예제 #1
def animate(step):
    global xTrue, relativeState
    u = data.calcInput_FlyIn1m(step)  #u=xEsti
    # u = data.calcInput_PotentialField(step, xTrue)
    # u = data.calcInput_Formation01(step, relativeState)

    #uNois 为输入的速度和yaw
    xTrue, zNois, uNois = data.update(
        xTrue, u
    )  ## Calculate the updated groundTruth(xTrue), noised observation(zNoise), and noised input(uNoise)
    if step % ekfStride == 0:
        relativeState = relativeEKF.EKF(uNois, zNois, relativeState,
                                        ekfStride)  #EKF

    xEsti = transform.calcAbsPosUseRelaPosWRTRob0(
        xTrue[:, 0], relativeState, xTrue,
        numRob)  #relativeState 就是xij, yij, yawij

    pointsTrue.set_data(xTrue[0, :], xTrue[1, :])  # plot groundTruth points
    pointsEsti.set_data(xEsti[0, :], xEsti[1, :])  # plot estimated points

    pointsTrueHead.set_data(xTrue[0, :] + 0.07 * np.cos(xTrue[2, :]),
                            xTrue[1, :] +
                            0.07 * np.sin(xTrue[2, :]))  # heading
    pointsEstiHead.set_data(xEsti[0, :] + 0.07 * np.cos(xEsti[2, :]),
                            xEsti[1, :] +
                            0.07 * np.sin(xEsti[2, :]))  # heading

    circle.center = (xTrue[0, 0], xTrue[1, 0])
    circle.radius = zNois[
        0, 1]  # plot a circle to show the distance between robot 0 and robot 1

    time_text.set_text("t={:.2f}s".format(step * dt))
    return pointsTrue, pointsEsti, circle, pointsTrueHead, pointsEstiHead, time_text
예제 #2
def animate(step):
    global relativeState
    xTrue, zNois, uNois = dataFromReal.calcInputDataset(uList[step], zList[step], GtList[step])
    relativeState = relaEKFonRealData.EKF(uNois, zNois, relativeState)
    xEsti = transform.calcAbsPosUseRelaPosWRTRob0(xTrue[:,0], relativeState, xTrue, numRob)
    pointsTrue.set_data(xTrue[0, :], xTrue[1, :])
    pointsEsti.set_data(xEsti[0, :], xEsti[1, :])
    pointsTrueHead.set_data(xTrue[0, :]+0.07*np.cos(xTrue[2, :]), xTrue[1, :]+0.07*np.sin(xTrue[2, :]))
    pointsEstiHead.set_data(xEsti[0, :]+0.07*np.cos(xEsti[2, :]), xEsti[1, :]+0.07*np.sin(xEsti[2, :]))   
    circle.center = (xTrue[0, 0], xTrue[1, 0])
    circle.radius = zNois[0, 1]
    time_text.set_text("t={:.2f}s".format(step * dt))
    return pointsTrue, pointsEsti, circle, pointsTrueHead, pointsEstiHead, time_text
예제 #3
def animate(step):
    global xTrue, relativeState, xEsti
    u = data.calcInput_FlyIn1m(step)  #
    # xTrue[0:2,0] = 0
    # u[:,:] = 0
    xTrue, zNois, uNois = data.update2(xTrue, u)

    if step == 0:
        relativeState = relativeEKF.EKF(uNois, zNois, relativeState, ekfStride)
        xEsti = transform.calcAbsPosUseRelaPosWRTRob0(xTrue[:,
                                                            0], relativeState,
                                                      xTrue, numRob)
        # xEsti[0:2,:] = -8
        # xEsti = xTrue
    if step % ekfStride == 0:
        # xEsti = estiEKF.nEKF(uNois, zNois, xEsti, ekfStride, 0)
        xEsti[0:2, 0] = xTrue[0:2, 0]

        xEsti = estiEKF.nEKF(uNois, zNois, xEsti, ekfStride, 1)
        # xEsti[0:2, 1] = xTrue[0:2, 1]

        xEsti = estiEKF.nEKF(uNois, zNois, xEsti, ekfStride, 2)
        # xEsti[0:2, 2] = xTrue[0:2, 2]

        xEsti = estiEKF.nEKF(uNois, zNois, xEsti, ekfStride, 3)
        xEsti = estiEKF.nEKF(uNois, zNois, xEsti, ekfStride, 4)
        xEsti = estiEKF.nEKF(uNois, zNois, xEsti, ekfStride, 5)
        xEsti = estiEKF.nEKF(uNois, zNois, xEsti, ekfStride, 6)
        xEsti = estiEKF.nEKF(uNois, zNois, xEsti, ekfStride, 7)
        xEsti = estiEKF.nEKF(uNois, zNois, xEsti, ekfStride, 8)
        xEsti = estiEKF.nEKF(uNois, zNois, xEsti, ekfStride, 9)
        xEsti = estiEKF.nEKF(uNois, zNois, xEsti, ekfStride, 10)

    pointsTrue.set_data(xTrue[0, :], xTrue[1, :])  # plot groundTruth points
    pointsEsti.set_data(xEsti[0, :], xEsti[1, :])  # plot estimated points

    pointsTrueHead.set_data(xTrue[0, :] + 0.07 * np.cos(xTrue[2, :]),
                            xTrue[1, :] +
                            0.07 * np.sin(xTrue[2, :]))  # heading
    pointsEstiHead.set_data(xEsti[0, :] + 0.07 * np.cos(xEsti[2, :]),
                            xEsti[1, :] +
                            0.07 * np.sin(xEsti[2, :]))  # heading

    circle.center = (xTrue[0, 0], xTrue[1, 0])
    circle.radius = zNois[
        0, 1]  # plot a circle to show the distance between robot 0 and robot 1

    time_text.set_text("t={:.2f}s".format(step * dt))
    return pointsTrue, pointsEsti, circle, pointsTrueHead, pointsEstiHead, time_text
예제 #4
    circle = plt.Circle((0, 0), 0.2, color='black', fill=False)
    time_text = ax.text(0.01, 0.97, '', transform=ax.transAxes)
    ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=None, interval=10, blit=True)
    #ani.save('particle_box.mp4', fps=30, extra_args=['-vcodec', 'libx264'])
    pos01ekfVSgt = [[] for i in range(6)] # x, xGT, y, yGT, z, zGT
    step = 0
    while simTime >= dt*step:
        step += 1
        xTrue, zNois, uNois = dataFromReal.calcInputDataset(uList[step], zList[step], GtList[step])
        relativeState = relaEKFonRealData.EKF(uNois, zNois, relativeState)
        xEsti = transform.calcAbsPosUseRelaPosWRTRob0(xTrue[:,0], relativeState, xTrue, numRob)
        cmpWhichRob = 1 # show position of cmpWhichRob calculated by rob0 and relativeState
    pos01array = np.array(pos01ekfVSgt)
    timePlot = np.arange(0, len(pos01ekfVSgt[0]))/100
    f, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(3, sharex=True)
    ax1.plot(timePlot, pos01array[0,:])
    ax1.plot(timePlot, pos01array[1,:])
    ax1.set_ylabel("x (m)")