def predict(model): # 读入模型 model = load_checkpoint(model) print('..... Finished loading model! ......') ##将模型放置在gpu上运行 if torch.cuda.is_available(): model.cuda() pred_list, _id = [], [] for i in tqdm(range(len(imgs))): img_path = imgs[i].strip() # print(img_path) _id.append(int(os.path.basename(img_path).split('.')[0])) img ='RGB') # print(type(img)) img = get_test_transform(size=cfg.INPUT_SIZE)(img).unsqueeze(0) if torch.cuda.is_available(): img = img.cuda() with torch.no_grad(): out = model(img) prediction = torch.argmax(out, dim=1).cpu().item() pred_list.append(prediction) return _id, pred_list
def save_feature(model, feature_path, label_path): ''' 提取特征,保存为pkl文件 ''' model = load_checkpoint(model) # print(model) print('..... Finished loading model! ......') ##将模型放置在gpu上运行 if torch.cuda.is_available(): model.cuda() ## 特征的维度需要自己根据特定的模型调整,我这里采用的是哪一个我也忘了 nb_features = NB_features features = np.empty((len(imgs), nb_features)) labels = [] for i in tqdm(range(len(imgs))): img_path = imgs[i].strip().split(' ')[0] label = imgs[i].strip().split(' ')[1] # print(img_path) img ='RGB') # print(type(img)) img = get_test_transform(size=cfg.INPUT_SIZE)(img).unsqueeze(0) if torch.cuda.is_available(): img = img.cuda() with torch.no_grad(): out = model.extract_features(img) # print(out.size()) out2 = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1)(out) feature = out2.view(out.size(1), -1).squeeze(1) # print(out3.size()) # print(out2.size()) features[i, :] = feature.cpu().numpy() labels.append(label) pickle.dump(features, open(feature_path, 'wb')) pickle.dump(labels, open(label_path, 'wb')) print('CNN features obtained and saved.')
def predict(): # initialize the data dictionary that will be returned from the # view data = {"success": False} # print(data) # ensure an image was properly uploaded to our endpoint if request.method == "POST": # print("Hello") if request.files.get("image"): # print("world") now = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S", time.localtime(time.time())) # read the image in PIL format image = request.files["image"].read() image ='RGB') + '.jpg') # preprocess the image and prepare it for classification img = get_test_transform(mean, std, input_size)(image).unsqueeze(0) # classify the input image and then initialize the list # of predictions to return to the client out = model(img) # print(out) pred_label = torch.max(out, 1)[1].item() # print(pred_label) data["predictions"] = [] data["predictions"].append(label_id_name_dict[str(pred_label)]) # indicate that the request was a success data["success"] = True # print(data["success"]) # return the data dictionary as a JSON response return jsonify(data)
def __init__(self, model_name, model_path): self.model_name = model_name self.model_path = model_path self.model = make_model(args) #self.model = models.__dict__['resnet50'](num_classes=54) self.use_cuda = False if torch.cuda.is_available(): print('Using GPU for inference') self.use_cuda = True self.model = torch.nn.DataParallel(self.model).cuda() checkpoint = torch.load(self.model_path) #self.model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) self.model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) else: print('Using CPU for inference') checkpoint = torch.load(self.model_path, map_location='cpu') state_dict = OrderedDict() # 训练脚本 中保存了'epoch', 'arch', 'state_dict', 'best_acc1', 'optimizer'五个key值, # 其中'state_dict'对应的value才是模型的参数。 # 训练脚本 中创建模型时用了torch.nn.DataParallel,因此模型保存时的dict都会有‘module.’的前缀, # 下面 tmp = key[7:] 这行代码的作用就是去掉‘module.’前缀 for key, value in checkpoint['state_dict'].items(): tmp = key[7:] state_dict[tmp] = value self.model.load_state_dict(state_dict) self.model.eval() #self.idx_to_class = checkpoint['idx_to_class'] #self.normalize = transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], # std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) #self.transforms = transforms.Compose([ # transforms.Resize(256), # transforms.CenterCrop(224), # transforms.ToTensor(), # self.normalize #]) self.transforms = get_test_transform([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225], 224) self.label_id_name_dict = \ { "0": "工艺品/仿唐三彩", "1": "工艺品/仿宋木叶盏", "2": "工艺品/布贴绣", "3": "工艺品/景泰蓝", "4": "工艺品/木马勺脸谱", "5": "工艺品/柳编", "6": "工艺品/葡萄花鸟纹银香囊", "7": "工艺品/西安剪纸", "8": "工艺品/陕历博唐妞系列", "9": "景点/关中书院", "10": "景点/兵马俑", "11": "景点/南五台", "12": "景点/大兴善寺", "13": "景点/大观楼", "14": "景点/大雁塔", "15": "景点/小雁塔", "16": "景点/未央宫城墙遗址", "17": "景点/水陆庵壁塑", "18": "景点/汉长安城遗址", "19": "景点/西安城墙", "20": "景点/钟楼", "21": "景点/长安华严寺", "22": "景点/阿房宫遗址", "23": "民俗/唢呐", "24": "民俗/皮影", "25": "特产/临潼火晶柿子", "26": "特产/山茱萸", "27": "特产/玉器", "28": "特产/阎良甜瓜", "29": "特产/陕北红小豆", "30": "特产/高陵冬枣", "31": "美食/八宝玫瑰镜糕", "32": "美食/凉皮", "33": "美食/凉鱼", "34": "美食/德懋恭水晶饼", "35": "美食/搅团", "36": "美食/枸杞炖银耳", "37": "美食/柿子饼", "38": "美食/浆水面", "39": "美食/灌汤包", "40": "美食/烧肘子", "41": "美食/石子饼", "42": "美食/神仙粉", "43": "美食/粉汤羊血", "44": "美食/羊肉泡馍", "45": "美食/肉夹馍", "46": "美食/荞面饸饹", "47": "美食/菠菜面", "48": "美食/蜂蜜凉粽子", "49": "美食/蜜饯张口酥饺", "50": "美食/西安油茶", "51": "美食/贵妃鸡翅", "52": "美食/醪糟", "53": "美食/金线油塔" }