" vdi_uuid = "35b420af-9fc1-48de-b0dd-13cb5c27828f" req_start = "6442254336" req_end = "7050322431" dest = "win2k8srvr2-%s-%s-download.vhd" % (req_start, req_end) hostname = testsetup.HOST bitmap = transferclient.get_vdi_bitmap(hostname, vdi_uuid) record = expose_vdi_as_vhd(hostname, vdi_uuid, bitmap) download_range_of_vhd(record, dest, req_start, req_end) unexpose(hostname, record)
def _downloadFromVdi(self, vdi_uuid, dest, request_size): """Given a vdi_uuid, the test case downloads the vdi as a VHD""" """and compares the original bitmap with the downloaded bitmap""" hostname = testsetup.HOST bitmap = transferclient.get_vdi_bitmap(hostname, vdi_uuid) record = expose_vdi_as_vhd(hostname,vdi_uuid, bitmap) #Download VHD using the python bitsclient bits_download_vhd(record, dest, request_size) logging.debug("Downloaded %s" % dest) assert_matching_bitmap(dest, bitmap) #Check the block allocation table check_downloaded_bitmaps(dest) unexpose(hostname, record)
def _downloadFromVdi(self, vdi_uuid, dest, request_size): """Given a vdi_uuid, the test case downloads the vdi as a VHD""" """and compares the original bitmap with the downloaded bitmap""" hostname = testsetup.HOST bitmap = transferclient.get_vdi_bitmap(hostname, vdi_uuid) record = expose_vdi_as_vhd(hostname, vdi_uuid, bitmap) #Download VHD using the python bitsclient bits_download_vhd(record, dest, request_size) logging.debug("Downloaded %s" % dest) assert_matching_bitmap(dest, bitmap) #Check the block allocation table check_downloaded_bitmaps(dest) unexpose(hostname, record)
def _doTest(self, src, frag_size, sleep_time, delta, randomise_delta=False): """Tests how we handle the client droping/losing packets when they are POSTing a BITS request""" physize = os.stat(src).st_size vdi_mb = vhd.get_virtual_size(src) #Expose a new VDI record, hostname = create_and_expose(vdi_mb) url_path = record['url_path'] + ".vhd" #Create BITS Session conn, session = create_BITS_session(record) logging.debug("Frag_Size = %d" % frag_size) #Adjust frag size for the case we have small disks if physize < frag_size: frag_size = physize #Initialise Upload variables range_start = 0 range_end = frag_size file_offset = 0 fh = open(src, 'r') count = 0 while file_offset < physize: if randomise_delta: #Generate a random number within the request range delta = random.randint(0, range_end - range_start) logging.debug("Random Delta = %d" % delta) if range_end == physize: delta = 0 logging.debug("Uploading %d-%d/%d" % (range_start, range_end, physize)) data_size = (range_end - range_start - delta) if count == 1: data_size = 10 logging.debug("Actually uploading %d bytes" % data_size) data = logging.debug("Data Read") try: bits.fragment(conn, session, url_path, data, range_start, range_end, physize) except: logging.debug("Fragment Sent partially %d-%d/%d" % (range_start, range_end, physize)) file_offset += (range_end - range_start - delta) range_start = file_offset + 1 count += 1 if count > 1: sys.exit(1) #Condition for last frag upload range_end = file_offset + frag_size if physize < range_end: range_end = physize #Sleep before creating new connection logging.debug("Sleeping for %d seconds" % sleep_time) time.sleep(sleep_time) #Garbage Collect to make sure we don't run out of memory data = '' gc.collect() #Create new connection logging.debug("Get a new connection...") conn = bits.open_connection(get_proto(record), record['ip'], record['port']) #Close file handle fh.close() #Unexpose the transfervm logging.debug("Unexposing the Transfer VM for vdi %s" % record['vdi_uuid']) transferclient.unexpose(hostname, vdi_uuid=record['vdi_uuid']) #Retrieve the blockmap to expose the VDI as a vhd bitmap = transferclient.get_vdi_bitmap(hostname, record['vdi_uuid']) logging.debug("Got bitmap %s" % bitmap) #Expose disk with vhd_block_map args = {'transfer_mode': 'bits', 'vdi_uuid': record['vdi_uuid'], 'network_uuid': 'management', 'vhd_blocks': bitmap, 'vhd_uuid': record['vdi_uuid']} transferclient.expose(hostname, **args) record = transferclient.get_record(hostname, vdi_uuid=record['vdi_uuid']) logging.debug("Got new record: %s" % record) dst = 'test-download.vhd' logging.debug("Destination file will be %s" % dst) request_size = 200*M vhd_tests.bits_download_vhd(record, dst, request_size) #Compare the two VHDs to check they are identical rc = vhd.diff(src, dst) logging.debug("Return Code %s" % rc) #Unexpose the transfervm logging.debug("Unexposing the Transfer VM for vdi %s" % record['vdi_uuid']) transferclient.unexpose(hostname, vdi_uuid=record['vdi_uuid']) #Cleanup Disks transferclient.remove_vdi(hostname, record['vdi_uuid']) #Remove Downloaded File os.unlink(dst)