예제 #1
def createCar():

    # Cheating a single wheel
    wheel = sg.SceneGraphNode("wheel")
    wheel.transform = tr.uniformScale(0.2)
    wheel.childs += [createQuad(0, 0, 0)]

    wheelRotation = sg.SceneGraphNode("wheelRotation")
    wheelRotation.childs += [wheel]

    # Instanciating 2 wheels, for the front and back parts
    frontWheel = sg.SceneGraphNode("frontWheel")
    frontWheel.transform = tr.translate(0.3, -0.3, 0)
    frontWheel.childs += [wheelRotation]

    backWheel = sg.SceneGraphNode("backWheel")
    backWheel.transform = tr.translate(-0.3, -0.3, 0)
    backWheel.childs += [wheelRotation]

    # Creating the chasis of the car
    chasis = sg.SceneGraphNode("chasis")
    chasis.transform = tr.scale(1, 0.5, 1)
    chasis.childs += [createQuad(1, 0, 0)]

    car = sg.SceneGraphNode("car")
    car.childs += [chasis]
    car.childs += [frontWheel]
    car.childs += [backWheel]

    traslatedCar = sg.SceneGraphNode("traslatedCar")
    traslatedCar.transform = tr.translate(0, 0.3, 0)
    traslatedCar.childs += [car]

    return traslatedCar
def crearArbol():

    #Se crean las figuras que se utilizaran
    gpuGreenTriangle = es.toGPUShape(bs.create2ColorTriangle(0.0549, 0.4549, 0.41, 0, 0.8, 0))
    gpuBrownQuad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0.502, 0.251, 0))

    #Aqui se crean las partes de la copa del pino 
    copa1 = sg.SceneGraphNode("copa1")
    copa1.transform = tr.uniformScale(0.5)
    copa1.childs += [gpuGreenTriangle]
    copa2 = sg.SceneGraphNode("copa2")
    copa2.transform = tr.matmul([tr.uniformScale(0.4), tr.translate(0,0.3,0)])
    copa2.childs += [gpuGreenTriangle]
    copa3 = sg.SceneGraphNode("copa3")
    copa3.transform = tr.matmul([tr.uniformScale(0.3), tr.translate(0,0.8,0)])
    copa3.childs += [gpuGreenTriangle]

    #Aqui se crea el tronco del arbol 
    tronco = sg.SceneGraphNode("tronco")
    tronco.transform = tr.matmul ([tr.scale(0.1,0.5,0), tr.translate(0, -0.4, 0)])
    tronco.childs += [gpuBrownQuad]

    #Se juntan las partes para crear el arbol 
    arbol = sg.SceneGraphNode("car")
    arbol.childs += [tronco, copa1, copa2, copa3]

    return arbol
def crearBosque(N):

    # Primero escalamos el arbol 
    escalarArbol = sg.SceneGraphNode("escalarArbol")
    escalarArbol.transform = tr.uniformScale(0.5)
    escalarArbol.childs += [crearArbol()]

    bosque = sg.SceneGraphNode("bosque")

    baseName = "arbol"
    for i in range(-N, N+1):
        newNode = sg.SceneGraphNode(baseName + str(i))
        newNode.transform = tr.translate(0.3 * i, 0, 0)
        newNode.childs += [escalarArbol]

        bosque.childs += [newNode] #Se añade la nueva fila de arboles 

    bosqueComp = sg.SceneGraphNode("bosqueComp") #Creamos un bosque con las filas de arboles antes creadas 

    baseName = "fila"    

    for i in range(-5,3): #el objetivo de este for es multiplicar las filas de arboles para crear un bosque 

        newNode = sg.SceneGraphNode(baseName + str(i))
        newNode.transform = tr.translate(0.23*(-1)**i,-0.1*i , 0)
        newNode.childs += [bosque]

        bosqueComp.childs += [newNode]

    return bosqueComp
예제 #4
def createMotor():

    gpuGrayTrapeze = es.toGPUShape(ve.createColorTrapeze(0.6, 0.6, 0.6))

    gpuBlueTriangle = es.toGPUShape(ve.createColorTriangle(0.2, 0.5, 1))
    gpuWhiteTriangle = es.toGPUShape(ve.createColorTriangle(1, 1, 1))

    # A motor is made of a body and an animated flame
    blueFlame = sg.SceneGraphNode("blueFlame")
    blueFlame.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0, 0.18, 1), tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
    blueFlame.childs += [gpuBlueTriangle]

    whiteFlame = sg.SceneGraphNode("whiteFlame")
    whiteFlame.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0, 0.05, 1), tr.uniformScale(0.3)])
    whiteFlame.childs += [gpuWhiteTriangle]

    # This flame is animated in the main script
    animatedFlame = sg.SceneGraphNode("animatedFlame")
    animatedFlame.childs += [blueFlame]
    animatedFlame.childs += [whiteFlame]

    body = sg.SceneGraphNode("body")
    body.transform = tr.scale(1, 0.25, 1)
    body.childs += [gpuGrayTrapeze]

    # Joining both parts
    motor = sg.SceneGraphNode("simpleMotor")
    motor.childs += [animatedFlame]
    motor.childs += [body]

    return motor
예제 #5
    def update(self, t):
        parent_x = self.get_parent_x()
        parent_y = self.get_parent_y()
        d = self.get_distance()
        w = self.get_velocity()
        new_x = d * sin(w * t)
        new_y = d * cos(w * t)
        self.set_x(new_x + parent_x)
        self.set_y(new_y + parent_y)
        satellites = self.get_satellites_objects()

        model = self.get_model()
        body = sg.findNode(model, 'body')
        body.transform = tr.translate(self.get_x(), self.get_y(), 0)
        orbit = sg.findNode(model, 'orbit')
        orbit.transform = tr.matmul([
            tr.translate(self.get_parent_x(), self.get_parent_y(), 0)

        for planeta in satellites:

        selection = sg.findNode(model, 'selection_circle')
        if self.selected:
            selection.transform = tr.uniformScale(self.radius + 0.009)
            selection.transform = tr.uniformScale(0)
def createCar(r,g,b):

    gpuBlackQuad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorCube(0,0,0))
    gpuChasisQuad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorCube(r,g,b))
    # Cheating a single wheel
    wheel = sg.SceneGraphNode("wheel")
    wheel.transform = tr.scale(0.2, 0.8, 0.2)
    wheel.childs += [gpuBlackQuad]

    wheelRotation = sg.SceneGraphNode("wheelRotation")
    wheelRotation.childs += [wheel]

    # Instanciating 2 wheels, for the front and back parts
    frontWheel = sg.SceneGraphNode("frontWheel")
    frontWheel.transform = tr.translate(0.3,0,-0.3)
    frontWheel.childs += [wheelRotation]

    backWheel = sg.SceneGraphNode("backWheel")
    backWheel.transform = tr.translate(-0.3,0,-0.3)
    backWheel.childs += [wheelRotation]
    # Creating the chasis of the car
    chasis = sg.SceneGraphNode("chasis")
    chasis.transform = tr.scale(1,0.7,0.5)
    chasis.childs += [gpuChasisQuad]

    # All pieces together
    car = sg.SceneGraphNode("car")
    car.childs += [chasis]
    car.childs += [frontWheel]
    car.childs += [backWheel]

    return car
def crearfondoDia():

	gpuGrayQuad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0.2, 0.2, 0.2))
	gpuSkyQuad = es.toGPUShape(bs.create2ColorQuad(1,1,1, 0.7373, 0.9961, 1))
	gpuGreenQuad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0.6706,1,0.7137))
	gpuYellowCirc = es.toGPUShape(bs.create2ColorCircle([1,0.9961,0.4392],[1,1,1]))

	#Creamos el cielo con un degradado de blanco a celeste 
	cielo = sg.SceneGraphNode("cielo")
	cielo.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0.5,0),tr.scale(6,1.75,1)])
	cielo.childs += [gpuSkyQuad]

	#Creamos el camino para el auto 
	asfalto = sg.SceneGraphNode("asfalto")
	asfalto.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,-0.75,0),tr.scale(6,0.5,1)])
	asfalto.childs += [gpuGrayQuad]

	#Se crea el pasto que se vera entre los arboles 
	pasto = sg.SceneGraphNode("pasto")
	pasto.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,-0.2,0) , tr.scale(6,0.7,1)])
	pasto.childs += [gpuGreenQuad]

	#Creamos un sol en la esquina de la pantalla
	sol = sg.SceneGraphNode("sol")
	sol.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(1,1,0), tr.uniformScale(0.3)])
	sol.childs += [gpuYellowCirc]

	fondo = sg.SceneGraphNode("fondo")
	fondo.childs += [cielo, asfalto, pasto, sol]

	return fondo
예제 #8
 def move_all(self):
     if not self.life_status:
     movement = tr.identity()
     if self.next_direction == "W":
         movement = tr.translate(0, 1, 0)
         self.locationY += 1
     elif self.next_direction == "A":
         movement = tr.translate(-1, 0, 0)
         self.locationX += -1
     elif self.next_direction == "S":
         movement = tr.translate(0, -1, 0)
         self.locationY += -1
     elif self.next_direction == "D":
         movement = tr.translate(1, 0, 0)
         self.locationX += 1
     self.last_direction = self.next_direction
     if self.check_apple():
     self.last_position = [self.locationX, self.locationY]
     self.occupied_positions = [self.last_position
                                ] + self.occupied_positions[1:]
     sg.findNode(self.model, "snake_head").transform = tr.matmul(
         [sg.findTransform(self.model, "snake_head"), movement])
예제 #9
def create_enemy(bodyColor, wingColor):
    # Generate enemy model
    # bodyColor - tuple (r, g, b)
    # wingColor - tuple (r, g, b)
    # Body
    gpuBody = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(*bodyColor))

    # Wing
    gpuWing = es.toGPUShape(enemy_wing_shape(*wingColor))

    enemyBody = sg.SceneGraphNode("body")
    enemyBody.childs = [gpuBody]

    enemyWing1 = sg.SceneGraphNode("wing1")
    enemyWing1.transform = tr.translate(0.5, 0, 0)
    enemyWing1.childs = [gpuWing]

    enemyWing2 = sg.SceneGraphNode("wing2")
    enemyWing2.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(-0.5, 0, 0),
         tr.scale(-1, 1, 1)])
    enemyWing2.childs = [gpuWing]

    enemy = sg.SceneGraphNode("enemyModel")
    enemy.transform = tr.uniformScale(0.08)
    enemy.childs = [enemyBody, enemyWing1, enemyWing2]

    return enemy
예제 #10
def crearfondoNoche():

	gpuGrayQuad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0.1, 0.1, 0.1))
	gpuSkyQuad = es.toGPUShape(bs.create2ColorQuad(1,1,1, 0.1451, 0.1569, 0.3137))
	gpuGreenQuad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0.3059,0.651,0.3294))
	gpuGrayCirc = es.toGPUShape(bs.create2ColorCircle([0.6941,0.7216,0.7218],[0.8784,0.8902,0.8902]))

	#Creamos el cielo con un degradado de blanco a azul cielo 
	cielo = sg.SceneGraphNode("cielo")
	cielo.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0.5,0),tr.scale(6,1.75,1)])
	cielo.childs += [gpuSkyQuad]

	#Creamos el camino para el auto 
	asfalto = sg.SceneGraphNode("asfalto")
	asfalto.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,-0.75,0),tr.scale(6,0.5,1)])
	asfalto.childs += [gpuGrayQuad]

	#Se crea el pasto que se vera entre los arboles 
	pasto = sg.SceneGraphNode("pasto")
	pasto.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,-0.2,0) , tr.scale(6,0.7,1)])
	pasto.childs += [gpuGreenQuad]

	#Creamos una luna en la esquina de la pantalla
	luna = sg.SceneGraphNode("luna")
	luna.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(1,1,0), tr.uniformScale(0.3)])
	luna.childs += [gpuGrayCirc]

	fondo = sg.SceneGraphNode("fondo")
	fondo.childs += [cielo, asfalto, pasto, luna]

	return fondo
def Fondo(fondoE): 
	color = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureCube("fondo2.jpg"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	obama = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureCube("marco.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	ricardo = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureCube("ricardo.jpg"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)

	fondo1 = sg.SceneGraphNode("fondo1")
	fondo1.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,1) ,tr.uniformScale (15)])
	fondo1.childs = [color]

	fondo2 = sg.SceneGraphNode("fondo2")
	fondo2.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,1) ,tr.uniformScale (15)])
	fondo2.childs = [ricardo]

	fondo3 = sg.SceneGraphNode("fondo3")
	fondo3.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,1) ,tr.uniformScale (15)])
	fondo3.childs = [obama]

	fondo = sg.SceneGraphNode("fondo")

	if fondoE == "C" :
		fondo.childs = [fondo1]
	if fondoE == "O" :
		fondo.childs = [fondo3]
	if fondoE == "R" : 
		fondo.childs = [fondo2]

	return fondo
예제 #12
def crearCubos():
	NormalCube = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureCube("base.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	RequisitoDeCube = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureCube("base1.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	SelectedCube = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureCube("base4.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	RequisitoCube = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureCube("base3.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)

	#Aqui se comienzan a crear los cubos de base 

	CuboMorado = sg.SceneGraphNode("CuboMorado") #Se crea la base para el cubo morado
	CuboMorado.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0.8,0,0), tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	CuboMorado.childs += [NormalCube]

	CuboTurquesa = sg.SceneGraphNode("CuboTurquesa")
	CuboTurquesa.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0.27,0,0),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	CuboTurquesa.childs += [RequisitoDeCube]

	CuboCeleste = sg.SceneGraphNode("CuboCeleste")
	CuboCeleste.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(-0.27,0,0),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	CuboCeleste.childs += [RequisitoCube]

	CuboNaranjo = sg.SceneGraphNode("CuboNaranjo")
	CuboNaranjo.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(-0.8,0,0),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	CuboNaranjo.childs += [SelectedCube]

	return CuboMorado,CuboTurquesa,CuboCeleste,CuboNaranjo
def _sample_err(args_):
    args, x, alpha, beta, V, post = args_
    errs = []
    post = get_postprocessing(post)
    K = alpha.shape[0]
    L = alpha.shape[1]
    for k in range(K):
        err = 0
        for l in range(L):
            if args.transformation == 'rot':
                x_corr = rotate(x, alpha[k, l, 0] + beta[k, 0], args.interpolation)
                x_interpolate = rotate(rotate(x, alpha[k, l, 0], args.interpolation), beta[k, 0], args.interpolation)
            elif args.transformation == 'translation':
                x_corr = translate(x, (alpha[k, l, 0] + beta[k, 0], alpha[k, l, 1] + beta[k, 1]), args.interpolation)
                x_interpolate = translate(translate(x, (alpha[k, l, 0], alpha[k, l, 1]), args.interpolation), (beta[k, 0], beta[k, 1]), args.interpolation)
            else: assert(False)
            x_corr = pre(args, x_corr)
            x_interpolate = pre(args, x_interpolate)
            if args.dataset in ['mnist', 'fashionmnist']:
                x_corr_np = np.expand_dims(np.array(x_corr), axis=-1)
                x_interpolate_np = np.expand_dims(np.array(x_interpolate), axis=-1)
                x_corr_np = np.array(x_corr)
                x_interpolate_np = np.array(x_interpolate)
            x_corr_np_d = x_corr_np / 255.0
            x_interpolate_np_d = x_interpolate_np / 255.0
            x_corr_np_post, x_interpolate_np_post = post(x_corr_np_d), post(x_interpolate_np_d)
            if V is not None:
                x_corr_np_post = V(x_corr_np_post)
                x_interpolate_np_post = V(x_interpolate_np_post)
            diff_post = x_corr_np_post - x_interpolate_np_post
            err_post_crop_l2_post = np.linalg.norm(np.reshape(diff_post, (-1,)), ord=2)
            err = max(err, err_post_crop_l2_post)
    return errs
예제 #14
    def __init__(self, count, fondo):

        fondoa1 = bs.createTextureCube('azul.jpg')
        gpufondoa1 = es.toGPUShape(fondoa1, GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
                       tr.translate(-1, 0, 0.4 + count)]))

        fondoa2 = bs.createTextureCube('azul.jpg')
        gpufondoa2 = es.toGPUShape(fondoa2, GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
                       tr.translate(0, -1, 0.4 + count)]))

        fondoa3 = bs.createTextureCube('azul.jpg')
        gpufondoa3 = es.toGPUShape(fondoa3, GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
                       tr.translate(0, 1, 0.4 + count)]))

        fondoa4 = bs.createTextureCube('azul.jpg')
        gpufondoa4 = es.toGPUShape(fondoa4, GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
                       tr.translate(1, 0, 0.4 + count)]))
예제 #15
    def __init__(self):
        self.models = []
        self.transform = []

        #crea el "manto de un cubo
        fondo1 = bs.createTextureCube('fondo.jpg')
        gpufondo1 = es.toGPUShape(fondo1, GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
                       tr.translate(-1, 0, 0.4)]))

        fondo2 = bs.createTextureCube('fondo.jpg')
        gpufondo2 = es.toGPUShape(fondo2, GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
                       tr.translate(0, -1, 0.4)]))

        fondo3 = bs.createTextureCube('fondo.jpg')
        gpufondo3 = es.toGPUShape(fondo3, GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
                       tr.translate(0, 1, 0.4)]))

        fondo4 = bs.createTextureCube('fondo.jpg')
        gpufondo4 = es.toGPUShape(fondo4, GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
                       tr.translate(1, 0, 0.4)]))
예제 #16
    def __init__(self):
        # Figuras básicas
        gpu_body_quad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(1, 0.8,
                                                         0.8))  # rosado
        gpu_leg_quad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(1, 0.5,
                                                        1))  # rosado fuerte
        gpu_eye_quad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(1, 1, 1))  # blanco
        # ... triangulos

        body = sg.SceneGraphNode('body')
        body.transform = tr.uniformScale(1)
        body.childs += [gpu_body_quad]

        # Creamos las piernas
        leg = sg.SceneGraphNode('leg')  # pierna generica
        leg.transform = tr.scale(0.25, 0.25, 1)
        leg.childs += [gpu_leg_quad]

        # Izquierda
        leg_izq = sg.SceneGraphNode('legLeft')
        leg_izq.transform = tr.translate(-0.5, -0.5, 0)  # tr.matmul([])..
        leg_izq.childs += [leg]

        leg_der = sg.SceneGraphNode('legRight')
        leg_der.transform = tr.translate(0.5, -.5, 0)
        leg_der.childs += [leg]

        # Ojitos
        eye = sg.SceneGraphNode('eye')
        eye.transform = tr.scale(0.25, 0.25, 1)
        eye.childs += [gpu_eye_quad]

        eye_izq = sg.SceneGraphNode('eyeLeft')
        eye_izq.transform = tr.translate(-0.3, 0.5, 0)
        eye_izq.childs += [eye]

        eye_der = sg.SceneGraphNode('eyeRight')
        eye_der.transform = tr.translate(0.3, 0.5, 0)
        eye_der.childs += [eye]

        # Ensamblamos el mono
        mono = sg.SceneGraphNode('chansey')
        mono.transform = tr.matmul(
            [tr.scale(0.4, 0.4, 0),
             tr.translate(0, -1.25, 0)])
        mono.childs += [body, leg_izq, leg_der, eye_izq, eye_der]

        transform_mono = sg.SceneGraphNode('chanseyTR')
        transform_mono.childs += [mono]

        self.model = transform_mono
        self.pos = 0
        self.lives = 3
        self.killer_eggs = []
예제 #17
    def render(self, parent):
        # FIXME: bit of a hack but can't allow too small labels to be drawn
        if parent.height > 0:

            set_color(parent.color, parent.alpha)

            with matrix_stack():
                # note that FTGL uses OpenGL drawing convention by default!
                translate(parent.x, parent.y + parent.height)

예제 #18
        def Movimiento (x,y):
            if x ==1:
                return tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,0),tr.translate(y*np.cos(t1*y)
            *np.sin(t1),y*np.cos(t1),0), tr.shearing(np.sin(t1)/50,np.cos(t1)/8,0,0,0,0)])

            elif x ==2 :
                return tr.matmul([tr.translate(np.cos(t1*y),
            y*np.sin(t1*y)*np.sin(t1*y),0),tr.uniformScale(0.5), tr.shearing(np.sin(t1)/8,np.cos(t1)/8,0,0,0,0)])

            elif x ==3 :
                return tr.matmul([tr.translate(y*np.sin(t1*y),np.cos(t1*y),0), tr.uniformScale(0.8), tr.shearing(np.sin(t1)/8,np.cos(t1)/8,0,0,0,0)])

            elif x == 4:
                return tr.matmul([tr.translate(1000000000000,100000000000000,0)])
예제 #19
 def hpStatusDraw(self):
     # A bar displaying current player HP
     hpBar = sg.SceneGraphNode("hp_bar")
     hpBar.childs = []
     x = np.arange(0, (self.player.hp) * 0.07, 0.07)
     for i in range(self.player.hp):
         hpBlock = sg.SceneGraphNode(f"hp_{i}")
         hpBlock.transform = tr.translate(x[i], 0.0, 0.0)
         hpBlock.childs = [self.hpBlockModel]
     hpStatus = sg.SceneGraphNode("hp_status")
     hpStatus.transform = tr.translate(-0.65, 0.9, 0.0)
     hpStatus.childs = [hpBar]
     return hpStatus
예제 #20
def drawLifeBar(pipeline, hp):

    bar0 = ve.createLifeBar(hp > 0)
    bar0.transform = tr.translate(-0.92, -0.95, 0)

    bar1 = ve.createLifeBar(hp > 1)
    bar1.transform = tr.translate(-0.81, -0.95, 0)

    bar2 = ve.createLifeBar(hp > 2)
    bar2.transform = tr.translate(-0.70, -0.95, 0)

    sg.drawSceneGraphNode(bar0, pipeline, "transform")
    sg.drawSceneGraphNode(bar1, pipeline, "transform")
    sg.drawSceneGraphNode(bar2, pipeline, "transform")
예제 #21
 def crear_persona(self):
     p = Persona()
     x = random.uniform(-0.95, 0.95)
     y = random.uniform(-0.95, 0.95)
     p.pos = [[x, y], [x, y]]
     p.model.transform = tr.translate(p.pos[0][0], p.pos[0][1], 0)
예제 #22
def generate_forest_trees_obj(locations,
    # Generates an obj model with all the trees merged
    # locations - Matrix of (N,2) of the trees x,y coordinates
    # fz - Terrain height function fz(x,y)->z
    # trees_models - List of OBJ trees models
    # leaves_models - List of OBJ leaves models
    # scales - Scale factor for the trees
    scale_tr = tr.uniformScale(scale)
    forest_trees = []
    for i in range(len(locations)):
        x, y = locations[i]
        z = fz(x, y) - 0.03  # Lower to avoid floating trees
        M = tr.matmul([tr.translate(x, y, z), scale_tr])
        model = i % len(trees_models)
        moved_tree = trees_models[model].transform(M)
        moved_leaves = leaves_models[model].transform(M)
    merged_trees_model = forest_trees[0]
    for i in range(1, len(forest_trees)):
    return merged_trees_model
예제 #23
def plantTrees(zMap, density=1, order=1):

    # Graph that will contain all the trees
    forestGraph = sg.SceneGraphNode("forest")

    xSize = zMap.shape[0]
    ySize = zMap.shape[1]

    dx = 2 * MAP_X_SIZE / xSize
    dy = 2 * MAP_Y_SIZE / ySize

    x = -MAP_X_SIZE + dx / 2

    # Choosing where to plant trees
    treeCoordinates = np.random.randint(0, 40 / density, zMap.shape)

    # Plants a tree in a (x, y, z) position
    for i in range(zMap.shape[0]):

        y = -MAP_Y_SIZE + dy / 2

        for j in range(zMap.shape[1]):

            if treeCoordinates[i, j] == 0:

                # Burying the tree a little to ensure it isn't floating
                normal = terrainNormal(xSize, ySize, zMap, i, j)
                correction = (abs(normal[0]) + abs(normal[1])) / 5

                # Randomizing the order, size and skip parameters
                np.random.seed(RANDOM + i * j)
                variance = np.random.uniform()
                realOrder = max(1, ORDER - int(variance > 0.4))
                realSize = tree.SIZE + 0.4 * int(variance > 0.6) + 0.2 * int(
                    variance > 0.8)
                realSize += (realOrder - 1) * 0.5
                realSkip = np.random.randint(0, realOrder**2 + 1)

                # Randomizing the rule of creation
                realRule = treeRule(realOrder)

                # Trees can't be planted close to each other
                for k in range(i, i + int(realSize + realOrder)):
                    for l in range(j, j + int(realSize + realOrder)):
                            treeCoordinates[k, l] = 1

                treeGraph = tree.createTree(realRule, realOrder, realSize,
                treeGraph.transform = tr.translate(x, y,
                                                   zMap[i, j] - correction)

                forestGraph.childs += [treeGraph]

            y += dy
        x += dx

    return forestGraph
예제 #24
def addPlanet(planets_coll):
    # posicion vertical definida por los otros planetas
    posY = 0
    if len(planets_coll.childs) == 0:
        posY = -1
        posY = planets_coll.childs[-1].position[1] + posY
    #Posicion  random del planeta
    planet_posX = -1 + random.random() * 2
    planet_posY = posY + PLANET_MIN_POSY + random.random() * (PLANET_MAX_POSY -
    planet_velY = PLANET_SPEED
    planet_index = random.randint(0,
                                  len(planets_images) -
                                  1)  #se le entrega la textura
    # se define un tamaño random
    planet_scale = PLANET_MIN_SIZE + random.random() * (PLANET_MAX_SIZE -

    #se crean un nodo donde se escala
    planet_object = sg.SceneGraphNode("planet_object")
    planet_object.transform = tr.scale(planet_scale,
                                       WIDTH / HEIGHT * planet_scale,
    planet_object.childs += [planets_images[planet_index]]
    #se crea un gameobject con el que se posisiona el planeta
    planet = gameObject("planet")
    planet.transform = tr.translate(planet_posX, planet_posY, 0)
    planet.position = np.array([planet_posX, planet_posY, 0])
    planet.velocity = np.array([0, planet_velY, 0])
    planet.childs += [planet_object]

    #se agrega a la coleccion de planetas
    planets_coll.childs += [planet]
예제 #25
def create_player():
    # Generate player model
    # Body
    gpuBody = es.toGPUShape(player_body_shape(0.8, 0, 0.07))

    # WingUp
    gpuWingUp = es.toGPUShape(player_upper_wing_shape(0.427, 0.447, 0.458))

    # WingDown
    gpuWingDown = es.toGPUShape(player_lower_wing_shape(0.427, 0.447, 0.458))

    gpuFlame = es.toGPUShape(flame_shape())

    playerBody = sg.SceneGraphNode("body")
    playerBody.childs = [gpuBody]

    playerUpWing = sg.SceneGraphNode("wing1")
    playerUpWing.childs = [gpuWingUp]

    playerDownWing = sg.SceneGraphNode("wing2")
    playerDownWing.childs = [gpuWingDown]

    playerEngine = sg.SceneGraphNode("engine")
    playerEngine.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0.0, -0.525, 0.0),
    playerEngine.childs = [gpuFlame]

    player = sg.SceneGraphNode("playerModel")
    player.transform = tr.uniformScale(0.1)
    player.childs = [playerUpWing, playerDownWing, playerBody, playerEngine]

    return player
예제 #26
    def __init__(self, frame_width, frame_height, tiles=50):
        self.tiles = min(50, max(10, tiles))
        self.frame_dim = [frame_width, frame_height]
        self.locationX = random.randint(0, self.tiles - 1)
        self.locationY = random.randint(1, self.tiles)

        # Aspect ratio
        ar = frame_height / frame_width
        #aspect_ratio_tr = tr.scale(ar, 1, 0)
        self.dimensions = [ar * 0.95 * 2 * 4 / 5, 0.95 * 2 * 4 / 5]

        gpu_apple = es.toGPUShape(my_shapes.apple())

        apple = sg.SceneGraphNode('apple')
        apple.transform = tr.matmul([
            tr.scale(self.dimensions[0] / self.tiles,
                     self.dimensions[1] / self.tiles, 0),
            tr.translate(-self.tiles / 2 + self.locationX + 0.5,
                         -self.tiles / 2 + self.locationY - 0.5, 0)
        apple.childs += [gpu_apple]

        apple_tr = sg.SceneGraphNode('apple_TR')
        apple_tr.childs += [apple]

        self.model = apple_tr
예제 #27
    def __init__(self, frame_width, frame_height, tiles=50):
        self.tiles = min(50, max(10, tiles))
        self.frame_dim = [frame_width, frame_height]

        # Aspect ratio
        ar = frame_height / frame_width
        #aspect_ratio_tr = tr.scale(ar, 1, 0)
        self.dimensions = [ar * 0.95 * 2 * 4 / 5, 0.95 * 2 * 4 / 5]

        gpu_tiles = [
            es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(1, 0.91, 0.84)),
            es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0.99, 0.84, 0.61))

        tiles = []
        count = 0

        for x in range(self.tiles):
            for y in range(self.tiles):
                tiles[x][y].transform = tr.matmul([
                    tr.scale(self.dimensions[0] / self.tiles,
                             self.dimensions[1] / self.tiles, 0),
                    tr.translate(-self.tiles / 2 + x + 0.5,
                                 self.tiles / 2 - y - 0.5, 0)
                tiles[x][y].childs += [gpu_tiles[(x + y) % 2]]

        board_TR = sg.SceneGraphNode('board_TR')
        for i in range(len(tiles)):
            board_TR.childs += tiles[i]

        self.model = board_TR
예제 #28
def getTransform(showTransform, theta):

    if showTransform == TR_STANDARD:
        return tr.identity()

    elif showTransform == TR_ROTATE_ZP:
        return tr.rotationZ(theta)

    elif showTransform == TR_ROTATE_ZM:
        return tr.rotationZ(-theta)

    elif showTransform == TR_TRANSLATE:
        return tr.translate(0.3 * np.cos(theta), 0.3 * np.cos(theta), 0)

    elif showTransform == TR_UNIFORM_SCALE:
        return tr.uniformScale(0.7 + 0.5 * np.cos(theta))

    elif showTransform == TR_NONUNIF_SCALE:
        return tr.scale(1.0 - 0.5 * np.cos(1.5 * theta),
                        1.0 + 0.5 * np.cos(2 * theta), 1.0)

    elif showTransform == TR_REFLEX_Y:
        return tr.scale(1, -1, 1)

    elif showTransform == TR_SHEARING_XY:
        return tr.shearing(0.3 * np.cos(theta), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

        # This should NEVER happend
        raise Exception()
예제 #29
 def move_right(self):
     model = self.get_model()
     self.x2 = (self.x2 + 0.05)
     model.transform = tr.matmul([
         tr.translate(self.x2, self.y2, 0)
예제 #30
    def paintGL(self):
        gl.glClearColor(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0)
        gl.glClear(gl.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)

        # change light's position
        self.light_pos[0] = np.sin(3 * self.angle) * 2
        self.light_pos[2] = np.cos(3 * self.angle) * 2

        self.lightingShader.set_vec3("objectColor", 1.0, 0.5, 0.31)
        self.lightingShader.set_vec3("lightColor", 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
        self.lightingShader.set_vec3v("lightPos", self.light_pos)

        # view/projection transforms
        projection = trans.perspective(np.radians(45),
                                       self.width() / self.height(), 0.1,
        view = trans.translate(np.identity(4), np.array((0, 0, -5),
        view = trans.rotate(view, np.radians(0), np.array((1, 0, 0),
        self.lightingShader.set_mat4("projection", projection)
        self.lightingShader.set_mat4("view", view)

        # world transformation
        model = np.identity(4)
        self.lightingShader.set_mat4("model", model)

        # render the cube
        gl.glDrawArrays(gl.GL_TRIANGLES, 0, self.icosphere.count)