def download_scenario(user, scenario_id): """ Generate a working directory for running ANUGA Create/Copy all of the files to that directory that are necessary for running the simulation. Generate a json run file and call run_tsudat. Notes here: """ create_dir() # Get the scenario object from the Database scenario = Scenario.objects.get(id=scenario_id) # the base of the TsuDAT user directory structures from TsuDATBase = settings.TSUDAT_BASE_DIR TsuDATMux = settings.TSUDAT_MUX_DIR # change setup value to one of expected strings print('original scenario.model_setup=%s' % scenario.model_setup) trial_edit = {'t': 'trial', 'T': 'trial', 'trial': 'trial', 'TRIAL': 'trial', 'f': 'final', 'F': 'final', 'final': 'final', 'FINAL': 'final'} actual_setup = trial_edit.get(scenario.model_setup, 'trial') print('actual_setup=%s' % actual_setup) # fake a prject name ##? if not ##? = _slugify( ##? # create the user working directory (work_dir, raw_elevations, boundaries, meshes, polygons, gauges, topographies, user_dir) = run_tsudat.make_tsudat_dir(TsuDATBase, user.username, _slugify(, _slugify(, ##? scenario.model_setup, actual_setup, scenario.event.tsudat_id) project_geom = scenario.project.geom project_extent = scenario.project.geom.extent centroid = project_geom.centroid # This somewhat naively assumes that the whole bounding polygon is in the same zone (UTMZone, UTMEasting, UTMNorthing) = LLtoUTM(23, centroid.coords[1], centroid.coords[0]) if(len(UTMZone) == 3): utm_zone = int(UTMZone[0:2]) else: utm_zone = int(UTMZone[0:1]) if(centroid.coords[1] > 0): srid_base = 32600 else: srid_base = 32700 srid = srid_base + utm_zone scenario.project.srid = srid project_geom.transform(srid) # Polygons print polygons bounding_polygon_file = open(os.path.join(polygons, 'bounding_polygon.csv'), 'w') for coord in project_geom.coords[0][:-1]: bounding_polygon_file.write('%f,%f\n' % (coord[0], coord[1])) bounding_polygon_file.close() # Internal Polygons internal_polygons = InternalPolygon.objects.filter(project=scenario.project).order_by('value') count = 0 InteriorRegions = [] for ip in internal_polygons: ipfile = open(os.path.join(polygons, 'ip%s.csv' % count), 'w') geom = ip.geom geom.transform(srid) for coord in geom.coords[0][:-1]: ipfile.write('%f,%f\n' % (coord[0], coord[1])) if(ip.type == 1): type = "resolution" elif(ip.type == 2): type = "friction" elif(ip.type == 3): type = "aoi" InteriorRegions.append([type,, ip.value]) ipfile.close() geom = ipfile = None count += 1 # Raw Elevation Files RawElevationFiles = [] elevation_files = [] wcs_url = settings.GEOSERVER_BASE_URL + 'wcs' wcs = WebCoverageService(wcs_url, version='1.0.0') pds = ProjectDataSet.objects.filter(project=scenario.project).order_by('ranking') srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromEPSG(srid) dst_wkt = srs.ExportToPrettyWkt() eResampleAlg = None create_options = None output_format = "AAIGrid" driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(output_format) for ds in pds: layer = Layer.objects.get(typename=ds.dataset.typename) elevation_files.append(layer.typename) metadata = wcs.contents[layer.typename] print metadata.grid resx = metadata.grid.offsetvectors[0][0] resy = abs(float(metadata.grid.offsetvectors[1][1])) formats = metadata.supportedFormats print formats cvg = wcs.getCoverage(identifier=layer.typename, format='GeoTIFF', crs="EPSG:4326", bbox=(project_extent[0], project_extent[1], project_extent[2], project_extent[3]), resx=resx, resy=resy) # Need to make sure the ranking numbers are unique for each project (enforced with DB constraint?) tif_file_name = '%s.tif' % ds.ranking tif_file_path = os.path.join(raw_elevations, tif_file_name) asc_file_name = '%s.asc' % ds.ranking asc_file_path = os.path.join(raw_elevations, asc_file_name) out = open(tif_file_path, 'wb') out.write( out.close() # Warp to UTM cmd = "/usr/bin/gdalwarp -srcnodata -9999 -dstnodata -9999 -t_srs EPSG:%d %s %s.tmp" % (srid, tif_file_path, tif_file_path) os.system(cmd) # Convert to AAIGrid cmd = "/usr/bin/gdal_translate -a_nodata -9999 -of %s %s.tmp %s" % (output_format, tif_file_path, asc_file_path) os.system(cmd) # Remove Intermediate files #os.remove(tif_file_path) #os.remove(tif_file_path + ".tmp") # Rename the .prj file to .prj.wkt shutil.move(asc_file_path.replace('.asc', '.prj'), asc_file_path.replace('.asc', '.prj.wkt')) # Generate a prj.adf style prj file # NOTE: Not sure if this will work in all cases? prj_file_name = '%s.prj' % ds.ranking prj_file = open(os.path.join(raw_elevations, prj_file_name), 'w') prj_file.write('Projection UTM\n') prj_file.write('Zone %d\n' % utm_zone) prj_file.write('Datum WGS1984\n') prj_file.write('Zunits NO\n') prj_file.write('Units METERS\n') prj_file.write('Spheroid WGS_1984\n') prj_file.write('Xshift 500000\n') prj_file.write('Yshift 10000000\n') prj_file.write('Parameters\n') prj_file.write('NODATA_value -9999') prj_file.close() RawElevationFiles.append(asc_file_path) ''' src_ds = gdal.Open( str(tif_file_path), GA_ReadOnly ) dst_ds_tmp = driver.CreateCopy( str(asc_file_name + '.tmp'), src_ds, 0) dst_ds = driver.Create( str(asc_file_path), dst_ds_tmp.RasterXSize, dst_ds_tmp.RasterYSize) gdal.ReprojectImage(src_ds, dst_ds, None, dst_wkt) dst_ds = None dst_ds_tmp = None src_ds = None ''' # Landward Boundary # Iterate over the in the project geometry and add a l or s flag and call landward.landward with them points_list = [] for coord in project_geom.coords[0][:-1]: pnt_wkt = 'SRID=%s;POINT(%f %f)' % (srid, coord[0], coord[1]) land = Land.objects.filter(the_geom__intersects=pnt_wkt) if(land.count() > 0): points_list.append((coord[0], coord[1], "l")) else: points_list.append((coord[0], coord[1], "s")) print('points_list=%s' % str(points_list)) landward_points = landward.landward(points_list) print('landward_points=%s' % str(landward_points)) # Write out the landward points to a file landward_boundary_file = open(os.path.join(boundaries, 'landward_boundary.csv'), 'w') for pt in landward_points: landward_boundary_file.write('%f,%f\n' % (pt[0], pt[1])) landward_boundary_file.close() # Interior Hazard Points File interior_hazard_points_file = open(os.path.join(boundaries, 'interior_hazard_points.csv'), 'w') hps = HazardPoint.objects.filter(geom__intersects=project_geom).order_by('tsudat_id') for hp in hps: the_geom = hp.geom latitude=the_geom.coords[1] longitude=the_geom.coords[0] the_geom.transform(srid) interior_hazard_points_file.write('%d,%f,%f,%f,%f\n' % (hp.tsudat_id,longitude,latitude,the_geom.coords[0], the_geom.coords[1])) interior_hazard_points_file.close() # Gauges gauge_file = open(os.path.join(gauges, 'gauges.csv'), 'w') gauge_file.write('easting,northing,name,elevation\n') gauge_points = GaugePoint.objects.filter(project=scenario.project) for gauge in gauge_points: gauge_geom = gauge.geom gauge_geom.transform(srid) gauge_file.write('%f,%f,%s,%f\n' % (gauge_geom.coords[0], gauge_geom.coords[1],, 0.0)) gauge_file.close() # Layers scenario_layers = scenario.output_layers.all() layers = [] for layer in scenario_layers: layers.append( # build the scenario json data file date_time = strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", gmtime()) json_file = os.path.join(work_dir, '%s.%s.json' % (_slugify(, date_time)) json_dict = { 'user': user.username, 'user_directory': user_dir, 'project': _slugify(, 'project_id':, 'scenario': _slugify(, 'scenario_id':, ##? 'setup': scenario.model_setup, 'setup': actual_setup, 'event_number': scenario.event.tsudat_id, 'working_directory': TsuDATBase, 'mux_directory': TsuDATMux, 'initial_tide': scenario.initial_tidal_stage, 'start_time': scenario.start_time, 'end_time': scenario.end_time, 'smoothing': scenario.smoothing_param, 'bounding_polygon_file':, 'raw_elevation_directory': raw_elevations, 'elevation_data_list': RawElevationFiles, 'mesh_friction': scenario.default_friction_value, 'raster_resolution': scenario.raster_resolution, 'export_area': "AOI" if scenario.use_aoi == True else "ALL", 'gauge_file':, 'bounding_polygon_maxarea': scenario.project.max_area, 'interior_regions_list': InteriorRegions, 'interior_hazard_points_file':, 'landward_boundary_file':, 'zone_number': utm_zone, 'layers_list': layers, 'get_results_max': True, 'get_timeseries': True } with open(json_file, 'w') as fd: json.dump(json_dict, fd, indent=2, separators=(',', ':')) scenario.tsudat_payload = json.dumps(json_dict) # now run the simulation run_tsudat.run_tsudat(json_file) scenario.anuga_status = "QUEUE" return True
def run_create_sim_boundary(user, project_id): """ Create sts and csv files for the user, based on the event that they selected and the polygon they drew. """ # This function should be focused on getting the database info out # and passing it on. # Get the scenario object from the Database scenario = Scenario.objects.get(id=scenario_id) # the base of the TsuDAT user directory structures from TsuDATBase = settings.TSUDAT_BASE_DIR # '/data/run_tsudat/' TsuDATMux = settings.TSUDAT_MUX_DIR # '/data/Tsu-DAT_Data/earthquake_data' #actual_setup - remove this variable # QU Do we need this? # can be None? # fake a project name ##? if not ##? = _slugify( ##? # Needed? # create the user working directory (work_dir, raw_elevations, boundaries, meshes, polygons, gauges, topographies, user_dir) = run_tsudat.make_tsudat_dir( TsuDATBase, user.username, _slugify(, _slugify(, actual_setup, scenario.event.tsudat_id) # Later these directories will be written to. project_geom = scenario.project.geom project_extent = scenario.project.geom.extent centroid = project_geom.centroid # This somewhat naively assumes that the whole bounding polygon is # in the same zone (UTMZone, UTMEasting, UTMNorthing) = LLtoUTM(23, centroid.coords[1], centroid.coords[0]) if(len(UTMZone) == 3): utm_zone = int(UTMZone[0:2]) else: utm_zone = int(UTMZone[0:1]) if(centroid.coords[1] > 0): srid_base = 32600 else: srid_base = 32700 srid = srid_base + utm_zone scenario.project.srid = srid # QU why add to the data base? project_geom.transform(srid) # QU what does this do? update DB? # DSG - check how the polygon info gets to the boundary maker # Polygons # Write out the bounding_polygon.csv to a file print polygons bounding_polygon_file = open(os.path.join( polygons, 'bounding_polygon.csv'), 'w') for coord in project_geom.coords[0][:-1]: bounding_polygon_file.write('%f,%f\n' % (coord[0], coord[1])) bounding_polygon_file.close() # skipping Internal Polygons # skipping Raw Elevation Files print " Getting here" # Landward Boundary #Iterate over the in the project geometry and # add a l or s flag and call landward.landward with them points_list = [] for coord in project_geom.coords[0][:-1]: pnt_wkt = 'SRID=%s;POINT(%f %f)' % (srid, coord[0], coord[1]) print "srid", srid print "coord",coord #print "", land = Land.objects.filter(wkb_geometry__intersects=pnt_wkt) if(land.count() > 0): points_list.append((coord[0], coord[1], "l")) else: points_list.append((coord[0], coord[1], "s")) print('points_list=%s' % str(points_list)) landward_points = landward.landward(points_list) print('landward_points=%s' % str(landward_points)) # Write out the landward points to a file landward_boundary_file = open(os.path.join(boundaries, 'landward_boundary.csv'), 'w') for pt in landward_points: landward_boundary_file.write('%f,%f\n' % (pt[0], pt[1])) landward_boundary_file.close() # Write out the Interior Hazard Points File interior_hazard_points_file = open(os.path.join(boundaries, 'interior_hazard_points.csv'), 'w') hps = HazardPoint.objects.filter(geom__intersects=project_geom).order_by('tsudat_id') for hp in hps: the_geom = hp.geom latitude=the_geom.coords[1] longitude=the_geom.coords[0] the_geom.transform(srid) interior_hazard_points_file.write('%d,%f,%f,%f,%f\n' % ( hp.tsudat_id,longitude,latitude,the_geom.coords[0], the_geom.coords[1])) interior_hazard_points_file.close() # Skipping Gauges # Skipping Layers # build the simulation boundary json data file date_time = strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", gmtime()) json_file = os.path.join(work_dir, '%s.%s.json' % (_slugify(, date_time)) json_dict_sim_boundary = { 'user': user.username, 'user_directory': user_dir, 'project': _slugify(, 'project_id':, 'scenario': _slugify(, 'scenario_id':, 'event_number': scenario.event.tsudat_id, 'working_directory': TsuDATBase, 'mux_directory': TsuDATMux, 'initial_tide': scenario.initial_tidal_stage, 'start_time': scenario.start_time, 'end_time': scenario.end_time, 'bounding_polygon_file':, 'interior_hazard_points_file':, 'landward_boundary_file':, 'zone_number': utm_zone, #'setup': actual_setup, #'smoothing': scenario.smoothing_param, #'raw_elevation_directory': raw_elevations, #'elevation_data_list': RawElevationFiles, #'mesh_friction': scenario.default_friction_value, #'raster_resolution': scenario.raster_resolution, #'export_area': "AOI" if scenario.use_aoi == True else "ALL", #'gauge_file':, #'bounding_polygon_maxarea': scenario.project.max_area, #'interior_regions_list': InteriorRegions, #'layers_list': layers, #'get_results_max': True, #'get_timeseries': True } with open(json_file, 'w') as fd: json.dump(json_dict_sim_boundary, fd, indent=2, separators=(',', ':')) scenario.tsudat_payload = json.dumps(json_dict_sim_boundary) # now run the simulation run_tsudat.run_tsudat(json_file) scenario.anuga_status = "QUEUE" return True
def create_internal_boundary_files(user, project_id, event_id): """ Create bounding_polygon_file, interior_hazard_points_file and landward_boundary_file. Get info needed from the database. """ # This function should be focused on getting the database info out # and passing it on. # Get the project object from the Database project = Project.objects.get(id=project_id) # the base of the TsuDAT user directory structures from TsuDATBase = settings.TSUDAT_BASE_DIR # '/data/run_tsudat/' # create the user working directory (work_dir, raw_elevations, boundaries, meshes, polygons, gauges, topographies, user_dir) = run_tsudat.make_tsudat_dir( TsuDATBase, user.username, 'project_boundary', 'scenario_boundary', 'another_dir', event_id) # Later these directories will be written to. project_geom = project.geom project_extent = project.geom.extent centroid = project_geom.centroid # This somewhat naively assumes that the whole bounding polygon is # in the same zone (UTMZone, UTMEasting, UTMNorthing) = LLtoUTM(23, centroid.coords[1], centroid.coords[0]) if(len(UTMZone) == 3): utm_zone = int(UTMZone[0:2]) else: utm_zone = int(UTMZone[0:1]) if(centroid.coords[1] > 0): srid_base = 32600 else: srid_base = 32700 srid = srid_base + utm_zone project_geom.transform(srid) # QU what does this do? update DB? # DSG - check how the polygon info gets to the boundary maker # Polygons # Write out the bounding_polygon.csv to a file print polygons bounding_polygon_file = open(os.path.join( polygons, 'bounding_polygon.csv'), 'w') for coord in project_geom.coords[0][:-1]: bounding_polygon_file.write('%f,%f\n' % (coord[0], coord[1])) bounding_polygon_file.close() # skipping Internal Polygons # skipping Raw Elevation Files # Landward Boundary #Iterate over the in the project geometry and # add a l or s flag and call landward.landward with them points_list = [] for coord in project_geom.coords[0][:-1]: pnt_wkt = 'SRID=%s;POINT(%f %f)' % (srid, coord[0], coord[1]) land = Land.objects.filter(wkb_geometry__intersects=pnt_wkt) if(land.count() > 0): points_list.append((coord[0], coord[1], "l")) else: points_list.append((coord[0], coord[1], "s")) print('points_list=%s' % str(points_list)) landward_points = landward.landward(points_list) print('landward_points=%s' % str(landward_points)) # Write out the landward points to a file landward_boundary_file = open(os.path.join(boundaries, 'landward_boundary.csv'), 'w') for pt in landward_points: landward_boundary_file.write('%f,%f\n' % (pt[0], pt[1])) landward_boundary_file.close() # Write out the Interior Hazard Points File interior_hazard_points_file = open(os.path.join(boundaries, 'interior_hazard_points.csv'), 'w') hps = HazardPoint.objects.filter(geom__intersects=project_geom).order_by('tsudat_id') for hp in hps: the_geom = hp.geom latitude=the_geom.coords[1] longitude=the_geom.coords[0] the_geom.transform(srid) interior_hazard_points_file.write('%d,%f,%f,%f,%f\n' % ( hp.tsudat_id,longitude,latitude,the_geom.coords[0], the_geom.coords[1])) interior_hazard_points_file.close() # build the simulation boundary json data file date_time = strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", gmtime()) json_file = os.path.join(work_dir, '%s.%s.json' % (project_id, date_time)) int_boundary_dic = { 'user': user.username, 'user_directory': user_dir, 'project': _slugify(, 'project_id': project_id, 'event_number': event_id, 'working_directory': TsuDATBase, 'bounding_polygon_file':, 'interior_hazard_points_file':, 'landward_boundary_file':, 'zone_number': utm_zone } return int_boundary_dic