예제 #1
파일: trainer_lib.py 프로젝트: koz4k2/trax
def _jit_predict_fn(model_predict, metric_fn, n_devices, jit=True):
    """Returns a JIT-compiled predict function (unless jit=False)."""
    model_predict = layers.Serial(model_predict, metric_fn).apply_forward
    if not jit:
        return model_predict

    model_predict = backend.accelerate(model_predict, n_devices)
    if n_devices == 1:
        return model_predict

    def predict(x, params, state, rng):
        """Predict function jited and parallelized as requested."""
        res, state = backend.combine_devices(
            model_predict(backend.reshape_by_device(x, n_devices), params,
                          state, np.stack(jax_random.split(rng, n_devices))))
        return layers.nested_map(lambda y: np.mean(y, axis=0), res), state

    return predict
예제 #2
def _jit_predict_fn(model_predict, metric_fn, n_devices, jit=True):
    """Returns a JIT-compiled predict function (unless jit=False)."""
    model = tl.Serial(model_predict, metric_fn)
    model_predict = model._forward_internal  # pylint: disable=protected-access
    if not jit:
        return model_predict

    model_predict = backend.accelerate(model_predict, n_devices)
    if n_devices == 1:
        return model_predict

    def predict(x, weights, state, rng):
        """Predict function jited and parallelized as requested."""
        res, state = _combine_devices(
            model_predict(_reshape_by_device(x, n_devices), weights, state,
                          np.stack(jax_random.split(rng, n_devices))))
        return backend.nested_map(lambda y: np.mean(y, axis=0), res), state

    return predict