예제 #1
def mutation_create_itemlist(
        name: str,
        creator: str,
        itemlistorder: ItemListOrderType = ItemListOrderType.ItemListUnordered,
        description: str = None,
        contributor: str = None,
        additionaltype: List[str] = None):
    """Returns a mutation for creating an ItemList object.


        The string for the mutation for creating the ItemList.
    if not isinstance(itemlistorder, ItemListOrderType):
        raise trompace.exceptions.InvalidItemListOrderTypeException(
    check_required_args(name=name, creator=creator)
    additionaltype = _verify_additional_type(additionaltype)

    args = {
        "creator": creator,
        "name": name,
        "contributor": contributor,
        "description": description,
        "additionalType": additionaltype
    if itemlistorder:
        args["itemListOrder"] = StringConstant(itemlistorder)

    args = filter_none_args(args)

    return format_mutation("CreateItemList", args)
예제 #2
def update_defined_term_set(identifier: str, *, creator: str = None, name: str = None,
                            additionaltype: List[str] = None, broader_url: str = None,
                            broader_schema: annotation.AnnotationSchemaMotivation = None,
                            image: str = None):
    """Return a mutation for updating a DefinedTermSet.

        identifier: The identifier of the DefinedTermSet in the CE to be updated (:dcterms:`identifier`).

        A GraphQL Mutation to update a DefinedTermSet in the Trompa CE

    additionaltype = _verify_additional_type(additionaltype)
    params = {"identifier": identifier,
              "creator": creator,
              "name": name,
              "additionalType": additionaltype,
              "broaderUrl": broader_url,
              "image": image}
    if broader_schema is not None:
        params["broaderMotivation"] = StringConstant(broader_schema.name)
    params = filter_none_args(params)

    return format_mutation(mutationname="UpdateDefinedTermSet", args=params)
예제 #3
def mutation_create_listitem(creator: str,
                             name: str = None,
                             contributor: str = None,
                             description: str = None,
                             itemurl: str = None,
                             position: Optional[int] = None):
    """Returns a mutation for creating a ListItem object.


        The string for the mutation for creating the ListItem.
    args = {
        "contributor": contributor,
        "name": name,
        "creator": creator,
        "description": description,
        "itemUrl": itemurl,
        "position": position,

    args = filter_none_args(args)

    return format_mutation("CreateListItem", args)
예제 #4
def mutation_update_listitem(identifier: str,
                             creator: str = None,
                             name: str = None,
                             contributor: str = None,
                             description: str = None,
                             itemurl: str = None,
                             position: int = None):
    """Returns a mutation for updating a ListItem object.

        identifier: The identifier of the ListItem in the CE to be updated.

        The string for the mutation for updating the ListItem.
    args = {
        "identifier": identifier,
        "creator": creator,
        "name": name,
        "contributor": contributor,
        "description": description,
        "itemUrl": itemurl,
        "position": position,

    args = filter_none_args(args)

    return format_mutation("UpdateListItem", args)
예제 #5
def mutation_update_audioobject(identifier: str,
                                name: str = None,
                                title: str = None,
                                description: str = None,
                                date: str = None,
                                creator: str = None,
                                contributor: str = None,
                                format_: str = None,
                                encodingformat: str = None,
                                source: str = None,
                                license: str = None,
                                subject: str = None,
                                contenturl: str = None,
                                language: str = None,
                                inlanguage: str = None):
    """Returns a mutation for updating a AudioObject.

        identifier: The identifier of the AudioObject in the CE to be updated.

        The string for the mutation for updating the AudioObject.

        Assertion error if the input language or inlanguage is not one of the supported languages.
    if format_ is not None and "/" not in format_:
        raise NotAMimeTypeException(format_)

    if encodingformat is not None and "/" not in encodingformat:
        raise NotAMimeTypeException(encodingformat)

    if language is not None and language not in SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES:
        raise UnsupportedLanguageException(language)

    args = {
        "identifier": identifier,
        "name": name,
        "title": title,
        "description": description,
        "creator": creator,
        "contributor": contributor,
        "format": format_,
        "encodingFormat": encodingformat,
        "source": source,
        "subject": subject,
        "contentUrl": contenturl,
        "license": license,
        "inLanguage": inlanguage,
    if date:
        args["date"] = _Neo4jDate(date)
    if language:
        args["language"] = StringConstant(language.lower())

    args = filter_none_args(args)

    return format_mutation("UpdateAudioObject", args)
예제 #6
def create_annotation(creator: str,
                      motivation: AnnotationSchemaMotivation,
                      target_url: str = None,
                      body_url: List[str] = None):
    """Return a mutation for making a web Annotation (https://www.w3.org/TR/annotation-model)

        creator: a URI to the identity of the user who created this Annotation
        motivation: a AnnotationSchemaMotivation value, or the ID of an AnnotationCEMotivation node
        target_url: if the target is the URL of an external object, the URL
        body_url: if the body is the URL of an external object, the URL

        A GraphQL Mutation to create an Annotation in the Trompa CE

    check_required_args(creator=creator, motivation=motivation)
    params = {
        "creator": creator,
        "motivation": StringConstant(motivation.name),
        "targetUrl": target_url,
        "bodyUrl": body_url,
    params = filter_none_args(params)

    return format_mutation(mutationname="CreateAnnotation", args=params)
예제 #7
def create_rating_definition(*,
                             creator: str,
                             bestrating: int,
                             worstrating: int,
                             name: str = None):
    """Return a mutation for making a Rating definition.
    A Rating (https://schema.org/Rating) is an evaluation on a numeric scale.
    A Rating definition describes the structure that a rating can take. It is used so that an annotation
    tool can give a title and present an input according to the correct scale (e.g. 1-5 or 1-100).

    This is a helper method that requires a bestrating and worstrating value and automatically sets

    A name is recommended if multiple ratings are going to be shown on the same annotator, but isn't necessary.


    params = {
        "creator": creator,
        "name": name,
        "bestRating": bestrating,
        "worstRating": worstrating,

    params = filter_none_args(params)

    return format_mutation(mutationname="CreateRating", args=params)
예제 #8
def create_annotation_motivation(
        creator: str,
        title: str,
        description: str,
        broader_schema: AnnotationSchemaMotivation = None,
        broader_url: str = None):
    """Return a mutation for making an Annotation motivation
    A custom motivation should be a special case of one of the standard 13 motivations in
    the web annotation vocabulary (https://www.w3.org/TR/annotation-vocab/#named-individuals),
    or a URL pointing to an external motivation

        creator: a URI to the identity of the user who created this Motivation
        title: a descriptive name for the motivation
        description: a detailed description of the motivation
        broader_schema: a AnnotationSchemaMotivation value describing what this motivation is
           a special case of
        broader_url: a URL to an oa:Motivation describing what this motivation is a special case of
    params = {
        "creator": creator,
        "title": title,
        "description": description,
        "broaderUrl": broader_url,
    if broader_schema:
        params["broaderMotivation"] = StringConstant(broader_schema.name)
    params = filter_none_args(params)
    return format_mutation(mutationname="CreateAnnotationCEMotivation",
예제 #9
def mutation_create_musicrecording(*,
                                   name: str = None,
                                   title: str,
                                   description: str,
                                   contributor: str,
                                   creator: str,
                                   source: str,
                                   format_: str,
                                   encodingformat: str = None,
                                   subject: str = None,
                                   language: str = None,
                                   date: str = None):
    """Returns a mutation for creating a MusicRecording object.


        The string for the mutation for creating the MusicRecording.

    if "/" not in format_:
        raise NotAMimeTypeException(format_)

    if language is not None and language not in SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES:
        raise UnsupportedLanguageException(language)

    args = {
        "name": name,
        "title": title,
        "description": description,
        "contributor": contributor,
        "creator": creator,
        "source": source,
        "format": format_,
        "encodingFormat": encodingformat,
        "subject": subject

    if language is not None:
        args["language"] = StringConstant(language.lower())
    if date is not None:
        args["date"] = _Neo4jDate(date)

    args = filter_none_args(args)

    return format_mutation("CreateMusicRecording", args)
예제 #10
def mutation_create_music_composition(*,
                                      title: str,
                                      contributor: str,
                                      creator: str,
                                      source: str,
                                      format_: str,
                                      subject: str = None,
                                      language: str = None,
                                      inlanguage: str = None,
                                      name: str = None,
                                      description: str = None,
                                      position: int = None):
    """Returns a mutation for creating a music composition object


        The string for the mutation for creating the music composition.

        UnsupportedLanguageException: if ``language`` is not one of the supported languages.
        NotAMimeTypeException: if ``format_`` is not a valid mimetype
    if language and language not in SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES:
        raise UnsupportedLanguageException(language)

    if "/" not in format_:
        raise NotAMimeTypeException(format_)

    args = {
        "title": title,
        "contributor": contributor,
        "creator": creator,
        "format": format_,
        "subject": subject,
        "source": source,
        "inLanguage": inlanguage,
        "name": name,
        "description": description,
        "position": position
    if language is not None:
        args["language"] = StringConstant(language.lower())

    args = filter_none_args(args)

    return format_mutation("CreateMusicComposition", args)
예제 #11
def mutation_update_music_composition(identifier: str,
                                      title: str = None,
                                      contributor: str = None,
                                      creator: str = None,
                                      source: str = None,
                                      format_: str = None,
                                      subject: str = None,
                                      language: str = None,
                                      inlanguage: str = None,
                                      name: str = None,
                                      description: str = None,
                                      position: int = None):
    """Returns a mutation for updating a MusicComposition object.
        identifier: The identifier of the MusicComposition in the CE to be updated

        The string for the mutation for updating the music composition.
        UnsupportedLanguageException: if ``language`` is not one of the supported languages.
        NotAMimeTypeException: if ``format_`` is not a valid mimetype

    if language and language not in SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES:
        raise UnsupportedLanguageException(language)

    if format_ and "/" not in format_:
        raise NotAMimeTypeException(format_)

    args = {
        "identifier": identifier,
        "title": title,
        "contributor": contributor,
        "creator": creator,
        "subject": subject,
        "source": source,
        "inLanguage": inlanguage,
        "format": format_,
        "name": name,
        "description": description,
        "position": position
    if language is not None:
        args["language"] = StringConstant(language.lower())

    args = filter_none_args(args)

    return format_mutation("UpdateMusicComposition", args)
예제 #12
def mutation_update_musicrecording(identifier: str,
                                   title: str = None,
                                   contributor: str = None,
                                   creator: str = None,
                                   source: str = None,
                                   encodingformat: str = None,
                                   format_: str = None,
                                   name: str = None,
                                   language: str = None,
                                   description: str = None,
                                   date: str = None,
                                   subject: str = None):
    """Returns a mutation for updating a MusicRecording object.

        identifier: The identifier of the MusicRecording in the CE to be updated

        The string for the mutation for updating the MusicRecording.
    if format_ is not None and "/" not in format_:
        raise NotAMimeTypeException(format_)

    if language is not None and language not in SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES:
        raise UnsupportedLanguageException(language)

    args = {
        "identifier": identifier,
        "title": title,
        "contributor": contributor,
        "creator": creator,
        "source": source,
        "format": format_,
        "name": name,
        "description": description,
        "encodingFormat": encodingformat,
        "subject": subject

    if date is not None:
        args["date"] = _Neo4jDate(date)
    if language is not None:
        args["language"] = StringConstant(language.lower())

    args = filter_none_args(args)

    return format_mutation("UpdateMusicRecording", args)
예제 #13
def query_itemlist(identifier: str):
    """Returns a query for querying the database for a ItemList object.
        identifier: The identifier of the ItemList object in the CE.
        The string for the quereing the ItemList object.

    args = {
        "identifier_in": identifier,

    args = filter_none_args(args)

    return format_itemlist_query("ItemList", args)
예제 #14
def mutation_create_digitaldocument(*,
                                    title: str,
                                    contributor: str,
                                    creator: str,
                                    source: str,
                                    format_: str,
                                    subject: str = None,
                                    language: str = None,
                                    description: str = None):
    """Returns a mutation for creating a digital document object.


        The string for the mutation for creating the digital document.

        UnsupportedLanguageException if the input language is not one of the supported languages.
        NotAMimeTypeException: if ``format_`` is not a valid mimetype.
    if language not in SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES:
        raise UnsupportedLanguageException(language)

    if "/" not in format_:
        raise NotAMimeTypeException(format_)

    args = {
        "title": title,
        "contributor": contributor,
        "creator": creator,
        "source": source,
        "format": format_,
        "subject": subject,
        "description": description,
    if language is not None:
        args["language"] = StringConstant(language.lower())

    args = filter_none_args(args)

    return format_mutation("CreateDigitalDocument", args)
예제 #15
def query_listitems(identifiers: list = None,
                    return_items_list: list = ["identifier"]):
    """Returns a query for querying the database for a ThingInterface object.
        identifiers: The list of identifiers of the ThingInterfaces object in the CE.
        return_items_list: A list of item fields that the query must return.
        The string for the quereing the ThingInterface object.

    args = {
        "identifier_in": identifiers,

    args = filter_none_args(args)

    return format_filter_query("ThingInterface", args, return_items_list)
예제 #16
def query_softwareapplication(identifier: str = None,
                              title: str = None,
                              contributor: str = None,
                              creator: str = None,
                              source: str = None,
                              name: str = None,
                              language: str = None,
                              softwareversion: str = None,
                              filter_: dict = None,
                              return_items: list = None):
    """Returns a query for reading an SoftwareApplication from the CE.
        identifier: return nodes with this identifier
        title: return nodes with this title
        contributor: return nodes with this contributor
        creator: return nodes with this creator
        source: return nodes with this source
        name: return nodes with this name
        language: return nodes with this language
        softwareversion: return nodes with this softwareversion
        filter_: return nodes with this custom filter
        return_items: return these items in the response
        The string for the querying the SoftwareApplication.

    if return_items is None:
        return_items = ["identifier", "creator", "title", "source"]

    args = {
        "identifier": identifier,
        "title": title,
        "contributor": contributor,
        "creator": creator,
        "source": source,
        "name": name,
        "language": language,
        "softwareVersion": softwareversion
    if filter_:
        args["filter"] = make_filter(filter_)

    args = filter_none_args(args)

    return format_query("SoftwareApplication", args, return_items)
예제 #17
def mutation_update_musicgroup(identifier: str, *, title: str = None, contributor: str = None, creator: str = None,
                               source: str = None, format_: str = None, language: str = None, name: str = None,
                               founding_date: str = None, disolution_date: str = None,
                               description: str = None, image: str = None, publisher: str = None):
    """Returns a mutation for updating a MusicGroup

        identifier: The identifier of the musicgroup in the CE to be updated
        The string for the mutation for updating the musicgroup.
        UnsupportedLanguageException: if ``language`` is not one of the supported languages.
        ValueError: if ``gender`` is not a value supported by the Ce
        NotAMimeTypeException: if ``format_`` is not a valid mimetype.

    if language and language.lower() not in SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES:
        raise UnsupportedLanguageException(language)

    if format_ and "/" not in format_:
        raise NotAMimeTypeException(format_)

    args = {
        "identifier": identifier,
        "title": title,
        "contributor": contributor,
        "creator": creator,
        "source": source,
        "format": format_,
        "name": name,
        "description": description,
        "image": image,
        "publisher": publisher,
    if language is not None:
        args["language"] = StringConstant(language.lower())
    if founding_date is not None:
        args["foundingDate"] = _Neo4jDate(founding_date)
    if disolution_date is not None:
        args["disolutionDate"] = _Neo4jDate(disolution_date)

    args = filter_none_args(args)

    return format_mutation("UpdateMusicGroup", args)
예제 #18
def query_mediaobject(identifier: str = None,
                      creator: str = None,
                      contributor: str = None,
                      encodingformat: str = None,
                      source: str = None,
                      contenturl: str = None,
                      inlanguage: str = None,
                      filter_: dict = None,
                      return_items: Union[list, str] = None):
    """Returns a query for querying the database for a media object.
        identifier: The identifier of the media object in the CE.
        creator: The person, organization or service who created the thing the web resource is about.
        contributor: A person, an organization, or a service responsible for contributing\
         the media object to the web resource. This can be either a name or a base URL.
        encodingformat: A MimeType of the format of object encoded by the media object.
        source: The URL of the web resource to be represented by the node.
        contenturl: The URL of the content encoded by the media object.
        inlanguage: The language of the media object. Currently supported languages are en,es,ca,nl,de,fr.
        filter_: return nodes with this custom filter
        return_items: return these items in the response
        The string for the quereing the media object.
        UnsupportedLanguageException if the input language is not one of the supported languages.

    if return_items is None:
        return_items = ["identifier", "name"]

    args = {
        "identifier": identifier,
        "creator": creator,
        "contributor": contributor,
        "encodingFormat": encodingformat,
        "source": source,
        "contentUrl": contenturl,
        "inLanguage": inlanguage
    if filter_:
        args["filter"] = StringConstant(make_filter(filter_))

    args = filter_none_args(args)

    return format_query("MediaObject", args, return_items)
def query_musiccomposition(identifier: str = None, title: str = None, contributor: str = None, creator: str = None,
                           source: str = None, inlanguage: str = None, name: str = None, position: int = None,
                           filter_: dict = None, return_items: Union[list, str] = None):
    """Returns a query for querying the database for a music composition.
        identifier: The identifier of the music composition in the CE.
        title: The title of the resource indicated by `source`
        creator: The person, organization or service who created the thing the web resource is about.
        contributor: A person, an organization, or a service responsible for contributing\
                  the music composition to the web resource. This can be either a name or a base URL.
        source: The source URL that an item comes from
        inlanguage: The language of the music composition. Currently supported languages are en,es,ca,nl,de,fr
        name: The name of the music composition.
        position: In the case that this is a movement of a larger work (e.g. a Symphony), the position of this
                  MusicComposition in the larger one.
        filter_: return nodes with this custom filter
        return_items: return these items in the response
        The string for the quereing the music composition.
        UnsupportedLanguageException if the input language is not one of the supported languages.

    if return_items is None:
        return_items = ["identifier", "title", "source"]

    if inlanguage and inlanguage not in SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES:
        raise UnsupportedLanguageException(inlanguage)

    args = {
        "identifier": identifier,
        "title": title,
        "source": source,
        "contributor": contributor,
        "creator": creator,
        "inLanguage": inlanguage,
        "name": name,
        "position": position
    if filter_:
        args["filter"] = StringConstant(make_filter(filter_))

    args = filter_none_args(args)

    return format_query("MusicComposition", args, return_items)
예제 #20
def mutation_create_musicgroup(*, title: str, contributor: str, creator: str, source: str, format_: str,
                               language: str = None, name: str = None,
                               founding_date: str = None, disolution_date: str = None,
                               description: str = None, image: str = None, publisher: str = None):
    """Returns a mutation for creating a MusicGroup

        The string for the mutation for creating the musicgroup.
        UnsupportedLanguageException: if ``language`` is not one of the supported languages.
        NotAMimeTypeException: if ``format_`` is not a valid mimetype.

    check_required_args(title=title, contributor=contributor, creator=creator, source=source, format_=format_)
    if language and language.lower() not in SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES:
        raise UnsupportedLanguageException(language)

    if "/" not in format_:
        raise NotAMimeTypeException(format_)

    args = {
        "title": title,
        "contributor": contributor,
        "creator": creator,
        "source": source,
        "format": format_,
        "name": name,
        "description": description,
        "image": image,
        "publisher": publisher,
    if language is not None:
        args["language"] = StringConstant(language.lower())
    if founding_date is not None:
        args["foundingDate"] = _Neo4jDate(founding_date)
    if disolution_date is not None:
        args["disolutionDate"] = _Neo4jDate(disolution_date)

    args = filter_none_args(args)

    return format_mutation("CreateMusicGroup", args)
예제 #21
def query_person(identifier: str = None,
                 contributor: str = None,
                 creator: str = None,
                 source: str = None,
                 language: str = None,
                 format_: str = None,
                 name: str = None,
                 family_name: str = None,
                 given_name: str = None,
                 return_items_list: list = ["identifier", "name"]):
    """Returns a query for retrieving a person or people.

        identifier: The identifier of the person in the CE.
        contributor: The main URL of the site where the information about the Person was taken from
        creator: The person, organization or service who is creating this Person (e.g. URL of the software)
        source: The URL of the web resource where information about this Person is taken from
        language: The language the metadata is written in.
        format_: The mimetype of the resource indicated by `source`
        name: The name of the person
        family_name: The family name of the person
        given_name: The given name of the person
        return_items_list: A list of item fields that the query must return.

        The string for a person query.

    args = {
        "identifier": identifier,
        "contributor": contributor,
        "creator": creator,
        "source": source,
        "language": language,
        "format": format_,
        "name": name,
        "familyName": family_name,
        "givenName": given_name,

    args = filter_none_args(args)

    return format_query("Person", args, return_items_list)
예제 #22
def mutation_create_application(*, name: str, contributor: str, creator: str, source: str, title: str = None,
                                subject: str = None, language: str = None, description: str = None, format_: str = None,
                                softwareversion: str = None):
    """Returns a mutation for creating a software application object
        name: The name of the software application.
        title: the html title of the page at `source`
        contributor: A person, an organization, or a service responsible for adding the software application. This can be either a name or a base URL.
        creator: The person, organization or service responsible for adding the software application.
        source: The URL of the web resource to be represented by the node.
        subject: The subject associated with the application.
        description: An account of the software application.
        language: The language of the page at `source`. Currently supported languages are en,es,ca,nl,de,fr
        softwareversion: the version of the software
        The string for the mutation for creating the artist.
        UnsupportedLanguageException if the input language is not one of the supported languages.
        NotAMimeTypeException if format_ is not a valid mimetype.

    if language and language not in SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES:
        raise UnsupportedLanguageException(language)
    if format_ and "/" not in format_:
        raise NotAMimeTypeException(format_)

    args = {
        "name": name,
        "contributor": contributor,
        "creator": creator,
        "source": source,
        "title": title,
        "subject": subject,
        "description": description,
        "format": format_,
        "softwareVersion": softwareversion
    if language:
        args["language"] = StringConstant(language.lower())

    args = filter_none_args(args)
    return mutation_create(args, CREATE_APPLICATION)
예제 #23
def update_annotation_ce_target(identifier: str,
                                target: str = None,
                                field: str = None,
                                fragment: str = None):
    """Return a mutation for updating an AnnotationCETarget.

        A GraphQL Mutation to update an AnnotationCETarget in the Trompa CE
    params = {
        "identifier": identifier,
        "target": target,
        "field": field,
        "fragment": fragment
    params = filter_none_args(params)

    return format_mutation(mutationname="UpdateAnnotationCETarget",
예제 #24
def mutation_update_musicplaylist(identifier: str,
                                  title: str,
                                  contributor: str,
                                  creator: str,
                                  source: str,
                                  format_: str,
                                  name: str = None,
                                  language: str = None,
                                  num_tracks: int = None):
    """Returns a mutation for updating a MusicPlaylist object.

        identifier: The identifier of the MusicPlaylist in the CE to be updated

        The string for the mutation for updating the MusicPlaylist.
    if format_ is not None and "/" not in format_:
        raise NotAMimeTypeException(format_)

    if language is not None and language not in SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES:
        raise UnsupportedLanguageException(language)

    args = {
        "identifier": identifier,
        "title": title,
        "contributor": contributor,
        "creator": creator,
        "source": source,
        "format": format_,
        "name": name,
        "numTracks": num_tracks
    if language is not None:
        args["language"] = StringConstant(language.lower())

    args = filter_none_args(args)

    return format_mutation("UpdateMusicPlaylist", args)
예제 #25
def update_rating(identifier: str,
                  creator: str = None,
                  ratingvalue: int = None,
                  bestrating: int = None,
                  worstrating: int = None,
                  ratingexplanation: str = None,
                  additionaltype: str = None):

    params = {
        "identifier": identifier,
        "creator": creator,
        "ratingValue": ratingvalue,
        "bestRating": bestrating,
        "worstRating": worstrating,
        "ratingExplanation": ratingexplanation,
        "additionalType": additionaltype

    params = filter_none_args(params)
    return format_mutation(mutationname="UpdateRating", args=params)
예제 #26
def update_annotation_textual_body(identifier: str,
                                   value: str = None,
                                   format_: str = None,
                                   language: str = None):
    """Return a mutation for updating an AnnotationTextualBody.

        A GraphQL Mutation to update an AnnotationTextualBody in the Trompa CE
    if language and language.lower() not in SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES:
        raise UnsupportedLanguageException(language)

    params = {"identifier": identifier, "value": value, "format": format_}
    params = filter_none_args(params)

    if language is not None:
        params["language"] = StringConstant(language.lower())

    return format_mutation(mutationname="UpdateAnnotationTextualBody",
예제 #27
def mutation_update_digitaldocument(identifier: str,
                                    title: str = None,
                                    contributor: str = None,
                                    creator: str = None,
                                    source: str = None,
                                    format_: str = None,
                                    subject: str = None,
                                    language: str = None,
                                    description: str = None):
    """Returns a mutation for updating a digital document object.

        identifier: The identifier of the media object in the CE to be updated.

        The string for the mutation for creating the artist.

        Assertion error if the input language is not one of the supported languages.

    args = {
        "identifier": identifier,
        "title": title,
        "contributor": contributor,
        "creator": creator,
        "source": source,
        "format": format_,
        "subject": subject,
        "description": description
    if language is not None:
        args["language"] = StringConstant(language.lower())

    args = filter_none_args(args)

    return format_mutation("UpdateDigitalDocument", args)
예제 #28
def update_annotation(identifier: str,
                      target: str = None,
                      motivation: Union[AnnotationSchemaMotivation,
                                        str] = None,
                      body: str = None,
                      creator: str = None):
    """Return a mutation for updating an Annotation.

        A GraphQL Mutation to create an Annotation in the Trompa CE
    params = {
        "identifier": identifier,
        "target": target,
        "motivation": motivation,
        "body": body,
        "creator": creator
    params = filter_none_args(params)

    return format_mutation(mutationname="UpdateAnnotation", args=params)
예제 #29
def update_defined_term(identifier: str, *, creator: str = None, termcode: str = None,
                        additionaltype: List[str] = None, image: str = None):
    """Return a mutation for updating a DefinedTerm.

        identifier: The identifier of the DefinedTerm in the CE to be updated (:dcterms:`identifier`).

        A GraphQL Mutation to update a DefinedTerm in the Trompa CE

    additionaltype = _verify_additional_type(additionaltype)
    params = {"identifier": identifier,
              "creator": creator,
              "termCode": termcode,
              "additionalType": additionaltype,
              "image": image}

    params = filter_none_args(params)

    return format_mutation(mutationname="UpdateDefinedTerm", args=params)
예제 #30
def create_defined_term(*, creator: str, termcode: str, additionaltype: List[str], image: str = None):
    """Return a mutation for making a DefinedTerm.
    A :schema:`DefinedTerm` is a word, name, acronym, phrase, etc. with a formal definition.
    It is part of a DefinedTermSet.


        A GraphQL Mutation to create a DefinedTerm in the Trompa CE
    check_required_args(creator=creator, termcode=termcode, additionaltype=additionaltype)
    additionaltype = _verify_additional_type(additionaltype)

    params = {"additionalType": additionaltype,
              "creator": creator,
              "termCode": termcode,
              "image": image}

    params = filter_none_args(params)

    return format_mutation(mutationname="CreateDefinedTerm", args=params)