def pefac(signal, samplerate): with Matlab(arguments=('-nodesktop', '-nosplash', '-nojvm', '-singleCompThread'), print_to_stdout=False) as matlab: algopath = pathlib.Path(__file__).parents[0] / 'PEFAC' f0, time, prob = matlab.fxpefac(signal, float(samplerate), nargout=3) return time.ravel(), f0.ravel(), prob.ravel()
def rapt(signal, samplerate): with Matlab(arguments=('-nodesktop', '-nosplash', '-nojvm', '-singleCompThread'), print_to_stdout=False) as matlab: algopath = pathlib.Path(__file__).parents[0] / 'RAPT' f0, times = matlab.fxrapt(signal, float(samplerate), 'u', nargout=2) f0 = f0.ravel() time = numpy.empty(len(f0)*2) time[::2] = (times[:,0]-1)/samplerate time[1::2] = times[:,1]/samplerate f0s = numpy.empty(len(f0)*2) f0s[::2] = f0s[1::2] = f0 p = numpy.ones(len(f0s)) p[numpy.isnan(f0s)] = 0 return time, f0s, p
def yin(signal, samplerate): if samplerate != 16000: signal = resampy.resample(signal, samplerate, 16000) samplerate = 16000 tmpfilepath = pathlib.Path.cwd() / (str(uuid.uuid1()) + '.wav') try: soundfile.write(str(tmpfilepath), signal, samplerate) with Matlab(arguments=('-nodesktop', '-nosplash', '-nojvm', '-singleCompThread'), print_to_stdout=False) as matlab: algopath = pathlib.Path(__file__).parents[0] / 'YIN' struct = matlab.yin(str(tmpfilepath), nargout=1) finally: if tmpfilepath.exists(): tmpfilepath.unlink() f0 = 440 * 2**struct['f0'].ravel() hopsize = struct['hop'] time = numpy.arange(len(f0))*hopsize/samplerate p = numpy.ones(len(f0)) return time, f0, p
def matlab(request): matlab = Matlab(arguments=('-nodesktop', '-nosplash', '-nojvm')) yield matlab del matlab
def matlab(request): matlab = Matlab(jvm=False) yield matlab del matlab