def __init__(self, view): """ Initialisation method. Starts festival, binds this class to the ListEditor and then populates its list of lists with the pre-specified lists. """ self.tts = Festival() self.tts.start() self.bind(view) self.populate()
class ListEditorController(object): """ This class specifies the behavior for the ListEditor int the teacher interface. """ def __init__(self, view): """ Initialisation method. Starts festival, binds this class to the ListEditor and then populates its list of lists with the pre-specified lists. """ self.tts = Festival() self.tts.start() self.bind(view) self.populate() def on_left_list_select(self): """ Method called when words are selected in the left list containing .tldr files that can be read from. """ self.view.center_list.model.clear() for selection in self.view.left_list.listbox.curselection(): for k, v in self.view.left_list.model.get_value_by_index(int(selection)).iteritems(): self.view.center_list.model[k] = v self.view.center_list.listbox.select_set(0, END) self.on_center_list_select() self.refresh_transfer_strip() def on_center_list_select(self): """ Method called when words are selected in the center list containing words in the currently selected .tldr file(s). """ if self.view.center_list.model or self.view.right_list.model: selection = self.view.center_list.listbox.curselection() if selection: self.view.word_properties.display( [ self.view.center_list.model.get_value_by_index(int(i)) for i in selection ] ) self.refresh_transfer_strip() else: self.view.word_properties.display([]) def on_right_list_select(self): """ Method called when words are selected in the right list containing words in the list that the teacher is building. """ if self.view.center_list.model or self.view.right_list.model: selection = self.view.right_list.listbox.curselection() if selection: self.view.word_properties.display( [ self.view.right_list.model.get_value_by_index(int(i)) for i in selection ] ) self.refresh_transfer_strip() else: self.view.word_properties.display([]) def on_add_button(self): """ Method called when the add button in the TransferStripWidget is clicked. """ selection = self.view.center_list.listbox.curselection() for index in selection: key = self.view.center_list.model.get_key_by_index(int(index)) word = self.view.center_list.model[key] self.view.right_list.model[key] = word self.refresh_transfer_strip() def on_add_all_button(self): """ Method called when the add all button in the TransferStripWidget is clicked. """ for k, v in self.view.center_list.model.iteritems(): self.view.right_list.model[k] = v self.refresh_transfer_strip() def on_remove_button(self): """ Method called when the remove button in the TransferStripWidget is clicked. """ selection = self.view.right_list.listbox.curselection() for index in selection: key = self.view.right_list.model.get_key_by_index(int(index)) del self.view.right_list.model[key] self.refresh_transfer_strip() self.on_center_list_select() def on_remove_all_button(self): """ Method called when the remove all button in the TransferStripWidget is clicked. """ self.view.right_list.model.clear() self.refresh_transfer_strip() self.on_center_list_select() def on_speak_button(self): """ Method called when the play button is pressed. """ self.tts.panic() self.tts.speak(". ".join(word.word for word in self.view.word_properties.model)) def on_panic_button(self): """ Method called when the stop button is pressed. """ self.tts.panic() def on_return_button(self): master = self.view.master self.view.destroy() t = teacher.TeacherInterface(master) t.pack() def on_import_button(self): """ Method called when the import button in the toolbar is pressed. """ filenames = tkFileDialog.askopenfilenames(filetypes=[("Word List", ".tldr")]) for filename in filenames: try: with open(filename, "r") as f: list_Id = database.add_list(filename) data = list(parse_tldr(f)) for word in data: try: word_Id = database.add_word(word.word, word.definition, word.example, word.difficulty) except Exception: pass else: database.add_wordlist_mappings(list_Id, word_Id) except IOError as e: tkMessageBox.showwarning( "Import Error", "Could not open {0}".format(filename) ) logging.warn(e) else: self.view.left_list.model[os.path.relpath(filename)] = data self.populate() def on_create_button(self): """ Method called when the create new word button in the toolbar is pressed. """ word = new_word_prompt() if word is not None: try: word_Id = database.add_word(word.word, word.definition, word.example, word.difficulty) except Exception: pass else: database.add_wordlist_mappings(1, word_Id) self.populate() self.on_left_list_select() def on_random_button(self): """ Method called when the create random list button in the TransferStripWidget is pressed. """ num = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger("Generate Random List", "How many items should the list have?") if not num: return words = list(self.view.center_list.model.values()) random.shuffle(words) while num > 0 and words: word = words.pop() self.view.right_list.model[word.word] = word num -= 1 self.refresh_transfer_strip() def on_export_button(self): """ Method called when the export button in the toolbar is pressed. """ filename = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(filetypes=[("Word List", ".tldr")]) if not filename: return try: with open(filename, "w") as f: words = sorted(list(self.view.right_list.model.values()), key=lambda x: x.word.lower()) f.write("# Autogenerated by Spellorama Teacher Interface\n") f.write("# {0}\n".format( f.write("# {0} words\n".format(len(words))) for line in gen_tldr(words): f.write(line) except IOError as e: tkMessageBox.showwarning( "Export Error", "Could not save {0}".format(filename) ) logging.warn(e) tkMessageBox.showinfo( "Export", "Exported successfully to {0}".format(filename) ) lid = database.add_list(filename) for w in words: wid = database.get_word_id(w.word, w.definition, w.example, w.difficulty).fetchone()[0] database.add_wordlist_mappings(lid, wid) self.populate() def populate(self): """ Populates the list of lists with the files that are in the database. """ list_of_files = database.get_filenames() for list_ID,filename in list_of_files: words_in_file = database.get_words_from_file(list_ID) word_dict = {} for i in words_in_file: w = Word(i[1], i[2], i[3], i[4]) word_dict[i[1]] = w self.view.left_list.model[filename] = word_dict def refresh_transfer_strip(self): """ Method called by all methods invoked when there are words added to or removed from the list being built. Includes tests to see if the buttons in the TransferStripWidget should be active or not. """ if self.view.center_list.model: self.view.transfer_strip.add_all_button['state'] = NORMAL self.view.transfer_strip.create_random_button['state'] = NORMAL else: self.view.transfer_strip.add_all_button['state'] = DISABLED self.view.transfer_strip.create_random_button['state'] = DISABLED if self.view.right_list.model: self.view.transfer_strip.remove_all_button['state'] = NORMAL else: self.view.transfer_strip.remove_all_button['state'] = DISABLED if self.view.center_list.listbox.curselection(): self.view.transfer_strip.add_button['state'] = NORMAL else: self.view.transfer_strip.add_button['state'] = DISABLED if self.view.right_list.listbox.curselection(): self.view.transfer_strip.remove_button['state'] = NORMAL else: self.view.transfer_strip.remove_button['state'] = DISABLED def bind(self, view): """ Bind behaviours to """ self.view = view view.left_list.listbox.bind("<<ListboxSelect>>", lambda _: self.on_left_list_select()) view.center_list.listbox.bind("<<ListboxSelect>>", lambda _: self.on_center_list_select()) view.right_list.listbox.bind("<<ListboxSelect>>", lambda _: self.on_right_list_select()) view.toolkit.return_button['command'] = self.on_return_button view.toolkit.import_button['command'] = self.on_import_button view.toolkit.create_button['command'] = self.on_create_button view.toolkit.export_button['command'] = self.on_export_button view.transfer_strip.add_button['command'] = self.on_add_button view.transfer_strip.add_all_button['command'] = self.on_add_all_button view.transfer_strip.remove_button['command'] = self.on_remove_button view.transfer_strip.remove_all_button['command'] = self.on_remove_all_button view.transfer_strip.create_random_button['command'] = self.on_random_button view.word_properties.speak_button['command'] = self.on_speak_button view.word_properties.panic_button['command'] = self.on_panic_button