예제 #1
def test_terms_can_be_added_to_item(item_data):
    item_id = item_data['id']
    # TODO: Replace with Term list() ?
    item = Item.objects.get(pk=item_id)
    assert item.terms.count() == 0

    for term in (TermFactory() for i in range(2)):
        items.add_terms(item_id, term.taxonomy.slug, term.name)

    assert item.terms.count() == 2
예제 #2
def test_add_term_fails_if_item_does_not_exist():
    with pytest.raises(TransportException) as excinfo:
        term = TermFactory()
        unknown_item_id = 6  # I am a Free Man
        items.add_terms(unknown_item_id, term.taxonomy.slug, term.name)

    error = excinfo.value.message

    assert error['status_code'] == 404
    assert error['detail'] == "Message matching query does not exist."
    # TODO: assert error['detail'] == "Item matching query does not exist."
    assert error['item_id'] == unknown_item_id
예제 #3
def test_add_term_fails_if_term_does_not_exist(taxonomy, item_data):
    with pytest.raises(TransportException) as excinfo:
            "unknown term name",

    error = excinfo.value.message

    assert error['status_code'] == 400
    assert error['detail'] == "Term matching query does not exist."
    assert error['terms']['name'] == "unknown term name"
예제 #4
def test_add_terms_raises_transport_exception_if_taxonomy_absent():
    item = items.create({'body': "What is the cuse of ebola?"})

    term_names = ['Monrovia', 'age 40-45', 'pertinent']
    with pytest.raises(TransportException) as excinfo:
        items.add_terms(item['id'], 'unknown-slug', term_names)

    error = excinfo.value.message

    assert error['status_code'] == 400
    assert error['detail'] == "Taxonomy matching query does not exist."
    assert error['item_id'] == item['id']
    assert error['terms']['name'] == term_names
    assert error['terms']['taxonomy'] == 'unknown-slug'
예제 #5
def test_add_terms_raises_transport_exception_if_item_absent(taxonomy):
    unknown_item_id = 6

    term_names = ['Monrovia', 'age 40-45', 'pertinent']
    with pytest.raises(TransportException) as excinfo:
        items.add_terms(unknown_item_id, taxonomy.slug, term_names)

    error = excinfo.value.message

    assert error['status_code'] == 404
    assert error['detail'] == "Message matching query does not exist."
    assert error['item_id'] == unknown_item_id
    assert error['terms']['name'] == term_names
    assert error['terms']['taxonomy'] == taxonomy.slug
def test_terms_can_be_removed_from_item(item_data):
    item_id = item_data["id"]
    # TODO: Replace with Term list() ?
    item = Item.objects.get(pk=item_id)
    assert item.terms.count() == 0

    term = TermFactory(name="term to be deleted")
    items.add_terms(item_id, term.taxonomy.slug, term.name)

    term2 = TermFactory(name="term not to be deleted")
    items.add_terms(item_id, term2.taxonomy.slug, term2.name)

    assert item.terms.count() == 2

    response = items.delete_all_terms(item_id, term.taxonomy.slug)
    assert "id" in response

    [remaining_term] = item.terms.all()

    assert remaining_term == term2
예제 #7
def test_multiple_new_terms_applied_to_item(taxonomy):
    item = items.create({'body': "What is the cuse of ebola?"})

    term_names = ['Monrovia', 'age 40-45', 'pertinent']

    item = items.add_terms(
        item['id'], taxonomy.slug, term_names)

    stored_names = [t['name'] for t in item['terms']]

    assert sorted(term_names) == sorted(stored_names)