예제 #1
def operate_tn(op, l, r):
    if op == ":":  #':' operator adds the length of branch (and create node if no node exists)
        if isinstance(l, TreeNode):
            l.length = float(r)
            return l
            nod = TreeNode(name=[l], length=float(
                r))  #added [] 18/10/13...to give all tip names as node.name
            return nod

    elif op == ",":  #',' operator creat a subtree from 2 nodes
        if not isinstance(l, TreeNode):
            l = TreeNode(name=[
            ])  #added [] 18/10/13...to give all tip names as node.name

        if not isinstance(r, TreeNode):
            r = TreeNode(name=[
            ])  #added [] 18/10/13...to give all tip names as node.name

        nod = TreeNode(
            name=l.name + r.name
        )  #added [] 18/10/13...to give all tip names as node.name. need refactoring.
        l.parent = nod
        r.parent = nod
        nod.left, nod.right = l, r

        return nod
예제 #2
    def put(self, key, val):
        if not self.root:
            self.root = TreeNode(key, val)
            currentNode = self._findSpot(key)
            new = TreeNode(key, val)
            new.parent = currentNode

            if key < currentNode.key:
                currentNode.leftChild = new
            elif key > currentNode.key:
                currentNode.rightChild = new
                currentNode.replaceNodeData(key, val, currentNode.leftChild,
        self.size += 1
예제 #3
    def build_tree(self, unparsed_xml, root):
        # gets <tag>, <tag "data"/>, or </tag>
        tag = re.search(r'(\<)(\/)?([A-Za-z]+)((.*)\/?)(\>)?', unparsed_xml)

        if (tag):
            tag = tag.group()
            new_node = TreeNode()

            # no children, get attrs then process rest of siblings
            if tag.endswith('/>'):
                self.get_node_attrs(tag, new_node, root)
                unparsed_siblings = re.search(r'(?<=%s)(<?.*)' % tag,
                                              unparsed_xml, re.DOTALL).group()

                if (unparsed_siblings != ""):
                    self.build_tree(unparsed_siblings, root)

            # has children, get attr and recursively get children
            elif tag.endswith('>'):
                close_tag = self.get_close_tag(tag)
                self.get_node_attrs(tag, new_node, root)

                num_close_tags = self.get_num_close_tags(tag, unparsed_xml)
                close_tag_start_index = [
                    m.start() for m in re.finditer(close_tag, unparsed_xml)
                ][num_close_tags - 1]
                close_tag_end_index = [
                    m.end() for m in re.finditer(close_tag, unparsed_xml)
                ][num_close_tags - 1]

                children = re.search(r'(?<={})(.+)'.format(tag),
                unparsed_siblings = unparsed_xml[close_tag_end_index:]

                if self.get_tag_name(tag) == 'root':
                    self.root = root
                    self.root.behavior = 'ROOT'
                    self.build_tree(children, root)
                    new_node.parent = root
                    self.build_tree(children, new_node)

                if unparsed_siblings != "":
                    self.build_tree(unparsed_siblings, root)
    childside = root.left if a_onleft else root.right
    return ancestor_helper(childside, a, b)

def covers(root, b):
    if root == None: return False
    if root == b: return True
    return covers(root.left, b) or covers(root.right, b)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    n1 = TreeNode(1)
    n2 = TreeNode(2)
    n3 = TreeNode(3)
    n4 = TreeNode(4)
    n5 = TreeNode(5)
    n6 = TreeNode(6)
    n2.left = n1
    n2.right = n3
    n1.parent = n2
    n3.parent = n2
    n5.left = n4
    n5.right = n6
    n4.parent = n5
    n6.parent = n5
    print(common_ancestor(n2, n1, n4))
    print(common_ancestor(n2, n1, n3).value)
예제 #5
        return get_leftmost_child(n.right)
        q = n
        x = n.parent
        while x and x.left != q:
            q = x
            x = x.parent
        return x

def get_leftmost_child(n):
    while n.left != None:
        n = n.left
    return n

if __name__ == "__main__":
    n0 = TreeNode(0)
    n1 = TreeNode(1)
    n2 = TreeNode(2)
    n3 = TreeNode(3)
    n_1 = TreeNode(-1)
    n2.left = n1
    n1.parent = n2
    n2.right = n3
    n3.parent = n2
    n0.right = n2
    n2.parent = n0
    n0.left = n_1
    n_1.parent = n0