def test_get_standalone_model_v3(self): ssd = mobile_search_space_v3.MOBILENET_V3_LARGE model_spec = mobile_search_space_v3.get_search_space_spec(ssd) model = mobile_classifier_factory.get_standalone_model(model_spec) inputs = tf.ones([2, 224, 224, 3]) outputs, _ = model.apply(inputs, training=False) self.assertEqual(outputs.shape, [2, 1001])
def model_fn(features, labels, mode, params): """Construct a TPUEstimatorSpec for a model.""" training = (mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN) if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL: # At evaluation time, the function argument `features` is really a 2-element # tuple containing: # * A tensor of features w/ shape [batch_size, image_height, image_width, 3] # * A tensor of masks w/ shape [batch_size]. Each element of the tensor is # 1 (if the element is a normal image) or 0 (if it's a dummy input that # should be ignored). We use this tensor to simulate dynamic batch sizes # during model evaluation. It allows us to handle cases where the # validation set size is not a multiple of the eval batch size. features, mask = features # Data was transposed from NHWC to HWCN on the host side. Transpose it back. # This transposition will be optimized away by the XLA compiler. It serves # as a hint to the compiler that it should expect the input data to come # in HWCN format rather than NHWC. features = tf.transpose(features, [3, 0, 1, 2]) model_spec = mobile_classifier_factory.get_model_spec( ssd=params['ssd'], indices=params['indices'], filters_multipliers=params['filters_multiplier'], path_dropout_rate=params['path_dropout_rate'], training=training)['checkpoint_dir']) model_spec_filename = os.path.join( params['checkpoint_dir'], 'model_spec.json') with, 'w') as handle: handle.write(schema_io.serialize(model_spec)) # We divide the weight_decay by 2 for backwards compatibility with the # tf.contrib version of the kernel regularizer, which was used in the # experiments from our published paper. kernel_regularizer = tf.keras.regularizers.l2(params['weight_decay'] / 2) model = mobile_classifier_factory.get_standalone_model( model_spec=model_spec, kernel_regularizer=kernel_regularizer, dropout_rate=params['dropout_rate']) logits, _ = model.apply( inputs=features, training=training) regularization_loss = model.regularization_loss() # Cast back to float32 (effectively only when using use_bfloat16 is true). logits = tf.cast(logits, tf.float32) if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT: return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec( mode=mode, predictions={ 'classes': tf.argmax(logits, axis=1), 'probabilities': tf.nn.softmax(logits), }, export_outputs={ 'logits': tf.estimator.export.PredictOutput({'logits': logits}), }) empirical_loss = tf.losses.softmax_cross_entropy( logits=logits, onehot_labels=labels, label_smoothing=0.1) loss = empirical_loss + regularization_loss # Optionally define an op for model training. global_step = tf.train.get_global_step() if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN: # linearly scale up the learning rate before switching to cosine decay learning_rate = custom_layers.cosine_decay_with_linear_warmup( peak_learning_rate=params['learning_rate'], global_step=global_step, max_global_step=params['max_global_step'], warmup_steps=params['warmup_steps']) optimizer = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer( learning_rate, decay=0.9, momentum=params['momentum'], epsilon=1.0) scaffold_fn = None optimizer = tf.tpu.CrossShardOptimizer(optimizer) with tf.control_dependencies(model.updates()): train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step) else: train_op = None scaffold_fn = None # Optionally define evaluation metrics. if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL: def metric_fn(labels, logits, mask): label_values = tf.argmax(labels, axis=1) predictions = tf.argmax(logits, axis=1) accuracy = tf.metrics.accuracy(label_values, predictions, weights=mask) return {'accuracy': accuracy} eval_metrics = (metric_fn, [labels, logits, mask]) else: eval_metrics = None # NOTE: host_call only works on rank-1 tensors. There's also a fairly # large performance penalty if we try to pass too many distinct tensors # from the TPU to the host at once. We avoid these problems by (i) calling # tf.stack to merge all of the float32 scalar values into a single rank-1 # tensor that can be sent to the host relatively cheaply and (ii) reshaping # the remaining values from scalars to rank-1 tensors. if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN: tensorboard_scalars = collections.OrderedDict() tensorboard_scalars['model/loss'] = loss tensorboard_scalars['model/empirical_loss'] = empirical_loss tensorboard_scalars['model/regularization_loss'] = regularization_loss tensorboard_scalars['model/learning_rate'] = learning_rate def host_call_fn(step, scalar_values): values = tf.unstack(scalar_values) with tf2.summary.create_file_writer( params['checkpoint_dir']).as_default(): with tf2.summary.record_if( tf.equal(step[0] % params['tpu_iterations_per_loop'], 0)): for key, value in zip(list(tensorboard_scalars.keys()), values): tf2.summary.scalar(key, value, step=step[0]) return tf.summary.all_v2_summary_ops() host_call_values = tf.stack(list(tensorboard_scalars.values())) host_call = (host_call_fn, [tf.reshape(global_step, [1]), host_call_values]) else: host_call = None # Construct the estimator specification. return tf.estimator.tpu.TPUEstimatorSpec( mode=mode, loss=loss, train_op=train_op, eval_metrics=eval_metrics, scaffold_fn=scaffold_fn, host_call=host_call)