def _generate(self, node_size, max_depth, max_width):
        self.node_size = node_size
        self.max_width = max_width
        self.max_depth = max_depth
        # depth is in (1 .. max_depth - 1)
        # When users give max_depth 3, users expect the range from 1 to 3 (not 0 to 2)
        # Instead of depth = random.randrange(1, self.max_depth+1)
        depth = random.randrange(self.max_depth) + 1
        tree = []
        index = 0
        tree.append((0, None))
        count = 1  # There is 1 node
        current_depth = 1
        parent = 0
        while count < node_size and current_depth <= depth:
            width = random.randrange(self.max_width)

            current_depth = TreeGen.get_depth(tree)
            # critical condition
            # When depth + 1 is the same as current generated node
            # The width should be 1
            if (current_depth + 1) == count and width == 0:
                width = 1
            if width > 0:
                if count + width > node_size:
                    width = node_size - count
                for j in range(width):  
                    tree.append((count, parent))
                    count += 1
            index += 1
            current_depth = TreeGen.get_depth(tree)
            if index < len(tree):
                parent = tree[index][0]
                raise Exception("not enough node generated")
        return tree, depth
    def get_new_link_set_from_tree(tree, number_of_links):
        Given a tree (in a dictionary format), return a set of nodes in a tuple format (FROM, TO)
        that has `number_of_links` elements
        iteration_count = 0
        node_size = len(tree)

        result = set()
        while len(result) < number_of_links:
            iteration_count += 1
            node1, node2 = TreeGen.get_two_node_values(node_size)
            if not TreeGen.linked_nodes(tree, node1, node2):
                result.add((node1, node2))

            if iteration_count > node_size:
                print >> sys.stderr, "node_size(%d) iter_count(%d)" % (node_size, iteration_count)
                raise Exception("Too many iterations")
        return result
def generate(trees, result_dir, connection_rate):
    files = glob.glob(trees + os.sep + "tree_*.txt")
    for f in files:
        print f + "%5.1f" % connection_rate
        file_name = os.path.basename(f)
        mesh_name = file_name.replace("tree","mesh")
        mesh_file_name = mesh_name # '_'.join(split_names)
        mesh_file_path = os.path.join(result_dir, mesh_file_name)
        t = Network(f)
        h = TreeGen.tree_to_mesh(, connection_rate)
        #print h
        a = Network(h)
        a.dot_gen(mesh_file_path + ".dot")
    def tree_to_mesh(tree, percentage = 0.2):
        Given a tree, randomly selects nodes to connect them.
        The third parameter percentage is % of numbers to be connected.
        When the number of node is 100, and percentage is 0.2, the 20 nodes are newly connected
        assert percentage < 0.9  # Let's make it less than 90%.
        node_size = len(tree)
        additional_node_size = int(node_size * percentage)

        links = TreeGen.get_new_link_set_from_tree(tree, additional_node_size)

        mesh = copy.deepcopy(tree)

        for link in links:
            a = link[0]
            b = link[1]

        return mesh