예제 #1
def addEnemies2(enemies_collection, amount):
    global enemy_counter, enemy2_center
    #se inicializan los valores para el centro de rotacion
    enemy2_center[0] = 0
    enemy2_center[1] = ENEMY2_SPAWN_POSY
    #angulo para distribuir radialmente a las naves
    tempTheta = 2 * np.pi / amount
    # se distribuyen los enemigos en la pantalla segun su cantidad
    for enemy in range(amount):
        # se crea el controlador de animaciones y se inicializa
        enemy_anim = anim.Anim_Controller(enemy2_animations, [ENEMY2_SIZE, ENEMY2_SIZE * WIDTH/HEIGHT, 1], 0)
        # se define su posicion
        temp_posX = enemy2_center[0] + enemy2_radio * math.cos(tempTheta * enemy) * 2.5
        temp_posY = enemy2_center[1] + enemy2_radio * math.sin(tempTheta * enemy)* WIDTH / HEIGHT

        # se crea un nodo que contiene la animacion y que la voltea
        scaled_enemy = sg.SceneGraphNode("scaled_enemy")
        scaled_enemy.transform = tr.rotationZ(np.pi)
        scaled_enemy.childs += [enemy_anim]

        # se crea un nodo con una gpuShape que servira para detectar las colisiones y verlas si se quiere
        collision_node = sg.SceneGraphNode("collision_enemy2")
        collision_node.transform = tr.scale(1, 1* WIDTH / HEIGHT, 1)
        collision_node.childs +=  [es.toGPUShape(cl.createCircleHitbox(ENEMY2_HITBOX_RADIO, 10, 0, 1, 0))]

        # se crea uno nodo/objeto CollisionShape que tiene informacion y metodos para detectar colisiones con respecto de una gpuShape
        scaled_collision = cl.CollisionShape("scaled_collision", ENEMY2_HITBOX_RADIO, True)
        scaled_collision.transform = tr.rotationZ(np.pi)
        scaled_collision.childs += [collision_node]

        # se crea el objeto enemy que contendra como nodos hijos a la animacion y la hitbox
        enemy_object = enemyObject("enemy" + str(enemy_counter))
        enemy_object.theta = tempTheta * enemy
        enemy_object.enemy = 2 # es el tercer tipo de enemigos
        # se traslada la nave en la pantalla a su posicion inicial
        enemy_object.transform = tr.translate(temp_posX, temp_posY, 0)
        enemy_object.position[0] = temp_posX
        enemy_object.position[1] = temp_posY
        enemy_object.position[2] = 0
        enemy_object.velocity = [0, ENEMY2_CENTER_SPEED, 0] #se indica la velocidad del centro de rotacion
        enemy_object.childs += [scaled_enemy] #se agrega la animacion
        enemy_object.childs += [scaled_collision] #se agrega la hitbox
        enemy_object.childs[1].parent = enemy_object # se agrega la referencia de padre al objeto CollisionShape

        # se le agrega la animacion de su bala correspondiente
        enemy_object.bullet_animations = bullet2_animation
        enemy_counter += 1

        # se agrega el objeto enemy a la coleccion de enemigos
        enemies_collection.childs += [enemy_object]
예제 #2
def createFish(r, g, b):
    gpu_body = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorCube(r, g, b))
    gpu_tail = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorCube(r, g, b))

    # Body of the fish
    body = sg.SceneGraphNode('body')
    body.transform = tr.matmul([tr.uniformScale(2), tr.scale(0.6, 0.2, 0.3)])
    body.childs += [gpu_body]

    # Tail of the fish
    tail = sg.SceneGraphNode('tail')
    tail.transform = tr.matmul([tr.uniformScale(2), tr.translate(-0.4, 0, 0), tr.scale(0.2, 0.05, 0.2)])
    tail.childs += [gpu_tail]

    tailRotation = sg.SceneGraphNode('tailRotation')
    tailRotation.childs += [tail]

    # Creating the fish
    fish = sg.SceneGraphNode('fish')
    fish.childs += [body]
    fish.childs += [tailRotation]

    return fish
예제 #3
def createShot():
    gpuWhiteQuad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(1, 1, 1))

    # Creating a single shot
    shot = sg.SceneGraphNode("shot")
    shot.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(ship.pos_x, ship.pos_y, 0), tr.scale(0.1, 0.3, 0), tr.uniformScale(0.2)])
    shot.childs += [gpuWhiteQuad]

    shots = sg.SceneGraphNode("shots")
    shots.childs += [shot]
    shots.pos_x = ship.pos_x
    shots.pos_y = ship.pos_y

    return shots
예제 #4
    def __init__(self):
        gpu_egg = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0.7, .7, .7))

        egg = sg.SceneGraphNode('egg')
        width = random.choice([0.1, 0.2])
        long = random.choice([0.1, 0.2])
        egg.transform = tr.scale(width, long, 1)
        egg.childs += [gpu_egg]

        egg_tr = sg.SceneGraphNode('eggTR')
        egg_tr.childs += [egg]

        self.pos_y = 1
        self.pos_x = random.choice([-1, 0, 1])  # LOGICA
        self.model = egg_tr
예제 #5
def create_gameover_screen(filename):
    # filename - File path of game over texture
    # Load background image
    gpuGameOver = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad(filename), GL_REPEAT,

    #Create two background copies to have a scrolling effect
    gameover = sg.SceneGraphNode("gameover")
    gameover.transform = tr.scale(2, 2, 1)
    gameover.childs = [gpuGameOver]

    # Node to control vertical movement of the two gameovers objects
    gameoverVertical = sg.SceneGraphNode("gameoverVertical")
    gameoverVertical.childs = [gameover]
    return gameoverVertical
예제 #6
    def game_over(self):
        gpu_game_over = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("game_over.png"),
                                      GL_CLAMP, GL_NEAREST)

        game_over = sg.SceneGraphNode('game_over_banner')
        game_over.transform = tr.matmul(
            [tr.scale(2.3, 1 / 5, 0),
             tr.translate(0, 0, 0)])  # traslation to top was 4.5
        game_over.childs += [gpu_game_over]

        game_over_tr = sg.SceneGraphNode('game_over_banner_TR')
        game_over_tr.childs += [game_over]

        self.g_over = game_over_tr
        self.alive = False
예제 #7
def setupPlayer(image, main_node):
    #Se crean los distintos frames para cada animacion, recortando la imagen
    ship_frames1 = anim.createFrames(image, [128, 128], [0, 0], [2], [0, 0]) #animacion para avanzar
    ship_frames2 = anim.createFrames(image, [128, 128], [0, 0], [2], [0, 1]) #animacion para retroceder
    hurt_frames = anim.createFrames(image, [128, 128], [0, 0], [2], [2, 2]) # animacion cuando le llega una bala
    explode_frames = anim.createFrames(image, [128, 128], [0, 0], [2, 5], [2, 0]) # animacion de explosion

    #se crea un diccionario con las animaciones
    ship_animations = {}
    ship_animations["fast"] = anim.Animation(ship_frames1, 12, True, False)
    ship_animations["slow"] = anim.Animation(ship_frames2, 12, True, False)
    ship_animations["hurt"] = anim.Animation(hurt_frames, 12, True, False)
    ship_animations["explode"] = anim.Animation(explode_frames, 9, False, False)

    #se crea el controlador de animaciones y se inicializa
    ship_Anim = anim.Anim_Controller(ship_animations, [PLAYER_SIZE, WIDTH / HEIGHT * PLAYER_SIZE, 1], 0)

    #se crea un nodo que contiene la animacion
    anim_node = sg.SceneGraphNode("anim_player")
    anim_node.childs += [ship_Anim]

    # se crea un nodo con una gpuShape que servira para detectar las colisiones y verlas si se quiere
    collision_node = sg.SceneGraphNode("collision_player")
    collision_node.childs +=  [es.toGPUShape(cl.createCircleHitbox(PLAYER_HITBOX_RADIO, 10, 0, 1, 0))]

    # se crea uno nodo/objeto CollisionShape que tiene informacion y metodos para detectar colisiones con respecto de una gpuShape
    scaled_collision = cl.CollisionShape("scaled_collision", PLAYER_HITBOX_RADIO, True)
    # se escala la hitbox para que tenga el mismo tamaño que la textura
    scaled_collision.transform = tr.scale(1, 1 * WIDTH/HEIGHT, 1)
    scaled_collision.childs += [collision_node]

    # se crea el objeto player que contendra como nodos hijos a la animacion y la hitbox
    player_gameObject = playerObject("player")
    # se traslada la nave en la pantalla a su posicion inicial
    player_gameObject.transform = tr.translate(0, -0.5, 0)
    player_gameObject.position[0] = 0
    player_gameObject.position[1] = -0.5
    player_gameObject.position[2] = 0
    player_gameObject.childs += [anim_node] #se agrega la animacion
    player_gameObject.childs += [scaled_collision] #se agrega la hitbox
    player_gameObject.childs[1].parent = player_gameObject # se agrega la referencia de padre al objeto CollisionShape

    #agrega el objeto player a la escena principal
    main_node.childs += [player_gameObject]

    #retorna la referencia al objeto player
    return go.findNode(main_node, "player")
예제 #8
def createLifeBar(green=True):

    channel = int(green)

    vertices = [
        #   positions         colors
        1 - channel,
        1 - channel,
        1 - channel,

    # Defining connections among vertices
    indices = [0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0]

    gpuShape = es.toGPUShape(bs.Shape(vertices, indices))

    # Creating an elongated bar
    scaledBar = sg.SceneGraphNode("scaledBar")
    scaledBar.transform = tr.scale(0.1, 0.03, 1)
    scaledBar.childs += [gpuShape]

    bar = sg.SceneGraphNode("bar")
    bar.childs += [scaledBar]

    return bar
예제 #9
    def __init__(self):
        gpu_egg = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorTriangle(0.47, .19, .0))

        #creamos una base y altura aleatoria para las montañas
        base = random.uniform(0.5, 3)
        altura = random.uniform(0.5, 2)

        egg = sg.SceneGraphNode('egg')
        egg.transform = tr.scale(base, altura, 1)
        egg.childs += [gpu_egg]

        egg_tr = sg.SceneGraphNode('eggTR')
        egg_tr.childs += [egg]

        self.pos_x = 3  # LOGICA
        self.pos_y = -0.2
        self.model = egg_tr
예제 #10
    def __init__(self):
        gpu_nube = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0.8, 0.8, 0.8))

        #creamos una base y altura aleatoria para las montañas
        base = random.uniform(0.1, 0.5)
        altura = random.uniform(0.1, 0.5)

        nube = sg.SceneGraphNode('nube')
        nube.transform = tr.scale(base, altura, 1)
        nube.childs += [gpu_nube]

        nube_tr = sg.SceneGraphNode('nubeTR')
        nube_tr.childs += [nube]

        self.pos_x = 2  # LOGICA
        self.pos_y = random.uniform(0.2, 1.)
        self.model = nube_tr
예제 #11
def circulo(grab):
    circulo = sg.SceneGraphNode("")
    theta = 0
    while theta <= np.pi:
        diff = sg.SceneGraphNode("")
        diff.transform = tr.matmul([tr.scale(0.05, 1, 0), tr.rotationZ(theta)])
        if grab:
            diff.childs += [createQuad(255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0)]  #ROJO
            diff.childs += [createQuad(0, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0)]  #VERDE
        circulo.childs += [diff]
        theta += 2 * np.pi / 65

    circulo.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.uniformScale(0.5), tr.translate(-0.35, 0, 0)])

    return circulo
예제 #12
    def __init__(self, texture_monkey, texture_monkey_jumping,
                 texture_monkey_left, texture_monkey_right):
        # Creating shapes on GPU memory
        gpu_monkey_texture = es.toGPUShape(
            bs.createTextureCube(texture_monkey), GL_REPEAT, GL_LINEAR)
        gpu_monkey_texture_jumping = es.toGPUShape(
            bs.createTextureCube(texture_monkey_jumping), GL_REPEAT, GL_LINEAR)
        gpu_monkey_texture_left = es.toGPUShape(
            bs.createTextureCube(texture_monkey_left), GL_REPEAT, GL_LINEAR)
        gpu_monkey_texture_right = es.toGPUShape(
            bs.createTextureCube(texture_monkey_right), GL_REPEAT, GL_LINEAR)

        # Saving textures
        self.gpu_texture_monkey = gpu_monkey_texture
        self.gpu_texture_jumping = gpu_monkey_texture_jumping
        self.gpu_texture_left = gpu_monkey_texture_left
        self.gpu_texture_right = gpu_monkey_texture_right

        # Setting positions
        self.position_x = 0
        self.position_y = -1 + 0.1 + 0.2
        self.position_y_original = self.position_y
        self.position_x_original = self.position_x

        # Setting Graph
        body = sg.SceneGraphNode('body')
        body.transform = tr.uniformScale(1)
        body.childs += [gpu_monkey_texture]

        monkey = sg.SceneGraphNode('monkey')
        monkey.transform = tr.matmul([
            tr.translate(self.position_x, self.position_y, 0),
            tr.scale(0.4, 0.4, 0)
        monkey.childs += [body]

        transform_monkey = sg.SceneGraphNode('monkeyTR')
        transform_monkey.childs += [monkey]

        # Setting other useful variables
        self.model = transform_monkey
        self.aiming_x = self.position_x
        self.aiming_y = self.position_y
        self.is_falling = False
        self.is_jumping = False
예제 #13
    def Draw(self, color_pipeline, projection, view):
        if self.dibujo:
            self.transform = tr.matmul([
                tr.scale(2, 2, 0.3),
                tr.translate(self.posx, self.posy, self.posz)
                                     'projection'), 1, GL_TRUE, projection)
                glGetUniformLocation(color_pipeline.shaderProgram, 'view'), 1,
                GL_TRUE, view)
                glGetUniformLocation(color_pipeline.shaderProgram, 'model'), 1,
                GL_TRUE, self.transform)

예제 #14
def createEnemyShot():
    gpuRedQuad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(1, 0, 0))

    # Creating a single enemy shot
    enemyShot = sg.SceneGraphNode("enemyShot")
    enemyShot.transform = tr.matmul([
        tr.translate(enemyShip.pos_x, enemyShip.pos_y, 0),
        tr.scale(0.1, 0.3, 0),
    enemyShot.childs += [gpuRedQuad]

    enemyShots = sg.SceneGraphNode("enemyShots")
    enemyShots.childs += [enemyShot]
    enemyShots.pos_x = enemyShip.pos_x
    enemyShots.pos_y = enemyShip.pos_y

    return enemyShots
예제 #15
    def __init__(self, frame_width, frame_height, tiles=50):
        self.tiles = min(50, max(10, tiles))
        self.frame_dim = [frame_width, frame_height]
        self.locationX = int(self.tiles / 2)
        self.locationY = int(self.tiles / 2)
        self.last_position = [self.locationX, self.locationY]
        self.last_direction = "A"  # "A" means "left" according to our WASD control buttons
        self.next_direction = "A"
        self.face_orientation = "A"
        self.life_status = True
        self.body_queue = []
        self.movement_queue = []
        self.occupied_positions = [[self.last_position]]

        self.recently_added_body = False

        self.gpu_body = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("question_box.png"),
                                      GL_CLAMP, GL_NEAREST)

        self.current_apple = None

        # Aspect ratio
        ar = frame_height / frame_width
        self.dimensions = [ar * 0.95 * 2 * 4 / 5, 0.95 * 2 * 4 / 5]

        gpu_snake = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("boo_l.png"), GL_CLAMP,

        snake_head = sg.SceneGraphNode('snake_head')
        snake_head.transform = tr.matmul([
            tr.scale(self.dimensions[0] / self.tiles,
                     self.dimensions[1] / self.tiles, 0),
            tr.translate(-self.tiles / 2 + self.locationX + 0.5,
                         -self.tiles / 2 + self.locationY - 0.5, 0)
        snake_head.childs += [gpu_snake]

        snake = sg.SceneGraphNode('snake')
        snake.childs += [snake_head]

        snake_tr = sg.SceneGraphNode('snake_TR')
        snake_tr.childs += [snake]

        self.model = snake_tr
예제 #16
def addEnemies0(enemies_collection, amount):
    global enemy_counter
    #se distribuyen los enemigos en la pantalla segun su cantidad
    for enemy in range(amount):
        # se crea el controlador de animaciones y se inicializa
        enemy_anim = anim.Anim_Controller(enemy0_animations, [ENEMY0_SIZE, ENEMY0_SIZE * WIDTH/HEIGHT, 1], 0)
        #se define su posicion horizontal
        temp_posX = -1 + 1/amount -0.05 + enemy*(2/amount)

        # se crea un nodo que contiene la animacion y que la voltea
        scaled_enemy = sg.SceneGraphNode("scaled_enemy")
        scaled_enemy.transform = tr.rotationZ(np.pi)
        scaled_enemy.childs += [enemy_anim]

        # se crea un nodo con una gpuShape que servira para detectar las colisiones y verlas si se quiere
        collision_node = sg.SceneGraphNode("collision_enemy0")
        collision_node.transform = tr.scale(1, 1* WIDTH / HEIGHT, 1)
        collision_node.childs +=  [es.toGPUShape(cl.createCircleHitbox(ENEMY0_HITBOX_RADIO, 10, 0, 1, 0))]

        # se crea uno nodo/objeto CollisionShape que tiene informacion y metodos para detectar colisiones con respecto de una gpuShape
        scaled_collision = cl.CollisionShape("scaled_collision", ENEMY0_HITBOX_RADIO, True)
        scaled_collision.transform = tr.rotationZ(np.pi)
        scaled_collision.childs += [collision_node]

        # se crea el objeto enemy que contendra como nodos hijos a la animacion y la hitbox
        enemy_object = enemyObject("enemy" + str(enemy_counter))
        enemy_object.enemy = 0 # es el primer tipo de enmigos
        # se traslada la nave en la pantalla a su posicion inicial
        enemy_object.transform = tr.translate(temp_posX, ENEMY0_SPAWN_POSY, 0)
        enemy_object.position[0] = temp_posX
        enemy_object.position[1] = ENEMY0_SPAWN_POSY
        enemy_object.position[2] = 0
        #se indica su velocidad
        enemy_object.velocity = [0, ENEMY0_SPAWN_SPEED, 0]
        enemy_object.childs += [scaled_enemy] #se agrega la animacion
        enemy_object.childs += [scaled_collision] #se agrega la hitbox
        enemy_object.childs[1].parent = enemy_object # se agrega la referencia de padre al objeto CollisionShape

        #se le agrega la animacion de su bala correspondiente
        enemy_object.bullet_animations = bullet0_animation
        enemy_counter += 1
        #se agrega el objeto enemy a la collecion de enemigos
        enemies_collection.childs += [enemy_object]
예제 #17
    def get_transform(self):
        # return -  A matrix tranform for the branch model
        # Asumes shape of dimension 1 in every axis and centered in origin
        scale = tr.scale(self.diameter, self.diameter, self.length)

        # Create rotation matrix
        up = np.cross(self.side,self.forward)
        up = up/np.linalg.norm(up)
        traslation = (self.origin+self.end)/2
        look = np.array([
            [up[0],       self.side[0],    self.forward[0], traslation[0]],
            [up[1],     self.side[1],   self.forward[1], traslation[1]],
            [up[2], self.side[2], self.forward[2], traslation[2]],
            ], dtype = np.float32)

        return tr.matmul([ look, scale])
예제 #18
def createCannon():

    gpuGrayQuad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0.8, 0.8, 0.8))
    gpuDarkQuad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0.3, 0.3, 0.3))

    # A cannon is made of a tunnel section and a head
    tunnel = sg.SceneGraphNode("tunnel")
    tunnel.transform = tr.scale(0.1, 0.4, 1)
    tunnel.childs += [gpuGrayQuad]

    head = sg.SceneGraphNode("head")
    head.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0, -0.2, 0), tr.uniformScale(0.15)])
    head.childs += [gpuDarkQuad]

    cannon = sg.SceneGraphNode("simpleCannon")
    cannon.childs += [tunnel]
    cannon.childs += [head]

    return cannon
예제 #19
    def __init__(self, texture, position_x, position_y):
        # Creating shapes on GPU memory
        gpu_structure = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureCube(texture), GL_REPEAT,

        # Setting Graph
        structure = sg.SceneGraphNode('structure')
        width = 2 / 3
        length = 0.1
        structure.transform = tr.scale(width, length, 1)
        structure.childs += [gpu_structure]

        structure_tr = sg.SceneGraphNode('structureTR')
        structure_tr.childs += [structure]

        # Setting positions
        self.pos_y = position_y + 0.05  # -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5
        self.pos_x = position_x  # -2/3, 0, 2/3
        self.model = structure_tr
        self.model.transform = tr.translate(self.pos_x, self.pos_y, 0)
예제 #20
    def __init__(self, texture, position_x, position_y):
        # Creating shape on GPU memory
        gpu_banana = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureCube(texture), GL_REPEAT,

        # Setting Graph
        banana = sg.SceneGraphNode('banana')
        width = 2 / 3
        length = 0.3
        banana.transform = tr.scale(width, length, 1)
        banana.childs += [gpu_banana]

        banana_tr = sg.SceneGraphNode('bananaTR')
        banana_tr.childs += [banana]

        # Setting positions
        self.pos_y = position_y + 0.05 + 0.17  # -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5 / + 0.5 +0.1
        self.pos_x = position_x  # -2/3, 0, 2/3
        self.model = banana_tr
        self.model.transform = tr.translate(self.pos_x, self.pos_y, 0)
예제 #21
    def __init__(self, nEnemies, screenWidth, screenHeight, controller):
        # nenemies - Number of enemies to spawn
        # screenWidth - Game screen width
        # screenHeight - Game screen height
        # controller - Controller instance of the game

        # Start clock
        self.ltime = 0.0
        # reference to the gaplayerme controller

        # Create game scene
        self.gameScene = sg.SceneGraphNode("gameScene")
        self.gameScene.transform = tr.scale(screenHeight / screenWidth, 1.0,

        # Load game models
        enemyModel = gs.create_enemy((0.5, 0, 0.38), (0.0, 0.38, 0.5))
        enemyModel2 = gs.create_enemy((0.73, 0.42, 0.34), (0.19, 0.28, 0.37))
        enemyModel3 = gs.create_enemy((0.03, 25, 0.47), (0.41, 0.45, 0.40))
        self.enemyModels = [enemyModel, enemyModel2, enemyModel3]
        self.playerModel = gs.create_player()
        self.playerShotModel = gs.create_shot(0.9, 0.5, 0.0)
        self.enemyShotModel = gs.create_shot(0.4, 0.2, 1.0)
        self.explosionmodel = gs.create_explosion()
        self.hpBlockModel = gs.create_hp_block()

        # Spawn player
        self.player = Player("player", 0.0, -0.75, self.ltime, controller,

        # Objects list
        self.playerShots = []
        self.enemyShots = []
        self.enemies = []

        # Game status
        self.state = G_ONGOING
        self.remainingEnemies = nEnemies
        self.wave = 0
        self.lastEnemyTimer = 0.0  #time of last enemy death
        self.waitSpawn = False
예제 #22
def setupHearts(image, main_node):
    #recorta la imagen de los corazones y crea una gpuShape
    heart_Image =anim.createFrames(image, [128, 128], [0, 0], [1], [1, 2])
    heartGPU = heart_Image[0]
    #se crea la coleccion de corazones
    hearts_collection = sg.SceneGraphNode("hearts")
    #se añaden los corazones con los parametros definidos
    for i in range(3):
        heart = sg.SceneGraphNode("heart")
        heart.transform = tr.scale(HEART_SIZE, HEART_SIZE * WIDTH/HEIGHT, 1)
        heart.childs += [heartGPU]

        scaledHeart = go.gameObject("scaledHeart")
        scaledHeart.transform = tr.translate(HEART1_POSX + i*HEARTS_LENGTH/2, HEARTS_POSY, 0)
        scaledHeart.childs += [heart]

        hearts_collection.childs += [scaledHeart]
    #se agregan los corazones al nodo principal
    main_node.childs += [hearts_collection]
    #retorna la referencia a la coleccion de corazones
    return go.findNode(main_node, "hearts")
예제 #23
    def add_body(self):
        posX = self.body_queue[
            len(self.body_queue) - 1]["last_position"][0] if len(
                self.body_queue) > 0 else self.last_position[0]
        posY = self.body_queue[
            len(self.body_queue) - 1]["last_position"][1] if len(
                self.body_queue) > 0 else self.last_position[1]
        snake_body = sg.SceneGraphNode(f'snake_body_{len(self.body_queue)}')
        snake_body.transform = tr.matmul([
            tr.scale(self.dimensions[0] / self.tiles,
                     self.dimensions[1] / self.tiles, 0),
            tr.translate(-self.tiles / 2 + posX + 0.5,
                         -self.tiles / 2 + posY - 0.5, 0)
        snake_body.childs += [self.gpu_body]

            "name": f'snake_body_{len(self.body_queue)}',
            "position": [posX, posY],
            "last_position": [posX, posY]

        sg.findNode(self.model, "snake").childs += [snake_body]
예제 #24
    def __init__(self, r):
        gpu_barra = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) #creamos un cuadrado
        barra = sg.SceneGraphNode('barra') #generamos un nodo para el cuadrado
        barra.transform = tr.scale(0.7,0.1, 1) #lo escalamos al tamaño que queremos 
        barra.childs += [gpu_barra]

        transform_barra1 = sg.SceneGraphNode('barraTR')# generamos un nodo para el objeto barra
        transform_barra1.childs += [barra]

        self.model = transform_barra1
        self.pos_y = 1
        #con esto se lee el lo que traia el archivo structure.csv y coloca barras en los unos 
        if len(r)!=0:
            if p[0]=="1":
            if p[2]=="1":
            if p[4]=="1":
예제 #25
    def __init__(self):
        # Figuras básicas
        gpu_red = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(1, 0, 0))
        gpu_grey = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0.7, 0.7, 0.7))
        gpu_dark_blue = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0., 0.1, 0.4))
        #creamos un medidor de revoluciones
        rojo = sg.SceneGraphNode('rojo')  # cuarto de circulo generico
        rojo.transform = tr.matmul(
            [tr.translate(0.3, 0, 0),
        rojo.childs += [gpu_red]

        dblue = sg.SceneGraphNode('dblue')
        dblue.transform = tr.matmul(
            [tr.translate(0.3, -0.3, 0),
        dblue.childs += [gpu_dark_blue]

        grey = sg.SceneGraphNode('grey')
        grey.transform = tr.matmul(
            [tr.translate(0, -0.3, 0),
        grey.childs += [gpu_grey]

        # Ensamblamos el mono
        bot = sg.SceneGraphNode('bot')
        bot.transform = tr.matmul(
            [tr.translate(0.65, -0.55, 0),
             tr.scale(0.7, 1, 1)])
        bot.childs += [rojo, dblue, grey]

        translate_bot = sg.SceneGraphNode('botTR')
        translate_bot.childs += [bot]

        self.model = bot
        self.pos = 0
예제 #26
def create_scene():
    gpu_cuchillo = os.toGPUShape(bs.createColorCuchillo(1, 1, 0))
    gpu_green_triangle = os.toGPUShape(bs.createColorTriangle(0, 1, 0))
    gpu_yellow_triangle = os.toGPUShape(bs.createColorTriangle(1, 1, 0))
    gpu_green_quad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(1, 1, 0))
    gpu_yellow_quad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0, 1, 0))
    gpu_yellow_d = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorD(0, 1, 0))

    # El cuchillo
    cuchillo = sg.SceneGraphNode('cuchillo')
    cuchillo.transform = tr.matmul([
        tr.translate(-8 / 15, -1 / 22, 0),
        tr.scale(3, 3, 1),
    cuchillo.childs += [gpu_cuchillo]

    # La mesa
    mc1 = sg.SceneGraphNode('mc1')
    mc1.transform = tr.scale(4, 4, 1)
    mc1.childs += [gpu_yellow_quad]

    mt1 = sg.SceneGraphNode('mt1')
    mt1.transform = tr.translate(-1 / 15, -3 / 22, 0)
    mt1.childs += [gpu_yellow_quad]

    mt2 = sg.SceneGraphNode('mt2')
    mt2.transform = tr.translate(1 / 15, -3 / 22, 0)
    mt2.childs += [gpu_yellow_quad]

    MesaT = sg.SceneGraphNode('MesaT')
    MesaT.childs += [mt1, mt2]
    MesaT.transform = tr.scale(2, 2, 1)

    Mesa = sg.SceneGraphNode('Mesa')
    Mesa.childs += [MesaT, mc1]
    Mesa.transform = tr.matmul([
        tr.translate(5 / 15, 8 / 22, 0),
        tr.scale(2, 1.5, 1),

    # El Árbol
    ac1 = sg.SceneGraphNode('ac1')
    ac1.transform = tr.scale(2, 2, 1)
    ac1.childs += [gpu_green_quad]

    at1 = sg.SceneGraphNode('at1')
    at1.transform = tr.translate(-1 / 15, 0, 0)
    at1.childs += [gpu_green_triangle]

    at2 = sg.SceneGraphNode('at2')
    at2.transform = tr.translate(1 / 15, 0, 0)
    at2.childs += [gpu_green_triangle]

    Rama1 = sg.SceneGraphNode('Rama1')
    Rama1.childs += [at1, at2]
    Rama1.transform = tr.translate(0, 4 / 22, 0)

    at3 = sg.SceneGraphNode('at3')
    at3.transform = tr.translate(-1 / 15, 0, 0)
    at3.childs += [gpu_green_triangle]

    at4 = sg.SceneGraphNode('at4')
    at4.transform = tr.translate(1 / 15, 0, 0)
    at4.childs += [gpu_green_triangle]

    Rama2 = sg.SceneGraphNode('Rama2')
    Rama2.childs += [at3, at4]
    Rama2.transform = tr.translate(0, 2 / 22, 0)

    ArbolT = sg.SceneGraphNode('ArbolT')
    ArbolT.childs += [Rama1, Rama2]
    ArbolT.transform = tr.scale(2, 2, 1)

    Arbol = sg.SceneGraphNode('Arbol')
    Arbol.childs += [ArbolT, ac1]
    Arbol.transform = tr.matmul([
        tr.translate(6 / 15, -13 / 22, 0),
        tr.scale(4, 2, 1),

    # La Firma

    d = sg.SceneGraphNode('d')
    d.transform = tr.translate(7 / 22, 0, 0)
    d.childs += [gpu_yellow_d]

    i1 = sg.SceneGraphNode('i1')
    i1.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(-1 / 15, 3.5 / 22, 0),
         tr.scale(1, 6, 1)])
    i1.childs += [gpu_green_quad]

    i2 = sg.SceneGraphNode('i2')
    i2.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(-1 / 15, 0.5 / 22, 0),
         tr.scale(2, 5, 1)])
    i2.childs += [gpu_green_quad]

    i3 = sg.SceneGraphNode('i3')
    i3.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(-1 / 15, -2.5 / 22, 0),
         tr.scale(1, 6, 1)])
    i3.childs += [gpu_green_quad]

    i = sg.SceneGraphNode('i')
    i.childs += [i1, i2, i3]

    Firma = sg.SceneGraphNode('Firma')
    Firma.childs += [i, d]
    Firma.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(-10 / 15, 19 / 22, 0)])

    # El Cepillo de Dientes

    ct1 = sg.SceneGraphNode('ct1')
    ct1.transform = tr.translate(0, 1 / 22, 0)
    ct1.childs += [gpu_green_triangle]

    ct2 = sg.SceneGraphNode('ct2')
    ct2.transform = tr.translate(0, 3 / 22, 0)
    ct2.childs += [gpu_green_triangle]

    ct3 = sg.SceneGraphNode('ct3')
    ct3.transform = tr.translate(0, 5 / 22, 0)
    ct3.childs += [gpu_green_triangle]

    CepilloT = sg.SceneGraphNode('CepilloT')
    CepilloT.childs += [ct1, ct2, ct3]
    CepilloT.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(-3 / 15, 0, 0),
         tr.scale(2, 2, 1)])

    cc1 = sg.SceneGraphNode('cc1')
    cc1.transform = tr.translate(0, 5 / 22, 0)
    cc1.childs += [gpu_green_quad]

    cc2 = sg.SceneGraphNode('cc2')
    cc2.transform = tr.translate(0, 3 / 22, 0)
    cc2.childs += [gpu_green_quad]

    cc3 = sg.SceneGraphNode('cc3')
    cc3.transform = tr.translate(0, 1 / 22, 0)
    cc3.childs += [gpu_green_quad]

    cc4 = sg.SceneGraphNode('cc4')
    cc4.transform = tr.translate(0, -1 / 22, 0)
    cc4.childs += [gpu_green_quad]

    cc5 = sg.SceneGraphNode('cc5')
    cc5.transform = tr.translate(0, -3 / 22, 0)
    cc5.childs += [gpu_green_quad]

    cc6 = sg.SceneGraphNode('cc6')
    cc6.transform = tr.translate(0, -5 / 22, 0)
    cc6.childs += [gpu_green_quad]

    CepilloC = sg.SceneGraphNode('CepilloC')
    CepilloC.childs += [ct1, ct2, ct3]
    CepilloC.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(-1 / 15, 0, 0),
         tr.scale(2, 2, 1)])

    Cepillo = sg.SceneGraphNode('Cepillo')
    Cepillo.childs += [CepilloT, CepilloC]
    Cepillo.transform = tr.matmul([
        tr.translate(2 / 15, -20 / 22, 0),
        tr.scale(0.5, 1.5, 1),

    # el Mundo
    mundo = sg.SceneGraphNode('mundo')
    mundo.childs += [Mesa, Arbol, Cepillo, cuchillo, Firma]

    return mundo
예제 #27
 def draw(self, pipeline):
     self.tra= tr.matmul([tr.translate(0, self.pos, 0),tr.uniformScale(2), tr.scale(-1, -1, 1)])
     glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(pipeline.shaderProgram, "transform"), 1, GL_TRUE, self.tra)
예제 #28
    def __init__(self, tamaño):
        self.tamaño = tamaño

        # Figuras básicas
        gpu_esquina_quad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0, 0, 0))  # negro
        gpu_grilla_quad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0.9, 0.9,
                                                           0.9))  # gris
        gpu_gameover = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0, 0, 1))  # azul

        gameover = sg.SceneGraphNode('gameover')
        gameover.transform = tr.uniformScale(2)
        gameover.child = [gpu_gameover]

        esquina_vertical = sg.SceneGraphNode('esquinaVertical')
        esquina_vertical.transform = tr.scale(d * 4 / self.tamaño, 2, 1)
        esquina_vertical.childs += [gpu_esquina_quad]

        esquina_horizontal = sg.SceneGraphNode('esquinaHorizontal')
        esquina_horizontal.transform = tr.scale(2, d * 4 / self.tamaño, 1)
        esquina_horizontal.childs += [gpu_esquina_quad]

        esquina_der = sg.SceneGraphNode('esquinaDerecha')
        esquina_der.transform = tr.translate(1, 0, 0)
        esquina_der.childs += [esquina_vertical]

        esquina_izq = sg.SceneGraphNode('esquinaIzquierda')
        esquina_izq.transform = tr.translate(-1, 0, 0)
        esquina_izq.childs += [esquina_vertical]

        esquina_sup = sg.SceneGraphNode('esquinaIzquierda')
        esquina_sup.transform = tr.translate(0, 1, 0)
        esquina_sup.childs += [esquina_horizontal]

        esquina_inf = sg.SceneGraphNode('esquinaIzquierda')
        esquina_inf.transform = tr.translate(0, -1, 0)
        esquina_inf.childs += [esquina_horizontal]

        cuadrado = sg.SceneGraphNode('cuadrado')
        cuadrado.transform = tr.uniformScale(d * 2 / self.tamaño)
        cuadrado.childs += [gpu_grilla_quad]

        grilla = sg.SceneGraphNode('grilla')
        grilla.transform = tr.translate(-1 + d * 3 / self.tamaño,
                                        1 - d * 3 / self.tamaño, 1)
        grilla.childs += [cuadrado]

        fondo = sg.SceneGraphNode('fondo')

        baseName = "cuadrado"
        for i in range(math.ceil(tamaño / 2) - 1):
            for j in range(tamaño):
                if j % 2 == 0:
                    x = -1 + d * (3 / self.tamaño + 4 * i / self.tamaño)
                    y = -1 + d * (3 / self.tamaño + 2 * j / self.tamaño)
                    x = -1 + d * (5 / self.tamaño + 4 * i / self.tamaño)
                    y = -1 + d * (3 / self.tamaño + 2 * j / self.tamaño)
                newNode = sg.SceneGraphNode(baseName + str(i))
                newNode.transform = tr.translate(x, y, 1)
                newNode.childs += [cuadrado]
                fondo.childs += [newNode]

        fondo.childs += [esquina_der, esquina_izq, esquina_sup, esquina_inf]

        self.model = fondo
		view = tr.lookAt(
			np.array([0 + x,-0.0015 + y,7 + z]),
			np.array([x, y,0]),

		# Clearing the screen in both, color and depth

		nodoAnterior = sg.findNode(malla, "T" + cursoAnterior.codigo)
		tapaAnt = nodoAnterior.childs[1]
		nodoAnterior.childs = [cuboR, tapaAnt]

		nodoAnterior = sg.findNode(malla, cursoAnterior.codigo)
		nodoAnterior.transform = tr.scale(1,1,1)

		for requisitoAnt in cursoAnterior.requisitos:
			nodoReqAnt = sg.findNode(malla, "T" + requisitoAnt)
			tapaReqAnt = nodoReqAnt.childs[1]
			nodoReqAnt.childs = [cuboR, tapaReqAnt]

			nodoReqAnt = sg.findNode(malla, requisitoAnt)
			nodoReqAnt.transform = tr.scale(1,1,1)

		for requisitoDeAnt in cursoAnterior.requisitosDe:
			nodoReqDeAnt = sg.findNode(malla, "T" + requisitoDeAnt)
			tapaReqDeAnt = nodoReqDeAnt.childs[1]
			nodoReqDeAnt.childs = [cuboR, tapaReqDeAnt]

			nodoReqDeAnt = sg.findNode(malla, requisitoDeAnt)
예제 #30
def createCar(r, g, b, foc=False, turbo=False):

    if not foc:  #El proposito de este if es cambiar las luces delanteras del auto, de manera que si foc != False, los focos estan prendidos (amarillos)
        rf = 0.8
        gf = 0.8
        bf = 0.8
    else:  #Aqui se aplica el color amarillo para el caso de que foc no sea False
        rf = 0.9686
        gf = 0.9412
        bf = 0

    #Se crean las figuras que se utilizaran para la creacion del auto
    gpuBlackCirc = es.toGPUShape(bs.createCircle([0, 0, 0]))
    gpuWhiteCirc = es.toGPUShape(bs.createCircle([0.8, 0.8, 0.8]))
    gpuBlueQuad = es.toGPUShape(
        bs.createColorQuad(r, g, b)
    )  #Se dejan los colores como variables para que Don Pedro pueda elegir el color de auto que mas le gusta
    gpuFocQuad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(rf, gf, bf))
    gpuRedQuad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(1, 0, 0))
    gpuSBQuad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0.5922, 0.9569, 1))

    #Se crea la parte interna de la rueda de color blanco
    little_wheel = sg.SceneGraphNode("little_wheel")
    little_wheel.transform = tr.uniformScale(0.08)
    little_wheel.childs += [gpuWhiteCirc]

    # Se crea la parte negra de la rueda (la más externa)
    big_wheel = sg.SceneGraphNode("big_wheel")
    big_wheel.transform = tr.uniformScale(0.2)
    big_wheel.childs += [gpuBlackCirc]

    #Se crea la rueda completa compuesta de las dos partes anteriores
    wheel = sg.SceneGraphNode("wheel")
    wheel.childs += [big_wheel, little_wheel]

    wheelRotation = sg.SceneGraphNode("wheelRotation")
    wheelRotation.childs += [wheel]

    # Se instalan las dos ruedas en el auto
    frontWheel = sg.SceneGraphNode("frontWheel")
    frontWheel.transform = tr.translate(0.5, -0.3, 0)
    frontWheel.childs += [wheelRotation]

    backWheel = sg.SceneGraphNode("backWheel")
    backWheel.transform = tr.translate(-0.5, -0.3, 0)
    backWheel.childs += [wheelRotation]

    # Se crear el chasis del auto
    chasis = sg.SceneGraphNode("chasis")
    chasis.transform = tr.scale(1.8, 0.5, 1)
    chasis.childs += [gpuBlueQuad]

    #Se crea el techo del auto
    techo = sg.SceneGraphNode("techo")
    techo.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0.45, 0),
         tr.scale(1, 0.5, 1)])
    techo.childs += [gpuBlueQuad]

    #Se crea el foco trasero
    foco_tras = sg.SceneGraphNode("foco_tras")
    foco_tras.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(-0.86, 0.21, 0),
         tr.scale(0.08, 0.08, 1)])
    foco_tras.childs += [gpuRedQuad]

    #Se crea el foco delantero
    foco_del = sg.SceneGraphNode("foco_del")
    foco_del.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0.86, 0.21, 0),
         tr.scale(0.08, 0.08, 1)])
    foco_del.childs += [gpuFocQuad]

    #Se crean las ventanas del auto
    vent_der = sg.SceneGraphNode("vent_der")
    vent_der.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0.23, 0.45, 0),
         tr.scale(0.38, 0.37, 1)])
    vent_der.childs += [gpuSBQuad]

    vent_izq = sg.SceneGraphNode("vent_izq")
    vent_izq.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(-0.23, 0.45, 0),
         tr.scale(0.38, 0.37, 1)])
    vent_izq.childs += [gpuSBQuad]

    #Se creal auto compuesto de todas las partes anteriormente creadas
    car = sg.SceneGraphNode("car")
    car.childs += [
        chasis, techo, frontWheel, backWheel, foco_tras, foco_del, vent_der,

    #Se traslada y escala el auto
    scaledCar = sg.SceneGraphNode("scaledCar")
    scaledCar.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, -0.66, 0),
    scaledCar.childs += [car]

    #Se crean las figras que se utilizaran para el turbo
    gpuGrayOv = es.toGPUShape(bs.createSemiCircle([0.7, 0.7, 0.7]))
    gpuBlackC = es.toGPUShape(bs.createCircle([0.2, 0.2, 0.2]))
    gpuRYC = es.toGPUShape(
        bs.create2ColorCircle([1, 0, 0], [1, 0.9961, 0.4392]))

    #La base de la turbina
    base = sg.SceneGraphNode("base")
    base.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.rotationZ(-np.pi / 2),
         tr.scale(0.04, 0.17, 1)])
    base.childs += [gpuGrayOv]

    baseTr = sg.SceneGraphNode("baseTr")
    baseTr.transform = tr.translate(-0.07, -0.515, 0)
    baseTr.childs += [base]

    #Se crea la parte trasera de la turbina en conjunto con el "fuego" que lo impulsa
    fin = sg.SceneGraphNode("fin")
    fin.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(-0.07, -0.515, 0),
         tr.scale(0.02, 0.04, 1)])
    fin.childs += [gpuBlackC]

    fuego = sg.SceneGraphNode("fuego")
    fuego.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(-0.07, -0.515, 0),
         tr.scale(0.01, 0.03, 1)])
    fuego.childs = [gpuRYC]

    #Se crea la turbina
    turboT = sg.SceneGraphNode("turbo")
    turboT.childs += [baseTr, fin, fuego]

    #Creamos una figura que va a ir cambiando los childs dependiendo de si el turbo esta activo o no
    autoFinal = sg.SceneGraphNode("autoFinal")
    autoFinal.childs += []

    if turbo == False:  #en el caso de que el turbo este desactivado se crea solo el auto escalado y trasladado
        autoFinal.childs = [scaledCar]
    elif turbo == True:  #cuando la turbina esta activa el auto se compone de la turbina y el auto escalado
        autoFinal.childs = [turboT, scaledCar]
        autoFinal.childs = []

    return autoFinal