def test_negative_branch_length(self): with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="tskit tree sequences cannot contain edges" " with lengths <= 0", ): tsconvert.from_newick("(2:0.10,3:0.00);") ts = tsconvert.from_newick("(2:0.10,3:-10.01);", 0.01) assert ts.first().newick(precision=2) == "(2:0.10,3:0.01);"
def verify(self, ts): assert ts.num_trees == 1 source_tree = ts.first() newick = tsconvert.to_newick(source_tree) conv_ts = tsconvert.from_newick(newick) # Round tripping can introduce very slightly differing node times # due to floating point manipulations, so round the times conv_tables = conv_ts.dump_tables() nodes = conv_tables.nodes.copy() conv_tables.nodes.clear() for node in nodes: conv_tables.nodes.append(node.replace(time=round(node.time, 15))) conv_tables.sort() conv_ts = conv_tables.tree_sequence() assert conv_ts.num_trees == 1 conv_tree = conv_ts.first() source_str = source_tree.draw(format="unicode", node_labels={}, order="tree") conv_str = conv_tree.draw(format="unicode", node_labels={}, order="tree") # The tree sequences are canonical, so the nodes are allocated in # time order. We should be identical other than the leaf labels. assert source_str == conv_str assert np.allclose( sorted(conv_ts.tables.nodes.time), sorted(ts.tables.nodes.time) )
def test_nextstrain_newick(self): with open(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "data" / "nextstrain.nwk") as f: newick = ts = tsconvert.from_newick(newick) assert ts.num_trees == 1 assert ts.num_nodes == 268 assert ts.num_edges == 267
def test_annotation_ignored(self): assert ( tsconvert.from_newick("(2:0.10,[IGNOREME]3:0.10);") .first() .newick(precision=2) == "(2:0.10,3:0.10);" )
def test_ids(self): ts = tsconvert.from_newick("(BILL:0.10,:0.30)LUCY;") assert ts.first().newick(precision=2) == "(2:0.10,3:0.30);" assert tuple(n.metadata for n in ts.nodes()) == ( {"name": "LUCY"}, {"name": "BILL"}, {}, )
def test_comments(self): ts = tsconvert.from_newick( '(BILL[42]:0.10,[!"£$%^&*_+-={}<>,.?/~#|`¬]:0.30)LUCY;' ) assert ts.first().newick(precision=2) == "(2:0.10,3:0.30);" assert tuple(n.metadata for n in ts.nodes()) == ( { "name": "LUCY", }, {"name": "BILL", "comment": "42"}, {"comment": '!"£$%^&*_+-={}<>,.?/~#|`¬'}, )
def verify(self, ts): self.assertEqual(ts.num_trees, 1) source_tree = ts.first() newick = tsconvert.to_newick(source_tree) conv_ts = tsconvert.from_newick(newick) self.assertEqual(conv_ts.num_trees, 1) conv_tree = conv_ts.first() source_str = source_tree.draw(format="unicode", node_labels={}) conv_str = conv_tree.draw(format="unicode", node_labels={}) # The tree sequences are canonical, so the nodes are allocated in # time order. We should be identical other than the leaf labels. self.assertEqual(source_str, conv_str) self.assertTrue( np.allclose(conv_ts.tables.nodes.time, ts.tables.nodes.time)) self.assertEqual(list(range(ts.num_samples)), list(conv_tree.leaves())) self.assertEqual(list(range(ts.num_samples)), list(conv_tree.samples()))
def test_root_time(self): ts = tsconvert.from_newick("(2:0.10,3:0.20):42.00;") # Root times are removed from tskit's newick output: assert ts.first().newick(precision=2) == "(2:0.10,3:0.20);" # But should still be in the ts: assert np.array_equal(ts.tables.nodes.time, [42.2, 42.1, 42.0])
def test_multitree(self): with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="Only one tree can be imported from a newick string" ): tsconvert.from_newick("(2:10.00,3:10.00);(2:10.00,3:10.00);")
def test_empty(self): with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Newick string was empty"): tsconvert.from_newick("")
def test_non_ultrametric(self): newick = "((5:0.10,6:0.20):5.34,(7:1.00,8:0.01):0.02,4:42.42);" assert tsconvert.from_newick(newick).first().newick(precision=2) == newick