def main(): s = Screen() s.bgcolor('black') p = Turtle() p.speed(0) p.hideturtle() p.pencolor('red') p.pensize(3) s.tracer(36, 0) at = clock() mn_eck(p, 36, 19) et = clock() z1 = et - at sleep(1) at = clock() while any([t.undobufferentries() for t in s.turtles()]): for t in s.turtles(): t.undo() et = clock() return 'runtime: %.3f sec' % (z1 + et - at)
def turtle_race(): colors = ["red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "purple"] all_turtles = [] x = -440 y = 300 is_race_on = False winning_color = [] screen = Screen() screen.setup(width=1000, height=700) user_bet = screen.textinput(title="Make your bet", prompt="Which turtle will win the race? Enter a colour: ") for color in colors: new_turtle = Turtle(shape="turtle") new_turtle.color(color) new_turtle.penup() new_turtle.setpos(x=x, y=y) all_turtles.append(new_turtle) y -= 120 if user_bet: is_race_on = True while is_race_on: for turtle in all_turtles: rand_distance = random.randint(0, 10) turtle.forward(rand_distance) if turtle.xcor() > 400: winning_color.append(turtle.color()[0]) if winning_color: winning_color = ", ".join(winning_color) if user_bet.lower() in winning_color: is_play_again = screen.textinput(title="You've won!", prompt=f"The {winning_color} turtle is the winner!\n" "Do you want to play again?(y/n) ") else: is_play_again = screen.textinput(title="You've lost...", prompt=f"The {winning_color} turtle is the winner.\n" "Do you want to play again?(y/n) ") if is_play_again == "y": for old_turtle in screen.turtles(): old_turtle.hideturtle() turtle_race() else: is_race_on = False screen.bye()
def main(): s = Screen() s.bgcolor("black") p=Turtle() p.speed(0) p.hideturtle() p.pencolor("red") p.pensize(3) s.tracer(36,0) at = clock() mn_eck(p, 36, 19) et = clock() z1 = et-at sleep(1) at = clock() while any([t.undobufferentries() for t in s.turtles()]): for t in s.turtles(): t.undo() et = clock() return "Laufzeit: {0:.3f} sec".format(z1+et-at)
def main(): s = Screen() s.bgcolor("black") p=Turtle() p.speed(0) p.hideturtle() p.pencolor("red") p.pensize(3) s.tracer(36,0) at = clock() mn_eck(p, 36, 19) et = clock() z1 = et-at sleep(1) at = clock() while any(t.undobufferentries() for t in s.turtles()): for t in s.turtles(): t.undo() et = clock() return "runtime: %.3f sec" % (z1+et-at)
import time from turtle import Screen from player import Player from car_manager import CarManager from scoreboard import Scoreboard from board import create_b MOVE_INCREMENT = 10 screen = Screen() screen.colormode(255) screen.setup(width=1200, height=600) screen.tracer(0) screen.title("TurtleZ") screen.listen() print(screen.turtles()) create_b() turtle = Player() scoreboard = Scoreboard() scoreboard.score() # scoreboard.instruct() screen.onkeyrelease(turtle.move_u, "Up") screen.onkeyrelease(turtle.move_d, "Down") game_is_on = True car = CarManager() cars = car.create_cars() while game_is_on: time.sleep(0.1) turtle_y = turtle.ycor() game_over = car.move(MOVE_INCREMENT, turtle_y)
def out_of_bounds(turtle): return not (-width // 2 < turtle.xcor() < width // 2 and -height // 2 < turtle.ycor() < height // 2) while r < 50: for i in range(0, m): maker1.forward(m) maker2.forward(m) maker3.backward(m) maker4.backward(m) if any(out_of_bounds(turtle) for turtle in screen.turtles()): for turtle in screen.turtles(): turtle.undo() if d: maker1.right(r * n) maker2.right(-r * n) maker3.left(-r * n) maker4.left(r * n) else: maker1.left(r * n) maker2.left(-r * n) maker3.right(-r * n) maker4.right(r * n) maker1.forward(m)
i += 1 play = True while play: rule = True winner = None guess = screen.textinput("Place your bet!", "Who will win(alex,benji,chris,dan,ellie)?") while rule: for turtle in t.keys(): turtle.forward(random.randint(1, 10)) pos = turtle.pos() if pos[0] >= 280: rule = False winner = turtle break if t[winner] == guess: print("YOU WON") else: print(f"YOU LOST, The Winner is {t[winner]}") i = -2 for turtle1 in screen.turtles(): turtle1.setpos(-300, 50 * i) i += 1 choice = screen.textinput('Want to play again?', 'Yes/No') if choice.lower() == 'no': play = False screen.exitonclick()
from turtle import Turtle, Screen clr = (64, 64, 64) text_list = ['R', 'G', 'B', '', 90, -60, -210, 250] cl_list = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 150, 0, -150] screen = Screen() screen.delay(0) screen.title('Миксер цветов') screen.colormode(255) cl_r = Turtle(shape='circle') cl_g = cl_r.clone() cl_b = cl_r.clone() for t, turtle in enumerate(screen.turtles()): turtle.speed(0) turtle.shapesize(3, 3, 5) turtle.color(cl_list[t]) turtle.width(10) turtle.pu() turtle.setpos(-255, cl_list[3 + t]) turtle.pd() turtle.setx(255) turtle.pu() turtle.setx(0) turtle.pencolor(clr) for obj in range(4): text = Turtle() text.color(clr)
employer4.speed(0) employer4.penup() employer4.setpos(-50, -60) employer4.write(n, font=("Arial", 100, "bold")) employer4.penup() time.sleep(1) employer4.clear() recurse(n-1) employer4.hideturtle() recurse(3) #Setting the distance screen = Screen() turtles = screen.turtles() while True: for i in turtles: alex.forward(randint(5,10)) tess.forward(randint(5,10)) tim.forward(randint(5,10)) duck.forward(randint(5,10)) dog.forward(randint(5,10)) if alex.xcor() > finish_line: print("The winner is Alex! ") winner = "alex" break if tess.xcor() > finish_line: