예제 #1
def test_recursive_func():
    mod = tvm.IRModule({})

    x = relay.var('x', shape=[], dtype='int32')
    fn0 = relay.Function([x], x)
    gx = relay.GlobalVar("gx")
    mod[gx] = fn0

    sum_up = relay.GlobalVar('sum_up')
    i = relay.var('i', shape=[], dtype='int32')
    sb = relay.ScopeBuilder()
    with sb.if_scope(relay.equal(i, relay.const(0, dtype='int32'))):
    with sb.else_scope():
        one_less = relay.subtract(i, relay.const(1, dtype='int32'))
        global_call = gx(i)
        rec_call = relay.Call(sum_up, [one_less]) + global_call
        sb.ret(relay.add(rec_call, i))
    func = relay.Function([i],
                          ret_type=relay.TensorType([], 'int32'))
    func = func.set_attribute("Compiler", tvm.tir.StringImm("a"))
    mod[sum_up] = func
    iarg = relay.var('i', shape=[], dtype='int32')
    mod["main"] = relay.Function([iarg], sum_up(iarg))
    call_graph = relay.CallGraph(mod)

    assert call_graph.is_recursive(sum_up)
    assert call_graph.ref_count(sum_up) == 2
    assert call_graph.ref_count(gx) == 1
    assert call_graph.ref_count("main") == 0
    def get_mod():
        mod = tvm.IRModule({})

        x = relay.var('x', shape=[], dtype='int32')
        fn0 = relay.Function([x], x)
        fn0 = fn0.set_attribute("Inline", tvm.tir.IntImm("int32", 1))
        gx = relay.GlobalVar("gx")
        mod[gx] = fn0

        sum_up = relay.GlobalVar('sum_up')
        i = relay.var('i', shape=[], dtype='int32')
        sb = relay.ScopeBuilder()
        with sb.if_scope(relay.equal(i, relay.const(0, dtype="int32"))):
        with sb.else_scope():
            one_less = relay.subtract(i, relay.const(1, dtype="int32"))
            global_call = gx(i)
            rec_call = relay.Call(sum_up, [one_less]) + global_call
            sb.ret(relay.add(rec_call, i))
        func = relay.Function([i],
                              ret_type=relay.TensorType([], "int32"))
        func = func.set_attribute("Inline", tvm.tir.IntImm("int32", 1))
        mod[sum_up] = func
        iarg = relay.var("i", shape=[], dtype='int32')
        mod["main"] = relay.Function([iarg], sum_up(iarg))
        return mod
예제 #3
    def after():

        data = relay.var("data", shape=(1, 32))
        eq1 = relay.var("e1", shape=[], dtype="float32")
        eq2 = relay.var("e2", shape=[], dtype="float32")

        cb_1 = relay.annotation.compiler_begin(eq1, target)
        cb_2 = relay.annotation.compiler_begin(eq2, target)

        equality_condition = relay.equal(cb_1, cb_2)
        ce_1 = relay.annotation.compiler_end(equality_condition, target)

        # if condition
        cb_3 = relay.annotation.compiler_begin(data, target)
        true_branch = relay.tanh(cb_3)
        ce_2 = relay.annotation.compiler_end(true_branch, target)

        # else condition
        cb_4 = relay.annotation.compiler_begin(data, target)
        false_branch = relay.sigmoid(cb_4)
        ce_3 = relay.annotation.compiler_end(false_branch, target)

        if_condition = relay.If(ce_1, ce_2, ce_3)
        cb_5 = relay.annotation.compiler_begin(if_condition, target)
        erf_out = relay.erf(cb_5)
        ce_4 = relay.annotation.compiler_end(erf_out, target)
        func = relay.Function([data, eq1, eq2], ce_4)
        mod = tvm.IRModule.from_expr(func)
        return mod
예제 #4
def test_equal():
    i = relay.var("i", shape=[], dtype="int32")
    j = relay.var("i", shape=[], dtype="int32")
    z = relay.equal(i, j)
    func = relay.Function([i, j], z, ret_type=relay.TensorType([], "bool"))
    i_data = relay.const(0, "int32")
    j_data = relay.const(0, "int32")
예제 #5
    def _make_env_find(self, m, rval_t):
        ctr = m['ctr']
        gv = relay.GlobalVar(f"$_env_find<{ctr.name_hint}>")

        env = relay.Var("env", env_type(env_val()))
        key = relay.Var("key", relay.ty.scalar_type('int64'))
        dft = relay.Var("dft", rval_t)

        k = relay.Var("k")
        v = relay.Var("v")
        r = relay.Var("r")
        x = relay.Var("x")

        extract_clause = adt.Clause(
            adt.PatternConstructor(ctr, [adt.PatternVar(x)]), x)

        empty_clause = adt.Clause(adt.PatternConstructor(empty_env, []), dft)
        cons_clause = adt.Clause(
            relay.If(relay.equal(key, k),
                     adt.Match(v, [extract_clause], complete=False),
                     relay.Call(gv, [r, key, dft])))
        body = adt.Match(env, [empty_clause, cons_clause])
        fn = relay.Function([env, key, dft], body, rval_t)
        m['env_find'] = (gv, fn)
        return gv, fn
예제 #6
def test_recursion():
       def @f(%n: int32, %data: float32) -> float32 {
          if (%n == 0) {
          } else {
              @f(%n - 1, log(%data))
    sb = relay.ScopeBuilder()
    f = relay.GlobalVar("f")
    ti32 = relay.scalar_type("int32")
    tf32 = relay.scalar_type("float32")
    n = relay.var("n", ti32)
    data = relay.var("data", tf32)

    with sb.if_scope(relay.equal(n, relay.const(0, ti32))):
    with sb.else_scope():
        sb.ret(f(relay.subtract(n, relay.const(1, ti32)), relay.log(data)))
    mod = tvm.IRModule()
    mod[f] = relay.Function([n, data], sb.get())
    mod = infer_mod(mod)
    assert "@f(%1, %2)" in mod.astext()
    assert mod["f"].checked_type == relay.FuncType([ti32, tf32], tf32)
예제 #7
def test_loop():
    mod = tvm.IRModule({})
    sum_up = relay.GlobalVar("sum_up")
    i = relay.var("i", shape=[], dtype="int32")
    accum = relay.var("accum", shape=[], dtype="int32")
    sb = ScopeBuilder()
    with sb.if_scope(relay.equal(i, relay.const(0, "int32"))):
    with sb.else_scope():
        one_less = relay.subtract(i, relay.const(1, "int32"))
        new_accum = relay.add(accum, i)
        sb.ret(relay.Call(sum_up, [one_less, new_accum]))
    func = relay.Function([i, accum], sb.get())
    mod[sum_up] = func
    mod = transform.InferType()(mod)
    loop_bound = 0
    i_data = np.array(loop_bound, dtype="int32")
    accum_data = np.array(0, dtype="int32")
    iarg = relay.var("i", shape=[], dtype="int32")
    aarg = relay.var("accum", shape=[], dtype="int32")
    mod["main"] = relay.Function([iarg, aarg], sum_up(iarg, aarg))

    result = get_serialized_output(mod, i_data, accum_data)
    tvm.testing.assert_allclose(result.asnumpy(), sum(range(1,
                                                            loop_bound + 1)))
예제 #8
def test_recursion():
       def @f(%n: int32, %data: float32) -> float32 {
          if (%n == 0) {
          } else {
              @f(%n - 1, log(%data))
    sb = relay.ScopeBuilder()
    f = relay.GlobalVar("f")
    ti32 = relay.scalar_type("int32")
    tf32 = relay.scalar_type("float32")
    n = relay.var("n", ti32)
    data = relay.var("data", tf32)

    with sb.if_scope(relay.equal(n, relay.const(0, ti32))):
    with sb.else_scope():
        sb.ret(f(relay.subtract(n, relay.const(1, ti32)), relay.log(data)))
    mod = relay.Module()
    mod[f] = relay.Function([n, data], sb.get())
    assert "@f(%1, %2) /* ty=float32 */" in mod.astext()
    assert mod[f].checked_type == relay.FuncType([ti32, tf32], tf32)
예제 #9
    def _make_env_update(self, m, rval_t):
        ctr = m['ctr']
        gv = relay.GlobalVar(f"$_env_update<{ctr.name_hint}>")

        env = relay.Var("env", env_type(env_val()))
        key = relay.Var("key", relay.ty.scalar_type('int64'))
        val = relay.Var("val", rval_t)

        k = relay.Var("k")
        v = relay.Var("v")
        r = relay.Var("r")

        empty_clause = adt.Clause(adt.PatternConstructor(empty_env, []),
                                  cons_env(key, ctr(val), env))
        cons_clause = adt.Clause(
            relay.If(relay.equal(key, k), cons_env(key, ctr(val), env),
                     cons_env(k, v, relay.Call(gv, [r, key, val]))))
        body = adt.Match(env, [empty_clause, cons_clause])
        fn = relay.Function([env, key, val], body, env_type(env_val()))
        m['env_update'] = (gv, fn)
        return gv, fn
예제 #10
def test_recursion():
       let sum_twice(n: i32) -> i32 = {
          m = (n * 2)
          if (n == 0) {
              return m;
          } else {
              return m + sum(n - 1);
    return  # cannot be run as fuse_ops need to recursively visit
    mod = relay.Module()
    i64 = relay.TensorType((), 'int64')
    f = relay.GlobalVar("f")
    n = relay.Var("n", i64)
    m = n * relay.const(2, 'int64')
    funcbody = relay.If(relay.equal(n, relay.const(0, 'int64')), m,
                        m + f(n - relay.const(1, 'int64')))
    value = relay.Function([n], funcbody, i64, [])
    mod[f] = value
    check_eval(f(relay.const(5, 'int64')), 30.0, mod=mod)
    old_f = mod[f]
    mod = transform.ToANormalForm()(mod)
    f = mod[f]
    check_eval(f(relay.const(5, 'int64')), 30.0, mod=mod)
예제 #11
def test_loop():
    mod = relay.module.Module({})
    sum_up = relay.GlobalVar('sum_up')
    i = relay.var('i', shape=[], dtype='int32')
    accum = relay.var('accum', shape=[], dtype='int32')
    sb = ScopeBuilder()
    with sb.if_scope(relay.equal(i, relay.const(0, 'int32'))):
    with sb.else_scope():
        one_less = relay.subtract(i, relay.const(1, 'int32'))
        new_accum = relay.add(accum, i)
        sb.ret(relay.Call(sum_up, [one_less, new_accum]))
    func = relay.Function([i, accum], sb.get())
    mod[sum_up] = func
    loop_bound = 0
    i_data = np.array(loop_bound, dtype='int32')
    accum_data = np.array(0, dtype='int32')
    iarg = relay.var('i', shape=[], dtype='int32')
    aarg = relay.var('accum', shape=[], dtype='int32')
    mod["main"] = relay.Function([iarg, aarg], sum_up(iarg, aarg))

    vm = create_vm(mod)
    ser = serializer.Serializer(vm)
    code, lib = ser.serialize()
    deser = deserializer.Deserializer(code, lib)
    des_vm = deser.deserialize()

    result = veval(des_vm, i_data, accum_data)
    tvm.testing.assert_allclose(result.asnumpy(), sum(range(1, loop_bound + 1)))
def test_recursion():
       let f(n: i32) -> i32 = {
          m = (n * 2)
          if (n == 0) {
              return m;
          } else {
              return m + f(n - 1);
    mod = tvm.IRModule()
    i64 = relay.TensorType((), 'int64')
    f = relay.GlobalVar("f")
    n = relay.Var("n", i64)
    m = n * relay.const(2, 'int64')
    funcbody = relay.If(relay.equal(n, relay.const(0, 'int64')), m,
                        m + f(n - relay.const(1, 'int64')))
    value = relay.Function([n], funcbody, i64, [])
    mod[f] = value
    check_eval(f(relay.const(5, 'int64')), 30.0, mod=mod)
    old_f = mod[f]
    mod = transform.ToANormalForm()(mod)
    f = mod[f]
    check_eval(f(relay.const(5, 'int64')), 30.0, mod=mod)
예제 #13
def test_loop():
    mod = relay.module.Module({})
    sum_up = relay.GlobalVar('sum_up')
    i = relay.var('i', shape=[], dtype='int32')
    accum = relay.var('accum', shape=[], dtype='int32')
    sb = ScopeBuilder()
    with sb.if_scope(relay.equal(i, relay.const(0, 'int32'))):
    with sb.else_scope():
        one_less = relay.subtract(i, relay.const(1, 'int32'))
        new_accum = relay.add(accum, i)
        sb.ret(relay.Call(sum_up, [one_less, new_accum]))
    func = relay.Function([i, accum], sb.get())
    mod[sum_up] = func
    loop_bound = 0
    i_data = np.array(loop_bound, dtype='int32')
    accum_data = np.array(0, dtype='int32')
    iarg = relay.var('i', shape=[], dtype='int32')
    aarg = relay.var('accum', shape=[], dtype='int32')
    mod["main"] = relay.Function([iarg, aarg], sum_up(iarg, aarg))

    exe = create_exec(mod)
    code, lib = exe.save()
    des_exec = _vm.Executable.load_exec(code, lib)
    des_vm = _vm.VirtualMachine(des_exec)

    result = veval(des_vm, i_data, accum_data)
    tvm.testing.assert_allclose(result.asnumpy(), sum(range(1,
                                                            loop_bound + 1)))
def test_recursion():
       let f(n: i32) -> i32 = {
          m = (n * 2)
          if (n == 0) {
              return m;
          } else {
              return m + f(n - 1);
    mod = tvm.IRModule()
    i64 = relay.TensorType((), "int64")
    f = relay.GlobalVar("f")
    n = relay.Var("n", i64)
    m = n * relay.const(2, "int64")
    cond = relay.equal(n, relay.const(0, "int64"))
    false_branch = m + f(n - relay.const(1, "int64"))
    funcbody = relay.If(cond, m, false_branch)
    value = relay.Function([n], funcbody, i64, [])
    mod[f] = value
    check_eval(f(relay.const(5, "int64")), 30.0, mod=mod)
    old_f = mod[f]
    mod = transform.ToBasicBlockNormalForm()(mod)
    f = mod[f]
    check_eval(f(relay.const(5, "int64")), 30.0, mod=mod)
예제 #15
파일: test_vm.py 프로젝트: saudet/tvm
def test_sum_loop(target, dev):
    mod = tvm.IRModule({})
    sum_up = relay.GlobalVar("sum_up")
    i = relay.var("i", shape=[], dtype="int32")
    accum = relay.var("accum", shape=[], dtype="int32")
    sb = ScopeBuilder()
    with sb.if_scope(relay.equal(i, relay.const(0, "int32"))):
    with sb.else_scope():
        one_less = relay.subtract(i, relay.const(1, "int32"))
        new_accum = relay.add(accum, i)
        sb.ret(relay.Call(sum_up, [one_less, new_accum]))
    func = relay.Function([i, accum], sb.get())
    mod[sum_up] = func
    mod = relay.transform.InferType()(mod)
    loop_bound = 0
    i_data = np.array(loop_bound, dtype="int32")
    accum_data = np.array(0, dtype="int32")
    iarg = relay.var("i", shape=[], dtype="int32")
    aarg = relay.var("accum", shape=[], dtype="int32")
    mod["main"] = relay.Function([iarg, aarg], sum_up(iarg, aarg))
                 dev, [i_data, accum_data],
                 sum(range(1, loop_bound + 1)),
예제 #16
def test_recursion():
       def f(n: i32, data: f32) -> f32 {
          if (n == 0) {
              return data;
          } else {
              return f(n - 1, log(data));
    sb = relay.ScopeBuilder()
    f = relay.GlobalVar("f")
    ti32 = relay.scalar_type("int32")
    tf32 = relay.scalar_type("float32")
    n = relay.var("n", ti32)
    data = relay.var("data", tf32)

    with sb.if_scope(relay.equal(n, relay.const(0, ti32))):
    with sb.else_scope():
        sb.ret(f(relay.subtract(n, relay.const(1, ti32)), relay.log(data)))
    mod = relay.Module()
    mod[f] = relay.Function([n, data], sb.get())
    assert "%3 = @f(%1, %2)" in mod.astext()
    assert mod[f].checked_type == relay.FuncType([ti32, tf32], tf32)
예제 #17
def test_equal():
    i = relay.var('i', shape=[], dtype='int32')
    j = relay.var('i', shape=[], dtype='int32')
    z = relay.equal(i, j)
    func = relay.Function([i, j], z, ret_type=relay.TensorType([], 'bool'))
    i_data = relay.const(0)
    j_data = relay.const(0)
    check_eval(func, [i_data, j_data], True)
예제 #18
def test_equal():
    i = relay.var('i', shape=[], dtype='int32')
    j = relay.var('i', shape=[], dtype='int32')
    z = relay.equal(i, j)
    func = relay.Function([i, j], z, ret_type=relay.TensorType([], 'bool'))
    i_data = relay.const(0, 'int32')
    j_data = relay.const(0, 'int32')
    check_eval(func, [i_data, j_data], True)
예제 #19
def if_expr(x):
    '\n        free_var %x: float32\n        %0 = equal(%x, 2f);\n        if (%0) {\n          %1 = add(%x, 1f);\n          multiply(%1, 2f)\n        } else {\n          multiply(%1, 1f)\n        }\n        '
    one = relay.const(1, dtype='float32')
    two = relay.const(2, dtype='float32')
    v1 = relay.add(x, one)
    v2 = relay.equal(x, two)
    true_branch = relay.multiply(v1, two)
    false_branch = relay.multiply(v1, one)
    body = relay.If(v2, true_branch, false_branch)
    return body
예제 #20
def expected_if_expr(x):
    '\n        free_var %x: float32\n        let %v1: float32 = add(%x, 1f /* ty=float32 */) /* ty=float32 */;\n        %0 = equal(%x, 2f /* ty=float32 */) /* ty=bool */;\n        if (%0) {\n          multiply(%v1, 2f /* ty=float32 */) /* ty=float32 */\n        } else {\n          multiply(%v1, 1f /* ty=float32 */) /* ty=float32 */\n        }\n        '
    one = relay.const(1, dtype='float32')
    two = relay.const(2, dtype='float32')
    v1 = relay.var('v1')
    v2 = relay.equal(x, two)
    true_branch = relay.multiply(v1, two)
    false_branch = relay.multiply(v1, one)
    body = relay.If(v2, true_branch, false_branch)
    body = relay.Let(v1, relay.add(x, one), body)
    return body
예제 #21
    def get_func_with_control_flow():
        data = relay.var("data", shape=(1, 3, 224, 224))
        weight = relay.var("weight", shape=(32, 3, 3, 3))
        eq1 = relay.var("e1", shape=[], dtype="float32")
        eq2 = relay.var("e2", shape=[], dtype="float32")
        eq = relay.equal(eq1, eq2)

        true_branch = relay.zeros(shape=(1, 32, 222, 222), dtype="float32")
        false_branch = relay.nn.conv2d(data, weight, kernel_size=(3, 3), channels=32)
        ife = relay.If(eq, true_branch, false_branch)
        out = relay.erf(ife)
        return relay.Function([data, weight, eq1, eq2], out)
예제 #22
    def before():
        data = relay.var("data", shape=(1, 32))
        eq1 = relay.var("e1", shape=[], dtype="float32")
        eq2 = relay.var("e2", shape=[], dtype="float32")
        eq = relay.equal(eq1, eq2)

        true_branch = relay.tanh(data)
        false_branch = relay.sigmoid(data)
        ife = relay.If(eq, true_branch, false_branch)
        out = relay.erf(ife)
        func = relay.Function([data, eq1, eq2], out)
        mod = tvm.IRModule.from_expr(func)

        return mod
def test_simple_loop():
    mod = tvm.IRModule({})
    sum_up = relay.GlobalVar("sum_up")
    i = relay.var("i", shape=[], dtype="int32")
    sb = ScopeBuilder()
    with sb.if_scope(relay.equal(i, relay.const(0, dtype="int32"))):
    with sb.else_scope():
        one_less = relay.subtract(i, relay.const(1, dtype="int32"))
        rec_call = relay.Call(sum_up, [one_less])
        sb.ret(relay.add(rec_call, i))
    func = relay.Function([i], sb.get(), ret_type=relay.TensorType([], "int32"))
    mod[sum_up] = func
    i_data = np.array(10, dtype="int32")
    check_eval(sum_up, [i_data], sum(range(1, 11)), mod=mod)
예제 #24
def test_simple_loop():
    mod = relay.module.Module({})
    sum_up = relay.GlobalVar('sum_up')
    i = relay.var('i', shape=[], dtype='int32')
    sb = ScopeBuilder()
    with sb.if_scope(relay.equal(i, relay.const(0, dtype='int32'))):
    with sb.else_scope():
        one_less = relay.subtract(i, relay.const(1, dtype='int32'))
        rec_call = relay.Call(sum_up, [one_less])
        sb.ret(relay.add(rec_call, i))
    func = relay.Function([i], sb.get(), ret_type=relay.TensorType([], 'int32'))
    mod[sum_up] = func
    i_data = np.array(10, dtype='int32')
    check_eval(sum_up, [i_data], sum(range(1, 11)), mod=mod)
예제 #25
def test_loop():
    mod = relay.module.Module({})
    sum_up = relay.GlobalVar('sum_up')
    i = relay.var('i', shape=[], dtype='int32')
    accum = relay.var('accum', shape=[], dtype='int32')
    sb = ScopeBuilder()
    with sb.if_scope(relay.equal(i, relay.const(0, 'int32'))):
    with sb.else_scope():
        one_less = relay.subtract(i, relay.const(1, 'int32'))
        new_accum = relay.add(accum, i)
        sb.ret(relay.Call(sum_up, [one_less, new_accum]))
    func = relay.Function([i, accum], sb.get())
    mod[sum_up] = func
    i_data = np.array(10, dtype='int32')
    accum_data = np.array(0, dtype='int32')
    check_eval(sum_up, [i_data, accum_data], sum(range(1, 11)), mod=mod)
예제 #26
def get_recursive_count_loop():
    mod = tvm.IRModule({})
    sum_up = relay.GlobalVar("sum_up")
    i = relay.var("i", shape=[], dtype="int32")
    sb = relay.ScopeBuilder()
    with sb.if_scope(relay.equal(i, relay.const(0, dtype="int32"))):
    with sb.else_scope():
        one_less = relay.subtract(i, relay.const(1, dtype="int32"))
        rec_call = relay.Call(sum_up, [one_less])
        sb.ret(relay.add(rec_call, i))
    func = relay.Function([i], sb.get(), ret_type=relay.TensorType([], "int32"))
    func = func.with_attr("Inline", tvm.tir.IntImm("int32", 1))
    mod[sum_up] = func
    iarg = relay.var("i", shape=[], dtype="int32")
    mod["main"] = relay.Function([iarg], sum_up(iarg))
    return mod, sum_up
예제 #27
def test_loop():
    mod = relay.module.Module({})
    sum_up = relay.GlobalVar('sum_up')
    i = relay.var('i', shape=[], dtype='int32')
    accum = relay.var('accum', shape=[], dtype='int32')
    sb = ScopeBuilder()
    with sb.if_scope(relay.equal(i, relay.const(0))):
    with sb.else_scope():
        one_less = relay.subtract(i, relay.const(1))
        new_accum = relay.add(accum, i)
        sb.ret(relay.Call(sum_up, [one_less, new_accum]))
    func = relay.Function([i, accum], sb.get())
    mod[sum_up] = func
    i_data = np.array(10, dtype='int32')
    accum_data = np.array(0, dtype='int32')
    check_eval(sum_up, [i_data, accum_data], sum(range(1, 11)), mod=mod)
예제 #28
def relay_take_grad_inp(c, _nb_indices, _indices, _values):
    assert _nb_indices.is_constant(int)
    values = c.ref(_values)
    r_indices = relay.reshape(c.ref(_indices),
                              tuple(_indices.abstract.xshape()) + (1, ))
    n_rows = _nb_indices.value
    n_cols = _values.abstract.xshape()[-1]
    outputs = []
    indices_dtype = type_to_np_dtype(_indices.abstract.element.xtype())
    out_dtype = type_to_np_dtype(_values.abstract.element.xtype())
    for i in range(n_rows):
        select_entries = relay.equal(r_indices, relay.const(i, indices_dtype))
        casted_select = relay.cast(select_entries, out_dtype)
        select_dout = relay.multiply(casted_select, values)
        reshape_out = relay.reshape(select_dout, (-1, n_cols))
        vector = relay.sum(reshape_out, 0)
        outputs.append(relay.reshape(vector, (1, n_cols)))
    return relay.concatenate(outputs, 0)
예제 #29
파일: test_vm.py 프로젝트: bddppq/tvm
def test_count_loop():
    mod = relay.module.Module({})
    sum_up = relay.GlobalVar('sum_up')
    i = relay.var('i', shape=[], dtype='int32')
    sb = ScopeBuilder()
    with sb.if_scope(relay.equal(i, relay.const(0, dtype='int32'))):
    with sb.else_scope():
        one_less = relay.subtract(i, relay.const(1, dtype='int32'))
        rec_call = relay.Call(sum_up, [one_less])
        sb.ret(relay.add(rec_call, i))
    func = relay.Function([i], sb.get(), ret_type=relay.TensorType([], 'int32'))
    mod[sum_up] = func
    i_data = np.array(0, dtype='int32')
    iarg = relay.var('i', shape=[], dtype='int32')
    mod[mod.entry_func] = relay.Function([iarg], sum_up(iarg))
    result = veval(mod, i_data)
    tvm.testing.assert_allclose(result.asnumpy(), i_data)
예제 #30
def test_count_loop():
    mod = relay.module.Module({})
    sum_up = relay.GlobalVar('sum_up')
    i = relay.var('i', shape=[], dtype='int32')
    sb = ScopeBuilder()
    with sb.if_scope(relay.equal(i, relay.const(0, dtype='int32'))):
    with sb.else_scope():
        one_less = relay.subtract(i, relay.const(1, dtype='int32'))
        rec_call = relay.Call(sum_up, [one_less])
        sb.ret(relay.add(rec_call, i))
    func = relay.Function([i], sb.get(), ret_type=relay.TensorType([], 'int32'))
    mod[sum_up] = func
    i_data = np.array(0, dtype='int32')
    iarg = relay.var('i', shape=[], dtype='int32')
    mod[mod.entry_func] = relay.Function([iarg], sum_up(iarg))
    result = veval(mod, i_data)
    tvm.testing.assert_allclose(result.asnumpy(), i_data)
예제 #31
def test_recursion():
    '\n    Program:\n       let f(n: i32) -> i32 = {\n          m = (n * 2)\n          if (n == 0) {\n              return m;\n          } else {\n              return m + f(n - 1);\n          }\n       }\n       f(5);\n    '
    mod = tvm.IRModule()
    i64 = relay.TensorType((), 'int64')
    f = relay.GlobalVar('f')
    n = relay.Var('n', i64)
    m = (n * relay.const(2, 'int64'))
    cond = relay.equal(n, relay.const(0, 'int64'))
    false_branch = (m + f((n - relay.const(1, 'int64'))))
    funcbody = relay.If(cond, m, false_branch)
    value = relay.Function([n], funcbody, i64, [])
    mod[f] = value
    check_eval(f(relay.const(5, 'int64')), 30.0, mod=mod)
    old_f = mod[f]
    mod = transform.ToBasicBlockNormalForm()(mod)
    f = mod[f]
    check_eval(f(relay.const(5, 'int64')), 30.0, mod=mod)
 def if_expr(x):
     free_var %x: float32
     %0 = equal(%x, 2f);
     if (%0) {
       %1 = add(%x, 1f);
       multiply(%1, 2f)
     } else {
       multiply(%1, 1f)
     one = relay.const(1, dtype="float32")
     two = relay.const(2, dtype="float32")
     v1 = relay.add(x, one)
     v2 = relay.equal(x, two)
     true_branch = relay.multiply(v1, two)
     false_branch = relay.multiply(v1, one)
     body = relay.If(v2, true_branch, false_branch)
     return body
예제 #33
def test_count_loop(target, dev):
    mod = tvm.IRModule({})
    sum_up = relay.GlobalVar("sum_up")
    i = relay.var("i", shape=[], dtype="int32")
    sb = ScopeBuilder()
    with sb.if_scope(relay.equal(i, relay.const(0, dtype="int32"))):
    with sb.else_scope():
        one_less = relay.subtract(i, relay.const(1, dtype="int32"))
        rec_call = relay.Call(sum_up, [one_less])
        sb.ret(relay.add(rec_call, i))
    func = relay.Function([i], sb.get(), ret_type=relay.TensorType([], "int32"))
    mod[sum_up] = func
    i_data = np.array(0, dtype="int32")
    iarg = relay.var("i", shape=[], dtype="int32")
    mod["main"] = relay.Function([iarg], sum_up(iarg))
    result = veval(mod, i_data, device=dev, target=target)
    tvm.testing.assert_allclose(result.numpy(), i_data)
    check_result(target, dev, [i_data], i_data, mod)
 def expected_if_expr(x):
     free_var %x: float32
     let %v1: float32 = add(%x, 1f /* ty=float32 */) /* ty=float32 */;
     %0 = equal(%x, 2f /* ty=float32 */) /* ty=bool */;
     if (%0) {
       multiply(%v1, 2f /* ty=float32 */) /* ty=float32 */
     } else {
       multiply(%v1, 1f /* ty=float32 */) /* ty=float32 */
     one = relay.const(1, dtype="float32")
     two = relay.const(2, dtype="float32")
     v1 = relay.var("v1")
     v2 = relay.equal(x, two)
     true_branch = relay.multiply(v1, two)
     false_branch = relay.multiply(v1, one)
     body = relay.If(v2, true_branch, false_branch)
     body = relay.Let(v1, relay.add(x, one), body)
     return body
예제 #35
def test_sum_loop():
    mod = tvm.IRModule({})
    sum_up = relay.GlobalVar('sum_up')
    i = relay.var('i', shape=[], dtype='int32')
    accum = relay.var('accum', shape=[], dtype='int32')
    sb = ScopeBuilder()
    with sb.if_scope(relay.equal(i, relay.const(0, 'int32'))):
    with sb.else_scope():
        one_less = relay.subtract(i, relay.const(1, 'int32'))
        new_accum = relay.add(accum, i)
        sb.ret(relay.Call(sum_up, [one_less, new_accum]))
    func = relay.Function([i, accum], sb.get())
    mod[sum_up] = func
    loop_bound = 0
    i_data = np.array(loop_bound, dtype='int32')
    accum_data = np.array(0, dtype='int32')
    iarg = relay.var('i', shape=[], dtype='int32')
    aarg = relay.var('accum', shape=[], dtype='int32')
    mod["main"] = relay.Function([iarg, aarg], sum_up(iarg, aarg))
    check_result([i_data, accum_data], sum(range(1, loop_bound + 1)), mod=mod)
예제 #36
파일: test_vm.py 프로젝트: bddppq/tvm
def test_sum_loop():
    mod = relay.module.Module({})
    sum_up = relay.GlobalVar('sum_up')
    i = relay.var('i', shape=[], dtype='int32')
    accum = relay.var('accum', shape=[], dtype='int32')
    sb = ScopeBuilder()
    with sb.if_scope(relay.equal(i, relay.const(0, 'int32'))):
    with sb.else_scope():
        one_less = relay.subtract(i, relay.const(1, 'int32'))
        new_accum = relay.add(accum, i)
        sb.ret(relay.Call(sum_up, [one_less, new_accum]))
    func = relay.Function([i, accum], sb.get())
    mod[sum_up] = func
    loop_bound = 0
    i_data = np.array(loop_bound, dtype='int32')
    accum_data = np.array(0, dtype='int32')
    iarg = relay.var('i', shape=[], dtype='int32')
    aarg = relay.var('accum', shape=[], dtype='int32')
    mod[mod.entry_func] = relay.Function([iarg, aarg], sum_up(iarg, aarg))
    result = veval(mod, i_data, accum_data)
    tvm.testing.assert_allclose(result.asnumpy(), sum(range(1, loop_bound + 1)))