예제 #1
def main():
	message = 'This is my benchmarking message; it should really be longer'
	e1 = time.time()
	#Time key generation: EC
	eck1 = ec.generate_private_key(ec.SECP384R1(), default_backend())
	eck2 = ec.generate_private_key(ec.SECP384R1(), default_backend())
	e2 = time.time()
	#Time key generation: RSA
	rsak = rsa.generate_private_key(public_exponent=65537, key_size=4096, backend=default_backend())
	e3 = time.time()
	#Time Encryption: EC
	ecct = transport_security.construct_message(message, srcprivkey=eck1, destpubkey=eck2.public_key())
	e4 = time.time()
	#Time Encryption: RSA
	rsact = transport_security.get_raw_encrypted(message, pubkey=rsak.public_key())
	e5 = time.time()
	#Time Decryption: EC
	ecpt = transport_security.deconstruct_message(message_dict=ecct, destprivkey=eck2, srcpubkey=eck1.public_key())
	e6 = time.time()
	if ecpt == message:
		print("EC Decryption successful")
		print("EC Decryption failed")
	#Time Decryption: RSA
	rsapt = transport_security.get_raw_decrypted(ciphertext=rsact, privkey=rsak)
	e7 = time.time()
	if ecpt == message:
		print("RSA Decryption successful")
		print("RSA Decryption failed")

	with open('timing.out', 'a') as f:
		record = "{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n".format(e2-e1, e3-e2, e4-e3, e5-e4, e6-e5, e7-e6)
예제 #2
파일: tstest.py 프로젝트: DroidX86/CloudSec
def main():
	#priv1 = ec.generate_private_key(ec.SECP384R1(), default_backend())
	priv2 = ec.generate_private_key(ec.SECP384R1(), default_backend())
	priv1 = rsa.generate_private_key(public_exponent=65537, key_size=2048, backend=default_backend())
	#priv2 = rsa.generate_private_key(public_exponent=65537, key_size=2048, backend=default_backend())

	print(isinstance(priv1, rsa.RSAPrivateKey))
	print(isinstance(priv2, ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKey))

	#priv1 parts
	message = "Hello cryptography!"

	tosend = transport_security.get_raw_encrypted(message, pubkey=priv1.public_key())

	#priv2 parts
	message_recvd = transport_security.get_raw_decrypted(tosend, privkey=priv1)
예제 #3
    def signup(self, password, key_pass, extras=None):
		Registraion, only if the configuration file did not contain login info or was missing
		We first request a new ID from th auth server
		Then we confirm that ID by sending in our authentication info
        self._logger.info("Initiating signup protocol")
        # Requesting a new ID
        # XXX: Change to https is servers are using TLS
        url = "http://{}:{}/auth/signup/new".format(self._authaddr, self._authport)
        self._logger.info("Requesting new id at: %s", url)
            resp = requests.get(url=url)
        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
            self._logger.error("Error while connecting to Auth Server")
            return False
        except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
            self._logger.error("Timeout while connecting to Auth Server")
            return False
        if resp.status_code != 200:
            # This should never happen unless the auth server ran out of IDs
            self._logger.error("Somehow the Auth Server replied with an error: %s", resp.status_code)
            return False
            # Check response status, response should contain the new ID and the RSA public key
        payload = resp.json()
        if not all(k in payload for k in ["id", "rsapublickey"]):
            self._logger.error("Server response is incomplete")
            return False
            # Build the RSA public key
        rsakey = self._build_rsa_server_key(payload["rsapublickey"])
        self._userid = payload["id"]
        self._logger.info("Successfully got an ID from the server")
        ### Now finalize the ID ###
        self._logger.info("Trying to finalize the signup process")
        self._privatekey = self._generate_keypair()  # Generate a new key pair
        pubkeystr = self._get_publickey_str()  # Get the public part as a string to send
        # Is the user supplied extras, add them
        if extras:
            user_info = {"password": password, "publickey": pubkeystr, "extra": json.dumps(extras)}
            user_info = {"password": password, "publickey": pubkeystr}
        self._logger.info("Sending payload: %s", user_info)
        # RSA encrypt it
        payload = transport_security.get_raw_encrypted(plaintext=json.dumps(user_info), pubkey=rsakey)
        # Send it in a JSON
        enc_payload = {"rsaencryptedpayload": payload}
        # Now send it to the Auth server
        # XXX: Change to https if server is using TLS
        url = "http://{}:{}/auth/signup/{}".format(self._authaddr, self._authport, self._userid)
        self._logger.info("Finalizing new id at: %s", url)
            resp = requests.put(url=url, json=enc_payload)
        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
            self._logger.error("Error while connecting to Auth Server")
            return False
        except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
            self._logger.error("Timeout while connecting to Auth Server")
            return False
            # Check response status
        if resp.status_code != 200:
            self._logger.error("The Auth Server replied with an error: %s", resp.status_code)
            return False
        self._logger.info("Server responded positively")
        # Get response data, it should contain all the following
        payload = resp.json()
        if not all(k in payload for k in ["authpublickey", "agspublickey", "extras"]):
            self._logger.error("Server response is malformed")
            return False
            # Build the server keys from the response
        self._authpubkey = self._build_server_key(keystr=payload["authpublickey"])
        self._agspubkey = self._build_server_key(keystr=payload["agspublickey"])
        if not (self._authpubkey and self._agspubkey):
            self._logger.error("Server keys in response are malformed")
            return False
            # Store the server keys
        self._logger.info("Server keys successfully loaded")
        self._save_server_key(server_name="auth", pubkey=self._authpubkey)
        self._save_server_key(server_name="ags", pubkey=self._agspubkey)
        # Update our config to reflect our new id
        self._config["Client"]["UserID"] = self._userid
        self._config["Client"]["PrivateKeyPassword"] = key_pass
        self._save_config()  # Save the confign to file
        self._logger.info("Updated configuration")
        # Update the password before saving our private key
        self._key_pass = key_pass
        self._save_keypair()  # Save the generated key
        self._logger.info("Signup process complete. Server saved extras? %s", payload["extras"])
        return True