예제 #1
class KafkaCluster(object):
    # conf dict structure with defaults:
    # commented-out fields are not defaults but show what is available.
    default_conf = {
        'version': '2.8.0',  # Apache Kafka version
        'cp_version': '6.1.0',  # Confluent Platform version (for SR)
        'broker_cnt': 3,
        'sasl_mechanism': '',  # GSSAPI, PLAIN, SCRAM-.., ...
        'realm_cnt': 1,
        'krb_renew_lifetime': 30,
        'krb_ticket_lifetime': 120,
        # KRaft (No zookeeper). Requires AK >=2.8
        'kraft': False,
        'sasl_users': 'testuser=testpass',
        # With SSL
        'with_ssl': False,
        # With SchemaRegistry
        'with_sr': False,
        # Debug trivup
        'debug': False,
        # Cleanup
        'cleanup': True,
        'oidc': False,
        # Additional broker server.properties configuration
        # 'broker_conf': ['connections.max.idle.ms=1234', ..]

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """ Create and start a KafkaCluster.
            See default_conf above for parameters. """
        super(KafkaCluster, self).__init__()

        conf = kwargs
        self.conf = deepcopy(self.default_conf)
        if conf is not None:

        self.version = self.conf.get('version')
        self.version_num = [int(x) for x in self.version.split('.')][:3]
        self.kraft = self.conf.get('kraft')

        # Create trivup Cluster
        self.cluster = Cluster(self.__class__.__name__,
                                   'tmp-%s' % self.__class__.__name__),
                               debug=bool(self.conf.get('debug', False)),
                               cleanup=bool(self.conf.get('cleanup', True)))

        self._client_conf = dict()
        self.env = dict()

        self.sasl_mechanism = self.conf.get('sasl_mechanism')

        # Add OIDC server app
        if bool(self.conf.get('oidc', False)):
            self.oidc = OauthbearerOIDCApp(self.cluster)
            if not self.sasl_mechanism:
                self.sasl_mechanism = 'OAUTHBEARER'
            elif self.sasl_mechanism.upper() != 'OAUTHBEARER':
                raise RuntimeError(
                    f"OIDC requires sasl.mechanism OAUTHBEARER, not '{self.sasl_mechanism}'"

        # Generate SSL certs if enabled
        if bool(self.conf.get('with_ssl')):
            self.ssl = SslApp(self.cluster, self.conf)
            self.ssl = None

        # Map mechanism and SSL to security protocol
        self.security_protocol = {
            (True, True): 'SASL_SSL',
            (True, False): 'SASL_PLAINTEXT',
            (False, True): 'SSL',
            (False, False): 'PLAINTEXT'
        }[(bool(self.sasl_mechanism), bool(self.ssl is not None))]

        if not self.kraft:
            # Create single ZK for the cluster (don't start yet)
            self.zk = ZookeeperApp(self.cluster)
            self.zk = None
            # Allocate (but don't use) a dummy appid so that the brokers get
            # the same appid/nodeid for both KRaft and ZK modes.

        # Broker configuration
        broker_cnt = int(self.conf.get('broker_cnt'))
        self.broker_conf = {
            'replication_factor': min(3, broker_cnt),
            'num_partitions': 4,
            'version': self.version,
            'sasl_mechanisms': self.sasl_mechanism,
            'sasl_users': self.conf.get('sasl_users'),
            'conf': self.conf.get('broker_conf', []),
            'kafka_path': self.conf.get('kafka_path', None)

        # Start Kerberos KDCs if GSSAPI (Kerberos) is configured
        if self.sasl_mechanism == 'GSSAPI':
            self.broker_conf['realm'] = self.broker_realm

        self.broker_conf['listener_host'] = 'localhost'
        # Create brokers (don't start yet)
        self.brokers = dict()
        for n in range(0, broker_cnt):
            bconf = copy.deepcopy(self.broker_conf)
            if self.version_num >= [2, 4, 0]:
                # Configure rack & replica selector if broker supports
                # fetch-from-follower
                    'conf': [
                })  # noqa: E501

            broker = KafkaBrokerApp(self.cluster, bconf)
            self.brokers[broker.appid] = broker

        # Generate bootstrap servers list
        all_listeners = (','.join(
            self.cluster.get_all('advertised_listeners', '',
        self.bootstrap_servers = ','.join(
            [x for x in all_listeners if x.startswith(self.security_protocol)])

        assert len(self.bootstrap_servers) >= broker_cnt, \
            "{} < {} expected bootstrap servers".format(
                len(self.bootstrap_servers), broker_cnt)

        # Create SchemaRegistry if enabled
        if bool(self.conf.get('with_sr', False)):
            self.sr = SchemaRegistryApp(
                self.cluster, {'version': self.conf.get('cp_version')})
            self.env['SR_URL'] = self.sr.get('url')

        # Create librdkafka client configuration

        # Deploy cluster

        # Start cluster

    def __del__(self):
        """ Destructor: forcibly stop the cluster """

    def _setup_env(self):
        """ Set up convenience envs """
        self.env['KAFKA_PATH'] = self.cluster.find_app(KafkaBrokerApp).get(
            'destdir')  # noqa: E501
        if not self.kraft:
            self.env['ZK_ADDRESS'] = self.zk.get('address')
        self.env['BROKERS'] = self.bootstrap_servers
        self.env['KAFKA_VERSION'] = self.version
        self.env['TRIVUP_ROOT'] = self.cluster.instance_path()

        # Add each broker pid as an env so they can be killed indivdidually.
        for b in self.cluster.find_apps(KafkaBrokerApp, 'started'):
            self.env['BROKER_PID_%d' % b.appid] = str(b.proc.pid)

    def _setup_client_conf(self):
        """ Set up librdkafka client configuration """
        self._client_conf['bootstrap.servers'] = self.bootstrap_servers
        self._client_conf['broker.address.family'] = 'v4'
        if self.security_protocol != 'PLAINTEXT':
            self._client_conf['security.protocol'] = self.security_protocol

        broker_version = self.conf.get('version')
        brver = broker_version.split('.')
        if brver[0] == 0 and brver[1] < 10:
            self._client_conf['broker.version.fallback'] = broker_version
            self._client_conf['api.version.request'] = 'false'

        # Client SASL configuration
        if self.sasl_mechanism:
            self._client_conf['sasl.mechanism'] = self.sasl_mechanism

            if self.sasl_mechanism == 'PLAIN' or \
               self.sasl_mechanism.find('SCRAM') != -1:
                # Use first user as SASL user/pass
                for up in self.conf.get('sasl_users', '').split(','):
                    u, p = up.split('=')
                    self._client_conf['sasl.username'] = u
                    self._client_conf['sasl.password'] = p

            elif self.sasl_mechanism == 'OAUTHBEARER':
                if self.oidc is not None:
                    self._client_conf['sasl.oauthbearer.method'] = 'OIDC'
                        'sasl.oauthbearer.token.endpoint.url'] = self.oidc.get(
                            'valid_url')  # noqa: E501
                    self._client_conf['sasl.oauthbearer.client.id'] = '123'
                    self._client_conf['sasl.oauthbearer.client.secret'] = 'abc'
                    self._client_conf['sasl.oauthbearer.scope'] = 'test'
                    self._client_conf['sasl.oauthbearer.extensions'] = \
                        'enable.sasl.oauthbearer.unsecure.jwt'] = True  # noqa: E501
                    self._client_conf['sasl.oauthbearer.config'] = \
                        'scope=requiredScope principal=admin'

        # Client SSL configuration
        if self.ssl is not None:
            key = self.ssl.create_cert('client')
            self._client_conf['ssl.ca.location'] = self.ssl.ca['pem']
            self._client_conf['ssl.certificate.location'] = key['pub']['pem']
            self._client_conf['ssl.key.location'] = key['priv']['pem']
            self._client_conf['ssl.key.password'] = key['password']

            # Add envs pointing out locations of the generated certs
            for k, v in self.ssl.ca.items():
                self.env['SSL_ca_{}'.format(k)] = v

            # Set envs for all generated keys so tests can find them.
            for k, v in key.items():
                if type(v) is dict:
                    for k2, v2 in v.items():
                        # E.g. "SSL_priv_der=path/to/librdkafka-priv.der"
                        self.env['SSL_{}_{}'.format(k, k2)] = v2
                    self.env['SSL_{}'.format(k)] = v

    def _setup_kerberos(self):
        """ Set up Kerberos KDCs """

        # Create KDCs for each realm.
        # First realm will be the default / broker realm.
        realm_cnt = int(self.conf.get('realm_cnt', 1))
        # No point in having more than two realms
        assert realm_cnt > 0 and realm_cnt < 3
        realms = ['REALM{}.TRIVUP'.format(x + 1) for x in range(0, realm_cnt)]

        # Pre-Allocate ports for the KDCs so they can reference eachother
        # in the krb5.conf configuration.
        kdc_ports = {
            x: TcpPortAllocator(self.cluster).next("dummy")
            for x in realms

        # Set up realm=kdc:port cross-realm mappings
        cross_realms = ",".join([
                              self.cluster.get_node().name, kdc_ports[x])
            for x in realms

        kdcs = dict()
        for realm in realms:
            kdc = KerberosKdcApp(self.cluster,
            # Kerberos needs to be started prior to Kafka so that principals
            # and keytabs are available at the time of Kafka config generation.
            kdcs[realm] = kdc

        self.broker_realm = realms[0]
        self.client_realm = realms[-1]
        self.broker_kdc = kdcs[self.broker_realm]
        self.client_kdc = kdcs[self.client_realm]

        # Add cross-realm TGTs
        if realm_cnt > 1:

        # Add client envs and configuration
        self.env['KRB5CCNAME'] = self.client_kdc.mkpath('krb5cc')
        self.env['KRB5_CONFIG'] = self.client_kdc.conf['krb5_conf']
        self.env['KRB5_KDC_PROFILE'] = self.client_kdc.conf['kdc_conf']
        principal, keytab = self.client_kdc.add_principal('admin')

        self._client_conf['sasl.kerberos.keytab'] = keytab
        self._client_conf['sasl.kerberos.principal'] = principal.split('@')[0]
        # Refresh ticket 60s before renew timeout.
        self._client_conf['sasl.kerberos.min.time.before.relogin'] = \
            max(1, int(self.conf.get('krb_renew_lifetime')) - 60) * 1000

    def start(self, timeout=0):
        """ Start cluster """

        # Set up additional convenience envs

        if timeout > 0:

    def stop(self, cleanup=True, keeptypes=['log'], force=False, timeout=0):
        """ Stop cluster and clean up """
        if timeout > 0:
        if cleanup:

    def stopped(self):
        """ Returns True when all components of the cluster are stopped """
        return len([x for x in self.cluster.apps
                    if x.status() == 'stopped']) == len(self.cluster.apps)

    def wait_operational(self, timeout=60):
        """ Wait for cluster to go operational """
        if not self.cluster.wait_operational(timeout):
            raise Exception(
                "Cluster {} did not go operational, see logs in {}/{}".format(
                    self.cluster.name, self.cluster.root_path,

    def stop_broker(self, broker_id):
        """ Stop single broker """
        broker = self.brokers.get(broker_id, None)
        if broker is None:
            raise LookupError("Unknown broker id {}".format(broker_id))

    def start_broker(self, broker_id):
        """ Start single broker """
        broker = self.brokers.get(broker_id, None)
        if broker is None:
            raise LookupError("Unknown broker id {}".format(broker_id))

    def interactive(self, cmd=None):
        """ Execute an interactive shell that has all the
            environment variables set. """

        if cmd is None:
            print('# Interactive mode')

        print("# - Waiting for cluster to go operational in {}/{}".format(
            self.cluster.root_path, self.cluster.instance))

        env = self.env.copy()

        # Avoids 'dumb' terminal mode
        env['TERM'] = os.environ.get('TERM', 'vt100')

        # Write librdkafka client configuration to file.
        cf_path = self.cluster.mkpath('rdkafka.conf', in_instance=True)
        env['RDKAFKA_TEST_CONF'] = cf_path
        print("# - Client configuration in {}".format(cf_path))
        print("# - Connect to cluster with bootstrap.servers {}".format(

        # Prefix the standard prompt with cluster info.
        if cmd is None:
            pfx = '[TRIVUP:{}@{}] '.format(self.cluster.name, self.version)
            fullcmd = 'bash --rcfile <(cat ~/.bashrc; echo \'PS1="{}$PS1"\') -i'.format(
                pfx)  # noqa: E501
            print("# - You're now in an interactive sub-shell, type 'exit' "
                  "to stop the cluster and exit back to your shell.\n")
            retcode = subprocess.call(fullcmd,

            fullcmd = cmd
            print("# - Executing: {}".format(fullcmd))
            retcode = subprocess.call(fullcmd, env=env, shell=True)

        if retcode != 0:
            print("# - Shell exited with returncode {}: {}".format(
                retcode, fullcmd))

    def client_conf(self):
        """ Get a dict copy of the client configuration """
        return deepcopy(self._client_conf)

    def write_client_conf(self, path, additional_blob=None):
        """ Write client configuration (librdkafka) to @param path """
        with open(path, "w") as f:
            for k, v in self._client_conf.items():
                f.write(str('%s=%s\n' % (k, v)))
            if additional_blob is not None:
                f.write(str('#\n# Additional configuration:'))
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """ Create and start a KafkaCluster.
            See default_conf above for parameters. """
        super(KafkaCluster, self).__init__()

        conf = kwargs
        self.conf = deepcopy(self.default_conf)
        if conf is not None:

        self.version = self.conf.get('version')
        self.version_num = [int(x) for x in self.version.split('.')][:3]
        self.kraft = self.conf.get('kraft')

        # Create trivup Cluster
        self.cluster = Cluster(self.__class__.__name__,
                                   'tmp-%s' % self.__class__.__name__),
                               debug=bool(self.conf.get('debug', False)),
                               cleanup=bool(self.conf.get('cleanup', True)))

        self._client_conf = dict()
        self.env = dict()

        self.sasl_mechanism = self.conf.get('sasl_mechanism')

        # Add OIDC server app
        if bool(self.conf.get('oidc', False)):
            self.oidc = OauthbearerOIDCApp(self.cluster)
            if not self.sasl_mechanism:
                self.sasl_mechanism = 'OAUTHBEARER'
            elif self.sasl_mechanism.upper() != 'OAUTHBEARER':
                raise RuntimeError(
                    f"OIDC requires sasl.mechanism OAUTHBEARER, not '{self.sasl_mechanism}'"

        # Generate SSL certs if enabled
        if bool(self.conf.get('with_ssl')):
            self.ssl = SslApp(self.cluster, self.conf)
            self.ssl = None

        # Map mechanism and SSL to security protocol
        self.security_protocol = {
            (True, True): 'SASL_SSL',
            (True, False): 'SASL_PLAINTEXT',
            (False, True): 'SSL',
            (False, False): 'PLAINTEXT'
        }[(bool(self.sasl_mechanism), bool(self.ssl is not None))]

        if not self.kraft:
            # Create single ZK for the cluster (don't start yet)
            self.zk = ZookeeperApp(self.cluster)
            self.zk = None
            # Allocate (but don't use) a dummy appid so that the brokers get
            # the same appid/nodeid for both KRaft and ZK modes.

        # Broker configuration
        broker_cnt = int(self.conf.get('broker_cnt'))
        self.broker_conf = {
            'replication_factor': min(3, broker_cnt),
            'num_partitions': 4,
            'version': self.version,
            'sasl_mechanisms': self.sasl_mechanism,
            'sasl_users': self.conf.get('sasl_users'),
            'conf': self.conf.get('broker_conf', []),
            'kafka_path': self.conf.get('kafka_path', None)

        # Start Kerberos KDCs if GSSAPI (Kerberos) is configured
        if self.sasl_mechanism == 'GSSAPI':
            self.broker_conf['realm'] = self.broker_realm

        self.broker_conf['listener_host'] = 'localhost'
        # Create brokers (don't start yet)
        self.brokers = dict()
        for n in range(0, broker_cnt):
            bconf = copy.deepcopy(self.broker_conf)
            if self.version_num >= [2, 4, 0]:
                # Configure rack & replica selector if broker supports
                # fetch-from-follower
                    'conf': [
                })  # noqa: E501

            broker = KafkaBrokerApp(self.cluster, bconf)
            self.brokers[broker.appid] = broker

        # Generate bootstrap servers list
        all_listeners = (','.join(
            self.cluster.get_all('advertised_listeners', '',
        self.bootstrap_servers = ','.join(
            [x for x in all_listeners if x.startswith(self.security_protocol)])

        assert len(self.bootstrap_servers) >= broker_cnt, \
            "{} < {} expected bootstrap servers".format(
                len(self.bootstrap_servers), broker_cnt)

        # Create SchemaRegistry if enabled
        if bool(self.conf.get('with_sr', False)):
            self.sr = SchemaRegistryApp(
                self.cluster, {'version': self.conf.get('cp_version')})
            self.env['SR_URL'] = self.sr.get('url')

        # Create librdkafka client configuration

        # Deploy cluster

        # Start cluster
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """ Create and start a KafkaCluster.
            See default_conf above for parameters. """
        super(KafkaCluster, self).__init__()

        conf = kwargs
        self.conf = deepcopy(self.default_conf)
        if conf is not None:

        self.version = self.conf.get('version')

        # Create trivup Cluster
        self.cluster = Cluster(self.__class__.__name__,
                                   'tmp-%s' % self.__class__.__name__),
                               debug=bool(self.conf.get('debug', False)))

        self._client_conf = dict()
        self.env = dict()

        self.sasl_mechanism = self.conf.get('sasl_mechanism')

        # Generate SSL certs if enabled
        if bool(self.conf.get('with_ssl')):
            self.ssl = SslApp(self.cluster, self.conf)
            self.ssl = None

        # Map mechanism and SSL to security protocol
        self.security_protocol = {
            (True, True): 'SASL_SSL',
            (True, False): 'SASL_PLAINTEXT',
            (False, True): 'SSL',
            (False, False): 'PLAINTEXT'
        }[(bool(self.sasl_mechanism), bool(self.ssl is not None))]

        # Create single ZK for the cluster (don't start yet')
        self.zk = ZookeeperApp(self.cluster)

        # Broker configuration
        broker_cnt = int(self.conf.get('broker_cnt'))
        self.broker_conf = {
            'replication_factor': min(3, broker_cnt),
            'num_partitions': 4,
            'version': self.version,
            'sasl_mechanisms': self.sasl_mechanism,
            'sasl_users': self.conf.get('sasl_users'),
            'conf': self.conf.get('broker_conf', [])

        # Start Kerberos KDCs if GSSAPI (Kerberos) is configured
        if self.sasl_mechanism == 'GSSAPI':
            self.broker_conf['realm'] = self.broker_realm

        # Create brokers (don't start yet)
        self.brokers = dict()
        for n in range(0, broker_cnt):
            broker = KafkaBrokerApp(self.cluster, self.broker_conf)
            self.brokers[broker.appid] = broker

        # Generate bootstrap servers list
        all_listeners = (','.join(
            self.cluster.get_all('advertised_listeners', '',
        self.bootstrap_servers = ','.join(
            [x for x in all_listeners if x.startswith(self.security_protocol)])

        assert len(self.bootstrap_servers) >= broker_cnt, \
            "{} < {} expected bootstrap servers".format(
                len(self.bootstrap_servers), broker_cnt)

        # Create SchemaRegistry if enabled
        if bool(self.conf.get('with_sr', False)):
            self.sr = SchemaRegistryApp(
                self.cluster, {'version': self.conf.get('cp_version')})
            self.env['SR_URL'] = self.sr.get('url')

        # Create librdkafka client configuration

        # Deploy cluster

        # Start cluster