def get_series_episodes(self, series_id, episode_number=None, aired_season=None, aired_episode=None, dvd_season=None, dvd_episode=None, imdb_id=None, page=1): """ Retrieves all episodes for a particular series given its TheTVDB and filtered by additional optional details. :param series_id: The TheTVDB id of the series. :param episode_number: The optional absolute episode number. :param aired_season: The optional aired season number. :param aired_episode: The optional aired episode number. :param dvd_season: The optional DVD season number. :param dvd_episode: The optional DVD episode number. :param imdb_id: The optional IMDB Id of the series. :param page: The page number. If none is provided, 1 is used by default. :return: a python dictionary with either the result of the search or an error from TheTVDB. """ arguments = locals() optional_parameters = {'episode_number': 'absoluteNumber', 'aired_season': 'airedSeason', 'aired_episode': 'airedEpisode', 'dvd_season': 'dvdSeason', 'dvd_episode': 'dvdEpisode', 'imdb_id': 'imdbId', 'page': 'page'} query_string = utils.query_param_string_from_option_args(optional_parameters, arguments) raw_response = requests_util.run_request('get', self.API_BASE_URL + '/series/%d/episodes/query?%s' % (series_id, query_string), headers=self.__get_header_with_auth()) return self.parse_raw_response(raw_response)
def search_series(self, name=None, imdb_id=None, zap2it_id=None): """ Searchs for a series in TheTVDB by either its name, imdb_id or zap2it_id. :param name: the name of the series to look for :param imdb_id: the IMDB id of the series to look for :param zap2it_id: the zap2it id of the series to look for. :return: a python dictionary with either the result of the search or an error from TheTVDB. """ arguments = locals() optional_parameters = { 'name': 'name', 'imdb_id': 'imdbId', 'zap2it_id': 'zap2itId' } query_string = utils.query_param_string_from_option_args( optional_parameters, arguments) raw_response = requests_util.run_request( 'get', '%s%s?%s' % (self.API_BASE_URL, '/search/series', query_string), headers=self.__get_header_with_auth()) return self.parse_raw_response(raw_response)
def __get_user_ratings(self): """ Returns a list of the ratings provided by the current user. :return: a python dictionary with either the result of the search or an error from TheTVDB. """ return self.parse_raw_response(requests_util.run_request('get', self.API_BASE_URL + '/user/ratings', headers=self.__get_header_with_auth()))
def get_user_favorites(self): """ Retrieves the list of tv series the current user has flagged as favorite. :return: a python dictionary with either the result of the search or an error from TheTVDB. """ return self.parse_raw_response(requests_util.run_request('get', self.API_BASE_URL + '/user/favorites', headers=self.__get_header_with_auth()))
def get_user(self): """ Retrieves information about the user currently using the api. :return: a python dictionary with either the result of the search or an error from TheTVDB. """ return self.parse_raw_response(requests_util.run_request('get', self.API_BASE_URL + '/user', headers=self.__get_header_with_auth()))
def __refresh_token(self): headers = self.__get_header() headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer %s' % self.__token resp = requests_util.run_request('get', self.API_BASE_URL + '/refresh_token', headers=headers) if resp.status_code == 200: token_resp = self.parse_raw_response(resp) self.__token = token_resp['token'] self.__auth_time =
def __refresh_token(self): headers = self.__get_header() headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer %s' % self.__token resp = requests_util.run_request('get', self.API_BASE_URL + '/refresh_token', headers=headers) if resp.status_code == 200: token_resp = json.loads(resp.content) self.__token = token_resp['token'] self.__auth_time =
def get_languages(self): """ Returns a list of all language options available in TheTVDB. :return: a python dictionary with either the result of the search or an error from TheTVDB. """ raw_response = requests_util.run_request('get', self.API_BASE_URL + '/languages', headers=self.__get_header_with_auth()) return self.parse_raw_response(raw_response)
def add_user_favorite(self, series_id): """ Added the series related to the series id provided to the list of favorites of the current user. :param series_id: The TheTVDB id of the series. :return: a python dictionary with either the result of the search or an error from TheTVDB. """ return self.parse_raw_response(requests_util.run_request('put', self.API_BASE_URL + '/user/favorites/%d' % series_id, headers=self.__get_header_with_auth()))
def get_episode(self, episode_id): """ Returns the full information of the episode belonging to the Id provided. :param episode_id: The TheTVDB id of the episode. :return: a python dictionary with either the result of the search or an error from TheTVDB. """ raw_response = requests_util.run_request('get', self.API_BASE_URL + '/episodes/%d' % episode_id, headers=self.__get_header_with_auth()) return self.parse_raw_response(raw_response)
def get_series(self, series_id): """ Retrieves the information of a series from TheTVDB given the series ID. :param series_id: the id of the series on TheTVDB. :return: a python dictionary with either the result of the search or an error from TheTVDB. """ raw_response = requests_util.run_request('get', self.API_BASE_URL + '/series/%d' % series_id, headers=self.__get_header_with_auth()) return self.parse_raw_response(raw_response)
def get_series_episodes_summary(self, series_id): """ Retrieves the summary of the episodes and seasons of a series given its TheTVDB id. :param series_id: The TheTVDB id of the series. :return: a python dictionary with either the result of the search or an error from TheTVDB. """ raw_response = requests_util.run_request('get', self.API_BASE_URL + '/series/%d/episodes/summary' % series_id, headers=self.__get_header_with_auth()) return self.parse_raw_response(raw_response)
def get_series_actors(self, series_id): """ Retrieves the information on the actors of a particular series, given its TheTVDB id. :param series_id: the TheTVDB id of the series :return: a python dictionary with either the result of the search or an error from TheTVDB. """ raw_response = requests_util.run_request('get', self.API_BASE_URL + '/series/%d/actors' % series_id, headers=self.__get_header_with_auth()) return self.parse_raw_response(raw_response)
def get_language(self, language_id): """ Retrieves information about the language of the given id. :param language_id: The TheTVDB Id of the language. :return: a python dictionary with either the result of the search or an error from TheTVDB. """ raw_response = requests_util.run_request('get', self.API_BASE_URL + '/languages/%d' % language_id, headers=self.__get_header_with_auth()) return self.parse_raw_response(raw_response)
def __get_series_images(self, series_id): """ Retrieves the url to images (posters, fanart) for the series, seasons and episodes of a series given its TheTVDB id. :param series_id: The TheTVDB id of the series. :return: a python dictionary with either the result of the search or an error from TheTVDB. """ raw_response = requests_util.run_request('get', self.API_BASE_URL + '/series/%d/images' % series_id, headers=self.__get_header_with_auth()) return self.parse_raw_response(raw_response)
def get_series_episodes(self, series_id, page=1): """ Retrieves all episodes for a particular series given its TheTVDB id. It retrieves a maximum of 100 results per page. :param series_id: The TheTVDB id of the series. :param page: The page number. If none is provided, 1 is used by default. :return: a python dictionary with either the result of the search or an error from TheTVDB. """ raw_response = requests_util.run_request('get', self.API_BASE_URL + '/series/%d/episodes?page=%d' % (series_id, page), headers=self.__get_header_with_auth()) return self.parse_raw_response(raw_response)
def delete_user_rating(self, item_type, item_id): """ Deletes from the list of rating of the current user, the rating provided for the specified element type. :param item_type: One of: series, episode, banner. :param item_id: The TheTVDB Id of the item. :return: a python dictionary with either the result of the search or an error from TheTVDB. """ raw_response = requests_util.run_request('delete', self.API_BASE_URL + '/user/ratings/%s/%d' % (item_type, item_id), headers=self.__get_header_with_auth()) return self.parse_raw_response(raw_response)
def add_user_rating(self, item_type, item_id, item_rating): """ Adds the rating for the item indicated for the current user. :param item_type: One of: series, episode, banner. :param item_id: The TheTVDB id of the item. :param item_rating: The rating from 0 to 10. :return: """ raw_response = requests_util.run_request('put', self.API_BASE_URL + '/user/ratings/%s/%d/%d' % (item_type, item_id, item_rating), headers=self.__get_header_with_auth()) return self.parse_raw_response(raw_response)
def get_user_ratings(self, item_type=None): """ Returns a list of the ratings for the type of item provided, for the current user. :param item_type: One of: series, episode or banner. :return: a python dictionary with either the result of the search or an error from TheTVDB. """ if item_type: query_string = 'itemType=%s' % item_type return self.parse_raw_response( requests_util.run_request('get', self.API_BASE_URL + '/user/ratings/qeury?%s' % query_string, headers=self.__get_header_with_auth())) else: return self.__get_user_ratings()
def search_series(self, name=None, imdb_id=None, zap2it_id=None): """ Searchs for a series in TheTVDB by either its name, imdb_id or zap2it_id. :param name: the name of the series to look for :param imdb_id: the IMDB id of the series to look for :param zap2it_id: the zap2it id of the series to look for. :return: a python dictionary with either the result of the search or an error from TheTVDB. """ arguments = locals() optional_parameters = {'name': 'name', 'imdb_id': 'imdbId', 'zap2it_id': 'zap2itId'} query_string = utils.query_param_string_from_option_args(optional_parameters, arguments) raw_response = requests_util.run_request('get', '%s%s?%s' % (self.API_BASE_URL, '/search/series', query_string), headers=self.__get_header_with_auth()) return self.parse_raw_response(raw_response)
def get_updated(self, from_time, to_time=None): """ Retrives a list of series that have changed on TheTVDB since a provided from time parameter and optionally to an specified to time. :param from_time: An epoch representation of the date from which to restrict the query to. :param to_time: An optional epcoh representation of the date to which to restrict the query to. :return: a python dictionary with either the result of the search or an error from TheTVDB. """ arguments = locals() optional_parameters = {'to_time': 'toTime'} query_string = 'fromTime=%s&%s' % (from_time, utils.query_param_string_from_option_args(optional_parameters, arguments)) raw_response = requests_util.run_request('get', self.API_BASE_URL + '/uodated/query?%s' % query_string, headers=self.__get_header_with_auth()) return self.parse_raw_response(raw_response)
def login(self): """ This method performs the login on TheTVDB given the api key, user name and account identifier. :return: None """ auth_data = dict() auth_data['apikey'] = self.api_key auth_data['username'] = self.username auth_data['userkey'] = self.account_identifier auth_resp = requests_util.run_request('post', self.API_BASE_URL + '/login', data=json.dumps(auth_data), headers=self.__get_header()) if auth_resp.status_code == 200: auth_resp_data = json.loads(auth_resp.content) self.__token = auth_resp_data['token'] self.__auth_time = self.is_authenticated = True else: raise AuthenticationFailedException('Authentication failed!')
def login(self): """ This method performs the login on TheTVDB given the api key, user name and account identifier. :return: None """ auth_data = dict() auth_data['apikey'] = self.api_key auth_data['username'] = self.username auth_data['userkey'] = self.account_identifier auth_resp = requests_util.run_request('post', self.API_BASE_URL + '/login', data=json.dumps(auth_data), headers=self.__get_header()) if auth_resp.status_code == 200: auth_resp_data = self.parse_raw_response(auth_resp) self.__token = auth_resp_data['token'] self.__auth_time = self.is_authenticated = True else: raise AuthenticationFailedException('Authentication failed!')
def get_series_images(self, series_id, image_type=None, resolution=None, sub_key=None): """ Retrieves the url to images (posters, fanart) for the series, seasons and episodes of a series given its TheTVDB id and filtered by additional parameters. :param series_id: The TheTVDB id of the series. :param image_type: The optional type of image: posters, fanart, thumbnail, etc. :param resolution: The optional resolution: i.e. 1280x1024 :param sub_key: The optional subkey: graphical, text. :return: a python dictionary with either the result of the search or an error from TheTVDB. """ arguments = locals() optional_parameters = {'image_type': 'keyType', 'resolution': 'resolution', 'sub_key': 'subKey'} query_string = utils.query_param_string_from_option_args(optional_parameters, arguments) if len(query_string): raw_response = requests_util.run_request('get', self.API_BASE_URL + '/series/%d/images/query?%s' % (series_id, query_string), headers=self.__get_header_with_auth()) return self.parse_raw_response(raw_response) else: return self.__get_series_images(series_id)