def analyze_movie( video_handle: io.IOBase) -> { "results": io.IOBase, "video_results": io.IOBase }: """ Args: video_handle: file object for the movie to be analyzed. progress_hook: function that is called with two integer arguments. the first one represents the current frame index the second represents the final index. Return: dictionary containing path to the .csv file and to .mp4 file """ model = create_model_efficient( model_creation_func=partial(create_model, max_operating_res=320)) video_handle.close() video_file = frame_ids = p2p_load('frame_ids', loading_func=lambda filepath: np.load(filepath)) if frame_ids is None: frame_ids = movement_frames_indexes(video_file, progress_hook=p2p_progress_hook) p2p_save("frame_ids", frame_ids, saving_func=lambda filepath, item:, item), filesuffix=".npy") image_gen = framedatapoint_generator_by_frame_ids2(video_file, frame_ids, reason="motionmap") # TODO set batchsize by the available VRAM pred_gen = compute(image_gen, model=model, batch_size=5) filtered_pred = filter_pred_detections(pred_gen) if p2p_progress_hook is not None: filtered_pred = generator_hook(video_file, filtered_pred, p2p_progress_hook) df = pred_iter_to_pandas(filtered_pred) destination = os.path.splitext(video_file)[0] + '.csv' df.to_csv(destination) if p2p_progress_hook is not None: # call one more time the hook. this is just for clean ending of the processing. it may happen in case where the # skip is 5 that the final index is not reached, and in percentage it will look like 99.9% finished size = get_video_file_size(video_file) - 1 p2p_progress_hook(size, size) visual_destination = os.path.splitext(video_file)[0] + '_results.mp4' visual_destination_good_codec = os.path.splitext( video_file)[0] + '_results_good_codec.mp4' compare_multiple_dataframes(video_file, visual_destination, df) ["ffmpeg", "-i", visual_destination, visual_destination_good_codec]) return { "results": open(destination, 'rb'), "video_results": open(visual_destination_good_codec, 'rb') }
def html_imgs_generator(video_path, csv_path): pred_gen_from_df = pandas_to_pred_iter(pd.read_csv(csv_path)) filtered_pred = filter_pred_detections(pred_gen_from_df) filtered_dataframe = pred_iter_to_pandas(filtered_pred) important_frames, important_df = get_important_frames(filtered_dataframe) image_gen = framedatapoint_generator_by_frame_ids2(video_path, important_frames) pred_from_important = pandas_to_pred_iter(important_df) for fdp in plot_detections(image_gen, pred_from_important): yield image2htmlstr(fdp.image)
def test_TruckDetector_pred_iter_to_pandas(): auu_data_root = r'D:\aau-rainsnow\Hjorringvej\Hjorringvej-2' video_file = [ osp.join(r, f) for (r, _, fs) in os.walk(auu_data_root) for f in fs if 'avi' in f or 'mkv' in f ][0] #file 'Hjorringvej\\Hjorringvej-2\\cam1.mkv' has 6000 frames model = create_model(max_operating_res=320) image_gen = framedatapoint_generator(video_file, skip=6000 // 30) image_gen1, image_gen2 = tee(image_gen) pred_gen = compute(image_gen1, model) df = pred_iter_to_pandas(pred_gen) pred_gen_from_df = pandas_to_pred_iter(df) for idx, fdp in enumerate(plot_detections(image_gen2, pred_gen_from_df)): cv2.imshow("image", fdp.image) cv2.waitKey(1) if idx == 5: break
def test_dataframe_filtered(): csv_file_path = osp.join(osp.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'cut.csv') pred_gen_from_df = pandas_to_pred_iter(pd.read_csv(csv_file_path)) filtered_pred = filter_pred_detections(pred_gen_from_df) filtered_dataframe = pred_iter_to_pandas(filtered_pred)
def test_estimate_next_frame_ids(): frame_num_24_hours = 30 * 3600 * 24 frame_num_24_hours = 30 * 3600 * 1 def dummy_generator(): for i in range(frame_num_24_hours): if 10 < i < 50 or 200 < i < 500 or 800 < i < 900 or 90000 < i < 95000: #simulate detection dp = PredictionDatapoint(pred={ "boxes": np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0]]), "scores": np.array([0]), "labels": np.array([model_class_names.index("truck")]), "obj_id": np.array([0]) }, frame_id=i) else: #simulate no detection dp = PredictionDatapoint(pred={ "boxes": np.array([[]]).reshape(-1, 4), "scores": np.array([]), "labels": np.array([]), "obj_id": np.array([]) }, frame_id=i) yield dp dummy_df = pred_iter_to_pandas(pdp_iterable=dummy_generator()) cols = list(dummy_df.columns) cols.remove("reason") dummy_df = dummy_df.dropna(subset=cols) plt.hist(dummy_df['img_id'], range=(0, frame_num_24_hours)) # kde = gaussian_kde(dummy_df['img_id']) # these are the values over wich your kernel will be evaluated dist_space = np.linspace(0, frame_num_24_hours, 1000) # plot the results plt.plot(dist_space, kde(dist_space)) # import scipy.stats as st class TrafficPDF(st.rv_continuous): def __init__(self, dataframe): assert 'img_id' in dataframe.columns super(TrafficPDF, self).__init__(a=dataframe['img_id'].min(), b=dataframe['img_id'].max(), name="TrafficPDF") self.kde = gaussian_kde(dataframe['img_id']) # def _pdf(self, x): # return self.kde(x) def _cdf(self, x): return self.kde.integrate_box_1d(-np.Inf, x) my_cv = TrafficPDF(dummy_df) generated_data = my_cv.rvs(size=100).astype(np.int32) generated_data = sorted(generated_data.tolist()) plt.hist(generated_data, bins=100) # detected_frames = set(dummy_df['img_id'].unique()) frames_to_search = set() for i in generated_data: while i in frames_to_search or i in detected_frames: i += 1 frames_to_search.add(i) assert len(set(detected_frames) & set(frames_to_search)) == 0 pass
def get_raw_df_from_movie(movie_path, model): g1 = framedatapoint_generator(movie_path, skip=0, max_frames=200) g2 = compute(g1, model, filter_classes=['train', 'truck', 'bus']) df = pred_iter_to_pandas(g2) return df
def get_tracked_df_from_df(df): g1 = filter_pred_detections(pandas_to_pred_iter(df)) filtered_df = pred_iter_to_pandas(g1) return filtered_df