def main(): P0 = np.array([[2.0,0.0],[0.0,1.0]]) Ns = 100 Ts = 4.0 (tsim,XK,YK,mu0,dt,tf) = generate_data.execute_sim(cp_dynamics.eqom_stoch_cluster,Ts,30*Ts,Ns,P0,cluster=True,informative=True) Qk = np.array([[0.005]]) Rk = np.array([[0.01]]) # number of steps in each simulation nSteps = len(tsim) nees_history = np.zeros((nSteps,Ns)) e_sims = np.zeros((Ns*nSteps,2)) count_good = 0 count_singular_covariance = 0 count_large_errors = 0 for counter in range(Ns): xk = XK[:,(2*counter):(2*counter+2)] yk = YK[:,counter] (xf,Pf,simOut) = ekf_test(dt,tf,mu0,P0,yk,Qk,Rk) if simOut.singular_covariance: print("Simulation exited with singular covariance at index %d" % (simOut.last_index)) count_singular_covariance = count_singular_covariance + 1 continue # compute the unit variance transformation of the error e1 = np.zeros((nSteps,2)) chi2 = np.zeros(nSteps) (e1[0:simOut.last_index,:],chi2[0:simOut.last_index]) = trials_processing.computeErrors(xf[0:simOut.last_index,:],Pf[0:simOut.last_index,:,:],xk[0:simOut.last_index,:]) nees_history[:,counter] = chi2.copy() mean_nees = np.sum(chi2)/float(nSteps) print(mean_nees) # mean NEES mse = np.sum(np.power(e1,2.0),axis=0)/float(nSteps) e_sims[(counter*nSteps):(counter*nSteps+nSteps),:] = e1.copy() if (mse[0] > 1.0) or (mse[1] > 1.0): count_large_errors = count_large_errors + 1 continue count_good = count_good + 1 print("MSE: %f,%f" % (mse[0],mse[1])) # chi-square test statistics # (alpha) probability of being less than the returned value: stats.chi2.ppf(alpha,df=Nsims) if Ns < 2: trials_processing.printSingleSim(tsim,xf,Pf,xk,name='ekf',save_flag=None,history_lines=True,draw_snapshots=False) #trials_processing.errorParsing(e_sims,nees_history,'ekf','sims_01_bifurcation') # write to file # Ns, count_good, count_singular_covariance, count_large_errors, Qk[0,0], Ts fname = 'ekf_data.txt' FID = open(fname,'a') FID.write("%d,%d,%d,%d,%g,%g\n" % (Ns,count_good,count_singular_covariance,count_large_errors,Qk[0,0],Ts)) FID.close() print("Leaving ekf_trials") return
def main(): P0 = np.array([[2.0,0.0],[0.0,1.0]]) Ns = 100 Ts = 5.0 (tsim,XK,YK,mu0,dt,tf) = generate_data.execute_sim(cp_dynamics.eqom_stoch_cluster,Ts,30*Ts,Ns,P0,cluster=True,informative=True) # number of particles Nsu = 200 Qk = np.array([[0.1]]) Rk = np.array([[0.01]]) # number of steps in each simulation nSteps = len(tsim) nees_history = np.zeros((nSteps,Ns)) e_sims = np.zeros((Ns*nSteps,2)) count_good = 0 count_singular_covariance = 0 count_large_errors = 0 for counter in range(Ns): xk = XK[:,(2*counter):(2*counter+2)] yk = YK[:,counter] (xf,Pf,px1,px2,weights,simOut) = sir_test(dt,tf,mu0,P0,yk,Qk,Rk,Nsu) if simOut.singular_covariance: print("Simulation exited with singular covariance at index %d" % (simOut.last_index)) count_singular_covariance = count_singular_covariance + 1 continue # errors e1 = xk-xf # mean NEES mse = np.sum(np.power(xk-xf,2.0),axis=0)/float(nSteps) e_sims[(counter*nSteps):(counter*nSteps+nSteps),:] = xk-xf print("MSE: %f,%f" % (mse[0],mse[1])) if (mse[0] > 1.0) or (mse[1] > 1.0): count_large_errors = count_large_errors + 1 continue count_good = count_good + 1 if Ns < 2: trials_processing.printSingleSim(tsim,xf,Pf,xk,name='sir',save_flag=None,history_lines=True,draw_snapshots=False) fname = 'sir_data.txt' FID = open(fname,'a') FID.write("%d,%d,%d,%d,%g,%g\n" % (Ns,count_good,count_singular_covariance,count_large_errors,Qk[0,0],Ts)) FID.close() raw_input("Return to quit") print("Leaving sir_trials") return
def main(): P0 = np.array([[2.0,0.0],[0.0,1.0]]) Ns = 100 Ts = 3.5 (tsim,XK,YK,mu0,dt,tf) = generate_data.execute_sim(cp_dynamics.eqom_stoch_cluster,Ts,30*Ts,Ns,P0,cluster=True,informative=True) flag_adapt = False Qk = np.array([[0.01]]) #Qk = np.array([[0.01*Ts*0.1]]) Rk = np.array([[0.01]]) # number of steps in each simulation nSteps = len(tsim) nees_history = np.zeros((nSteps,Ns)) Nf_history = np.zeros((nSteps,Ns)) e_sims = np.zeros((Ns*nSteps,2)) count_good = 0 count_singular_covariance = 0 count_large_errors = 0 for counter in range(Ns): xk = XK[:,(2*counter):(2*counter+2)] yk = YK[:,counter] (xf,Pf,Nf,XKO,simOut) = enkf_test(dt,tf,mu0,P0,yk,Qk,Rk,flag_adapt) if simOut.singular_covariance: print("Simulation exited with singular covariance at index %d" % (simOut.last_index)) count_singular_covariance = count_singular_covariance + 1 continue # store the number of particles, relevant if adaptive Nf_history[:,counter] = Nf.copy() # errors e1 = np.zeros((nSteps,2)) chi2 = np.zeros(nSteps) (e1[0:simOut.last_index,:],chi2[0:simOut.last_index]) = trials_processing.computeErrors(xf[0:simOut.last_index,:],Pf[0:simOut.last_index,:,:],xk[0:simOut.last_index,:]) nees_history[:,counter] = chi2.copy() mean_nees = np.sum(chi2)/float(nSteps) print(mean_nees) # mean NEES mse = np.sum(np.power(e1,2.0),axis=0)/float(nSteps) # get the mean number of particles in time Nf_mean = np.sum(Nf_history,axis=1)/Ns e_sims[(counter*nSteps):(counter*nSteps+nSteps),:] = e1.copy() if (mse[0] > 1.0) or (mse[1] > 1.0): count_large_errors = count_large_errors + 1 continue count_good = count_good + 1 print("MSE: %f,%f" % (mse[0],mse[1])) if Ns < 2: trials_processing.printSingleSim(tsim,xf,Pf,xk,name='enkf',save_flag=None,history_lines=True,draw_snapshots=False) if flag_adapt: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6.0,3.37)) #figsize tuple is width, height tilt = "AENKF, Ts = %.2f, %d sims, " % (dt, Ns) ax = fig.add_subplot(111,ylabel='mean particles',title=tilt) ax.plot(tsim,Nf_mean,'b-') ax.grid() raw_input("Return to close") #trials_processing.errorParsing(e_sims,nees_history,'enkf','sims_01_bifurcation') # write to file # Ns, count_good, count_singular_covariance, count_large_errors, Qk[0,0], Ts if not flag_adapt: fname = 'enkf_data.txt' FID = open(fname,'a') FID.write("%d,%d,%d,%d,%g,%g\n" % (Ns,count_good,count_singular_covariance,count_large_errors,Qk[0,0],Ts)) FID.close() else: fname = 'aenkf_data.txt' FID = open(fname,'a') FID.write("%d,%d,%d,%d,%g,%g\n" % (Ns,count_good,count_singular_covariance,count_large_errors,Qk[0,0],Ts)) FID.close() print("Leaving enkf_trials") return
def main(): P0 = np.array([[2.0,0.0],[0.0,1.0]]) Ns = 100 Ts = 3.5 (tsim,XK,YK,mu0,dt,tf) = generate_data.execute_sim(cp_dynamics.eqom_stoch_cluster,Ts,30*Ts,Ns,P0,cluster=True,informative=True) Qk = np.array([[0.01]]) Rk = np.array([[0.01]]) # number of steps in each simulation nSteps = len(tsim) nees_history = np.zeros((nSteps,Ns)) e_sims = np.zeros((Ns*nSteps,2)) count_good = 0 count_singular_covariance = 0 count_large_errors = 0 for counter in range(Ns): xk = XK[:,(2*counter):(2*counter+2)] yk = YK[:,counter] (xf,Pf,simOut) = ukf_test(dt,tf,mu0,P0,yk,Qk,Rk) if simOut.singular_covariance: print("Simulation exited with singular covariance at index %d" % (simOut.last_index)) count_singular_covariance = count_singular_covariance + 1 continue # compute the unit variance transformation of the error e1 = np.zeros((nSteps,2)) chi2 = np.zeros(nSteps) (e1[0:simOut.last_index,:],chi2[0:simOut.last_index]) = trials_processing.computeErrors(xf[0:simOut.last_index,:],Pf[0:simOut.last_index,:,:],xk[0:simOut.last_index,:]) nees_history[:,counter] = chi2.copy() mean_nees = np.sum(chi2)/float(nSteps) print(mean_nees) # mean NEES mse = np.sum(np.power(e1,2.0),axis=0)/float(nSteps) e_sims[(counter*nSteps):(counter*nSteps+nSteps),:] = e1.copy() if (mse[0] > 1.0) or (mse[1] > 1.0): count_large_errors = count_large_errors + 1 continue count_good = count_good + 1 print("MSE: %f,%f" % (mse[0],mse[1])) # chi-square test statistics # (alpha) probability of being less than the returned value: stats.chi2.ppf(alpha,df=Nsims) if Ns < 2: trials_processing.printSingleSim(tsim,xf,Pf,xk,name='ukf',save_flag=None,history_lines=True,draw_snapshots=False) #trials_processing.errorParsing(e_sims,nees_history,'ukf','sims_01_bifurcation') # write to file # Ns, count_good, count_singular_covariance, count_large_errors, Qk[0,0], Ts fname = 'ukf_data.txt' FID = open(fname,'a') FID.write("%d,%d,%d,%d,%g,%g\n" % (Ns,count_good,count_singular_covariance,count_large_errors,Qk[0,0],Ts)) FID.close() """ if Ns < 2: fig1 = plt.figure() ax = [] for k in range(4): if k < 2: nam = 'x' + str(k+1) else: nam = 'e' + str(k-1) ax.append(fig1.add_subplot(2,2,k+1,ylabel=nam)) if k < 2: ax[k].plot(tsim,xk[:,k],'b-') ax[k].plot(tsim,xf[:,k],'m--') if k == 0: ax[k].plot(tsim,yk,'r--') else: ax[k].plot(tsim,xk[:,k-2]-xf[:,k-2]) ax[k].plot(tsim,3.0*np.sqrt(Pf[:,3*(k-2)]),'r--') ax[k].plot(tsim,-3.0*np.sqrt(Pf[:,3*(k-2)]),'r--') ax[k].grid() fig2 = plt.figure() ax = [] ax.append(fig2.add_subplot(111,ylabel = 'nees metric')) ax[0].plot(tsim,chi2) ax[0].grid() trials_processing.errorParsing(e_sims,nees_history,'ukf',nameNow) mse_tot = np.mean(np.power(e_sims,2.0),axis=0) print("mse_tot: %f,%f" % (mse_tot[0],mse_tot[1])) # get the mean NEES value versus simulation time across all sims nees_mean = np.sum(nees_history,axis=1)/Ns # get 95% confidence bounds for chi-sqaured... the df is the number of sims times the dimension of the state chiUpper = stats.chi2.ppf(.975,2.0*Ns)/float(Ns) chiLower = stats.chi2.ppf(.025,2.0*Ns)/float(Ns) # plot the mean NEES with the 95% confidence bounds fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(6.0,3.37)) #figsize tuple is width, height tilt = "UKF, Ts = %.2f, %d sims, " % (dt, Ns) if nameBit == 0: tilt = tilt + 'unforced' if nameBit == 1: #white-noise only tilt = tilt + 'white-noise forcing' if nameBit == 2: tilt = tilt + 'cosine forcing' if nameBit == 3: #white-noise and cosine forcing tilt = tilt + 'white-noise and cosine forcing' ax = fig2.add_subplot(111,ylabel='mean NEES',title=tilt) ax.plot(tsim,chiUpper*np.ones(nSteps),'r--') ax.plot(tsim,chiLower*np.ones(nSteps),'r--') ax.plot(tsim,nees_mean,'b-') ax.grid() # save the figure fig2.savefig('nees_ukf_' + nameNow + '.png') # find fraction of inliers l1 = (nees_mean < chiUpper).nonzero()[0] l2 = (nees_mean > chiLower).nonzero()[0] # get number of inliers len_in = len(set(l1).intersection(l2)) # get number of super (above) liers (sic) len_super = len((nees_mean > chiUpper).nonzero()[0]) # get number of sub-liers (below) len_sub = len((nees_mean < chiLower).nonzero()[0]) print("Conservative (below 95%% bounds): %f" % (float(len_sub)/float(nSteps))) print("Optimistic (above 95%% bounds): %f" % (float(len_super)/float(nSteps))) # save metrics FID = open('metrics_ukf_' + nameNow + '.txt','w') FID.write("mse1,mse2,nees_below95,nees_above95\n") FID.write("%f,%f,%f,%f\n" % (mse_tot[0],mse_tot[1],float(len_sub)/float(nSteps),float(len_super)/float(nSteps))) FID.close() # plot all NEES fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6.0,3.37)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111,ylabel='NEES') ax.plot(tsim,nees_history,'b-') ax.grid() raw_input("Return to quit") """ print("Leaving ukf_trials") return