def prob_TL(self, phi):
        model_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
        prism_file_path = os.path.join(model_path, "pedestrian.nm")
        path_MC = os.path.join(model_path, "model_MC.nm")
        env_MC = os.path.join(model_path, "env_MC.nm")
        # Print self markov chain:
        # print(self.MC)
        # Writing prism files:
        stormpy_int.to_prism_file(self.MC, path_MC)
        stormpy_int.to_prism_file(self.true_env_MC, env_MC)
        composed = synchronous_parallel([self.MC, self.true_env_MC])
        # print(composed.transitions)
        result = stormpy_int.model_checking(composed, phi, prism_file_path)
        # Returns a tulip transys:
        # MC_ts = stormpy_int.to_tulip_transys(path_MC)
        result = stormpy_int.model_checking(
            self.MC, phi, prism_file_path
        )  # Since there is no moving obstacle, try checking only the pedestrian obstacle

        # for state in self.MC.states:
        #    print(self.MC.states[state]["ap"])
        #    self.MC.states[state]["ap"] |= {"good"}

        # Debugging: print states of result:
        # print(self.MC)
        # print(result)
        # print(" ")

        # for state in self.MC.states:
        #     print("  State {}, with labels {}, Pr = {}".format(state, self.MC.states[state], result[(state, None)]))
        # for state in self.MC.states:
        #   print("  State {}, with labels {}, Pr = {}".format(state, self.MC.states[state]["ap"], result[state]))
        return result  # Implement this soon: Storm py
def light_analysis_test():
    # Build models from prism files
    light = stormpy_int.to_tulip_transys(light_path)

    # Check properties
    formula = 'P=? [ F ("green") ]'

    # Model checking
    result = stormpy_int.model_checking(light, formula, out_model_path)

    assert len(light.states) == 2
    expected_result = [
            "labels": {"green"},
            "result": 1.0
            "labels": {"red"},
            "result": 1.0

    _check_result(light, result, expected_result)
def compose_test():
    # Build models from prism files
    mh = stormpy_int.to_tulip_transys(mh_path)
    light = stormpy_int.to_tulip_transys(light_path)

    # Compose models
    composed = synchronous_parallel([mh, light])

    # Check properties
    formula = 'P=? [ "green" U "h6" ]'

    # Model checking
    result = stormpy_int.model_checking(composed, formula, out_model_path)

    assert len(composed.states) == 14
    expected_result = [
            "labels": {"h6", "green"},
            "result": 1.0
            "labels": {"red", "h6"},
            "result": 1.0
            "labels": {"h2", "green"},
            "result": 0.42122366709344317
            "labels": {"red", "h2"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"h4", "green"},
            "result": 0.7256235827664395
            "labels": {"red", "h4"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"h5", "green"},
            "result": 0.9523809523809521
            "labels": {"red", "h5"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"green", "h1"},
            "result": 0.3209323177854804
            "labels": {"red", "h1"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"h0", "green"},
            "result": 0.2445198611698898
            "labels": {"red", "h0"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"green", "h3"},
            "result": 0.5528560630601442
            "labels": {"red", "h3"},
            "result": 0.0

    _check_result(composed, result, expected_result)
def synthesis_test():
    # Build models from prism files
    ma = stormpy_int.to_tulip_transys(ma_path)
    mh = stormpy_int.to_tulip_transys(mh_path)
    light = stormpy_int.to_tulip_transys(light_path)

    # Compose models
    composed = synchronous_parallel([ma, mh, light])

    # Check properties
    safety = '!("h4" & "a4") & !("red" & ("a8" | "a4"))'
    reach = '"a9"'
    formula = "Pmax=? [ ({}) U ({}) ]".format(safety, reach)

    # Construct policy
    (result, policy) = stormpy_int.model_checking(composed, formula,
                                                  out_model_path, True)

    assert abs(result[list(composed.states.initial)[0]] -
               0.7429340826573935) < 1e-6

    # Get the MC induced by applying policy_opt on model
    induced_mc = apply_policy(composed, policy)

    # Model checking
    result = stormpy_int.model_checking(induced_mc, formula, out_model_path)

    expected_result = [
            "labels": {"green", "h5", "a8"},
            "result": 0.745341614906832
            "labels": {"h5", "red", "a8"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"green", "h0", "a8"},
            "result": 0.7429340826573935
            "labels": {"h0", "red", "a8"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"green", "h1", "a8"},
            "result": 0.7287988161717747
            "labels": {"h1", "a8", "red"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"green", "a8", "h4"},
            "result": 0.6059687926071806
            "labels": {"red", "a8", "h4"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"green", "a8", "h6"},
            "result": 0.745341614906832
            "labels": {"red", "a8", "h6"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"green", "a8", "h3"},
            "result": 0.3861264940442798
            "labels": {"red", "a8", "h3"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"green", "h2", "a8"},
            "result": 0.6458232194557872
            "labels": {"h2", "a8", "red"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"green", "h5", "a4"},
            "result": 0.9523809523809523
            "labels": {"h5", "red", "a4"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"green", "h0", "a4"},
            "result": 0.9520897806888625
            "labels": {"h0", "red", "a4"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"green", "h1", "a4"},
            "result": 0.9501789664595234
            "labels": {"h1", "a4", "red"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"green", "a4", "h4"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"red", "a4", "h4"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"green", "a4", "h6"},
            "result": 0.9523809523809521
            "labels": {"red", "a4", "h6"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"green", "a4", "h3"},
            "result": 0.8264462809917354
            "labels": {"red", "a4", "h3"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"green", "h2", "a4"},
            "result": 0.9357284338501467
            "labels": {"h2", "a4", "red"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"green", "h5", "a9"},
            "result": 1.0
            "labels": {"h5", "a9", "red"},
            "result": 1.0
            "labels": {"green", "h0", "a9"},
            "result": 1.0
            "labels": {"h0", "a9", "red"},
            "result": 1.0
            "labels": {"green", "a9", "h1"},
            "result": 1.0
            "labels": {"a9", "red", "h1"},
            "result": 1.0
            "labels": {"green", "a9", "h4"},
            "result": 1.0
            "labels": {"a9", "red", "h4"},
            "result": 1.0
            "labels": {"green", "a9", "h6"},
            "result": 1.0
            "labels": {"a9", "h6", "red"},
            "result": 1.0
            "labels": {"green", "a9", "h3"},
            "result": 1.0
            "labels": {"a9", "h3", "red"},
            "result": 1.0
            "labels": {"green", "a9", "h2"},
            "result": 1.0
            "labels": {"a9", "h2", "red"},
            "result": 1.0

    _check_result(composed, result, expected_result)
def compose_test():
    # Build models from prism files
    mh = stormpy_int.to_tulip_transys(mh_path)
    light = stormpy_int.to_tulip_transys(light_path)

    # Compose models
    composed = synchronous_parallel([mh, light])

    # Check properties
    formula = 'P=? [ "green" U "h6" ]'

    # Model checking
    result = stormpy_int.model_checking(composed, formula, out_model_path)

    assert len(composed.states) == 14
    expected_result = [
            "labels": {"h6", "green"},
            "result": 1.0
            "labels": {"red", "h6"},
            "result": 1.0
            "labels": {"h2", "green"},
            "result": 0.421_223_667_093_443_17
            "labels": {"red", "h2"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"h4", "green"},
            "result": 0.725_623_582_766_439_5
            "labels": {"red", "h4"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"h5", "green"},
            "result": 0.952_380_952_380_952_1
            "labels": {"red", "h5"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"green", "h1"},
            "result": 0.320_932_317_785_480_4
            "labels": {"red", "h1"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"h0", "green"},
            "result": 0.244_519_861_169_889_8
            "labels": {"red", "h0"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"green", "h3"},
            "result": 0.552_856_063_060_144_2
            "labels": {"red", "h3"},
            "result": 0.0

    _check_result(composed, result, expected_result)
def synthesis_test():
    # Build models from prism files
    ma = stormpy_int.to_tulip_transys(ma_path)
    mh = stormpy_int.to_tulip_transys(mh_path)
    light = stormpy_int.to_tulip_transys(light_path)

    # Compose models
    composed = synchronous_parallel([ma, mh, light])

    # Check properties
    safety = '!("h4" & "a4") & !("red" & ("a8" | "a4"))'
    reach = '"a9"'
    formula = "Pmax=? [ ({}) U ({}) ]".format(safety, reach)

    # Construct policy
    (result, policy) = stormpy_int.model_checking(composed, formula,
                                                  out_model_path, True)

    assert abs(result[list(composed.states.initial)[0]] -
               0.742_934_082_657_393_5) < 1e-6

    # Get the MC induced by applying policy_opt on model
    induced_mc = apply_policy(composed, policy)

    # Model checking
    result = stormpy_int.model_checking(induced_mc, formula, out_model_path)

    expected_result = [
            "labels": {"green", "h5", "a8"},
            "result": 0.745_341_614_906_832
            "labels": {"h5", "red", "a8"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"green", "h0", "a8"},
            "result": 0.742_934_082_657_393_5
            "labels": {"h0", "red", "a8"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"green", "h1", "a8"},
            "result": 0.728_798_816_171_774_7
            "labels": {"h1", "a8", "red"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"green", "a8", "h4"},
            "result": 0.605_968_792_607_180_6
            "labels": {"red", "a8", "h4"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"green", "a8", "h6"},
            "result": 0.745_341_614_906_832
            "labels": {"red", "a8", "h6"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"green", "a8", "h3"},
            "result": 0.386_126_494_044_279_8
            "labels": {"red", "a8", "h3"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"green", "h2", "a8"},
            "result": 0.645_823_219_455_787_2
            "labels": {"h2", "a8", "red"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"green", "h5", "a4"},
            "result": 0.952_380_952_380_952_3
            "labels": {"h5", "red", "a4"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"green", "h0", "a4"},
            "result": 0.952_089_780_688_862_5
            "labels": {"h0", "red", "a4"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"green", "h1", "a4"},
            "result": 0.950_178_966_459_523_4
            "labels": {"h1", "a4", "red"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"green", "a4", "h4"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"red", "a4", "h4"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"green", "a4", "h6"},
            "result": 0.952_380_952_380_952_1
            "labels": {"red", "a4", "h6"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"green", "a4", "h3"},
            "result": 0.826_446_280_991_735_4
            "labels": {"red", "a4", "h3"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"green", "h2", "a4"},
            "result": 0.935_728_433_850_146_7
            "labels": {"h2", "a4", "red"},
            "result": 0.0
            "labels": {"green", "h5", "a9"},
            "result": 1.0
            "labels": {"h5", "a9", "red"},
            "result": 1.0
            "labels": {"green", "h0", "a9"},
            "result": 1.0
            "labels": {"h0", "a9", "red"},
            "result": 1.0
            "labels": {"green", "a9", "h1"},
            "result": 1.0
            "labels": {"a9", "red", "h1"},
            "result": 1.0
            "labels": {"green", "a9", "h4"},
            "result": 1.0
            "labels": {"a9", "red", "h4"},
            "result": 1.0
            "labels": {"green", "a9", "h6"},
            "result": 1.0
            "labels": {"a9", "h6", "red"},
            "result": 1.0
            "labels": {"green", "a9", "h3"},
            "result": 1.0
            "labels": {"a9", "h3", "red"},
            "result": 1.0
            "labels": {"green", "a9", "h2"},
            "result": 1.0
            "labels": {"a9", "h2", "red"},
            "result": 1.0

    _check_result(composed, result, expected_result)
import os
from tulip.interfaces import stormpy as stormpy_int
from tulip.transys.compositions import synchronous_parallel

model_path = os.path.join("/home/ubuntu/eeci/c1-probabilistic", "models")
ma_path = os.path.join(model_path, "ma.nm")
mh_path = os.path.join(model_path, "")
light_path = os.path.join(model_path, "")

ma = stormpy_int.to_tulip_transys(ma_path)
mh = stormpy_int.to_tulip_transys(mh_path)
light = stormpy_int.to_tulip_transys(light_path)

composed = synchronous_parallel([mh, light])

formula = 'P=? [ "green" U "h6" ]'

out_model_path = os.path.join(model_path, "out_composed_model.nm")
result = stormpy_int.model_checking(composed, formula, out_model_path)

for state in composed.states:
    print("  State {}, with labels {}, Pr = {}".format(state, composed.states[state]["ap"], result[state]))