def _cvt_to_def_str(obj): # bool if isinstance(obj, bool): return str(int(obj)) # tensorflow type if fw.has_tensorflow(): if isinstance(obj, fw.tensorflow.DType): return {fw.tensorflow.int8: 'char', fw.tensorflow.int16: 'short', fw.tensorflow.int32: 'int', fw.tensorflow.int64: 'long', fw.tensorflow.float16: 'half', fw.tensorflow.float32: 'float', fw.tensorflow.float64: 'double'}[obj] # torch type elif fw.has_torch(): if isinstance(obj, fw.torch.dtype): return {fw.torch.int8: 'char', fw.torch.int16: 'short', fw.torch.int32: 'int', fw.torch.int64: 'long', fw.torch.float16: 'half', fw.torch.float32: 'float', fw.torch.float64: 'double'}[obj] else: assert False # default return str(obj)
def apply(cls, *args, **kwargs): if fw.has_tensorflow(): return cls.apply_tensorflow(*args, **kwargs) elif fw.has_torch(): return cls.apply_torch(*args, **kwargs) else: assert False
def shape(A): if fw.has_tensorflow(): return A.shape.as_list() elif fw.has_torch(): return A.shape else: assert False
def _get_key(key): if fw.has_tensorflow(): if isinstance(key, fw.tensorflow.Tensor): key = id(key.op) if fw.has_torch(): if isinstance(key, fw.torch.Tensor): key = id(key) return key
def empty(shape, dtype): if fw.has_tensorflow(): shape = [fw.tensorflow.constant(x) for x in shape] shape = fw.tensorflow.stack(shape) return tf_empty_proxy(shape, dtype) #return fw.tf_extra_ops.alloc_empty(args, T = dtype) elif fw.has_torch(): return fw.torch.empty(shape, dtype=dtype, device='cuda:0')
def _make_framework_op(src, outputs, tmp, options): src, name = _make_framework_src(src, outputs, tmp, options) cache_path = _make_cache_path(src) cpp, so = _write_bindings(src, cache_path) _build(cpp, cache_path) if fw.has_tensorflow(): return fw.tensorflow.load_op_library(so).__dict__[name] elif fw.has_torch(): fw.torch.ops.load_library(so) return getattr(fw.torch.ops.triton, name) else: assert False
def _write_bindings(src, root): if fw.has_tensorflow(): name = 'tensorflow' elif fw.has_torch(): name = 'torch' else: assert False cpp = os.path.join(root, '{name}.cpp'.format(name=name)) suffix = sysconfig.get_config_var('EXT_SUFFIX') so = os.path.join(root, '{name}{suffix}'.format(name=name, suffix=suffix)) recompile = False # recompile if .so does not exist if not os.path.exists(cpp) or not os.path.exists(so): recompile = True # recompile if cpp was modified after .so elif max(cpp, so, key=os.path.getctime) == cpp: recompile = True # write cpp file if recompile: with open(cpp, 'w+') as handle: handle.writelines(src) # return path of cpp file return (cpp, so)
def _build(src, path): ccdir = os.path.join(libtriton.__file__, os.path.pardir) ccdir = os.path.realpath(ccdir) # include directories triton_include_dirs = [os.path.join(ccdir, 'include')] include_dirs = triton_include_dirs # library directories triton_library_dirs = [ccdir] library_dirs = triton_library_dirs # libraries libraries = ['triton'] # add framework extra_compile_args = [] if fw.has_tensorflow(): library_dirs += [fw.tensorflow.sysconfig.get_lib()] include_dirs += [fw.tensorflow.sysconfig.get_include()] include_dirs += ['/usr/local/cuda/include/'] libraries += [fw.tensorflow.sysconfig.get_link_flags()[1].replace('-l', '')] abi = fw.tensorflow.__cxx11_abi_flag__ if "__cxx11_abi_flag__" in fw.tensorflow.__dict__ else 0 extra_compile_args += ['-D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI={abi}'.format(abi=abi)] name = 'tensorflow' elif fw.has_torch(): prefix = os.path.dirname(fw.torch.__file__) library_dirs += [os.path.join(prefix, 'lib')] include_dirs += ['/usr/local/cuda/include/', os.path.join(prefix, 'lib', 'include'), os.path.join(prefix, 'lib', 'include', 'torch', 'csrc', 'api', 'include'), os.path.join(prefix, 'include'), os.path.join(prefix, 'include', 'torch', 'csrc', 'api', 'include')] libraries += ['torch'] abi = fw.torch._C._GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI extra_compile_args += ['-D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI={abi}'.format(abi=abi)] name = 'torch' else: assert False # extra arguments extra_link_args = [] # dependences depends = [os.path.realpath(libtriton.__file__)] # create extension module ext = setuptools.Extension( name = name, language = 'c++', sources = [src], include_dirs = include_dirs, extra_compile_args = extra_compile_args + ['-g0'], extra_link_args = extra_link_args, library_dirs = library_dirs, libraries = libraries, depends = depends ) # build extension module args = ['build_ext'] tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp() args.append('--build-temp=' + tmp) args.append('--build-lib=' + path) args.append('-q') args = dict( name = name, ext_modules = [ext], script_args = args, ) with quiet(): setuptools.setup(**args) shutil.rmtree(tmp)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): ######################## # keyword arguments ######################## num_warps = kwargs['num_warps'] if 'num_warps' in kwargs else [2, 4, 8] defines = kwargs['defines'] if 'defines' in kwargs else dict() bench = kwargs['bench'] if 'bench' in kwargs else 0 if 'grid' not in kwargs: raise RuntimeError('Must provide grid for kernel launch') grid = kwargs['grid'] ######################### # cache ######################## # create a new framework op when defines are different key = '-'.join(['{key}-{val}'.format(key=key, val=val) for key, val in defines.items()]) if key not in self.fw_id.keys(): # code generation options macros = [] for k, v in defines.items(): cvt = lambda x: _cvt_to_def_str(x) if(isinstance(v, list)): values = list(map(cvt, v)) else: values = [cvt(v)] macros.append((k, values)) opt = libtriton.options_space() opt.defines = macros opt.num_warps = [2, 4, 8] # create unique id for this op op_id = libtriton.make_op_id() self.fw_id[key] = op_id # register function libtriton.register_fn(op_id, self.src, opt) for name, value in self.cst.items(): libtriton.register_cst(op_id, name, value) if self.fw_op is None: self.fw_op = _make_framework_op(self.src, self.outputs, self.tmp, opt) ######################## # initialize ######################## op_id = self.fw_id[key] libtriton.register_grid(op_id, grid) bench_id = libtriton.make_scalar_id() if bench > 0 else -1 ######################### # call framework function ######################### if fw.has_tensorflow(): empty = [x for x in args if isinstance(x, triton.utils.tf_empty_proxy)] if len(empty) != len(self.outputs): raise ValueError('Number of empty arguments does not much number of outputs provided') # operands operands = [x.shape if isinstance(x, triton.utils.tf_empty_proxy) else x for x in args] # output data types kwargs = {'id': op_id, 'bench': bench, 'bench_id': bench_id} for i, x in enumerate(args): if isinstance(x, triton.utils.tf_empty_proxy): kwargs['T' + str(i)] = x.dtype # launch ret = self.fw_op(*operands, **kwargs) ret = [ret] if isinstance(ret, fw.tensorflow.Tensor) else ret op_def = ret[0].op.op_def # fill empty tensors with corresponding values for j, y in enumerate(op_def.output_arg): found = False for i, x in enumerate(op_def.input_arg): if + '_shape' == args[i].tensor = ret[j] found = True assert found # store timing information if bench > 0: for y in ret: bench_registry[y] = triton.utils.id_dict.lazy_entry(bench_id) ############################ # call torch function ############################ elif fw.has_torch(): args = [x if isinstance(x, fw.torch.Tensor) else x for x in args] ret = self.fw_op(op_id, bench, bench_id, *args) if bench > 0: bench_registry[ret] = libtriton.retrieve_scalar(bench_id) else: assert False