def _FV_utils(self, lGIDs, verbose=False): """ This function constructs the Finite Volume discretisation for each local triangularised grid. Parameters ---------- lGIDs Numpy integer-type array filled with the global vertex IDs for each local grid located within the partition (including those on the edges). inIDs Numpy integer-type array filled with the global vertex IDs for each local grid located within the partition (not those on the edges). """ # Build the voronoi diagram (dual of the delaunay) walltime = time.clock() Vor_pts, Vor_edges = triangle.voronoi(self.node_coords) if verbose: print(" - build the voronoi diagram ", time.clock() - walltime) # Call the finite volume frame construction function from libUtils walltime = time.clock() self.control_volumes, self.neighbours, self.vor_edges, \ self.edge_length, maxNgbhs = \ lGIDs+1, self.localIDs+1, self.node_coords[:,0], self.node_coords[:,1], self.edges[:,:2]+1, self.cells[:,:3]+1, Vor_pts[:,0], Vor_pts[:,1], \ Vor_edges[:,:2]+1) if verbose: print(" - construct Finite Volume representation ", time.clock() - walltime) # Maximum number of neighbours for each partition self.maxNgbh = numpy.array(maxNgbhs)
def test_voronoi(): pts = [[0, 0], [0, 1], [0.5, 0.5], [1, 1], [1, 0]] points, edges, ray_origin, ray_direct = voronoi(pts) assert np.allclose( points, [[0.0, 0.5], [1.0, 0.5], [0.5, 0.0], [0.5, 1.0]], ) assert np.allclose(edges, [[0, 2], [0, 3], [1, 2], [1, 3]]) assert np.allclose(ray_origin, [0, 1, 2, 3]) assert np.allclose( ray_direct, [[-1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0], [0.0, 1.0]], )
def _FV_utils(self, lGIDs, verbose=False): """ This function constructs the Finite Volume discretisation for each local triangularised grid. Parameters ---------- variable : lGIDs Numpy integer-type array filled with the global vertex IDs for each local grid located within the partition (including those on the edges). variable: inIDs Numpy integer-type array filled with the global vertex IDs for each local grid located within the partition (not those on the edges). """ comm = mpi.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() # Build the voronoi diagram (dual of the delaunay) walltime = time.clock() Vor_pts, Vor_edges = triangle.voronoi(self.node_coords) if rank == 0 and verbose: print " - build the voronoi diagram ", time.clock() - walltime # Call the finite volume frame construction function from libUtils walltime = time.clock() self.control_volumes, self.neighbours, self.vor_edges, self.edge_length, maxNgbhs = lGIDs + 1, self.localIDs + 1, self.node_coords[:, 0], self.node_coords[:, 1], self.edges[:, :2] + 1, self.cells[:, :3] + 1, Vor_pts[:, 0], Vor_pts[:, 1], Vor_edges[:, :2] + 1, ) if rank == 0 and verbose: print " - construct Finite Volume representation ", time.clock() - walltime # Maximum number of neighbours for each partition maxNgbh = numpy.array(maxNgbhs) comm.Allreduce(mpi.IN_PLACE, maxNgbh, op=mpi.MAX) self.maxNgbh = maxNgbh
def crust(points: list, filename = None)-> list: points = np.array(points) ax = plt.axes() drawing.plot_and_save(os.path.join(images_folder, filename+"_original.png"), False, ax, vertices=points, vertices_color="g") lim = ax.axis() vertices, edges, ray_origins, ray_directions = triangle.voronoi(points) try: drawing.plot_and_save(os.path.join(images_folder, os.path.join("voronoi", filename+"_voronoi.png")), False, ax, vertices=vertices, edges=edges, ray_origins=ray_origins, ray_directions=ray_directions) ax.axis(lim) except Exception as e: print("Could not draw voronoi diagram. Please, check if you have the correct directory") extended_points = np.concatenate((points, vertices)) triangles = triangle.delaunay(extended_points) delaunay_edges = [] for t in triangles: delaunay_edges.extend(edges_from_triangle(t)) rec_edges = [e for e in delaunay_edges if ((e[0] < len(points)) and (e[1] < len(points)))] try: drawing.plot(ax, vertices=extended_points, edges=delaunay_edges, segments=rec_edges) drawing.plot_and_save(os.path.join(images_folder, os.path.join("delaunay",filename+"delaunay.png")), True, ax, vertices=points, vertices_color="b") ax.axis(lim) except Exception as e: print("Could not draw delaunay diagram. Please, check if you have the correct directory") #final reconstruction ax = plt.axes() drawing.plot_and_save(os.path.join(images_folder, filename+"_reconstruction.png"), True, ax, vertices=points, segments=rec_edges, draw_vertices=False) # print(points) # print(rec_edges) ordered_points = [] return ordered_points
def _FV_utils(self, allIDs, verbose=False): """ This function constructs the Finite Volume discretisation for each local triangularised grid. Parameters ---------- variable : allIDs Numpy integer-type array filled with the global vertex IDs for each local grid located within the partition (including those on the edges). variable: inIDs Numpy integer-type array filled with the global vertex IDs for each local grid located within the partition (not those on the edges). """ comm = mpi.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() # Build the voronoi diagram (dual of the delaunay) walltime = time.clock() Vor_pts, Vor_edges = triangle.voronoi(self.node_coords) if rank == 0 and verbose: print " - build the voronoi diagram ", time.clock() - walltime # Call the finite volume frame construction function from libUtils walltime = time.clock() self.control_volumes, self.neighbours, self.vor_edges, \ self.edge_length, maxNgbhs = \ allIDs+1, self.localIDs+1, self.node_coords[:,0], self.node_coords[:,1], self.edges[:,:2]+1, self.cells[:,:3]+1, Vor_pts[:,0], Vor_pts[:,1], \ Vor_edges[:,:2]+1) if rank == 0 and verbose: print " - construct Finite Volume representation ", time.clock( ) - walltime # Maximum number of neighbours for each partition maxNgbh = numpy.array(maxNgbhs) comm.Allreduce(mpi.IN_PLACE, maxNgbh, op=mpi.MAX) self.maxNgbh = maxNgbh
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import triangle as tr pts = tr.get_data('dots')['vertices'] A = dict(vertices=pts) points, edges, ray_origin, ray_direct = tr.voronoi(pts) B = dict(vertices=points, edges=edges, ray_origins=ray_origin, ray_directions=ray_direct), A, B)
import triangle import triangle.plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt pts = [[0, 0], [0, 1], [0.5, 0.5], [1, 1], [1, 0]] import numpy as np pts = np.array(pts) vertices, edges, ray_origins, ray_directions = triangle.voronoi(pts) ax = plt.axes() triangle.plot.plot(ax, vertices=pts) lim = ax.axis() triangle.plot.plot(ax, vertices=vertices, edges=edges, ray_origins=ray_origins, ray_directions=ray_directions) ax.axis(lim)
import triangle import triangle.plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt pts = triangle.get_data('dots')['vertices'] ax1 = plt.subplot(121, aspect='equal') triangle.plot.plot(ax1, vertices=pts) lim = ax1.axis() points, edges, ray_origin, ray_direct = triangle.voronoi(pts) d = dict(vertices=points, edges=edges, ray_origins=ray_origin, ray_directions=ray_direct) ax2 = plt.subplot(122, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) triangle.plot.plot(ax2, **d) ax2.axis(lim)