예제 #1
    def __init__(self, raise_event, on_disconnect, idlequeue, estabilish_tls, certs,
                    xmpp_server, domain, bosh_dict, proxy_creds):
        NonBlockingTransport.__init__(self, raise_event, on_disconnect, idlequeue,
                estabilish_tls, certs)

        self.bosh_sid = None
        if locale.getdefaultlocale()[0]:
            self.bosh_xml_lang = locale.getdefaultlocale()[0].split('_')[0]
            self.bosh_xml_lang = 'en'

        self.http_version = 'HTTP/1.1'
        self.http_persistent = True
        self.http_pipelining = bosh_dict['bosh_http_pipelining']
        self.bosh_to = domain

        self.route_host, self.route_port = xmpp_server

        self.bosh_wait = bosh_dict['bosh_wait']
        if not self.http_pipelining:
            self.bosh_hold = 1
            self.bosh_hold = bosh_dict['bosh_hold']
        self.bosh_requests = self.bosh_hold
        self.bosh_uri = bosh_dict['bosh_uri']
        self.bosh_content = bosh_dict['bosh_content']
        self.over_proxy = bosh_dict['bosh_useproxy']
        if estabilish_tls:
            self.bosh_secure = 'true'
            self.bosh_secure = 'false'
        self.use_proxy_auth = bosh_dict['useauth']
        self.proxy_creds = proxy_creds
        self.wait_cb_time = None
        self.http_socks = []
        self.stanza_buffer = []
        self.prio_bosh_stanzas = []
        self.current_recv_handler = None
        self.current_recv_socket = None
        self.key_stack = None
        self.ack_checker = None
        self.after_init = False
        self.proxy_dict = {}
        if self.over_proxy and self.estabilish_tls:
            self.proxy_dict['type'] = 'http'
            # with SSL over proxy, we do HTTP CONNECT to proxy to open a channel to
            # BOSH Connection Manager
            host, port = urisplit(self.bosh_uri)[1:3]
            self.proxy_dict['xmpp_server'] = (host, port)
            self.proxy_dict['credentials'] = self.proxy_creds