def server_change(self, widget): """ This method checks the server connection via host and port. If the connection is successfull, it query the language list and pass true state to the GUI. Otherwise it pass false state to the GUI. """ res = common.request_server(self.entry_server_connection) if not res: return False host, port = res try: if self.combo_language and host and port: common.refresh_langlist(self.combo_language, host, port) self.server_connection_state(True) except TrytonServerError: self.server_connection_state(False) return False return True
def run(self): parent = common.get_toplevel_window() self.dialog.set_default_response(gtk.RESPONSE_OK) self.dialog.set_transient_for(parent) self.dialog.show_all() pass_widget = self.entry_serverpasswd change_button = self.button_server_change admin_passwd = self.entry_adminpasswd admin_passwd2 = self.entry_adminpasswd2 change_button.connect_after('clicked', self.server_change) if and self.port: url = '%s:%d' % (, self.port) else: url = '' self.entry_server_connection.set_text(url) liststore = gtk.ListStore(str, str) self.combo_language.set_model(liststore) try: common.refresh_langlist(self.combo_language,, self.port) except TrytonServerError: self.button_create.set_sensitive(False) while True: self.dialog.props.sensitive = True res = dbname = self.entry_dbname.get_text() netloc = self.entry_server_connection.get_text() host = common.get_hostname(netloc) port = common.get_port(netloc) langidx = self.combo_language.get_active_iter() langreal = langidx \ and self.combo_language.get_model().get_value(langidx, 1) passwd = pass_widget.get_text() if res == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: if admin_passwd.get_text() != admin_passwd2.get_text(): common.warning( _("The new admin password " "doesn't match the confirmation field.\n"), _("Passwords doesn't match!")) continue try: exist = rpc.db_exec(host, port, 'db_exist', dbname) except TrytonServerError, exception: common.process_exception(exception) continue if exist: common.warning( _("A database with the same name " "already exists.\n" "Try another database name."), _("This database name already exist!")) self.entry_dbname.set_text("") self.entry_dbname.grab_focus() continue else: # Everything runs fine, break the block here self.dialog.props.sensitive = False try: rpcprogress = common.RPCProgress( 'db_exec', (host, port, 'create', dbname, passwd, langreal, admin_passwd.get_text())) except TrytonServerError, exception: if str(exception.faultCode) == "AccessDenied": common.warning( _("Sorry, wrong password for " "the Tryton server. " "Please try again."), _("Access denied!")) self.entry_serverpasswd.set_text("") self.entry_serverpasswd.grab_focus() continue else: # Unclassified error common.warning( _("Can't create the " "database, caused by an unknown reason.\n" "If there is a database created, it could " "be broken. Maybe drop this database! " "Please check the error message for " "possible informations.\n" "Error message:\n") + str(exception.faultCode), _("Error creating database!")) parent.present() self.dialog.destroy() rpc.logout() break parent.present() self.dialog.destroy() if self.sig_login: CONFIG['login.server'] = host CONFIG['login.port'] = str(port) CONFIG['login.db'] = dbname CONFIG['login.login'] = '******' self.sig_login() break
def run(self): parent = common.get_toplevel_window() self.dialog.set_default_response(gtk.RESPONSE_OK) self.dialog.set_transient_for(parent) self.dialog.show_all() pass_widget = self.entry_serverpasswd change_button = self.button_server_change admin_passwd = self.entry_adminpasswd admin_passwd2 = self.entry_adminpasswd2 change_button.connect_after('clicked', self.server_change) if and self.port: url = '%s:%d' % (, self.port) else: url = '' self.entry_server_connection.set_text(url) liststore = gtk.ListStore(str, str) self.combo_language.set_model(liststore) try: common.refresh_langlist(self.combo_language,, self.port) except TrytonServerError: self.button_create.set_sensitive(False) while True: self.dialog.props.sensitive = True res = dbname = self.entry_dbname.get_text() netloc = self.entry_server_connection.get_text() host = common.get_hostname(netloc) port = common.get_port(netloc) langidx = self.combo_language.get_active_iter() langreal = langidx \ and self.combo_language.get_model().get_value(langidx, 1) passwd = pass_widget.get_text() if res == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: if admin_passwd.get_text() != admin_passwd2.get_text(): common.warning( _("The new admin password " "doesn't match the confirmation field.\n"), _("Passwords doesn't match!")) continue try: exist = rpc.db_exec(host, port, 'db_exist', dbname) except TrytonServerError, exception: common.process_exception(exception) continue if exist: common.warning(_("A database with the same name " "already exists.\n" "Try another database name."), _("This database name already exist!")) self.entry_dbname.set_text("") self.entry_dbname.grab_focus() continue else: # Everything runs fine, break the block here self.dialog.props.sensitive = False try: rpcprogress = common.RPCProgress('db_exec', (host, port, 'create', dbname, passwd, langreal, admin_passwd.get_text())) except TrytonServerError, exception: if str(exception.faultCode) == "AccessDenied": common.warning(_("Sorry, wrong password for " "the Tryton server. " "Please try again."), _("Access denied!")) self.entry_serverpasswd.set_text("") self.entry_serverpasswd.grab_focus() continue else: # Unclassified error common.warning(_("Can't create the " "database, caused by an unknown reason.\n" "If there is a database created, it could " "be broken. Maybe drop this database! " "Please check the error message for " "possible informations.\n" "Error message:\n") + str(exception.faultCode), _("Error creating database!")) parent.present() self.dialog.destroy() rpc.logout() break parent.present() self.dialog.destroy() if self.sig_login: CONFIG['login.server'] = host CONFIG['login.port'] = str(port) CONFIG['login.db'] = dbname CONFIG['login.login'] = '******' self.sig_login() break
def run(self): parent = common.get_toplevel_window() self.dialog.set_default_response(gtk.RESPONSE_OK) self.dialog.set_transient_for(parent) self.dialog.show_all() pass_widget = self.entry_serverpasswd change_button = self.button_server_change admin_passwd = self.entry_adminpasswd admin_passwd2 = self.entry_adminpasswd2 change_button.connect_after('clicked', self.server_change) if and self.port: url = '%s:%d' % (, self.port) else: url = '' self.entry_server_connection.set_text(url) liststore = gtk.ListStore(str, str) self.combo_language.set_model(liststore) try: common.refresh_langlist(self.combo_language,, self.port) except TrytonServerError: self.button_create.set_sensitive(False) while True: res = dbname = self.entry_dbname.get_text() url = self.entry_server_connection.get_text() url_m = re.match('^([\w.\-]+):(\d{1,5})', \ url or '') langidx = self.combo_language.get_active_iter() langreal = langidx \ and self.combo_language.get_model().get_value(langidx, 1) passwd = pass_widget.get_text() if res == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: if (not dbname) \ or (not re.match('^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$', dbname)): common.warning(_('The database name is restricted to ' \ 'alpha-nummerical characters and "_" (underscore). ' \ 'Avoid all accents, space ' \ 'and any other special characters.'), _('Wrong characters in database name!')) continue elif admin_passwd.get_text() != admin_passwd2.get_text(): common.warning( _("The new admin password " \ "doesn't match the confirmation field.\n"), _("Passwords doesn't match!")) continue elif not admin_passwd.get_text(): common.warning(_("Admin password and confirmation are " \ "required to create a new database."), \ _('Missing admin password!')) continue elif \ and int( \ and dbname \ and langreal \ and passwd \ and admin_passwd.get_text(): try: exist = rpc.db_exec(, int(, 'db_exist', dbname) except TrytonServerError, exception: common.process_exception(exception) continue if exist: common.warning(_("A database with the same name " "already exists.\n" "Try another database name."), _("This database name already exist!")) self.entry_dbname.set_text("") self.entry_dbname.grab_focus() continue else: # Everything runs fine, break the block here host = port = try: rpcprogress = common.RPCProgress('db_exec', (host, int(port), 'create', dbname, passwd, langreal, admin_passwd.get_text())) except TrytonServerError, exception: if str(exception.faultCode) == "AccessDenied": common.warning(_("Sorry, wrong password for " \ "the Tryton server. Please try again."), _("Access denied!")) self.entry_serverpasswd.set_text("") self.entry_serverpasswd.grab_focus() continue else: # Unclassified error common.warning(_("Can't create the " "database, caused by an unknown reason.\n" "If there is a database created, it could " "be broken. Maybe drop this database! " "Please check the error message for " "possible informations.\n" "Error message:\n") + str(exception.faultCode), _("Error creating database!")) parent.present() self.dialog.destroy() rpc.logout() from tryton.gui.main import Main Main.get_main().refresh_ssl() break from tryton.gui.main import Main Main.get_main().refresh_ssl() parent.present() self.dialog.destroy() if self.sig_login: CONFIG['login.server'] = host CONFIG['login.port'] = port CONFIG['login.db'] = dbname CONFIG['login.login'] = '******' self.sig_login() break
def run(self): parent = common.get_toplevel_window() self.dialog.set_default_response(gtk.RESPONSE_OK) self.dialog.set_transient_for(parent) self.dialog.show_all() pass_widget = self.entry_serverpasswd change_button = self.button_server_change admin_passwd = self.entry_adminpasswd admin_passwd2 = self.entry_adminpasswd2 change_button.connect_after('clicked', self.server_change) if and self.port: url = '%s:%d' % (, self.port) else: url = '' self.entry_server_connection.set_text(url) liststore = gtk.ListStore(str, str) self.combo_language.set_model(liststore) try: common.refresh_langlist(self.combo_language,, self.port) except TrytonServerError: self.button_create.set_sensitive(False) while True: self.dialog.props.sensitive = True res = dbname = self.entry_dbname.get_text() url = self.entry_server_connection.get_text() url_m = re.match('^([\w.\-]+):(\d{1,5})', url or '') langidx = self.combo_language.get_active_iter() langreal = langidx \ and self.combo_language.get_model().get_value(langidx, 1) passwd = pass_widget.get_text() if res == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: if (not dbname or not re.match('^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$', dbname)): common.warning( _('The database name is restricted to ' 'alpha-nummerical characters ' 'and "_" (underscore). ' 'Avoid all accents, space ' 'and any other special characters.'), _('Wrong characters in database name!')) continue elif admin_passwd.get_text() != admin_passwd2.get_text(): common.warning( _("The new admin password " "doesn't match the confirmation field.\n"), _("Passwords doesn't match!")) continue elif not admin_passwd.get_text(): common.warning( _("Admin password and confirmation are " "required to create a new database."), _('Missing admin password!')) continue elif \ and int( \ and dbname \ and langreal \ and passwd \ and admin_passwd.get_text(): try: exist = rpc.db_exec(, int(, 'db_exist', dbname) except TrytonServerError, exception: common.process_exception(exception) continue if exist: common.warning( _("A database with the same name " "already exists.\n" "Try another database name."), _("This database name already exist!")) self.entry_dbname.set_text("") self.entry_dbname.grab_focus() continue else: # Everything runs fine, break the block here host = port = self.dialog.props.sensitive = False try: rpcprogress = common.RPCProgress( 'db_exec', (host, int(port), 'create', dbname, passwd, langreal, admin_passwd.get_text())) except TrytonServerError, exception: if str(exception.faultCode) == "AccessDenied": common.warning( _("Sorry, wrong password for " "the Tryton server. " "Please try again."), _("Access denied!")) self.entry_serverpasswd.set_text("") self.entry_serverpasswd.grab_focus() continue else: # Unclassified error common.warning( _("Can't create the " "database, caused by an unknown reason.\n" "If there is a database created, it could " "be broken. Maybe drop this database! " "Please check the error message for " "possible informations.\n" "Error message:\n") + str(exception.faultCode), _("Error creating database!")) parent.present() self.dialog.destroy() rpc.logout() break parent.present() self.dialog.destroy() if self.sig_login: CONFIG['login.server'] = host CONFIG['login.port'] = port CONFIG['login.db'] = dbname CONFIG['login.login'] = '******' self.sig_login() break