예제 #1
class FlowController(BaseController):
    This class takes care of executing steps in projects.
    def __init__(self):
        self.context = SelectedAdapterContext()
        self.files_helper = FilesHelper()

    def step_analyzers(self):
        Choose exact action/adapter for current step.
            analyze_category, groups = self.flow_service.get_analyze_groups()
            step_name = analyze_category.displayname.lower()
            template_specification = dict(mainContent="header_menu",
                                          title="Select an analyzer",
            adapters_list = []
            for adapter_group in groups:

                if len(adapter_group.children) > 1:
                    ids = [str(child.id) for child in adapter_group.children]
                    ids = ','.join(ids)
                    adapter_link = '/flow/show_group_of_algorithms/' + str(
                        analyze_category.id) + "/" + ids
                    adapter_link = self.get_url_adapter(
                        analyze_category.id, adapter_group.children[0].id)

            self.analyze_adapters = adapters_list
            template_specification[common.KEY_SUBMENU_LIST] = adapters_list
            return self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification)

        except ValueError:
            message = 'Could not load analyzers!'
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/tvb')

    def step_connectivity(self):
        Display menu for Connectivity Footer tab.
        template_specification = dict(mainContent="header_menu",
                                      title="Select an algorithm",
        return self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification)

    def _compute_back_link(back_indicator, project):
        Based on a simple indicator, compute URL for anchor BACK.
        if back_indicator is None:
            ## This applies to Connectivity and other visualizers when RELAUNCH button is used from Operation page.
            back_page_link = None
        elif back_indicator == 'burst':
            back_page_link = "/burst"
        elif back_indicator == 'operations':
            back_page_link = '/project/viewoperations/' + str(project.id)
            back_page_link = '/project/editstructure/' + str(project.id)
        return back_page_link

    def show_group_of_algorithms(self, step_key, algorithm_ids):

        project = common.get_current_project()
        category = self.flow_service.get_category_by_id(step_key)
        algorithms = []
        for i in algorithm_ids.split(','):
            algorithm_id = int(i)
            algorithm = self.flow_service.get_algorithm_by_identifier(
            algorithm.link = self.get_url_adapter(step_key, algorithm_id)
            algorithm.input_tree = self.flow_service.prepare_adapter(
                project.id, algorithm)

        template_specification = dict(
            title="Select an algorithm",
        self._populate_section(algorithms[0], template_specification)
        return template_specification

    def prepare_group_launch(self, group_gid, step_key, algorithm_id, **data):
        Receives as input a group gid and an algorithm given by category and id, along
        with data that gives the name of the required input parameter for the algorithm.
        Having these generate a range of GID's for all the DataTypes in the group and
        launch a new operation group.
        prj_service = ProjectService()
        dt_group = prj_service.get_datatypegroup_by_gid(group_gid)
        datatypes = prj_service.get_datatypes_from_datatype_group(dt_group.id)
        range_param_name = data.pop('range_param_name')
        data[RANGE_PARAMETER_1] = range_param_name
        data[range_param_name] = ','.join(dt.gid for dt in datatypes)
            common.get_current_project().id, int(algorithm_id), int(step_key),
        redirect_url = self._compute_back_link('operations',
        raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(redirect_url)

    def default(self,
        Render a specific adapter.
        'data' are arguments for POST
        project = common.get_current_project()
        algorithm = self.flow_service.get_algorithm_by_identifier(adapter_key)
        back_page_link = self._compute_back_link(back_page, project)

        if algorithm is None:
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/tvb?error=True")

        if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST' and cancel:
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(back_page_link)

        submit_link = self.get_url_adapter(step_key, adapter_key, back_page)
        is_burst = back_page not in ['operations', 'data']
        if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST':
            data[common.KEY_ADAPTER] = adapter_key
            template_specification = self.execute_post(project.id, submit_link,
                                                       step_key, algorithm,
            self._populate_section(algorithm, template_specification, is_burst)
            if (('Referer' not in cherrypy.request.headers or
                 ('Referer' in cherrypy.request.headers
                  and 'step' not in cherrypy.request.headers['Referer']))
                    and 'View' in algorithm.algorithm_category.displayname):
                # Avoid reset in case of Visualizers, as a supplementary GET
                # might be enforced by MPLH5 on FF.
                not_reset = True
            template_specification = self.get_template_for_adapter(
                not not_reset,
        if template_specification is None:
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/tvb')

        if KEY_CONTROLLS not in template_specification:
            template_specification[KEY_CONTROLLS] = None
        if common.KEY_SUBMIT_LINK not in template_specification:
            template_specification[common.KEY_SUBMIT_LINK] = submit_link
        if KEY_CONTENT not in template_specification:
            template_specification[KEY_CONTENT] = "flow/full_adapter_interface"
            template_specification[common.KEY_DISPLAY_MENU] = False
            template_specification[common.KEY_DISPLAY_MENU] = True
            template_specification[common.KEY_BACK_PAGE] = back_page_link

        template_specification[common.KEY_ADAPTER] = adapter_key
        template_specification[ABCDisplayer.KEY_IS_ADAPTER] = True
        return template_specification

    def gettemplatefordimensionselect(self,
        Returns the HTML which contains the selects components which allows the user
        to reduce the dimension of a multi-dimensional array.

        We try to obtain the aggregation_functions from the entity, which is a list of lists.
        For each dimension should be a list with the supported aggregation functions. We
        create a DICT for each of those lists. The key will be the name of the function and
        the value will be its label.

            the GID of the entity for which is displayed the component
            the name of the parent select. The select in which
            is displayed the entity with the given GID
            a string which will be used for computing the names of the component

            the expected dimension for the resulted array

        expected_shape and operations
            used for applying conditions on the resulted array
            e.g.: If the resulted array is a 3D array and we want that the length of the second
            dimension to be smaller then 512 then the expected_shape and operations should be:
            ``expected_shape=x,512,x`` and ``operations='x,<,x``
        template_params = {
            "select_name": "",
            "data": [],
            "parameters_prefix": parameters_prefix,
            "array_shape": "",
            "required_dimension": required_dimension,
            "currentDim": "",
            "required_dim_msg": "",
            "expected_shape": expected_shape,
            "operations": operations

        #if reload => populate the selected values
        session_dict = self.context.get_current_default()
        dimensions = {1: [0], 3: [0]}
        selected_agg_functions = {}
        if not string2bool(str(reset_session)) and session_dict is not None:
            starts_with_str = select_name + "_" + parameters_prefix + "_"
            ui_sel_items = dict((k, v) for k, v in session_dict.items()
                                if k.startswith(starts_with_str))
            dimensions, selected_agg_functions, required_dimension, _ = MappedArray(
        template_params["selected_items"] = dimensions
        template_params["selected_functions"] = selected_agg_functions

        aggregation_functions = []
        default_agg_functions = self.accepted__aggregation_functions()
        labels_set = ["Time", "Channel", "Line"]
        if entity_gid is not None:
            actual_entity = ABCAdapter.load_entity_by_gid(entity_gid)
            if hasattr(actual_entity, 'shape'):
                array_shape = actual_entity.shape
                new_shape, current_dim = self._compute_current_dimension(
                    list(array_shape), dimensions, selected_agg_functions)
                if required_dimension is not None and current_dim != int(
                        "required_dim_msg"] = "Please select a " + str(
                            required_dimension) + "D array"
                if not current_dim:
                    template_params["currentDim"] = "1 element"
                    template_params["currentDim"] = str(
                        current_dim) + "D array"
                template_params["array_shape"] = json.dumps(new_shape)
                if hasattr(actual_entity, 'dimensions_labels'
                           ) and actual_entity.dimensions_labels is not None:
                    labels_set = actual_entity.dimensions_labels
                    #make sure there exists labels for each dimension
                    while len(labels_set) < len(array_shape):
                if (hasattr(actual_entity, 'aggregation_functions')
                        and actual_entity.aggregation_functions is not None
                        and len(actual_entity.aggregation_functions)
                        == len(array_shape)):
                    #will be a list of lists of aggregation functions
                    defined_functions = actual_entity.aggregation_functions
                    for function in defined_functions:
                        if not len(function):
                            func_dict = {}
                            for function_key in function:
                                    function_key] = default_agg_functions[
                    for _ in array_shape:
                result = []
                for i, shape in enumerate(array_shape):
                    labels = []
                    values = []
                    for j in xrange(shape):
                        labels.append(labels_set[i] + " " + str(j))
                        values.append(entity_gid + "_" + str(i) + "_" + str(j))
                    result.append([labels, values, aggregation_functions[i]])
                template_params["select_name"] = select_name
                template_params["data"] = result
                return template_params

        return template_params

    def _compute_current_dimension(array_shape, selected_items,
        If the user reloads an operation we have to compute the current dimension of the array
        and also the shape of the array based on his selections
        current_dim = len(array_shape)
        for i in xrange(len(array_shape)):
            if i in selected_items and len(selected_items[i]) > 0:
                array_shape[i] = len(selected_items[i])
                if len(selected_items[i]) == 1:
                    current_dim -= 1
            if i in selected_functions and selected_functions[i] != 'none':
                array_shape[i] = 1
                if i not in selected_items or len(selected_items[i]) > 1:
                    current_dim -= 1
        return array_shape, current_dim

    def accepted__aggregation_functions():
        Returns the list of aggregation functions that may be
        applied on arrays.
        return {"sum": "Sum", "average": "Average"}

    def getfiltereddatatypes(self, name, parent_div, tree_session_key,
        Given the name from the input tree, the dataType required and a number of
        filters, return the available dataType that satisfy the conditions imposed.
        previous_tree = self.context.get_session_tree_for_key(tree_session_key)
        if previous_tree is None:
                "Adapter Interface not in session for filtering!")
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/tvb?error=True")
        current_node = self._get_node(previous_tree, name)
        if current_node is None:
            raise Exception("Could not find node :" + name)
        datatype = current_node[ABCAdapter.KEY_DATATYPE]

        filters = json.loads(filters)
        availablefilter = json.loads(
        for i, filter_ in enumerate(filters[FILTER_FIELDS]):
            #Check for filter input of type 'date' as these need to be converted
            if filter_ in availablefilter and availablefilter[filter_][
                    FILTER_TYPE] == 'date':
                    temp_date = string2date(filters[FILTER_VALUES][i], False)
                    filters[FILTER_VALUES][i] = temp_date
                except ValueError:
        #In order for the filter object not to "stack up" on multiple calls to
        #this method, create a deepCopy to work with
        if ABCAdapter.KEY_CONDITION in current_node:
            new_filter = copy.deepcopy(current_node[ABCAdapter.KEY_CONDITION])
            new_filter = FilterChain()
        #Get dataTypes that match the filters from DB then populate with values
        values, total_count = InputTreeManager(
                                           datatype, new_filter,
        #Create a dictionary that matches what the template expects
        parameters = {
            ABCAdapter.KEY_NAME: name,
            ABCAdapter.KEY_FILTERABLE: availablefilter,
            ABCAdapter.KEY_TYPE: ABCAdapter.TYPE_SELECT,
            ABCAdapter.KEY_OPTIONS: values,
            ABCAdapter.KEY_DATATYPE: datatype

        if total_count > MAXIMUM_DATA_TYPES_DISPLAYED:
            parameters[KEY_WARNING] = WARNING_OVERFLOW

        if ABCAdapter.KEY_REQUIRED in current_node:
            parameters[ABCAdapter.KEY_REQUIRED] = current_node[
            if len(values) > 0 and string2bool(
                parameters[ABCAdapter.KEY_DEFAULT] = str(
        previous_selected = self.context.get_current_default(name)
        if previous_selected in [str(vv['value']) for vv in values]:
            parameters[ABCAdapter.KEY_DEFAULT] = previous_selected

        template_specification = {
            "inputRow": parameters,
            "disabled": False,
            "parentDivId": parent_div,
            common.KEY_SESSION_TREE: tree_session_key
        return self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification)

    def _get_node(self, input_tree, name):
        Given a input tree and a variable name, check to see if any default filters exist.
        for entry in input_tree:
            if (ABCAdapter.KEY_DATATYPE in entry
                    and ABCAdapter.KEY_NAME in entry
                    and str(entry[ABCAdapter.KEY_NAME]) == str(name)):
                return entry
            if entry.get(ABCAdapter.KEY_ATTRIBUTES) is not None:
                in_attr = self._get_node(entry[ABCAdapter.KEY_ATTRIBUTES],
                if in_attr is not None:
                    return in_attr
            if entry.get(ABCAdapter.KEY_OPTIONS) is not None:
                in_options = self._get_node(entry[ABCAdapter.KEY_OPTIONS],
                if in_options is not None:
                    return in_options
        return None

    def execute_post(self, project_id, submit_url, step_key, algorithm,
        """ Execute HTTP POST on a generic step."""
        errors = None
        adapter_instance = ABCAdapter.build_adapter(algorithm)

            result = self.flow_service.fire_operation(adapter_instance,
                                                      project_id, **data)

            # Store input data in session, for informing user of it.
            step = self.flow_service.get_category_by_id(step_key)
            if not step.rawinput:
                self.context.add_adapter_to_session(None, None,

            if isinstance(adapter_instance, ABCDisplayer):
                if isinstance(result, dict):
                           KEY_OPERATION_ID] = adapter_instance.operation_id
                    return result
                        "Invalid result returned from Displayer! Dictionary is expected!"
                if isinstance(result, list):
                    result = "Launched %s operations." % len(result)
        except formencode.Invalid, excep:
            errors = excep.unpack_errors()
        except OperationException, excep1:
            self.logger.exception("Error while executing a Launch procedure:" +
예제 #2
class FlowController(base.BaseController):
    This class takes care of executing steps in projects.
    def __init__(self):
        self.context = SelectedAdapterContext()
        self.files_helper = FilesHelper()

    def step(self, step_key=None):
        Choose exact action/adapter for current step.
        category = self.flow_service.get_category_by_id(step_key)
        if category is None:
            message = 'Inconsistent Step Name! Please excuse the wrong link!'
            self.logger.warning(message + '- Wrong step:' + str(step_key))
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/tvb')

        step_name = category.displayname.lower()
        template_specification = dict(mainContent="header_menu",
                                      title="Select an algorithm",
        adapters_list = []
        for algo_group in self.flow_service.get_groups_for_categories(
            if algo_group.ui_display < 0:
            adapter_link = self.get_url_adapter(step_key, algo_group.id)
                base.KEY_TITLE: algo_group.displayname,
                'link': adapter_link,
                'description': algo_group.description,
                'subsection': algo_group.subsection_name
        self.analyze_adapters = adapters_list
        template_specification[base.KEY_SUBMENU_LIST] = adapters_list
        return self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification)

    def step_connectivity(self):
        Display menu for Connectivity Footer tab.
        template_specification = dict(mainContent="header_menu",
                                      title="Select an algorithm",
        return self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification)

    def _compute_back_link(back_indicator, project):
        Based on a simple indicator, compute URL for anchor BACK.
        if back_indicator is None:
            ## This applies to Connectivity and other visualizers when RELAUNCH button is used from Operation page.
            back_page_link = None
        elif back_indicator == 'burst':
            back_page_link = "/burst"
        elif back_indicator == 'operations':
            back_page_link = '/project/viewoperations/' + str(project.id)
            back_page_link = '/project/editstructure/' + str(project.id)
        return back_page_link

    def prepare_group_launch(self, group_gid, step_key, adapter_key, **data):
        Recieves as input a group gid and an algorithm given by category and id, along 
        with data that gives the name of the required input parameter for the algorithm.
        Having these generate a range of gid's for all the datatypes in the group and
        launch a new operation group.
        prj_service = ProjectService()
        dt_group = prj_service.get_datatypegroup_by_gid(group_gid)
        datatypes = prj_service.get_datatypes_from_datatype_group(dt_group.id)
        range_param_name = data['range_param_name']
        del data['range_param_name']
        data[PARAM_RANGE_1] = range_param_name
        data[range_param_name] = ','.join([dt.gid for dt in datatypes])
            base.get_current_project().id, int(adapter_key), int(step_key),
        redirect_url = self._compute_back_link('operations',
        raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(redirect_url)

    def default(self,
        Render a specific adapter.
        'data' are arguments for POST
        project = base.get_current_project()
        algo_group = self.flow_service.get_algo_group_by_identifier(
        back_page_link = self._compute_back_link(back_page, project)

        if algo_group is None:
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/tvb?error=True")

        if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST' and cancel:
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(back_page_link)

        submit_link = self.get_url_adapter(step_key, adapter_key, back_page)
        if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST':
            back_indicator = back_page if back_page == 'burst' else 'operations'
            success_url = self._compute_back_link(back_indicator, project)
            data[base.KEY_ADAPTER] = adapter_key
            template_specification = self.execute_post(project.id, submit_link,
                                                       success_url, step_key,
                                                       algo_group, **data)
            if (('Referer' not in cherrypy.request.headers or
                 ('Referer' in cherrypy.request.headers
                  and 'step' not in cherrypy.request.headers['Referer']))
                    and 'View' in algo_group.group_category.displayname):
                # Avoid reset in case of Visualizers, as a supplementary GET
                # might be enforced by MPLH5 on FF.
                not_reset = True
            template_specification = self.get_template_for_adapter(
                project.id, step_key, algo_group, submit_link, not not_reset)
        if template_specification is None:
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/tvb')

        if KEY_CONTROLLS not in template_specification:
            template_specification[KEY_CONTROLLS] = None
        if base.KEY_SUBMIT_LINK not in template_specification:
            template_specification[base.KEY_SUBMIT_LINK] = submit_link
        if KEY_CONTENT not in template_specification:
            template_specification[KEY_CONTENT] = "flow/full_adapter_interface"
            template_specification[base.KEY_DISPLAY_MENU] = False
            template_specification[base.KEY_DISPLAY_MENU] = True
            template_specification[base.KEY_BACK_PAGE] = back_page_link

        template_specification[base.KEY_ADAPTER] = adapter_key
        template_specification[ABCDisplayer.KEY_IS_ADAPTER] = True
        self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification, algo_group)
        if (back_page is not None and back_page in ['operations', 'data']
                and not (base.KEY_SECTION in template_specification
                         and template_specification[base.KEY_SECTION]
                         == 'connectivity')):
            template_specification[base.KEY_SECTION] = 'project'
        return template_specification

    def gettemplatefordimensionselect(self,
        Returns the HTML which contains the selects components which allows the user
        to reduce the dimension of a multi-dimensional array.

        We try to obtain the aggregation_functions from the entity, which is a list of lists.
        For each dimension should be a list with the supported aggregation functions. We
        create a DICT for each of those lists. The key will be the name of the function and
        the value will be its label.

        entity_gid - the GID of the entity for which is displayed the component
        select_name - the name of the parent select. The select in which
                      is displayed the entity with the given GID
        parameters_prefix - a string which will be used for computing the names of the component
        required_dimension - the expected dimension for the resulted array
        expected_shape and operations - used for applying conditions on the resulted array
         e.g.: If the resulted array is a 3D array and we want that the length of the second
         dimension to be smaller then 512 then the expected_shape and operations should be:
         expected_shape='x,512,x' and operations='x,&lt;,x'
        template_params = dict()
        template_params["select_name"] = ""
        template_params["data"] = []
        template_params["parameters_prefix"] = parameters_prefix
        template_params["array_shape"] = ""
        template_params["required_dimension"] = required_dimension
        template_params["currentDim"] = ""
        template_params["required_dim_msg"] = ""
        template_params["expected_shape"] = expected_shape
        template_params["operations"] = operations

        #if reload => populate the selected values
        session_dict = self.context.get_current_default()
        dimensions = {1: [0], 3: [0]}
        selected_agg_functions = {}
        if not eval(str(reset_session)) and session_dict is not None:
            starts_with_str = select_name + "_" + parameters_prefix + "_"
            ui_sel_items = dict((k, v) for k, v in session_dict.items()
                                if k.startswith(starts_with_str))
            dimensions, selected_agg_functions, required_dimension, _ = MappedArray(
        template_params["selected_items"] = dimensions
        template_params["selected_functions"] = selected_agg_functions

        aggregation_functions = []
        default_agg_functions = self.accepted__aggregation_functions()
        labels_set = ["Time", "Channel", "Line"]
        if entity_gid is not None:
            actual_entity = ABCAdapter.load_entity_by_gid(entity_gid)
            if hasattr(actual_entity, 'shape'):
                array_shape = actual_entity.shape
                new_shape, current_dim = self._compute_current_dimension(
                    list(array_shape), dimensions, selected_agg_functions)
                if required_dimension is not None and current_dim != int(
                        "required_dim_msg"] = "Please select a " + str(
                            required_dimension) + "D array"
                if not current_dim:
                    template_params["currentDim"] = "1 element"
                    template_params["currentDim"] = str(
                        current_dim) + "D array"
                template_params["array_shape"] = json.dumps(new_shape)
                if hasattr(actual_entity, 'dimensions_labels'
                           ) and actual_entity.dimensions_labels is not None:
                    labels_set = actual_entity.dimensions_labels
                    #make sure there exists labels for each dimension
                    while len(labels_set) < len(array_shape):
                if (hasattr(actual_entity, 'aggregation_functions')
                        and actual_entity.aggregation_functions is not None
                        and len(actual_entity.aggregation_functions)
                        == len(array_shape)):
                    #will be a list of lists of aggregation functions
                    defined_functions = actual_entity.aggregation_functions
                    for function in defined_functions:
                        if not len(function):
                            func_dict = dict()
                            for function_key in function:
                                    function_key] = default_agg_functions[
                    for _ in array_shape:
                result = []
                for i, shape in enumerate(array_shape):
                    labels = []
                    values = []
                    for j in xrange(shape):
                        labels.append(labels_set[i] + " " + str(j))
                        values.append(entity_gid + "_" + str(i) + "_" + str(j))
                    result.append([labels, values, aggregation_functions[i]])
                template_params["select_name"] = select_name
                template_params["data"] = result
                return template_params

        return template_params

    def _compute_current_dimension(array_shape, selected_items,
        If the user reloads an operation we have to compute the current dimension of the array
        and also the shape of the array based on his selections
        current_dim = len(array_shape)
        for i in xrange(len(array_shape)):
            if i in selected_items and len(selected_items[i]) > 0:
                array_shape[i] = len(selected_items[i])
                if len(selected_items[i]) == 1:
                    current_dim -= 1
            if i in selected_functions and selected_functions[i] != 'none':
                array_shape[i] = 1
                if i not in selected_items or len(selected_items[i]) > 1:
                    current_dim -= 1
        return array_shape, current_dim

    def accepted__aggregation_functions():
        Returns the list of aggregation functions that may be
        applied on arrays.
        return {"sum": "Sum", "average": "Average"}

    def getfiltereddatatypes(self, name, parent_div, tree_session_key,
        Given the name from the input tree, the dataType required and a number of
        filters, return the available dataType that satisfy the conditions imposed.
        previous_tree = self.context.get_session_tree_for_key(tree_session_key)
        if previous_tree is None:
                "Adapter Interface not in session for filtering!")
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/tvb?error=True")
        current_node = self._get_node(previous_tree, name)
        if current_node is None:
            raise Exception("Could not find node :" + name)
        datatype = current_node[ABCAdapter.KEY_DATATYPE]

        filters = json.loads(filters)
        availablefilter = json.loads(
        for i, filter_ in enumerate(filters[FILTER_FIELDS]):
            #Check for filter input of type 'date' as these need to be converted
            if filter_ in availablefilter and availablefilter[filter_][
                    FILTER_TYPE] == 'date':
                    filter_ = string2date(filter_, False)
                    filters[FILTER_VALUES][i] = filter_
                except ValueError, excep:
                    raise excep
        #In order for the filter object not to "stack up" on multiple calls to
        #this method, create a deepCopy to work with
        if ABCAdapter.KEY_CONDITION in current_node:
            new_filter = copy.deepcopy(current_node[ABCAdapter.KEY_CONDITION])
            new_filter = FilterChain()
        #Get dataTypes that match the filters from DB then populate with values
        datatypes = self.flow_service.get_available_datatypes(
            base.get_current_project().id, datatype, new_filter)
        values = self.flow_service.populate_values(
            datatypes, datatype, self.context.get_current_step())
        #Create a dictionary that matches what the template expects
        parameters = dict()
        parameters[ABCAdapter.KEY_NAME] = name
        if ABCAdapter.KEY_REQUIRED in current_node:
            parameters[ABCAdapter.KEY_REQUIRED] = current_node[
            if len(values) > 0 and eval(
                parameters[ABCAdapter.KEY_DEFAULT] = str(
        previous_selected = self.context.get_current_default(name)
        if previous_selected is not None and previous_selected in [
                str(vv['value']) for vv in values
            parameters[ABCAdapter.KEY_DEFAULT] = previous_selected
        parameters[ABCAdapter.KEY_FILTERABLE] = availablefilter
        parameters[ABCAdapter.KEY_TYPE] = ABCAdapter.TYPE_SELECT
        parameters[ABCAdapter.KEY_OPTIONS] = values
        parameters[ABCAdapter.KEY_DATATYPE] = datatype
        template_specification = {
            "inputRow": parameters,
            "disabled": False,
            "parentDivId": parent_div,
            base.KEY_SESSION_TREE: tree_session_key
        return self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification)
예제 #3
class FlowController(BaseController):
    This class takes care of executing steps in projects.
    def __init__(self):
        self.context = SelectedAdapterContext()
        self.files_helper = FilesHelper()

    def step_analyzers(self):
        Choose exact action/adapter for current step.
            analyze_category, groups = self.flow_service.get_analyze_groups()
            step_name = analyze_category.displayname.lower()
            template_specification = dict(mainContent="header_menu",
                                          title="Select an analyzer",
            adapters_list = []
            for adapter_group in groups:

                if len(adapter_group.children) > 1:
                    ids = [str(child.id) for child in adapter_group.children]
                    ids = ','.join(ids)
                    adapter_link = '/flow/show_group_of_algorithms/' + str(
                        analyze_category.id) + "/" + ids
                    adapter_link = self.get_url_adapter(
                        analyze_category.id, adapter_group.children[0].id)

            self.analyze_adapters = adapters_list
            template_specification[common.KEY_SUBMENU_LIST] = adapters_list
            return self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification)

        except ValueError:
            message = 'Could not load analyzers!'
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/tvb')

    def step_connectivity(self):
        Display menu for Connectivity Footer tab.
        template_specification = dict(mainContent="header_menu",
                                      title="Select an algorithm",
        return self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification)

    def _compute_back_link(back_indicator, project):
        Based on a simple indicator, compute URL for anchor BACK.
        if back_indicator is None:
            # This applies to Connectivity and other visualizers when RELAUNCH button is used from Operation page.
            back_page_link = None
        elif back_indicator == 'burst':
            back_page_link = "/burst"
        elif back_indicator == 'operations':
            back_page_link = '/project/viewoperations/' + str(project.id)
            back_page_link = '/project/editstructure/' + str(project.id)
        return back_page_link

    def show_group_of_algorithms(self, step_key, algorithm_ids):

        project = common.get_current_project()
        category = self.flow_service.get_category_by_id(step_key)
        algorithms = []
        for i in algorithm_ids.split(','):
            algorithm_id = int(i)
            algorithm = self.flow_service.get_algorithm_by_identifier(
            algorithm.link = self.get_url_adapter(step_key, algorithm_id)
            algorithm.input_tree = self.flow_service.prepare_adapter(algorithm)

        template_specification = dict(
            title="Select an algorithm",
        self._populate_section(algorithms[0], template_specification)
        return template_specification

    def prepare_group_launch(self, group_gid, step_key, algorithm_id, **data):
        Receives as input a group gid and an algorithm given by category and id, along
        with data that gives the name of the required input parameter for the algorithm.
        Having these generate a range of GID's for all the DataTypes in the group and
        launch a new operation group.
        prj_service = ProjectService()
        dt_group = prj_service.get_datatypegroup_by_gid(group_gid)
        datatypes = prj_service.get_datatypes_from_datatype_group(dt_group.id)
        range_param_name = data.pop('range_param_name')
        data[RANGE_PARAMETER_1] = range_param_name
        data[range_param_name] = ','.join(dt.gid for dt in datatypes)
            common.get_current_project().id, int(algorithm_id), int(step_key),
        redirect_url = self._compute_back_link('operations',
        raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(redirect_url)

    def default(self,
        Render a specific adapter.
        'data' are arguments for POST
        project = common.get_current_project()
        algorithm = self.flow_service.get_algorithm_by_identifier(adapter_key)
        back_page_link = self._compute_back_link(back_page, project)

        if algorithm is None:
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/tvb?error=True")

        if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST' and cancel:
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(back_page_link)

        submit_link = self.get_url_adapter(step_key, adapter_key, back_page)
        is_burst = back_page not in ['operations', 'data']
        if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST':
            data[common.KEY_ADAPTER] = adapter_key
            template_specification = self.execute_post(project.id, submit_link,
                                                       step_key, algorithm,
            self._populate_section(algorithm, template_specification, is_burst)
            if (('Referer' not in cherrypy.request.headers or
                 ('Referer' in cherrypy.request.headers
                  and 'step' not in cherrypy.request.headers['Referer']))
                    and 'View' in algorithm.algorithm_category.displayname):
                # Avoid reset in case of Visualizers, as a supplementary GET
                not_reset = True
            template_specification = self.get_template_for_adapter(
                not not_reset,
        if template_specification is None:
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/tvb')

        if KEY_CONTROLLS not in template_specification:
            template_specification[KEY_CONTROLLS] = None
        if common.KEY_SUBMIT_LINK not in template_specification:
            template_specification[common.KEY_SUBMIT_LINK] = submit_link
        if KEY_CONTENT not in template_specification:
            template_specification[KEY_CONTENT] = "flow/full_adapter_interface"
            template_specification[common.KEY_DISPLAY_MENU] = False
            template_specification[common.KEY_DISPLAY_MENU] = True
            template_specification[common.KEY_BACK_PAGE] = back_page_link

        template_specification[common.KEY_ADAPTER] = adapter_key
        template_specification[ABCDisplayer.KEY_IS_ADAPTER] = True
        return template_specification

    def gettemplatefordimensionselect(self,
        Returns the HTML which contains the selects components which allows the user
        to reduce the dimension of a multi-dimensional array.

        We try to obtain the aggregation_functions from the entity, which is a list of lists.
        For each dimension should be a list with the supported aggregation functions. We
        create a DICT for each of those lists. The key will be the name of the function and
        the value will be its label.

            the GID of the entity for which is displayed the component
            the name of the parent select. The select in which
            is displayed the entity with the given GID
            a string which will be used for computing the names of the component

            the expected dimension for the resulted array

        expected_shape and operations
            used for applying conditions on the resulted array
            e.g.: If the resulted array is a 3D array and we want that the length of the second
            dimension to be smaller then 512 then the expected_shape and operations should be:
            ``expected_shape=x,512,x`` and ``operations='x,&lt;,x``
        template_params = {
            "select_name": "",
            "data": [],
            "parameters_prefix": parameters_prefix,
            "array_shape": "",
            "required_dimension": required_dimension,
            "currentDim": "",
            "required_dim_msg": "",
            "expected_shape": expected_shape,
            "operations": operations

        # if reload => populate the selected values
        session_dict = self.context.get_current_default()
        dimensions = {1: [0], 3: [0]}
        selected_agg_functions = {}
        if not string2bool(str(reset_session)) and session_dict is not None:
            starts_with_str = select_name + "_" + parameters_prefix + "_"
            ui_sel_items = dict((k, v) for k, v in session_dict.items()
                                if k.startswith(starts_with_str))
            from tvb.datatypes.arrays import MappedArray

            dimensions, selected_agg_functions, required_dimension, _ = MappedArray(
        template_params["selected_items"] = dimensions
        template_params["selected_functions"] = selected_agg_functions

        aggregation_functions = []
        default_agg_functions = self.accepted__aggregation_functions()
        labels_set = ["Time", "Channel", "Line"]
        if entity_gid is not None:
            actual_entity = ABCAdapter.load_entity_by_gid(entity_gid)
            if hasattr(actual_entity, 'shape'):
                array_shape = actual_entity.shape
                new_shape, current_dim = self._compute_current_dimension(
                    list(array_shape), dimensions, selected_agg_functions)
                if required_dimension is not None and current_dim != int(
                        "required_dim_msg"] = "Please select a " + str(
                            required_dimension) + "D array"
                if not current_dim:
                    template_params["currentDim"] = "1 element"
                    template_params["currentDim"] = str(
                        current_dim) + "D array"
                template_params["array_shape"] = json.dumps(new_shape)
                if hasattr(actual_entity, 'dimensions_labels'
                           ) and actual_entity.dimensions_labels is not None:
                    labels_set = actual_entity.dimensions_labels
                    # make sure there exists labels for each dimension
                    while len(labels_set) < len(array_shape):
                if (hasattr(actual_entity, 'aggregation_functions')
                        and actual_entity.aggregation_functions is not None
                        and len(actual_entity.aggregation_functions)
                        == len(array_shape)):
                    # will be a list of lists of aggregation functions
                    defined_functions = actual_entity.aggregation_functions
                    for function in defined_functions:
                        if not len(function):
                            func_dict = {}
                            for function_key in function:
                                    function_key] = default_agg_functions[
                    for _ in array_shape:
                result = []
                for i, shape in enumerate(array_shape):
                    labels = []
                    values = []
                    for j in range(shape):
                        labels.append(labels_set[i] + " " + str(j))
                        values.append(entity_gid + "_" + str(i) + "_" + str(j))
                    result.append([labels, values, aggregation_functions[i]])
                template_params["select_name"] = select_name
                template_params["data"] = result
                return template_params

        return template_params

    def _compute_current_dimension(array_shape, selected_items,
        If the user reloads an operation we have to compute the current dimension of the array
        and also the shape of the array based on his selections
        current_dim = len(array_shape)
        for i in range(len(array_shape)):
            if i in selected_items and len(selected_items[i]) > 0:
                array_shape[i] = len(selected_items[i])
                if len(selected_items[i]) == 1:
                    current_dim -= 1
            if i in selected_functions and selected_functions[i] != 'none':
                array_shape[i] = 1
                if i not in selected_items or len(selected_items[i]) > 1:
                    current_dim -= 1
        return array_shape, current_dim

    def accepted__aggregation_functions():
        Returns the list of aggregation functions that may be
        applied on arrays.
        return {"sum": "Sum", "average": "Average"}

    def getfiltereddatatypes(self, name, parent_div, tree_session_key,
        Given the name from the input tree, the dataType required and a number of
        filters, return the available dataType that satisfy the conditions imposed.
        previous_tree = self.context.get_session_tree_for_key(tree_session_key)
        if previous_tree is None:
                "Adapter Interface not in session for filtering!")
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/tvb?error=True")
        current_node = self._get_node(previous_tree, name)
        if current_node is None:
            raise Exception("Could not find node :" + name)
        datatype = current_node[ABCAdapter.KEY_DATATYPE]

        filters = json.loads(filters)
        availablefilter = json.loads(
        for i, filter_ in enumerate(filters[FILTER_FIELDS]):
            # Check for filter input of type 'date' as these need to be converted
            if filter_ in availablefilter and availablefilter[filter_][
                    FILTER_TYPE] == 'date':
                    temp_date = string2date(filters[FILTER_VALUES][i], False)
                    filters[FILTER_VALUES][i] = temp_date
                except ValueError:
        # In order for the filter object not to "stack up" on multiple calls to
        # this method, create a deepCopy to work with
        if ABCAdapter.KEY_CONDITION in current_node:
            new_filter = copy.deepcopy(current_node[ABCAdapter.KEY_CONDITION])
            new_filter = FilterChain()
        # Get dataTypes that match the filters from DB then populate with values
        values, total_count = InputTreeManager(
                                           datatype, new_filter,
        # Create a dictionary that matches what the template expects
        parameters = {
            ABCAdapter.KEY_NAME: name,
            ABCAdapter.KEY_FILTERABLE: availablefilter,
            ABCAdapter.KEY_TYPE: ABCAdapter.TYPE_SELECT,
            ABCAdapter.KEY_OPTIONS: values,
            ABCAdapter.KEY_DATATYPE: datatype

        if total_count > MAXIMUM_DATA_TYPES_DISPLAYED:
            parameters[KEY_WARNING] = WARNING_OVERFLOW

        if ABCAdapter.KEY_REQUIRED in current_node:
            parameters[ABCAdapter.KEY_REQUIRED] = current_node[
            if len(values) > 0 and string2bool(
                parameters[ABCAdapter.KEY_DEFAULT] = str(
        previous_selected = self.context.get_current_default(name)
        if previous_selected in [str(vv['value']) for vv in values]:
            parameters[ABCAdapter.KEY_DEFAULT] = previous_selected

        template_specification = {
            "inputRow": parameters,
            "disabled": False,
            "parentDivId": parent_div,
            common.KEY_SESSION_TREE: tree_session_key
        return self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification)

    def _get_node(self, input_tree, name):
        Given a input tree and a variable name, check to see if any default filters exist.
        for entry in input_tree:
            if (ABCAdapter.KEY_DATATYPE in entry
                    and ABCAdapter.KEY_NAME in entry
                    and str(entry[ABCAdapter.KEY_NAME]) == str(name)):
                return entry
            if entry.get(ABCAdapter.KEY_ATTRIBUTES) is not None:
                in_attr = self._get_node(entry[ABCAdapter.KEY_ATTRIBUTES],
                if in_attr is not None:
                    return in_attr
            if entry.get(ABCAdapter.KEY_OPTIONS) is not None:
                in_options = self._get_node(entry[ABCAdapter.KEY_OPTIONS],
                if in_options is not None:
                    return in_options
        return None

    def execute_post(self, project_id, submit_url, step_key, algorithm,
        """ Execute HTTP POST on a generic step."""
        errors = None
        adapter_instance = ABCAdapter.build_adapter(algorithm)

            form = adapter_instance.get_form()(project_id=project_id)
            dt_dict = None
            if form.validate():
                dt_dict = form.get_dict()
            if dt_dict is None:
                raise formencode.Invalid(
                    "Could not build a dict out of this form!", {},
            result = self.flow_service.fire_operation(adapter_instance,
                                                      project_id, **dt_dict)

            # Store input data in session, for informing user of it.
            step = self.flow_service.get_category_by_id(step_key)
            if not step.rawinput:
                self.context.add_adapter_to_session(None, None,

            if isinstance(adapter_instance, ABCDisplayer):
                if isinstance(result, dict):
                           KEY_OPERATION_ID] = adapter_instance.operation_id
                    return result
                        "Invalid result returned from Displayer! Dictionary is expected!"
                if isinstance(result, list):
                    result = "Launched %s operations." % len(result)
        except formencode.Invalid as excep:
            errors = excep.unpack_errors()
            common.set_error_message("Invalid form inputs")
            self.logger.warning("Invalid form inputs %s" % errors)
        except OperationException as excep1:
            self.logger.exception("Error while executing a Launch procedure:" +

        previous_step = self.context.get_current_substep()
        should_reset = previous_step is None or data.get(
            common.KEY_ADAPTER) != previous_step
        template_specification = self.get_template_for_adapter(
            project_id, step_key, algorithm, submit_url, should_reset)
        if (errors is not None) and (template_specification is not None):
            template_specification[common.KEY_ERRORS] = errors
            common.KEY_OPERATION_ID] = adapter_instance.operation_id
        return template_specification

    def get_template_for_adapter(self,
        """ Get Input HTML Interface template or a given adapter """
            if session_reset:

            group = None
            # Cache some values in session, for performance
            previous_tree = self.context.get_current_input_tree()
            previous_sub_step = self.context.get_current_substep()

            category = self.flow_service.get_category_by_id(step_key)
            title = "Fill parameters for step " + category.displayname.lower()
            if group:
                title = title + " - " + group.displayname

            adapter_instance = self.flow_service.prepare_adapter(

            if adapter_instance.get_input_tree() is None:
                adapter_form = self.flow_service.prepare_adapter_form(
                    adapter_instance, project_id)
                template_specification = dict(submitLink=submit_url,

            # TODO: to be removed when all forms are migrated
                if not session_reset and previous_tree is not None and previous_sub_step == stored_adapter.id:
                    adapter_interface = previous_tree
                    adapter_interface = self.flow_service.prepare_adapter_tree_interface(
                        adapter_instance, project_id,
                        stored_adapter, adapter_interface)

                current_defaults = self.context.get_current_default()
                if current_defaults is not None:
                    # Change default values in tree, according to selected input
                    adapter_interface = InputTreeManager.fill_defaults(
                        adapter_interface, current_defaults)

                template_specification = dict(submitLink=submit_url,
            self._populate_section(stored_adapter, template_specification,
            return template_specification
        except OperationException as oexc:
            self.logger.error("Inconsistent Adapter")
                'Inconsistent Adapter!  Please review the link (development problem)!'
        return None

    def readserverstaticfile(self, coded_path):
        Retrieve file from Local storage, having a File System Path.
            with open(url2path(coded_path), "rb") as f:
                return f.read()
        except Exception as excep:
            self.logger.error("Could not retrieve file from path:" +

    def _read_datatype_attribute(self,

        self.logger.debug("Starting to read HDF5: " + entity_gid + "/" +
                          dataset_name + "/" + str(kwargs))
        entity = ABCAdapter.load_entity_by_gid(entity_gid)
        entity_dt = h5.load_from_index(entity)

        datatype_kwargs = json.loads(datatype_kwargs)
        if datatype_kwargs:
            for key, value in six.iteritems(datatype_kwargs):
                kwargs[key] = ABCAdapter.load_entity_by_gid(value)

        result = getattr(entity_dt, dataset_name)
        if callable(result):
            if kwargs:
                result = result(**kwargs)
                result = result()
        return result

    def invoke_adapter(self, algo_id, method_name, entity_gid, **kwargs):
        algorithm = self.flow_service.get_algorithm_by_identifier(algo_id)
        adapter_instance = ABCAdapter.build_adapter(algorithm)
        entity = ABCAdapter.load_entity_by_gid(entity_gid)
        storage_path = self.files_helper.get_project_folder(
            entity.parent_operation.project, str(entity.fk_from_operation))
        adapter_instance.storage_path = storage_path
        method = getattr(adapter_instance, method_name)
        if kwargs:
            return method(entity_gid, **kwargs)
        return method(entity_gid)

    def read_from_h5_file(self,
        self.logger.debug("Starting to read HDF5: " + entity_gid + "/" +
                          method_name + "/" + str(kwargs))
        entity = ABCAdapter.load_entity_by_gid(entity_gid)
        entity_h5 = h5.h5_file_for_index(entity)

        datatype_kwargs = json.loads(datatype_kwargs)
        if datatype_kwargs:
            for key, value in six.iteritems(datatype_kwargs):
                kwargs[key] = ABCAdapter.load_entity_by_gid(value)

        result = getattr(entity_h5, method_name)
        if kwargs:
            result = result(**kwargs)
            result = result()

        return self._prepare_result(result, flatten)

    def read_datatype_attribute(self,
        Retrieve from a given DataType a property or a method result.

        :returns: JSON representation of the attribute.
        :param entity_gid: GID for DataType entity
        :param dataset_name: name of the dataType property /method 
        :param flatten: result should be flatten before return (use with WebGL data mainly e.g vertices/triangles)
            Ignored if the attribute is not an ndarray
        :param datatype_kwargs: if passed, will contain a dictionary of type {'name' : 'gid'}, and for each such
            pair, a load_entity will be performed and kwargs will be updated to contain the result
        :param kwargs: extra parameters to be passed when dataset_name is method.

        result = self._read_datatype_attribute(entity_gid, dataset_name,
                                               datatype_kwargs, **kwargs)
        return self._prepare_result(result, flatten)

    def _prepare_result(self, result, flatten):
        if isinstance(result, numpy.ndarray):
            # for ndarrays honor the flatten kwarg and convert to lists as ndarrs are not json-able
            if flatten is True or flatten == "True":
                result = result.flatten()
            return result.tolist()
            return result

    def read_binary_datatype_attribute(self,
        return self._read_datatype_attribute(entity_gid, dataset_name,
                                             datatype_kwargs, **kwargs)

    def get_simple_adapter_interface(self,
        AJAX exposed method. Will return only the interface for a adapter, to
        be used when tabs are needed.
        curent_project = common.get_current_project()
        is_uploader = string2bool(is_uploader)
        template_specification = self.get_adapter_template(
            curent_project.id, algorithm_id, is_uploader)
        template_specification[common.KEY_PARENT_DIV] = parent_div
        return self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification)

    def getadapterinterface(self, project_id, algorithm_id, back_page=None):
        AJAX exposed method. Will return only a piece of a page, 
        to be integrated as part in another page.
        template_specification = self.get_adapter_template(
            project_id, algorithm_id, False, back_page)
        template_specification["isCallout"] = True
        return self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification)

    def get_adapter_template(self,
        Get the template for an adapter based on the algo group id.
        if not (project_id and int(project_id) and
                (algorithm_id is not None) and int(algorithm_id)):
            return ""

        algorithm = self.flow_service.get_algorithm_by_identifier(algorithm_id)
        if is_upload:
            submit_link = "/project/launchloader/" + str(
                project_id) + "/" + str(algorithm_id)
            submit_link = self.get_url_adapter(algorithm.fk_category,
                                               algorithm.id, back_page)

        current_step = self.context.get_current_substep()
        if current_step is None or str(current_step) != str(algorithm_id):
        template_specification = self.get_template_for_adapter(
            project_id, algorithm.fk_category, algorithm, submit_link,
        if template_specification is None:
            return ""
        template_specification[common.KEY_DISPLAY_MENU] = not is_upload
        return template_specification

    def reloadoperation(self, operation_id, **_):
        """Redirect to Operation Input selection page, 
        with input data already selected."""
        operation = self.flow_service.load_operation(operation_id)
        data = parse_json_parameters(operation.parameters)
        self.context.add_adapter_to_session(operation.algorithm, None, data)
        category_id = operation.algorithm.fk_category
        algo_id = operation.fk_from_algo
        raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/flow/" + str(category_id) + "/" +
                                    str(algo_id) + "?not_reset=True")

    def reload_burst_operation(self, operation_id, is_group, **_):
        Find out from which burst was this operation launched. Set that burst as the selected one and 
        redirect to the burst page.
        is_group = int(is_group)
        if not is_group:
            operation = self.flow_service.load_operation(int(operation_id))
            op_group = ProjectService.get_operation_group_by_id(operation_id)
            first_op = ProjectService.get_operations_in_group(op_group)[0]
            operation = self.flow_service.load_operation(int(first_op.id))
        common.add2session(common.KEY_BURST_CONFIG, operation.burst)
        raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/burst/")

    def stop_operation(self, operation_id, is_group, remove_after_stop=False):
        Stop the operation given by operation_id. If is_group is true stop all the
        operations from that group.
        operation_service = OperationService()
        result = False
        if int(is_group) == 0:
            result = operation_service.stop_operation(operation_id)
            if remove_after_stop:
            op_group = ProjectService.get_operation_group_by_id(operation_id)
            operations_in_group = ProjectService.get_operations_in_group(
            for operation in operations_in_group:
                tmp_res = operation_service.stop_operation(operation.id)
                if remove_after_stop:
                result = result or tmp_res
        return result

    def stop_burst_operation(self,
        For a given operation id that is part of a burst just stop the given burst.
        :returns True when stopped operation was successfully.
        operation_id = int(operation_id)
        if int(is_group) == 0:
            operation = self.flow_service.load_operation(operation_id)
            op_group = ProjectService.get_operation_group_by_id(operation_id)
            first_op = ProjectService.get_operations_in_group(op_group)[0]
            operation = self.flow_service.load_operation(int(first_op.id))

            burst_service = BurstService()
            result = burst_service.stop_burst(operation.burst)
            if remove_after_stop:
                current_burst = common.get_from_session(
                if current_burst and current_burst.id == operation.burst.id:
                result = burst_service.cancel_or_remove_burst(
                    operation.burst.id) or result

            return result
        except Exception as ex:
            return False

    def fill_default_attributes(self, template_dictionary, title='-'):
        Overwrite base controller to add required parameters for adapter templates.
        if common.KEY_TITLE not in template_dictionary:
            template_dictionary[common.KEY_TITLE] = title

        if common.KEY_PARENT_DIV not in template_dictionary:
            template_dictionary[common.KEY_PARENT_DIV] = ''
        if common.KEY_PARAMETERS_CONFIG not in template_dictionary:
            template_dictionary[common.KEY_PARAMETERS_CONFIG] = False

            common.KEY_INCLUDE_RESOURCES] = 'flow/included_resources'
        BaseController.fill_default_attributes(self, template_dictionary)
        return template_dictionary

    ##### Below this point are operations that might be moved to different #####
    ##### controller                                                       #####

    NEW_SELECTION_NAME = 'New selection'

    def _get_available_selections(self, datatype_gid):
        selection retrieval common to selection component and connectivity selection
        curent_project = common.get_current_project()
        selections = self.flow_service.get_selections_for_project(
            curent_project.id, datatype_gid)
        names, sel_values = [], []

        for selection in selections:

        return names, sel_values

    def get_available_selections(self, **data):
        sel_names, sel_values = self._get_available_selections(
        return dict(namedSelections=list(zip(sel_names, sel_values)))

    def store_measure_points_selection(self, ui_name, **data):
        Save a MeasurePoints selection (new or update existing entity).
        if ui_name and ui_name != self.NEW_SELECTION_NAME:
            sel_project_id = common.get_current_project().id
            # client sends integers as strings:
            selection = json.dumps(
                [int(s) for s in json.loads(data['selection'])])
            datatype_gid = data['datatype_gid']
                ui_name, selection, datatype_gid, sel_project_id)
            return [True, 'Selection saved successfully.']

            error_msg = self.NEW_SELECTION_NAME + " or empty name are not  valid as selection names."
            return [False, error_msg]

    def create_row_of_specs(self, count):
        return dict(id_increment_count=count)

    def store_pse_filter(self, config_name, **data):
        # this will need to be updated in such a way that the expose_json actually gets used
        ## also this is going to be changed to be storing through the flow service and dao. Stay updated
            ##this is to check whether there is already an entry in the
            for i, (name, Val) in enumerate(self.PSE_names_list):
                if name == config_name:
                    self.PSE_names_list[i] = (
                        (data['threshold_value'] + "," +
                         data['threshold_type'] + "," + data['not_presence'])
                    )  # replace the previous occurence of the config name, and carry on.
                    return [
                        True, 'Selected Text stored, and selection updated'
                 (data['threshold_value'] + "," + data['threshold_type'] +
                  "," + data['not_presence'])))
        except AttributeError:
            self.PSE_names_list = [
                 (data['threshold_value'] + "," + data['threshold_type'] +
                  "," + data['not_presence']))

        return [True, 'Selected Text stored, and selection updated']

    def get_pse_filters(self):
            return dict(namedSelections=self.PSE_names_list)
        except AttributeError:
            return dict(
            )  # this will give us back atleast the New Selection option in the select

    def store_exploration_section(self, val_range, step, dt_group_guid):
        Launching method for further simulations.
        range_list = [float(num) for num in val_range.split(",")]
        step_list = [float(num) for num in step.split(",")]

        datatype_group_ob = ProjectService().get_datatypegroup_by_gid(
        operation_grp = datatype_group_ob.parent_operation_group
        operation_obj = self.flow_service.load_operation(
        parameters = json.loads(operation_obj.parameters)

        range1name, range1_dict = json.loads(operation_grp.range1)
        range2name, range2_dict = json.loads(operation_grp.range2)
        parameters[RANGE_PARAMETER_1] = range1name
        parameters[RANGE_PARAMETER_2] = range2name

        ##change the existing simulator parameters to be min max step types
        range1_dict = {
            constants.ATT_MINVALUE: range_list[0],
            constants.ATT_MAXVALUE: range_list[1],
            constants.ATT_STEP: step_list[0]
        range2_dict = {
            constants.ATT_MINVALUE: range_list[2],
            constants.ATT_MAXVALUE: range_list[3],
            constants.ATT_STEP: step_list[1]
        parameters[range1name] = json.dumps(
            range1_dict)  # this is for the x axis parameter
        parameters[range2name] = json.dumps(
            range2_dict)  # this is for the y axis parameter

            common.get_current_project().id, operation_obj.algorithm.id,
            operation_obj.algorithm.fk_category, datatype_group_ob,

        return [True, 'Stored the exploration material successfully']
class FlowController(BaseController):
    This class takes care of executing steps in projects.

    def __init__(self):
        self.context = SelectedAdapterContext()
        self.files_helper = FilesHelper()

    def step_analyzers(self):
        Choose exact action/adapter for current step.
            analyze_category, groups = self.flow_service.get_analyze_groups()
            step_name = analyze_category.displayname.lower()
            template_specification = dict(mainContent="header_menu", section_name=step_name, controlPage=None,
                                          title="Select an analyzer", displayControl=False)
            adapters_list = []
            for adapter_group in groups:

                if len(adapter_group.children) > 1:
                    ids = [str(child.id) for child in adapter_group.children]
                    ids = ','.join(ids)
                    adapter_link = '/flow/show_group_of_algorithms/' + str(analyze_category.id) + "/" + ids
                    adapter_link = self.get_url_adapter(analyze_category.id, adapter_group.children[0].id)

                adapters_list.append({common.KEY_TITLE: adapter_group.name,
                                      'link': adapter_link,
                                      'description': adapter_group.description,
                                      'subsection': adapter_group.children[0].subsection_name})
            self.analyze_adapters = adapters_list
            template_specification[common.KEY_SUBMENU_LIST] = adapters_list
            return self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification)

        except ValueError:
            message = 'Could not load analyzers!'
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/tvb')

    def step_connectivity(self):
        Display menu for Connectivity Footer tab.
        template_specification = dict(mainContent="header_menu", section_name='connectivity', controlPage=None,
                                      title="Select an algorithm", displayControl=False, subsection_name='step',
        return self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification)

    def _compute_back_link(back_indicator, project):
        Based on a simple indicator, compute URL for anchor BACK.
        if back_indicator is None:
            ## This applies to Connectivity and other visualizers when RELAUNCH button is used from Operation page.
            back_page_link = None
        elif back_indicator == 'burst':
            back_page_link = "/burst"
        elif back_indicator == 'operations':
            back_page_link = '/project/viewoperations/' + str(project.id)
            back_page_link = '/project/editstructure/' + str(project.id)
        return back_page_link

    def show_group_of_algorithms(self, step_key, algorithm_ids):

        project = common.get_current_project()
        category = self.flow_service.get_category_by_id(step_key)
        algorithms = []
        for i in algorithm_ids.split(','):
            algorithm_id = int(i)
            algorithm = self.flow_service.get_algorithm_by_identifier(algorithm_id)
            algorithm.link = self.get_url_adapter(step_key, algorithm_id)
            algorithm.input_tree = self.flow_service.prepare_adapter(project.id, algorithm)

        template_specification = dict(mainContent="flow/algorithms_list", algorithms=algorithms,
                                      title="Select an algorithm", section_name=category.displayname.lower())
        self._populate_section(algorithms[0], template_specification)
        self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification, algorithms[0].group_name)
        return template_specification

    def prepare_group_launch(self, group_gid, step_key, algorithm_id, **data):
        Receives as input a group gid and an algorithm given by category and id, along
        with data that gives the name of the required input parameter for the algorithm.
        Having these generate a range of GID's for all the DataTypes in the group and
        launch a new operation group.
        prj_service = ProjectService()
        dt_group = prj_service.get_datatypegroup_by_gid(group_gid)
        datatypes = prj_service.get_datatypes_from_datatype_group(dt_group.id)
        range_param_name = data.pop('range_param_name')
        data[RANGE_PARAMETER_1] = range_param_name
        data[range_param_name] = ','.join(dt.gid for dt in datatypes)
        OperationService().group_operation_launch(common.get_logged_user().id, common.get_current_project().id,
                                                  int(algorithm_id), int(step_key), **data)
        redirect_url = self._compute_back_link('operations', common.get_current_project())
        raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(redirect_url)

    def default(self, step_key, adapter_key, cancel=False, back_page=None, not_reset=False, **data):
        Render a specific adapter.
        'data' are arguments for POST
        project = common.get_current_project()
        algorithm = self.flow_service.get_algorithm_by_identifier(adapter_key)
        back_page_link = self._compute_back_link(back_page, project)

        if algorithm is None:
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/tvb?error=True")

        if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST' and cancel:
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(back_page_link)

        submit_link = self.get_url_adapter(step_key, adapter_key, back_page)
        is_burst = back_page not in ['operations', 'data']
        if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST':
            data[common.KEY_ADAPTER] = adapter_key
            template_specification = self.execute_post(project.id, submit_link, step_key, algorithm, **data)
            self._populate_section(algorithm, template_specification, is_burst)
            if (('Referer' not in cherrypy.request.headers or
                ('Referer' in cherrypy.request.headers and 'step' not in cherrypy.request.headers['Referer']))
                    and 'View' in algorithm.algorithm_category.displayname):
                # Avoid reset in case of Visualizers, as a supplementary GET
                # might be enforced by MPLH5 on FF.
                not_reset = True
            template_specification = self.get_template_for_adapter(project.id, step_key, algorithm,
                                                                   submit_link, not not_reset, is_burst=is_burst)
        if template_specification is None:
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/tvb')

        if KEY_CONTROLLS not in template_specification:
            template_specification[KEY_CONTROLLS] = None
        if common.KEY_SUBMIT_LINK not in template_specification:
            template_specification[common.KEY_SUBMIT_LINK] = submit_link
        if KEY_CONTENT not in template_specification:
            template_specification[KEY_CONTENT] = "flow/full_adapter_interface"
            template_specification[common.KEY_DISPLAY_MENU] = False
            template_specification[common.KEY_DISPLAY_MENU] = True
            template_specification[common.KEY_BACK_PAGE] = back_page_link

        template_specification[common.KEY_ADAPTER] = adapter_key
        template_specification[ABCDisplayer.KEY_IS_ADAPTER] = True
        self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification, algorithm.displayname)
        return template_specification

    def gettemplatefordimensionselect(self, entity_gid=None, select_name="", reset_session='False',
                                      parameters_prefix="dimensions", required_dimension=1,
                                      expected_shape="", operations=""):
        Returns the HTML which contains the selects components which allows the user
        to reduce the dimension of a multi-dimensional array.

        We try to obtain the aggregation_functions from the entity, which is a list of lists.
        For each dimension should be a list with the supported aggregation functions. We
        create a DICT for each of those lists. The key will be the name of the function and
        the value will be its label.

            the GID of the entity for which is displayed the component
            the name of the parent select. The select in which
            is displayed the entity with the given GID
            a string which will be used for computing the names of the component

            the expected dimension for the resulted array

        expected_shape and operations
            used for applying conditions on the resulted array
            e.g.: If the resulted array is a 3D array and we want that the length of the second
            dimension to be smaller then 512 then the expected_shape and operations should be:
            ``expected_shape=x,512,x`` and ``operations='x,&lt;,x``
        template_params = {"select_name": "",
                           "data": [],
                           "parameters_prefix": parameters_prefix,
                           "array_shape": "",
                           "required_dimension": required_dimension,
                           "currentDim": "",
                           "required_dim_msg": "",
                           "expected_shape": expected_shape,
                           "operations": operations}

        #if reload => populate the selected values
        session_dict = self.context.get_current_default()
        dimensions = {1: [0], 3: [0]}
        selected_agg_functions = {}
        if not string2bool(str(reset_session)) and session_dict is not None:
            starts_with_str = select_name + "_" + parameters_prefix + "_"
            ui_sel_items = dict((k, v) for k, v in session_dict.items() if k.startswith(starts_with_str))
            dimensions, selected_agg_functions, required_dimension, _ = MappedArray().parse_selected_items(ui_sel_items)
        template_params["selected_items"] = dimensions
        template_params["selected_functions"] = selected_agg_functions

        aggregation_functions = []
        default_agg_functions = self.accepted__aggregation_functions()
        labels_set = ["Time", "Channel", "Line"]
        if entity_gid is not None:
            actual_entity = ABCAdapter.load_entity_by_gid(entity_gid)
            if hasattr(actual_entity, 'shape'):
                array_shape = actual_entity.shape
                new_shape, current_dim = self._compute_current_dimension(list(array_shape), dimensions,
                if required_dimension is not None and current_dim != int(required_dimension):
                    template_params["required_dim_msg"] = "Please select a " + str(required_dimension) + "D array"
                if not current_dim:
                    template_params["currentDim"] = "1 element"
                    template_params["currentDim"] = str(current_dim) + "D array"
                template_params["array_shape"] = json.dumps(new_shape)
                if hasattr(actual_entity, 'dimensions_labels') and actual_entity.dimensions_labels is not None:
                    labels_set = actual_entity.dimensions_labels
                    #make sure there exists labels for each dimension
                    while len(labels_set) < len(array_shape):
                if (hasattr(actual_entity, 'aggregation_functions') and actual_entity.aggregation_functions is not None
                        and len(actual_entity.aggregation_functions) == len(array_shape)):
                    #will be a list of lists of aggregation functions
                    defined_functions = actual_entity.aggregation_functions
                    for function in defined_functions:
                        if not len(function):
                            func_dict = {}
                            for function_key in function:
                                func_dict[function_key] = default_agg_functions[function_key]
                    for _ in array_shape:
                result = []
                for i, shape in enumerate(array_shape):
                    labels = []
                    values = []
                    for j in xrange(shape):
                        labels.append(labels_set[i] + " " + str(j))
                        values.append(entity_gid + "_" + str(i) + "_" + str(j))
                    result.append([labels, values, aggregation_functions[i]])
                template_params["select_name"] = select_name
                template_params["data"] = result
                return template_params

        return template_params

    def _compute_current_dimension(array_shape, selected_items, selected_functions):
        If the user reloads an operation we have to compute the current dimension of the array
        and also the shape of the array based on his selections
        current_dim = len(array_shape)
        for i in xrange(len(array_shape)):
            if i in selected_items and len(selected_items[i]) > 0:
                array_shape[i] = len(selected_items[i])
                if len(selected_items[i]) == 1:
                    current_dim -= 1
            if i in selected_functions and selected_functions[i] != 'none':
                array_shape[i] = 1
                if i not in selected_items or len(selected_items[i]) > 1:
                    current_dim -= 1
        return array_shape, current_dim

    def accepted__aggregation_functions():
        Returns the list of aggregation functions that may be
        applied on arrays.
        return {"sum": "Sum", "average": "Average"}

    def getfiltereddatatypes(self, name, parent_div, tree_session_key, filters):
        Given the name from the input tree, the dataType required and a number of
        filters, return the available dataType that satisfy the conditions imposed.
        previous_tree = self.context.get_session_tree_for_key(tree_session_key)
        if previous_tree is None:
            common.set_error_message("Adapter Interface not in session for filtering!")
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/tvb?error=True")
        current_node = self._get_node(previous_tree, name)
        if current_node is None:
            raise Exception("Could not find node :" + name)
        datatype = current_node[ABCAdapter.KEY_DATATYPE]

        filters = json.loads(filters)
        availablefilter = json.loads(FilterChain.get_filters_for_type(datatype))
        for i, filter_ in enumerate(filters[FILTER_FIELDS]):
            #Check for filter input of type 'date' as these need to be converted
            if filter_ in availablefilter and availablefilter[filter_][FILTER_TYPE] == 'date':
                    temp_date = string2date(filters[FILTER_VALUES][i], False)
                    filters[FILTER_VALUES][i] = temp_date
                except ValueError:
        #In order for the filter object not to "stack up" on multiple calls to
        #this method, create a deepCopy to work with
        if ABCAdapter.KEY_CONDITION in current_node:
            new_filter = copy.deepcopy(current_node[ABCAdapter.KEY_CONDITION])
            new_filter = FilterChain()
        #Get dataTypes that match the filters from DB then populate with values
        values, total_count = InputTreeManager().populate_option_values_for_dtype(
                                    datatype, new_filter,
                                    self.context.get_current_step() )
        #Create a dictionary that matches what the template expects
        parameters = {ABCAdapter.KEY_NAME: name,
                      ABCAdapter.KEY_FILTERABLE: availablefilter,
                      ABCAdapter.KEY_TYPE: ABCAdapter.TYPE_SELECT,
                      ABCAdapter.KEY_OPTIONS: values,
                      ABCAdapter.KEY_DATATYPE: datatype}

        if total_count > MAXIMUM_DATA_TYPES_DISPLAYED:
            parameters[KEY_WARNING] = WARNING_OVERFLOW

        if ABCAdapter.KEY_REQUIRED in current_node:
            parameters[ABCAdapter.KEY_REQUIRED] = current_node[ABCAdapter.KEY_REQUIRED]
            if len(values) > 0 and string2bool(str(parameters[ABCAdapter.KEY_REQUIRED])):
                parameters[ABCAdapter.KEY_DEFAULT] = str(values[-1][ABCAdapter.KEY_VALUE])
        previous_selected = self.context.get_current_default(name)
        if previous_selected in [str(vv['value']) for vv in values]:
            parameters[ABCAdapter.KEY_DEFAULT] = previous_selected

        template_specification = {"inputRow": parameters, "disabled": False,
                                  "parentDivId": parent_div, common.KEY_SESSION_TREE: tree_session_key}
        return self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification)

    def _get_node(self, input_tree, name):
        Given a input tree and a variable name, check to see if any default filters exist.
        for entry in input_tree:
            if (ABCAdapter.KEY_DATATYPE in entry and ABCAdapter.KEY_NAME in entry
                    and str(entry[ABCAdapter.KEY_NAME]) == str(name)):
                return entry
            if entry.get(ABCAdapter.KEY_ATTRIBUTES) is not None:
                in_attr = self._get_node(entry[ABCAdapter.KEY_ATTRIBUTES], name)
                if in_attr is not None:
                    return in_attr
            if entry.get(ABCAdapter.KEY_OPTIONS) is not None:
                in_options = self._get_node(entry[ABCAdapter.KEY_OPTIONS], name)
                if in_options is not None:
                    return in_options
        return None

    def execute_post(self, project_id, submit_url, step_key, algorithm, **data):
        """ Execute HTTP POST on a generic step."""
        errors = None
        adapter_instance = ABCAdapter.build_adapter(algorithm)

            result = self.flow_service.fire_operation(adapter_instance, common.get_logged_user(), project_id, **data)

            # Store input data in session, for informing user of it.
            step = self.flow_service.get_category_by_id(step_key)
            if not step.rawinput:
                self.context.add_adapter_to_session(None, None, copy.deepcopy(data))

            if isinstance(adapter_instance, ABCDisplayer):
                if isinstance(result, dict):
                    result[common.KEY_OPERATION_ID] = adapter_instance.operation_id
                    return result
                    common.set_error_message("Invalid result returned from Displayer! Dictionary is expected!")
                if isinstance(result, list):
                    result = "Launched %s operations." % len(result)
        except formencode.Invalid, excep:
            errors = excep.unpack_errors()
        except OperationException, excep1:
            self.logger.exception("Error while executing a Launch procedure:" + excep1.message)
class FlowController(BaseController):
    This class takes care of executing steps in projects.

    def __init__(self):
        self.context = SelectedAdapterContext()
        self.files_helper = FilesHelper()

    def step_analyzers(self):
        Choose exact action/adapter for current step.
            analyze_category, groups = self.flow_service.get_analyze_groups()
            step_name = analyze_category.displayname.lower()
            template_specification = dict(mainContent="header_menu", section_name=step_name, controlPage=None,
                                          title="Select an analyzer", displayControl=False)
            adapters_list = []
            for adapter_group in groups:

                if len(adapter_group.children) > 1:
                    ids = [str(child.id) for child in adapter_group.children]
                    ids = ','.join(ids)
                    adapter_link = '/flow/show_group_of_algorithms/' + str(analyze_category.id) + "/" + ids
                    adapter_link = self.get_url_adapter(analyze_category.id, adapter_group.children[0].id)

                adapters_list.append({common.KEY_TITLE: adapter_group.name,
                                      'link': adapter_link,
                                      'description': adapter_group.description,
                                      'subsection': adapter_group.children[0].subsection_name})
            self.analyze_adapters = adapters_list
            template_specification[common.KEY_SUBMENU_LIST] = adapters_list
            return self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification)

        except ValueError:
            message = 'Could not load analyzers!'
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/tvb')

    def step_connectivity(self):
        Display menu for Connectivity Footer tab.
        template_specification = dict(mainContent="header_menu", section_name='connectivity', controlPage=None,
                                      title="Select an algorithm", displayControl=False, subsection_name='step',
        return self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification)

    def _compute_back_link(back_indicator, project):
        Based on a simple indicator, compute URL for anchor BACK.
        if back_indicator is None:
            ## This applies to Connectivity and other visualizers when RELAUNCH button is used from Operation page.
            back_page_link = None
        elif back_indicator == 'burst':
            back_page_link = "/burst"
        elif back_indicator == 'operations':
            back_page_link = '/project/viewoperations/' + str(project.id)
            back_page_link = '/project/editstructure/' + str(project.id)
        return back_page_link

    def show_group_of_algorithms(self, step_key, algorithm_ids):

        project = common.get_current_project()
        category = self.flow_service.get_category_by_id(step_key)
        algorithms = []
        for i in algorithm_ids.split(','):
            algorithm_id = int(i)
            algorithm = self.flow_service.get_algorithm_by_identifier(algorithm_id)
            algorithm.link = self.get_url_adapter(step_key, algorithm_id)
            algorithm.input_tree = self.flow_service.prepare_adapter(project.id, algorithm)

        template_specification = dict(mainContent="flow/algorithms_list", algorithms=algorithms,
                                      title="Select an algorithm", section_name=category.displayname.lower())
        self._populate_section(algorithms[0], template_specification)
        self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification, algorithms[0].group_name)
        return template_specification

    def prepare_group_launch(self, group_gid, step_key, algorithm_id, **data):
        Receives as input a group gid and an algorithm given by category and id, along
        with data that gives the name of the required input parameter for the algorithm.
        Having these generate a range of GID's for all the DataTypes in the group and
        launch a new operation group.
        prj_service = ProjectService()
        dt_group = prj_service.get_datatypegroup_by_gid(group_gid)
        datatypes = prj_service.get_datatypes_from_datatype_group(dt_group.id)
        range_param_name = data.pop('range_param_name')
        data[RANGE_PARAMETER_1] = range_param_name
        data[range_param_name] = ','.join(dt.gid for dt in datatypes)
        OperationService().group_operation_launch(common.get_logged_user().id, common.get_current_project().id,
                                                  int(algorithm_id), int(step_key), **data)
        redirect_url = self._compute_back_link('operations', common.get_current_project())
        raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(redirect_url)

    def default(self, step_key, adapter_key, cancel=False, back_page=None, not_reset=False, **data):
        Render a specific adapter.
        'data' are arguments for POST
        project = common.get_current_project()
        algorithm = self.flow_service.get_algorithm_by_identifier(adapter_key)
        back_page_link = self._compute_back_link(back_page, project)

        if algorithm is None:
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/tvb?error=True")

        if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST' and cancel:
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(back_page_link)

        submit_link = self.get_url_adapter(step_key, adapter_key, back_page)
        is_burst = back_page not in ['operations', 'data']
        if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST':
            data[common.KEY_ADAPTER] = adapter_key
            template_specification = self.execute_post(project.id, submit_link, step_key, algorithm, **data)
            self._populate_section(algorithm, template_specification, is_burst)
            if (('Referer' not in cherrypy.request.headers or
                ('Referer' in cherrypy.request.headers and 'step' not in cherrypy.request.headers['Referer']))
                    and 'View' in algorithm.algorithm_category.displayname):
                # Avoid reset in case of Visualizers, as a supplementary GET
                not_reset = True
            template_specification = self.get_template_for_adapter(project.id, step_key, algorithm,
                                                                   submit_link, not not_reset, is_burst=is_burst)
        if template_specification is None:
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/tvb')

        if KEY_CONTROLLS not in template_specification:
            template_specification[KEY_CONTROLLS] = None
        if common.KEY_SUBMIT_LINK not in template_specification:
            template_specification[common.KEY_SUBMIT_LINK] = submit_link
        if KEY_CONTENT not in template_specification:
            template_specification[KEY_CONTENT] = "flow/full_adapter_interface"
            template_specification[common.KEY_DISPLAY_MENU] = False
            template_specification[common.KEY_DISPLAY_MENU] = True
            template_specification[common.KEY_BACK_PAGE] = back_page_link

        template_specification[common.KEY_ADAPTER] = adapter_key
        template_specification[ABCDisplayer.KEY_IS_ADAPTER] = True
        self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification, algorithm.displayname)
        return template_specification

    def gettemplatefordimensionselect(self, entity_gid=None, select_name="", reset_session='False',
                                      parameters_prefix="dimensions", required_dimension=1,
                                      expected_shape="", operations=""):
        Returns the HTML which contains the selects components which allows the user
        to reduce the dimension of a multi-dimensional array.

        We try to obtain the aggregation_functions from the entity, which is a list of lists.
        For each dimension should be a list with the supported aggregation functions. We
        create a DICT for each of those lists. The key will be the name of the function and
        the value will be its label.

            the GID of the entity for which is displayed the component
            the name of the parent select. The select in which
            is displayed the entity with the given GID
            a string which will be used for computing the names of the component

            the expected dimension for the resulted array

        expected_shape and operations
            used for applying conditions on the resulted array
            e.g.: If the resulted array is a 3D array and we want that the length of the second
            dimension to be smaller then 512 then the expected_shape and operations should be:
            ``expected_shape=x,512,x`` and ``operations='x,&lt;,x``
        template_params = {"select_name": "",
                           "data": [],
                           "parameters_prefix": parameters_prefix,
                           "array_shape": "",
                           "required_dimension": required_dimension,
                           "currentDim": "",
                           "required_dim_msg": "",
                           "expected_shape": expected_shape,
                           "operations": operations}

        # if reload => populate the selected values
        session_dict = self.context.get_current_default()
        dimensions = {1: [0], 3: [0]}
        selected_agg_functions = {}
        if not string2bool(str(reset_session)) and session_dict is not None:
            starts_with_str = select_name + "_" + parameters_prefix + "_"
            ui_sel_items = dict((k, v) for k, v in session_dict.items() if k.startswith(starts_with_str))
            dimensions, selected_agg_functions, required_dimension, _ = MappedArray().parse_selected_items(ui_sel_items)
        template_params["selected_items"] = dimensions
        template_params["selected_functions"] = selected_agg_functions

        aggregation_functions = []
        default_agg_functions = self.accepted__aggregation_functions()
        labels_set = ["Time", "Channel", "Line"]
        if entity_gid is not None:
            actual_entity = ABCAdapter.load_entity_by_gid(entity_gid)
            if hasattr(actual_entity, 'shape'):
                array_shape = actual_entity.shape
                new_shape, current_dim = self._compute_current_dimension(list(array_shape), dimensions,
                if required_dimension is not None and current_dim != int(required_dimension):
                    template_params["required_dim_msg"] = "Please select a " + str(required_dimension) + "D array"
                if not current_dim:
                    template_params["currentDim"] = "1 element"
                    template_params["currentDim"] = str(current_dim) + "D array"
                template_params["array_shape"] = json.dumps(new_shape)
                if hasattr(actual_entity, 'dimensions_labels') and actual_entity.dimensions_labels is not None:
                    labels_set = actual_entity.dimensions_labels
                    # make sure there exists labels for each dimension
                    while len(labels_set) < len(array_shape):
                if (hasattr(actual_entity, 'aggregation_functions') and actual_entity.aggregation_functions is not None
                        and len(actual_entity.aggregation_functions) == len(array_shape)):
                    #will be a list of lists of aggregation functions
                    defined_functions = actual_entity.aggregation_functions
                    for function in defined_functions:
                        if not len(function):
                            func_dict = {}
                            for function_key in function:
                                func_dict[function_key] = default_agg_functions[function_key]
                    for _ in array_shape:
                result = []
                for i, shape in enumerate(array_shape):
                    labels = []
                    values = []
                    for j in range(shape):
                        labels.append(labels_set[i] + " " + str(j))
                        values.append(entity_gid + "_" + str(i) + "_" + str(j))
                    result.append([labels, values, aggregation_functions[i]])
                template_params["select_name"] = select_name
                template_params["data"] = result
                return template_params

        return template_params

    def _compute_current_dimension(array_shape, selected_items, selected_functions):
        If the user reloads an operation we have to compute the current dimension of the array
        and also the shape of the array based on his selections
        current_dim = len(array_shape)
        for i in range(len(array_shape)):
            if i in selected_items and len(selected_items[i]) > 0:
                array_shape[i] = len(selected_items[i])
                if len(selected_items[i]) == 1:
                    current_dim -= 1
            if i in selected_functions and selected_functions[i] != 'none':
                array_shape[i] = 1
                if i not in selected_items or len(selected_items[i]) > 1:
                    current_dim -= 1
        return array_shape, current_dim

    def accepted__aggregation_functions():
        Returns the list of aggregation functions that may be
        applied on arrays.
        return {"sum": "Sum", "average": "Average"}

    def getfiltereddatatypes(self, name, parent_div, tree_session_key, filters):
        Given the name from the input tree, the dataType required and a number of
        filters, return the available dataType that satisfy the conditions imposed.
        previous_tree = self.context.get_session_tree_for_key(tree_session_key)
        if previous_tree is None:
            common.set_error_message("Adapter Interface not in session for filtering!")
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/tvb?error=True")
        current_node = self._get_node(previous_tree, name)
        if current_node is None:
            raise Exception("Could not find node :" + name)
        datatype = current_node[ABCAdapter.KEY_DATATYPE]

        filters = json.loads(filters)
        availablefilter = json.loads(FilterChain.get_filters_for_type(datatype))
        for i, filter_ in enumerate(filters[FILTER_FIELDS]):
            # Check for filter input of type 'date' as these need to be converted
            if filter_ in availablefilter and availablefilter[filter_][FILTER_TYPE] == 'date':
                    temp_date = string2date(filters[FILTER_VALUES][i], False)
                    filters[FILTER_VALUES][i] = temp_date
                except ValueError:
        # In order for the filter object not to "stack up" on multiple calls to
        # this method, create a deepCopy to work with
        if ABCAdapter.KEY_CONDITION in current_node:
            new_filter = copy.deepcopy(current_node[ABCAdapter.KEY_CONDITION])
            new_filter = FilterChain()
        # Get dataTypes that match the filters from DB then populate with values
        values, total_count = InputTreeManager().populate_option_values_for_dtype(
            datatype, new_filter,
        # Create a dictionary that matches what the template expects
        parameters = {ABCAdapter.KEY_NAME: name,
                      ABCAdapter.KEY_FILTERABLE: availablefilter,
                      ABCAdapter.KEY_TYPE: ABCAdapter.TYPE_SELECT,
                      ABCAdapter.KEY_OPTIONS: values,
                      ABCAdapter.KEY_DATATYPE: datatype}

        if total_count > MAXIMUM_DATA_TYPES_DISPLAYED:
            parameters[KEY_WARNING] = WARNING_OVERFLOW

        if ABCAdapter.KEY_REQUIRED in current_node:
            parameters[ABCAdapter.KEY_REQUIRED] = current_node[ABCAdapter.KEY_REQUIRED]
            if len(values) > 0 and string2bool(str(parameters[ABCAdapter.KEY_REQUIRED])):
                parameters[ABCAdapter.KEY_DEFAULT] = str(values[-1][ABCAdapter.KEY_VALUE])
        previous_selected = self.context.get_current_default(name)
        if previous_selected in [str(vv['value']) for vv in values]:
            parameters[ABCAdapter.KEY_DEFAULT] = previous_selected

        template_specification = {"inputRow": parameters, "disabled": False,
                                  "parentDivId": parent_div, common.KEY_SESSION_TREE: tree_session_key}
        return self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification)

    def _get_node(self, input_tree, name):
        Given a input tree and a variable name, check to see if any default filters exist.
        for entry in input_tree:
            if (ABCAdapter.KEY_DATATYPE in entry and ABCAdapter.KEY_NAME in entry
                    and str(entry[ABCAdapter.KEY_NAME]) == str(name)):
                return entry
            if entry.get(ABCAdapter.KEY_ATTRIBUTES) is not None:
                in_attr = self._get_node(entry[ABCAdapter.KEY_ATTRIBUTES], name)
                if in_attr is not None:
                    return in_attr
            if entry.get(ABCAdapter.KEY_OPTIONS) is not None:
                in_options = self._get_node(entry[ABCAdapter.KEY_OPTIONS], name)
                if in_options is not None:
                    return in_options
        return None

    def execute_post(self, project_id, submit_url, step_key, algorithm, **data):
        """ Execute HTTP POST on a generic step."""
        errors = None
        adapter_instance = ABCAdapter.build_adapter(algorithm)

            result = self.flow_service.fire_operation(adapter_instance, common.get_logged_user(), project_id, **data)

            # Store input data in session, for informing user of it.
            step = self.flow_service.get_category_by_id(step_key)
            if not step.rawinput:
                self.context.add_adapter_to_session(None, None, copy.deepcopy(data))

            if isinstance(adapter_instance, ABCDisplayer):
                if isinstance(result, dict):
                    result[common.KEY_OPERATION_ID] = adapter_instance.operation_id
                    return result
                    common.set_error_message("Invalid result returned from Displayer! Dictionary is expected!")
                if isinstance(result, list):
                    result = "Launched %s operations." % len(result)
        except formencode.Invalid as excep:
            errors = excep.unpack_errors()
        except OperationException as excep1:
            self.logger.exception("Error while executing a Launch procedure:" + excep1.message)

        previous_step = self.context.get_current_substep()
        should_reset = previous_step is None or data.get(common.KEY_ADAPTER) != previous_step
        template_specification = self.get_template_for_adapter(project_id, step_key, algorithm,
                                                               submit_url, should_reset)
        if (errors is not None) and (template_specification is not None):
            template_specification[common.KEY_ERRORS] = errors
        template_specification[common.KEY_OPERATION_ID] = adapter_instance.operation_id
        return template_specification

    def get_template_for_adapter(self, project_id, step_key, stored_adapter, submit_url, session_reset=True,
        """ Get Input HTML Interface template or a given adapter """
            if session_reset:

            group = None
            # Cache some values in session, for performance
            previous_tree = self.context.get_current_input_tree()
            previous_sub_step = self.context.get_current_substep()
            if not session_reset and previous_tree is not None and previous_sub_step == stored_adapter.id:
                adapter_interface = previous_tree
                adapter_interface = self.flow_service.prepare_adapter(project_id, stored_adapter)
                self.context.add_adapter_to_session(stored_adapter, adapter_interface)

            category = self.flow_service.get_category_by_id(step_key)
            title = "Fill parameters for step " + category.displayname.lower()
            if group:
                title = title + " - " + group.displayname

            current_defaults = self.context.get_current_default()
            if current_defaults is not None:
                # Change default values in tree, according to selected input
                adapter_interface = InputTreeManager.fill_defaults(adapter_interface, current_defaults)

            template_specification = dict(submitLink=submit_url, inputList=adapter_interface, title=title)
            self._populate_section(stored_adapter, template_specification, is_burst)
            return template_specification
        except OperationException as oexc:
            self.logger.error("Inconsistent Adapter")
            common.set_warning_message('Inconsistent Adapter!  Please review the link (development problem)!')
        return None

    def readserverstaticfile(self, coded_path):
        Retrieve file from Local storage, having a File System Path.
            with open(url2path(coded_path), "rb") as f:
                return f.read()
        except Exception as excep:
            self.logger.error("Could not retrieve file from path:" + str(coded_path))

    def _read_datatype_attribute(self, entity_gid, dataset_name, datatype_kwargs='null', **kwargs):
        self.logger.debug("Starting to read HDF5: " + entity_gid + "/" + dataset_name + "/" + str(kwargs))
        entity = ABCAdapter.load_entity_by_gid(entity_gid)

        datatype_kwargs = json.loads(datatype_kwargs)
        if datatype_kwargs:
            for key, value in six.iteritems(datatype_kwargs):
                kwargs[key] = ABCAdapter.load_entity_by_gid(value)

        result = getattr(entity, dataset_name)
        if callable(result):
            if kwargs:
                result = result(**kwargs)
                result = result()
        return result

    def read_datatype_attribute(self, entity_gid, dataset_name, flatten=False, datatype_kwargs='null', **kwargs):
        Retrieve from a given DataType a property or a method result.

        :returns: JSON representation of the attribute.
        :param entity_gid: GID for DataType entity
        :param dataset_name: name of the dataType property /method 
        :param flatten: result should be flatten before return (use with WebGL data mainly e.g vertices/triangles)
            Ignored if the attribute is not an ndarray
        :param datatype_kwargs: if passed, will contain a dictionary of type {'name' : 'gid'}, and for each such
            pair, a load_entity will be performed and kwargs will be updated to contain the result
        :param kwargs: extra parameters to be passed when dataset_name is method.

        result = self._read_datatype_attribute(entity_gid, dataset_name, datatype_kwargs, **kwargs)

        if isinstance(result, numpy.ndarray):
            # for ndarrays honor the flatten kwarg and convert to lists as ndarrs are not json-able
            if flatten is True or flatten == "True":
                result = result.flatten()
            return result.tolist()
            return result

    def read_binary_datatype_attribute(self, entity_gid, dataset_name, datatype_kwargs='null', **kwargs):
        return self._read_datatype_attribute(entity_gid, dataset_name, datatype_kwargs, **kwargs)

    def get_simple_adapter_interface(self, algorithm_id, parent_div='', is_uploader=False):
        AJAX exposed method. Will return only the interface for a adapter, to
        be used when tabs are needed.
        curent_project = common.get_current_project()
        is_uploader = string2bool(is_uploader)
        template_specification = self.get_adapter_template(curent_project.id, algorithm_id, is_uploader)
        template_specification[common.KEY_PARENT_DIV] = parent_div
        return self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification)

    def getadapterinterface(self, project_id, algorithm_id, back_page=None):
        AJAX exposed method. Will return only a piece of a page, 
        to be integrated as part in another page.
        template_specification = self.get_adapter_template(project_id, algorithm_id, False, back_page)
        template_specification["isCallout"] = True
        return self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification)

    def get_adapter_template(self, project_id, algorithm_id, is_upload=False, back_page=None):
        Get the template for an adapter based on the algo group id.
        if not (project_id and int(project_id) and (algorithm_id is not None) and int(algorithm_id)):
            return ""

        algorithm = self.flow_service.get_algorithm_by_identifier(algorithm_id)
        if is_upload:
            submit_link = "/project/launchloader/" + str(project_id) + "/" + str(algorithm_id)
            submit_link = self.get_url_adapter(algorithm.fk_category, algorithm.id, back_page)

        current_step = self.context.get_current_substep()
        if current_step is None or str(current_step) != str(algorithm_id):
        template_specification = self.get_template_for_adapter(project_id, algorithm.fk_category, algorithm,
                                                               submit_link, is_upload)
        if template_specification is None:
            return ""
        template_specification[common.KEY_DISPLAY_MENU] = not is_upload
        return template_specification

    def reloadoperation(self, operation_id, **_):
        """Redirect to Operation Input selection page, 
        with input data already selected."""
        operation = self.flow_service.load_operation(operation_id)
        data = parse_json_parameters(operation.parameters)
        self.context.add_adapter_to_session(operation.algorithm, None, data)
        category_id = operation.algorithm.fk_category
        algo_id = operation.fk_from_algo
        raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/flow/" + str(category_id) + "/" + str(algo_id) + "?not_reset=True")

    def reload_burst_operation(self, operation_id, is_group, **_):
        Find out from which burst was this operation launched. Set that burst as the selected one and 
        redirect to the burst page.
        is_group = int(is_group)
        if not is_group:
            operation = self.flow_service.load_operation(int(operation_id))
            op_group = ProjectService.get_operation_group_by_id(operation_id)
            first_op = ProjectService.get_operations_in_group(op_group)[0]
            operation = self.flow_service.load_operation(int(first_op.id))
        common.add2session(common.KEY_BURST_CONFIG, operation.burst)
        raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/burst/")

    def stop_operation(self, operation_id, is_group, remove_after_stop=False):
        Stop the operation given by operation_id. If is_group is true stop all the
        operations from that group.
        operation_service = OperationService()
        result = False
        if int(is_group) == 0:
            result = operation_service.stop_operation(operation_id)
            if remove_after_stop:
            op_group = ProjectService.get_operation_group_by_id(operation_id)
            operations_in_group = ProjectService.get_operations_in_group(op_group)
            for operation in operations_in_group:
                tmp_res = operation_service.stop_operation(operation.id)
                if remove_after_stop:
                result = result or tmp_res
        return result

    def stop_burst_operation(self, operation_id, is_group, remove_after_stop=False):
        For a given operation id that is part of a burst just stop the given burst.
        :returns True when stopped operation was successfully.
        operation_id = int(operation_id)
        if int(is_group) == 0:
            operation = self.flow_service.load_operation(operation_id)
            op_group = ProjectService.get_operation_group_by_id(operation_id)
            first_op = ProjectService.get_operations_in_group(op_group)[0]
            operation = self.flow_service.load_operation(int(first_op.id))

            burst_service = BurstService()
            result = burst_service.stop_burst(operation.burst)
            if remove_after_stop:
                current_burst = common.get_from_session(common.KEY_BURST_CONFIG)
                if current_burst and current_burst.id == operation.burst.id:
                result = burst_service.cancel_or_remove_burst(operation.burst.id) or result

            return result
        except Exception as ex:
            return False

    def fill_default_attributes(self, template_dictionary, title='-'):
        Overwrite base controller to add required parameters for adapter templates.
        if common.KEY_TITLE not in template_dictionary:
            template_dictionary[common.KEY_TITLE] = title

        if common.KEY_PARENT_DIV not in template_dictionary:
            template_dictionary[common.KEY_PARENT_DIV] = ''
        if common.KEY_PARAMETERS_CONFIG not in template_dictionary:
            template_dictionary[common.KEY_PARAMETERS_CONFIG] = False

        template_dictionary[common.KEY_INCLUDE_RESOURCES] = 'flow/included_resources'
        BaseController.fill_default_attributes(self, template_dictionary)
        return template_dictionary

    ##### Below this point are operations that might be moved to different #####
    ##### controller                                                       #####

    NEW_SELECTION_NAME = 'New selection'

    def _get_available_selections(self, datatype_gid):
        selection retrieval common to selection component and connectivity selection
        curent_project = common.get_current_project()
        selections = self.flow_service.get_selections_for_project(curent_project.id, datatype_gid)
        names, sel_values = [], []

        for selection in selections:

        return names, sel_values

    def get_available_selections(self, **data):
        sel_names, sel_values = self._get_available_selections(data['datatype_gid'])
        return dict(namedSelections=zip(sel_names, sel_values))

    def store_measure_points_selection(self, ui_name, **data):
        Save a MeasurePoints selection (new or update existing entity).
        if ui_name and ui_name != self.NEW_SELECTION_NAME:
            sel_project_id = common.get_current_project().id
            # client sends integers as strings:
            selection = json.dumps([int(s) for s in json.loads(data['selection'])])
            datatype_gid = data['datatype_gid']
            self.flow_service.save_measure_points_selection(ui_name, selection, datatype_gid, sel_project_id)
            return [True, 'Selection saved successfully.']

            error_msg = self.NEW_SELECTION_NAME + " or empty name are not  valid as selection names."
            return [False, error_msg]

    def create_row_of_specs(self, count):
        return dict(id_increment_count=count)

    def store_pse_filter(self, config_name, **data):
        # this will need to be updated in such a way that the expose_json actually gets used
        ## also this is going to be changed to be storing through the flow service and dao. Stay updated
            ##this is to check whether there is already an entry in the
            for i, (name, Val) in enumerate(self.PSE_names_list):
                if name == config_name:
                    self.PSE_names_list[i] = (config_name, (
                        data['threshold_value'] + "," + data['threshold_type'] + "," + data[
                            'not_presence']))  # replace the previous occurence of the config name, and carry on.
                    return [True, 'Selected Text stored, and selection updated']
                (config_name, (data['threshold_value'] + "," + data['threshold_type'] + "," + data['not_presence'])))
        except AttributeError:
            self.PSE_names_list = [
                (config_name, (data['threshold_value'] + "," + data['threshold_type'] + "," + data['not_presence']))]

        return [True, 'Selected Text stored, and selection updated']

    def get_pse_filters(self):
            return dict(namedSelections=self.PSE_names_list)
        except AttributeError:
            return dict(namedSelections=[])  # this will give us back atleast the New Selection option in the select

    def store_exploration_section(self, val_range, step, dt_group_guid):
        Launching method for further simulations.
        range_list = [float(num) for num in val_range.split(",")]
        step_list = [float(num) for num in step.split(",")]

        datatype_group_ob = ProjectService().get_datatypegroup_by_gid(dt_group_guid)
        operation_grp = datatype_group_ob.parent_operation_group
        operation_obj = self.flow_service.load_operation(datatype_group_ob.fk_from_operation)
        parameters = json.loads(operation_obj.parameters)

        range1name, range1_dict = json.loads(operation_grp.range1)
        range2name, range2_dict = json.loads(operation_grp.range2)
        parameters[RANGE_PARAMETER_1] = range1name
        parameters[RANGE_PARAMETER_2] = range2name

        ##change the existing simulator parameters to be min max step types
        range1_dict = {constants.ATT_MINVALUE: range_list[0],
                       constants.ATT_MAXVALUE: range_list[1],
                       constants.ATT_STEP: step_list[0]}
        range2_dict = {constants.ATT_MINVALUE: range_list[2],
                       constants.ATT_MAXVALUE: range_list[3],
                       constants.ATT_STEP: step_list[1]}
        parameters[range1name] = json.dumps(range1_dict)  # this is for the x axis parameter
        parameters[range2name] = json.dumps(range2_dict)  # this is for the y axis parameter

        OperationService().group_operation_launch(common.get_logged_user().id, common.get_current_project().id,
                                                  operation_obj.algorithm.id, operation_obj.algorithm.fk_category,
                                                  datatype_group_ob, **parameters)

        return [True, 'Stored the exploration material successfully']
class FlowController(base.BaseController):
    This class takes care of executing steps in projects.

    def __init__(self):
        self.context = SelectedAdapterContext()
        self.files_helper = FilesHelper()

    def step(self, step_key=None):
        Choose exact action/adapter for current step.
        category = self.flow_service.get_category_by_id(step_key)
        if category is None:
            message = 'Inconsistent Step Name! Please excuse the wrong link!'
            self.logger.warning(message + '- Wrong step:' + str(step_key))
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/tvb')

        step_name = category.displayname.lower()
        template_specification = dict(mainContent="header_menu", section_name=step_name, controlPage=None,
                                      title="Select an algorithm", displayControl=False)
        adapters_list = []
        for algo_group in self.flow_service.get_groups_for_categories([category]):
            if algo_group.ui_display < 0:
            adapter_link = self.get_url_adapter(step_key, algo_group.id)
            adapters_list.append({base.KEY_TITLE: algo_group.displayname,
                                  'link': adapter_link,
                                  'description': algo_group.description,
                                  'subsection': algo_group.subsection_name})
        self.analyze_adapters = adapters_list
        template_specification[base.KEY_SUBMENU_LIST] = adapters_list
        return self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification)

    def step_connectivity(self):
        Display menu for Connectivity Footer tab.
        template_specification = dict(mainContent="header_menu", section_name='connectivity', controlPage=None,
                                      title="Select an algorithm", displayControl=False, subsection_name='step',
        return self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification)

    def _compute_back_link(back_indicator, project):
        Based on a simple indicator, compute URL for anchor BACK.
        if back_indicator is None:
            ## This applies to Connectivity and other visualizers when RELAUNCH button is used from Operation page.
            back_page_link = None
        elif back_indicator == 'burst':
            back_page_link = "/burst"
        elif back_indicator == 'operations':
            back_page_link = '/project/viewoperations/' + str(project.id)
            back_page_link = '/project/editstructure/' + str(project.id)
        return back_page_link

    def prepare_group_launch(self, group_gid, step_key, adapter_key, **data):
        Receives as input a group gid and an algorithm given by category and id, along
        with data that gives the name of the required input parameter for the algorithm.
        Having these generate a range of GID's for all the DataTypes in the group and
        launch a new operation group.
        prj_service = ProjectService()
        dt_group = prj_service.get_datatypegroup_by_gid(group_gid)
        datatypes = prj_service.get_datatypes_from_datatype_group(dt_group.id)
        range_param_name = data['range_param_name']
        del data['range_param_name']
        data[RANGE_PARAMETER_1] = range_param_name
        data[range_param_name] = ','.join([dt.gid for dt in datatypes])
        OperationService().group_operation_launch(base.get_logged_user().id, base.get_current_project().id, 
                                                  int(adapter_key), int(step_key), **data)
        redirect_url = self._compute_back_link('operations', base.get_current_project())
        raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(redirect_url)

    def default(self, step_key, adapter_key, cancel=False, back_page=None, not_reset=False, **data):
        Render a specific adapter.
        'data' are arguments for POST
        project = base.get_current_project()
        algo_group = self.flow_service.get_algo_group_by_identifier(adapter_key)
        back_page_link = self._compute_back_link(back_page, project)

        if algo_group is None:
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/tvb?error=True")

        if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST' and cancel:
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(back_page_link)

        submit_link = self.get_url_adapter(step_key, adapter_key, back_page)
        if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST':
            back_indicator = back_page if back_page == 'burst' else 'operations'
            success_url = self._compute_back_link(back_indicator, project)
            data[base.KEY_ADAPTER] = adapter_key
            template_specification = self.execute_post(project.id, submit_link, success_url,
                                                       step_key, algo_group, **data)
            if (('Referer' not in cherrypy.request.headers or
                ('Referer' in cherrypy.request.headers and 'step' not in cherrypy.request.headers['Referer']))
                    and 'View' in algo_group.group_category.displayname):
                # Avoid reset in case of Visualizers, as a supplementary GET
                # might be enforced by MPLH5 on FF.
                not_reset = True
            template_specification = self.get_template_for_adapter(project.id, step_key, algo_group,
                                                                   submit_link, not not_reset)
        if template_specification is None:
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/tvb')

        if KEY_CONTROLLS not in template_specification:
            template_specification[KEY_CONTROLLS] = None
        if base.KEY_SUBMIT_LINK not in template_specification:
            template_specification[base.KEY_SUBMIT_LINK] = submit_link
        if KEY_CONTENT not in template_specification:
            template_specification[KEY_CONTENT] = "flow/full_adapter_interface"
            template_specification[base.KEY_DISPLAY_MENU] = False
            template_specification[base.KEY_DISPLAY_MENU] = True
            template_specification[base.KEY_BACK_PAGE] = back_page_link

        template_specification[base.KEY_ADAPTER] = adapter_key
        template_specification[ABCDisplayer.KEY_IS_ADAPTER] = True
        self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification, algo_group)
        if (back_page is not None and back_page in ['operations', 'data'] and
            not (base.KEY_SECTION in template_specification
                 and template_specification[base.KEY_SECTION] == 'connectivity')):
            template_specification[base.KEY_SECTION] = 'project'
        return template_specification

    def gettemplatefordimensionselect(self, entity_gid=None, select_name="", reset_session='False',
                                      parameters_prefix="dimensions", required_dimension=1,
                                      expected_shape="", operations=""):
        Returns the HTML which contains the selects components which allows the user
        to reduce the dimension of a multi-dimensional array.

        We try to obtain the aggregation_functions from the entity, which is a list of lists.
        For each dimension should be a list with the supported aggregation functions. We
        create a DICT for each of those lists. The key will be the name of the function and
        the value will be its label.

            the GID of the entity for which is displayed the component
            the name of the parent select. The select in which
            is displayed the entity with the given GID
            a string which will be used for computing the names of the component

            the expected dimension for the resulted array

        expected_shape and operations
            used for applying conditions on the resulted array
            e.g.: If the resulted array is a 3D array and we want that the length of the second
            dimension to be smaller then 512 then the expected_shape and operations should be:
            ``expected_shape=x,512,x`` and ``operations='x,&lt;,x``
        template_params = dict()
        template_params["select_name"] = ""
        template_params["data"] = []
        template_params["parameters_prefix"] = parameters_prefix
        template_params["array_shape"] = ""
        template_params["required_dimension"] = required_dimension
        template_params["currentDim"] = ""
        template_params["required_dim_msg"] = ""
        template_params["expected_shape"] = expected_shape
        template_params["operations"] = operations

        #if reload => populate the selected values
        session_dict = self.context.get_current_default()
        dimensions = {1: [0], 3: [0]}
        selected_agg_functions = {}
        if not eval(str(reset_session)) and session_dict is not None:
            starts_with_str = select_name + "_" + parameters_prefix + "_"
            ui_sel_items = dict((k, v) for k, v in session_dict.items() if k.startswith(starts_with_str))
            dimensions, selected_agg_functions, required_dimension, _ = MappedArray().parse_selected_items(ui_sel_items)
        template_params["selected_items"] = dimensions
        template_params["selected_functions"] = selected_agg_functions

        aggregation_functions = []
        default_agg_functions = self.accepted__aggregation_functions()
        labels_set = ["Time", "Channel", "Line"]
        if entity_gid is not None:
            actual_entity = ABCAdapter.load_entity_by_gid(entity_gid)
            if hasattr(actual_entity, 'shape'):
                array_shape = actual_entity.shape
                new_shape, current_dim = self._compute_current_dimension(list(array_shape), dimensions,
                if required_dimension is not None and current_dim != int(required_dimension):
                    template_params["required_dim_msg"] = "Please select a " + str(required_dimension) + "D array"
                if not current_dim:
                    template_params["currentDim"] = "1 element"
                    template_params["currentDim"] = str(current_dim) + "D array"
                template_params["array_shape"] = json.dumps(new_shape)
                if hasattr(actual_entity, 'dimensions_labels') and actual_entity.dimensions_labels is not None:
                    labels_set = actual_entity.dimensions_labels
                    #make sure there exists labels for each dimension
                    while len(labels_set) < len(array_shape):
                if (hasattr(actual_entity, 'aggregation_functions') and actual_entity.aggregation_functions is not None
                        and len(actual_entity.aggregation_functions) == len(array_shape)):
                    #will be a list of lists of aggregation functions
                    defined_functions = actual_entity.aggregation_functions
                    for function in defined_functions:
                        if not len(function):
                            func_dict = dict()
                            for function_key in function:
                                func_dict[function_key] = default_agg_functions[function_key]
                    for _ in array_shape:
                result = []
                for i, shape in enumerate(array_shape):
                    labels = []
                    values = []
                    for j in xrange(shape):
                        labels.append(labels_set[i] + " " + str(j))
                        values.append(entity_gid + "_" + str(i) + "_" + str(j))
                    result.append([labels, values, aggregation_functions[i]])
                template_params["select_name"] = select_name
                template_params["data"] = result
                return template_params

        return template_params

    def _compute_current_dimension(array_shape, selected_items, selected_functions):
        If the user reloads an operation we have to compute the current dimension of the array
        and also the shape of the array based on his selections
        current_dim = len(array_shape)
        for i in xrange(len(array_shape)):
            if i in selected_items and len(selected_items[i]) > 0:
                array_shape[i] = len(selected_items[i])
                if len(selected_items[i]) == 1:
                    current_dim -= 1
            if i in selected_functions and selected_functions[i] != 'none':
                array_shape[i] = 1
                if i not in selected_items or len(selected_items[i]) > 1:
                    current_dim -= 1
        return array_shape, current_dim

    def accepted__aggregation_functions():
        Returns the list of aggregation functions that may be
        applied on arrays.
        return {"sum": "Sum", "average": "Average"}

    def getfiltereddatatypes(self, name, parent_div, tree_session_key, filters):
        Given the name from the input tree, the dataType required and a number of
        filters, return the available dataType that satisfy the conditions imposed.
        previous_tree = self.context.get_session_tree_for_key(tree_session_key)
        if previous_tree is None:
            base.set_error_message("Adapter Interface not in session for filtering!")
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/tvb?error=True")
        current_node = self._get_node(previous_tree, name)
        if current_node is None:
            raise Exception("Could not find node :" + name)
        datatype = current_node[ABCAdapter.KEY_DATATYPE]

        filters = json.loads(filters)
        availablefilter = json.loads(FilterChain.get_filters_for_type(datatype))
        for i, filter_ in enumerate(filters[FILTER_FIELDS]):
            #Check for filter input of type 'date' as these need to be converted
            if filter_ in availablefilter and availablefilter[filter_][FILTER_TYPE] == 'date':
                    filter_ = string2date(filter_, False)
                    filters[FILTER_VALUES][i] = filter_
                except ValueError, excep:
                    raise excep
        #In order for the filter object not to "stack up" on multiple calls to
        #this method, create a deepCopy to work with
        if ABCAdapter.KEY_CONDITION in current_node:
            new_filter = copy.deepcopy(current_node[ABCAdapter.KEY_CONDITION])
            new_filter = FilterChain()
        #Get dataTypes that match the filters from DB then populate with values
        datatypes = self.flow_service.get_available_datatypes(base.get_current_project().id, datatype, new_filter)
        values = self.flow_service.populate_values(datatypes, datatype, self.context.get_current_step())
        #Create a dictionary that matches what the template expects
        parameters = dict()
        parameters[ABCAdapter.KEY_NAME] = name
        if ABCAdapter.KEY_REQUIRED in current_node:
            parameters[ABCAdapter.KEY_REQUIRED] = current_node[ABCAdapter.KEY_REQUIRED]
            if len(values) > 0 and eval(str(parameters[ABCAdapter.KEY_REQUIRED])):
                parameters[ABCAdapter.KEY_DEFAULT] = str(values[-1][ABCAdapter.KEY_VALUE])
        previous_selected = self.context.get_current_default(name)
        if previous_selected is not None and previous_selected in [str(vv['value']) for vv in values]:
            parameters[ABCAdapter.KEY_DEFAULT] = previous_selected
        parameters[ABCAdapter.KEY_FILTERABLE] = availablefilter
        parameters[ABCAdapter.KEY_TYPE] = ABCAdapter.TYPE_SELECT
        parameters[ABCAdapter.KEY_OPTIONS] = values
        parameters[ABCAdapter.KEY_DATATYPE] = datatype
        template_specification = {"inputRow": parameters, "disabled": False,
                                  "parentDivId": parent_div, base.KEY_SESSION_TREE: tree_session_key}
        return self.fill_default_attributes(template_specification)