def add_user_to_registered_group(sender, **kwargs): """ Add any user created on the system to the `registered` group. This signal must be called by the post_save signal from the User class. This signal also creates a public profile for the user if it does not exist. """ if 'created' in kwargs and kwargs['created'] is True: user = kwargs['instance'] # Add user to registered group group, created = Group.objects.get_or_create(name='registered') user.groups.add(group) sid = transaction.savepoint() # Create Public Profile try: profile, created = Profile.objects.get_or_create(user=user) transaction.savepoint_commit(sid) except: logger.debug("User profile not created.") transaction.savepoint_rollback(sid) transaction.commit()
def post_resource_save_handler(sender, instance, created, user, **kwargs): if settings.ENABLE_NOTICES: resource = instance project = resource.project users = [ watch.user for watch in notification.ObservedItem.objects.filter( content_type__model="project",, signal="project_changed" ).select_related("user") ] for user in users: try: notification.ObservedItem.objects.get_for(resource.project, user, "project_changed") if created: for signal in resource_signals: try: notification.ObservedItem.objects.get_for(resource, user, signal) except notification.ObservedItem.DoesNotExist: notification.observe(resource, user, signal, signal) nt = "project_resource_added" else: nt = "project_resource_changed" project = resource.project _notify_resourcewatchers(project, resource, nt) except notification.ObservedItem.DoesNotExist, e: logger.debug("Watches: %s" % unicode(e))
def search(request): query_string = prepare_solr_query_string(request.GET.get('q', "")) search_terms = query_string.split() index_query = SearchQuerySet().models(Project) spelling_suggestion = None if not FULLTEXT: try: results = index_query.auto_query(query_string) count = results.count() except TypeError: count = 0 else: try: qfilter = fulltext_project_search_filter(query_string) results = index_query.filter(qfilter) spelling_suggestion = results.spelling_suggestion(query_string) count = results.count() except TypeError: results = [] count = 0 logger.debug("Searched for %s. Found %s results." % (query_string, count)) return render_to_response("search.html", { 'query': query_string, 'terms': search_terms, 'results': results, 'spelling_suggestion': spelling_suggestion }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def search(request): query_string = prepare_solr_query_string(request.GET.get('q', "")) search_terms = query_string.split() index_query = SearchQuerySet().models(Project) spelling_suggestion = None if not FULLTEXT: try: results = index_query.auto_query(query_string) count = results.count() except TypeError: count = 0 else: try: qfilter = fulltext_project_search_filter(query_string) results = index_query.filter(qfilter) spelling_suggestion = results.spelling_suggestion(query_string) count = results.count() except TypeError: results = [] count = 0 logger.debug("Searched for %s. Found %s results." % (query_string, count)) return render_to_response("search.html", {'query': query_string, 'terms': search_terms, 'results': results, 'spelling_suggestion': spelling_suggestion}, context_instance = RequestContext(request))
def post_release_save_handler(sender, instance, created, user, **kwargs): if settings.ENABLE_NOTICES: release = instance project = release.project users = [ watch.user for watch in notification.ObservedItem.objects.filter( content_type__model='project',, signal="project_changed").select_related('user') ] for user in users: try: notification.ObservedItem.objects.get_for( release.project, user, "project_changed") if created: for signal in release_signals: try: notification.ObservedItem.objects.get_for( release, user, signal) except notification.ObservedItem.DoesNotExist: notification.observe(release, user, signal, signal) nt = "project_release_added" else: nt = "project_release_changed" project = release.project _notify_releasewatchers(project, release, nt) except notification.ObservedItem.DoesNotExist, e: logger.debug("Watches: %s" % unicode(e))
def check_and_notify_resource_full_reviewed(**kwargs): """ Handler to notify maintainers about 100% reviewed translations. """ rlstats = kwargs.pop('sender') if (settings.ENABLE_NOTICES and rlstats.resource.source_language != rlstats.language): logger.debug("resource: Checking if resource translation is fully " "reviewed: %s (%s)" % (rlstats.resource, rlstats.language.code)) if rlstats.reviewed_perc == 100: logger.debug("resource: Resource translation is fully reviewed.") # Notification context = { 'project': rlstats.resource.project, 'resource': rlstats.resource, 'language': rlstats.language, } nt = "project_resource_full_reviewed" notification.send(rlstats.resource.project.maintainers.all(), nt, context)
def msgfmt_check(po_contents, ispot=False, with_exceptions=True): """ Run a `msgfmt -c` on the file contents. Raise a FileCheckError in case the stderror has errors/warnings or the command execution returns Error. """ try: if ispot: command = "msgfmt -o /dev/null --check-format --check-domain -" else: command = "msgfmt -o /dev/null -c -" status, stdout, stderr = run_command( command, _input=po_contents, with_extended_output=True, with_exceptions=with_exceptions ) # Not sure why msgfmt sends its output to stderr instead of stdout # if 'warning:' in stderr or 'too many errors, aborting' in stderr: if "too many errors, aborting" in stderr: raise CommandError(command, status, stderr) except CommandError: logger.debug("pofile: The 'msgfmt -c' check failed.") raise FileCheckError, ugettext( "Your file failed a correctness check " "(msgfmt -c). Please run this command on " "your system to see the errors." )
def priority_creation(**kwargs): """Create the default priority on Resource creation.""" if 'created' in kwargs and kwargs['created'] is True: resource = kwargs['instance'] if resource: ResourcePriority.objects.create(resource=resource) logger.debug("Resource %s: New ResourcePriority created." % (
def handle_exception_mailing(request, exception): """Handle an exception if in production mode.""" exc_info = sys.exc_info() subject, message = exception_email(request, exc_info) if not settings.DEBUG: logger.debug('Sending handled exception to admins.') mail_admins(('%s - %s') % (subject, exception.message), message, fail_silently=True)
def priority_creation(**kwargs): """Create the default priority on Resource creation.""" if 'created' in kwargs and kwargs['created'] is True: resource = kwargs['instance'] if resource: ResourcePriority.objects.create(resource=resource) logger.debug("Resource %s: New ResourcePriority created." % (
def _get_stats(self, request, pslug, rslug, lang_code): try: resource = Resource.objects.get(project__slug=pslug, slug=rslug) except Resource.DoesNotExist, e: logger.debug("Resource %s.%s requested, but it does not exist" % (pslug, rslug), exc_info=True) return rc.NOT_FOUND
def _get_stats(self, request, pslug, rslug, lang_code): try: resource = Resource.objects.get(project__slug=pslug, slug=rslug) except Resource.DoesNotExist, e: logger.debug( "Resource %s.%s requested, but it does not exist" % (pslug, rslug), exc_info=True ) return rc.NOT_FOUND
def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Delete file from filesystem even if object has not been saved yet. """ try: os.remove(self.get_storage_path()) except OSError, e: if logger.debug("Error deleting StorageFile: %s" % str(e))
def combine_strings(source_entities, language): source_entities = list(source_entities) result = old_get_strings(source_entities, language) for entity in source_entities: if not result.get(entity, None): trans = handler._get_translation(entity, source_language, 5) if trans: logger.debug(trans.string) result[entity] = trans.string return result
def _notify_resourcewatchers(project, resource, signal): """ Notify watchers of a resource add/change """ context = {"project": project, "resource": resource} logger.debug("addon-watches: Sending notification for '%s'" % resource) if signal == "project_resource_added": observed_instance = project else: observed_instance = resource txnotification.send_observation_notices_for(observed_instance, signal=signal, extra_context=context)
def _notify_translationwatchers(resource, language): """ Notify the watchers for a specific TranslationWatch """ context = {"project": resource.project, "resource": resource, "language": language} twatch = TranslationWatch.objects.get_or_create(resource=resource, language=language)[0] logger.debug("addon-watches: Sending notification for '%s'" % twatch) txnotification.send_observation_notices_for( twatch, signal="project_resource_translation_changed", extra_context=context )
def test_pseudo_file_api_calls(self): """Test Pseudo translation requests through the API.""" source_language = self.project.resources.all()[0].source_language for i18n_type, v in FORMATS.items(): resource_slug = 'resource_%s' % i18n_type.lower() resource_url = reverse('apiv2_resources', kwargs={'project_slug': self.project.slug}) # Creating resource using the API f = open(v['file']) res = self.client['maintainer'].post( resource_url, data={ 'slug': resource_slug, 'name': resource_slug, 'i18n_type': i18n_type, 'attachment': f }, ) f.close() logger.debug('-----------------------') logger.debug(i18n_type) logger.debug(settings.I18N_METHODS[i18n_type]['mimetype']) logger.debug(res.content) logger.debug('-----------------------') # Pseudo file API URL url = reverse('apiv2_pseudo_content', args=[self.project.slug, resource_slug]) for pseudo_type in settings.PSEUDO_TYPES: # Get resource file using a specific pseudo type resp = self.client['registered'].get( url, data={'pseudo_type': pseudo_type}) # Get response and check encoding resp_content = eval(resp.content)['content'] if type(resp_content) != unicode: try: resp_content = resp_content.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: resp_content = resp_content.decode('iso-8859-1') #FIXME: We have a bug related to spaces being escaped in # .properties files. This can be dropped after fixing it. if i18n_type == 'PROPERTIES' and \ pseudo_type in ['PLANGUAGE', 'UNICODE']: resp_content = resp_content.replace('\\ ', ' ') # Assert expected value in the generated file for message in v['pseudo_messages'][pseudo_type]: self.assertTrue(message in resp_content)
def delete(self, request, uuid=None, api_version=1): """ Deletes file by storage UUID """ if request.user.is_anonymous(): return rc.FORBIDDEN try: StorageFile.objects.get(uuid=uuid, user=request.user).delete() except StorageFile.DoesNotExist: return rc.NOT_FOUND logger.debug("Deleted file %s" % uuid) return rc.DELETED
def update_template_cache(template_name, fragment_names, key_vars, context): """Update the template cache with the new data. The caches will be invalidated in the order given. """ logger.debug("Invalidating %s in %s" % (fragment_names, template_name)) t = get_template(template_name) nodes = t.nodelist.get_nodes_by_type(CacheNode) for f_name in fragment_names: for node in nodes: if f_name == node.fragment_name: set_fragment_content(node, key_vars, context) break
def test_pseudo_file_api_calls(self): """Test Pseudo translation requests through the API.""" source_language = self.project.resources.all()[0].source_language for i18n_type, v in FORMATS.items(): resource_slug = 'resource_%s' % i18n_type.lower() resource_url = reverse('apiv2_resources', kwargs={ 'project_slug': self.project.slug}) # Creating resource using the API f = open(v['file']) res = self.client['maintainer'].post( resource_url, data={ 'slug': resource_slug, 'name': resource_slug, 'i18n_type': i18n_type, 'attachment': f}, ) f.close() logger.debug('-----------------------') logger.debug(i18n_type) logger.debug(settings.I18N_METHODS[i18n_type]['mimetype']) logger.debug(res.content) logger.debug('-----------------------') # Pseudo file API URL url = reverse('apiv2_pseudo_content', args=[self.project.slug, resource_slug]) for pseudo_type in settings.PSEUDO_TYPES: # Get resource file using a specific pseudo type resp = self.client['registered'].get(url, data={'pseudo_type':pseudo_type}) # Get response and check encoding resp_content = eval(resp.content)['content'] if type(resp_content) != unicode: try: resp_content = resp_content.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: resp_content = resp_content.decode('iso-8859-1') #FIXME: We have a bug related to spaces being escaped in # .properties files. This can be dropped after fixing it. if i18n_type == 'PROPERTIES' and \ pseudo_type in ['PLANGUAGE', 'UNICODE']: resp_content = resp_content.replace('\\ ', ' ') # Assert expected value in the generated file for message in v['pseudo_messages'][pseudo_type]: self.assertTrue(message in resp_content)
def check_and_notify_string_freeze_breakage(sender, **kwargs): """ Handler to notify people about string freeze breakage of releases. This happens whenever a resource source file changes in the string freeze period. """ resource = kwargs.pop('resource') language = kwargs.pop('language') # Check it only for source languages if kwargs.pop('is_source'): logger.debug("release: Checking string freeze breakage.") # FIXME: Get timestamp from RLStats last_update field, but it depends # on some changes on formats/ At this point the RLStats object # wasn't created yet. timestamp = project = resource.project.outsource or resource.project releases = Release.objects.filter(resources=resource, project=project, stringfreeze_date__lte=timestamp, develfreeze_date__gte=timestamp) for release in releases: logger.debug("release: Sending notifications about string " "freeze breakage for '%s'" % release) project = release.project.outsource or release.project # User list with project maintainers and team coordinators of the # given release PLUS maintainers of the project that the RLStats # object belongs to PLUS users = User.objects.filter( Q(projects_maintaining=resource.project) | Q(projects_maintaining=project) | Q(team_coordinators__project=project)).distinct() # Notification context = { 'project': release.project, 'release': release, 'resource': resource } if release.project != project: context.update({'parent_project': project}) nt = "project_release_stringfreeze_breakage" #TODO: Add support for actionlog without a user author. #action_logging(None, [project, release], nt, context=context) if settings.ENABLE_NOTICES: notification.send(users, nt, context)
class StatsHandler(BaseHandler): allowed_methods = ('GET', ) def read(self, request, project_slug, resource_slug, lang_code=None, api_version=1): """ This is an API handler to display translation statistics for individual resources. """ if api_version != 2: return BAD_REQUEST('Wrong API version called.') return self._get_stats(request, project_slug, resource_slug, lang_code) def _get_stats(self, request, pslug, rslug, lang_code): try: resource = Resource.objects.get(project__slug=pslug, slug=rslug) except Resource.DoesNotExist, e: logger.debug("Resource %s.%s requested, but it does not exist" % (pslug, rslug), exc_info=True) return rc.NOT_FOUND language = None if lang_code is not None: try: language = Language.objects.by_code_or_alias(lang_code) except Language.DoesNotExist, e: logger.debug( "Language %s was requested, but it does not exist." % lang_code, exc_info=True) return BAD_REQUEST("Unknown language code %s" % lang_code)
def _notify_resourcewatchers(project, resource, signal): """ Notify watchers of a resource add/change """ context = { 'project': project, 'resource': resource, } logger.debug("addon-watches: Sending notification for '%s'" % resource) if signal == 'project_resource_added': observed_instance = project else: observed_instance = resource txnotification.send_observation_notices_for(observed_instance, signal=signal, extra_context=context)
def create(self): """ Creates a new translation from file. Returns: A dict with information for the translation. Raises: BadRequestError: There was a problem with the request. NoContentError: There was no file in the request. """ if not self.request.FILES: raise NoContentError("No file has been uploaded.") submitted_file = self.request.FILES.values()[0] name = str( size = submitted_file.size try: file_ = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( mode='wb', suffix=name[name.rfind('.'):], delete=False ) for chunk in submitted_file.chunks(): file_.write(chunk) file_.close() parser = registry.appropriate_handler( self.resource, language=self.language, filename=name ) parser.bind_file( if parser is None: raise BadRequestError("Unknown file type") if size == 0: raise BadRequestError("Empty file") try: parser.is_content_valid() logger.debug("Uploaded file %s" % except (FileCheckError, ParseError), e: raise BadRequestError("Error uploading file: %s" % e) except Exception, e: logger.error(unicode(e), exc_info=True) raise BadRequestError("A strange error happened.")
def _notify_all_on_source_change(resource, context): """ Send notifications to everyone involved with a resource. Args: resource: The updated resource. """ signal_name = 'project_resource_translation_changed' msg = "addon-watches: Sending notification for '%s'" TWatch = get_model('watches', 'TranslationWatch') for l in resource.available_languages: twatch = TWatch.objects.get_or_create(resource=resource, language=l)[0] logger.debug(msg % twatch) txnotification.send_observation_notices_for(twatch, signal=signal_name, extra_context=context)
def _notify_all_on_source_change(resource, context): """ Send notifications to everyone involved with a resource. Args: resource: The updated resource. """ signal_name = 'project_resource_translation_changed' msg = "addon-watches: Sending notification for '%s'" TWatch = get_model('watches', 'TranslationWatch') for l in resource.available_languages: twatch = TWatch.objects.get_or_create(resource=resource, language=l)[0] logger.debug(msg % twatch) txnotification.send_observation_notices_for( twatch, signal=signal_name, extra_context=context )
def get_from_app(request, project_slug, txapp_slug): """Get a template string from a tx app.""" txapp = get_object_or_404(TxApp, slug=txapp_slug) project = get_object_or_404(Project, slug=project_slug) root_path = _root_namespace(request.path, txapp) requested_path = _remove_namespace_from_path(root_path, request.path) if not txapp.access_is_allowed(request.user, project, requested_path): return HttpResponseForbidden() logger.debug("Path requested from tx app %s is %s" % (txapp_slug, requested_path)) url = '/'.join([txapp.url, project_slug, requested_path]) try: res = _forward_to_app(url, request.method, dict(request.POST.items())) except RemoteTxAppError, e: return error_contacting_app(request, url, txapp, e)
def get_from_app(request, project_slug, txapp_slug): """Get a template string from a tx app.""" txapp = get_object_or_404(TxApp, slug=txapp_slug) project = get_object_or_404(Project, slug=project_slug) root_path = _root_namespace(request.path, txapp) requested_path = _remove_namespace_from_path(root_path, request.path) if not txapp.access_is_allowed(request.user, project, requested_path): return HttpResponseForbidden() logger.debug( "Path requested from tx app %s is %s" % (txapp_slug, requested_path) ) url = '/'.join([txapp.url, project_slug, requested_path]) try: res = _forward_to_app(url, request.method, dict(request.POST.items())) except RemoteTxAppError, e: return error_contacting_app(request, url, txapp, e)
def _notify_translationwatchers(resource, language): """ Notify the watchers for a specific TranslationWatch """ context = { 'project': resource.project, 'resource': resource, 'language': language, } twatch = TranslationWatch.objects.get_or_create(resource=resource, language=language)[0] logger.debug("addon-watches: Sending notification for '%s'" % twatch) txnotification.send_observation_notices_for( twatch, signal='project_resource_translation_changed', extra_context=context)
def test_pseudo_file_api_calls(self): """Test Pseudo translation requests through the API.""" source_language = self.project.resources.all()[0].source_language for i18n_type, v in FORMATS.items(): resource_slug = "resource_%s" % i18n_type.lower() resource_url = reverse("apiv2_resources", kwargs={"project_slug": self.project.slug}) # Creating resource using the API f = open(v["file"]) res = self.client["maintainer"].post( resource_url, data={"slug": resource_slug, "name": resource_slug, "i18n_type": i18n_type, "attachment": f}, ) f.close() logger.debug("-----------------------") logger.debug(i18n_type) logger.debug(settings.I18N_METHODS[i18n_type]["mimetype"]) logger.debug(res.content) logger.debug("-----------------------") # Pseudo file API URL url = reverse("apiv2_pseudo_content", args=[self.project.slug, resource_slug]) for pseudo_type in settings.PSEUDO_TYPES: # Get resource file using a specific pseudo type resp = self.client["registered"].get(url, data={"pseudo_type": pseudo_type}) # Get response and check encoding resp_content = eval(resp.content)["content"] if type(resp_content) != unicode: try: resp_content = resp_content.decode("utf-8") except UnicodeDecodeError: resp_content = resp_content.decode("iso-8859-1") # FIXME: We have a bug related to spaces being escaped in # .properties files. This can be dropped after fixing it. if i18n_type == "PROPERTIES" and pseudo_type in ["PLANGUAGE", "UNICODE"]: resp_content = resp_content.replace("\\ ", " ") # Assert expected value in the generated file for message in v["pseudo_messages"][pseudo_type]: self.assertTrue(message in resp_content)
def check_and_notify_string_freeze_breakage(sender, **kwargs): """ Handler to notify people about string freeze breakage of releases. This happens whenever a resource source file changes in the string freeze period. """ resource = kwargs.pop('resource') language = kwargs.pop('language') # Check it only for source languages if kwargs.pop('is_source'): logger.debug("release: Checking string freeze breakage.") # FIXME: Get timestamp from RLStats last_update field, but it depends # on some changes on formats/ At this point the RLStats object # wasn't created yet. timestamp = project = resource.project.outsource or resource.project releases = Release.objects.filter(resources=resource, project=project, stringfreeze_date__lte=timestamp, develfreeze_date__gte=timestamp) for release in releases: logger.debug("release: Sending notifications about string " "freeze breakage for '%s'" % release) project = release.project.outsource or release.project # User list with project maintainers and team coordinators of the # given release PLUS maintainers of the project that the RLStats # object belongs to PLUS users = User.objects.filter( Q(projects_maintaining=resource.project) | Q(projects_maintaining=project) | Q(team_coordinators__project=project)).distinct() # Notification context = {'project': release.project, 'release': release, 'resource': resource} if release.project != project: context.update({'parent_project': project}) nt = "project_release_stringfreeze_breakage" #TODO: Add support for actionlog without a user author. #action_logging(None, [project, release], nt, context=context) if settings.ENABLE_NOTICES: notification.send(users, nt, context)
def create(self): """ Creates a new translation from file. Returns: A dict with information for the translation. Raises: BadRequestError: There was a problem with the request. NoContentError: There was no file in the request. """ if not self.request.FILES: raise NoContentError("No file has been uploaded.") submitted_file = self.request.FILES.values()[0] name = str( size = submitted_file.size try: file_ = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='wb', suffix=name[name.rfind('.'):], delete=False) for chunk in submitted_file.chunks(): file_.write(chunk) file_.close() parser = registry.appropriate_handler(self.resource, language=self.language, filename=name) parser.bind_file( if parser is None: raise BadRequestError("Unknown file type") if size == 0: raise BadRequestError("Empty file") try: parser.is_content_valid() logger.debug("Uploaded file %s" % except (FileCheckError, ParseError), e: raise BadRequestError("Error uploading file: %s" % e) except Exception, e: logger.error(unicode(e), exc_info=True) raise BadRequestError("A strange error happened.")
def invalidate_cache(sender, instance, created=True, **kwargs): """ Invalidate caching on places related to the lock icon in the stats table row. """ if created: logger.debug("lock-addon: Invalidating cache: %s" % instance) invalidate_template_cache('resource_details_lang', instance.rlstats.resource.project.slug, instance.rlstats.resource.slug, instance.rlstats.language.code) invalidate_template_cache('resource_details', instance.rlstats.resource.project.slug, instance.rlstats.resource.slug) invalidate_template_cache("team_details", instance.rlstats.resource.project.slug, instance.rlstats.language.code,
def expiration_notification(sender, **kwargs): """ FIXME: Migrate it (txcron) to work with the String Level. """ logger.debug("lock-addon: Sending expiration notifications...") if not settings.ENABLE_NOTICES: logger.debug("lock-addon: ENABLE_NOTICES is not enabled") return current_site = Site.objects.get_current() locks = Lock.objects.expiring() nt = 'project_resource_language_lock_expiring' for lock in locks: context = { 'resource': lock.rlstats.resource, 'language': lock.rlstats.language, 'project': lock.rlstats.resource.project, 'user': lock.owner, 'expires': lock.expires, 'current_site': current_site } logger.debug("lock-addon: Sending notification about lock: %s" % lock) notification.send_now([ lock.owner, ], nt, context) lock.notified = True
def invalidate_cache(sender, instance, created=True, **kwargs): """ Invalidate caching on places related to the lock icon in the stats table row. """ if created: logger.debug("lock-addon: Invalidating cache: %s" % instance) invalidate_template_cache('resource_details_lang', instance.rlstats.resource.project.slug, instance.rlstats.resource.slug, instance.rlstats.language.code) invalidate_template_cache('resource_details', instance.rlstats.resource.project.slug, instance.rlstats.resource.slug) team = Team.objects.get_or_none(instance.rlstats.resource.project, instance.rlstats.language.code) if team: invalidate_template_cache('team_details',,
def file_check(self): """ Check whether the uploaded file if valid. Run a number of checks on the StorageFile contents, including specific checks, depending on the i18n format of the file. """ # Get appropriate parser parser = self.find_parser() if not parser: logger.debug("file: File is not supported.") raise FileCheckError(ugettext("File you are trying to upload does not " "seem to belong to a known i18n format.")) # Empty file check if self.size == 0: logger.debug("file: Empty file!") raise FileCheckError(ugettext("You have uploaded an empty file!")) # Specific check for the i18n format parser.contents_check(self.get_storage_path())
def read(self, request, uuid=None, api_version=1): """ Returns list of StorageFile objects [ { "total_strings": 1102, "uuid": "71f4964c-817b-4778-b3e0-693375cb1355", "language": { "code": "et" }, "created": "2010-05-13 07:22:36", "size": 187619, "mime_type": "application/x-gettext", "name": "" }, ... ] """ if request.user.is_anonymous(): return rc.FORBIDDEN retval = StorageFile.objects.filter(user=request.user, bound=False) logger.debug("Returned list of users uploaded files: %s" % retval) return retval
def check_and_notify_resource_full_reviewed(**kwargs): """ Handler to notify maintainers about 100% reviewed translations. """ rlstats = kwargs.pop('sender') if (settings.ENABLE_NOTICES and rlstats.resource.source_language != rlstats.language): logger.debug("resource: Checking if resource translation is fully " "reviewed: %s (%s)" % (rlstats.resource, rlstats.language.code)) if rlstats.reviewed_perc == 100: logger.debug("resource: Resource translation is fully reviewed.") # Notification context = { 'project': rlstats.resource.project, 'resource': rlstats.resource, 'language': rlstats.language,} nt = "project_resource_full_reviewed" notification.send(rlstats.resource.project.maintainers.all(), nt, context)
def search(request): query_string = prepare_solr_query_string(request.GET.get('q', "")) search_terms = query_string.split() index_query = SearchQuerySet().models(Project) spelling_suggestion = None #FIXME: Workaround for # Only the else part should be necessary. if settings.HAYSTACK_SEARCH_ENGINE == 'simple': results = index_query.auto_query(query_string) else: try: qfilter = fulltext_fuzzy_match_filter(query_string) results = index_query.filter(qfilter) spelling_suggestion = results.spelling_suggestion(query_string) except TypeError: results = [] logger.debug("Searched for %s. Found %s results." % (query_string, len(results))) return render_to_response("search.html", {'query': query_string, 'terms': search_terms, 'results': results, 'spelling_suggestion': spelling_suggestion}, context_instance = RequestContext(request))
def lotte_init_handler(sender, request, resources=None, language=None, **kwargs): user = request.user logger.debug("lock-addon: Started editing in Lotte") for resource in resources: try: lock = Lock.objects.create_update(resource, language, user) logger.debug("lock-addon: Lock acquired/extended: '%s'" % lock) except LockError, e: logger.debug("lock-addon: %s" % e.message) messages.error(request, _("This translation is " "locked by someone else."))
def visit_url(sender, **kwargs): """Visit the URL for the project. Send the slug of the project, the slug of the resource and the language of the translation as identifiers. Send the translation percentage as information. Args: sender: The rlstats object itself. Returns: True of False for success (or not). """ # TODO make it a celery task # TODO increase the timeout in celery stats = sender resource = stats.resource project = resource.project language = stats.language if 'post_function' in kwargs: post_function = kwargs['post_function'] else: post_function = hooks = WebHook.objects.filter(project=project) if not hooks: logger.debug("Project %s has no web hooks" % project.slug) return event_info = { 'project': project.slug, 'resource': resource.slug, 'language': language.code, 'percent': stats.translated_perc, } logger.debug("POST data for %s: %s" % (stats.resource.project.slug, event_info)) for hook in hooks: res = post_function(hook.url, data=event_info, allow_redirects=False, timeout=2.0) if res.ok: logger.debug("POST for project %s successful." % project) else: msg = "Error visiting webhook %s: HTTP code is %s" % ( hook, res.status_code) logger.error(msg)
def lotte_done_handler(sender, request, resources=None, language=None, **kwargs): user = request.user logger.debug("lock-addon: Finished editing in Lotte") for resource in resources: lock = Lock.objects.get_valid(resource, language) if lock: try: lock.delete_by_user(user) logger.debug("lock-addon: Lock deleted: '%s'" % lock) except LockError, e: logger.debug("lock-addon: User '%s' sent translations to a " "resource/language locked by someone else: %s" % (user, e.message))
def visit_url(sender, **kwargs): """Visit the URL for the project. Send the slug of the project, the slug of the resource and the language of the translation as identifiers. Send the translation percentage as information. Args: sender: The rlstats object itself. Returns: True of False for success (or not). """ # TODO make it a celery task # TODO increase the timeout in celery stats = sender resource = stats.resource project = resource.project language = stats.language if 'post_function' in kwargs: post_function = kwargs['post_function'] else: post_function = hooks = WebHook.objects.filter(project=project) if not hooks: logger.debug("Project %s has no web hooks" % project.slug) return event_info = { 'project': project.slug, 'resource': resource.slug, 'language': language.code, 'percent': stats.translated_perc, } logger.debug( "POST data for %s: %s" % (stats.resource.project.slug, event_info) ) for hook in hooks: res = post_function(hook.url, data=event_info, allow_redirects=False, timeout=2.0) if res.ok: logger.debug("POST for project %s successful." % project) else: msg = "Error visiting webhook %s: HTTP code is %s" % ( hook, res.status_code) logger.error(msg)
def expiration_notification(sender, **kwargs): """ FIXME: Migrate it (txcron) to work with the String Level. """ logger.debug("lock-addon: Sending expiration notifications...") if not settings.ENABLE_NOTICES: logger.debug("lock-addon: ENABLE_NOTICES is not enabled") return current_site = Site.objects.get_current() locks = Lock.objects.expiring() nt = 'project_resource_language_lock_expiring' for lock in locks: context = { 'resource': lock.rlstats.resource, 'language': lock.rlstats.language, 'project' : lock.rlstats.resource.project, 'user': lock.owner, 'expires': lock.expires, 'current_site' : current_site } logger.debug("lock-addon: Sending notification about lock: %s" % lock) notification.send_now([lock.owner,], nt, context) lock.notified = True
def push_translation(request, project_slug, lang_code, *args, **kwargs): """ Client pushes an id and a translation string. Id is considered to be of the source translation string and the string is in the target_lang. FIXME: Document in detail the form of the 'strings' POST variable. """ logger.debug("POST data when saving translation: %s" % request.POST) # Permissions handling # Project should always be available project = get_object_or_404(Project, slug=project_slug) team = Team.objects.get_or_none(project, lang_code) check = ProjectPermission(request.user) if not check.submit_translations(team or project) and not\ check.maintain(project): return permission_denied(request) if not request.POST: return HttpResponseBadRequest() data = simplejson.loads(request.raw_post_data) strings = data["strings"] try: target_language = Language.objects.by_code_or_alias(lang_code) except Language.DoesNotExist: raise Http404 # This dictionary will hold the results of the save operation and will map # status code for each translation pushed, to indicate the result on each # translation push separately. push_response_dict = {} # Form the strings dictionary, get as Json object # The fields are the following: # id-> source_entity id # translations-> translation strings (includes all plurals) # context-> source_entity context # occurrence-> occurrence (not yet well supported) # Iterate through all the row data that have been sent. for row in strings: source_id = int(row['id']) try: source_string = Translation.objects.select_related(depth=1).get( id=source_id) except Translation.DoesNotExist: # TODO: Log or inform here push_response_dict[source_id] = { 'status': 400, 'message': _("Source string cannot be identified in the DB") } # If the source_string cannot be identified in the DB then go to next # translation pair. continue if not source_string.resource.accept_translations: push_response_dict[source_id] = { 'status': 400, 'message': _("The resource of this source string is not " "accepting translations.") } # If the translated source string is pluralized check that all the # source language supported rules have been filled in, else return error # and donot save the translations. if source_string.source_entity.pluralized: error_flag = False for rule in target_language.get_pluralrules(): if rule in row[ 'translations'] and row['translations'][rule] != "": continue else: error_flag = True if error_flag: error_flag = False # Check also if all of them are "". If yes, delete all the plurals! for rule in target_language.get_pluralrules(): if rule in row['translations'] and row['translations'][ rule] == "": continue else: error_flag = True if error_flag: push_response_dict[source_id] = { 'status': 400, 'message': (_("Cannot save unless plural translations are either " "completely specified or entirely empty!")) } # Skip the save as we hit on an error. continue try: msgs = _save_translation(source_string, row['translations'], target_language, request.user) if not msgs: push_response_dict[source_id] = {'status': 200} else: push_response_dict[source_id] = { 'status': 200, 'message': msgs[-1] } except LotteBadRequestError, e: push_response_dict[source_id] = { 'status': 400, 'message': e.message } except Exception, e: logger.error("Unexpected exception raised: %s" % e.message, exc_info=True) push_response_dict[source_id] = { 'status': 400, 'message': e.message }
def db_cleanup(sender, **kwargs): logger.debug("lock-addon: Looking for expired locks") locks = Lock.objects.expired() for lock in locks: logger.debug("lock-addon: Deleting lock: %s" % lock) lock.delete()
# Write the contents to the pipe if _input: if isinstance(_input, basestring): proc.stdin.write(_input) elif isinstance(_input, (file, UploadedFile)): for content in _input: proc.stdin.write(content) # Wait for the process to return stdout_value, stderr_value = proc.communicate() status = proc.returncode # Strip off trailing whitespace by default if not with_raw_output: stdout_value = stdout_value.rstrip() stderr_value = stderr_value.rstrip() if with_exceptions and status != 0: logger.debug('stdout: %s' % stdout_value) logger.error(stderr_value) raise CommandError(command, status, stderr_value, stdout_value) # Allow access to the command's status code if with_extended_output: return (status, stdout_value, stderr_value) else: return stdout_value
def run_command(command, *args, **kw): """ Handle shell command execution. Consume and return the returned information (stdout). ``command`` The command argument list to execute ``cwd`` Use cwd as the working dir. ``with_extended_output`` Whether to return a (status, stdout, stderr) tuple. ``with_exceptions`` Whether to raise an exception when command returns a non-zero status. ``with_raw_output`` Whether to avoid stripping off trailing whitespace. ``convert_args`` Converts python arguments to command line arguments. ``env`` A dictionary mapping environment variables to be used with the command. Returns str(output) # extended_output = False (Default) tuple(int(status), str(stdout), str(stderr)) # extended_output = True """ _input= kw.pop('_input', None) cwd = kw.pop('cwd', os.getcwd()) with_extended_output = kw.pop('with_extended_output', False) with_exceptions = kw.pop('with_exceptions', True) with_raw_output = kw.pop('with_raw_output', False) env = kw.pop('env', None) # if command is a string split to a list if isinstance(command, basestring): command = command.split() # if more kwargs are given, convert them to command line args if kw: kwarglist = python_to_args(**kw) else: kwarglist = [] command += kwarglist + list(args) # If stdin is a string, create a pipe so we can write the contents if _input: stdin = subprocess.PIPE else: stdin = None logger.debug("Running low-level command '%s'" % ' '.join(command)) logger.debug(" CWD: '%s'" % cwd) # Start the process try: proc = subprocess.Popen(command, cwd=cwd, stdin=stdin, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=env,) except OSError, e: status = "Command '%s' not found." % command[0] logger.debug(status) raise CommandError(command, status, '', '')
def decorator(func): msg = "%s skipped. Please implement it in your project path." % func_name if settings.TX_ROOT != settings.PROJECT_PATH: logger.debug(msg) return unittest.skipUnless(settings.TX_ROOT == settings.PROJECT_PATH, msg)
def push_translation(request, project_slug, lang_code, *args, **kwargs): """ Client pushes an id and a translation string. Id is considered to be of the source translation string and the string is in the target_lang. FIXME: Document in detail the form of the 'strings' POST variable. """ logger.debug("POST data when saving translation: %s" % request.POST) # Permissions handling # Project should always be available project = get_object_or_404(Project, slug=project_slug) team = Team.objects.get_or_none(project, lang_code) check = ProjectPermission(request.user) if not check.submit_translations(team or project) and not\ check.maintain(project): return permission_denied(request) if not request.POST: return HttpResponseBadRequest() data = simplejson.loads(request.raw_post_data) strings = data["strings"] try: target_language = Language.objects.by_code_or_alias(lang_code) except Language.DoesNotExist: raise Http404 # This dictionary will hold the results of the save operation and will map # status code for each translation pushed, to indicate the result on each # translation push separately. push_response_dict = {} # Form the strings dictionary, get as Json object # The fields are the following: # id-> source_entity id # translations-> translation strings (includes all plurals) # context-> source_entity context # occurrence-> occurrence (not yet well supported) # Iterate through all the row data that have been sent. for row in strings: source_id = int(row['id']) try: source_string = Translation.objects.select_related(depth=1).get( id=source_id ) except Translation.DoesNotExist: # TODO: Log or inform here push_response_dict[source_id] = { 'status':400, 'message':_("Source string cannot be identified in the DB")} # If the source_string cannot be identified in the DB then go to next # translation pair. continue if not source_string.resource.accept_translations: push_response_dict[source_id] = { 'status':400, 'message':_("The resource of this source string is not " "accepting translations.") } # If the translated source string is pluralized check that all the # source language supported rules have been filled in, else return error # and donot save the translations. if source_string.source_entity.pluralized: error_flag = False for rule in target_language.get_pluralrules(): if rule in row['translations'] and row['translations'][rule] != "": continue else: error_flag = True if error_flag: error_flag = False # Check also if all of them are "". If yes, delete all the plurals! for rule in target_language.get_pluralrules(): if rule in row['translations'] and row['translations'][rule] == "": continue else: error_flag = True if error_flag: push_response_dict[source_id] = { 'status':400, 'message':(_("Cannot save unless plural translations are either " "completely specified or entirely empty!"))} # Skip the save as we hit on an error. continue try: msgs = _save_translation( source_string, row['translations'], target_language, request.user ) if not msgs: push_response_dict[source_id] = {'status': 200} else: push_response_dict[source_id] = { 'status': 200, 'message': msgs[-1] } except LotteBadRequestError, e: push_response_dict[source_id] = { 'status': 400, 'message': e.message } except Exception, e: logger.error( "Unexpected exception raised: %s" % e.message, exc_info=True ) push_response_dict[source_id] = { 'status': 400, 'message': e.message }
language=target_language, rule=rule, string=target_string, resource=resource ) _add_copyright(source_string, target_language, user) invalidate_stats_cache(resource, target_language, user=user) else: # In cases of pluralized translations, sometimes only one # translation will exist and the rest plural forms will be # empty. If the user wants to delete all of them, we need # to let by the ones that don't already have a translation. if not source_string.source_entity.pluralized: raise LotteBadRequestError( _("The translation string is empty") ) except LotteBadRequestError, e: logger.debug("%s" % e, exc_info=True) raise # catch-all. if we don't save we _MUST_ inform the user except Exception, e: msg = _( "Error occurred while trying to save translation: %s" % unicode(e) ) logger.error(msg, exc_info=True) raise LotteBadRequestError(msg) return warnings def _add_copyright(source_string, target_language, user): from transifex.addons.copyright.handlers import lotte_copyrights lotte_save_translation.connect(lotte_copyrights) lotte_save_translation.send(
language=target_language, rule=rule, string=target_string, resource=resource) _add_copyright(source_string, target_language, user) invalidate_stats_cache(resource, target_language, user=user) else: # In cases of pluralized translations, sometimes only one # translation will exist and the rest plural forms will be # empty. If the user wants to delete all of them, we need # to let by the ones that don't already have a translation. if not source_string.source_entity.pluralized: raise LotteBadRequestError( _("The translation string is empty")) except LotteBadRequestError, e: logger.debug("%s" % e, exc_info=True) raise # catch-all. if we don't save we _MUST_ inform the user except Exception, e: msg = _("Error occurred while trying to save translation: %s" % unicode(e)) logger.error(msg, exc_info=True) raise LotteBadRequestError(msg) return warnings def _add_copyright(source_string, target_language, user): from transifex.addons.copyright.handlers import lotte_copyrights lotte_save_translation.connect(lotte_copyrights) lotte_save_translation.send(None, resource=source_string.resource,
def notify_string_freeze(sender=None, instance=None, **kwargs): """ Handler to notify people about string freeze of releases. """ now = # 48hs before logger.debug("release: Sending notifications 48hs before entering the " "String Freeze period.") timestamp = now + datetime.timedelta(hours=48) releases = Release.objects.filter(stringfreeze_date__lte=timestamp, notifications__before_stringfreeze=False) for release in releases: logger.debug("release: Sending notifications for '%s'." % release) project = release.project.outsource or release.project # List with project maintainers of the given release PLUS maintainers # of projects that outsource theirs team to the project of the release resource_ids = release.resources.all().values('id').query users = User.objects.filter( (Q(projects_maintaining__resources__in=resource_ids) & Q(projects_maintaining__outsource=project)) | Q(projects_maintaining=project)).distinct() # Notification context = {'project': release.project, 'release': release} if release.project != project: context.update({'parent_project': project}) nt = "project_release_before_stringfreeze" #TODO: Add support for actionlog without a user author. #action_logging(None, [project, release], nt, context=context) if settings.ENABLE_NOTICES: notification.send(users, nt, context) release.notifications.before_stringfreeze = True # Exactly on time logger.debug("release: Sending notifications about being in String " "Freeze period.") releases = Release.objects.filter(stringfreeze_date__lte=now, notifications__in_stringfreeze=False) for release in releases: logger.debug("release: Sending notifications for '%s'." % release) project = release.project.outsource or release.project # List with project maintainers of the given release PLUS maintainers # of projects that outsource theirs team to the project of the release # PLUS team coordinators and team members resource_ids = release.resources.all().values('id').query users = User.objects.filter( (Q(projects_maintaining__resources__in=resource_ids) & Q(projects_maintaining__outsource=project)) | Q(projects_maintaining=project) | Q(team_coordinators__project=project) | Q(team_members__project=project)).distinct() # Notification context = {'project': release.project, 'release': release} if release.project != project: context.update({'parent_project': project}) nt = "project_release_in_stringfreeze" #TODO: Add support for actionlog without a user author. #action_logging(None, [project, release], nt, context=context) if settings.ENABLE_NOTICES: notification.send(users, nt, context) release.notifications.in_stringfreeze = True
""" Return actionlog entries for the given project plus the actionlogs of the hub projects, in case it's a hub. """ ids = [] if self.is_hub: ids += self.outsourcing.all().values_list('id', flat=True) return LogEntry.objects.filter( content_type=ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Project), object_id__in=ids) try: tagging.register(Project, tag_descriptor_attr='tagsobj') except tagging.AlreadyRegistered, e: logger.debug('Tagging: %s' % str(e)) log_model(Project) class HubRequest(models.Model): """ Model to handle outsource requests of project to project hubs. A project only can have one request for a project hub and it can only be associated to a project hub once at a time. """ project_hub = models.ForeignKey( Project, verbose_name=_('Project Hub'), blank=False, null=False,