예제 #1
def divisible_by_7_graph():
    '''set up divisibe-by-y graph by declaration
       of named nodes

    allNodes = {e: t()
                for e in "abcdefg"}  # create 7 alphabetically labelled nodes
    #             Black Links                      White Links
    allNodes['a'].B = allNodes['b']
    allNodes['a'].W = allNodes['a']
    allNodes['a'].v = 'a'  # node 'a' has a self loop
    allNodes['b'].B = allNodes['c']
    allNodes['b'].W = allNodes['d']
    allNodes['b'].v = 'b'
    allNodes['c'].B = allNodes['d']
    allNodes['c'].W = allNodes['g']
    allNodes['c'].v = 'c'
    allNodes['d'].B = allNodes['e']
    allNodes['d'].W = allNodes['c']
    allNodes['d'].v = 'd'
    allNodes['e'].B = allNodes['f']
    allNodes['e'].W = allNodes['f']
    allNodes['e'].v = 'e'  # same destination node for Black and for White
    allNodes['f'].B = allNodes['g']
    allNodes['f'].W = allNodes['b']
    allNodes['f'].v = 'f'
    allNodes['g'].B = allNodes['a']
    allNodes['g'].W = allNodes['e']
    allNodes['g'].v = 'g'

    return allNodes['a']
예제 #2
def sample_config():

    config = t()
    config.boo = 1
    config.bar.alpha = 11
    config.bar.beta = 22
    config.bar.gamma = 'hello'
    config.bas.rock = 'bye'
    config.bas.scissors = 'hello'
    config.bas.paper = ['hh', 'ii', 'jj']
    config.cas = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]
    config.dct = {'aa': 11, 'bb': 22, 'cc': 33}
    config.a.b.c.d.e.f.mtx = [[42, 43, 44], [11, 22, 33]]
    config.a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.i.j = 42
    config.a.b.c1 = 42
    config.a.b.c.d1 = 42
    config.a.b.c.d2.e = 42
    config.a.b.c.d3 = 42
    config.a.b.c2.d1 = 42
    config.a.b.c2.d2 = 42
    config.a.bb.c.d1 = 42
    config.a.bbb.c.d1 = 42
    # config.dag = config.bar      # this works, but creates a DAG
    # config.a.b.c.cyc = config  # this works, but creates a Cyclic Graph
    return config
예제 #3
파일: json.py 프로젝트: kleymik/treacl
def sample_json():

    # json sample from json wikipedia page
    person = t()
    person.firstName = "John"
    person.lastName = "Smith"
    person.age = 25
    person.address.streetAddress = "21 2nd Street"
    person.address.city = "New York"
    person.address.state = "NY"
    person.address.postalCode = "10021"
    person.phoneNumbers = [t(), t()]
    person.phoneNumbers[0].type = "home"
    person.phoneNumbers[0].number = "212 555-1234"
    person.phoneNumbers[1].type = "fax"
    person.phoneNumbers[1].number = "646 555-4567"
    person.sex.type = "male"

    return person
예제 #4
def make_treacl_table(nrows, ncols):
    '''example nR X nC table
    tbl = t()
    tbl.rows = [t() for _ in range(nrows)]  # list of row series
    tbl.cols = [t() for _ in range(ncols)]  # list of column series
    for r in tbl.rows:
        r.s = [t() for x in tbl.cols
               ]  # create series treacl instances for each row
    for ci, c in enumerate(tbl.cols):
        c.s = [r.s[ci]
               for r in tbl.rows]  # cross-ref the instance into column series

    i = 0
    for ri, r in enumerate(tbl.rows):
        for ci, c in enumerate(tbl.cols):
            tbl.rows[ri].s[ci].v = ascii_lowercase[
                i %
                26]  #(ri,ci)                  # give each element in the table a value attribute (e.g. ".v" )
            i += 1
    return tbl
예제 #5
def divisible_by_7_graph_pathex():
    '''set up divisibe-by-y graph by declaration of links
       This graph is identical to that of the function above,
       but expressed by decomposing it into a set of line path expressions

    d7 = t()
    d7.B.B.B.B.B.B.B = d7  # Black loop
    d7.W = d7  # a; White forward and backward jumps
    d7.B.W = d7.B.B.B  # b
    d7.B.B.W = d7.B.B.B.B.B.B  # c
    d7.B.B.B.W = d7.B.B  # d
    d7.B.B.B.B.W = d7.B.B.B.B.B  # e
    d7.B.B.B.B.B.W = d7.B  # f
    d7.B.B.B.B.B.B.W = d7.B.B.B.B  # g

    return d7
예제 #6
def test_universe():
    univ = t()
    univ.virgoSuperCluster.localGroup.milkyWay.orionCygnusArm.sun.earth.europe.uk.england.london.marylebone.langhamHotel.bar.pint.londonPride.head.bubble.co2.oxygen.neutron.upQuark = None
    univ.virgoSuperCluster.localGroup.milkyWay.orionCygnusArm.sun.earth.europe.uk.oxfordshire.oxford = None
    univ.virgoSuperCluster.localGroup.milkyWay.orionCygnusArm.sun.earth.europe.france.languedoc.perpignan.gare = None
    univ.virgoSuperCluster.localGroup.milkyWay.orionCygnusArm.sun.earth.europe.france.paris.arrondisement5.placeDuPantheon.pantheon.dome.focaulPendulum.sphere.lead.faceCenteredCube.atomPb204.proton.quark = None
    univ.virgoSuperCluster.localGroup.milkyWay.orionCygnusArm.sun.earth.us.california.inyoCounty.whitemountains.ancientBristleconePineForest.methuselahGrove.methuselah.trunk.branch.fascile.needle.stoma.parenchymaCell = None
    univ.virgoSuperCluster.localGroup.milkyWay.orionCygnusArm.sun.earth.us.colorado.gaithersburg.nist.nistF1Clock.fountain.opticalMolasses.cesium133.groundState.hyperFineTransition.fluorescentPhoton.frequency = None
    univ.virgoSuperCluster.localGroup.milkyWay.orionCygnusArm.sun.mars.chrysePlanitia.viking1Lander.biologicalExperimentSystem.labeledRelease.c14DetectorAssembly = None
    univ.virgoSuperCluster.localGroup.milkyWay.orionCygnusArm.sun.jupiter.ganymede.crater1 = None
    univ.virgoSuperCluster.localGroup.milkyWay.orionCygnusArm.sun.jupiter.bigRedSpot = None
    univ.virgoSuperCluster.localGroup.milkyWay.perseusArm.crabNebula = None
    univ.virgoSuperCluster.localGroup.milkyWay.sirius = None
    univ.virgoSuperCluster.localGroup.andromeda.mayaII = None
    univ.virgoSuperCluster.localGroup.andromeda.nucleues.p2.blackHole = None
    univ.virgoSuperCluster.localGroup.triangulum.inSpiral = None
    univ.virgoSuperCluster.localGroup.triangulum.isSpiral = None
    univ.virgoSuperCluster.localGroup.triangulum.ngc604 = None
    univ.virgoSuperCluster.localGroup.sextansA = None
    univ.virgoSuperCluster.localGroup.sextansB = None
    univ.virgoSuperCluster.virgoA.messier87 = None

    return univ
예제 #7
def make_treacl_3x2_table():
    '''example 3x2 table
    tbl = t()
    tbl.rows = [t(), t(), t()]  # i.e. [ row1, row2, row3] = list of row series
    tbl.cols = [t(), t()]  # i.e. [ col1, col2 ]      = list of column series
    # put elements in row series (i.e. ".s")
    tbl.rows[0].s = [t(), t()]  # a b
    tbl.rows[1].s = [t(), t()]  # c d
    tbl.rows[2].s = [t(), t()]  # e f
    # put *same* elements in column series (i.e. ".s")
    tbl.cols[0].s = [tbl.rows[0].s[0], tbl.rows[1].s[0],
                     tbl.rows[2].s[0]]  # a c e
    tbl.cols[1].s = [tbl.rows[0].s[1], tbl.rows[1].s[1],
                     tbl.rows[2].s[1]]  # b d f
    # give each element in the table a value attribute (e.g. ".v" )
    tbl.rows[0].s[0].v = "a"
    tbl.rows[0].s[1].v = "b"
    tbl.rows[1].s[0].v = "c"
    tbl.rows[1].s[1].v = "d"
    tbl.rows[2].s[0].v = "e"
    tbl.rows[2].s[1].v = "f"

    return tbl
예제 #8
def sample_ssl_certificate():

    Certificate = t()
    Certificate.Data.Version = "3 (0x2)"
    Certificate.Data.SerialNumber = "45:12:a3:02:83:5a:73:84:08:00:00:00:00:3a:95:59"
    Certificate.Data.SignatureAlgorithm = "sha256WithRSAEncryption"
    Certificate.Data.Issuer.C = "US"
    Certificate.Data.Issuer.O = "Google Trust Services"
    Certificate.Data.Issuer.CN = "GTS CA 1O1"
    Certificate.Data.Validity.NotBefore = "Apr 15 20:25:34 2020 GMT"
    Certificate.Data.Validity.NotAfter = "Jul  8 20:25:34 2020 GMT"
    Certificate.Data.Subject.C = "US"
    Certificate.Data.Subject.ST = "California"
    Certificate.Data.Subject.L = "Mountain View"
    Certificate.Data.Subject.O = "Google LLC"
    Certificate.Data.Subject.CN = "mail.google.com"
    Certificate.Data.Subject.PublicKeyInfo.PublicKeyAlgorithm = "id-ecPublicKey"
    Certificate.Data.Subject.PublicKeyInfo.Public_Key = "(256 bit)"
    Certificate.Data.Subject.PublicKeyInfo.pub = (
    Certificate.Data.Subject.PublicKeyInfo.ASN1_OID = "prime256v1"
    Certificate.Data.Subject.PublicKeyInfo.NIST_CURVE = "P-256"
    Certificate.Data.X509v3.extensions = [t() for _ in range(13)]
        0].X509v3KeyUsage.critical = "Digital Signature"
        1].X509v3ExtendedKeyUsage = "TLS Web Server Authentication"
        2].X509v3BasicConstraints.critical = "CA:FALSE"
        3].X509v3SubjectKeyIdentifier = "FC:DA:68:51:CF:C4:D6:F7:96:CD:F0:E8:5F:59:3D:A3:2A:E3:A1:74"
        4].X509v3AuthorityKeyIdentifier = "keyid:98:D1:F8:6E:10:EB:CF:9B:EC:60:9F:18:90:1B:A0:EB:7D:09:FD:2B"
        5].AuthorityInformationAccess.OCSP = "URI:http://ocsp.pki.goog/gts1o1"
        6].AuthorityInformationAccess.CAIssuers = "URI:http://pki.goog/gsr2/GTS1O1.crt"
    Certificate.Data.X509v3.extensions[7].X509v3SubjectAlternativeName = [
        "DNS:mail.google.com", "DNS:inbox.google.com"

    Certificate.Data.X509v3.extensions[8].X509v3CertificatePolicies = [
        t(), t()
        0].Policy = ""
        1].Policy = ""

        11].X509v3CRLDistributionPoints.FullName = " URI:http://crl.pki.goog/GTS1O1.crl"

    Certificate.Data.X509v3.extensions[12].CTPrecertificateSCTs = [t(), t()]
        0].SignedCertificateTimestamp.Version = "v1 (0x0)"
        0].SignedCertificateTimestamp.LogID = (
        0].SignedCertificateTimestamp.Timestamp = "Apr 15 21:25:34.560 2020 GMT"
        0].SignedCertificateTimestamp.Extensions = "none"
        0].SignedCertificateTimestamp.Signature = [
        1].SignedCertificateTimestamp.Version = "v1 (0x0)"
        1].SignedCertificateTimestamp.LogID = (
        1].SignedCertificateTimestamp.Timestamp = "Apr 15 21:25:34.607 2020 GMT"
        1].SignedCertificateTimestamp.Extensions = "none"
        1].SignedCertificateTimestamp.Signature = [
    Certificate.SignatureAlgorithm = [
    Certificate.encoded = [
        "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----",
        "-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
    return Certificate
예제 #9
def standard_model_interactions():

    # elementary particles and their groupings
    ep = t();           ep.name = "elementary particles";   ep.addProp('type', "grouping")

    # fermions
    fm = t();           fm.name = "fermions";               fm.addProp('type', "grouping")
    # leptons
    lp = t();           lp.name = "leptons";                lp.addProp('type', "grouping")
    #  neutral leptons
    lpn = t();         lpn.name = "neutral leptons";       lpn.addProp('type', "grouping")
    en = t();           en.name = "electron neutrino";      en.addProp('type', "elementary")
    tn = t();           tn.name = "tau neutrino";           tn.addProp('type', "elementary")
    mnn = t();         mnn.name = "muon neutrino";         mnn.addProp('type', "elementary")
    lpn.M = [en, tn, mnn]
    #  charged leptons
    lpc = t();         lpc.name = "charged leptons";       lpc.addProp('type', "grouping")
    el = t();           el.name = "electron";               el.addProp('type', "elementary")
    tau = t();         tau.name = "tau";                   tau.addProp('type', "elementary")
    mn = t();           mn.name = "muon";                   mn.addProp('type', "elementary")
    lpc.M = [el, tau, mn]
    lp.M = [lpn, lpc]
    # quarks
    qk = t();           qk.name = "quarks";                 qk.addProp('type', "grouping")
    #  quarks up/down
    qkud = t();       qkud.name = "up/down quarks";       qkud.addProp('type', "grouping")
    qku = t();         qku.name = "up quark";              qku.addProp('type', "grouping")
    qkd = t();         qkd.name = "down quark";            qkd.addProp('type', "grouping")
    qkud.M = [qku, qkd]
    #  quarks charm/strange
    qkcs = t();       qkcs.name = "charm strange quarks"; qkcs.addProp('type', "grouping")
    qkc = t();         qkc.name = "charm quark";           qkc.addProp('type', "elementary")
    qks = t();         qks.name = "strange quark";         qks.addProp('type', "elementary")
    qkcs.M = [qkc, qks]
    #  quarks top/bottom
    qktb = t();       qktb.name = "top/bottom quarks";   qktb.addProp('type', "grouping")
    qkt = t();         qkt.name = "top quark";            qkt.addProp('type', "elementary")
    qkb = t();         qkb.name = "bottom quark";         qkb.addProp('type', "elementary")
    qktb.M = [qkt, qkb]
    qk.M = [qkud, qkcs, qktb]
    fm.M = [lp, qk]

    # bosons
    bn = t();           bn.name = "fermions";               bn.addProp('type', "grouping")
    # weak bosons
    wb = t();           wb.name = "weak bosons";            wb.addProp('type', "grouping")
    wp = t();           wp.name = "w-plus boson";           wp.addProp('type', "elementary")
    wm = t();           wm.name = "w-minus boson";          wm.addProp('type', "elementary")
    zb = t();           zb.name = "z boson";                zb.addProp('type', "elementary")
    wb.M = [wp, wm, zb]

    # gluon
    gn = t();           gn.name = "gluon";                  gn.addProp('type', "elementary")
    # photon
    ph = t();           ph.name = "photon";                 ph.addProp('type', "elementary")
    # BEH boson
    hg = t();           hg.name = "BEH";                    hg.addProp('type', "elementary")
    bn.M = [wb, gn, ph, hg]

    ep.M = [fm, bn] # currently, it seems the universe consists of bosons and fermions

    # Interactions
    # add both-ways links to identify which particles/ groups of particles interact
    # self interactions are inherently both-ways
    gn.I  = [gn, qk]
    ph.I  = [lpc, wp, wm, qk]
    hg.I  = [hg, wb, qk, lpc]
    wb.I  = [wb, hg, lp, qk]
    lp.I  = [wb]
    qk.I  = [gn, ph, hg, wb]
    lpc.I = [ph, hg]
    wp.I  = [ph]
    wp.I  = [ph]

    # more properties
    # charge
    lpn.addProp('charge', '0')
    lpc.addProp('charge', '-1')
    qku.addProp('charge', '2/3')
    qkd.addProp('charge', '-1/3')
    qkc.addProp('charge', '2/3')
    qks.addProp('charge', '-1/3')
    qkt.addProp('charge', '2/3')
    qkb.addProp('charge', '-1/3')
    # spin
    ph.addProp('spin', '1/2')
    wb.addProp('spin', '1')
    gn.addProp('spin', '1')
    ph.addProp('spin', '1')
    hg.addProp('spin', '0')

    return ep   # all elementary particles