예제 #1
  def execute_cb(self, goal):
    self._goalDonei = 0  #contador de goals

    self._goal = goal #saving our goal in self for more comfortable usage
    success = False  #flag to know when we have succeed   
    self._world = new_world(range(len(get_list('LOCATIONS'))))  #generates a new world
    print self._world.robot.locId
    #"-----------------------------------------------------------orders list------------------------------"
    rospy.logwarn (str(self._goal.orderList))
    while not success:
      soarResult = interface.main(self._world)
      if soarResult == 'aborted':
        self._result.outcome = 'aborted'
        success = True
        if TEST:
            rospy.logerr("THE SENTENCE IS: "+str(self._goal.orderList)+"\n")
        if len(self._goal.orderList) == self._goalDonei:
          self._result.outcome = 'succeeded'
          rospy.loginfo('%s: Succeeded' % self._action_name)
          success = True

예제 #2
  def execute_cb(self, goal):
    self._goalDonei = 0

    self._goal = goal
    success = False
    self._world = new_world(range(len(get_list('LOCATIONS'))))
    print self._world.robot.locId
    while not success:
      soarResult = interface.main()
      if soarResult == 'aborted':
        self._result.outcome = 'aborted'
        success = True
        if len(self._goal.orderList) == self._goalDonei:
        # if 3 == self._goalDonei:
          self._result.outcome = 'succeeded'
          rospy.loginfo('%s: Succeeded' % self._action_name)
          success = True


예제 #3
def grammarFileWriter2(
    path='/mnt_flash/etc/interaction/sphinx/model/gram/en_US/' + GRAMATICA +
    # print 'aqui entra?'
    # if path == '':
    #     path = roslib.packages.get_pkg_dir('gpsrSoar') + '/src/gentest.gram'
    #     # should be changed by a try-except statement

    # ff = open(path, 'r')
    # # l = ff.readline()
    # # finished = False

    # text = ff.read()

    # ff.close()
    print wordset.keys()

    # n = len(wordset)
    found = True
    # fcheck = False
    wordlist = {}
    for item in wordset.keys():
        # if not found:
        #     found = True
        #     fcheck = True
        # it = '<' + wordset[item] + '> ='
        # st = string.find(text, it)
        # if st >= 0:
        List = get_list((wordset[item] + 's').upper())
        # to_replace = text[st:]
        # to_replace = to_replace[:string.find(to_replace, '\n')]
        # new_data = it + ' ( ' + ' | '.join(List) + ' );'
        # text = text.replace(to_replace, new_data)
        wordlist[item] = List
        # print 'found found'
        # else:
        #     found = False
        #     print 'Word Set not found. \n Please revise that '
        #     print '\n'.join(wordset[item])
        #     print 'are included in the grammar with this exact names. \nIf not, please change them'

    print found
    if not found:
        print 'Word Set not found. \n Please revise that '
        print '\n'.join(wordset.keys())
        print 'are included in the grammar with this exact names. \nIf not, please change them'

        return ''
        # f = open(path,'w')
        # f.write(text)
        # f.close()
        return wordlist

    return 'ok'
예제 #4
def grammarFileWriter2(wordset, path='/mnt_flash/etc/interaction/sphinx/model/gram/en_US/' + GRAMATICA + '.gram'):
    # print 'aqui entra?'
    # if path == '':
    #     path = roslib.packages.get_pkg_dir('gpsrSoar') + '/src/gentest.gram'
    #     # should be changed by a try-except statement

    # ff = open(path, 'r')
    # # l = ff.readline()
    # # finished = False

    # text = ff.read()

    # ff.close()
    print wordset.keys()

    # n = len(wordset)
    found = True
    # fcheck = False
    wordlist = {}
    for item in wordset.keys():
        # if not found:
        #     found = True
        #     fcheck = True
        # it = '<' + wordset[item] + '> ='
        # st = string.find(text, it)
        # if st >= 0:
        List = get_list((wordset[item] + 's').upper())
        # to_replace = text[st:]
        # to_replace = to_replace[:string.find(to_replace, '\n')]
        # new_data = it + ' ( ' + ' | '.join(List) + ' );'
        # text = text.replace(to_replace, new_data)
        wordlist[item] = List
            # print 'found found'
        # else:
        #     found = False
        #     print 'Word Set not found. \n Please revise that '
        #     print '\n'.join(wordset[item])
        #     print 'are included in the grammar with this exact names. \nIf not, please change them'

    print found
    if not found:
        print 'Word Set not found. \n Please revise that '
        print '\n'.join(wordset.keys())
        print 'are included in the grammar with this exact names. \nIf not, please change them'

        return ''
        # f = open(path,'w')
        # f.write(text)
        # f.close()
        return wordlist

    return 'ok'
예제 #5
    def execute_cb(self, goal):
        self._goalDonei = 0  #contador de goals

        self._goal = goal  #saving our goal in self for more comfortable usage
        success = False  #flag to know when we have succeed
        self._world = new_world(range(len(
            get_list('LOCATIONS'))))  #generates a new world
        print self._world.robot.locId

        #"-----------------------------------------------------------orders list------------------------------"
        while not success:

            soarResult = interface.main(self._world)
            self.gpsr_category_flag_hack = 1
            if soarResult == 'aborted':
                self._result.outcome = 'aborted'
                success = True

                if TEST:
                    rospy.logerr("THE SENTENCE IS: " +
                                 str(self._goal.orderList) + "\n")
                        str(self._goal.orderList).replace('\n', '\t').replace(
                            ',', '\n') + "\n\n")
                if len(self._goal.orderList) == self._goalDonei:
                    self._result.outcome = 'succeeded'
                    rospy.loginfo('%s: Succeeded' % self._action_name)
                    success = True


        self.gpsr_category_flag_hack = 0
        rospy.logwarn("FINISHING SENTENCE")
        call_go_to('referee', self._world)
예제 #6
  def print_goal(self):
    commands = self._goal.orderList
    iperson = 0
    iitem = 0
    iloc = 0
    perss = []
    locc = []
    itt = []
    for c in commands:
      if c.person != '':
        if c.person not in perss:
          iperson += 1
      if c.item != '':
        if c.item not in itt:
          iitem += 1
      if c.location != '':
        if c.location not in locc:
          iloc += 1

    command = commands[self._goalDonei]

    locc = get_list('LOCATIONS')
    #this is a dummy for tests!!!
    # command = commands[1]
    # print command.action 

    # print command.location
    # print command.item
    # print command.person
    # printNewGoal(oaction=command.action, oitem=items[command.item], operson=persons[command.person], olocation=locations[command.location])
    # printNewGoal(oaction='go_to', oitem=items[command.item], operson=persons[command.person], olocation=1)
    # compileInit(locations=iloc, persons=iperson, items=iitem, oaction=command.action, oitem=items[command.item], operson=persons[command.person], olocation=locations[command.location])

    # checks that the item is or not a category
    # print 'blablabal'
    if command.item in categories:
      objct = ask_category(command.item)
      self._world.item.id = obj2idx(objct, 'ITEMS')
      command.item = objct
      print idx2obj(self._world.item.id, 'ITEMS')

    # print command.location
    # print 'here'
    if command.location in loc_categories:
      # print 'ther should be a print here'
      loca = ask_category_loc(command.location)
      # print loca
      # print loca
      # print self._world.location
      # print len(self._world.location)
      # self._world.location.id = obj2idx(loca, 'LOCATIONS')
      command.location = loca
      # print loca

    # checks if the location of objects or persons are known
    if self._world.person.locId == '-1' : # and command.person == self._world.person.id:
      ploc = check_object_location(idx2obj(int(self._world.person.id), 'PERSONS'))
      # if ploc != '-1':
      #   ploc = obj2idx(ploc,'LOCATIONS')
      self._world.person.locId = ploc
    # print command.item
      i = obj2idx(command.item, 'ITEMS')
      self._world.item.id = str(i)
    except ValueError:
      print str(self._world.item.id)
      print command.item
      i = ''
      p = obj2idx(command.person, 'PERSONS')
      self._world.person.id = str(p)
    except ValueError:
      p = ''
      l = obj2idx(command.location, 'LOCATIONS')
      # print l
      # print l
    except ValueError:
      l = ''
    print self._world.robot.locId
    # print command.location
    # print idx2obj(l, 'LOCATIONS')
    # print 'blabla'

    # print 'here here ' + str(p)

    if self._world.item.locId == '-1' and self._world.item.id != '-1': # and command.item == self._world.item.id:
      iloc = check_object_location(idx2obj(int(self._world.item.id), 'ITEMS'))
      # if iloc != '-1':
      #   iloc = obj2idx(iloc,'LOCATIONS')
      self._world.item.locId = iloc
    if command.action == 'bring_from':
      self._world.item.locId = str(obj2idx(command.location, 'LOCATIONS'))

    if (command.action == 'memorize' or command.action == 'recognize'):
      command.person = self._world.person.id

    # print self._world.item.id
    # print self._world.item.locId

    self._last_goal = compileInit(locations=locc, persons=perss, items=itt, oaction=command.action, oitem=i, operson=p, olocation=l, current_world=self._world)
    # compileInit(locations=locc, persons=perss, items=itt, oaction=command.action, oitem=items[command.item], operson=persons[command.person], olocation=locations[command.location])

    # printNewGoal(action, it, pers, loc, self._goalDonei)
    self._goalDonei += 1 
예제 #7
    def print_goal(self):
        commands = self._goal.orderList
        iperson = 0
        iitem = 0
        iloc = 0
        perss = []
        locc = []
        itt = []
        for c in commands:  #extract elements from orderList and put them in the arrays previously initialized
            if c.person != '':
                if c.person not in perss:
                    iperson += 1
            if c.item != '':
                if c.item not in itt:
                    iitem += 1
            if c.location != '':
                if c.location not in locc:
                    iloc += 1

        command = commands[
            self._goalDonei]  #Extract command indexed by goalDonei to command

        locc = get_list('LOCATIONS')  #Saves in locc all possible locations

        #this is a dummy for tests!!!
        # command = commands[1]
        # print command.action

        # print command.location
        # print command.item
        # print command.person

        # printNewGoal(oaction=command.action, oitem=items[command.item], operson=persons[command.person], olocation=locations[command.location])
        # printNewGoal(oaction='go_to', oitem=items[command.item], operson=persons[command.person], olocation=1)
        # compileInit(locations=iloc, persons=iperson, items=iitem, oaction=command.action, oitem=items[command.item], operson=persons[command.person], olocation=locations[command.location])

        # checks that the item is or not a category
        # print 'blablabal'
        if command.item in categories:  #if the item is a category this ask for further information and updates it
            objct = ask_category(command.item)
            self._world.item.id = obj2idx(objct, 'ITEMS')
            command.item = objct

        if command.location in loc_categories:  #if the location is a category this ask for further information and updates it
            loca = ask_category_loc(command.location)
            command.location = loca

        # checks if the location of persons are known
        if self._world.person.locId == '-1':  # and command.person == self._world.person.id:
            ploc = check_object_location(
                idx2obj(int(self._world.person.id), 'PERSONS'))
            # if ploc != '-1':
            #   ploc = obj2idx(ploc,'LOCATIONS')
            print "LA LOCATION DE LA PERSON ES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: " + str(ploc)
            self._world.person.locId = ploc

        try:  #adds to world the item id
            i = obj2idx(command.item, 'ITEMS')
            self._world.item.id = str(i)
        except ValueError:
            print str(self._world.item.id)
            print command.item
            i = ''
        try:  #adds to world the person id
            p = obj2idx(command.person, 'PERSONS')
            self._world.person.id = str(p)
        except ValueError:
            p = ''
            l = obj2idx(command.location, 'LOCATIONS')
        except ValueError:
            l = ''
        print self._world.robot.locId

        if command.action == 'bring_from':
            self._world.item.locId = str(obj2idx(command.location,

        if self._world.item.locId == '-1' and self._world.item.id != '-1':  # If we know the item but not the location we check it and save it in world
            iloc = check_object_location(
                idx2obj(int(self._world.item.id), 'ITEMS'))
            self._world.item.locId = iloc

        if (command.action == 'memorize' or command.action == 'recognize'):
            command.person = self._world.person.id

        if (idx2obj(int(self._world.person.id),
                    'PERSONS') == 'person'):  #prova per coneguir
            self._world.person.locId = self._world.robot.locId

        self._last_goal = compileInit(locations=locc,
    locc: array with all the locations
    perss: array with all the persons involved in the commands
    itt: array with all the items involved in the commands
    comand.action: the action we want to perform
    i: the index of the object involved in this action
    p: index of the person involved in this action
    l: index of the location involved in this action
    self._world: the world we are working on

        self._goalDonei += 1
예제 #8
  def print_goal(self):
    commands = self._goal.orderList
    iperson = 0
    iitem = 0
    iloc = 0
    perss = []
    locc = []
    itt = []
    for c in commands:      #extract elements from orderList and put them in the arrays previously initialized
      if c.person != '':
        if c.person not in perss:
          iperson += 1
      if c.item != '':
        if c.item not in itt:
          iitem += 1
      if c.location != '':
        if c.location not in locc:
          iloc += 1

    command = commands[self._goalDonei] #Extract command indexed by goalDonei to command

    locc = get_list('LOCATIONS') #Saves in locc all possible locations
    #this is a dummy for tests!!!
    # command = commands[1]
    # print command.action 

    # print command.location
    # print command.item
    # print command.person

    # printNewGoal(oaction=command.action, oitem=items[command.item], operson=persons[command.person], olocation=locations[command.location])
    # printNewGoal(oaction='go_to', oitem=items[command.item], operson=persons[command.person], olocation=1)
    # compileInit(locations=iloc, persons=iperson, items=iitem, oaction=command.action, oitem=items[command.item], operson=persons[command.person], olocation=locations[command.location])

    # checks that the item is or not a category
    # print 'blablabal'
    if command.item in categories: #if the item is a category this ask for further information and updates it
      objct = ask_category(command.item)
      self._world.item.id = obj2idx(objct, 'ITEMS')
      command.item = objct

    if command.location in loc_categories: #if the location is a category this ask for further information and updates it
      loca = ask_category_loc(command.location)
      command.location = loca

    # checks if the location of persons are known
    if self._world.person.locId == '-1' : # and command.person == self._world.person.id:
      ploc = check_object_location(idx2obj(int(self._world.person.id), 'PERSONS'))
      # if ploc != '-1':
      #   ploc = obj2idx(ploc,'LOCATIONS')
      print "LA LOCATION DE LA PERSON ES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: "+str(ploc)
      self._world.person.locId = ploc
    try:    #adds to world the item id
      i = obj2idx(command.item, 'ITEMS')
      self._world.item.id = str(i)
    except ValueError:
      print str(self._world.item.id)
      print command.item
      i = ''
    try:    #adds to world the person id
      p = obj2idx(command.person, 'PERSONS')
      self._world.person.id = str(p)
    except ValueError:
      p = ''
      l = obj2idx(command.location, 'LOCATIONS')
    except ValueError:
      l = ''
    print self._world.robot.locId
    if command.action == 'bring_from':
      self._world.item.locId = str(obj2idx(command.location, 'LOCATIONS'))

    if self._world.item.locId == '-1' and self._world.item.id != '-1': # If we know the item but not the location we check it and save it in world
      iloc = check_object_location(idx2obj(int(self._world.item.id), 'ITEMS'))
      self._world.item.locId = iloc

    if (command.action == 'memorize' or command.action == 'recognize'):
      command.person = self._world.person.id

    if (idx2obj(int(self._world.person.id), 'PERSONS') == 'person'): #prova per coneguir
      self._world.person.locId = self._world.robot.locId

    self._last_goal = compileInit(locations=locc, persons=perss, items=itt, oaction=command.action, 
                                  oitem=i, operson=p, olocation=l, current_world=self._world)
    locc: array with all the locations
    perss: array with all the persons involved in the commands
    itt: array with all the items involved in the commands
    comand.action: the action we want to perform
    i: the index of the object involved in this action
    p: index of the person involved in this action
    l: index of the location involved in this action
    self._world: the world we are working on

    self._goalDonei += 1