def Show(self): tri = self.delaunay planar = {'vertices' : self.vertices, 'segments' : self.segments} plot(plt.axes(), **planar) plot(plt.axes(), **tri) plt.clf()
def obtainFullTria(): try: a = 1 b = 1 # 预定义的格子店 x = np.array([0,-a,a,a,-a]) y = np.array([0,b,b,-b,-b]) grid4 = np.array([(xx,yy) for xx,yy in zip(x,y)]) edges = np.array([[0,1],[1,2],[2,0],\ [0,3],[3,4],[4,0]]) myPloy_with_grid = dict({'vertices':grid4,'segments':edges}) # 画出PLSG plt.figure() ax1 = plt.subplot(221, aspect='equal') triplt.plot(ax1,**myPloy_with_grid) # 进行网格剖分 myMesh_tria = triangle.triangulate(myPloy_with_grid,'pq30a0.01') ax2 = plt.subplot(222, aspect='equal') triplt.plot(ax2,**myMesh_tria) return myMesh_tria except Exception as e: print e
def draw_triangulation(graph, tri, zones): plot.plot(plt.axes(),**(tri[0])) ################### Arrange graph according to the position of triangles ######### #triangles_by_vertices = tri["vertices"][tri["triangles"]] pos = {} for index, triangle in enumerate(zones): pos[index] = (triangle.centroid.x, triangle.centroid.y) #triangle_center(*triangle) edge_text_labels = {} edge_lists = [] for edge in graph.edges(): edge_lists.append(edge) label = graph.get_edge_data(*edge) edge_text_labels[edge] = [rel for rel in label['rel']] ################## END ########################################## nx.draw(graph,pos,node_size=200, node_color='g', edge_color='y') nx.draw_networkx_labels(graph, pos) plt.plot() plt.savefig('triangulation.png')
def Show(self): planar = {'vertices' : np.array(self.vertices), 'segments' : np.array(self.segments.keys())} tri = {'vertices' : np.array(self.vertices), 'triangles' : np.array(self.delaunay_triangles.keys())} plot(plt.axes(), **planar) plot(plt.axes(), **tri) plt.clf()
def Show(self): tri = self.delaunay planar = {'vertices': self.vertices, 'segments': self.segments} plot(plt.axes(), **planar) plot(plt.axes(), **tri) plt.clf()
def Show(self): planar = {'vertices' : np.array(self.vertices), 'segments' : np.array(self.segments.keys())} tri = {'vertices' : np.array(self.vertices), 'triangles' : np.array(self.triangles.keys())} plot(plt.axes(), **planar) plot(plt.axes(), **tri) plt.plot(self.vertices[-1][0], self.vertices[-1][1], 'bo') plt.clf()
def Show(self): planar = { 'vertices': np.array(self.vertices), 'segments': np.array(self.segments.keys()) } tri = { 'vertices': np.array(self.vertices), 'triangles': np.array(self.delaunay_triangles.keys()) } plot(plt.axes(), **planar) plot(plt.axes(), **tri) plt.clf()
def tri(x, y): # plot the plan box = triangle.get_data('box') # # ax1 = plt.subplot(121, aspect='equal') # triangle.plot.plot(ax1, **box) t = triangle.triangulate(box, 'pc') ax2 = plt.subplot(111) # , sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) plot.plot(ax2, **t) plt.plot(x, y, 'yo-')
def foo3(): import triangle import triangle.plot as plot node_list, crease_list, crease_types = load_creasepattern('test.creasepattern') #print node_list #print crease_list paper = {} paper['vertices'] = node_list paper['segments'] = crease_list ax1 = mpl.subplot(121, aspect='equal') plot.plot(ax1, **paper) t = triangle.triangulate(paper, 'p') print t ax2 = mpl.subplot(122, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) plot.plot(ax2, **t) nodes = t['vertices'] triangles = t['triangles'] #offset = 0.01 for i in range(triangles.shape[0]): mean_x = np.mean(nodes[triangles[i,:],0]) mean_y = np.mean(nodes[triangles[i,:],1]) mpl.text(mean_x, mean_y, '%d' % i) edge2triangle = get_edge2triangle(t['triangles']) print 'edge2triangle' print edge2triangle neighbors, neighbor_angles = get_neighbors(node_list, crease_list) i = 4 angle = 15 crease_angles = [angle, 180, angle, None, angle, 180, angle, None] ans = solve_node(neighbor_angles[i], crease_angles) crease_angles = ans[0] known_creases = {} known_creases = add_node_creases(known_creases, i, neighbors[i], crease_angles) known_creases = add_flat_creases(known_creases, triangles) print known_creases frames, nodes3d = propagate_frames(nodes, triangles, known_creases, triangle_index=0) for i, n in enumerate(nodes3d): print i, n plot_creasepattern(nodes, crease_list, crease_types=crease_types, triangles=triangles)
def obtainFullTria(x, y): try: y_temp, x_temp = np.meshgrid(y, x) grid4 = np.array(zip(x_temp.ravel(), y_temp.ravel())) # grid4 = np.array([(xx,yy) for xx in x for yy in y]) myPloy_with_grid = dict({'vertices': grid4}) # raise # 画出PLSG plt.figure() ax1 = plt.subplot(221, aspect='equal') triplt.plot(ax1, **myPloy_with_grid) # # 进行网格剖分 myMesh_tria = triangle.triangulate(myPloy_with_grid) ax2 = plt.subplot(222, aspect='equal') triplt.plot(ax2, **myMesh_tria) # d = list(itertools.permutations([0, 1, 2], r=2)) e = [myMesh_tria['triangles'][:, d[ii]] for ii in xrange(len(d))] edges = np.vstack(e) diff = edges[:, 0] - edges[:, 1] edges_2 = edges[diff > 0, :] frame = pd.DataFrame(edges_2) # print frame # print frame[frame.duplicated()] dup = list(frame.duplicated() == False) dup = [ii for ii, _ in enumerate(dup)] edges_3 = edges_2[dup, :] # print edges_3 # print dup myPloy_with_seg = myPloy_with_grid myPloy_with_seg['segments'] = edges_3 ax3 = plt.subplot(223, aspect='equal') triplt.plot(ax3, **myPloy_with_seg) for ii in xrange(myPloy_with_seg['vertices'].shape[0]): ax1.text(myPloy_with_seg['vertices'][ii, 0], myPloy_with_seg['vertices'][ii, 1], ii) # # # 形成最终完整的mesh进行保存 myMesh_tria_2 = triangle.triangulate(myPloy_with_seg, 'p') ax4 = plt.subplot(224, aspect='equal') triplt.plot(ax4, **myMesh_tria_2) return myMesh_tria_2 except Exception as e: print e print grid4.shape raise
def foo2(): # From # (not my code) import triangle import triangle.plot as plot face = triangle.get_data('face') print face ax1 = mpl.subplot(121, aspect='equal') plot.plot(ax1, **face) t = triangle.triangulate(face, 'p') ax2 = mpl.subplot(122, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) triangle.plot.plot(ax2, **t)
def RMS_calc(lons,lats,rotation): #Define an equal area projection around the plate m = pyproj.Proj("+proj=aea +lat_1="+`min(lats)`+" +lat_2="+`max(lats)`+" +lat_0="+`(min(lats)+max(lats))/2`+" +lon_0="+`(min(lons)+max(lons))/2`) #Create irregular triangular mesh for the plate polygon data={} data['vertices']=np.column_stack((lons,lats)) segs=[[0,len(lons)-1]] for i in np.arange(0,len(lons)-1): segs.append([i,i+1]) data['segments']=np.array(segs) t = triangulate(data, 'pa50q30') #starting off with too small an area can cause crashes #can refine further using r switch - note I do so right now but the difference in the overall result is small t2= triangulate(t, 'ra10q30') f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True) tplot.plot(ax1, **t) plt.title('1st Triangulation - min area 50, min angle 30') tplot.plot(ax2, **t2) plt.title('Refined mesh - min area 10, min angle 30') plt.tight_layout() units=t2['vertices'][t2['triangles']] vel_lat,vel_lon,vel_mag,vel_az= [],[],[],[] totvelsquared=0. totarea=0. for unit in units: tlon,tlat=m(unit[:,0],unit[:,1]) thing=Polygon(np.column_stack((tlon,tlat))) area=thing.area/1e6 x,y=thing.centroid.xy x,y=m(x,y,inverse=True) platevel=get_plate_velocity(([y[0],x[0]]),rotation) totvelsquared=totvelsquared+(area*platevel[0]**2) totarea=totarea+area vel_lon.append(x) vel_lat.append(y) vel_mag.append(platevel[0]) vel_az.append(platevel[1]) rms=np.sqrt(totvelsquared/totarea) velgrid=pd.DataFrame(np.column_stack((vel_lon,vel_lat,vel_mag,vel_az)), columns=['Lons','Lats','Rate','Azimuth']) return rms, totarea, velgrid
import triangle import triangle.plot as plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt spiral = triangle.get_data('spiral') ax1 = plt.subplot(121, aspect='equal') plot.plot(ax1, **spiral) t = triangle.triangulate(spiral) ax2 = plt.subplot(122, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) plot.plot(ax2, **t)
import triangle import triangle.plot as plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt box = triangle.get_data('box') ax1 = plt.subplot(121, aspect='equal') triangle.plot.plot(ax1, **box) t = triangle.triangulate(box, 'pc') ax2 = plt.subplot(122, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) plot.plot(ax2, **t)
def show_data(name): import triangle.plot as plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt d = get_data(name) plot.plot(plt.axes(), **d)
def drawTriangles(map_data): tri_data = map_data.triangulate() plt.figure(figsize=(14, 14)) ax = plt.subplot(111, aspect='equal') tplot.plot(ax, **tri_data)
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pylab as plt grids = np.array(list(itertools.product(x, y))) theta = 0. / 180 * np.pi rot = np.array([[np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)], [-np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]]) grids =, rot) r = [[0.1, 0.1, 0], [0.9, 0.75, 0.1], [1.2, 0.6, 0]] r = np.array(r) # print a plt.figure() ax1 = plt.subplot(111, aspect='equal') a = dict({'vertices': grids}) triplt.plot(ax1, **a) ax1.plot(r[:, 0], r[:, 1], 'ro') b = triangle.triangulate(a) triplt.plot(ax1, **b) grid3 = np.hstack([grids, np.zeros([grids.shape[0], 1])]) trias = b['triangles'] formPoly = lambda ii: grid3[trias[ii], :] poly = map(formPoly, xrange(trias.shape[0])) # print grid3[trias[3]] # print trias[3] poly = np.array(poly) sig_v = SiguralityInt_vec()
import triangle import triangle.plot as plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt dots = triangle.get_data('dots') pts = dots['vertices'] segs = triangle.convex_hull(pts) plot.plot(plt.axes(), vertices=pts, segments=segs)
import triangle from triangle.plot import plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt A = triangle.get_data("A") ax = plt.axes() plot(ax, **A)
import triangle import triangle.plot as plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt A = triangle.get_data('A') t = triangle.triangulate(A, 'pq0D') plot.plot(plt.axes(), **t)
def show(self): plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) ax = plt.subplot(111, aspect='equal') tplot.plot(ax, **self.raw_splitting)
import matplotlib.tri as tri from pylab import * import triangle.plot as plot dom = {'vertices':np.array([[0.,0.],[1.,0.],[1.,.49],[.9,.49],[.9,.1],[.1,.1],[.1,.9],[.9,.9],[.9,.51],[1.,.51],[1.,1.],[0.,1.]]),'triangles':np.array([[0,1,5],[0,5,6],[1,4,5],[1,4,2],[2,3,4],[0,6,11],[6,10,11],[6,7,10],[7,8,9],[7,9,10]])}#,'segments':np.array([[0,1],[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[4,5],[5,6],[6,7],[7,8],[8,9],[9,10],[10,11]])} print len(dom['vertices']) print dom['triangles'] mesh = triangle.triangulate(dom,'pqa0.05') print mesh ax1 = plt.subplot(111,aspect='equal') plot.plot(ax1, **mesh) L,M = FE.assembleMatrices(mesh) evals,efunc = FE.sparseEigs(L,M) fig = plt.figure() vertices = np.asarray(mesh['vertices']) faces = np.asarray(mesh['triangles']) x = vertices[:,0] y = vertices[:,1] #for j in range(1,5): # z = efunc[:,j] # plt.tricontourf(x,y,z,0,cmap='afmhot') # axes().set_aspect('equal') #
import triangle from triangle.plot import plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt A = triangle.get_data('A') ax = plt.axes() plot(ax, **A)
domain2 = { "vertices": np.array( [[2.0, 0.0], [2.5, -0.5], [3.0, 0.0], [2.5, 0.5], [3.0, 1.0], [3.0, 2.0], [2.5, 1.5], [2.0, 2.0], [2.0, 1.0]] ), "triangles": np.array([[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 3], [0, 3, 8], [3, 4, 8], [4, 5, 6], [4, 6, 8], [6, 7, 8]]), } mesh1 = triangle.triangulate(domain1, "pqa0.02r") mesh2 = triangle.triangulate(domain2, "pqa0.02r") ax1 = plt.subplot(121, aspect="equal") ax2 = plt.subplot(122, aspect="equal") plot.plot(ax1, **mesh1) plot.plot(ax2, **mesh2) X1 = mesh1["vertices"][:, 0] Y1 = mesh1["vertices"][:, 1] X2 = mesh2["vertices"][:, 0] Y2 = mesh2["vertices"][:, 1] evals1, evecs1 = FE.findEigs(mesh1, 25) evals2, evecs2 = FE.findEigs(mesh2, 25) for j in range(25): x1 = evals1[j] x2 = evals2[j]
def visualize_triangulation(t): ax = plt.subplot() tr_plt.plot(ax, **t)
import triangle import triangle.plot as plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt spiral = triangle.get_data('spiral') ax1 = plt.subplot(221, aspect='equal') triangle.plot.plot(ax1, vertices=spiral['vertices']) a = triangle.triangulate(spiral) ax2 = plt.subplot(222, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) plot.plot(ax2, **a) b = triangle.triangulate(spiral, 'q') ax3 = plt.subplot(223, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) plot.plot(ax3, **b) c = triangle.triangulate(spiral, 'q32.5') ax4 = plt.subplot(224, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) plot.plot(ax4, **c)
from triangle_relation import printRels from scenario_reader import loadScenario #scenario_file = './scenarios/s3.json' file_name = 's2' scenario_width, scenario_height, immobile_objs, mobile_objs, manipulatable_obj, target_obj = loadScenario('./scenarios/' + file_name + '.json') scenario = SG(scenario_width, scenario_height, immobile_objs, mobile_objs, manipulatable_obj, target_obj, showRender=True) ## get objects game_objects = scenario.getGameObjects() tri = [] graph, edges_index, edges_dirs, edges_by_tri, vertices_of_edges, edges_surface_dic, tri_by_surface, surface_rel_dic, tri_neighbor_by_edge, edges_by_object_id, objects_id_by_edge, zones = triangulate_advanced(game_objects, scenario_width, scenario_height, tri) plot.plot(plt.axes(),**(tri[0])) ################### Arrange graph according to the position of triangles ######### #triangles_by_vertices = tri["vertices"][tri["triangles"]] pos = {} for index, triangle in enumerate(zones): pos[index] = (triangle.centroid.x, triangle.centroid.y) #triangle_center(*triangle) edge_text_labels = {} edge_lists = [] for edge in graph.edges():
segments2 = [ (120 + ii - 1, 120 + ii) for ii in range(np.array(außenlage.geometry.interiors[0]).shape[0]) ] segments2[0] = (120 + 95, 120) segments2 = np.array(segments2) #a =np.array([1,2]) t2 = triangle.triangulate( { 'vertices': alle, 'segments': np.vstack(( segments, segments2, )) }, 'p') #holes = np.array((1,1)) # In[1]: segments, segments2 # In[12]: import triangle.plot as plot from matplotlib import pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure(figsize=(25, 15)) ax = plt.subplot(111) plot.plot(ax, **t2)
import triangle import triangle.plot as plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt box1 = triangle.get_data('bbox.1') box2 = triangle.triangulate(box1, 'rpa0.2') box3 = triangle.triangulate(box2, 'rpa0.05') box4 = triangle.triangulate(box3, 'rpa0.0125') plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5)) ax1 = plt.subplot(131, aspect='equal') plot.plot(ax1, **box2) ax2 = plt.subplot(132, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) triangle.plot.plot(ax2, **box3) ax2 = plt.subplot(133, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) triangle.plot.plot(ax2, **box4)
def plot(self, plotTriMesh=False): '''Method for show a graphic of the circles generated within of the polyhon. Parameters: plotTriMesh (`bool`): Variable to check if it also want to show\ the graph of the triangles mesh. The default value is ``False`` Examples: .. plot:: from numpy import array from circpacker.basegeom import Polygon from circpacker.packer import CircPacking coordinates = array([[1, 1], [2, 5], [4.5, 6], [8, 3], [7, 1], [4, 0]]) polygon = Polygon(coordinates) boundCoords = polygon.boundCoords CircPack = CircPacking(boundCoords, depth=10) CircPack.plot(plotTriMesh=True) >>> from numpy import array >>> from circpacker.basegeom import Polygon >>> from circpacker.packer import CircPacking as cp >>> coordinates = array([[1, 1], [2, 5], [4.5, 6], [6, 4], [8, 3], [7, 1], [4.5, 1], [4, 0]]) >>> polygon = Polygon(coordinates) >>> boundCoords = polygon.boundCoords >>> pckCircles = cp(boundCoords, depth=8) >>> pckCircles.plot() >>> from circpacker.slopegeometry import AnthropicSlope >>> from circpacker.packer import CircPacking as cp >>> slopeGeometry = AnthropicSlope(12, [1, 1.5], 10, 10) >>> boundCoords = slopeGeometry.boundCoords >>> pckCircles = cp(boundCoords, depth=3) >>> pckCircles.plot(plotTriMesh=True) .. plot:: from numpy import array from circpacker.slopegeometry import NaturalSlope from circpacker.packer import CircPacking as cp surfaceCoords = array([[-2.4900, 18.1614], [0.1022, 17.8824], [1.6975, 17.2845], [3.8909, 15.7301], [5.8963, 14.3090], [8.1183, 13.5779], [9.8663, 13.0027], [13.2865, 3.6058], [20.2865, 3.6058], [21.4347, 3.3231], [22.2823, 2.7114], [23.4751, 2.2252], [24.6522, 1.2056], [25.1701, 0.2488]]) slopeGeometry = NaturalSlope(surfaceCoords) boundCoords = slopeGeometry.boundCoords pckCircles = cp(boundCoords, depth=6) pckCircles.plot(plotTriMesh=True) ''' # plotting fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(np.hstack((self.coordinates[:, 0], self.coordinates[0, 0])), np.hstack((self.coordinates[:, 1], self.coordinates[0, 1])), '-k', lw=1.5, label='Polygon') ax.axis('equal') ax.set_xlabel('$x$ [m]') ax.set_ylabel('$y$ [m]') ax.grid(ls='--', lw=0.5) for circle in self.listCirc: ax.add_patch(plt.Circle(, circle.radius, fill=False, lw=1, ec='black')) # plotting triangular mesh if plotTriMesh: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.grid(ls='--', lw=0.5) tplot.plot(ax, **self.CDT) ax.axis('equal') return
import triangle import triangle.plot as plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ax = plt.axes() A = triangle.get_data("A") t = triangle.triangulate(A, "p") plot.plot(ax, **t)
import triangle import triangle.plot as plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ax = plt.axes() A = triangle.get_data('A') t = triangle.triangulate(A, 'p') plot.plot(ax, **t)
def triangulate(polygon, ordered_quality_matrix, recursive=True): set_edges = set(tuple(i) for i in get_contour_edges(polygon)) interior_edges = set() set_elements = set() set_locked_vertices = set() set_forbidden_intersections = set() polygon_angles = get_polygon_angles(polygon) print("initial set edges:", set_edges) for edge in ordered_quality_matrix.keys(): found_in_interior_set, found_in_set, index = check_edge_validity( edge, polygon, set_edges, interior_edges) for qualities_with_edges in ordered_quality_matrix[edge][0]: element_created = False target_vtx = qualities_with_edges[1] if target_vtx == edge[0] or target_vtx == edge[1]: continue print("Edge:", edge, "targeting:", target_vtx) if found_in_interior_set: element = (edge[0], edge[1], index) set_elements.add(element) print("Element inserted:", element) continue if found_in_set and not found_in_interior_set: if (index != target_vtx): print('found', (edge[0], index), (edge[1], index), "Canceling creation") continue # Passed edges checking # Proceed to check vertices temp_element = (edge[0], edge[1], target_vtx) # Cehcking element normals to avoid inverted elements element_indices = np.asarray([edge[0], edge[1], target_vtx]) if compute_triangle_normals(polygon[element_indices]) < 0: continue # Checking if the element contains other points of the polygon inside if contains_points(polygon[element_indices], polygon): continue p0, p1, p2 = edge[0], edge[1], target_vtx neighbor_points = connection_indices(p2, get_contour_edges(polygon)) # Checking if edges of connected poiints form an angle bigger than the polygon angles if (polygon_angles[p0] < calculate_angle(polygon[p0], polygon[p1], polygon[p2]) or polygon_angles[p1] < calculate_angle( polygon[p1], polygon[p0], polygon[p2])): #print("Spotted inverted triangle: {}".format([p0,p1,p2])) continue if (polygon_angles[p2] < calculate_angle( polygon[p2], polygon[neighbor_points[0]], polygon[p0]) or polygon_angles[p2] < calculate_angle( polygon[p2], polygon[neighbor_points[0]], polygon[p1])): continue if (polygon_angles[p2] < calculate_angle( polygon[p2], polygon[neighbor_points[1]], polygon[p0]) or polygon_angles[p2] < calculate_angle( polygon[p2], polygon[neighbor_points[1]], polygon[p1])): #print("Spotted inverted triangle: {}".format([p0,p1,p2])) continue quality = compute_minimum_quality_triangle( polygon[element_indices], polygon) if quality == 0 or quality < 1e-2: continue print(temp_element) existing_element = False for temp_element_permutation in tuple(permutations(temp_element)): if temp_element_permutation in set_elements: print("Element {} already in set".format(element)) existing_element = True break if existing_element: break if target_vtx in set_locked_vertices: print(" Target vertex {} is locked".format(target_vtx)) continue set_elements.add(temp_element) # Check if a locked vertex was created after the creation of the element # If so, add it to the list #Tracer()() Found_locked_vertex = False for vertex in temp_element: _, isclosed = is_closed_ring( vertex, set_elements, *connection_indices(vertex, get_contour_edges(polygon))) if isclosed and vertex not in set_locked_vertices: print("Vertex locked:", vertex) Found_locked_vertex = True set_locked_vertices.add(vertex) set_elements.remove(temp_element) # Locking the vertices and checking if the connection is with a locked vertex has been checked/ # Proceeding to check if both internal edges intersect with other internal edges internal_edge1 = (edge[0], target_vtx) internal_edge2 = (edge[1], target_vtx) set_a, set_b = get_intermediate_indices(target_vtx, polygon, edge[0], edge[1]) internal_condition1 = internal_edge1 in set_forbidden_intersections or tuple( reversed(internal_edge1)) in set_forbidden_intersections internal_condition2 = internal_edge2 in set_forbidden_intersections or tuple( reversed(internal_edge2)) in set_forbidden_intersections internal_intersection = False if internal_condition1 or internal_condition2: print("edges :", internal_edge1, "and", internal_edge2, "intersecting") print("Abandoning creation of element", temp_element) internal_intersection = True if internal_intersection: for vtx in temp_element: if Found_locked_vertex and vtx in set_locked_vertices: print("Unlocking vertex", vtx) set_locked_vertices.remove(vtx) continue # Create the element element = temp_element # Add to set of edges all the forbidden intersections after the creation of the element for i in set_a: for j in set_b: set_forbidden_intersections.add((i, j)) #print("set of forbidden inter section edges updated:",set_forbidden_intersections) # New edges after creation of the element new_edge1 = (edge[0], target_vtx) new_edge2 = (edge[1], target_vtx) if new_edge1 not in set_edges and tuple( reversed(new_edge1)) not in set_edges: set_edges.add(new_edge1) interior_edges.add(new_edge1) print("edges inserted:", new_edge1) print("set of interior edges updated:", interior_edges) print("set of edges updated:", set_edges) if new_edge2 not in set_edges and tuple( reversed(new_edge2)) not in set_edges: set_edges.add(new_edge2) interior_edges.add(new_edge2) print("edges inserted:", new_edge2) print("set of interior edges updated:", interior_edges) print("set of edges updated:", set_edges) # Checking list of elements to see whether the were created or were already there for element_permutation in tuple(permutations(element)): if element_permutation in set_elements: print("Element {} already in set".format(element)) break else: set_elements.add(element) indices = np.asarray(element) print("element inserted:", element) element_created = True break if element_created: continue triangulated = { 'segment_markers': np.ones([polygon.shape[0]]), 'segments': np.array(get_contour_edges(polygon)), 'triangles': np.array(list(list(i) for i in set_elements)), 'vertex_markers': np.ones([polygon.shape[0]]), 'vertices': polygon } plot.plot(plt.axes(), **triangulated) print("Final edges:", set_edges) print("Elements created:", set_elements) print("Set of locked vertices:", set_locked_vertices) # find open vertices for element in set_elements: for vertex in element: _, isclosed = is_closed_ring( vertex, set_elements, *connection_indices(vertex, get_contour_edges(polygon))) if isclosed and vertex not in set_locked_vertices: print("Vertex locked:", vertex) Found_locked_vertex = True set_locked_vertices.add(vertex) set_open_vertices = set(range(len(polygon))) - set_locked_vertices print("Set of open vertices:", set_open_vertices) set_edges.clear(), set_locked_vertices.clear( ), set_forbidden_intersections.clear if recursive: sub_polygon_list = check_for_sub_polygon(set_open_vertices, interior_edges, set_elements, polygon) for sub_polygon_indices in sub_polygon_list: if len(sub_polygon_indices) >= 4: polygon_copy = polygon.copy() sub_polygon = np.array(polygon_copy[sub_polygon_indices]) sub_quality, _ = quality_matrix(sub_polygon, compute_minimum=True, normalize=False) sub_order_matrix = order_quality_matrix( sub_quality, sub_polygon) print(sub_quality, sub_order_matrix) triangulate(sub_polygon, sub_order_matrix)
# ax = fig2.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal') # tplot.plot(ax, **tri) # # Plot #3 # fig3 = plt.figure() # ax = fig3.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal') # tplot.plot(ax, **tri) # ax.plot(Xs, Ys, '-', linewidth=5, color='blue') # # Plot #4 # fig4 = plt.figure() # ax = fig4.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal') # tplot.plot(ax, **room) # ax.plot(Xs, Ys, '-', linewidth=2, color='blue') # Plot #5 fig5 = plt.figure() ax = fig5.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal') tplot.plot(ax, **room) ax.plot(Xs, Ys, '-', linewidth=2, color='blue') for k in range(len(Xs)): ax.text(Xs[k], Ys[k], k) # Plot #6 fig6 = plt.figure() ax = fig6.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal') tplot.plot(ax, **room) ax.plot(x, interpolator(x), 'b-', linewidth=5)
points = points + [[0,0],[0,scenario_height],[scenario_width,scenario_height],[scenario_width,0]] points = np.array(points) segments = np.array(segments) holes = np.array(holes) dic = {} dic["vertices"] = points dic["segments"] = segments dic["holes"] = holes tri = triangle.triangulate(dic,'pc') plot.plot(plt.axes(),**tri), dic, tri) #print tri # create the graph based on the scenario file #graph = createGraph(tri["triangles"], tri["vertices"], tri["segments"]) segments_froset = [frozenset(v) for v in tri['segments']] graph, edges_index, edges_dirs, edges_by_tri, vertices_of_edges, edges_surface_dic, tri_by_surface, tri_neighbor_by_edge = create_graph_advanced(tri["triangles"], tri["vertices"], segments_froset, scenario_width, scenario_height) ################### Arrange graph according to the position of triangles ######### triangles_by_vertices = tri["vertices"][tri["triangles"]] pos = {}
import triangle import triangle.plot as plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt face = triangle.get_data('face') ax1 = plt.subplot(121, aspect='equal') plot.plot(ax1, **face) t = triangle.triangulate(face, 'pq10') ax2 = plt.subplot(122, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) plot.plot(ax2, **t)
import triangle import triangle.plot as plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt spiral = triangle.get_data("spiral") ax1 = plt.subplot(221, aspect="equal") triangle.plot.plot(ax1, vertices=spiral["vertices"]) a = triangle.triangulate(spiral) ax2 = plt.subplot(222, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) plot.plot(ax2, **a) b = triangle.triangulate(spiral, "q") ax3 = plt.subplot(223, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) plot.plot(ax3, **b) c = triangle.triangulate(spiral, "q32.5") ax4 = plt.subplot(224, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) plot.plot(ax4, **c)
[grid4corner, grid4slot1, grid4slot2, grid4slot_inner_conner]) # 生成线段 segment1 = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 3], [3, 2], [2, 0]]) segment2 = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 9], [9, 7], [7, 6], [6, 11], [11, 3], [3, 2], [2, 10], [10, 4], [4, 5], [5, 8], [8, 0]]) + 4 segment = np.vstack([segment1, segment2]) # 生成空洞 hole = np.array([0, 0]).reshape([1, -1]) # 完成PLSG的结构体 myPloy = dict({"vertices": vertices, 'holes': hole, 'segments': segment}) # 画出PLSG plt.figure() ax1 = plt.subplot(111, aspect='equal') triplt.plot(ax1, **myPloy) # 进行网格剖分 plt.figure() myMesh = triangle.triangulate(myPloy, 'pq30a0.01') ax1 = plt.subplot(111, aspect='equal') triplt.plot(ax1, **myMesh) # 将剖分网格进行保存 saveTriaPoly(myMesh, "plane_slot") # 从文件中导入网格 C_copy = triangle.load('.', 'plane_slot') C_copy = triangle.triangulate(C_copy, 'p') # 由于PLSG文件中不包含三角形,故需要进行组合成三角形
def plot(self, plotTriMesh=False): '''Method for show a graphic of the circles generated within of the polygon. Parameters ---------- plotTriMesh : `bool` Variable to check if it also want to show the graph of the\ triangles mesh. Default is ``False`` Examples -------- .. plot:: from numpy import array from pc4bims.basegeom import Polygon from pc4bims.circlepacking import CirclePacking as CP coordinates = array([[1, 1], [2, 5], [4.5, 6], [8, 3], [7, 1], [4, 0]]) polygon = Polygon(coordinates) boundCoords = polygon.boundCoords circlePacking = CP(boundCoords, depth=3) circlePacking.plot(plotTriMesh=True) from numpy import array from pc4bims.basegeom import Polygon from pc4bims.circlepacking import CirclePacking as CP coordinates = array([[1, 1], [2, 5], [4.5, 6], [6, 4], [8, 3], [7, 1], [4.5, 1], [4, 0]]) polygon = Polygon(coordinates) boundCoords = polygon.boundCoords circlePacking = CP(boundCoords, 2) circlePacking.plot() from pc4bims.slope import AnthropicSlope from pc4bims.circlepacking import CirclePacking as CP slopeGeometry = AnthropicSlope(12, [1, 1.5], 10, 10) boundCoords = slopeGeometry.boundCoords circlePacking = CP(boundCoords, 5) circlePacking.plot(plotTriMesh=True) from numpy import array from pc4bims.slope import NaturalSlope from pc4bims.circlepacking import CirclePacking as CP surfaceCoords = array([[-2.4900, 18.1614], [0.1022, 17.8824], [1.6975, 17.2845], [3.8909, 15.7301], [5.8963, 14.3090], [8.1183, 13.5779], [9.8663, 13.0027], [13.2865, 3.6058], [20.2865, 3.6058], [21.4347, 3.3231], [22.2823, 2.7114], [23.4751, 2.2252], [24.6522, 1.2056], [25.1701, 0.2488]]) slopeGeometry = NaturalSlope(surfaceCoords) boundCoords = slopeGeometry.boundCoords circlePacking = CP(boundCoords, 2) circlePacking.plot(plotTriMesh=True) ''' # plotting fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(np.hstack((self.coordinates[:, 0], self.coordinates[0, 0])), np.hstack((self.coordinates[:, 1], self.coordinates[0, 1])), '-k', lw=1.5, label='Polygon') ax.axis('equal') ax.set_xlabel('$x$ distance') ax.set_ylabel('$y$ distance') for circle in self.circlesInPoly: ax.add_patch(plt.Circle(, circle.radius, fill=True, lw=1, ec='k', fc='k')) # plotting triangular mesh if plotTriMesh: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.grid(ls='--', lw=0.5) tplot.plot(ax, **self.CDT) ax.axis('equal') return
import triangle import triangle.plot as plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt face = triangle.get_data('face') ax1 = plt.subplot(121, aspect='equal') plot.plot(ax1, **face) t = triangle.triangulate(face, 'p') ax2 = plt.subplot(122, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) triangle.plot.plot(ax2, **t)